... the to of the infinitive is omitted, it is called bare- infinitive. The bare- infinitive nominal clause is used when the infinitive clause supplies a predication corresponding to an use of the ... pronoun in the objective case shouldn’t be used in subject position. For example, it is very informal to say “Him singing in the shower is an interesting hobby”. c. Bare- infinitive nominal clause ... definition and usage of nominal clauses, adverbial clauses, direct and indirect speech. The other section deals with practical applications of these theories in finance- an aspect of business....
Ngày tải lên: 15/04/2013, 14:57
... pre-service training of health workers and in- service training of current staff. Incorporate quality indicators into routine monitoring and reporting systems; add quality monitoring to supervisory ... Care: The use of partograph increased substantially in Afghanistan and Guatemala and the application of active management of third stage of labor (AMTSL) in several countries including Niger, ... projects in their health facility. Foster the development of a permanent community of quality practice that may include the Ministry of Health, professional bodies, pre-service training institutions,...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 06:20
... NGOs and international organizations. 4.2 Improvement in deriving information 4.2 Improvement in deriving information III. Application of remote sensing III. Application of remote sensing technology ... processes. 3.1 In the past 4.6 Priority needs ) ) Development of Forest Monitoring and Development of Forest Monitoring and Information System (FOMIS) Information System (FOMIS) including: including: ... strengthening cpacity for forest inventory including application of remote sesing imagery; 1991 – 1995: conducted 1st cycle of NFI with the use of Landsat TM to make forest cover maps at provincial...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 03:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Multi-Modal Annotation of Quest Games in Second Life" pdf
... current DA tagging as a work in progress. 4.3.3 Zone coding Each of the five main areas had a correspond- ing set of subzones. A subzone is a building, a room within a building, or any other ... activities (quest- ing, competing, fighting, etc.) and communicate via chat or speech using assumed screen names. We collected a corpus of 48 group quests in Second Life that jointly involved 206 ... corresponding se- ries of progressive moments in time portraying en- try into the Bank subzone as represented in RAT. In the annotation, each avatar name is recorded in or- der of its entry into the subzone...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 04:20
The Application of Programmable DSPs in Mobile ppt
... turbo encoding/decoding; † Interleaving/de-interleaving: there can be two levels of interleaving before and after channel multiplexing; † Rate matching/de-matching; † Multiplexing/de-multiplexing; ... http://www.analog.com/industry/dsp/ [10] http://www.starcore-dsp.com/ [11] Auslander, E. and Couvrat, M., Take the LEAD in GSM, in ’Applications of Digital Signal Processing’, Proceedings of DSP94 UK, 1994, and in ... mentioned in the introduction, there is a continuing debate over the role of DSPs in wireless communications. To provide a historical basis for our arguments, in this section we examine the case of...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 12:20
Manual on Application of Molecular Tools in Aquaculture and Inland Fisheries Management
... have more surviving offspring and so their alleles will increase in frequency in the population at the expense of individuals with poorer performing phenotypes. Differences in reproductive ... hence in uence the frequency of their underlying alleles). The ‘peppered moth’ is a classic example of this kind of balanced polymorphism because in polluted environments in Britain where ... number of different ways in which DNA can be modifi ed by muta- tions, from simple base-pair substitu- tions involving individual nucleotides to changes in whole blocks of DNA, to loss or gain of...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 11:18
sensor based learning for practical planning of fine motion in robotics ppt
... Perception-based learning for motion in contact in task planning, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 17 (1996) 283–308. [21] T. Kohonen, in: Self-Organizing Maps, Springer Series in Information ... considering uncertainties in modeling, sensing and control. The core of the proposed solution is a reinforcement learning al- gorithm for selecting the actions that achieve the goal in the minimum ... the learning of the in- sertion strategy. Since the cube SOM is covering a wider area, some states may Fig. 16. Evolution of the probability of successful insertion during the training process...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 14:20
Application of programmable DSPs in mobile communications 2002
... Some of the strategic plans he has written have resulted in Texas Instruments acquiring or investing in companies. He first worked at Texas Instruments in Nice, France, as European product marketing ... Multimedia Applications 379 19.4 Location Based Information 380 19.5 Using Devices to Summon Information 380 19.6 Pointing to the Real World 380 19.7 Pointing Greatly Simplifies the User Interface ... must be able to find the next strongest paths in the vicinity of the main path, in order to perform maximal ratio combining. To facilitate soft hand-off, multipath search must be performed simultaneously for...
Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 12:06
penrose r. techniques of differential topology in relativity
Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 17:22
application of pra tools in village development planning and commune development planning ( vdp và cdp)
... widely. In mid 1980s there were many experiences to find out by applying in many regions in the world. There was an international workshop in Sep. 1985 in Khon Kaen Thailand to test application of ... forms including rural research centers of Consultant Group International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) and national institutes develop it. General of that office is repeating. At the beginning ... ranking pripority ranking by using matrix - Wealth ranking methods of Ranking for priority; Double ranking; Direction matrix ranking are similar: Priority ranking allows PRA to determine...
Ngày tải lên: 26/05/2014, 23:30
Báo cáo hóa học: " The application of carbon nanotubes in target drug delivery systems for cancer therapies" docx
... as cellular carriers of recombined ricin A chain protein toxin (RAT) for tumor targeting. The complexes of RATandMWCNTwerecapableoftranslocatinginthe cytoplasm of various cell lines, including L-929, HL7702, ... chains (ETC) (by binding to ETC?) after they enter into mitochondria (1); The interaction of SWCNTs with ETC blocks the transmission of electrons, which results in the increase of the leaking of ... as learning, memory, and thinking. Because of the synthesis impairment, acetylcholine is decreased in the neurons in the Alzheimer disease brain, leading to the incapability of learning, memory,...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 22:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Application of functionalized nanofluid in thermosyphon" docx
... chan- ging heat transfer of nanofluids. Among the phase-chan- ging heat transfer, the application of nanofluids in heat pipes gains increasing popularity [8-25]. The involved heat pipes include the grooved ... Equa- tion 12 is shown in Figure 11. The deviation of Equation 12 lies within 5% for all working fluids, including water, functionalized nanofluid, and traditional nanofluid. Equation 12 confirms ... Experimental investigation of nanofluids on sintered heat pipe thermal performance. Appl Therm Eng 2009, 29:973. 13. Riehl RR: Analysis of loop heat pipe behaviour using nanofluid, in: Proceedings of heat...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 01:20
sensor based learning for practical planning of fine motion in robotics doc
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 18:20
ba thesis the application of communicative activities in english speaking classes of grade 11th students at cao lanh city high school
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 08:03
Doctoral thesis summary of agriculture: Research and application of molecule markers in breeding salttolerant Bacthom 7 rice variety
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 21:30
Research and application of molecule markers in breeding salt-tolerant Bacthom 7 rice variety
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 21:51
Báo cáo khoa học: "SemiClinical application of tumor volume in advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma to predict outcome" pptx
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 08:22
spring web services 2 cookbook [electronic resource] over 60 recipes providing comprehensive coverage of practical real-life implementations of spring-ws
... Setting up a transport-neutral WS-Addressing endpoint f Setting up an endpoint using an XPath expression f Handling the incoming XML messages using DOM f Handling the incoming XML messages using ... 45 Setting up a transport-neutral WS-Addressing endpoint 49 Setting up an endpoint using an XPath expression 52 Handling the incoming XML messages using DOM 55 Handling the incoming XML messages using ... advantage of Spring's concepts such as Inversion of Control (IOC) and dependency injection. Some of the key features of Spring-WS are: f Powerful endpoint mappings: The incoming XML requests...
Ngày tải lên: 29/05/2014, 20:52
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