application of partial differential equation in real life

ordinary and partial differential equation routines in matlab - h.j. lee & w.e. schiesser

ordinary and partial differential equation routines in matlab - h.j. lee & w.e. schiesser

... Solution of a Linear PDE 4.1 Programming in MATLAB 4.2 Programming in C 4.3 Programming in C++ 4.4 Programming in Fortran 4.5 Programming in Java 4.6 Programming in Maple 5 Solution of a Nonlinear ... Programming in Maple 3 Solution of a 2x2 ODE System 3.1 Programming in MATLAB 3.2 Programming in C 3.3 Programming in C++ 3.4 Programming in Fortran 3.5 Programming in Java 3.6 Programming in Maple 4 ... ODE Integrators 1.7 Stability of RK Methods 2 Solution of a 1x1 ODE System 2.1 Programming in MATLAB 2.2 Programming in C 2.3 Programming in C++ 2.4 Programming in Fortran 2.5 Programming in...

Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2014, 10:27

515 548 0
Tài liệu Application of Fuzzy Set Theory in Flexible Manufacturing System Design pptx

Tài liệu Application of Fuzzy Set Theory in Flexible Manufacturing System Design pptx

... Minimizing lateness/tardiness • Minimizing makespan • Maximizing system/machine utilization • Minimizing WIP (work in process) • Maximizing throughput • Minimizing average flow time • Minimizing ... routings. A routing is selected such that the following goals are achieved: • Minimizing number of blocked machines. • Minimizing total processing time. • Minimizing number of processing steps Four ... Simulation of scheduling rules in a flexible manufacturing system using fuzzy logic, IEA-AIE96 Ninth International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Application of Artificial Intelligence...

Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 06:15

29 474 1
Tài liệu Application of Knowledge Management Technology in Customer Relationship Management pptx

Tài liệu Application of Knowledge Management Technology in Customer Relationship Management pptx

... risk of being left behind. Simply, CRM is a high-tech way of gathering mou- ntains of information about customers, then using it to make customers happy—or at least a source of more business. ... on behalf of human users to perform laborious and routine tasks such as locating and accessing neces- sary information, resolving inconsistencies in the retrieved information, filtering away irrelevant and ... irrelevant and unwanted information, and integrating infor- mation from heterogeneous information sources. In order to execute tasks on behalf of a business process, computer application, or an individual, agents...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 00:20

15 710 1
Tài liệu Partial Differential Equation Toolbox pdf

Tài liệu Partial Differential Equation Toolbox pdf

... trademarks of their respective holders. Printing History: August 1995 First printing February 1996 Reprint ☎ FAX ✉ @ Using the Graphical User Interface 1-27 In PDE mode, you can interactively ... The process of defining your problem and solving it is reflected in the design of the GUI. A number of data structures define different aspects of the problem, and the various processing stages ... types of solid objects: •Circle object — represents the set of points inside and on a circle. •Polygon object — represents the set of points inside and on a polygon given by a set of line segments....

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 02:20

285 396 0


... other measures of individual in- come uncertainty: the income quintile share ratio (income of the 20% richest to income of 20% poorest), the percentage of working households in the risk of poverty ... though the decline in the lending rate, higher uncertainty deters individuals from taking loans, and the share of household credit in GDP declines from 14.3% to 13.4%. If individual uncertainty is low, ... reflects the life- cycle profiles of income and consumption. In initial periods, when income is relatively low, individuals are taking loans as they expect that their income will increase in the future....

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 06:21

43 1,1K 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " A fixed point approach to the Hyers-Ulam stability of a functional equation in various normed spaces" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " A fixed point approach to the Hyers-Ulam stability of a functional equation in various normed spaces" pptx

... stability of the following func- tional equation f (mx + ny)= (m + n)f(x + y) 2 + (m − n)f(x − y) 2 (1) in various spaces, which was introduced and investigated in [13]. 2. Preliminaries In this ... there exists a mapping A : X ® Y satisfying the following: (1) A is a fixed point of J, that is, A  x m  = 1 m A(x ) (5) for all x Î X. The mapping A is a unique fixed point of J in the set  = ... there exists a mapping A : X ® Y satisfying the following: (1) A is a fixed point of J, that is, A  x m  = 1 m A(x ) (12) for all x Î X. The mapping A is a unique fixed point of J in the set  =...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 22:20

14 480 0
báo cáo hóa học: " On the stability of pexider functional equation in non-archimedean spaces" pot

báo cáo hóa học: " On the stability of pexider functional equation in non-archimedean spaces" pot

... Î V 1 . Now, first by putting y = 0 in Equation 3.7 and applying Equation 3.2 and second by putting x = 0 in Equation 3.7 and applying Equation 3.2 once again, we obtain   F e 1 (x)+F e 2 (x) ... Applications 2011, 2011:17 Page 11 of 11 and so, by interchanging role of x, y in the preceding inequality,   F o 3 (y + x)+F o 3 (y ... Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2011, 2011:17 Page 2 of 11 2. Hyers, DH: On the stability of the linear functional equation. ...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 02:20

11 326 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Application of real-time PCR to quantify hepatitis B virus DNA in chronic carriers in The Gambia" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Application of real-time PCR to quantify hepatitis B virus DNA in chronic carriers in The Gambia" pptx

... during and after a short course of lamivudine therapy. HBV DNA was a more reliable indicator of the presence of virus than HBe antigen and was detected in 77.0% (161/209) of HBeAg negative and in ... analysis. Results Performance of the real- time qPCR The performance of the new qPCR assay was examined by determining the sensitivity, specificity, inter- and intra- assay variability. HBV DNA standard was obtained by ... assay was calibrated against an international HBV DNA standard and inter- and intra- assay reproducibility determined. Levels of viral load were monitored for 1-year in lamivudine treated carriers....

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

7 430 0
A methodology for validation of integrated systems models with an application to coastal-zone management in south-west sulawesi

A methodology for validation of integrated systems models with an application to coastal-zone management in south-west sulawesi

... paradigm’ in Thomas Kuhn’s (Kuhn, 1970) point of view. In view of the above investigation, integration is tentatively interpreted as an act or a process of joining or combining something with ... something else. The integrated approach is a way of perceiving and solving problems by integrating information, scientific disciplines, tools, interests and other aspects in a systemic way in ... multiple perspectives of different agents and to overcome the inherent large uncertainty in model and data. In the World Coast Conference, held in 1993, the following definition of integrated coastal...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 10:35

139 492 0
Application of house’s model for translation quality assessment in assessing the english version of the vietnam’s law on investment no. 59/2005/qh11

Application of house’s model for translation quality assessment in assessing the english version of the vietnam’s law on investment no. 59/2005/qh11

... investment activities for business purposes; the rights and obligations of investors; the guarantee of lawful rights and interests of investors; encouragement of investment and investment incentives; ... constitutions, with the one being in effect dated in 1992. And during its economic integration, Vietnam is continuously perfecting its legal system by amending old laws and enacting new ones. 6 Today, ... code consolidating all of the laws in continental Europe during the reign of Roman emperor Justinian. In countries that follow the civil law tradition, statutes are the basis of the legal system....

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:36

85 904 5
The application of games in teaching grammar with reference to tieng anh 10 textbook at ha trung high school, thanh hoa province

The application of games in teaching grammar with reference to tieng anh 10 textbook at ha trung high school, thanh hoa province

... Benefits of the application of games in teaching grammar create the effectiveness of students’ learning in grammar which focuses on two factors: developing students’ motivation and understanding of ... province. It has a long history of nearly 50years of foundation. In spite of being located in a rural area, it is famous for its tradition of good teaching and learning with the students getting ... acknowledged to be of importance in language study and in language teaching and learning in particular. Grammar is acquired naturally from meaningful input and opportunities to interact in the classroom....

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:44

39 1,6K 8

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