... and duration) characterise a telephone call in which a particular caller (i) selects a number to call, (ii) initiates a call and (iii) terminates the call In neither case is any information available ... University, New Zealand E-mail: W.H.Chua@massey.ac.nz Margreet Hekman Institute of Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Science Massey University, New Zealand E-mail: M.Hekman@massey.ac.nz Matthew T Levin ... components follow directly from these (Bučar, Nagode, & Fajdiga, 2004; Davison & Louzada-Neto, 2000; Panteleeva, Gutiérrez González, Vaquera Huerta & Villaseñor Alva, 2015; Razali & Al-Wakeel,
Ngày tải lên: 10/01/2020, 08:42
... Maryam is from Kuala Lumpur 2 Maryam and Lan have been pen pals for two weeks They write to one another every two months 4 Maryam was impressed because Ha Noi and Kualar Lumpur were the same ... you haven’t done, what are they? - Elicit from students: I have seen Giac Lam Pagoda I have eaten Chinese and French food I haven’t seen Unification Palace, Zoo and Botanical Garden, I haven’t ... Liverpool Bombay Hoi An Japan Australia England India Vietnam Pre speaking - Teacher introduces the situation: Nga is talking to Maryam They are waiting for Lan outside her school - Ask Ss to
Ngày tải lên: 11/04/2021, 17:53
teaching plan teaching plan english 9 september 4th unit one a visit from a pen pal periord 1 lesson 1 getting started listenread i objectives by the end of the lessonthe students will be able to re
... I)Practice(listen and read) 1.Vocabulary -an examiner : explaination -an candidate: explaination -an aspect : (translation) -an oral (exampri)examination Give the words If possiblerepeat & ... following the model Have you seen Giac Lam yet ? (pagoda) Reuinfication palace? Zoo & Botanical garden? Dam sen amusement park ? Have you eaten Vietnamese foot yet ? Vegetarian Chinese ... able to read the text about what Lan and her Malaysian pen pal did during her last visit to Ha Noi and the tasts well Language:Lan used to walk past the mosque on her way to her primary school
Ngày tải lên: 12/04/2021, 07:12
Tài liệu The Days of Bruce Vol 1 A Story from Scottish History ppt
... constructed; and, as a proof of its value, it may suffice to say, that it has been taken from our table again and again by several individuals, from the recommendation of those who had already perused ... is an admirable one, and is executed with taste and ability The language is beautiful and appropriate; the analysis of character is skilful and varied The work ought to be in the hands of all ... them What mattered that their tyrant was a valiant knight, a worthy son of chivalry: they saw but an usurper, an enslaver, and they rose and spurned his smiles aye, and they will rise again And
Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 03:20
Older Persons in Cambodia: A Profile from the 2004 Survey of Elderly pot
... Chayovan, Napaporn, Mithranon, Preeya, Amornsirisomboon, Pattama, and Arunraksombat, Supraporn 2005 Thailand’s Older Population: Social and Economic Support as Assessed in 2002 Bangkok, Thailand, ... "The Familial Support System of Thai Elderly: An Overview," Asia-Pacific Population Journal 7(3), Sept 1992 Ministry of Social Affairs, Labor and Veteran Affairs and HelpAge International 1998 ... material and physical support from their families and particularly from their children While the vast majority of older Cambodians receive some money and other material... disappearance,
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 18:20
... am indebted to Lavan Mahadeva and Gabriel Sterne whose advice and support on the design and solution of the model was invaluable. I thank to Ernur Demir Abaan, Joseph Djivre, Prasanna Gai, Pablo ... financial data in particular change in the foreign exchange rate and interest rate which are available at a high frequency and set in their anticipation of future inflation In the framework ... expectations rather than contractionary... at a smooth pattern in the real value for the exchange basket was named as the “real exchange rate rule”.17 ollowing a price targeting strategy, that is
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 14:20
A Countess from Canada A Story of Life in the Backwoods doc
... her. 'Duke Radford was ready to start by the time dawn arrived, and Katherine was ready too. It was so very cold that she had twisted a cloud of brilliant scarlet wool all over her head and ears, ... into a slow walk; but when it rang out again in a cheery shout, they plunged forward at a great pace, which was maintained only so long as she continued shouting. But at last, after what seemed an ... even attended to the wants of an occasional customer when 'Duke Radford was busy or absent. The store at Roaring Water Portage was awkwardly placed for business. It stood on a high bank overlooking the
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 23:21
Báo cáo khóa học: Biochemical and molecular characterization of a laccase from the edible straw mushroom, Volvariella volvacea docx
... extension at 72 °C for 10 The primers for lac1 PLAC1F (5¢-AGCTTT CATTCCCAGTGATTG-3¢) and PLAC1R (5¢-AACGAG CTCAAGTACAAATGACT-3¢) were designed according to our cloned cDNA (GenBank Accession No AY249052) ... elongation stage (day 22) and mature stage (day 23) After collection, compost material was stored immediately at )70 °C prior to analysis Enzyme assay Laccase activity was determined using 2,2¢-azinobis-(3ethylbenzo-6-thiazolinesulfonic ... CATAAA) are in white on a black background Ó FEBS 2003 Laccase gene from Volvariella volvacea (Eur J Biochem 271) 323 Fig Alignment of deduced amino acid sequences of lac1 and other fungal laccases
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 15:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Detailed structure of lipid A isolated from lipopolysaccharide from the marine proteobacterium Marinomonas vaga ATCC 27119T pot
... fatty acids [7]. On the other hand, according t o data available so far, lipid A structural variants displaying high endotoxin antagonism have a disaccharide or monosaccharide backbone, mainly one phosphate ... analysis of lipid A from the Marinomonas vaga AT CC 27119 T LPS. M. vaga (formerly known as Alteromonas vaga) was first isolated from sea water off the coast of the Hawaii an archipelago in 1972 [ ... Detailed structure of lipid A isolated from lipopolysaccharide from the marine proteobacterium Marinomonas vaga ATCC 27119 T Inna N. Krasikova 1 , Natalie V. Kapustina 1 , Vladimir V. Isakov 1 ,
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 15:20
Cell Biology and Cancer under a contract from the National Institutes of Health doc
... ideas led to a widespread search for agents that might cause cancer One early notion, prompted by the discovery that bacteria cause a variety of important human diseases, was that cancer. ... research, high quality cancer care, and outreach and education for both health care professionals and the general public; collaborating with voluntary organizations and other national and foreign ... people evaluate claims about cancer (Evaluating Claims About Cancer) , to a consideration of how understanding cancer can help people make decisions about issues related to personal and
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 00:20
A reprint from American Scientist the magazine of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society doc
... with altitude (Figure 3), radioactive materials spread over large areas Large particles settle locally, whereas small particles and gases may travel around the world Rainfall can cause localized ... first day after the onset of fallout Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan The Semipalatinsk Test Site, in northeastern Kazakhstan near the geographical center of the Eurasian continent, was the Soviet equivalent ... this local fallout area were ascribed mainly to inhalation of radionuclides in the air and to ingestion of foodstuffs contaminated with radioactive materials Doses from internal irradiation were,
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 01:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Novel a-conotoxins from Conus spurius and the a-conotoxin EI share high-affinity potentiation and low-affinity inhibition of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors doc
... a 3 b 2 AnIB GGCCSHPACAANNQDYC a a 3 b 2 >> a 7 PnIA GCCSLPPCAANNPDYC a a 3 b 2 >> a 7 PnIB GCCSLPPCALSNPDYC a a 7 > a 3 b 2 EpI GCCSDPRCNMNNPDYC a a 3 b 4 , a 3 b 2 ; a 7 AuIA ... Baltazar Becerril 3 and Enzo Wanke 2 1 Laboratorio de Neurofarmacologı ´ a Marina, Departamento de Neurobiologı ´ a Celular y Molecular, Instituto de Neurobiologı ´ a, Universidad Nacional Auto ´ noma ... GCCSYPPCFATNSDYC a a 3 b 4 Vc1.1 GCCSDPRCNYDHPEIC a a 3 a 7 b 4 , a 3 a 5 b 4 Vc 1a GCCSDORCNYDHPc IC a PeIA GCCSHPACSVNHPELC a a 9 a 10 , a 3 b 2 > a 3 b 4 > a 7 PIA RDPCCSNPVCTVHNPQIC a a 6 ⁄ a 3 b 2 b 3 >
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 11:20
Báo cáo khoa học: AtCYS1, a cystatin from Arabidopsis thaliana, suppresses hypersensitive cell death ppt
... imperative that plants maintain the capacity to regulate this process [20] Here, we describe the molecular and biochemical characterization of the A thaliana cystatin-1 AtCYS1 that accumulates ... A thaliana suspension cultures and in transgenic tobacco Materials and methods Materials Papain (from Carica papaya L.), bovine thrombin, chicken egg white lysozyme, glucose oxidase (from Aspergillus ... (forward: GGATCCGCGGATCAACAAG CAGGAACA) and a SalI site (reverse: GTCGACTCA CGTGGTCTGAGAGCACAC) for directional cloning (restriction sites underlined) The amplified fragment was subcloned into the pGEM-T
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 03:20
... case exemplifies a broader challenge faced by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and other federal agencies that operate research satellites and sensors that ... others in the. .. Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), in cooperation with the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), launched the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission ... 2004 NASA announced that it would finally terminate TRMM in August 2004 At the request of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and with additional urging from
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 23:20
The digital company 2013 Freedom to collaborate - A report from the Economist Intelligence Unit Sponsored by: AT&T, Nokia, PricewaterhouseCoopers, SAP pptx
... on a global basis Today that isn’t possible.” Access will have to be managed at the level of each individual application, he argues, which means that internal data will have to be classiÞed ... innovation will be rewarded with a wealth of new information. But Þ rms are already awash in data today. As our research shows, more than a few executives are worried about business-process paralysis ... start from a higher place, and technological literacy is common currency.” Many millennials use instant messaging (IM), texting and social applications such as Bebo and Myspace on a daily basis
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 02:20
A History of Writing one of the earliest examples of writing, a 4th millennium tablet from Uruk, lists sacks of grain and heads of cattle ppt
... The earliest Japanese writing, dating from the 8th c., and perhaps as early as the 6th c., is called manyogana and uses Chinese characters (right column) to represent Japanese phonetic values ... character segment in red was adapted to form the katakana on the left Today, Japanese uses four different writing systems: romaji, Roman letters representing Japanese sounds hiragana, ordinary ... ordinary syllabic script; katakana, which derives from Chinese characters, and is used for writing non-Chinese loan words; and kanji, Chinese characters used to represent Japanese words Devanagari script...
Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 05:20
210. The change from day to night results the rotation of the Earth. a. change b. to c. results d. potx
... times > a 244 Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn are one of America’s national treasures a are b of c national d treasures > a 245 In his early days as a direct, Charlie Chaplin produced ... water in the Great Salt Lake is at less four times saltier than seawater a The b in c at less d saltier > c 258 The Joneses have visited Hawaii and Alaska, and they assure me that they like Alaska ... from all over the world visit New York every day a A b of c all over d visit > b 226 Whereas Earth has one moon, planet call Mars has two small ones a Whereas b has c call d ones > c 227 An ardent...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20
Dự án Thương mại điện tử Mekongs com: One day one deal
... cáo facebook facebook khai thác lượng lớn khách hàng Quảng cáo và Gưi email quảng cáo tới khách Gưi email quảng cáo tới khách hàng giới thiệu sản hàng phẩm qua email Trong ... triển khai các hình thức 22kinh doanh cung cấp các dịch vu quảng cáo cho các doanh nghiệp vư a và nhở tại Việt 23Nam bằng: quảng cáo banner, CPM, khảo sát khách hàng cho doanh ... toán qua internet 9banking” và “chuyển khoản ngân hàng” Đây cũng là hình thức phát triển thời gian 10tới, các doanh nghiệp nên quan tâm và a dạng các loại hình toán của...
Ngày tải lên: 30/04/2018, 23:02
A Call from the Dark
... and a white rabbit called Snow that Mum and Dad bought me for my ninth birthday that lasted about two weeks before it escaped and feasted on snail bait next door Dad found it stiff as cardboard ... on a Saturday afternoon when he knew the coast was clear With Crass gone we could talk in peace Before Topps could even give me a wave a customer walked in wearing plastersplattered overalls and ... looked at him blankly Crass (Colin Sass was his real name, though nobody called him that) said nothing to me at all about having a package waiting for this guy ‘Don’t worry, I can come back,’ he said...
Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 16:13