DetailedstructureoflipidAisolatedfrom lipopolysaccharide
from themarine proteobacterium
Marinomonas vaga
ATCC 27119
Inna N. Krasikova
, Natalie V. Kapustina
, Vladimir V. Isakov
, Andrey S. Dmitrenok
, Pavel S. Dmitrenok
Natalie M. Gorshkova
and Tamara F. Solov’eva
Pacific Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Far East Branch ofthe Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia;
Suntory Institute for Bioorganic Research, Osaka, Japan
The c hemical s tructure ofa novel lipid A, the major com-
ponent ofthelipopolysaccharidefromthemarine gamma-
proteobacterium MarinomonasvagaATCC 27119
determined by compositional analysis, NMR spectroscopy,
and MS. It was found to be b-1,6-glucosaminobiose
1-phosphate acylated with (R)-3-[dodecanoyl(dodece-
noyl)oxy]decanoic acid {C10 : 0 ( 3O-C12 : 0 [3O-C12 : 1]) }
or (R)-3-(decanoyloxy)decanoic acid [C10 : 0 (3O-C10 : 0)],
(R)-3-hydroxydecanoic acid [C10 : 0 (3OH)], and (R)-3-
[(R)-3-hydroxydecanoyloxy]decanoic acid (C10 : 0 {3O-
[C10 : 0 (3OH)]}) at the 2, 3, and 2¢ positions, respectively. It
showed low lethal toxicity, which is probably related to
specific structural attributes. T he absence ofa fatty a cid at
the 3 ¢ position and a phosphoryl group at the 4¢ position and
also the p resence of an amide-linked (R)-3-hydroxyalkanoic
acid th at is further O-acylated w ith a n other ( R)-3-hydroxy-
alkanoic acid, distinguish M. vagalipidAfrom other such
Keywords: fast-atom bombardment MS (FAB-M S); lipid A;
marine proteobacteria; Marinomonas vaga;NMR.
Gram-negative bacteria, along with classical membrane
lipids based on glycerol, contain an unusual glycophos-
pholipid known a s lipid A. Functioning as alipid anchor for
lipopolysaccharide (LPS), it is one ofthe m ain c omponents
of the outer membrane of bacteria [1], making it important
for maintenance ofthe normal physiology and growth of
micro-organisms [2]. LPSs (O-antigens and endotoxins
of Gram-negative b acteria) constitute a specific class of
biopolymers that h ave a wide spectrum of biological
(endotoxic) activity i n m ammals [3] i ncluding pathophysio-
logical effects such as endotoxemia and septic shock [4].
There i s compelling e vidence that the endotoxic activity of
LPS is expressed by alipid fragment of its molecule [3–5].
Therefore, an intensive search for potential endotoxin
antagonists on the basis oflipidA is now being carried
out [6].
A structure common to a number oflipidA molecules
is b-1,6-
-glucosamine, which has a-glyco-
sidic (1 position) and nonglycosidic (4¢ position) phosphate
groups and i s acylated w ith a mide linked ( at positions 2
and 2 ¢) and ester linked (at positions 3 and 3¢)(R)- 3-
hydroxy and (R)-3-acyloxy fatty acids [7]. On the other
hand, according t o data available so far, lipidA structural
variants displaying high endotoxin antagonism have a
disaccharide or monosaccharide backbone, mainly one
phosphate group, and low degree of acylation [8–10].
Lipid A acylation patterns, which are important in
binding bacteria to, and activation of, h ost cells [3,5] a re
known to d epend strongly on the growth conditions [11–
13]. We hypothesize that mar ine bacteria, w hich inhabit a
specific environment (low t emperature, high h ydrostatic
pressure, and high salinity [14]), may produce lipid A
molecules o f unusual structure and, possibly, of pharma-
cological i nterest.
However, very little i s known abo ut thestructure and
function oflipidAfrommarine proteobacteria. Although
some have been examined [15,16], only their fatty acids
were identified. More recent studies have revealed some
peculiarities oflipidA molecules frommarine bacteria,
the most pronounced being a penta-acyl-type structure
We carried out extensive structural analysis oflipid A
from theMarinomonasvaga AT CC 27119
LPS. M. vaga
(formerly known as Alteromonas vaga) was first isolated
from sea water off the coast ofthe Hawaii an archipelago
in 1972 [ 19]. I n 1983, toget her wit h Alt eromonas com mu-
nis, i t formed a separate genus named Marinomonas [20].
M. vaga belongs t o the gamma subclass of Proteobacte-
ria. It is an aerobic, rod-shaped, polarly flagellated
bacterium with psychrophilic and m oderately halophilic
properties. For growth, it requires Na
in concentration s found in sea w ater [21]. Lipid A
from this b acterium aroused our interest because it has a
penta-acyl and monophosphoryl type of structure, con-
tains s hort-chain (R)-3-hydroxydecanoic acid as t he main
acyl residue [17], and is theoretically an endotoxin
Correspondence to I. Krasikova, Pacific Institute of Bioorganic
Chemistry, Far Eastern Branch ofthe Russian Academy of Sciences,
159, 690022, Vladivost o k-22, Russia. Fax: + 7 4232 31 40 50,
Abbreviations: CAD, collision-activated dissociation; FAB-MS, fast-
atom bombardment mass spectrometry; GlcN, glucosamine; HSQC,
heteronuclear single quantum correlation; LPS , lipopolysaccharide.
(Received 2 5 December 2003 , revised 29 April 2 004,
accepted 11 May 2004)
Eur. J. Biochem. 271, 2895–2904 (2004) Ó FEBS 2004 doi:10.1111/j.1432-1033.2004.04212.x
Materials and methods
Growth of bacteria and isolation of LPS
M. vagaATCC 27119
cells were cultured at 8–10 °Con
rotary shakers in 1 -L conical fl asks filled with 500 mL liquid
nutrient m edium c ontaining (g per liter of 50% sea water,
pH 7.5–7.8): b actopeptone ( Difco) (5); casein hydrolysate
(Merck) ( 2); y east extract ( Merck) (2) ; glucose (1); KH
(0.2); MgSO
(0.05). At the stationary phase of growth
(5 days), the bacteria were harvested by centrifugation
(300 g) and washed consecutively with distilled water,
acetone, ethanol, hexane, and chloroform/methanol (2 : 1,
v/v, twice) to yield d efatted cells (0.6 8 gÆL
). LPS [25 mgÆ
(g dry cells)
] was obtained by extraction w ith h ot ph enol/
water according to the conventional procedure [22] and
purified from nucleic acids by precipitation with 40% ( v/v)
trichloroacetic acid [23].
Isolation oflipid A
To obtain lipidA , LPS ( 300 mg) was hydrolysed in 1%
(v/v) aqueous acetic acid for 3 h a t 100 °C. Chloroform
solution ofthe sediment obtained b y centrifugation o f t he
LPS hydrolysate was w ashed with distilled water (three
times), dried with anhydrous Na
, and precipitated with
acetone t o yield crude lipidA (0.25 mgÆmg LPS
). Lipid A
was further purified by Sephadex LH20 and silica gel
column chromatography.
Analytical methods
To determine sugar composition, lip id A was converted into
free monosaccharides by hydrolysis in 6
HCl for 24 h at
100 °C. Hexosamines were qualitatively and quantitatively
estimated u sing an LKB Biochrom 4251 A lpha Plus system
(Cambridge, UK) amino-acid analyser. The absolute con-
figuration of glucosamine (GlcN) was determined by GLC
of its acetylated 2-octyl glycoside according to the method
of Leontein et al . [24] with some modifications.
Total phosphorus generated after lipidA charring with
was determined by the ammonium molybdate
method as described previously [25].
Free total fatty acids were obtained by alkaline hydrolysis
of lipidA (6
NaOH, 4 h, 100 °C). The ester-bound fatty
acids w ere released b y mild alkali treatment o f lipidA (1 mg)
with 12% aqueous NH
OH (200 lL) for 1 8 h at 20 °Cas
described [26]. The released fatty acids were converted into
methyl esters with ether s olution of diazome thane and
identified by GLC and GLC/MS. Before hydrolysis, the
calculated amount of pentadecanoic acid was added to the
lipid A as internal standard. The position ofthe double
linkage in the unsaturated acid was d etermined b y GLC/MS
of its p yrrolidide d erivative [27]: difference s o f 12 a tomic
mass units between homologous ions at m/z 140 (C4) and
m/z 152 (C5) indicated a double bond at C5.
Determination ofthe (
R, S
) configuration
of 3-hydroxy fatty acid
To isolate 3-hydroxyalkanoic acid, total fatty a cids (22 mg)
obtained by alkaline hydrolysis ofthe defatted M. vaga
ATCC 27119
cells were fractionated on the silica gel
column with the following solvent s ystems: hexane; hexane/
ether, 1 : 1; hexane/ether/acetic acid, 1 : 1 : 0.1 (by vol.).
Using the PerkinElmer 141 polarimeter, the specific rotation
of the fraction corresponding to 3-hydroxy fatty acid was
determined to be [a]
¼ )14.1 ° (0.5, CHCl
Gel-permeation chromatography was performed on a c ol-
umn (560 · 15 mm) of Sephadex LH20 in c hloroform/
methanol (3 : 1, v/v). Silica-gel column chromatography was
performed with chloroform/methanol in various ratios. TLC
was carried out on ready-made aluminium-backed Sorbfil
(Sorbpolymer, Krasnodar, Russia) plates using the following
systems: chloroform/methanol/water (10 : 7.5 : 1.5, by vol.)
or chloroform/methanol/water/conc. ammonia (10 : 5.0 :
0.8 : 0.4, by vol.). Bands were visualized by heating the plates
for 1 0 m in at 130 °C a fter spraying with 10% ( v/v) H
methanol. N inhydrin reagent was used to detect free amino
groups in lipid A. GLC analyses of f atty acids (methyl esters)
were performed w ith a Shimadzu G C9A c hromatograph
(fused-silica gel Supelcowax 10 and SPB-5 columns,
30 m · 0.25 mm) at a temperature of 200 and 210 °C,
respectively. For determination of monosaccharide, absolute
configuration a nd analysis of fatty acid pirrolidides, an
Agilent 6850 series GC system chromatograph with a
HP 1 MS 5% phenylmethylsiloxane capillary column
(30 m · 250 lm · 0.25 lm)wasusedoverthetemperature
gradient 160 –250 °C(5°CÆmin
GLC/MS analyses were carried out on a Hewlett–Packard
model 6890 gas chromatograph equipped with HP 5 MS
5% phenylm ethylsiloxane capillary column (30 m ·
250 lm · 0.25 lm) and conn ected to a Hewlett–Packard
model 5973 mass spectrometer. Samples were injected in the
split mode with a split ratio of 1 : 15 at the injector
temperature 250 °C. The oven temperature was pro-
grammed t o increase from 150 °Cto210°Catarateof
5 °CÆmin
. Helium was used as carrier gas.
Fast-atom bombardment (FAB)-MS spectr a were
obtained using a high resolution mass spectrometer
(AMD 604S) with Cs
energy of 8 kV. LipidA was
dissolved in chlo roform/methanol (2 : 1, v/v) a t a concen-
tration of 10 mgÆmL
,and0.5lL sample solution was
mixed with 0.5 lL matrix solution of glycerol. The 0.5 lL
aliquot of this mixture was d eposited on a metallic sample
holder and analysed immediately after being dried in a
stream of air.
NMR spectroscopy
C, and
P NMR spectra oflipidA were recorded
at 317 K in CDCl
OD (4 : 1, v/v) or at 298 K in
O (3 : 2 : 1, by vol.) mixtures at 500,
125, and 202.5 MHz, respectively, using a Bruker DRX-500
spectrometer equipped w ith a reverse probe.
chemical shifts were expressed in d relative to trimethylsilane
0.00, d
P chemical s hifts were measured relative
to 85% o rthophosphoric acid (d
0.00). 2D spectra [DQ F
2896 I. N. Krasikova et al.(Eur. J. Biochem. 271) Ó FEBS 2004
COSY, TOCSY, and heteronuclear single quantum corre-
lation (HSQC)] were measured using a standard Bruker
Samples oflipidA for NMR analysis were p repared as
described [ 28]. LipidA was dissolved i n ultrapure d eionized
water, with 0.36
triethylamine added in the cold. Insol-
uble remnant was separated by centrifugation (12 000 g,
1 m in) in an Eppen dorf centrifuge and discarded. Water
supernatant was a cidified with 1
HCl to p H 1. The
sediment oflipidA obtained was separated b y centrifuga-
tion and dissolved in chloroform. To make the solution
transparent, some drops of methanol were added. The
solution obtained was washed with deionized water three
times and evaporated. LipidA (4 mg for
0.5 mg for
H NMR) was dissolved in 0.6 mL of the
corresponding solvent mixtures.
The toxicity o f M. vagalipidA w as teste d in outb reed ( wild-
-galactosamine-sensitized mice (16–18 g) by the
method of Galanos et al.[29].
-Galactosamine hydrochlo-
ride (16 mg per animal) and different a mounts oflipid A
(0.004–4 lg) were injected intraperitoneally as mixtures in
0.4 m L phosphate buffered saline into groups of four
animals. A control group of four mice was injected with
saline only. Deaths were monitored for 48 h. Toxicity
was defined as LD
calculated by the method of Nowotny
[30]. E xperime nts were performed in a ccordance with the
Pacific Institute of B ioorganic Chemistry Policy o n Human
Care and Use of Laboratory Animals.
Isolation and characterization oflipidA from
M. vaga
Extraction of defatted M. vagaATCC 27119
cells with
phenol/water [22] yi elded LPS in the water phase. Accord-
ing to the TLC data, the crude lipidA i solated from LPS by
hydrolysis with 1% aqueous acetic acid with high yield
(25% of dry LPS weight) is quite homogeneous with the
prevalence of one ofthe components (Fig. 1, lane 1).
After gel filtration on a Sephadex LH20 column
followed by silica-gel column chromatography, purified
lipid A (Fig. 1, lane 2), which consisted of GlcN,
phosphorus and fatty acids in the amounts shown in
Table 1 , was obtained. The absolute configu ration of
GlcN was shown to be
. No free amino groups were
detected with ninhydrin, indicating that no phosphoryl-
ethanolamine, aminoarabinose, or other unsubstituted
amino compounds were present in the M. vagalipid A.
On a molar basis, there are one phosphate gro up a nd five
fatty acid r esidues p er two r esidues o f G lcN.
Analysis of
M. vaga
lipid A backbone
A combination of 1D and 2D N MR experiments was used
to determine thestructureofthe M. vagalipidA b ackbone
(Table 2). In the
HNMR s pectrum, the resolved doublet-
doublet at 5.42 p.p.m. (J
H1, H2
¼ 3.6 Hz) and doublet
signal at 4.71 p.p.m. (J
¼ 7.8 Hz) were assigned to
the proton at the glycosidic position and to the anomeric
proton H1¢ ofthe nonreducing glucosamine residue,
respectively. In the
C HSQC s pectrum, these proton
signals c orrelated with t wo
C a nomeric signals at 95.35
and 1 01.26 p .p.m. Such carbon and proton shifts together
with the J
verify the a-pyranoside a nd b-pyr anoside
forms for the proximal and distal glucosamine r esidues in
lipid Aof M. vaga.
The coupling of resonance at 5.42 p .p.m. (J
H1, P
6.2 Hz) and a shift ofthe C1 signal to lower field were
observed, indicating that position 1 of GlcN I was esterified
by the phosphate group. In addition, the carbon signal at
95.35 p .p.m. w as a doublet (J
C1, P
¼ 6.7 Hz), also pointing
to the presence of phosphate at C1. In accord with this, a
signal was observed at )2 p.p.m. in the
spectrum of M. vagalipidA (Table 2).
The resonance fi eld of C6 atoms of glucosaminobiose was
represented by only one signal (61.86 p.p.m). The resonance
of the second C6 (68.60 p.p.m) determined by the HSQC
Fig. 1. TLC of M. vagaATCC 27119
lipid A b efore (1) an d after ( 2)
Table 1. C hemical c omposition of M. vagaATCC 27119
lipid A. All
the d ata are the mean of three or more independent assays and the
range o f experimental e rror was less than 5%.
Amount of constituent
lmolÆ(2 lmol GlcN)
Glucosamine 1.208 2.00
Total phosphate 0.687 1.14
C10 : 0 0.206 0.34
C12 : 0 0.228 0.38
C12 : 1 0.291 0.48
C10 : 0 (3OH) 2.409 3.99
Ó FEBS 2004 MarinomonasvagalipidAstructure (Eur. J. Biochem. 271) 2897
and DEPT-135 experiments was shown to be shifted to a
lower field ( )8 p.p.m), demonstrating b-1,6-linkage in
backbone of M. vagalipid A.
From the anomeric protons at 5.42 and 4.71 p.p.m., the
signals ofthe H2-H6 protons ofthe reducing and
nonreducing glucosamine residues were assigned using 2D
COSY and TOCSY spectra (Table 2 ). The signals of H2
and H2¢ appeared at 4.14 and 3.62 p .p.m., respectively,
confirming N-acyl substitutions [31]. Accordingly, two C2
signalsthatcorrelatedwiththeH2andH2¢ protons were
present i n the
C H SQC spectrum. In line with the well
established principle that O-acylation at C3 shifts the
Table 2.
C, and
P-NMR data for M. vagaATCC 27119
lipid A . Spe ctra were recorded at 317 K in CDCl
OD (4 : 1 , v/v) (
and at 298 K i n CD
H). Chemical shifts are expressed in d relative to trimethylsilane (d
0.00, d
0.00) or 8 5%
orthophosphoric acid ( d
0.00). Comparisons with spectra of Escherichi a coli lipidA [31] and b-1,6-linked di-N-acetate of glucosamine disaccharide
[32] and a combination of 1D a nd 2D NMR experiments were used to assign the M. vagaATCC 271 19
lipid A NMR signals. d, Doublet; dd,
E. coli lipidA M. vagalipid A
dH dC dP dC dH (J, Hz) dC dP
GlcN I
1 5.455 94.6 )0.191 5.42 (dd, 3.6, 6.2) 95.35 d )2.0
2 4.147 52.7 4.14 51.90 d
3 5.213 74.7 5.22 (dd, 9.5, 10.5) 74.62 d
4 3.679 68.0 3.61 (t, 9.4) 68.85 d
5 4.03 72.2 4.09 m 73.47 d
6a 4.103 68.6 4.06 m 68.60 t
6b 3.847 3.89 m
1¢ 4.163 103.0 )1.937 102.20 4.71 (d 7.8) 101.26 d
2¢ 3.83 54.6 56.23 3.62 m 56.61 d
3¢ 5.18 74.2 74.49 3.56 m 74.84 d
4¢ 4.166 71.8 70.70 3.38 m 71.18 d
5¢ 3.460 76.3 76.44 3.36 m 76.49 d
6¢a 3.94 60.8 61.36 3.89 m 61.86 t
6¢b 3.774 3.73 m
Fatty acids (signals of C¼O atoms were at 171.30; 172.70; 172.90; 173.00; 173.80; 174.00)
NHCO-R (2)
2 2.51 m 41.64
3 5.16 t 71.38
4 1.56 34.48
5 1.29 26.10
NHCO-R (2¢)
2 2.65 m 41.14
3 5.29 t 72.24
4 1.69 34.48
5 1.29 27.90
OH (3, 2¢¢)
2 2.52 42.70, 42.53
3 4.04 68.85, 68.79
4 1.50 37.54, 37.46
2 2.28 t 34.23 t
3 1.62 m 25.62
4 1.30 m 29.78
1.30 m 29.78–29.94
x 0.89 t 14.08
x-1 1.3 m 22.73
x-2 1.27 m 32.03
CH¼CH 5.35 m 131.22, 128.44
-CH¼CH 2.05 m 26.67, 27.35
2898 I. N. Krasikova et al.(Eur. J. Biochem. 271) Ó FEBS 2004
resonance of C2 in N-acylated glucosamine [33], the C2
signal (51.90 p.p.m) of G lcN I, found in a higher fi eld in
comparison with the C2 signal (53.9 p .p.m) in a-met hyl-O-
glucopyranosyl}-(1 fi 6)-2-(2-deoxy-2-[(R,S)-3-hydroxy-
-glucopyranoside 6-diphenylphos-
phate [34], indicates that the reducing end ofthe M. vaga
lipid A backbone has a substituent at t he C3 atom. The
hydroxy group at C3 ¢ of GlcN II is free, as evidenced by the
nonreducing end C2¢ chemical-shift value (56.61 p.p.m)
which c oincides with the nonreducing end C2¢ chemical-shift
value ( 56.6 p.p.m) in the above a-methyl b-1,6-diglucosa-
mine 6-diphenylphosphate and b-1,6-linked di- N-acetate of
glucosamine d isaccharide, which h ave no substituent a t C3¢
[32,34]. The low-field position ofthe H3 resonance
(5.22 p .p.m.) in the M. vagalipid A
indicates acylation ofthe hydroxy group at the C3 position,
and t he chemical-shift value ( 3.56 p.p.m.) of H3¢ demon-
strates that the hydroxy g roup at the C3¢ position is f ree.
The methine proton signals of H4 and H4¢,and
methylene proton s ignals of H6¢, which correlated with
C4, C4¢,andC6¢ resonances at 68.85, 71.1 8 and
61.86 p .p.m., respectively, were found between 3 and
4 p .p.m., suggesting thea bsence of acyl or phosphoryl
residues at the hydroxy groups of these positions.
Together, these data demonstrate that the M. vaga lipid
A backbone is composed of two b-1,6-linked
residues and a phosphate group at p osition 1. Both amino
groups an d t he hydroxy group at C3 are substituted, and the
hydroxy groups at C3¢,C4,C4¢,andC6¢ are f ree.
Characterization ofthe fatty acid moiety of
M. vaga
lipid A
Fatty acid analysis ofthelipidA studie d reve aled the
presence of decanoic acid (C10 : 0 ), dodecanoic a cid
(C12 : 0), dodecenoic a cid (D
-C12 : 1), a nd four (R)-3-
hydroxydecanoic acids [C10 : 0 (3OH)] (Table 1). In
accord with this, the resonance field of C2 atoms of
3-hydroxyalkanoic acids (41–44 p.p.m. [35]) was represen-
ted by four signals (Table 2). On the other hand, only two
signals (at 37.54 a nd 37.46 p.p.m.) were present in the C4
resonance field of C10 : 0 (3OH). Resonation of C4 atoms
for two other C10 : 0 (3OH) molecules was shifted to a
lower field (34.48 p.p.m., signal of double intensity)
because of t he substitution of their hydroxy groups with
other f atty acid residues. Two t ypes of 3-acyloxyalkanoic
acids, ester a nd amide linked, may be p resent in lipid A
[7,36]. For ester-linked ones, there must be a characteristic
C2 signal at 38–39 p .p.m. [35]. In the
C-NMR s pectrum
of M. vagalipid A, such a signal was absen t, s uggesting
that both 3-acyloxydecanoic acids were amide-bound. It
should be also noted that trans-D
-unsaturated acids,
characteristic for many enterobacterial lipidA hydro-
lysates [37] and pointing to the presence of acyloxy esters,
occurred only in trace amounts in the M. vagalipid A.
This is circumstantial evidence that thelipidA studied
does not contain ester linked 3-acyloxyacyl residues. On
the other hand, the lack of
C resonance at 44 p.p.m.,
characteristic of C2 of amide- linked 3-hydroxy ac ids
[34,35], confirms thea bsence of nonsubstituted N-linked
3-hydroxy a cids in this molecule.
As GLC and GLC/MS data show, the M. vagalipid A
contains unsaturated D
-C12 : 1 acid (Table 1). In
accordance with this, two carbon signals, at 131.22 and
128.44 p.p.m., and two multiplets, at 5.35 and 2.03 p .p.m.,
were present i n t he
H NMR spectra (Table 2),
confirming the p resence of fatty acids with a double bond.
The multiplets gave a coupling cross-peak in the
COSY spectrum a nd were a ssigned to vinylic and allylic
The g eometry ofthe double bond was established by
analysis of chemical shifts of neighboring (in relation to
double bond) carbons. It i s known t hat carbons adjacent to
trans double bonds have chemical shifts in the range of
d 29.5–38.0 p.p.m., w hereas those adjacent to cis double
bonds have d va lues of 26.0–28.5 p.p.m. [ 38]. From
HSQC and proton decoupled
C spectra, the NMR signals
of related carbon atoms of M. vagalipidA were found at
26.67 and 27.35 p.p.m., indicating a cis configuration for the
double bond in unsaturated fatty acid.
Acyl distribution on the backbone of
M. vaga
lipid A
The d istribution p attern o f acyl residues in M. vagalipid A
was d etermined using negative a nd positive mode FAB-MS
and collision-activated dissociation (CAD) experiments.
The negative-ion FAB-MS spectrum ( Fig. 2A) revealed two
peaks of equal intensity at m/z 1281.39 and 1253.67 as the
highest mass ions, demonstrating the presence of two
molecular forms ofthelipidA studied.
Fig. 2. (A) N e gative-ion and (B) positive-ion FAB mass spectra of
M. vagaATCC 27119
lipid A demonstrating the acyl distribution
between the two glucosamine units. See Table 3 for peak identification.
Ó FEBS 2004 MarinomonasvagalipidAstructure (Eur. J. Biochem. 271) 2899
On the basis ofthe overall chemical compositio n
(Table 1), the peaks were attributable to two types of
molecular-ion species [M-H]
of penta-acylated lipid A
containing two g lucosamines, one phosphate group, four
3-hydroxydecanoic a cids, and one dodecanoic or decanoic
acid (Table 3). Using the monoisotopic mass for each atom,
molecular masses of 1282.8044 and of 1254.77 Da were
calculated for the formulae C
P, which are well c o-ordinated to signals at
m/z 1281.39 and 1253.67. Unfortunately, the intensity of the
peak at m/z 1281.39 and resolution ofthe mass spectrometer
were too low to detect the signal ofthe molecular-ion species
with C12 : 1 a cid. However, it should be noted that, d espite
the penta-acyl structureof M. vagalipidA (Table 1,
Fig. 2A), six signals due to ester carbonyl and amide
carbonyl carbons were observed in i ts
C-NMR spectrum
(Table 2). We reason that this is c aused by the presence of
the third (with unsaturated D
-C12 : 1 acid) molecular
species in the p reparation studied. The low intensity of the
signals at 174.00 and 173.80 p.p.m. in contrast with the four
others demonstrates that they belong to saturated ( C10 : 0
and C12 : 0 with total a mount of 0.72 lmol per 2 m ol
GlcN, Table 1) and unsa turated (D
-C12 : 1, 0 .48 lmol per
2 m ol GlcN) fatty acids.
Along with the initial penta-acylated lipid A, de-O-
acylated, tetra-acyl (at m/z 1099.83), triacyl (at m/z 929.5)
and diacyl (at m/z 75 8.05) derivatives were detected in the
spectrum. According to the TLC data presented in Fig. 1
(lane 2), the sample oflipidA used for MS did not contain
de-O-acylated species (penta-, tetra-, tri-, and di-acylated
derivatives oflipidA have different chromatographic
mobility). So, they are not intact molecular species of
Table 3. Interpretation of signals (m/z) in FAB-MS spectra for M. vagaATCC 27119
lipid A. Spectra were recorded in chlorof orm/methan ol
(2 : 1 , v/v).
FAB/MS in the negative mode
Disaccharide derivatives
1281.39 (I) [M
(2 GlcN +4 3OH (C10 : 0) +1 C12 : 0 + H
1253.67 (II) [M
(2 GlcN +4 3OH (C10 : 0) +1 C10 : 0 + H
1099.83 [M
– C12 : 0 (C12 : 1)
– C10 : 0
929.5 [M
– C12 : 0 – 3OH (C10 : 0)
– C10 : 0 – 3OH (C10 : 0)
758.05 [M
– C12 : 0 – 2 3OH (C10 : 0)
– C10 : 0 – 2 3OH (C10 : 0)
Monosaccharide derivatives
780.05 [M
– GlcN ) 2 · 3OH (C10 : 0)
752.5 [M
– GlcN ) 2 · 3OH (C10 : 0)
598.4 [M
– GlcN ) 2 · 3OH (C10 : 0) – C12 : 0
– GlcN ) 2 · 3OH (C10 : 0) – C10 : 0
580.7 [M
– GlcN ) 2 · 3OH (C10 : 0) – C12 : 0 – H
– GlcN ) 2 · 3OH (C10 : 0) – C10 : 0 – H
428.31 [M
– GlcN ) 3 · 3OH (C10 : 0) – C12 : 0
– GlcN ) 3 · 3OH (C10 : 0) – C10 : 0
410.92 [M
– GlcN ) 3 · 3OH (C10 : 0) – C12 : 0 – H
– GlcN ) 3 · 3OH (C10 : 0) – C10 : 0 – H
CAD on m/z 929.5
758.05 929.5 – 3OH (C10 : 0)
741.02 929.5 – 3OH (C10 : 0) – H
CAD on m/z 598.4
428.31 598.4 – 3OH (C10 : 0)
410.92 598.4 – 3OH (C10 : 0) – H
FAB/MS in positive mode
520.56 [M
– GlcN – H
) 2 · 3OH (C10 : 0) – C12 : 0]
– GlcN – H
) 2 · 3OH (C10 : 0) – C10 : 0]
502.59 [M
– GlcN – H
) 2 · 3OH (C10 : 0) – C12 : 0 – H
– GlcN – H
) 2 · 3OH (C10 : 0) – C10 : 0 – H
332.41 [{M
– GlcN – H
) 2 · 3OH (C10 : 0) – C12 : 0] ) 3OH (C10 : 0) – H
– GlcN – H
) 2 · 3OH (C10 : 0) – C10 : 0] ) 3OH (C10 : 0) – H
314.41 [{M
– GlcN – H
) 2 · 3OH (C10 : 0) – C12 : 0] ) 3OH (C10 : 0) ) 2 · H
– GlcN – H
) 2 · 3OH (C10 : 0) – C10 : 0] ) 3OH (C10 : 0) ) 2 · H
2900 I. N. Krasikova et al.(Eur. J. Biochem. 271) Ó FEBS 2004
M. vagalipidA but arise f rom fragmentation duri ng F AB-
MS. The peak at m/z 1099.83 was interpreted to correspond
to a loss of C12 : 0 or C10 : 0 residues fromthe initial
molecular species, and those at m/z 929.5 a nd m/z 758.05
were obtained through additional loss of one or two
residues of C10 (3OH), respectiv ely. These data indicate that
nonhydroxy fatty acids and two residues o f C10 (3OH) of
M. vagalipidA were attached to glucosaminobiose via
rather labile ester linkages. On the o ther hand, the ion at m/z
758.05 was confirmed as consisting of monophosphorylated
GlcN backbone with two a mide-linked C10 (3OH) r esidues.
The CAD experiment with a fragment ion at m/z 929.5
(Fig. 3 A, Table 3) causing an additional (in comparison
with the ion at m/z 1099.83) loss o f C10 (3OH) confirmed
that lipidAof M. vaga contains two amide-linked and two
ester-linked C10 (3OH) fatty acids.
In addition, a s et of other f ragment-ion signals derived
from the c leavage of th e glycosidic linkage were seen in the
negative-ion FAB mass spectrum (Fig. 2A, Table 3). They
corresponded t o monophosphorylated monoglucosamine
derivatives substituted w ith one (peaks at m/ z 428.31 and
410.92) or two [peaks at m/z 59 8.4 (high intensity) and m/z
580.7] units of C10 : 0 ( 3OH) and w ith one of nonhydroxy
acids(C10:0andC12:0atm/z 752.5 and 780.5,
respectively; low intensity). According t o t he above com-
positional a nalysis a nd NMR spectroscopy data (Tables 1
and 2), the M. vagalipidA contains only one phosphate
group, which is located at C1 ofthe proximal G lcN I . Thus
these signals were attributable to the reducing end of
glucosaminobiose, which brings three fatty acid units, two
of which are C10 : 0 (3OH). T he ion with m/z 428.31
consisting of glucosamine, a phosphate group and C10 : 0
(3OH) confirms that one residue of this fatty acid is
N-linked. The second unit of C10 : 0 (3OH) of GlcN I is
ester-linked. CAD ofthe fragment ion at m/z 598.4 (Fig. 3B,
Table 3) gave ions at m/z 428.3 [a loss ofa C10 : 0 (3OH)
residue] and m/ z 410.9 [an additional l oss of H
O(D m/z
18)], thus confirming the presence of both ester-linked and
amide-linked C10 : 0 (3 OH) f atty acids in GlcN I. Taking
into consideration NMR data (Table 2), the este r-linked
C10 : 0 (3OH) is thought to be attached to C3 of M. vaga
lipid A.
The position of t he secondary nonhydroxy fatty acids on
the proximal G lcN I was determined by treatment oflipid A
with weak alkali (12% aqueous NH
OH). As shown by
Silipo et al. [ 26], this mild procedure i s a ble t o s plit the acyl
and acyloxy esters selectively, leaving the acyl and acyl-
oxyacyl amides unaffected. In line with this, weak alkali
hydrolysis of M. vagalipidA released C10 : 0 (3OH), but
C10 : 0, C12 : 0 and C12 : 1 f atty acids w ere present on ly in
trace amounts, and acyloxyacyl derivatives were completely
lacking. Subsequent hydrolysis of de-O-acylated lipid A
with a stronger alkali gave C10 : 0 (3OH), C10 : 0, C12 : 0
and C12 : 1. T ogether w ith F AB-MS d ata t hese findings
confirm that nonhydroxy fatty acids must b e in the
secondary position at the N-linked C10 : 0 (3OH) a cid of
GlcN I.
In the FAB-MS spectrum (Fig. 2B, Table 3), measured
in the positive mode, diagnostic peaks important for
structure elucidation, were observed at m/ z 520.56, 502.59,
332.41, and 31 4.41. The first t wo ions consisted of gluco-
samine and two residues of C10 : 0 (3OH) and were
assigned to the o xonium ions produced by cleavage of
glycosidic linkage. The oxonium ions arise from GlcN II, so
the M. vagalipidA nonreducing g lucosamine unit b ears
two C 10 : 0 (3OH) fatty acids, which are loc ated at the C2 ¢
position [according to NMR data (Table 2), hydroxy
groups a t the C3 ¢,C4¢,andC6¢ positions of GlcN II are
free]. One C 10 : 0 (3 OH) fatty acid has an amide-type o f
linkage [signals at m/ z 332 and 314.4, which result f rom t he
loss ofthe C10 : 0 (3OH) residue fromthe f ragment ions at
m/z 5 20.59 and 5 02.56, are in g ood agr eement with such
assumption], and the other one is the secondary fatty acid at
C3 ofthe amide-linked C10 : 0 (3OH).
Based on the above r esults together with the analyses of
chemical composition and NMR data, the s tructure of
M. vagalipidA i s proposed as t he structure illustrated in
Fig. 4.
The toxic properties of M. vagalipidA were examined in
-galactosamine-sensitized mice by the method of
Galanos et al. [ 29]. I t a ppears that thelipidA s tudied has a
significantly higher lethal dose (1.46 lg) than the Yersinia
pseudotuberculosis O:1b LPS, the LD
of which is 0.063 lg.
This study is devoted to the structural elucidation oflipid A
from themarineproteobacterium M. vaga. To the best of
our knowledge, this is the second complete structureof lipid
A fromamarine bacterium (lipid Afrom wild-type
Fig. 3. CAD exper iments o n ( A) 929.5 m/ z and (B) 598.4 m/z ions of
M. vagaATCC 27119
lipid A. See Table 3 for peak identification.
Ó FEBS 2004 MarinomonasvagalipidAstructure (Eur. J. Biochem. 271) 2901
Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis TAC 125 was the fir st [18]).
The data show that lipidA molecules frommarine and
terrestrial b acteria both contain the same b-1,6-linked
glucosaminobiose backbone. However, M. vagalipid A
has a number of unique chemical characteristics differenti-
ating it from enterobac terial lipid A. The first of these i s that
a short-chain 3-hydroxydecanoic acid is its main acyl
residue. It is found i n lipidAfrom s everal bacterial species,
such as Rhodocyclus (now Rubrivivax) gelatinosus [39],
Rhodospirillum tenue (now Rhod ocyclus tenuis)[40],Rhodo-
pseudomonas capsulata (now Rho dobacter capsulatus)[41],
Rhodopseudomonas (now Rhodobacter) sphaeroides [42],
some species of Pseudomonas [43], Sphaerotilus natans [44],
Comamonas testosteroni [45], and also Bordetella pertussis,
Chromobacterium sp. and Rhodopseudomonas sp.[36].Only
in four of them (R. gelatinosus [39], R. tenue [40], S. natans
[44], and C. testosteroni [45]) does 3-hydroxydecanoic acid
occur in both ester and amide linkages.
The second unusual structural c haracteristic of M. vaga
lipid A is that an ester-linked phosphate group attached to
position 4¢ of glucosaminobiose is completely lacking.
Similar structures were also found in lipidAisolated f rom
the anaerobic Bacteroides fragilis [46] and Porphyromonas
gingivalis [47], m icroaerophilic Helicobacter pylori strain
206–1 [48 ], and aerobic Flavobacterium meningosepticum
[49], a nd, p artly, in lipidAfrom Pseudomonas reacta ns and
Pseudomonas cichorii (lipid Afrom these bacteria has
nonstoichiometric substitution with the phosphate groups
at C4¢ [50,51]).
ThethirdspecificfeatureofM. vagalipidA is that it has
a low degree of acylation and unusual d istribution o f a cyl
substituents over the backbone. O nly five fatty acid r esidues,
of which four were 3-hydroxydecanoic acids, were found in
its structure. In addition, 3-hydroxydecanoic acid acylated
only one hydroxy group ofthe d isaccharide. Three o ther
3-hydroxydecanoic acid residues (two w ith a mide linkages
and one as the s econdary acid) were located at C2 and C2¢.
The same acyl-deficient and p hosphate-deficient glucosam-
inobiose nonreducing end was also found in lipidA f rom
Helicobacter pylori strain 206-1, but its acyloxyalkanoic acid
contained n o h ydroxy acid [48]. As far as is known ( R)-3-
[(R)-3-hydroxydecanoyloxy]decanoic a cid i s t he first acyl-
oxyalkanoic acid formed by two 3-hydroxyalkanoic acid
residues, with the exception oflipidAfrom Vibrio cholerae,
in which the presence o f such an acid was not completely
proved [36].
Structural types oflipidA h arboring a smaller number of
fatty acids than endotoxically active molecules, including
penta-acyl lipid A, are of interest as potential endotoxin
antagonists [ 8–10]. Among the derivatives oflipidA that
can protect against Gram-negative septic shock, mono-
phosphoryl lipidA i s well known. The facts that a penta-
acyl monophosphoryl derivative of glucosaminobiose i s the
major s tructure type of M. vagaATCC 27119
lipid A and
also that thea cyl residue at C3 ¢ of GlcN II is completely
missing in this lipidA suggest that it may show character-
istics of an endotoxin antagonist. T he rather low acute
toxicity of M. vagalipidA correlates well with the above
suggestion. Further studies to examine this proposal are in
We are g rateful to Dr U. Z a
hringer and Dr B. Lindner for useful
discussion on the performance of this work. We also thank Dr Yu.
A. Knirel and Dr A. V. Perepelov for t he opportunity to determine
the absolute configuration of
-glucosamine, and Dr O. P.
Moiseenko for G LC/MS measurements. Mrs N. M. Shepe tora for
fruitful assistance in preparing the English version. This work was
supported financially by the Russ ian Foundation for B asic Research
(grant 02-04-49 517), Progr am ÔPhysical and che mical biologyÕ for
Basic R esearch o f t he R ussian Academy of Science, Far East B ranch
of the Russian Academy o f Sciences (grants 03 -3-A-05-081 and
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