7  setting the basic level 2 security policy

information security policy development guide large small companies phần 2 pptx

information security policy development guide large small companies phần 2 pptx

... that users will comply with the policy, thereby improving security. In terms of detail level, governing policy should address the “what” in terms of security policy. 4.3 Technical Policies ... Governing Policy and which also need a separate Technical Policy of their own. 5.2.1 Governing Policy Governing Policy should cover all aspects of security at a higher, broader level than the detail ... are also end users. All these groups will use the policy to gain a sense of the company’s overall security policy philosophy. This can be used to inform their information security-related interaction

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 17:20

10 320 0
Đề tài dùng các IC số biến đổi 4 bit số nhị phân sang số thập phân thể hiện qua 2 led 7 đoạn

Đề tài dùng các IC số biến đổi 4 bit số nhị phân sang số thập phân thể hiện qua 2 led 7 đoạn

... [...]... 5 4 2 A C 33 20 − 17 B − 17 20 D 17 20 Cêu 4: Tính:  −1  0−  = ?  2 A −1 2 B C 1 2 D.Đáp án khác 0 Cêu 5: −1 −1 Tìm x, biết: x + = 4 4 A −1 2 B C 1 2 D 2 4 0 ... Số đối của 5 A 3 −5 C 5 3 B −5 3 D 3 5 Cêu 2: 1 1 Tính: − = ? 8 2 A −3 8 C 10 16 B 3 8 D −5 8 Cêu 3: 2 3 1 Tính: − − =? 5 4 2 A C 33 20 ... quy tắc trừ phân số - Xem lại các bài tập đã giải - BTVN: 59; 60; 61; 62 trang 33; 34_ SGK - Xem trước... 2 3 4 5 Talet là tên của một nhà tốn học, sống vào thế kỉ VII trước cơng ngun

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2014, 17:51

10 965 2
Giáo án Thể dục lớp 2 trọn bộ_CKTKN_Bộ 7

Giáo án Thể dục lớp 2 trọn bộ_CKTKN_Bộ 7

... +Chạy nhẹ nhàng theo địa hình tự nhiên ( 2 vòng quanh sân) 2. Phần 24 -25 Điểm số 1 -2, 1 -2 theo đội +Đi đều theo 2- 4 hàng dọc cơ bản ph hình hàng dọc: HS tập hợp 2- 4... đều theo 4 hàng ... nhà Thứ năm ngày 12 tháng 11 năm 20 09 Thể dục( Bài 24 ) Ôn Điểm số 1 -2, 1 -2 theo đội hình vòng tròn- trò chơi " bỏ khăn" 21 I Mục tiêu: +Học điểm số 1 -2, 1 -2, theo đội hình vòng ... Thứ năm ngày 19 tháng 11 năm 20 09 Thể dục( Bài 26 ) Điểm số 1- 2; 1- 2 theo đội hình vòng tròn Trò chơi bịt mắt bắt dê I Mục tiêu: - Ôn điểm số 1- 2; 1- 2 theo đội hình vòng... chính

Ngày tải lên: 23/05/2015, 16:20

69 777 2
4 2 7 behind the scenes (social studies)

4 2 7 behind the scenes (social studies)

... behind the scenes Thousands of people who work full-time in the movie business never have their face on the screen The next time you sit in the theater, think beyond the actors to those behind the ... editor then adds all the other sounds the film needs, which means he or she watches the movie and works with the director to target the music and sound effects needed in different scenes Then each ... Permissions, Houghton Mifflin Company, 222 Berkeley Street, Boston, MA 02116 Printed in China ISBN-13: 978-0-547-02319-9 ISBN-10: 0-547-02319-7 RRD 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 Table of Contents Screen

Ngày tải lên: 27/04/2017, 14:46

18 326 0
Oxford phonics world readers level 2 fun in the mud

Oxford phonics world readers level 2 fun in the mud

... Press in the UK and in certain other countries © Oxford University Press 2013 The moral rights of the author have been asserted First published in 2013 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 10987654321 No ... Children listen to the story Point to the pictures as they listen This will help them understand the story Example: Point to Dad and the fog through the window on page 4 for There is some fog ... on the role of one of the characters Role-play the story s Cover up some words in the story Read the story and stop at each covered-up word Children say the missing word ¢ Children do all the

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2017, 04:01

18 413 0
Usinga fifteen phrasesentence solution to help the gifted students at nhu thanh high school to improve their argumentative writing and get band 7 in IELTS writing task 2

Usinga fifteen phrasesentence solution to help the gifted students at nhu thanh high school to improve their argumentative writing and get band 7 in IELTS writing task 2

... immediate feedback to let them know how they are doing and whether they should change their approach There is no immediate interaction between the producer and receiver Secondly, there is a linguistic ... used to record the process of using the fifteen- sentence model The second tool used in this study is interviews with students at the end of the research to study whether using the fifteen- sentence ... of the drawbacks in language teaching methods of the past, particularly in the argumentative writing skill, a number of research studies (Watcharakaweesilp, 2001; Thepsiri and Pojanapunya, 2012)

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2017, 15:45

19 354 0
chương 7 phương pháp phân tích thể tích phần 2

chương 7 phương pháp phân tích thể tích phần 2

... phức chất đƣợc tạo thành theo tỉ lệ mol 1-1:  XC [ XC ]td  [ X ]td [C ]td  [X]tđ2 = [C]tđ2 = [XC ]tđ / βXC Cân chuẩn độ phải có tính định lƣợng: [XC]tđ ≈ [X]0 [X]tđ2 ≈ [X]0 /βXC Thay [X]tđ ... cuối: pHf = pT = ½ (8,2 + 10,0) = 9,1 ΔpH = 9,1 – 8,73 = 0,37 pkCH3COOH = 4,76  pkCH3COONa =lg βCH3COO = 9,24 10 pH  10  pH 10 0,37  10 0,37 %   100   0,021%  1/ 9, 24 / ([ H ]0  CH ... biểu diễn giá trị log ([X]0 βXC) hay log( [X]02 / TXC ) Các đƣờng xiên biểu diễn ΔpX hay ΔpH Trục tung biểu diễn Δ% log ( [X]0 βXC hay log( [X]02 /TXC ) Chương SAI SỐ CHỈ THỊ CỦA HỆ TRAO ĐỔI

Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2017, 21:32

33 223 0
DSpace at VNU: The East Asia security environment in the beginning of the twenty-first century and the adjustments in Vietnamese foreign policy

DSpace at VNU: The East Asia security environment in the beginning of the twenty-first century and the adjustments in Vietnamese foreign policy

... 10.1080/13439006.2011.582681 98 Downloaded by [Linnaeus University] at 12:14 07 October 2014 The East Asia Security Environment in the Beginning of the Twenty-first Century munity The question is whether these ... only the first step of the long integration process into the region The third part will assess the regional policy of Vietnam in the period of 2001-2010 of which the Eight Resolutions of the Central ... regional security architecture” (Thayer 2010: 2) Among these characteristics in the field of the Asia-Pacific, the most obvious trend is the dynamics of the emerging regional security architecture The

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2017, 06:04

12 150 0
(LEVEL 2) schweser, kaplan   CFA 2019 schweser   level 2 schweser’s quicksheet  CRITICAL CONCEPTS FOR THE 2019 CFA EXAM (2019)

(LEVEL 2) schweser, kaplan CFA 2019 schweser level 2 schweser’s quicksheet CRITICAL CONCEPTS FOR THE 2019 CFA EXAM (2019)

... Interest Rates Traditional theories: Unbiased (pure) expectations theory Local expectations theory Liquidity preference theory Segmented markets theory Preferred habitat theory Modern term structure ... Preference Theories • M M ’s dividend irrelevance theory: In a no-tax/ no-fee world, dividend policy is irrelevant because investors can create a homemade dividend • Dividend preference theory says ... regulatory burden: Costs to the regulated entities minus the private benefits o f regulation Sunset clauses: Require a cost-benefit analysis to be revisited before the regulation is renewed FINANCIAL

Ngày tải lên: 23/05/2019, 08:56

15 573 0
CFA 2018 level 2 fixed income quest bank  r35 the term structure and interest rate dyamics q bank

CFA 2018 level 2 fixed income quest bank r35 the term structure and interest rate dyamics q bank

... F(2, 2) can be calculated using equation 2: P(T* + T) = P(T*)F(T*,T) and so: F(2, 2) = P(4) / P(2) P(T) = [1 + r (T)]T P(2) = [1 + r (2)]2 P(2) = 1.032 = 0.9426 P(4) = 1.054 = 0.8227 0.8227 F(2, ... [1 + r(2)]2 = [1 + r(4)]4 [1 + f(2, 2)]2 B [1 + r (4)]4 = [1 + r(2)]2 [1 + f(2, 2)]2 C [1 + r (4)]4 = [1 + r(2)]2 [1 + f(4, 2)]2 If one-year forward rate five years from today is 9.00%, the least ... [1+𝑟(2)]2 Solving the equation for r(2) 0.0365 1.0365 − 1.03 = [1+𝑟(2)]2 [1 + 𝑟(2)2 ] = 1.0365 0.964563 r(2) = √1.0746 − r(2) = 3.6629% Section 2.1 LO.c C is correct The par curve indicates the

Ngày tải lên: 14/06/2019, 17:01

18 148 0
CFA 2018 level 2 fixed income quest bank  r36 the arbitrage free valuation framework q bank

CFA 2018 level 2 fixed income quest bank r36 the arbitrage free valuation framework q bank

... B is correct The value of the three-year bond is calculated as follows: Value at Time 102 102 0.5 × [1.0178 + 1.0178] + = 102.2162 102 102 102 102 0.5 × [1.0132 + 1.0132] + = 102.6711 0.5 × [1.0098 ... Value at Time 102.2162 102.6711 0.5 × [ 1.0162 + 1.0162 ] + = 102.8105 0.5 × [ 102.6711 1.012 + 103.0101 1.012 ] + = 103.6211 Value at Time No coupon payment at Time 102.8105 103.6211 0.5 × [ 1.01 ... 2-year spot rate r(2) and 3-year spot rate r(3) For r(2): 102 102 100 = (1.01) + [1+𝑟(2)]2 = ⟹ 100 − 1.01 = [1+𝑟(2)]2 ⟹ 𝑟(2) = 2.01% Similarly for r(3): 3 100 = (1.01) + (1.0201)2 + 103 [1+𝑟(3)]3

Ngày tải lên: 14/06/2019, 17:01

14 73 0
CFA 2018 level 2 portforlio question bank r47 the porfolio management process and the IPS q bank

CFA 2018 level 2 portforlio question bank r47 the porfolio management process and the IPS q bank

... constraints Which of the following is not a role of the investment policy statement? A To record the investment strategy and investment style of the portfolio manager B To adhere to the investment ... Investments They are discussing the investment portfolio and investment policy for a client, Julia Bart John and Rose differ in their opinions regarding the preparation of an Investment Policy Statement ... excessive risk Regarding the opinions on the investment policy statement, who is correct? A Carla only B Sima only C Neither Carla, nor Sima Which of the following is the most appropriate factor

Ngày tải lên: 14/06/2019, 17:01

10 54 0
Ebook Economic the basic (3rd edition): Part 2

Ebook Economic the basic (3rd edition): Part 2

... costs and, 326, 327 impact on labor, 285, 292 Aggregate demand, 218–219, 220f, 221–222 Aggregate equilibrium, 219 Aggregate production function, 155–158 Aggregate supply, 219, 220–221 AIG, 205 Air ... spending, 126, 259 Deficits, 193–196, 261–263, 322 Defined benefit plans, 320, 321 Defined contribution plans, 320, 321, 324 Deflation, 133, 143, 204 Dell, 77 Demand aggregate, 218–219, 220f, 221–222 ... Goldman Sachs, 227, 236, 289 Goods, trade in, 246 Google, 56, 80, 83, 88, 127, 157, 227, 234, 236, 248, 254, 267, 270, 271, 275, 275t, 288, 299 Government borrowing, 193–196, 240 Government intervention

Ngày tải lên: 03/02/2020, 20:54

194 37 0
Giáo án thể dục 1 2 4 5 - Thủ công lớp 3 tuần 7 (2020 - 2021)

Giáo án thể dục 1 2 4 5 - Thủ công lớp 3 tuần 7 (2020 - 2021)

... thể lực HS - VN ôn lại chuẩn bị sau Ngày soạn: 18/10/2020 Ngày giảng: Thứ tư ngày 21 tháng 10 năm 2020 Lớp 1D Lớp 1C, 1A, 1B (23/10/2020) Thể dục CHỦ ĐỀ 1: ĐỘI HÌNH ĐỘI NGŨ TIẾT 14 - BÀI ... nghe - ĐH kết thúc    Ngày soạn: 17/10/2020 Ngày giảng: Thứ ba ngày 20 tháng 10 năm 2020 Lớp 4B, 4C Lớp 4A (21/10/2020) Thể dục Tiết 13 * TẬP HỢP HÀNG NGANG, DĨNG HÀNG, ĐIỂM ... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GV Ngày soạn: 17/10/2020 Ngày giảng: Thứ ba ngày 20 tháng 10 năm 2020 Lớp 5B, 5A Lớp 5C (21/10/2020) Thể dục Tiết 13 * ĐỘI HÌNH ĐỘI NGŨ (8)1 Kiến thức:

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2021, 14:28

14 9 0
slide 1 welcome to our class unit 6 places lesson 1 a our house a34 5 matching lake flower river hotel part tree rice paddy house 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 our house has a it is near a i write complete the

slide 1 welcome to our class unit 6 places lesson 1 a our house a34 5 matching lake flower river hotel part tree rice paddy house 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 our house has a it is near a i write complete the

... (1)(2)UNIT 6: PLACES (3)Matching lake flower river hotel part tree rice paddy house (4)Our house has a ……… It is near a ………. I/ Write Complete the sentences. (5)I/ Write Complete the sentences. ... (5)I/ Write Complete the sentences. (6)I/ Write Complete the sentences. (7)I/ Write Complete the sentences. (8)II/ Listen Write the words you hear. house hotel school village town country ... place. Ex: There is a hotel near our house. a) b) (10)III/ Write sentences about your place. There is a river near our house. c) d) (11)III/ Write sentences about your place. There is a

Ngày tải lên: 12/04/2021, 15:32

14 17 0
slide 1 warmly welcome the teachers to our class 6a1 teacher hoàng phước hòa xa bang junior high school 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 x o x o x o x o x o x o o x o x o noughts and crosses b a x answer the questio

slide 1 warmly welcome the teachers to our class 6a1 teacher hoàng phước hòa xa bang junior high school 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 x o x o x o x o x o x o o x o x o noughts and crosses b a x answer the questio

... (n) nhà máy (22)(23)Period 35: Unit 6: PLACES B In the city *Answer the questions. 1 Where does Minh live? • He lives in the city. 2 How many people are there in his family? • There are four ... family. (24)1 2 3 4 (25)c. c. Their house is next to a Their house is next to a bookstore. bookstore. F (26) Good luck to you!Good luck to you! (27)b. b.There are four people in There ... PLACES B In the city B In the city 2. 2. Read exercise B1 again Then complete the Read exercise B1 again Then complete the sentences. sentences. a. a. Minh and his family live in the………….Minh

Ngày tải lên: 13/04/2021, 20:44

37 8 0
slide 1 unit 6 future job period 33 section c listening mai traàn quyønh chi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 answer the following questions 2 which is the most popular job in viet nam 1 which job do you like to do

slide 1 unit 6 future job period 33 section c listening mai traàn quyønh chi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 answer the following questions 2 which is the most popular job in viet nam 1 which job do you like to do

... interest (12)Congratulatio ns! (13)Sorry (14)(15)Congratulations! (16)Sorry. (17)4 I work hours a day I work in a (18)Congratulat ions! (19)Sorry. (20)(21)(22)Sorry. (23)6 I work ... university I often give lectures to (24)Congratulations! (25)Sorry. (26)7 I work in a hospital I take care of people’s (27)Congratulations! (28)Sorry. (29)8 I create imaginary characters ... (1)UNIT 6: FUTURE JOB PERIOD 33: SECTION C - LISTENING (2)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (3)Answer the following questions; 2 Which is the most (4)VOCABULARY: - Workforce (n): lực lượng lao đơng

Ngày tải lên: 14/04/2021, 06:17

32 18 0
slide 1 welcome to class 11b2 monday march 9th 2008 warmer guessing the word the word has 7 letters each letter will appear in the answers for the question what is heshe doing in the picture 1 2

slide 1 welcome to class 11b2 monday march 9th 2008 warmer guessing the word the word has 7 letters each letter will appear in the answers for the question what is heshe doing in the picture 1 2

... TO CLASS 11B2 WELCOME TO CLASS 11B2 (2)Warmer Guessing the word: The word has letters Each letter will appear in the answers for the question: + What is he/she doing in the picture? ... (16)(17)(18) keep me occupied (19)(20)(21)1 The writer is an accomplished guitarist 2 He hasn’t been successful at singing while playing the guitar. 3 The writer’s second hobby is keeping ... What about you? Really? It’s great! Let s talk about your ’ (25)(26)(27)3 Because he is very good at (28)(29)7 He collects the stamps from discarded envelopes that his relatives and

Ngày tải lên: 17/04/2021, 20:29

29 11 0
slide 1 time 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 matching 1 in computer science class a we study to play the guitar 2 in geography class b we study how to use a computer 3 in physics class c we s

slide 1 time 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 matching 1 in computer science class a we study to play the guitar 2 in geography class b we study how to use a computer 3 in physics class c we s

... lesson : A2lesson : A2 Sửa chữa(máy móc) §iƯn tư Lắp,lắp đặt,sửa chữa u thích Gi i vỏ ề (4)Unit work and play Unit work and play P Perioderiod 27 : lesson2: A 27 : lesson2: A22 * MATCHING ... can fix the lights, the washing machine , the refrigerator (15)L (16)L (17)L (18)(19)Unit Work and Play Unit Work and Play Period 27:lesson2: A Period 27:lesson2: A22 I. Vocabulary: ... (7)Unit Work and Play Unit Work and Play Period 27: lesson2: A Period 27: lesson2: A22 II Check True/false predicts: 1.Ba enjoys his school very much 2.His favorite subject is Electronic 3.In

Ngày tải lên: 19/04/2021, 17:09

23 17 0
lesson plan giáo án tiếng anh 7 1 trường thcs lương thế vinh page 2 giáo án tiếng anh 7 trường thcs lương thế vinh week 20 period 55 56 57 date 0201 2009 unit 9 at home and away a a holiday in n

lesson plan giáo án tiếng anh 7 1 trường thcs lương thế vinh page 2 giáo án tiếng anh 7 trường thcs lương thế vinh week 20 period 55 56 57 date 0201 2009 unit 9 at home and away a a holiday in n

... 4 4 2.0 2.0 B Reading 5 5 2.5 2.5 C.Language focus 12 12 3.0 3.0 D.Writing 5 5 2.5 2.5 Tổng 17 9 26 5.5 4.5 10 III Contents A Listening : Listen to the passage ... 45/ Week : 25,26 Period :70* , 71 / 72 Date :18/02/2009 Period 70* REVIEW I OBJECTIVES : (19) By the end of the lesson sts will able to talk about past activities, review the simple ... + 72 KI ỂM TRA TI ẾT I.Aims : Helping students review the knowledge (21) By the end the English test teacher can be check their knowledge again and students can find their mistakes then

Ngày tải lên: 19/04/2021, 22:21

56 14 0