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Tài liệu Oxford Collocations Dictionary for students of English_ Chương 2.9 ppt

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Ii ice noun • ADJ. thick Is the ice thick enough to walk on? I thin I black Motorists have been warned about black ice on the roads. • QUANT. block, slab The spray froze and formed great blocks of iceon thefront of the ship. • VERB + ICE form • ICE + VERB form Ice had formed on thepond. I crack, melt The icewas beginning to melt. • PREP. on the - skating on the ice ice cream noun • ADJ. chocolate, strawberry, vanilla, etc. • QUANT. scoop I carton, tub • VERB + ICE CREAM eat, have • ICE CREAM + VERB melt • ICE CREAM + NOUN carton, cone I parlour, van • PHRASES and/with ice-cream apple pie with icecream cc> Special page at FOOD icing noun • ADJ. fondant, gelatine, royal, sugar paste I choc- olate, lemon, etc. • VERB + ICING roll out Roll out the icing into a large square. I cover sth with, pipe, smooth, spread, squeeze Pipe a little green icing around the strawberries. I trim off Trim off excess icing around the base. I colour Colour the remaining icing red. • ICING + VERB dry • ICING + NOUN sugar I bag icon noun 1small symbol on a computer screen • ADJ. folder, network, printer, program, window, etc. • VERB + ICON click (on), double-click (on), right- click (on) Click the 'modems' icon. I drag cc> Special page at COMPUTER 2 person considered to be a symboi • ADJ. national I cultural I gay, lesbian I fashion, pop, sporting, style idea noun 1 plan/suggestion • ADJ. bright, brilliant, clever, excellent, good, great, marvellous I valuable, worthwhile I exciting, inspir- ational, interesting, stimulating I constructive, posi- tive I creative, imaginative, innovative, original I wacky I big The latest big idea is to make women more interested in sport. I alternative Group counselling is used as an alternative idea to punishment. I fresh, new I absurd, bad, mistaken, ridiculous I crackpot, crazy, mad, outlandish, wild I half-baked I ambitious, big, grand He joined the company as an office assistant with big ideas. I grandiose I basic The basic idea is that we all meet up in London. • VERB + IDEA have Doyou have any ideasfor apresent for Lara? I come up with, dream up, hit on/upon, pro- duce, think up I draw, get Her ideas are drawn mainly from Chinese art. I contribute, input I moot, put for- ward I promote, push (forward), sell They managed to push the idea of moving office through the committee. I welcome Most employees welcome the idea of a ban on smoking. I consider, entertain, flirt with, toy with I'm. toying with the idea ofpacking in my job. I mull over, turn over He kept turning the idea of resigning over in his mind. I encourage, generate Brainstorming is a good way of generating ideas. I stifle a system of decision- making that stifles original ideas I reject, scoff at, veto I test, tryout I bounce around, bounce off sb, brain- storm, discuss, explore, talk about I met up with a de- signer to bounce afeto ideas around. <> It's useful to have someone to bounce ideas off I exchange, pool, share I give sb What gave you the idea to go freelance? I apply, implement, put into action/effect/practice The idea had long been mooted but nothing had been done toput it into practice. I transform, translate How could we translate the idea into business reality? I steal She accused the com- pany of stealing her idea. I impose She always tries to im- pose her own ideas on the rest of the team. • IDEA + VERB come into sb's head/mind, come to sb, flash across/into sb's mind/brain, hit sb, occur to sb, pop into sb's head, strike sb The ideafor the invention came to him in the bath. I emerge, evolve, form, grow An idea began toform in his mind. I flow His ideas flowed faster than he could express them. I come from sb/sth, date back from/to sth, originate, start, stem from sth The idea for the Olympics originated with Pierre de Coubertin. I blossom, work (out) The idea has now blos- somed into a successful mail-order business. I lead The idea eventually led to the invention of the telephone. I come to nothing • PREP. - about I have an idea about how to tackle the problem. - for We were asked to suggest ideasfor improv- ing efficiency. - of She had the idea of advertising on the Internet. • PHRASES be open to ideas I don't know what to do, but I'm open to ideas. the germ/glimmering of an idea The germ of his idea came front watching a bird make a nest. have other ideas I wanted to take the week off,but my boss had other ideas. it might be an idea It might be an idea to leave a note on the doorfor Mark. 2 thought/impression • ADJ. clear, concrete, precise I abstract I theoretical I basic, rough, vague He gave me a rough idea of what was wanted. I key, main The book introduces the key ideas of sociology. I dominant I fixed, inflexible I pre- conceived I definite, firm, strong She has very definite ideas about what kind of ajob she wants. I complex, diffi- cult I simplistic I conventional I traditional I radical, revolutionary I contradictory I erroneous, false, wrong I don't want anyone getting the wrong idea about me. I funny, strange I utopian I romantic People have a ro- maruic idea of the police force. I new-fangled I outdated I not the faintestlfoggiestlremotestlslightest (informal) I haven't got the faintest idea what she meant. I artistic, economic, intellectual, moral, musical, philosophic- al, political, scientific I fascist, feminist, nationalist, socialist • VERB + IDEA get They seem to have got the idea that we will be giving them a lift. o You'll soon get the idea (= understand). I espouse, have, hold He holds very differ- ent ideas tomine about discipline. I develop, form, shape the experiences that shaped her ideas I express I com- municate, convey, get across, get over, present, put across The book puts across complex ideas in a way any- one can understand. I demonstrate, explain, expound, illustrate I clarify, formalize, formulate, organize, structure Give careful thought to.hoio to structure your ideas in the essay. I change, reconsider, reshape, revise They had to reconsider their ideas in the light of new eui- Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. ideal dence. I accept I dismiss, reject I harbour I hope he's not still harbouring ideas about asking me out. I be ob- sessed with He's obsessed with the idea of getting a motor- bike. I relish I don't relish the idea of sharing an office with Tony. • IDEA + VERB amuse sb, appeal to sb, please sb The idea of going to his rescue amused her. I catch on, take hold Some students started wearing denim, and the idea caughton. • PREP. -about She's got some funny ideas about how to motivate staff - behind The idea behind the ceremony is to keep the gods happy to ensure a good crop. - of Swimming in an icy river is not my idea of fun. ideal noun • ADJ. high, lofty, noble Sam was a real leader who had high moral ideals. I unattainable This is not an unattain- able ideal. I aesthetic, artistic, ethical, moral, political I democratic, liberal, revolutionary, socialist • VERB + IDEAL be committed to, be devoted to, be- lieve in, cling to, espouse, have, support They still clung to the old ideals. I pursue, strive for I achieve, attain, be true to, conform to, live up to Ajournalist should always live up to the ideals of truth, decency, and justice. I fall short of This agreement falls far short of the ideal. I abandon, betray She was accused of betraying her polit- ical ideals. I embody, reflect the democratic ideals em- bodied in the charter ideal adj. • VERBS be, look, seem, sound I make sth The hotel's size makes it idealfor large conferences. I consider sth • ADV absolutely I almost I less than Language learn- ing often takes place in a lessthan ideal environment. • PREP. for The houses are absolutely ideal for families with young children. identical adj. • VERBS appear, be, look, seem I remain • ADV. absolutely, completely, exactly I not necessar- ily Different spreadsheet packages tend to be similar, though not necessarily identical. I almost, more or less, nearly, practically, virtually The two houses were more or less identical. I effectively I apparently I basically, es- sentially I chemically, formally, genetically • PREP. to This knife is identical to the one used in the at- tack. with offspring that are genetically identical with the parents identification noun 1 act of identifying sb/sth • ADJ. accurate, correct I positive • VERB + IDENTIFICATION make She was unable to make apositive identification of the suspect. • IDENTIFICATION + NOUN parade A witness picked him out of an identity parade as the robber. 2 proof of identity • VERB + IDENTIFICATION carry, have Always carry some identification. 0 Do you have any identification? I ask for, check Thepolice checked their identification. • IDENTIFICATION + NOUN card, papers I code, num- ber The vehicle's identification number is stamped on the engine. • PHRASES a means of identification My only means of identification was my cheque book. identify verb • ADV. accurately, correctly The new test will enable us to identify more accurately patients who are most at risk. 0 Did you identify all thepictures correctly? I falsely, incor- rectly, wrongly I positively I clearly, unambiguously, 390 unequivocalty Wehave not yet clearly identified the source of thepollution. I formally Someone has toformally iden- tifY the body. I easily, readily I could identify him easily if I saw him again. I tentatively All three structures dated to the third century and were tentatively identified as shrines. • VERB + IDENTIFY be able/unable to, can tests that can identify people at risk of cancer I be easy to, be pos- sible to I be difficult to I be necessary to I attempt to, seek to, try to I be used to, enable sb to, help to I de- cline to The newspaper declined to identify the source of the allegations. • PHRASES a means/way of identifying sb/sth one means of identifying the disease in its early stages PHRASAL VERBS identify with sb • ADV. closely, strongly She identified strongly with the main character in theplay. • VERB + IDENTIFY WITH SB can/could I can't identify with men like him. identify sb with sth • ADV. closely The policy is closely identified with the prime minister himself. I clearly identity noun • ADJ. true I assumed, false He was discovered living under an assumed identity in South America. I mistaken This is obviously a case of mistaken identity. I new I common, corporate, cultural, national, personal, polit- ical, racial, sexual • VERB + IDENTITY create, develop, establish, forge They are still struggling to establish their identity as apol- itical party. 0 The company forged its own identity by pro- ducing specialist vehicles. I give sb/sth Hefelt that hau- ingajobgave himan identity. I maintain, preserve Many minority groups are struggling to maintain their cultural identity. I lose I change He changed his identity and moved abroad on his releasefrom prison. I assume She was given afalse passport and assumed a new identity. I disclose, reveal He refused to reveal the identity of his cli- ent. I discover, find out I guess It was easy to guess the identity of the thief I conceal, hide, keep secret, protect Her voice was disguised to conceal her identity. • IDENTITY + NOUN bracelet, tag I card, documents, papers I code I parade The victim picked out her at- tacker in an identity parade. I crisis The country suffered from an identity crisisfor years after the civil war. .• PREP. - as Scotland has never lost its identity as a sep- arate nation. • PHRASES proof of identity The policeofficer asked hini for proof of identity. a search for identity His search for his cultural identity took him to where his parents were born. a sense of identity ideology noun • ADJ. dominant I official I coherent The party's pol- icies were based on prejudice rather than on any coherent ideology. I strong I cultural, economic, educational, political, religious I bourgeois, capitalist, communist, Marxist, revolutionary, socialist, etc. • VERB + IDEOLOGY have The party had a Marxist ideology. I adopt They distanced themselves from the upper class and adopted a communist ideology. I reject idiot noun • ADJ. blithering, complete, gibbering, prize, right, silly, stupid What stupid idiot left their shoes on the stairs? • VERB + IDIOT be, feel (like), look like I felt a right idiot, standing there infront of all thosepeople! • PHRASES make an idiot of yourself He's made a com- plete idiot of himself over this woman! Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. idle adj. 1 lazy • VERBS be I become • ADV. very I bone (informal), totally She never lifts a finger to help. She's bone idle. I rather 2no! in use • VERBS be, lie, sit, stand Half their machines are lying idle.<> Thepumps are standing idle. I remain Ileavesth, make sth The land was left idle for years. idol noun • ADJ. film, football, pop, rock, sports, etc. I teen, teenage By this time PiU had become a teenage idol. • VERB + IDOL make (sb) Teenagers made Dean their idol. <> Thefilm made an idol of her. ignite verb • ADV spontaneously The burning foam generates such heat that other items in the room can ignite spontaneously. • VERB + IGNITE fail to Thegunpowder sometimes fails to ignite. ignition noun • VERB + IGNITION switch on, turn on She got into the car and switched on the ignition. I switch off, turn off • IGNITION + NOUN keyHeturnedtheignitionkey. • PREP. in the - I must have left my key in the ignition. ignorance noun • ADJ. complete, total I remarkable I widespread I blissful • VERB + IGNORANCE betray, show Itried not to betray my ignorance. <> He showed a remarkable ignorance of the facts. I admit, confess, plead I had to confess my ignor- ance. oHe pleaded ignorance of any wrongdoing. I live in, remain in The sisters lived in total ignorance of each other. I keep sb in He was kept in ignorance of his true identity. I be based on These attitudes are based on ignorance and fear. • PREP. due to - mistakes due to ignorance in -(of) She re- mained in blissful ignorance of these events. through- Many lives are lost through ignorance. I - about There is still widespread ignorance about this disease. ignorant adj. • VERBS appear, be, feel, seem I remain The general public remained totally ignorant of the danger. I keep sb We were kept ignorant of thefacts. • ADV completely, entirely, pig (informal), quite, total- ly, utterly, very, wholly Don't ask Paul. He's pig ignorant. I largely I rather I blissfully We went to bed that night blissfully ignorant of the storm to come. I grossly, lam- entably, woefully • PREP. about He was completely ignorant about the country's political system. of We are still woefully ignorant of the causes of this disease. ignore verb • ADV. altogether, completely, entirely, quite, totally I almost, practically, virtually I largely I generally I just, simply The government has simply ignored the problem altogether. I consistently I apparently I duly Her mother's opinions on how babies should be cared jcr were freely given and duly ignored. I easily The diesel fumes from Oxford's buses are not easily ignored. I convenient- ly (ironic) The managers have conveniently ignored these statistics. I blatantly Safety guidelines had been blatantly ignored. I assiduously, carefully, deliberately, deter- minedly, pointedly, resolutely, steadfastly, studiously She sat at her desk and studiously ignored me. I blithely, 391 illness cheerfully He blithely ignored her protests and went on talking as if all were agreed between them. I coldly • VERB + IGNORE cannot (afford to) a warning the prime minister cannot afford to ignore I be difficult to, be hard to, be impossible to I tend to Scientists have tended to ignore these creatures. I try to I choose to The judge chose to ignore the views of the doctors. • PHRASES be widely ignored Safety standards are widely ignored in the industry. ignore sth at your peril The pernicious effect of this advertising on children is a problem that we ignore at our peril. ignore the fact that Did you think rd ignore the fact that you were suf- fering from shock? sth can be safely ignored (ironic) These people occupy such a marginal position in society that the authorities think they can be safely ignored. ill adj. • VERBS be, feel, look I become, be taken, fall, get I make sb I can't eat bananas. They make me ill. • ADV. critically, dangerously, desperately, extremely, gravely, really, seriously, severely, terribly, very His mother is seriously ill in hospital. I almost Robyn was al- most ill with excitement and outrage. I pretty, quite, ra- ther, slightly I genuinely I violently She was taken vio- lently ill and had to be put to bed. I acutely I chronically chronically ill patients I fatally, incurably, mortally, ter- minally a hospice for the terminally ill I mentally, phys- ically the problems faced by mentally ill people illegal adj. • VERBS be I become I remain I declare sth, deem sth, judge, make sth, pronounce sth, rule sth Their cc- tion was judged illegal by the International Court. <> The sale of these knives should be made illegal. • ADV highly I absolutely, quite, strictly, totally I al- legedly I technically Prize-fighting remained popular, though technically illegal, until the 1880s. illegitimate adj. • VERBS be I consider sth, regard sth as • ADV absolutely, completely, entirely, quite, wholly It is quite illegitimate to argue that the government had no choice. illiteracy noun • ADJ. widespread Illiteracy was widespread at that time. • QUANT. level, rate • ILLITERACY + NOUN rate Illiteracy rates have fallen in recent years. illiterate adj. • VERBS be • ADV. completely, totally I almost, largely, virtually I functionally People judged to be functionally illiterate lack the basic reading and writing skills required in everyday life. I economically, politically Is it surprising that young people who are politically illiterate do not bother to vote? illness noun • ADJ. fatal, incurable, terminal I debilitating, life- threatening, major, serious, severe I minor I lingering, long, long-standing, long-term, prolonged I brief, short I final, last I acute, chronic I infectious I pain- ful I depressive, mental, psychiatric, psychotic I psy- chosomatic I physical I respiratory I childhood • QUANT. bout, episode an acute episode of mental illness • VERB + ILLNESS have, suffer (from) Badly fed chil- dren suffer a lot of minor illnesses. <> people who suffer Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 392 ILLNESSES You can have any illness or disease: I'm warning you-I've got a bad cold. Have the kids had chickenpox yet? Get can be used with diseases or illnesses that you often have: He gets really bad hay fever every summer. Suffer from is used in more formal contexts and with more serious diseases: This medicine is often recommended for patients who suffer from arthritis. You can also: a heavy cold Is it serious? a bit of a cold, a cough, an infection mild depression a mild attack of sth, bout of sth a mild heart attack, infection a slight cold, headache a bad/heavy/nasty cold a bad/nasty/severe attack of sth, bout of sth a bad/hacking/racking cough a bad/splitting headache a massive/serious heart attack, stroke What's the treatment? acupuncture an anaesthetic a blood transfusion an injection a scan an X-ray Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 393 image from mental illness I contract, develop, get He contract- ed a serious illness and died a month later. I diagnose I treat The drug is used to treat a wide range of illnesses. I cause illnesses caused by poverty I prevent a drug that may behelpful in preventing illnesses such as cancer I re- cover from I fight (off) The immune system enables the body tofight off illness. I feign She feigned illness so that she wouldn't have togo to school. I nurse sb through She nursed herfather through hlsfinal illness. • ILLNESS + VERB affect sb The mystery illness affect- ed hundreds of people in the city. • PREP. after- He'sjust returned to work after illness. be- cause of/due to/through - earnings lost due to illness with - people with serious psychological illnesses I - among a high rate of illness among the workers - asso- ciated with the illnesses associated with HN infection - in episodes of illness in children • PHRASES the onset of illness the sudden onset of ill- ness in aparent a smoking-/Aids-, etc. related illness the most common stress-related illnesses illogical adj. • VERBS be, seem, sound • ADV. completely, entirely, quite, totally I rather, slightly I apparently I strictly Although strictly illogic- al, Martin's interpretation of this paradox seems the best. ill-treatment noun • VERB + ILL· TREATMENT suffer • PHRASES ill-treatment at sb's hands They suffered ill- treatment at the hands of the guards. illuminate verb 1 give light to sth • ADV. brightly, clearly I dimly, faintly, softly The room was dimly illuminated by the soft glow of his bedside lamp. I briefly I suddenly 2 make sth clear • ADV. greatly, vividly an incident which vividly illumin- ated theproblems uiefaced • VERB + ILLUMINATE help (to) The study of the pres- ent also helps to illuminate thepast. illuminating adj. • VERBS be, prove I find sth • ADV. extremely, highly, most, very I found his talk most illuminating. I not particularly I quite illumination noun • ADJ. bright, good, strong • QUANT. level providing an excellent level of illumin- ation • VERB + ILLUMINATION provide The skylight will provide good illuminationfrom. above. • ILLUMINATION + VERB come from sth Most of the il- lumination camefrom candles. • PHRASES a source of illumination The only source of illumination was asingle small window. illusion noun • ADJ. dangerous To believe you have nothing more to learn is a dangerous illusion. I optical, visual The road ahead looks wet, but infact this is an optical illusion. • VERB + ILLUSION be under, entertain, have They are under no illusions about the difficulties ahead of them. I create, give (sb) The huge size of the vehicle gives the illu- sion of safety. I foster, maintain, preserve, sustain They are trying to maintain the illusion that the company is in good shape. I break, destroy, dispel, shatter Within the first week at university all my illusions were shattered. I shed Now is the time to shed our illusions. • PREP. - about/as to She had no illusions about her at- tractiveness to men. • PHRASES be all an illusion It turned out that their happy marriage was all an illusion. illustrate verb 1 put pictures in sth • ADV. heavily, lavishly, richly I fUlly I attractively, beautifully, delightfully, handsomely, superbly • PREP. with The new edition is heavily illustrated with photographs of aircraft. 2 make sth clear using examples/pictures • ADV. amply I admirably, aptly, neatly, nicely, well The dire consequences of chronic underfunding are no- where better illustrated than in the nation's schools. I per- fectly I merely, simply His question merely illustrates his ignorance of the subject. I clearly, dramatically, graphic- ally, strikingly, vividly I brutally, starkly, tragically The case tragically illustrates the dangers offireworks. • VERB + ILLUSTRATE serve to Two examples serve to illustrate this point. I be chosen to, be designed to, be intended to • PREP. to a way of illustrating to the chairman thefolly of his decision illustration noun 1 picture in a book etc. • ADJ. black and white, colour/coloured, full-colour I beautiful, lively The clear, lively illustrations are in full colour. I clear I book, cover • ILLUSTRATION + VERB show sth I accompany sth the illustrations accompanying the text • PREP. in an/the - The kite is assembled as shown in the illustration. with an/the - I - by 'The Black Cat' by Alan Ahlberg, with illustrations by Arthur Robins 2 example • ADJ. good, excellent, perfect I clear, dramatic, graphic, striking, vivid These events are a graphic illus- tration of the fact that their promises cannot be trusted. I simple Let us take a very simple illustration. I classic • VERB + ILLUSTRATION serveasChicagoservesasan illustration of the problems faced by such cities. I give (sb), provide Explain the policy of detente and provide some illustrations of how it worked in practice. I take, use sth as/for I will use one recent example as an illustration. • PREP. as an- As an illustration of this point, I'm going to tell you a true story. by way of- He quoted seueral fam- ous writers by way of illustration. image noun 1 impression of sb/sth given to the public • ADJ. positive I negative I upmarket I down market I tarnished The party needs to clean up its somewhat tar- nished image. I clean-cut, girl-next-door, wholesome She was aiming for a wholesome, girl-next-door image. I macho I hackneyed the hackneyed image of thepoor stu- dent I media, public, screen In real life she looks nothing like her screen image. I brand, corporate Champagne houses owe their success to brand image. • VERB + IMAGE create The company needs to create a new image for itself. I present, project, promote a book which presents positive images of older people I aim for, go for I change I clean up, enhance, improve, polish, revive an effort to improve the organization's public image I keep up, live up to The group has failed to live up to its macho image. I discard, shed The industry is trying to shed its negative image. I tarnish 2 mental picture of sb/sth • ADJ. powerful, vivid I sudden She had a sudden Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. imagery mental image of herself in a wedding dress. I positive I negative I distorted the distorted images in his dreams I popular I stereotyped/stereotypical I mental I liter- ary, poetic I dream • VERB + IMAGE have I conjure up, summon up Diet- ing always seems to conjure up images of endless cottage cheese salads. 0 the ability to summon up images in the mind I build up I like to build up images of the characters and setting beforeI start to write. I use I reinforce Treat- ing disabled people like children only reinforces negative images of disability. • PREP. -from imagesfrom his past 3 copy • ADJ. living, spitting He's the spitting image of his father! I mirror Charity was a mirror image of her twin. 0 (figurative) The return journey was almost a mirror image of the outward one (= the same things happened in the reverse order). 4 picture • ADJ. disturbing, poignant, powerful, striking power- ful and disturbing images of the war I visual The visual image is steadily replacing the written word. I flickering, moving flickering images on a screen I still the use of still and moving video images I colour I black-and-white, monochrome I photographic, video I screen Each il- lustration is displayed as a complete screen image. I digit- al I graven (literary) It was forbidden to worship graven (= carved) images. I religious I pornographic • VERB + IMAGE produce the images produced on laser printers I capture, scan She longed to capture the image onfilrn. I edit I display, show thepixel information used to display a digital image I store You can store these im- ages in a separate computer file. I juxtapose The display juxtaposed imagesfrom serious and popular art. • IMAGE + VERB showsthheatimagesthatshowwhere most of the activity in the brain is • IMAGE + NOUN capture, processing I database c:> Special page at COMPUTER imagery noun • ADJ. powerful, resonant, telling, vivid the vivid visual imagery of dreams I slick the slick imagery of rock star- dom I popular drawing on popular imagery from news- papers and magazines I visual I mental Illustration may come between the text and the reader's own mental im- agery. I religious, sexual • VERB + IMAGERY draw on, use imaginable adj. • VERBS be • ADV barely, hardly, scarcely To such poor people, the idea of having a choice offood is barely imaginable. • PHRASES the best/worst imaginable They live in the worst conditions imaginable. every imaginable sth They had every imaginable colour. 0 They had every col- our imaginable. the most , imaginable It was the most boring film imaginable! imaginary adj. • VERBS be • ADV completely, purely, wholly The characters in this book arepurely imaginary. imagination noun • ADJ. great I active, creative, fertile, vivid I fevered, overactive, overheated It's just a product of your fevered imagination! I collective, popular, public a popular hero who inspired the collective imagination I visual I was nogood at art-I have a very poor visual imagination. I historical, literary It requires a strong effort of historical 394 imagination to understand the Roman attitude to death. I human thepowers of the human imagination • VERB + IMAGINATION have I show I lack Today's pop music lacks imagination. I require, take It does not take great imagination to guess what happened next. I use I haven't got apicture of this soyou'll just have to use your imagination. I capture, captivate, catch, excite, fire, inspire, seize, stimulate, stir Victorian writers fired the popular imagination with their tales of adventure. I grip, hold Dinosaurs caught and have held the imagin- ation of us all because they seem like dragons. I stretch, tax I defy The scale of the disaster defied imagination (= was greater than you could imagine). I leave sth to As for their reaction, r 11leave that toyour imagination! • IMAGINATION + VERB conjure sth up His imagin- ation conjured up a vision of the normal family life he had never had. I run away with you, run riot/wild • PREP. beyond (your) - misery that is beyond most people's imagination in the/your- Nobody hates you-it's all in your imagination! with/without - He was totally without imagination. • PHRASES a lack of imagination, a figment/product of sb's imagination The figure vanished as silently as if it had simply been a figment of her imagination. not by any/by no stretch of the imagination Not by any stretch of the imagination could she becalled beautiful (= she was definitely not beautiful in any way). only your imagin- ation Is it only my imagination or have you lost weight? with a little imagination With a little imagination you can create a delicious mealfrom yesterday's leftovers. imaginative adj. • VERBS be, seem • ADV. brilliantly, extremely, highly, most, very, won- derfullya wonderfully imaginative story I quite imagine verb 1form a picture of sth in your mind • ADV. clearly, easily, readily I could clearly imagine the scene in the office. I hardly, scarcely I could hardly im- agine living in such a remote and desolate spot. I just She couldjust imagine her mother's look of horror. I actually I can't actually imagine her falling for that trick. I always I always imagined him following in his father's footsteps. I fondly, naively I had fondly imagined that riding a mule would be easy. • VERB + IMAGINE can/could (well) I can well imagine the atmosphere at home at this moment. I can/could not (possibly) There's more at stake here than you can pos- sibly imagine. I try to I be difficult to, be hard to, be im- possible to It is difficult to imagine Blackpool without its famous Tower. I be easy to • PHRASES let us imagine Let us imagine what really might have happened. 2 see/hear/think sth that is not true/does not exist • ADV really, seriously You don't seriously imagine r11 agree to that? I almost I could almost imagine you were jealous. I actually I fondly, naively • VERB + IMAGINE be easy to • PHRASES be imagining things Had I really heard a noise, or was Ljust imagining things? real or imagined He was always keen to avenge insults, real or imagined. imbalance noun • ADJ. growing I regional I gender, power, trade I chemical, hormonal • VERB + IMBALANCE cause, create I correct, re- dress Increased recruitment of women engineers will help correct the gender imbalance in theprofession. • IMBALANCE + VERB arise, occur • PREP. - between an imbalance between imports and Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. , . 395 immunity exports - in An imbalance in certain chemicals leads todis- turbances in the brain's function, imitation noun 1 copy of a thing • ADJ. accurate, good, passable I cheap, crude, pale, poor Accept no cheap imitations of our product! 0 Their version ofjazz funk is apale imitation of the real thing. 2 act of copying sth • ADJ. faithful, slavish I direct Children are seen as learning to write by direct imitation of adult models. • PREP. in - of The poems, some in imitation of Ossian, are graceful if unremarkable. 3 copy of sb's speech/behaviour • ADJ. fair, good, passable I poor • VERB + IMITATION do, give, perform He does a very good imitation of George W Bush. immaculate adj. • VERBS be, look I keep sth • ADV. absolutely, totally immaterial adj. • VERBS be, prove, seem I become • ADV. completely, entirely, quite, wholly The condition of the car is quite immaterial as long as it works. I almost, virtually I relatively • PREP. to Thesefacts are immaterial to theproblem. immature adj. • VERBS be, seem • ADV very I rather, relatively I emotionally, physical- ly, politically, sexually immediacy noun • VERB + IMMEDIACY lack • PHRASES a lack of immediacy, a loss of immediacy Television allows viewers to experience an event without any loss of immediacy. immediate adj. • VERBS be, seem The effect seems tmmediate. • ADV. almost Thepainkillers brought almost immediate relief immerse verb 1 put sth in liquid • ADV. completely, fully, totally I partially • PREP. in The seeds need to be completely immersed in water. 2 concentrate completely on sth • ADV. deeply Clare and Phil were deeply immersed in conversation. I completely, totally I in For six months I totally immersed myself in.my work. immigrant noun • ADJ. illegal I foreign I Irish, Italian, Jewish, etc. I re- cent I would-be I first-generation, second-generation First-generation immigrants may dream of returning 'home'; their children say Britain is their home. • QUANT. flood, influx, wave • VERB + IMMIGRANT accept, welcome I deport, re- turn ships laden with would-be immigrants who toerejor- cibly returned • IMMIGRANT + VERB arrive, enter sth immigrants seeking to enter the country I come from sth I settle (sth) European immigrants settled much ofAustralia. • IMMIGRANT + NOUN community, family, group, population I worker I labour • PREP. -from, -to She was the daughter of Chinese im- migrants toAmerica. immigration noun 1 coming to live in a country • ADJ. illegal I large-scale, mass • VERB + IMMIGRATION control, restrict laws restrict- ing immigration into the US • IMMIGRATION + NOUN control, law, policy, rules I authority, officer, official, service • PREP. -from There was a sudden increase in immigra- tion.from Eastern Europe. 2 (also immigration control) at a port/airport • VERB + IMMIGRATION go/passthrough Welanded at Heathrow and went through customs and immigration. • IMMIGRATION + NOUN checks, formalities, proced- ures calls for tighter immigration procedures immobile adj. • VERBS lie, remain, sit, stand She seemed scarcely to breathe as she lay immobile. I become I hold sb, leave sb For a moment shock held her immobile. 0 The accident left him totally immobile. • ADV. completely, perfectly, totally, utterly I almost, virtually I relatively immoral adj. • VERBS be, seem, sound I condemn sth as, consider sth, regard sth as, think sth He condemned the gouern- ment's action as immoral. • ADV. downright, quite, totally, utterly I rather, slight- ly, vaguely That sounds vaguely immoral. immortal adj. • VERBS be, seem I become • ADV. almost, virtually I effectively The wild cocoa tree is effectively immortal. I potentially immortality noun • ADJ. personal Some religions include a doctrine of per- sonal immortality. • VERB + IMMORTALITY achieve I confer, give sb It was in the power of the gods to confer immortality upon mortals. • PHRASES the immortality of the soul They believe in the immortality of the soul. immune adj. 1 protected against a disease • VERBS be, seem I become I remain, stay I make sb The vaccination doesn't necessarily make you completely immune. • ADV. completely, totally • PREP. to Many people are immune to this disease. 2 not affected by sth • VERBS appear, be, prove, seem I become I remain • ADV. completely, entirely, quite, totally, wholly I by no means, far from Children arefar from immune to the virus of cruelty that is latent in all human beings. I al- most, largely, Virtually I relatively • PREP. to She's quite immune to criticism. immunity noun 1 protection against disease • ADJ. strong I acquired, natural • VERB + IMMUNITY have The island's inhabitants had no immunity to the diseases carried by the explorers and quickly succumbed. I lack I acquire, build up, develop Onceyou have had a cold you build up immunity to that particular virus. I stimulate the use of vaccines to stimu- Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. immunize late immunity I boost I lower High levels of stress may lower your immunity to common illnesses. • IMMUNITY + VERB develop A strong immunity to reinfection develops after oneyear. • PREP. - against/to The newcomers lacked immunity against localstrains of the disease. 2 protection from danger/punishment • ADJ complete, total I effective I diplomatic, legal, parliamentary Several ministers were stripped of parlia- mentary immunity as a prelude to facing corruption charges. I public interest The newspaper claimed public interest immunity when threatened with prosecution for publishing the story (= claimed that the public had a right to know about the story). • VERB + IMMUNITY enjoy I claim, seek I confer, give sb, grant (sb), guarantee (sb), provide I abolish, lift, strip sb of The Supreme Court lifted the company's im- munity from criminal prosecution. I lose • PREP. -from Unionsweregrantedimmunityfrompros- ecutionfor non-violent acts. immunize verb • ADV. routinely • PREP. against Children have been routinely immunized against polio since 1958. with They immunized some mice with a dose of the live vaccine. impact noun 1effecVimpression • ADJ. big, considerable, dramatic, enormous, great, high, huge, important, main, major, massive, powerful, profound, real, significant, strong, substantial, tremen- dous a high-impact message aimed at changing high risk behaviour among drug-users I limited, marginal, min- imal/minimum, negligible I full The industrial north of the country felt the full impact of the recession. I max- imum We'll show you how to dressfor maximum impact at the all-important audition. I overall, total I growing, in- creasing I added I disproportionate I uneven the un- even impact of the debt crisis on developing countries I ag- gregate, combined, cumulative considering the cumula- tive impact of a series of damaging events I decisive I direct The railways made a direct physical impact on the landscape. I immediate, instant I initial, short-term I lasting, long-term I far-reaching, wider It is important to appreciate the wider impact and implications of this proposal. I future, likely, possible, potential I benefi- cial, favourable, positive I adverse, catastrophic, dam- aging, devastating, disastrous, heavy, negative, ser- ious, severe I human The severest human impact on the dolphins has been the loss of habitat. I personal The per- sonal impact of party leaders has been very important. I physical, visual seeking to reduce the visual impact of toind farms on the landscape I cultural, ecological, eco- nomic, emotional, environmental, financial, health, pol- itical, psychological, social The environmental impact of power generation is being assessed. • VERB + IMPACT achieve, create, exert, have, make Variations in the interest rate will have an impact on the whole housing market. 0 You certainly made a big impact on Carter. I feel The initial impact of the reforms will be felt most keenly in primary schools. I analyse, assess, consider, evaluate, examine, explore, judge, measure, monitor, study It is difficult to judge the likely impact of the changes on employment patterns. I enhance, in- crease, maximize I alleviate, cushion, lessen, minimize, reduce, soften We are trying to minimize the impact ofprice rises on our customers. I diminish, lessen, reduce, weaken Listening to the speech through an inter- preter lessened its impact somewhat. I lose Whenpeace re- turned, the hard line message lost much of its impact. I re- sist, withstand This section explores how mothers resist 396 the impact of poverty on the health of their children. I be concerned about I appreciate I highlight I address I predict I .reflect Architecturally, these churches reflected the impact of the Renaissance. • PREP. under the - of Manufacturing fell sharply under the impact of the recession. I - on/upon to highlight the impact of technology on working practices 2 act/force of one object hitting another • ADJ. full I initial • VERB + IMPACT take Thefront coach of the train took the full impact of the crash. I feel I absorb A well- designed sports shoe should absorb the impact on the 28 bones in eachfoot. I lessen, soften Air bags are designed to soften the impact for crash victims. I survive, with- stand The crew of six may have survived the initial im- pact, but the whole plane went up inflames seconds later. • IMPACT + VERB occur Impact occurred seconds after thepilot signalled.for help. I knock sb/sth The impact knocked him off balance. • IMPACT + NOUN speed I crater Small meteorites have left impact craters all over theplanet's surface. • PREP. on - Thefront of the car had crumpled on impact. • PHRASES the moment/point/time of impact impair verb • ADV. dramatically, gravely, greatly, seriously, severe- Iy, significantly, substantially I directly factors which directly impair memory • PHRASES badly impaired Her sight is badly impaired. hearing/mentallylvisually impaired the problems faced bypeople who are hearing impaired impartial adj. • VERBS be I remain Thejudge must remain impartial. • ADV completely, quite, strictly, totally I fairly, rea- sonably, relatively impartiality noun • ADJ. complete I due The BBC must ensure that due impartiality ispreserved in its news programmes. • VERB + IMPARTIALITY guarantee, maintain, pre- serve I compromise, prejudice The newspaper sought to present a range of opinions without compromising its im- partiality. impassable adj. • VERBS be I become I remain I make sth I think sth The river's broad mudflats were thought completely im- passable. • ADV. completely, totally The mud made the roads im- passable. I almost, virtually impasse noun • ADJ. diplomatic, legal, political • VERB + IMPASSE reach Negotiations seemed to have reached an impasse. I break, end, overcome, resolve • PHRASES a way out of an impasse The proposal offered both sides a way out of the diplomatic impasse. impassive adj. • VERBS be, sit, stand I become I remain • ADV. completely, quite, totally I almost Her expres- sion was cool, almost impassive. I rather I usually A smile transformed her usually impassiueface. impatience noun • ADJ. growing, mounting I slight I barely concealed/ controlled • QUANT. hint, note, touch • VERB + IMPATIENCE feel She felt a growing impa- Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 397 impinge tience. I express, show He was trying hard not to show his impatience. I contain, control, curb, restrain unable to contain her impatience 1 conceal, hide • IMPATIENCE + VERB grow • PREP. with - He stamped his feet as he waited with bare- ly concealed impatience for the telephone. 1 - at He ex- pressed impatience at the slow rate ofprogress. -for his im- patience for her to return -with impatience with the slow- ness of change • PHRASES a gesture of impatience He shook his head in a gesture of impatience. a sigh of impatience He bit back a sigh of impatience. signs of impatience The chil- dren were beginning toshow signs of impatience. impatient adj. • VERBS appear, be, feel, seem, sound 1 become, get, grow The children weregrowing impatient. • ADV. extremely, really, very 1 increasingly 1 almost 1 a bit, a little, rather, slightly, somewhat, a touch Hespoke in a somewhat impatient tone. 1 suddenly • PREP. about She's getting impatient about the delays. at Sean was a touch impatient at the time Valerie devoted to her mother. for impatient for change with Sometimes he is very impatient with his wife. impede verb • ADV greatly, seriously, significantly The bad weather seriously impeded our progress. impediment noun • ADJ. great, major, serious I absolute I chief, main 1 lawful, legal There are no legal impediments to their ap- pealing against the decision. • VERB + IMPEDIMENT be, constitute, provide 1 re- move The agreement isdesigned to remove impediments to trade between the two countries. • PREP. -to Their boycott of the talks constitutes a serious impediment topeace negotiations. impenetrable adj. 1 impossible to enter/get through • VERBS appear, be, look, seem 1 become 1 find sth Theyfound thejungle virtually impenetrable. • ADV. almost, nearly, virtually 2 impossible to understand • VERBS be, seem 1 become I remain 1 find sth • ADV. almost, virtually I somewhat I find his style somewhat impenetrable. 1 seemingly • PREP. to The language of this document would be im- penetrable to anyone except a specialist. imperative adj. • VERBS be, seem I become I remain It remains im- perative that all sides should be involved in the talks. I make sth The collapse of the wall made it imperative to keep the water out by some other means. 1 consider sth We consider it absolutely imperative to start work immediately. • ADV absolutely imperceptible adj. • VERBS be • ADV almost, virtually His head moved in an almost im- perceptible nod. • PREP. to The slight change in the taste was impercept- ible to most people. imperfect adj. • VERBS be 1 remain Our understanding of cancer re- mains imperfect. • ADV. highly, very The system is highly imperfect. I ra- ther, slightly These goods are slightly imperfect. imperfection noun • ADJ. moral, physical • VERB + IMPERFECTION cover up I reveal, show up • PREP. - in Careful inspection in daylight revealed im- perfections in thepaintwork. imperialism noun • ADJ. American, British, Roman, Western, etc. 1 cap- italist, cultural, economic impersonal adj. 1 not showing friendly human feelings • VERBS be, seem I become 1 find sth [find the atmos- phere there rather impersonal. • ADV. very I totally 1 a bit, rather I coldly, coolly His voicewas coolly impersonal. I oddly 2 not referring to any particular person • VERBS be 1 keep sth [think we should keep things en- tirely impersonal. • ADV. absolutely, completely, entirely, totally impertinence noun • ADJ. gross [consider his remark agross impertinence. • VERB + IMPERTINENCE have She had the impertin- encetosuggest [needed a holiday. • PHRASES the height of impertinence impertinent adj. • VERBS be, seem 1 get Don't you get impertinent with me! 1 find sth Shefound the question highly impertinent. • ADV. highly, very 1slightly, somewhat impervious adj. • VERBS appear, be, seem 1 become 1 remain • ADV completely, quite, totally, wholly He was com- pletely impervious to criticism.A almost, largely, virtual- ly 1 apparently • PREP. to She was impervious to his charms. impetus noun • ADJ. considerable, great, powerful, strong I main, major I immediate, initial, original I fresh, new. renewed Each neui rumour added fresh impetus to the smear campaign. I added, extra, further 1 necessary His disappointment in the World Championships provided the necessary impetus togive eoerythingfor thisfinal race. • VERB + IMPETUS add, give sb/sth, provide (sb/sth with) The slope added impetus to his speed. I gain, gather, receive The movement is steadily gaining impetus. 1 lose With the death of itsfounder; the campaign lost much of its impetus. • IMPETUS + VERB come from sth Much of the impetus for change camefrom customers' opinions. • PREP. - behind sb/sth The main impetus behind the move west was tofind gold and other minerals. -for the im- petus for arms control agreements -towards the impetus towards urban development impinge verb • ADV. seriously actions which seriously impinge on other people's personal freedoms 1 hardly I directly, indirectly • PREP. on/upon measures which directly or indirectly impinge upon women's lives Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. implausible implausible adj. o VERBS be, seem, sound I consider sth, deem sth These results might be considered implausible. o ADV. highly I quite, totally, wholly This idea is totally implausible. I increasingly He gave a series of increas- ingly implausible excuses. I not altogether, not entirely I pretty, rather, somewhat I inherently implement noun o ADJ. agricultural, farm, garden, kitchen, surgical I sharp Make sure that all sharp implements, such as scythes, have covers. I flint, metal, stone, wooden implement verb o ADV. fully, properly Thesepolicies have never beenfully implemented. I partially I adequately I actually The proposed changes were never actually implemented. I widely These reforms have now been widely implemented in schools. I effectively, successfully I quickly o VERB + IMPLEMENT agree to, decide to, intend to, promise to I attempt to, seek to, try to I fail to The gov- ernment failed to implement the plan. I refuse to I be forced to, be obliged to I be difficult to, be hard to The decision will bedifficult to implement. implementation noun o ADJ. effective, successful I complete, full I detailed Detailed implementation of theplans was left to the region- al offices. I strict I smooth We will consult widely to en- sure smooth implementation. I practical The practical implementation of the regulations proved difficult. I early, immediate I gradual I policy o VERB + IMPLEMENTATION achieve, ensure, secure To achieve implementation of the programme is a long, slow task. I monitor, oversee, supervise The UN is to supervise the implementation of the peace treaty. I con- sider, discuss o IMPLEMENTATION + NOUN plan I process The re- structuring will take place in phases, to simplify the imple- mentation process. I.problem implicate verb be implicated in sth o ADV. deeply, heavily, strongly These groups are very strongly implicated in the violence. I directly implication noun 1 possible effectJresult o ADJ. considerable, crucial, enormous, important, major, massive, strong I main I deeper, fundamental, profound I broad, far-reaching, wider discussing the broader implications of the medical plan I full Now they realized thefull implications of the new system. I direct I clear, obvious I underlying I general I further I pos- sible, potential I future, long-term I grave, serious I disturbing, frightening, ominous, sinister I adverse, damaging, negative I interesting I radical, revolution- ary I practical These results have important practical im- plications. I commercial, constitutional, economic, educational, environmental, ethical, financial, ideo- logical, legal, moral, philosophical, political, psycho- logical, social the constitutional implications of a royal divorce I cost, health, policy, resource, safety, security, tax o VERB + IMPLICATION carry, have The emphasis on testing leads to greater stress among students and carries implications of failure. I grasp, realize, understand I assess, consider, examine, explore, ponder, study You need to consider the legal implications before you publish anything. I digest I discuss I explain I accept a soci- ety thatfully accepts the implications of disability I reject I ignore 398 o IMPLICATION + VERB arise Several interesting impli- cations arise from these developments. I be involved Given the resource implications involved, the plan will have to bescaled down. o PREP. - about disturbing implications about the com- pony's future -jor The research has far-reaching implica- tionsfor medicine as a whole. 2 sth suggested but not said openly o ADJ. clear, obvious The implication is clear:young fe- males do better if they mate with a new male. I possible His remark seemed to have various possible implications. I unspoken o VERB + IMPLICATION carry, have I understand I digest Brian paused for a moment while he digested the implications of this statement. I resent I resent the impli- cation that I don't care about myfather. o PREP. by - In refusing to believe our story, he is saying by implication that we are lying. imply verb o ADV. clearly, heavily, strongly I simply I generally, normally, usually I automatically I not necessarily This does not necessarily imply that children achieve bet- ter results inprivate schools. I in no way They believe that submission in no way implies inferiority. o VERB + IMPLY seem to The letter seems to imply that the minister knew about the business deals. I intend to, mean to I never meant to imply any criticism. I take sth to This statement should not betaken to imply that thegov- ernment is exonerated of all blame. o PHRASES express or implied the express or implied terms of the contract import noun o ADJ. main, major I foreign, overseas I cheap I an- nual The value of annual imports rose rapidly. I net the UK's net imports of food I total I essential I luxury I il- legal I agricultural, car, coal, energy, food, grain, oil, steel,etc. • VERB + IMPORT boost, increase pressure on the gov- ernment to stimulate thefaltering economy and boost im- ports I curb, cut, reduce, restrict I discourage I con- trol I block, prevent, stop I ban, prohibit The govern- ment decided to prohibit the import of toxic waste. I fi- nance Most of their oil revenues are used tofinance im- ports of consumer and capital goods. I replace The indus- try aims both to increase exports and replace imports. o IMPORT + VERB grow, increase, rise I drop, fall I be valued at sth, total sth Imports were valued at £516mil- lion last month. I account for sth Imports of foodstuffs accountedfor asmall proportion of total imports. o IMPORT + NOUN ban, control, restrictions I duty, tariff I price rising import prices I licence I quota A re- stricted import quota was setfor meat products. I pene- tration greater import penetration of the domestic market • PREP. -from America has cut its oil imports from the Middle East by 73% into Special duties were imposed on imports into the republic. o PHRASES a ban/restriction on imports, the demand for imports, a fall/rise in imports ~ Note at PER CENT (for more verbs) import verb • ADV directly I illegally, legally I specially • PREP. from The store's croissants are imported directly from France. into These dogs are illegally imported into the country. to goods that are imported toBritain ,importance noun o ADJ. cardinal, central, considerable, critical, crucial, enormous, especial, extreme, fundamental, great, high, Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. [...]... for sb's - This leaflet is produced for the information of our customers I - about/concerning/on/regardingfinancial information concerning a company • PHRASES access to information, the exchange of information, the flow of information to improve theflow of information within the company a lack of information, a request for information, a source of information informative adj life in Roman times informed... INCLUSION be worthy of, justify, merit, warrant Some words are too infrequent to be worthy of inclusion in the dictionary I be eligible for, be suitable for, qualify for All work by current students is eligible for inclusion in the journal I be unsuitable for I be available for I consider sth for, welcome sth for I welcome, accept The rebels refused to accept the inclusion of representatives of the existing... Namibia became a full member of the UN at independence I -from independence from Spain -of the church's independence of the state o independence of mind • PREP a declaration of independence, a lack of independence, the loss of independence, a sign/symbol of independence The car became a symbol of independence the struggle for independence, a war of independence the American War of Independence • PHRASES... figure in the Institute of Mathematics I - for the International Institutefor Economic Development -of a founder of an institute, a member of an institute q Note at ORGANIZATION • PHRASES institution noun 1 large organization • ADJ central, major Parliament remains the central institution of the constitution of the United Kingdom I established I existing They argue for the reform of existing political... present the information is important I publish I act on, go on At the moment we've very little information to go on • INFORMATION + VERB relate to sth information relating to the social background of the child I lead to sth a reuiard for information leading to an arrest • INFORMATION + NOUN service I bureau, desk, office, centre I source I system I processing • PREP according to - According to information... about efforts to inform young people about the dangers of drugs of Wewill immediately inform you of any changes to the programme informal adj be I become I remain extremely, highly, very I fairly, quite, rather, relatively Our meetings are relatively informal I purely • VERBS • ADV These meetings should remain purely informal, with no obligation on either side I cheerfully, delightfully information... theoretically theoretically informed research • PREP about They were poorly informed about their rights of We will keep you informed of any developments on Keep me informed on progress informer noun tee ruled that the US ban constituted an infringement of free trade I commit sympathy for people who commit minor infringements under difficult circumstances • PHRASES an infringement ingenious of copyright/the law... police are still questioning witnesses and gathering information I receive I dig up Have you dug up any further information on the suspect? I extract, retrieve the difficulties of extracting information from government officials 0 software that retrieves information from a variety of different sources I access Portable computers are goodfor accessing information while travelling I down load I disclose,... kids are much better informed than I was at their age I fully, properly Consumers must befully informed of the services available I adequately, reasonably Loffer my observations as those of an interest- ed and reasonably informed member of the general public I badly, ill, poorly I reliably I am reliably informed that there are plans to close this school I politically a politically informed public I theoretically... use of price-sensitive information I • ADJ influence verb attack, bout + INFLUENZA • VERB accurate, bibliographic, economic, educational, financial, social, technological, etc • Q.UANT item, piece an interesting piece of information I bit, fragment, nugget, scrap, snippet She let slip a feui nuggets of information about herself I mine, wealth This book is a mine of information on the Romans + INFORMATION . the dictionary. I be eligible for, be suitable for, qualify for All work by current students is eligible for in- clusion in thejournal. I be unsuitable for I be. asked hini for proof of identity. a search for identity His search for his cultural identity took him to where his parents were born. a sense of identity ideology noun •

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