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Modul 1 - GVTA - Bai-tap-soan-giao-an

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* Những điểm phù hợp chưa phù hợp giáo án việc đáp ứng yêu cầu phương pháp dạy học tiếng Anh theo Chương trình GDPT 2018: Phù hợp - Giáo án đảm bảo mạch kiến thức nội dung học hiểu từ đọc, phát triển kĩ đọc hiểu mở rộng học đạo đức giúp đỡ người khác (nhân ái), giữ lời hứa (trung thực) - Giáo án nêu mục tiêu chung cho học - Giáo án có đưa số gợi ý dự đoán kết quả, sản phẩm học sinh sau hoạt động (Học sinh làm gì? Học sinh trả lời câu hỏi nào?,…) Chưa phù hợp - Chưa hướng đến số kĩ giao tiếp hợp tác; thiếu việc xây dựng số phẩm chất cần thiết cho học sinh chăm chỉ, trách nhiệm - Chưa nêu mục tiêu cụ thể cho hoạt động - Chưa nêu cụ thể mức độ hoàn thành học sinh hoạt động (Học sinh hoàn thành tốt hoạt động nào? Hoàn thành hoạt động nào? Chưa hoàn thành hoạt động nào?,…) LESSON PLAN TEXTBOOK: Family and friends Special Edition LESSON 5: Skills Time (page: 40) PERIOD: UNIT: DATE: A OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: Core competences  Cognition: Identify some adjectives to describe emtions and things; Understand the story  Skills: • Describe the pictures • Ask and answer questions about the story General Competences  Self-control & independent learning: perform reading tasks  Communication and collaboration: work in pairs or groups to make conversations about the story  Problem-solving and creativity: match specific actions/descriptions with story characters Attributes  Kindness: help partners to complete learning tasks  Diligence: complete learning tasks  Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions  Responsibility: appreciate kindness B LANGUAGE FOCUS  Vocabulary: scared, free, sorry, funny, kind  Grammar and Structure/Sentence pattern  Simple present tense and present progressive tense C INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES Teacher  General education program 2018 – Foreign Languages  Reference teaching materials: Textbooks, teacher’s book, activity book,  Teaching aids: board, envelopes, pictures, flashcards, audio files  Assessment tools: Observation sheets, rubrics 2 Students  Textbooks, pencils D TEACHING PROCEDURES Greetings (1 minutes): Teacher - Say “Hello, class How are you today?” Students - Say “Hello, teacher We are fine/ good/ OK Thank you.” - Get students ready to use the English Time chant Lead the class in the chant - Chant - Review class rules - Review class rules Activity 1: Warm up (3 minutes)  Objectives: Review vocabulary, generate ss’ interests and lead-in the new contents  Teaching method/techniques: TPR  Procedures Teacher Students Play a game: Memory game - Ask: How you feel now, class? - (Expected answers) - Explain the game: - Listen to the teacher explaining the rules of • Show a video clip to the students the game on the LCD • Have students watch • Remember and write feelings which are showed in the clip on the group boards - Play - Play game - Correct - Correct - Congratulate  Expected product: Ss remember and choose the correct feelings  Expected assessment: - Task completed with excellence: choose the correct feelings and call out the word - Task completed: choose the correct feelings but fail to call out the word - Task uncompleted: fail to choose the correct feelings Activity 2: New words – Listen, point and repeat (6 minutes)  Objectives: identify some adjectives to describe emotions and things  Teaching method/techniques: listening with visuals  Procedures Teacher - Help students open their books to p 40 - Say “Let’s begin with part Listen, point and repeat.” - Play track 50 - Pause after the first word and ask “Do you Students - Open the book p 40 - Listen to the teacher - Listen - Point to the picture of the girl see the girl? How is she?” - Model circling the item, and have students the same - Continue playing the track and pause after each word to allow students time to point and circle it - Ask students to repeat the words - Check the students’ performance with pronunciation - Perform the activity as instructed - Perform the listening task - Stand up and read aloud - Self check, peer check and correct the pronunciation  Expected product: Students identify and read the words correctly  Expected assessment: - Task completed with excellence: point and read aloud correctly - Task completed: point and fail to read correctly - Task uncompleted: fail to point the correct words Activity 3: Reading (6 minutes)  Objectives: Understand the story The Lion and the Mouse  Teaching method/techniques: elicitation, vivid visuals  Procedures Teacher Lead in the story: - Show some pictures to the students and ask: What can you see in these pictures? What are they doing? How are they? New lesson: - Ask students to listen to and read the story - Stop at the end of each passage and ask some questions to check understanding while reading Passage 1: Who is the king of the jungle?/ How is the lion? How is the mouse? Passage 2: How is the lion? Passage 3: What happens to the lion? Can you make the lion’s sound? Does the mouse help him? - After reading, ask students other questions: * How many animals are there in the story?/ Are the mouse kind? Do you like the story?  Expected product: Students’ answers Students - Answer the questions: (expected answers) - Listen and read as instructed - Listen, read and answer the questions  Expected assessment: - Task completed with excellence: respond to teacher’s questions correctly, confidently, and clearly - Task completed: respond to teacher’s questions with some inappropriateness - Task uncompleted: respond to teacher’s questions inappropriately or fail to respond 4 Activity 4: Listen to the story again Then, choose “lion” or “mouse” for the sentences by playing game (5 minutes)  Objectives: Match the correct characters who the actions  Teaching method/techniques: elicitation  Procedures Teacher - Ask students to listen to the story again and explain how to play - Call the students raising hands to go to the board and match the correct characters The ……… is sleeping The ……… is angry The ……… is little The ……… runs away The ……… opens its mouth and roars The ……… chews the hole in the net - Correct the answers  Expected product: Students’ answers Students - Listen to instructions - Play the game as instructed (lion) (lion) (mouse) (mouse) (lion) (mouse)  Expected assessment: - Task completed with excellence: match the correct characters and say the sentences - Task completed: match the correct characters but fail to say the sentences - Task uncompleted: fail to match the correct characters Activity 5: Listen to the story again Then, answer the questions (5 minutes)  Objectives: Answer the questions about the story  Teaching method/techniques: group work, elicitation  Procedures Teacher - Ask students to listen to the story again Then, have them to work in groups and answer the questions with short answers What is the lion doing when the mouse runs to it? Does the mouse run to the lion and pull its tail? Is the mouse happy when the lion wakes up? What can the mouse one day? What does the lion think about the mouse? What happens to the mouse one year later? Who can help the lion? What does the mouse to help the lion?  Expected product: Students’ answers Students - Listen to instructions and work in groups (sleeping) (no) (no) (helps the lion) (little) (the net falls over the lion) (the mouse) (chews the net)  Expected assessment: - Task completed with excellence: answer the questions correctly and say aloud the sentences - Task completed: answer the questions correctly but fail to say some sentences - Task uncompleted: fail to answer the questions Activity 6: Role - play (6 minutes)  Objectives: Act out the story  Teaching method/techniques: group work, elicitation  Procedures Teacher Students - Ask students to act out the story with - Practice the story together narrators, lions and mice for seperated passages - Help the students practiced and then call - Act out in front of class some groups to act in front of the class  Expected product: Students’ performance  Expected assessment: Criteria Task completed with Task completed excellence Language use Can act in groups and Can act in groups but express their feelings not express much feelings Pronunciation Pronounce words Pronounce words clearly with some understandably, with intonation some noticeable errors Fluency Speak fluently without Speak fairly fluently effort, with some with hesitation, but still hesitation for meaning make the utterance understandable Task uncompleted Cannot act the story smoothly Produce sounds unintelligible Produce isolated sounds or fail to speak Consolidation and homework assignment (3 minutes) Teacher Students - Moral lesson: - Listen to the teacher Show some pictures of someone helping another people to help students to understand more about the life: “We shouldn’t be haughty, scorn of somebody like the lion We should be nice to everyone And we should help all people around us You are students now, so you should study hard to be a good people and you can get a good job in the future.” - Assign Workbook, p 38 - Mark the homework - Say Good work today, class Now let’s sing - Sing a song a song Lead the class in the Goodbye chant APPENDIX ... clip on the group boards - Play - Play game - Correct - Correct - Congratulate  Expected product: Ss remember and choose the correct feelings  Expected assessment: - Task completed with excellence:... Teacher - Help students open their books to p 40 - Say “Let’s begin with part Listen, point and repeat.” - Play track 50 - Pause after the first word and ask “Do you Students - Open the book p 40 -. .. circle it - Ask students to repeat the words - Check the students’ performance with pronunciation - Perform the activity as instructed - Perform the listening task - Stand up and read aloud - Self

Ngày đăng: 23/12/2021, 17:40

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