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  • Digital Signal Processing Handbook

    • Contents

    • Image and Video Processing

Nội dung

XI ImageandVideo Processing JanBiemond DelftUniversityofTechnology RussellM.Mersereau GeorgiaInstituteofTechnology 51ImageProcessingFundamentals IanT.Young,JanJ.Gerbrands,andLucasJ.vanVliet Introduction • DigitalImageDefinitions • Tools • Perception • ImageSampling • Noise • Cameras • Displays • Algorithms • Techniques • Acknowledgments 52StillImageCompression TorA.Ramstad Introduction • SignalDecomposition • QuantizationandCodingStrategies • FrequencyDomain Coders • FractalCoding • ColorCoding 53ImageandVideoRestoration A.MuratTekalp Introduction • Modeling • ModelParameterEstimation • Intra-FrameRestoration • Multiframe RestorationandSuperresolution • Conclusion 54VideoScanningFormatConversionandMotionEstimation GerarddeHaan Introduction • Conversionvs.Standardization • ProblemswithLinearSamplingRateConversion AppliedtoVideoSignals • AlternativesforSamplingRateConversionTheory • MotionEstimation • MotionEstimationandScanningFormatConversion 55VideoSequenceCompression OsamaAl-Shaykh,RalphNeff,DavidTaubman,and AvidehZakhor Introduction • MotionCompensatedVideoCoding • DesirableFeatures • Standards 56DigitalTelevision Kou-HuTzou Introduction • EDTV/HDTVStandards • HybridAnalog/DigitalSystems • ErrorProtectionand Concealment • TerrestrialBroadcasting • SatelliteTransmission • ATMTransmissionofVideo 57StereoscopicImageProcessing ReginaldL.Lagendijk,RuggeroE.H.Franich,andEmile A.Hendriks Introduction • AcquisitionandDisplayofStereoscopicImages • DisparityEstimation • Compres- sionofStereoscopicImages • IntermediateViewpointInterpolation 58ASurveyofImageProcessingSoftwareandImageDatabases StanleyJ.Reeves ImageProcessingSoftware • ImageDatabases 59VLSIArchitecturesforImageCommunications P.PirschandW.Gehrke c  1999byCRCPressLLC Introduction • Recent Coding Schemes • Architectural Alternatives • Efficiency Estimation of Al- ternative VLSI Implementations • Dedicated Architectures • Programmable Architectures • Con- clusion I MAGE AND VIDEO SIGNAL PROCESSING is quite different from other forms of signal pro- cessing for a variety of reasons. The most obvious difference lies in the fact that these signals are two or three dimensional. This means that some familiar techniques used for processing one-dimensional signals, for example, those that require factorization of polynomials, have to be abandoned. Other techniques for filtering, sampling, and transform computation have to be mod- ified. Even more compromises have to be made, however, because of the signals’ size. Images and sequences of images can be huge. For example, processing sequences of color images each of which contains 780 rows and 1024 columns at a fr ame rate of 30 frames per second requires a data rate of 72 megabytes per second. Successful image processing techniques reward careful attention to problemrequirements,algorithmiccomplexity,andmachinearchitecture. The pastdecadehasbeen particularly exciting as each new wave of faster computing hardware has opened the door to new applications. This is a trend that will likely continue for some time. The following chapters, w ritten by experts in their fields, highlight the state-of-the-art in several aspects of image and video processing. The range of topics is quite broad. While it includes some discussionsoftechniquesthatgobackmorethanadecade,theemphasisisoncurrentpractice. There is some danger in this, because the field is changing veryrapidly,but,ontheotherhand,many of the concepts on which these current techniques are based should be around for some time. Chapter 51 is a very long and thorough discussion of image processing fundamentals. For a novice to the field, this material is important for a complete understanding. It discusses the basics of how images differ from other types of signals and how the limitations of cameras, displays, and the human visual system affect the kinds of processing that can be done. It also defines the basic theory of multidimensional digital signal processing, particularly with respect to how linear and nonlinearfiltering, transformcomputation,andsamplingaregeneralizedfromtheone-dimensional case. Other topics treated include statistical models for images, models for recording distortions, histogram-based methods for image processing, and image segmentation. Probablythemostvisibleimageprocessingisoccurringinthedevelopmentofstandardsforimage and video compression. JPEG, MPEG, and digital television are all highly visible success stories. Chapter52looksatmethodsforstillimagecompressionincludingJPEG,wavelet, andfractalcoders. Imagecompressionissuccessful because image samples arespatiallycorrelated with their neighbors. Operatorssuchasthediscretecosinetransform(DCT)largelyremovethiscorrelationandcapturethe essenceofanimageblockinafewparametersthatcanbequantizedandtransmitted. The transform domain also enables these coders to exploit limitations in the human visual system. Chapters 55 and 56 extend these approaches to video and television compression, respectively. Video compression achieves significant additional compression gains by exploiting the temporal redundancy that is presentin videosequences. Thisisdonebyusingsimplemodelsformodelingobjectmotionwithina scene,usingthesemodelstopredictthecurrentframe,andthenencodingonlythemodelparameters and the quantized prediction errors. Images are often distor ted when they are recorded. This might be caused by out-of-focus optics, motion blur, camera noise, or coding errors. Chapter 53 looks at methods for image and v ideo restoration. This is the most mathematically based area of image processing, and it is also one of the areas with the longest history. It has applications in the analysis of astronomical images, in forensic c  1999 by CRC Press LLC imaging, and in the production of high-quality stills from video sequences. Chapter54looksatmethodsformotionestimationandvideoscanconversion. Motionestimation is a key technique for removing temporal redundancy in image sequences and, as a result, it is a key component in all of the video compression standards. It is also, however, a highly time-consuming numerically ill-posed operation. As a result it continues to be highly studied, particularly with respect to more sophisticated motion models. A related problem is the problem of scanning format conversion. Thisisamajorissueintelevisionsystemswherebothinterlacedandprogressivelyscanned images are encountered. Chapter 57 explores stereoscopic and multiview image processing. Traditional image processing assumes that only one camera is present. As a result depth information in a three-dimensional scene is lost. When explicit depth information is needed, multiple cameras can be used. Differences in the displacementofobjects in the left and right images can be converted to depth measurements. Mam- mals do this naturally with their two eyes. Stereoscopic image processing techniques are becoming increasinglyusedinproblemsofcomputervisionandcomputergraphics. This chapterdiscussesthe state-of-the-art in this emerging area. The final two chapters in this section, Chapters 58 and 59, look at software and hardware systems fordoingimageprocessing. Chapter58providesanoverviewofarepresentativesetofimagesoftware packages that embody the core capabilities required by many image processing applications. It also providesalistofInternetaddressesforanumberofimagedatabases. Chapter59providesanoverview of VLSI architectures for implementing many of the video compression standards. c  1999 by CRC Press LLC . and 1024 columns at a fr ame rate of 30 frames per second requires a data rate of 72 megabytes per second. Successful image processing techniques reward. chapterdiscussesthe state-of-the-art in this emerging area. The final two chapters in this section, Chapters 58 and 59, look at software and hardware systems fordoingimageprocessing.

Ngày đăng: 22/01/2014, 19:20

