As an HR manager in a multinational corporation, I found businesses need to take a longerterm approach and stick to their talent acquisition policy. In the long run, if staff are advanced from low to mid to senior middle management and gain experience, their worth will rise significantly. In other words, the production of creativity rather than the charging of a premium by rivals is a paradigm of economic growth. In order to improve business productivity and increase the acquisition of talent for business, we need to concentrate on creating a management style of transformation and adaptation and, at the same time, make it easier for workers to access the companys talent management strategy. With the theme The Need for Fresh and Creative Methods of Working to Achieve a Holistic Approach to Talent Acquisition is the basis for research in this project.
Table Content Contents Introduction As an HR manager in a multinational corporation, I found businesses need to take a longer-term approach and stick to their talent acquisition policy In the long run, if staff are advanced from low to mid to senior middle management and gain experience, their worth will rise significantly In other words, the production of creativity rather than the charging of a premium by rivals is a paradigm of economic growth In order to improve business productivity and increase the acquisition of talent for business, we need to concentrate on creating a management style of transformation and adaptation and, at the same time, make it easier for workers to access the company's talent management strategy With the theme "The Need for Fresh and Creative Methods of Working to Achieve a Holistic Approach to Talent Acquisition" is the basis for research in this project Research Proposal Form Section One: Title, objective, responsibilities Title or working title of research project (in the form of a question, objective or hypothesis) Research project objectives (e.g what is the question you want to answer? What you want to learn how to do? What you want to find out?) Answer: Not only is talent acquisition part of the HR approach, it is also a corporate strategy which must be completely incorporated into all employee processes of the company In the framework of the talent acquisition system, hiring and retaining skilled people is the responsibility of each member of the company, in particular at the management level of the workers under them A successful approach also includes exchanging knowledge about promising workers and their future career direction around the company This encourages various departments to recognize talent when the opportunity or position is empty I'm working on The Need for New and Creative Methods of Performance Management to Talent Acquisition This subject will help me discuss and explore how Management Strategy approach will impact all staff in the talent management strategy Section Two: Reasons for choosing this research project Reasons for choosing the project (e.g links to other subjects you are studying, personal interest, future plans, and knowledge/skills you want to improve, why the topic is important): Answer: - I want to make a survey on whether changing the management strategy will bring more efficiency to the business such as changing the KPI structure, the employee management strategy - I want to let my employees know about specific job advancement routes in more ways than before Hypothesis: H1: Does setting KPI by month help employees to work better than setting KPI by year or not? H2: Is employee time-based management more efficient instead of task-based management? H3: Does the employee follow the promotion roadmap in specific jobs or rely on breakthrough projects to promote? The need for new and innovative ways of working to achieve a strategic approach to talent management 1) Why is "Talent management strategy" crucial to the growth of a company? a Preparation and choice of quality workers b Older individuals are quicker to teach than young ones c Retain the employees of the company to avoid 'jobs hopping' conditions 2) Do you think that setting KPIs for your employees needs to change? a Yes b No 3) If there is a change in KPI setting, what you think should be done to improve and motivate employees to become more effective? a Divide work and mandatory completion in fixed time b Provide supportive policies such as allowances, salary and bonus to boost employee morale c Reduce the number of jobs d All of the above 4) Do you want to work in monthly or yearly KPIs? a Monthly b By year c Other 5) Rate the effectiveness of the previous KPI setting on a scale of to Not effective Less effective Efficiency Very effective Extremely effective 6) With each KPI completion level, the KPI system builder will determine a certain salary and bonus for employees, is it really necessary? a Yes b No 7) Do you like to work on the amount of work completed in a day or the time it takes to complete a given task? a Enjoy doing the amount of work completed in day b Enjoys the amount of time it takes to complete a task c Above 8) Does imposing time to complete an assigned task put you under pressure? a Yes b No 9) Are you the type of person who likes to work individually or in groups? a Personal b Group 10) Do you want a straightforward promotional direction that allows you to work more confidently and patiently? a Yes b No 11) If the company gave you a chance and challenge to get ahead in your job, would you it? a Yes, I will b No I will not c I will think and answer later 12) To advance quickly at work will need a lot of courage and your own efforts and efforts, you think you will it? a I will my best b I will refuse because my current job is good c I have not thought about so yet, there is no answer 13) If the company has a change in management strategy coming up, will you adapt and accept that change? a I will change if that strategy brings many benefits b I won't change because the old strategy is good c Neutral 14) Do you like the monthly bonus, the quarterly bonus of the year or the year-end bonus like the 13th salary? a I want to be rewarded every quarter of the year b I like year-end bonuses c Monthly bonus 15) What are your feelings and desires when you this survey? Answer : Section Three: Literature sources searched Use of key literature sources to support your research question, objective or hypothesis: Answer : Michael Hocking (2019) published a report on how to maintain the efficiency of employers and employees To develop talent management techniques that can move the talent management of an organization past essential talent management processes, such as talent acquisition and effective management, to the stage of talent growth Well-managed, well-respected talent relationships and a solid basis of talent Alfandi, Ashraf and Mohammad (2014) conducted a study to evaluate the role of various forms of benefits in enhancing and improving employee performance Further research (Achie, Samuel and Joshua, 2016) reveals that even as employees obtain cash benefits and advancement prospects, they still struggle to satisfy the demands of employees In order to maximize productivity, businesses need to increase benefits across all types of workers Section Four: Tasks and timeframes Activities to be carried out during the research project (e.g planning, formulation and review of proposals, writing, data collection, numerical analysis, tutoring meetings, final result creation, assessment, reporting): How long this is going to take: Milestone one of them:………Develop types of job-related quantitative questions …………………… Date of goal (set by tutor):………………………25/01/2021………………………………………………………………… Milestone Two:……………………………Collect and analyze data to get conclusion………… Date of goal (set by tutor):………………………21/03/2021………………………………………………………………… Part five: Methodology and Study Process What kind of analysis methods and approaches are likely to be used, and why? What would be used in your area of study: Answer : -I will use the quantitative analysis approach to get feedback from different workers on HR issues to ensure that the needs and desires of trained staff are addressed I would use questionnaires to get my information from others In addition, I used a tool among senior managers to negotiate the project together So my study focuses on labor retention tactics, setting up the best KPIs, and giving promotional roadmaps so that employees can stay up to date so that talent acquisition methods can be made more successful Indeed, qualitative and quantitative approaches should be used together in a research article Indeed, qualitative and quantitative approaches should be used together in a research article While quantitative methods may help to generalize findings, qualitative approaches may help to draw more convincing conclusions (Combining qualitative and quantitative methods | Stronger Thesis, 2021) Therefore, I have used all of the above approaches to determine the most reliable knowledge, using it as a lever to change management techniques for handling company talent Tutor's comments and consensus Comments: (optional): I affirm that the project is not a job that has been or will be submitted for further certification and is acceptable Accepted: .Nguyen Duc Huy Date 01/02/2021 Comments and consensus on the project idea checker (if applicable) Comments: (optional): I affirm that the project is the right one Accepted: Nguyen Duc Huy Date 01/02/2021 Research Ethics Approval Form Any students involved in study activities involving human participants or using data obtained from human participants are expected to seek ethical consent before beginning their research Please answer all applicable questions and note that your form will be returned if it is incomplete Please see your respective Unit Mentor for more assistance and advice Before completing this form, we urge you to thoroughly discuss your proposed study with your Tutor Unit Please complete this form in good time before the start of your research project Section 1: Basic Details Project title: The need for new and innovative ways of working to achieve a strategic approach to talent management Student name: Nguyen Duc Huy Programme: BTEC-522 Research Project School: University of Greenwich Intended research start date: 25/01/2021 Intended research end date: 21/03/2021 Section 2: Project Summary Please select all research methods that you plan to use as part of your project: • Interviews: ✓ • Questionnaires: ✓ • Observations: ✓ • Use of Personal Records: • Data Analysis: ✓ • Action Research: • Focus Groups: ✓ • Other (please specify): Section 3: Participants Please answer the following questions, giving full details where necessary Will your research involve human participants? Answer : Yes Who are the participants ? Tick all that apply : Ages 12-16: Young People Aged 17-18 Adults: ✓ How are participants to be recruited (identified and approached)? Answer: We use qualitative analysis to evaluate and use the Google Form as a method to gather participants' views on the research We would use questionnaires to evaluate and ask all participants the right question and pledge them to improve our working method Describe the processes that you would use to educate participants of what you are doing: Answer: First, I will let them know that the intent of the survey will be understood by the management and that it will take into account the desires of the employees and satisfy their wishes I want them to know that their desire comes first, so that workers can continue to work happily How are you going to receive permission from the participants? Is that going to be written? How will it be made clear to the participants that they will revoke their permission to participate at any time? Answer: First, I will let them know that the intent of the survey will be understood by the management and that it will take into account the desires of the employees and satisfy their wishes I want them to know that their desire comes first, so that workers can continue to work happily Studies involving questionnaires: Will the participants be given the ability to omit questions that they not want to answer? Yes: No: ✓ If No please clarify why below and ensure that you fix any ethics problems resulting from this Answer: I want to find out and gather all the thoughts of the workers so that we can strengthen the evolving procedures and tactics and the reasons why the employees are scared and not dare to voice their opinions on the personal ants they have contributed to Observation studies: check whether subjects will be expected to comply with their informed consent Yes: ✓ No: Will you give the participants a brief description at the conclusion of their engagement (i.e a brief explanation of the study)? Yes: ✓ No: Would the participants collect details on the results of your study? (This may be a short overview of your observations in general) Yes: ✓ No: Section 4: Confidentiality and Data Storage Confirm that all sensitive data will be collected and handled in accordance with the Data Protection Act (1998) Yes: ✓ No: Who would have access to personal information and data? Answer: Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officers In the course of research: Where are the data stored? Yes: ✓ No: Is it possible to use handheld computers such as USB storage and laptops? Yes: ✓ No: If yes, please include the following details: Answer: I want to keep all information private in order to prevent any controversial remarks, to save all information on disposable devices and to avoid touch by strangers Data is open only to general management and senior executives During the investigation: Where are the data stored? Answer: Details would be classified and maintained in senior management equipment and held exclusively confidential on surveillance networks How long will the documents and information be stored for and in what format? Can the data be preserved for use by other researchers? Yes: No: ✓ If yes, please provide further details: Section 5: Legal Matters Are there any specific aspects of your planned work that could cause ethics concerns? If so, please outline how you're going to deal with: It is critical that you show that you are aware of the possible threats that can result from your study Please consider/address any concerns that could occur Ethical issues can include but are not limited to: • Informal agreement ✓ • Probably insecure participants • Critical issues ✓ • Risks to participants and/or researchers; • Secrecy and anonymity • Disclosures/limits on secrecy ✓ • Data storage and security, both during and after research; (including transfer, sharing, encryption, protection) • For report Dissemination and use of your results ✓ Section 6: Argument I have read, acknowledged and will abide by the Study and Ethics Policies of the institution: Yes: ✓ No: I have addressed the ethical problems related to my study with the Tutor Unit: Yes: ✓ No: I confirm this to the best of my knowledge: The above information is right and this is a complete summary of the ethical problems that might occur in the context of my study Name: Duc Huy Nguyen Date: 01/02/2021 Please apply the completed form to Conclusion After doing a survey, I want to see if improving the management approach will add more value to the company, such as changing the KPI structure, employee management strategy, and let employees know specifically about the promotion roadmap Progress at work would offer more advantages to the company's overall talent acquisition plan References Michael Hocking, 2019 How to develop your talent management strategy - HRD [online] HRD Available at: [Accessed February 2021] Achie, S.T and Kurah, J.T., 2016 The role of financial incentives as a motivator in employee’s productivity in Nigeria Electricity Distribution Companies International Journal of Research in Business Studies and Management, 3(1) Alfandi, A.M and Alkahsawneh, M.S., 2014 The Role of the Incentives and Reward System in Enhancing Employee's Performance" A Case of Jordanian Travel and Tourism Institutions" International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 4(4), p.326 ... tutor):………………………25/ 01/ 20 21? ??……………………………………………………………… Milestone Two:……………………………Collect and analyze data to get conclusion………… Date of goal (set by tutor):……………………… 21/ 03/20 21? ??………………………………………………………………... Date 01/ 02/20 21 Comments and consensus on the project idea checker (if applicable) Comments: (optional): I affirm that the project is the right one Accepted: Nguyen Duc Huy Date 01/ 02/20 21. .. Project School: University of Greenwich Intended research start date: 25/ 01/ 20 21 Intended research end date: 21/ 03/20 21 Section 2: Project Summary Please select all research methods that you plan