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Greening tvet in vietnam teachers perceptions and challenges for sustainable development

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Tiêu đề Greening TVET In Vietnam: Teachers' Perceptions And Challenges For Sustainable Development
Tác giả Hoa Phuong Thao
Người hướng dẫn Prof. Dr. Kazuo Kuroda, Dr. Tran Luong Thanh
Trường học Vietnam National University, Hanoi Vietnam Japan University
Chuyên ngành Global Leadership
Thể loại Master's Thesis
Năm xuất bản 2021
Thành phố Hanoi
Định dạng
Số trang 75
Dung lượng 543,46 KB

Nội dung

VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI VIETNAM JAPAN UNIVERSITY HOA PHUONG THAO GREENING TVET IN VIETNAM: TEACHERS' PERCEPTIONS AND CHALLENGES FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT MASTER'S THESIS VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI VIETNAM JAPAN UNIVERSITY HOA PHUONG THAO GREENING TVET IN VIETNAM: TEACHERS' PERCEPTIONS AND CHALLENGES FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT MAJOR: GLOBAL LEADERSHIP CODE: 8310210.01QTD RESEARCH SUPERVISORS: Prof Dr KAZUO KURODA Dr TRAN LUONG THANH Hanoi, 2021 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study could not have been completed without the contribution of many participations and external support I would like to take this chance to express my gratefulness to the people and community who assisted me in different ways during the time I finish my research First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the school administrators of Vocational College of Machinery and Irrigation (VCMI) in Dong Nai, Viet Nam for giving me the opportunity to proceed the data collection for my thesis Moreover, I want to most thank for the enthusiasm of all teachers and staffs in VCMI They always welcomed and willingly shared with me helpful information and meaningful stories I could not complete this research without their contribution Furthermore, I would like to show the most gratefulness to the meticulous instruction and comments from my supervisors Prof Dr Kazuo Kuroda and Dr Tran Luong Thanh that helped me overcome the most difficulties and finish my study I am also notably indebted to Dr JungHyun Jasmine Ryu for her continuous patience, inspiration and encouragement during the time of preparing and writing my thesis I would include the person who helped me connect with VCMI to collect valuable data - Ms Pham Ngoc Anh from German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ) in Vietnam Last but not least, I save my special thanks for my family and friends who are always support me emotionally and spiritually not only in the time I worked on my thesis, but also in two-year-time of my Master Degree ABSTRACT After the establishment of Sustainable Development Goals in 2015, Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) has been applied to all levels and forms of education Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is not an exception A new path for the development of TVET was formed and called “Greening TVET” Nevertheless, there have been many obstacles for TVET teachers in this renovation Hence, this study aims to explore the awareness and perception of TVET teachers on sustainable development; and investigate the challenges in integrating sustainable development knowledge into teaching process Mixed-methods design was employed for this research An online survey was distributed to TVET teachers in VCMI as the first and only Center of Excellence on Green TVET supported by GIZ in Vietnam Then, interviews were followed in order to have in-dept understandings on the situation The study found that most of TVET teachers in VCMI are aware of and have positive perception towards sustainable development issues Their knowledge on all dimensions of sustainable development is sufficient and comprehensive due to the self-exploration for the Basic Module However, teachers cannot cover all dimensions of SD in their regular lectures due to time strain of current curriculum In terms of challenges, students’ awareness and consciousness were identified as the biggest obstacles for teachers when integrating sustainable development in teaching because the students are young and they have never received any knowledge and training on SD before It raises the necessary to include ESD into all levels of education, especially since Early Childhood Education (ECE) TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES .i LIST OF FIGURES ii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS iii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Development of TVET and Greening TVET 2.2 The development of TVET in Vietnam 2.3 Greening TVET in Vietnam 2.4 Teachers towards Greening TVET and SD CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH DESIGN 11 3.1 Operationalization 11 3.2 Theoretical framework 12 3.3 Conceptual framework 13 3.4 Research objectives and significant of the study 14 3.5 Research questions 15 3.6 Analytical framework 15 3.7 Expected findings 19 CHAPTER 4: METHODOLOGY 20 4.1 Case selection 20 4.2 Mixed-methods design 21 4.3 Survey 22 4.3.1 Data collection 22 4.3.2 Data coding and analysis 24 4.4 Interview 24 4.4.1 Data collection 24 4.4.2 Data coding and analysis 25 4.5 Merging quantitative and qualitative data 26 4.6 Limitations 26 CHAPTER 5: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 28 5.1 Awareness and perception of teachers towards SD 28 5.1.1 Teachers’ awareness on SD 28 5.1.2 Teachers’ perception towards SD 30 5.2 Implementation of SD in teaching 33 5.2.1 The Basic Module on Environmental Protection, Energy and Resource Efficiency 33 5.2.2 Regular lectures and activities 34 5.3 Challenges in integrating SD into teaching 36 5.3.1 Challenges from school’s policy and management 37 5.3.2 Challenges from students 38 5.3.3 Challenges from individuals 40 CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION 42 6.1 Research summary 42 6.2 Limitations of the research 44 6.3 Further research 45 REFERENCES 46 Appendix Survey form in Vietnamese 52 Appendix Survey form in English 56 Appendix Interview guide in Vietnamese 60 Appendix Interview guide in English 62 Appendix Survey coding table 64 Appendix Coded raw data from the survey 66 LIST OF TABLES Table 3.1 Analytical framework created by the author 16 Table 3.2 Illustrated based on TVET in the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 17 i LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3.1 5-Point Likert scale illustration created by the author 13 Figure 3.2 Conceptual framework created by the author 14 Figure 4.1 Ages of the participants in surveys 23 Figure 4.2 Survey participants’ faculty 23 Figure 5.1 Teachers’ level of awareness 28 Figure 5.2 Sources of information on SD for teachers 30 Figure 5.3 Teacher’s perception on social dimension of SD 30 Figure 5.4 Teacher’s perception on economic dimension of SD 31 Figure 5.5 Teacher’s perception on environmental dimension of SD 31 Figure 5.6 Integration of SD into teaching process 33 Figure 5.7 Challenges in integrating SD into TVET teaching process 36 Figure 5.8 Challenges in integrating SD into teaching at school level and individual level 37 ii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ADB: Asian Development Bank AFD: French Development Agency CoEs: Centers of Excellences ECE: Early Childhood Education EFA: Education for All ESD: Education for Sustainable Development GIZ: German Corporation for International Cooperation JICA: Japan International Cooperation Agency MOET: Ministry of Education and Training MoLISA: Ministry of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs SD: Sustainable Development SDGs: Sustainable Development Goals TVET: Technical and Vocational Education and Training UN: United Nations UNDP: United Nations Development Programme UNESCO-UNEVOC: The International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training VCMI: Vocational College of Machinery and Irrigation VGGS: National Green Growth Strategy iii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION The definition of “greening” has been popular among Southeast Asia region recently since the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were officially adopted by the United Nations (UN) in 2015 (Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform, 2015) The green style has been broaden widely and had major impacts on various dimensions such as economic, social and cultural development (Mustapha, 2015) Especially in education, the values of Sustainable Development (SD) was integrated into the curriculum within various stages of education, from early child education to higher education because education is believed as the vital factor that raises the perception and awareness of people on their roles and responsibility on national and international issues (Mäki & Crosier, 2019) Among all the stages of education, TVETs is considered as the most important to SD because TVET provides the major of the labor workforce The workforce with sustainable awareness, knowledge, attitude and skills will contribute tremendously to the greening national economic development (Gu, Gomes, & Brizuela, 2011) Hence, there has been a new orientation for the development of TVET as “Greening TVET” in order to achieve a sustainable future The trend of Greening TVET has been promoted and applied in several developing countries in the region, especially the countries that are suffering the most from climate change impacts However, some difficulties have been pointed out in TVET generally and Greening TVET specifically Most of Southeast Asian countries, for instance Brunei, Laos, Myanmar and Indonesia, are now facing the shortage of TVET teachers in terms of both quantity and quality due to the low rate of enrollment in TVET in the last decade (Paryono, 2015) Hence, often times they not have time to accumulate both field-work experience and pedagogical skills It is difficult for them to combine the values of SD in studying and working process, to carry those knowledge and skills to students and also to construct a community of high quality and greening workforce (Paryono, 2015) Furthermore, in the process of Greening TVET, Majumdar (2009) discussed the challenges in which the majority of them are related to teachers’ perception on SD and their pedagogical skills to APPENDIX Appendix Survey form in Vietnamese Chào mừng đến với Bảng câu hỏi khảo sát Nhận thức khó khăn giáo viên Phát triển Bền vững đào tạo nghề Việt Nam Mục tiêu khảo sát Bảng khảo sát tập trung tìm hiểu nhận thức thách thức giáo viên dạy nghề Phát triển bền vững trình giảng dạy Dữ liệu khảo sát thu thập từ toàn giáo viên tham gia giảng dạy trường Cao đẳng Cơ giới Thủy lợi Người chịu trách nhiệm tiến hành khảo sát Hoa Phương Thảo (Học viên thạc sĩ, Chương trình Lãnh đạo tồn cầu, Đại học Việt Nhật – Đại học quốc gia Hà Nội) Thông tin liên hệ: Email: 19110082@st.vju.ac.vn/ hoathao31295@gmail.com Số điện thoại: 0902228066 Điều kiện tham gia khảo sát 3.1 Việc tham gia tự nguyện 3.2 Tất câu trả lời thầy/ giữ bí mật Câu trả lời thầy/ sử dụng cho mục đích nghiên cứu 3.3 Dựa câu trả lời thầy/ cô khảo sát, thầy/ cô mời tham gia vào phần vấn nghiên cứu □ Tơi hồn tồn đồng ý tham gia trả lời bảng khảo sát ********************** 52 Họ tên: Giới tính: A Nam B Nữ C Khác Tuổi: _ Thầy/ cô tham gia giảng dạy khoa trường Cao đẳng Cơ giới Thủy lợi? A Khoa Công nghệ thông tin B Khoa Cơ khí C Khoa Cơ giới D Khoa Điện – điện tử E Khoa Đào tạo lái xe F Khoa Khoa học G Khoa Kinh tế Thầy/ cô có biết Mục tiêu phát triển bền vững (SDGs) Liên Hợp Quốc khơng? A Có B Khơng Các Mục tiêu Phát triển Bền vững (SDGs) kế hoạch chi tiết để đạt tương lai tốt đẹp bền vững cho tất người Họ giải thách thức toàn cầu mà phải đối mặt, bao gồm nghèo đói, bất bình đẳng, biến đổi khí hậu, suy thối mơi trường, hịa bình cơng lý Thầy/ nêu tên vấn đề SDGs? A - B - C 10 - 13 D 14 – 17 53 Thầy/ tìm hiểu SDGs thông qua kênh thông tin nào? A Các chương trình đào tạo trước tham gia giảng dạy B Các chương trình đào tạo sau tham gia giảng dạy C Các nguồn thông tin mạng phương tiện truyền thông D Khác (nêu rõ): _ Thầy/ cô chọn số từ đến thể quan điểm thầy/ cô theo thang sau: Hồn tồn khơng đồng Khơng đồng Trung Đồng ý Hồn tồn đồng ý ý lập Nữ giới nên có nhiều hội tiếp xúc tham gia ý 5 5 5 chương trình đào tạo nghề Người khuyết tật nên có nhiều hội tiếp xúc tham gia chương trình đào tạo nghề Người tham gia chương trình đào tạo nghề nên cung cấp kiến thức kỹ nhân quyền, bình đẳng giới, đa dạng văn hóa hịa bình giới Các chương trình đào tạo nghề góp phần làm giảm tỉ lệ thất nghiệp độ tuổi niên Các chương trình đào tạo nghề góp phần quảng bá văn hóa sản phẩm địa phương Các chương trình đào tạo nghề giúp nâng cao nhận thức học viên giảm thiểu thích nghi với tác động biến đổi khí hậu Những yếu tố phát triển bền vững nên kết hợp vào chương trình đào tạo nghề 54 Thầy/ cô kết hợp yếu tố phát triển bền vững vào trình giảng dạy chưa? A Có B Khơng 10 Thầy/ có gặp phải thách thức việc kết hợp yếu tố phát triển bền vững trình giảng dạy khơng? A Có B Khơng 11 Thầy/ chọn thách thức gặp phải việc kết hợp yếu tố phát triển bền vững vào trình giảng dạy (có thể chọn nhiều đáp án) A Khung chương trình giảng dạy chưa phù hợp để tích hợp yếu tố phát triển bền vững B Thiếu trang thiết bị phục vụ cho trình giảng dạy kết hợp phát triển bền vững C Thiếu hỗ trợ từ đối tác thứ ba (các tổ chức, doanh nghiệp) nhằm tăng tính thực tế cho việc vận dụng yếu tố phát triển bền vững D Sinh viên khơng có nhiều nhận thức phát triển bền vững E Thiếu hợp tác từ phía sinh viên việc tiếp nhận thơng tin kiến thức phát triển bền vững trình học tập F Chưa có đủ kiến thức phát triển bền vững đề kết hợp vào giảng G Chưa có kỹ cần thiết để kết hợp yếu tố phát triển bền vững vào giảng dạy H Việc kết hợp phát triển bền vững vào giảng dạy nhiều thời gian I Khác (nêu rõ): 12 Sau phân tích liệu ban đầu từ khảo sát bảng hỏi, dự kiến tìm hiểu số vấn đề cách cụ thể thơng qua hình thức vấn Vì vậy, xin thầy/ vui lịng cung cấp địa e-mail số điện thoại mà tơi liên hệ với thầy/ cô Địa e-mail: _ Số điện thoại: 55 Appendix Survey form in English Welcome to the survey on Teachers’ perception and challenges on sustainable development in TVET Purpose of the research This research focuses on teachers’ perception and the challenges facing vocational teachers on Sustainable Development in teaching process Survey data will be collected from all teachers who are teaching at the Vocational College of Mechanics and Irrigation The responsible person for this research Hoa Phuong Thao (Master’s Program in Global Leadership, Vietnam Japan UniversityVietnam National University of Hanoi) Contact information: Email: 19110082@st.vju.ac.vn/ hoathao31295@gmail.com Phone number: 0902228066 Terms of participation 3.1 Participation is voluntary 3.2 All of your responses will be kept confidential Your responses will be used only for the purpose of this research If requested, anonymized data will be shared with your university management for its faculty development purposes 3.3 Based on your responses to the survey, you may be invited to participate in the interview stage of the research □ I totally agree to participate in this survey ********************** 56 Full name: Gender: A Male B Female C Other Age: _ Which faculty are you teaching in at the Vocational College of Machinery and Irrigation (VCMI)? A Faculty of Information Technology B Faculty of Mechanic Engineering C Faculty of Machinery Engineering D Faculty of Electric – Electronic Engineering E Faculty of Driving Training F Faculty of Basic Sciences G Faculty of Economics H Other (please specify): _ Do you know what Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are? A Yes B No The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are blueprints for achieving a better and more sustainable future for all They address the global challenges we face, including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice How many SDGs can you call out the theme? A - B - C 10 - 13 D 14 – 17 57 Through which channels did you learn about the SDGs? A Pre-teaching training programs B Training programs while engaged in teaching C Information sources on the Internet or in the media D Other (please specify): _ Please express your opinion on these ideas following the scale below Totally disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Totally agree Women should have more chance to access to TVET 5 5 TVET programs promote local culture and products TVET programs raise students’ awareness of mitigating 5 programs Disabilities should have more chance to access to TVET programs TVET students should be provided with knowledge and skills on human rights, gender equality, cultural diversity and world peace TVET programs contribute to reducing unemployment among young people and adapting to the impacts of climate change SD elements should be included into TVET Have you ever integrated SD into teaching process? A Yes B No 10 Do you face any challenges when integrating SD into TVET teaching process? A Yes B No 58 11 Please choose the challenges which you faced (you can choose more than options) A The curriculum framework is not suitable to integrate SD elements B Lack of equipment for teaching process combined with SD C Lack of support from third parties (organizations, businesses) to increase the practicality for the application of SD factors D Students not have much awareness about SD E Lack of cooperation from students in receiving information and knowledge about SD in the learning process F There is not enough knowledge about SD to incorporate into the lecture G There is not enough necessary skills to incorporate SD into the lecture H Incorporating SD into teaching takes time I Other (please specify): 12 After analyzing the data from survey, the researcher expect to learn some issues through interviews Please provide an e-mail address and a phone number if you agree to participate in the interview Email address: _ Phone number: 59 Appendix Interview guide in Vietnamese Bảng câu hỏi vấn Xanh hóa Đào tạo nghề Việt Nam: Nhận thức thách thức giáo viên Phát triển bền vững Mã vấn: Ngày thực vấn: Hình thức vấn: Tên file ghi âm: Cá nhân tham gia vấn Cá nhân Tên: Giới tính: Tuổi: Khoa (Phịng ban) cơng tác trường VCMI: Chức vụ: Nội dung vấn Nhận thức Theo thầy/ cơ, SDGs bao gồm khía cạnh nào? Thầy/ nêu tên số vấn đề liên quan đến phát triển kinh tế phát triển xã hội bao gồm 17 SDGs không? Theo thầy/ cơ, ngồi khía cạnh liên quan đến mơi trường, khía cạnh khác Phát triển bền vững (yếu tố phát triển kinh tế phát triển xã hội) có nên kết hợp vào nội dung giảng dạy không? Tại sao? 60 Thực tế Thách thức Thầy/ cô a môi trường kết hợp Phát triển bền vững vào b kinh tế trình giảng c xã hội dạy chưa? Thầy/ cô a môi trường kết hợp Phát triển bền vững vào b kinh tế trình giảng dạy c xã hội nào? a từ quản lý sách trường Khi kết hợp Phát triển bền vững vào b từ phía sinh viên trình giảng dạy, thầy/ có gặp khó khăn khơng? c từ cá nhân thầy/ 61 Appendix Interview guide in English Interview guide on Greening TVET: Teachers’ perception and challenges on sustainable development in TVET Interview ID: Date: Type of interview: Record file: Interviewee information Interviewee Name: Gender: Age: Faculty (or Department) at VCMI: Position: Interview questions Perception What are the dimensions of SD? Can you name the issues related to social and economic aspects in SDGs? Do you think that other dimensions of SD, specifically social and economic dimensions should be included into TVET curriculum? Why you think so? 62 Implementation a environmental dimension Have you ever b economic dimension integrated SD into teaching? c social dimension a environmental dimension How have you b economic dimension integrated SD into teaching? c social dimension Challenges a school’ policy and management Do you face any difficulties when integrating SD into teaching? b students c yourself 63 TVET students should be provided with knowledge and skills on human rights, gender equality, cultural diversity and world peace PERC PERC Disabilities should have more chance to access to TVET programs 10 PERC CHAN Women should have more chance to access to TVET programs Through which channels did you learn about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? CALL How many SDGs can you call out the theme? SDGS Do you know what Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are? FACU AGE How old are you? Which faculty are you teaching in at the Vocational College of Machinery and Irrigation (VCMI)? GEND What is your gender? NAME What is your name? Question CONS Question Do you agree to participate in this survey? No Answer Faculty of Information Technology Faculty of Mechanic Engineering Faculty of Machinery Engineering Faculty of Electric – Electronic Engineering Faculty of Driving Training Faculty of Basic Sciences Faculty of Economics Other Yes No 0-5 6-9 10-13 14-17 Pre-teaching training programs Training programs while engaged in teaching Information sources on the Internet or in the media Other Totally disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Totally agree Totally disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Totally agree Totally disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Totally agree Male Female Other Yes No Y N 4 5 M F O Answer Y N Appendix Survey coding table 64 65 PERC INTE CHYN CHAL MAIL MOBI 15 Have you ever integrated SD into teaching process? 16 Do you face any challenges when integrating SD into TVET teaching process? 17 Please choose the challenges which you faced? 18 What is your email address? 19 What is your mobile phone number? PERC 14 SD elements should be included into TVET TVET programs raise students’ awareness of mitigating and adapting to the impacts of climate change PERC 12 TVET programs promote local culture and products 13 PERC 11 TVET programs contribute to reducing unemployment among young people Totally disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Totally agree Totally disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Totally agree Totally disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Totally agree Totally disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Totally agree Yes No Yes No The curriculum framework is not suitable to integrate SD elements Lack of equipment for teaching process combined with SD Lack of support from third parties (organizations, businesses) to increase the practicality for the application of SD factors Students not have much awareness about SD Lack of cooperation from students in receiving information and knowledge about SD in the learning process There is not enough knowledge about SD to incorporate into the lecture There is not enough necessary skills to incorporate SD into the lecture Incorporating SD into teaching takes time H G F E D C 5 5 Y N Y N A B No CONS GEND AGE FACU SDGS CALL Y 43 F Y Y 39 M Y Y 41 M Y Y 38 F Y Y 34 M Y Y 57 M Y Y 38 M Y N 48 F Y Y 45 M Y Y 44 M Y 10 Y 43 M Y 11 Y 42 F Y 12 Y 39 F Y 13 Y 35 M Y 14 Y 46 M Y 15 Y 41 M Y 16 Y 36 M Y 17 Y 41 M Y 18 N 30 M Y 19 Y 38 M Y 20 Y 33 M Y 21 Y 43 M Y 22 Y 35 F Y 23 Y 28 F Y 24 N 25 F Y 25 N 26 M Y 26 N 27 F Y 27 Y 27 F Y 28 N 24 F Y 29 Y 30 F Y 30 Y 45 M Y 31 Y 41 F Y 32 Y 27 M Y 33 Y 41 F Y 34 Y 40 F Y 35 N 36 Y 43 F Y 37 N 34 M Y 38 Y 42 M Y 39 Y 36 M Y 40 Y 31 F Y 41 Y 24 F Y 42 Y 26 F Y 43 N 30 F Y 44 Y 38 M Y 45 Y 31 M Y 46 Y 29 F Y 47 Y 37 F Y 48 Y 35 M Y 49 Y 43 M Y 50 Y 42 F Y 51 N 35 F Y 52 Y 31 M Y 53 Y 44 M Y 54 Y 42 F Y 55 Y 28 F Y 56 Y 35 M Y 57 Y 41 F Y 58 Y 35 F Y 59 Y 29 F Y 60 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 A Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 4 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 4 3 4 5 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 5 5 4 5 5 4 5 4 4 4 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 4 5 4 4 4 1 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Basic Module A N N 4 4 A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C E E E D D D D E E D D D D F F F F F G G G G G G D D D D G C C F F F F G E E E E E E D D D D D D G G C C C F D D C B B A A E F G G G D C G F F F F F G F C 3 3 B C E E B N Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 D D C C C C C D D D D C D D B B B B B B C C C B B B CHAL A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 5 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 5 4 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 4 3 3 5 4 5 A A A A 5 4 5 PERC PERC PERC PERC PERC PERC PERC INTE CHYN CHAN N Y 5 4 Conferences N Y 4 5 5 GIZ Y Y 4 4 4 Y Y 4 4 4 Y Y 1 1 1 N Y 5 5 5 Y Y 2 2 H H H H H H H H H H H Appendix Coded raw data from the survey 66 ... 2.1 Development of TVET and Greening TVET 2.2 The development of TVET in Vietnam 2.3 Greening TVET in Vietnam 2.4 Teachers towards Greening TVET and SD ... the curriculum and training, Greening research, Greening the community and workplace and Greening institutional culture Among those five approached, Greening the curriculum and training has direct... orientation for the development of TVET as ? ?Greening TVET? ?? in order to achieve a sustainable future The trend of Greening TVET has been promoted and applied in several developing countries in the

Ngày đăng: 12/12/2021, 20:47


Bảng câu hỏi phỏng vấn về  Xanh hóa Đào tạo nghề ở Việt Nam: Nhận thức và thách thức của giáo viên đối với - Greening tvet in vietnam teachers perceptions and challenges for sustainable development
Bảng c âu hỏi phỏng vấn về Xanh hóa Đào tạo nghề ở Việt Nam: Nhận thức và thách thức của giáo viên đối với (Trang 69)



