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Currently, our countrys economy is on the rise, this entails the recruitment of human resources to enter large companies requiring applicants not only knowledge but skills. Looking at Vietnams labor market as a whole, many years ago, vocational training and skills were low, making it impossible to meet the needs of employers. In recent years, although the education level of many students has gradually improved and expanded, the unemployment rate of newly graduated students has continuously increased each year. Therefore, my research paper will focus on answering the question of whether unemployed students after graduation are due to themselves. In my opinion, the lack of soft skills and limited English proficiency are the two main reasons for the rising unemployment rate of students after graduation.

An argumentative essay on ARE UNEMPLOYED STUDENTS AFTER GRADUATION DUE TO THEMSELVES? Teacher: Trương Thùy Anh (M.A) Student: Nguyễn Thị Khánh Huyền Nguyễn Thị Minh Ngọc Class: F14F Course: Project I Hanoi, 14/3/2021 Running head: ARE UNEMPLOYED STUDENTS AFTER GRADUATION DUE TO THEMSELVES? An argumentative essay on Are unemployed students after graduation due to themselves? by Nguyễn Thị Khánh Huyền & Nguyễn Thị Minh Ngọc Class: F14F Lecturer: Trương Thùy Anh (M.A) Course: Project I Mark: Running head: ARE UNEMPLOYED STUDENTS AFTER GRADUATION DUE TO THEMSELVES? STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP Students’ name: Nguyễn Thị Khánh Huyền & Nguyễn Thị Minh Ngọc Class: F14F Student Number: F14-105 & F14-176 Subject: Project I Lecturer: Trương Thùy Anh (M.A) Question of essay paper: ARE UNEMPLOYED STUDENTS AFTER GRADUATION THEMSELVES? DUE TO Declaration I declare that the work attached is entirely my own, and that I have given due acknowledge as require I understand that the work submitted may be reproduced and/ or communicated for the purpose of det Signed _ Date: 14th March, 2021 Plagiarism By signing the declaration, you are stating that you have not plagiarized Use the following as a checklist ⬜ This work is entirely my own ⬜ I have not copied another student’s work ⬜ I have not copied or used in any way material from a text, journal,website or other published source without acknowledgement (including non – English sources) ⬜ I have cited and referenced fully and correctly as required by the ISB where applicable ⬜ I have not reworded material from another source and presented it as my own ⬜ I have not used this work in a previous class (self - plagiarism) TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction……………………………………………………………………… Running head: ARE UNEMPLOYED STUDENTS AFTER GRADUATION DUE TO THEMSELVES? Body paragraphs: ………………………………………………………………… 5-7 2.1 Lack of soft skills 5-6 2.2 Foreign language restrictions 2.3 Counter-argument 6-7 …………………………………………………………… Conclusion………………………………………………………………………… 8-9 References…………………………………………………………………………… Introduction Running head: ARE UNEMPLOYED STUDENTS AFTER GRADUATION DUE TO THEMSELVES? Currently, our country's economy is on the rise, this entails the recruitment of human resources to enter large companies requiring applicants not only knowledge but skills Looking at Vietnam's labor market as a whole, many years ago, vocational training and skills were low, making it impossible to meet the needs of employers In recent years, although the education level of many students has gradually improved and expanded, the unemployment rate of newly graduated students has continuously increased each year Therefore, my research paper will focus on answering the question of whether unemployed students after graduation are due to themselves In my opinion, the lack of soft skills and limited English proficiency are the two main reasons for the rising unemployment rate of students after graduation Body 2.1 Lack of soft skills From my point of view, the first major cause of unemployment in students is the severe lack of soft skills I want to explain what soft skills are Soft skills are the term used to refer to skills of human personality, not specialized, cannot be touched This is a broad concept Soft skills include many skills such as teamwork skills, creative thinking skills, critical thinking skills, communication skills, presentation skills, problem solving skills, and time management function, work organization (Bui &Pham, 2010, p.2) Soft skills are aspects related to emotional maturities such as copying connecting with friends, colleagues, and teamwork Many universities in Vietnam have yet to incorporate skills such as teamwork, presentation, or communication into their teaching and learning systems, resulting in students lacking confidence and dynamic Pham (2014) - The first Vietnamese Mayor in the US said that soft skills account for 75% of human achievement, while experience and expertise account for just 25% of human success Harvard University, the Carnegie Foundation and the Stanford Research Center conducted a survey and found that hard skills account for only 15% of a person's progress, while soft skills account for 85% of success (National Soft Skills, 2015) Most students are not aware of the value of soft skills, however the technical credentials and experience of students at universities are very strong, but in order to get a stable job, employers are looking for more than that Employers often appreciate soft skills, at least 65%, while professional skills range from 47 to 50 % (Cengage News, 2019) Therefore, with the above statistics, the shortage of soft skills is the first major explanation why students are unemployed following graduation Running head: ARE UNEMPLOYED STUDENTS AFTER GRADUATION DUE TO THEMSELVES? 2.2 Foreign language restriction The second main cause of unemployment for new graduates is limited foreign language ability English has long been an international language, used in most countries around the world, especially in periods of integration and globalization, the more becoming increasingly needed The growth of the global economy and the trend of market expansion has led to an increasing presence of foreign companies, so English skills like a tool, a musthave minimum of job applicants can apply for positions in these companies For employers, they said that English skills are one of the decisive factors in the recruitment of employees According to a study in 38 countries, 97% of employers point out that English is an important skill in their working environment (Jones, 2017) Herm (2019) and Nguyen (2013) also agree that good English will be the greatest advantage, helping new graduates increase the opportunity to be admitted into companies The current reality shows that most of the new graduates' English skills are still poor, so they fail to find jobs According to research results from companies in Malaysia, Vietnam, and Africa in recent years, restrictions on English language communication skills caused new graduates from meeting the interview requirements and resulted in an increasing unemployment rate (Bakar, 2018; Tran, 2018; Bello, 2011) Based on statistical reports from the Malaysian Employers Federation, as many as 200,000 graduates in Malaysia are unable to find jobs due to their inability to communicate in English (Rajaendram, 2016) Or in Singapore, 15% of employers also not want to recruit new graduates because of poor English language skills (JobStreet, 2015) Therefore, with the above information and statistics, English language limitation is the second main cause of unemployment among newly graduated students 2.3 Counter-argument On the other hand, other people still claim that the increasing rate of unemployed students after graduation is due to the population explosion They argue that the population explosion causes the increasing demand for workers across the country, but the jobs are not enough to meet them, thus causing underemployment and fierce competition among the workers, and that is the reason leading to unemployment among young workers However, the fact has shown that the population explosion is not the main cause leading to this problem Entrepreneur Nguyen Minh Ngoc (2015) - Director of Gemslight Company Running head: ARE UNEMPLOYED STUDENTS AFTER GRADUATION DUE TO THEMSELVES? Ltd once said that instead of blaming the society, the education or the poor situation, everyone should review themselves They should look at themselves, whether they still have shortcomings and limitations and if they have worked hard enough to try to improve themselves Moreover, any recruiter always wants to find and recruit for their company or organization, a source of young people with real capacity, not only in terms of professional knowledge but also other necessary skills at work According to research by HengJobStreet Malaysia's senior marketing communications executive, poor attitudes, limited English skills, and poor communication skills are the reasons that make new students unemployed and graduate (Bakar, 2018) Or according to the survey of companies in Vietnam, 67 percent of employers also not want new graduates because of concerns about skills (JobStreet, 2015) The above statistics show that most of the unemployment comes from the severe lack of skills needed to apply to large companies of new graduates In addition, although the population explosion will create a lot of competition in the process of finding work for workers, if they are capable and meet the requirements set by employers, that competition won't affect them too much Conclusion In summary, limited English proficiency and lack of soft skills are the main reasons for the higher unemployment rate among new graduates To increase job opportunities, people need to develop themselves better in different ways such as improving foreign languages, enhancing communication with foreigners, and learning more necessary skills for future jobs Besides, they should also learn more experiences, knowledge from people around to develop themselves further This essay helps graduates and undergrads to better understand the current situation today as well as the recruitment trends of companies, thereby improving themselves, improving their ability to master life, and helping the country to develop more and more (1104 words) Running head: ARE UNEMPLOYED STUDENTS AFTER GRADUATION DUE TO THEMSELVES? References Association, N., 2015 The Soft Skills Disconnect - National Soft Skills Association [online] National Soft Skills Association Available at: [Accessed March 2021] Bakar, S., 2018 Looking for jobs? Learn to speak English first, says MEF [online] Free Malaysia Today (FMT) Available at: [Accessed March 2021] Bello, D., 2011 FutureChallenges » Educated and Unemployed: The Dilemma of Graduates in Africa [online] Futurechallenges.org Available at: [Accessed March 2021] Bui, T and Pham, N., 2010 Kỹ mềm [ebook] p.2 Available at: [Accessed March 2021] Cengage 2019 New Survey: Demand for “Uniquely Human Skills” Increases Even as Technology and Automation Replace Some Jobs - Cengage [online] Available at: [Accessed March 2021] Huong, 2015 Gặp tác giả status gây bão: 'Đứng dậy đi, thạc sĩ, cử nhân thất nghiệp' [online] Kenh14.vn Available at: [Accessed March 2021] Jobstreet.vn 2015 Doanh nghiệp quan ngại nhiều chất lượng nguồn nhân lực [online] Available at: [Accessed March 2021] Jones, R., 2017 Research by Cambridge English Puts a Spotlight on the Language Learning Skills Gap [online] Recruitment Buzz Available at: [Accessed March 2021] Misa.vn 2013 Tầm quan trọng tiếng Anh kỹ xin việc - MISA.VN [online] Available at: [Accessed March 2021] Pham, N., 2014 Thị trưởng người Việt Mỹ: 'Nhiều bạn trẻ thất bại thiếu kỹ mềm' [online] vnexpress.net Available at: [Accessed March 2021] Running head: ARE UNEMPLOYED STUDENTS AFTER GRADUATION DUE TO THEMSELVES? Rajaendram, R., 2016 English skills vital for all [online] The Star Online Available at: [Accessed March 2021] Sani, R., 2019 Upskilling with English | New Straits Times [online] NST Online Available at: [Accessed March 2021] Tran, H., 2018 Vì sinh viên có chuẩn đầu tiếng Anh thấp? [online] TUOI TRE ONLINE Available at: [Accessed March 2021] Running head: ARE UNEMPLOYED STUDENTS AFTER GRADUATION DUE TO THEMSELVES? Duty Roster Nguyễn Thị Minh Ngọc Conclusion Foreign language restrictions Counter-argument References Nguyễn Thị Khánh Huyền Introduction Lack of soft skills Counter-argument References 10 ...Running head: ARE UNEMPLOYED STUDENTS AFTER GRADUATION DUE TO THEMSELVES? An argumentative essay on Are unemployed students after graduation due to themselves? by Nguyễn Thị Khánh... Question of essay paper: ARE UNEMPLOYED STUDENTS AFTER GRADUATION THEMSELVES? DUE TO Declaration I declare that the work attached is entirely my own, and that I have given due acknowledge as require... the main cause leading to this problem Entrepreneur Nguyen Minh Ngoc (2015) - Director of Gemslight Company Running head: ARE UNEMPLOYED STUDENTS AFTER GRADUATION DUE TO THEMSELVES? Ltd once said

Ngày đăng: 11/12/2021, 20:12

