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  • song sheets

  • Evaluations

  • Resource Bank

  • Progress Check Tests

  • Board games

  • Key to test booklet

  • Coursebook Tapescripts

  • Workbook Key

  • Workbook Tapescripts

  • Grammar Book Key

  • Dialogue Improvisation

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Blockbuster is a modular course in English aimed at students within the category of B 1.1 The course incorporates both a cross-cultural approach, and its syllabus reflects the guidelines of the European Framework with detailed theory and After each five units there is an Exploring Grammar section Wllich revises the grammar from the previous five There are also Revision sections which revise all the material covered up to that point in the book Blockbuster develops all four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) through a variety of communicative tasks, and systematically recycles key language items Above all, it is designed to promote active (activating all new vocabulary and structures in meaningful, everyday situations), holistic (encouraging the creative collective use as well as the linguistic analytical use of students' brains) and humanistic learning (acquiring and practising language through pleasant tasks and topiCS paying attention to students' needs, feelings and desires) My Language Portfolio My Language Portfolio contains material to be used in a variety of tactile tasks throughout the course This material is printed on pages which students may then cut out and file in their individual Language Portfolios (see Students' Language Portfolios below) The coursebook consists of eight modules of five units each Each unit is designed to be taught in five 50·minute lessons There is also a Culture Corner and Curricular Cuts section, as well as a Self Check section, at the end of each module Student's Book The Student's Book is the main component of the course Each unit is based on a single theme and the topics covered are of general interest All modules follow the same basic structure (see Elements of the Coursebook below) Optional units The course includes two units aimed to be done before certain celebrations (May Day and St Patrick's Day) Workbook & Grammar Book The Workbook & Grammar Book is in full colour The Workbook contains units corresponding to those in the Student's Book It can be used either in class or for homework upon completion of the relevant unit in the Student's Book It aims to consolidate the language presented in the Student's Book through a variety of exercises incorporating all four skills The Grammar Book provides further exploration of the grammar taught in each unit of the Student's Book, Teacher's Book The Teacher's Book contains detailed Teacher's notes, which provide: • objectives of each unit in a clear and concise way • step-by-step lesson plans and suggestions on how to present the material a full key to the exercises in the Student's Book and Workbook & Grammar Book • tapescripts of all listening material • My Language Portfolio guidelines • instructions & key to board games a full key to the Test Booklet The photocopiable material is: • Evaluation sheets Formative Evaluation Charts • Student's Self-Assessment Forms Progress Report Cards Resource Bank Material with Extension Activities • Progress Check Tests & Key Test Booklet The Test Booklet contains eight Modular Tests, each in two versions of equivalent level This is to ensure reliability of results, especially with where students sitting next to each other work on different tests, but are tested in the same langua£lo areas at (~xactly the same level of difficulty The tests Ih~) assessment of students' progress and enabl(~ tho \O!:lCrlOr to pinpOint students' specific stren~Jths There is also n Mid well as an Exit Test all and can thoso plnnninq In nn ofloctlvo assessment test for 1l10VO Oil 10 thB next level 00 00 Use of (bilingual/monolingual) dictionary Encourage students to guess the meaning of a word, then use their dictionaries to check if their guess is correct Sketching Draw a simple sketch on the board to illustrate the word(s) to be explained For instance: tall short 00 Flashcards Make Flashcards out of magazine or newspaper pictures, photographs, ready drawings and any other visual material which may serve as vocabulary teaching tools Use of L In a monolingual class, vocabulary can be explained in the students' mother tongue, although this method should be used only in moderation Students also need to compare their mother tongue to the English language to find similarities and/or differences C - ASSigning homework It is recommended that homework is regularly assigned and routinely checked according to the specific needs of the class When aSSigning writing tasks, prepare students as help well as possible in advance This will them avoid errors and get maximum benefit from the task Commonly assigned homework tasks include: 00 Vocabulary Students memorise the meaning of words and phrases spelling 00 Spelling Students learn the of particular words without memorising the text in which they appear Student's 00 Reading aloud Assisted by the Cassette or CD, students practise at home in preparation for reading aloud in class 00 Writing After thorough preparation in class, students are asked to produce a complete piece of writing D - Correcting students' work All learners make errors; they are part of the process of learning The way errors are dealt with depends on the activity 00 Oral accuracy In drill work, correct students on the spot, either by providing the correct answer and asking them to repeat it, or by indicating the error but Alternatively, allowing students to correct it indicate the error and ask other students to correct it The choice of technique depends on the type of word or expression For example, it may be easier to 00 Oral fluency In pairwork or free speaking activities, allow students to finish the task without interruption, describe an action verb through miming, and not but make a note of the errors made and correct them through a synonym or definition afterwards 00 Written work Do not over-correct; focus on errors B - Writing (Skills work) All writing tasks in Blockbuster have been carefully that are directly related to the point of the exercise designed to guide students closely in producing a When giving feedback you may write the most successful piece of writing common errors on the board and help the class to 00 Always read the model text provided and deal in correct them detail with the tasks that follow Students will then Remember that praising students and rewarding Post written work on have acquired the language necessary to cope with good work is of great importance a notice board in the classroom or school, or give the final writing task 'reward' stickers, Praise effort as well as success 00 Make sure that students understand they are writing for a purpose Go through the writing task in detail E - Class organisation so that students are fully aware of why they are 00 Open pairs The class focuses its attention on two writing and who they are writing to students doing the assigned task together Use this 00 Make sure that students follow the structured outline technique to provide an example of how the task they are provided with should be done 00 It would be advisable to complete the task orally in 00 Closed pairs Pairs of students work together on a class before assigning it as written homework task or activity, while the teacher moves around the Students will then feel more confident about classroom offering assistance and suggestions producing a complete piece of writing on their own Ensure the task is clearly understood before closed pairwork begins 00 Stages in pailWork: throughout the their learning both The main emphasis that while compiling develop the skill of working The aim of the for documenting the classroom of learning, so Portfolios, learners Organise students into pairs Set the task and time limit Rehearse the task in open pairs Ask students to the task in closed pairs Go around the class and help students is to develop the Pairs report back to the class be guided at • Groupwork Groups of three or more students work first on how to organise work, keep records, together on a task or activity projects or roleplay access their own information, etc Learners at this level are often most easily done in groups Again, ensure are usually willing to experiment and try new things, but students clearly understand the task in advance at the same time, can be discouraged if they are not Rolling questions A student answers a question, • a routine has been sure what is required of them Once then proceeds to ask a question directed at the next established and learners begin to develop their student in turn This continues around the class autonomy, they can be given more responsibility and F - Using the Student's Cassette or Audio CD All dialogues and texts in the Culture Corner and Curricular Cuts sections are recorded on the Student's Cassette or CD Students have the chance to listen to these recordings at home as many times as they want in order to improve their pronunciation and intonation The suggested stages of such self-access study are: • The student listens to the recording and follows the lines in the text or dialogue • The student listens to the recording with pauses after each sentence or exchange The student repeats as many times as needed, trying to imitate the speaker's pronunciation and intonation • The student listens to the recording again, then reads aloud freedom Learners will still appreciate feedback and appraisal, though, so it is important that their efforts are monitored and facilitated First Steps is Itsuggested that work on the Language Portfolio is started a few weeks into the course once students have made some progress in the English language At this level, a letter can be sent home to parents to inform them that the students will need a folder, plastic envelopes, etc At the beginning of the first session, ask the students to turn to page three of their Language Portfolio Go through the letter together, making sure that the students have a thorough understanding of the concept of the Language Portfolio Encourage them to ask questions about anything they not understand Then, give the students some time to arrange their Language Portfolio Go around, providing any necessary help the students have arranged their Language Once At the beginning of the course, students should be Portfolio, go through each page together, commenting asked to obtain a suitable folder, or sectioned on the layout and pictures, and giving a brief document wallet, which they will bring to each lesson explanation of the content of each page Spend some and which will hold their personal Language Portfolio time going through the Language Biography section, This will be used to store not only the material cut providing any necessary help Once this has been out of the printed supplement, My Language Portfolio, completed, encourage the students to the activities but also a wide variety of other documents and material in the Dossier section In practice, Language Portfolios may include projects or other written work; computer diskettes with How to approach each section work or drawings completed inside or outside the class; I) Language Passport video cassettes with the students' favourite story, filmed Read out the introductory paragraph as the students performances of songs, school plays, etc; Evaluation follow silently Answer any questions they may have Sheets and reports from teachers; various realia or Each time they are given something for this section, pictures and so on In short, it is a collection of what the remind them to make a record of it and file it in the learners want to keep as evidence of what they are appropriate section of their Language Portfolio learning through the medium of the English language This Language Portfolio is the student's property It is a tool to accompany the students' language learning should offer a ways Consequently, a coursebook II) Language Biography variety of exercises and material which stimulate all Spend some time on each section, making sure the types of learning styles in order to help the learners students know what is required of them learn according to their personal learning styles Here is a brief explanation of the rationale of each Visual Learners need to see the teacher's body section: language and facial expression to fully understand - All about me: Students fill in their personal the content of the lesson They think In pictures and information and record their exposure to the learn best from visual displays, including diagrams, English language illustrations, transparencies, videos, flashcards and How I learn: Go through the section along with students, providing any necessary help The hand-outs purpose of this section is for both students and Auditory Learners learn best through verbal teacher to be able to determine each student's explanations, discussions, talking things through individual learning style (i.e visual, auditory, and listening to what others have to say Written tactile/kinaesthetic) and needs information may have little meaning until it is heard My World of English: By updating the record, Students often benefit from reading a text aloud and students get a sense of achievement in the target using a tape recorder language " Tactile/Kinaesthetic Learners learn best through a Now I can: Students have the opportunity to hands-on approach, actively exploring the physical assess their own learning If a student moves to world around them They may find it hard to still a new school his/her teacher will also be able to for long periods and may become distracted by their gauge this student's level need for activity and exploration These learners Future Plans: Students record their intentions and express themselves through movement They have ambitions concerning their improvement in the a good sense of balance and hand-eye cotarget language ordination By interacting with the space around them, they are able to remember and process III) Dossier information Involve them in role play, pairwork and The activities have been designed to reinforce the other classroom activities language covered in each module They can be done upon completion of each module or at a time convenient to the teacher, provided that students have covered the corresponding module Evaluation is an essential part in the learning process It helps the learners recognise their progress It is suggested that teachers participate in the in the target language, how much they have achieved activities by bringing in a completed version of an and what areas need further practice The learners' activity to be presented Students need to be attitude towards their own learning experience is motivated and inspired, and the following is a positively influenced as they participate in the whole suggestion on how to approach each activity: Every process Evaluation also allows teachers to reflect on time students present an activity, give them due the validity of their teaching practices and the types of praise and attention, reward them with stickers, etc material being used In general, make them feel that they have done The process is divided into three parts: Initial something special; in this way, the whole class will Evaluation at the beginning of the course, Formative be encouraged to likewise Evaluation, which is done on a day-to-day basis, and Cumulative Evaluation, upon finishing a module Experienced teachers will be aware that some of their students learn best by listening to new information, some prefer to read about it, whereas other students need to something with the new information There is no absolute 'best' method of learning; these are all valid learning styles, as different people learn in different Initial Evaluation This evaluation centres mainly on the students' reports from the previous school year The teacher can assess the students' level, work already covered, work which needs to be covered, strengths/weaknesses, etc Grammar Book Key has been trying has been waiting has been getting have been practising has been running have been playing hadn't been had dropped was cleaning found Past Perfect had cooked had been had had By the time she came, all the guests had left After she had out the washing , it began to rain John had had lunch befo re he took a nap The phone had stopped ringing before he entered his office The film had already started when they reached the cinema He had been awake for hours before his alarm clock went off (Suggested answers) • • • • a After/When Ann had prepared the food, she put up the decorations b Ann had prepared the food before she put up the decorations a After/When I had slept for a couple of hours, I felt better b ,I had slept for a couple of hours before I felt better a After/When the children had played in the garden, they went inside b The children had played in the garden before they went inside a After/When Nancy had visited her parents, she met some friends b Nancy had visited her parents before she met some friends Past Perfect - Past Continuous - Past Simple 1 looked was had started felt had woken had worked felt hadn't eaten stood up went Was was was cooking burned didn't hurt 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 looked was had rained hadn't been decided was felt had finally finished had taken d idn't enjoy had seen had forgotten/forgot remembered did you find had already missed had been digging Past Perfect Continuous (Suggested answers) planned broke 3 had been working had been eating had been walking had been talking had been waiting had been chopping had been crying had been eating had been running had been sunbathing hadn't been sleeping had he been looking had been trying had been doing had Sandra been reading 2 10 3 since How long for, before Until B - for A - had been waiting/ waited had been taking he had been waiting hadn't realised had already bought had the baby stopped had you been standing had been practising they had built after he had after he had How long , before until since for, before 5 A - was working B - before A - for he had been the time Speaking A: Had her mother paid the bills by the time Linda returned home? B: Yes, she had A: Had her mother gone to the bank by the time Linda returned home? B: No, she hadn't A: Had her mother posted the letters by the time Linda returned home? B: Yes , she had A: Had her mother done the shopping by the time Linda returned home? B: Yes, she had A: Had her mother cancelled the dentist 's appointment by the time Linda returned home? B: No, she hadn't Grammar Book Key A: Had her mother cleaned the kitchen by the time Linda returned home? B: No, she hadn't A: Had her mother taken the cat to the vet by the time Linda returned home? B: Yes, she had A: Had her mother called the plumber by the time Linda returned home? B: Yes, she had They They They They had had had had 3 is was is being are was were are was 10 are was A: Who was th e film Babe directed by? B: The film Babe was directed by Chris Noonan A: Who was the famous sculpture The Kiss created by? B: The famou s scu lpture The Kiss was created by Rodin A: Who was th e TV invented by? B: The TV was invented by John Logie Baird A: Where and when was the first hot-air balloon flown? B: The first hot-air balloon was flown in France in 1783 A: Who was Harry Potter & the Philosopher's Stone written by? B: Harry Potter & the Philosopher's Stone was written by J.K Rowling A: Who was penicillin discovered by? B: Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Flemming A: Who was the music for Matrix Revolutions composed by? B: The music for Matrix Revolutions was composed by Don Davis A: Where were th e pyramids built? B: The pyramids were built on the west bank of the River Nile 10 A: Who was Sunflowers painted by? B: Sunflowers was painted by Vincent Van Gogh was it completed was it built is it made of A new swimming pool has been built Lots of new shops have been opened The old silk factory has been converted into a cinema Trees have been planted along the seafront The old library has been renovated Security cameras have been installed on the streets The population has increased The Passive is put are built is mowed/mown were given will be taken care of Unit 18 Free T-shirts will be given with all purchases over £10 next Monday My friend was given a beautiful watch after her graduation yesterday Rock concerts are organised in our town every year High school students were taken to the British Museum yesterday Dinner is being cooked as we speak Venice is visited by many tourists every year Sunflowers was painted by Van Gogh in 1888 A new album has just been released by Paul McCartney 10 The rubbish bins were emptied early this morning invited their friends clean ed the barbecue bought snacks and cold drinks prepared a salad etc 1 is turned on is celebrated are recycled is made was devoted hasn't been cleaned Writing (Suggested answers) • • • • 2 with with by by • • • • • by with by with by 10 with The Colosseum is located in Rome The Venus de Milo is made of marble The helicopter was invented by Igor Sikorsky The Mona Usa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci Great Expectations was completed in 1861 10 Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, it will be delivered tomorrow their invitations were sent out last week it was cleaned yesterday they were informed two days ago 11 a hospital will be opened by Prince Charles Tokyo was hit by a tidal wave The World Cup was won by Brazil the moon may be hit by a meteor in 2035 Another world record was broken by Baxter a ski resort was destroyed by an avalanche 12 It was manufactured in 1886 It is being repaired at the garage My wallet has just been stolen He has been sent to Germany on business My flight was delayed No, it is being painted at the moment 315 Grammar Book Key 13 was broken was stolen was taken has been caught 14 AABA- 15 is being taken It is believed built is being prepared 10 is being held has been stolen is used to be serviced by was invited to Paula said that she had been a teacher for ten years She said that she was extremely organised and she never missed a deadline 3 Speaking A priceless painting was stolen (by thieves) yesterday in Paris The Summer Olympics will be hosted by London in 2012 A warehouse was destroyed by fire this morning A cure for the common cold may be discovered (by scientists) this century Rising sea levels may be caused by global warming 10 11 12 Writing (Suggested answer) It has been announced that a new baseball stadium will be built 'next year According to police reports, a priceless painting was stolen from a Paris gallery yesterday It has been decided that the Summer Olympics will be hosted by London in 2012 It has been announced that a warehouse was destroyed by fire last night It is hoped that a cure for the common cold may be discovered this century Finally, geologists believe that rising sea levels may be caused by global warming Unit 19 tell said told said Dad asked if I could take the rubbish outside John asked me who my favourite actor was She asked her son where his coat was The teacher asked who knew the answer Bill asked her where she was going Jim asked Cindy if she liked sports She asked if I would pick her up at three o'clock The reporter asked Katie when she was going on tour The reporter asked Katie how many tracks the album contained The reporter asked Katie if she was planning on getting marrie d in the near future The reporter asked Katie how long it took her to record the album The reporter asked Katie what she liked to wheri she had free time tell said said tell 10 said told Reported Statements 316 Eric told me (that) he couldn't go to the party that evening Mark told me (that) that film was very interesting The plumber said to them (that) he would come the next day and fix the tap Patty said (that) those had been/were the best days of her life He said (that) he had already done the shopping My boss said (that) I must type the letters today Paul said (that) he had given her the papers He said (that) Christmas Day was/is always on 25th December Dad said (that) it was time for bed She told me (that) she would see me the following week Patty said (that) she had finished the chores I had asked her to He said (that) we could go out that night They said (that) they had never travelled by train before He said (that) the Earth was/is round They said (that) they had gone to the circus the previous week He said (that) she had broken the vase Sally said (that) she had gone to the theatre the previous day Tina said (that) she was preparing dinner then Mum said (that) I was going to be late for school Reported Questions Reported Speech Jenny said that she had studied Modern Languages at University She said that she hadn't got any experience in editing but she was willing to learn and she was extremely reliable Chris said that he had studied Eng lish Literature in England He said that he had been a freelance writer for two years B - will be displayed B - is recovering A - What started cars were sold was the fire is being cleaned will be organised be published is being driven will be given back will be sent Reported Commands/Requests suggested ordered The Yoga instructor asked Michael to raise his arms higher The Yoga instructor told Michael to keep his legs straight told begged Grammar Book Key The Yoga instructor told Michael not to bend his knees He asked Carm en to step on the scale He told her to d rink plenty of water He told her to get more rest and relaxation He suggested walkin g to work instead of taking the car He told her not to eat a lot of/much junk food He told her to take reg ular exercise He told her to go to bed early 4 Where are you from ? I'm from Spain When did you start singing? I started sing ing at th e age of nine R: Who is your favourite singer? S: My favourite sin ger is Madonna etc meeting had already ne to stop me not why I wanted they would se ll the play started if we liked Unit 20 The Causative was having had had have are having had will have He has had a new garage built by a builder He has had th e hall painted by a painter He has had th e fri dge repaire d by a technician He has had th e d inin g room red ecorated by an interior desig ner 10 w ill have has Luke had his bicycle repaired last week (by his uncle) Lisa had her car washed yesterday (by her daughter) I am going to have an extension built (by a builder) I must have the grass cut I will have the leaky tap fixed (by the plumber) The farmer needs to have his fence mended The neighbours will have their flowers watered while they're away (by us) We won't have our pizza delivered in less than twenty minutes (by the pizza boy) By the time we arrived , our bed room had been whitewashed (by Judy) Heidi is having her pet parrot operated on (by the vet) I was having my car repaired (by the mechanic) 10 11 12 4 has had her the food prepared will have the carpet replaced R: S: R: S: The reporter asked the famous singer where she was from Th e famous singer said that she was from Spain The reporter asked when she had started singing She said that she had started singing at the age of nin e Th e reporter asked her who her favourite singer was She said that her favourite singer was Madonna etc He has had the house rewired by an electrician He has had the tap fixed by a plumber He has had the front door made by a carpenter 'You (have) m ade too m any mistakes,' the teacher told him 'Can I have anoth er piece of cake?' Paul asked me 'Stop yelling !' my dad told me 'I am going to th e party,' Barry told me 'What time is it?' my mother asked me 'He is telling the truth ,' she said 'I will call you tomorrow ,' she told me 'Can you pl ay th e g uitar?' she asked me Speaking (Suggested answers) have it painted had the walls whitewashed have the garden redesigned have new furniture delivered have new carpets laid will have her had their house having his teeth had his wallet Speaking (Suggested answers) • • • • • • He He He He He He has has has has has has had had had had had had the fence repaired the windows replaced trees planted the walls painted the rubbish collected the house cleaned Writing (Suggested answer) Dear Sam, Although my new holiday home was a terrible mess, I have finally managed to renovate it despite all the difficulties Firstly, I have had the walls painted and the roof fixed All the windows were broken so I have had them replaced The fence was damaged so I have had it repaired I have had trees planted but I haven't had the grass cut yet I've had the rubbish collected and the house cleaned After all these renovations, my holiday home looks very nice Nevertheless, there are still some things that need to be done I will have a swimming pool put in and I will also have a garage built When the house is finished with all the renovations, I'll be expecting you for a visit Hope to see you soon , Jonathan 317 Grammar Book Key Exploring Grammar (Units 17-20) They realised the cultural importance of the baths that the Romans had built a) • • • they had an impressive temple built they also had a luxurious bathhouse constructed they had the bathhouses renovated b) have + object + b) • When the person performing the action is unknown, unimportant, obvious or has been forgotten • To emphasise the action rather than the agent If the agent is mentioned , then "by" is placed in front of the agent • When the subject of the active verb is a word such as: people, one (indefinite pronouns) or I, you , he, she, we, they (personal pronouns) These words (being the agent in the passive) are omitted past participle c) The verb 'get' can replace the verb 'have' in more informal situations, often used orally Revision Units - 20 a) Visitors say that the· city of Bath is one of the most beautiful places they have seen b) • • present simple -+ past simple present continuous -+ past continuous present perfect -+ past perfect past simple -+ past perfect/past simple past continuous -+ past perfect continuous/ past continuous will -+ would Personal pronouns and possessive adjectives change according to the context a) • • • • 318 The Romans wer~ so stunned (no active form) It was not only believed -+ People did not only believe the pleasure of the hot springs were rediscovered by the British aristocracy -+ the aristocracy rediscovered the British pleasures of the hot springs a large city was built -+ they built a large city C A C C B 10 B A A C A 11 C 12 13 14 15 A B B C 16 17 18 19 20 B B A B B e · Chores galore! Gadgets Read the instructions and explain the activity Have a class discussion about household chores and ask the students which ones they like/dislike doing Tell them to list the chores they at home daily or weekly and use them to write a letter to a pen pal Read the instructions and explain the activity Take in a variety of pictures showing modern-day gadgets and ask students what they are called and what they are used for Alternatively, ask them what gadgets, if any, they have at home Suggest that they some research on the subject before completing their poster Hollywood legends Read the instructions and explain the activity Go around the class asking students who their favourite film star is Ask them what they know about them; their real name, age, nationality, films they starred in, etc Then, ask the students to find information on two famous Hollywood legends from magazines or the Internet before writing a short factfile on them Record the students while presenting their work to th e class My ideal school Read the instructions and explain the activity Ask the students to discuss certain rules they have in their school Elicit which rules they like, don't mind, dislike Ask them to imagine what kind of rules they would enforce if they could create their ideal school Remind students to use a variety of modal verbs to express meanings such as obligation, necessity and permission , etc, before writing their list of rules Sleepy Crook! Extreme sports Read the instructions and explain the activity Have a class discussion about various crimes: robbery, kidnapping, mugging, etc Asl< the students to use the title and the prompts to give information about the time, place and people involved in the crime and what happened in the end Remind them to use past tenses before writing their report and presenting it as if they were reading it on th e radio Read the instructions and explain the activity Ask individual students to describe an extreme sport and say what equipment they would need to it Refer them to the sport of bungee jumping and provide any necessary vocabulary needed to complete the task Students can stick pictures on their work or draw pictures to make the flyer more appealing Hero of the day! Shop till you drop Read the instructions and explain the activity Refer the students to the clues Ask them who they think the hero of the day was and to use their imagination as to what may have happened Encourage students to use a variety of adjectives wh en th ey talk about what happened and how th ey felt, to make their story more interesting Then , asl< th em to narrate th eir story to the class Read the instructions and explain the activity Ask the students about shopping facilities in their area Discuss which type of shop they would go to if they wanted to buy trendy clothes, electrical goods, souvenirs, antiques, etc Explain/Elicit the meaning of the captions above the photos before students complete their webpage A Piece of advice Read the instructions and explain the activity Have a class discussion about the responsibilities of owning a pet Ask students wh at advice they would give to someone who was thinking of getting a pet of their own Recycle the expressions Ss learned regarding asking for and giving advice (Wh at should I do? If I were you, I'd , etc) Ask them to think of their target reader to determine what style to use (formal/informal) before writing their advice column 319 Lost property Communication Read the instructions and explain the activity Ask students if they have ever lost anything, and if so, describe what the item looked like using two or three adjectives Take the role of the lost property officer and ask the students what they lost at the university library Ask them what it looked like, when they lost it, etc After students have filled in the lost property form, they can act out a similar dialogue with a partner Read the instructions and explain the activity Have a class discussion on the various means of electronic communication Ask students when they would send someone an email, a fax, a text message, etc Ask them why these means of communication are better/worse than speaking to people face-to-face Refer students to the activity and elicit ideas on writing an opinion essay Simply the best Lights, Applause, Action! Read the instructions and explain the activity Ask the students to imagine they are at a circus Tell them to close their eyes and think about it for a moment or two Where are they? What can they see? What are the animals/performers doing? etc Ask them to open their eyes and tell you about the circus They can use this information to prepare their radio advertisement Taste luck! Read the instructions and explain the activity Go around the class, inviting students to tell you what special foods are eaten at certain times during the year Discuss what special dishes people prepare in their country on New Year's Eve Ask them to read out what people eat on New Year's Eve in Spain, before completing the leaflet It is a good idea to encourage the students to access their own information by using an encyclopaedia or the Internet Students can also make up their own interesting facts - the information they use does not have to be factual Secret messages Read the instructions and explain the activity Elicit or explain the meaning of the Morse code: a code used for sending messages It represents each letter of the alphabet using short and long sounds or flashes of light, which is written down in dots and dashes Ask students to work in pairs and give them enough time to decode the message Having completed this task, students then write their own appropriate reply 320 Read the instructions and explain the activity Refer the students to the title of the article and encourage them to talk about the particular qualities one needs to become a champion Recycle adjectives related to character traits for each of the subheadings before the students complete the task Superstitions Read the instructions and explain the activity Ask various students whether they are superstitious or not Ask them to recall which superstitions around the world are believed to bring people good/bad I.uck Discuss which superstitions in their country are supposed to bring good luck Provide any necessary vocabulary before the students complete their lists Dialogue Improvisation Write the following diagrams on the board Ss can use them to improvise their dialogues Unit p Ex Student A Student B Call out S's name Ask the person to ~ Go in and wonder why join you Express your annoyance ~ (Here What's up?) (name! / Where ? Get in herel ~ Comment on the state of the room (Just look ) Comment on the state of th e room again (It's a mess It looks like ) Show surprise ~ (What's wrong ? It looks fine.) / - Comment on A's reaction Express your opinion (It doesn't bother me / Do you think so? I like it ) Comment and refus e to help / _ Make a promise (You must be joking / EVerything~ ,S (Don't worry Leave it I'll .) such I hope you don 't think I'm .) Express doubt (That's what you always .) Express opinion (No, name The problem is, you're lazy.) _ _ _ _ _ Comm ent and explain ~ (Oh come off it You know not true The problem is .) Unit p 13 Ex Student A Student B Ask when school starts/finishes -::::: Reply (When does ?) (8:30 am to 3:00 pm Monday to Friday In the evening I have English classes .) Ask if he/she gets H/W (Do you get ?) Ask if he/she gets (Do you get ?) pocl~et money Ask where he/she lives (Where you ?) - Reply (Yes, I do.) _ , ~ ~ ~ Ask if he/she argues with his/her parents (Do you argue ?) / Reply (In a flat with .) -a Reply 1144 //- - ~ Ask what he likes about being Ask what he hates about bein g (What you like ? / What you 'late ?) ~sk what he/she worries about What you ?) Reply (EvelY day my parents give ) - (Nothing really serious Sometimes we argue about .) Reply (I've got family friends / The only problem is .) Reply (I worry about .) 321 Dia/ogue Improvisation Unit p 21 Ex Student A Student B Use an appropriate expression to - - - - - - - Express annoyance ~ (What ? I'm busy.) break news (Hey name You have to listen .) Start telling the story/news (I'm reading .) ~ - ~ £ Use another expression to break news (You won't believe .) ~ Go on with the story/news (He tried .) - Express indifference (And ?) Show interest (OK tell me but .) - Express indifference again ~ (So? That's what do.) Explain why the story/news is interesting ~ Express surprise (Yeah, but .) ~ (That's unbelievable.) Use another expression to break news (I know It gets worse.) ~ Express interest (Why, what happened ?) ~ Go on with the story/news Give deta~ Express surprise ~ (He didn 't!) (Well, he .) Confirm and explain (He did! The .) Reply to comment (You can say that again!) ~ ~ Make a comment ~ (What a dumb crook!) ~ Ask about the result (So did he ? ~ Reply (According to the newspape~ Explain (Well, .) - Express surprise (How come?) - Express surprise (What a story!) Unit 10 p 28 Ex Student A Student B Ask if that is the police station Ask if you - ,: Say who's speaking Offer to help may speak to PC Beach ~ (PC Beach speaking How can ?) (Is that the ? May I speak to ?) Jf L ' Say who you are Remind him what ~ ; Show that you remembered Explain had happened the previous day the present situation (OK It's name here You came to my Yes, Miss We are looking into the house .) ' ; case We have no suspects .) - - State that you have to tell him sth Explain what really happened I (Actually I have to tell you sth It wasn't , a burglar My sister .) : ! Express surprise Make a comment (Really? Well I am pleased .) Apologise _: ~ Make a comment (I'm terribly sorry I shouldn't have~ (It doesn't matter, but tell your sister .) wasted .) Thank him for his understanding Make a promise (Thanks for your understanding, I'll certainly tell my sister .) 22 Dialogue Improvisation Unit 11 p 35 Ex ;c Student A Comment on present situation (It's so great .) Ask about future _ Ask about future plans - Agree and wonder (Yeah, it's lovely but , always .) iIo Comment ~ (Do you ever ?) Student B ; - (It's fun to picture / I picture .) Answer (So would you like ? I Whal would .?) ~ ~ (No, I don 't think I would I Yes, I'd like I ' I'll ) Comment on the answer Express hope and ask about partne r' s plans (I hope so / I'd love to What about ?) (I think you 'll .) Answer (I'm sure I'll / I'd like to ) y ~ ~ Express surprise ~ (Really? I thought you .) Comment on th e change of plan - - - - Comment (I've changed , 11'11 I'm planning to ) (I hope you I wish you all the best.) Unit 16 p 49 Ex Student A Student Comment on present situati on Mal

Ngày đăng: 01/12/2021, 10:14