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Jenny Dooley-Virginia Teachers Book Evans ~ Express Publishing Teachers Book Jenny Dooley - Virginia Evans ~ Express Publishing Contents Module p 11 Module p 24 Module p 37 Module p 51 Module p 64 Module p 78 Module p 92 Module p 106 Module p 123 Christmas Around the World p 137 It's Carnival Time p.138 Happy Easter p 139 Evaluations p 142 Resource Bank Photocopiable Material Board Games Workbook p 173 & Grammar My Language p 153 Book Key & Tapescripts Portfolio Guidelines Test Booklet Key p 175 p 205 p 207 Introduction for the Teacher Blockbuster is a modular course in English for absolute beginners and is aimed at students within the category of A (Basic User) According to the European Framework of Reference, students at level A are able to understand and use familiar everyday expressions and basic vocabulary and phrases related to the world around them (family, friends, home, etc) Students at this level are able to introduce themselves and others and ask for and give personal details Blockbuster develops all four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) through a variety of communicative tasks, and systematically recycles key language items Above all, it is designed to promote active (activating all new vocabulary and structures in meaningful, everyday situations), holistic (encouraging the creative collective use of students' brains as well as the linguistic analytical use of their brains) and humanistic learning (acquiring and practising language through pleasant tasks and topics paying attention to their needs, feelings and desires) The coursebook consists of nine modules of five units each Each unit is designed to be taught in five 50-minute lessons There is also a Culture Corner and Curricular Cuts section, as well as a Self-Check section and Pairwork Activities at the end of each module COURSE COMPONENTS Student's Book The Student's Book is the main component of the course Each unit is based on a single theme and the topics covered are of general interest All modules follow the same basic structure (see Elements of the Coursebook, below) • My Language Portfolio My Language Portfolio contains material to be used in a variety of tactile tasks throughout the course This material is printed on pages which students may then cut out and file in their individual Language Portfolios (see Students' Language Portfolios, below) Teacher's Book The Teacher's Book contains detailed Teacher's notes, which provide: • objectives of each unit in a clear and concise way • step-by-step lesson plans and suggestions on how to present the material • a full Key to the exercises in the Student's Book and Workbook & Grammar Book • tapescripts of all listening material • My Language Portfolio guidelines • instructions & key to board games • a full key to the Test Booklet The photocopiable material is: • evaluation sheets (see Evaluation, below): • Formative Evaluation Chart • Student's Self-Assessment Forms • Progress Report Cards • Resource Bank Material with Extension Activities Optional units The course includes three units aimed to be done before certain celebrations (Christmas, Carnival and Easter) Workbook & Grammar Book The Workbook & Grammar Book is in full colour The Workbook contains units corresponding to those in the Student's Book It can be used either in class or for homework upon completion of the relevant unit in the Student's Book It aims to consolidate the language presented in the Student's Book through a variety of exercises incorporating all four skills The Grammar Book provides further exploration of the grammar taught in each unit of the Student's Book, with detailed theory and practice After each five units there is an Exploring Grammar section which revises the grammar from the previous five units There are also Revision sections which revise all the material covered up to that point in the book At the back of the Grammar Book there is a Progress Check Test section which enables the teacher to assess students' progress at the end of each Revision section Test Booklet The Test Booklet contains nine Modular Tests, each in two versions of equivalent level This is to ensure reliability of results, especially with larger classes, where students sitting next to each other work on different tests, but are tested in the same language areas at exactly the same level of difficulty The tests facilitate the assessment of students' progress and enable the teacher to pinpoint students' specific strengths and weaknesses There is also a Mid Term Test as well as an Exit Test The Exit Test covers all the material learned at this level and can be used as an effective assessment test for those planning to move on to the next level • 45 Unit Tests which facilitate the assessment of students' progress per unit • an audio CD/cassette recorded material which contains all the Texts Throughout each module there is a wide variety of reading texts such as e-mails, text messages, letters, articles, songs, etc which allow skills such as reading for gist and reading for specific information to be systematically practised Exploring Grammar Class Audio COs or Cassettes The Class Audio COs or Cassettes contain all the recorded material which accompanies the course Student's Audio CD or Cassette The Student's Audio CD or Cassette contains the recorded dialogues and the main texts in the Culture Corner and Curricular Cuts sections of the Student's Book, and may be used for the purposes of homework, preparation and practice Multimedia CD-ROM The multimedia CD-ROM is based on the material presented in the coursebook Using state-of-the-art visual, sound and graphic effects, the engaging, interactive tasks and games provide fully autonomous practice and consolidation of learning in all four skills ELEMENTS OF A MODULE Each five-unit module starts with a module presentation spread to familiarise students with the language and patterns in the module The module presentation pages also whet students' appetites by familiarising them with some of the text types, pictures and activities found in the coming module Each module contains the sections described below Vocabulary Vocabulary is introduced in a functional and meaningful context, and is practised through a variety of exercises such as picture word association and completing set phrases in order to help students use everyday English correctly Reading Dialogues Throughout each module there are situational dialogues set in a variety of everyday contexts in order to familiarise students with natural language There are also dialogues presenting useful expressions so that students can practise everyday English The grammar items taught in each module are first presented in context, then highlighted and clarified by means of clear, concise theory boxes Specific exercises and activities methodically reinforce students' understanding and mastery of each item Listening tasks Students develop their listening skills through a variety of tasks which employ the vocabulary and grammar practised in the module in realistic contexts This reinforces students' understanding of the language taught in the module Many tasks included in the Student's Book are multi-sensory, enabling students to practise all four language skills as they complete the task Speaking practice Controlled speaking activities have been carefully designed to allow students guided practice before leading them to less structured speaking activities At the end of each Self-Check section there are instructions for a pairwork activity which provides extensive oral practice of the vocabulary and grammar structures presented throughout the module The activity cards for the pairwork activities are at the back of the Student's Book Pronunciation Pronunciation activities help students to recognise the various sounds of the English language, distinguish between them and reproduce them correctly Everyday English These sections provide practice in real-life communication skills and promote active learning Standard expressions and language structures associated with realistic situations are presented through everyday situations and students are given the opportunity to fully activate the language taught Songs In each module there is a Songtime! section containing a song connected to the theme of the module as well as related tasks Listening to lively, high quality songs is a humanistic activity which lowers the students' affective filters and allows them to absorb language more easily Games These sections use the format of a team competition to consolidate learning of vocabulary, expressions and grammar presented in the module Games enable students to use new language in an enjoyable way and promote humanistic learning Study Skills Brief tips, explanations and reminders, at various points throughout each unit, help students to develop strategies which improve holistic learning skills and enable students to become autonomous learners of the English language Writing Skills work The writing sections (in the fifth unit of each module) have been carefully designed to ensure the systematic development of students' writing skills through the use of all four language skills A model text is presented and thoroughly analysed, followed by guided practice of the language to be used The final task is based on this model text and follows the structured outline provided Further Writing Practice There are writing activities throughout the modules, based on realistic types and styles of writing, such as letters, descriptions, notes, postcards and articles These progress from short sentences to paragraphs and finally to full texts, allowing students to gradually build up their writing skills Culture Corner section At the end of each module in the Student's Book, there is a Culture Corner section In these interesting and informative pages, students are provided with cultural information and read about aspects of English speaking countries which are thematically linked to the module The section also contains related tasks and creative projects, such as making a poster, which give students the chance to process the information they have learnt and compare it to the culture of their own country Curricular Cuts sections contain lively and creative tasks which stimulate students and allow them to consolidate the language they have learnt throughout the module Self-Check sections These sections appear at the end of each module, and reinforce students' understanding of the topics, vocabulary and structures that have been presented A marking scheme allows students to evaluate their own progress and identify their strengths and weaknesses before completing the Module Test Answers are provided at the back of the Student's Book for students to assess themselves Students can record their progress on the Student's Self-Assessment Forms at the back of the Teacher's Book and they can then be filed in the Students' Language Portfolios These forms are photocopiable material SUGGESTED TEACHING TECHNIQUES A - Presenting new vocabulary Much of the new vocabulary in Blockbuster is presented through pictures, and students are asked to match the pictures to listed words Vocabulary is always presented in context, and emphasis is placed on collocations and word association, since memorising new words is easier when they are presented in lexical sets Further techniques that you may use to introduce new vocabulary include: • Miming Mime the word to be introduced For instance, to present sing, pretend you are singing and ask students to guess the meaning of the word • Synonyms, opposites, paraphrasing and giving definitions Examples: - Present store by giving a synonym: A store is a shop - Present tall by giving its opposite: He isn't short, he's tall - Present weekend by paraphrasing it: I don't work at the weekend I don't work on Saturday and Sunday - Present garage by giving a definition: A garage is the place next to the house where we put our car Curricular Cuts section At the end of each module in the Student's Book, there is a Curricular Cuts section This section enables students to link the theme of the module to a subject on their school curriculum, thus helping them to contextualise the language they have learnt by relating it to their own personal frame of reference The • Context Place vocabulary items in context with examples which make understanding easier and more complete For instance, introduce the words city and town by referring to a city and a town in the students' own country: Rome is a city, but Parma is a town • • • Visual prompts Show photographs or drawings to make understanding easier Use of (bilingual/monolingual) dictionary Encourage students to guess the meaning of a word, then use their dictionaries to check if their guess is correct Sketching Draw a simple sketch on the board to illustrate the word(s) to be explained For instance: tall short • • Flashcards Make Flashcards out of magazine or newspaper pictures, photographs, ready drawings and any other visual material which may serve as vocabulary teaching tools Use of L In a monolingual class, vocabulary can be explained in the students' mother tongue, although this method should be used only in moderation Students also need to compare their mother tongue to the English language to find similarities and/or differences The choice of technique depends on the type of word or expression For example, it may be easier to describe an action verb through miming, and not through a synonym or definition B • Writing (Skills work) All writing tasks in Blockbuster have been carefully designed to guide students closely in producing a successful piece of writing • Always read the model text provided and deal in detail with the tasks that follow Students will then have acquired the language necessary to cope with the final writing task • Make sure that students understand they are writing for a purpose Go through the writing task in detail so that students are fully aware of why they are writing and who they are writing to • Make sure that students follow the structured outline they are provided with • It would be advisable to complete the task orally in class before assigning it as written homework Students will then feel more confident about producing a complete piece of writing on their own C • Assigning homework It is recommended that homework is regularly assigned and routinely checked according to the specific needs of the class When assigning writing tasks, prepare students as well as possible in advance This will help them avoid errors and get maximum benefit from the task Commonly assigned homework tasks include: • Vocabulary Students memorise the meaning of words and phrases • Spelling Students learn the spelling of particular words without memorising the text in which they appear • Reading aloud Assisted by the Student's Cassette or CD, students practise at home in preparation for reading aloud in class • Writing After thorough preparation in class, students are asked to produce a complete piece of writing D • Correcting students' work All learners make errors; they are part of the process of learning The way errors are dealt with depends on the activity • Oral accuracy In drill work correct students on the spot, either by providing the correct answer and asking them to repeat it, or by indicating the error but allowing students to correct it Alternatively, indicate the error and ask other students to correct it • Oral fluency In pairwork or free speaking activities allow students to finish the task without interruption, but make a note of the errors made and correct them afterwards • Written work Do not over-correct; focus on errors that are directly related to the point of the exercise When giving feedback you may write the most common errors on the board and help the class to correct them Remember that praising students and rewarding good work is of great importance Post written work on a notice board in the classroom or school, or give 'reward' stickers Praise effort as well as success E • Class organisation • • Open pairs The class focuses its attention on two students doing the assigned task together Use this technique to provide an example of how the task should be done Closed pairs Pairs of students work together on a task or activity, while the teacher moves around the classroom offering assistance and suggestions Ensure the task is clearly understood before closed pairwork begins • • Stages in pairwork: - Organise students into pairs - Set the task and time limit - Rehearse the task in open pairs - Ask students to the task in closed pairs - Go around the class and help students - Pairs report back to the class Groupwork Groups of three or more students work together on a task or activity Class projects or roleplay are often most easily done in groups Again, ensure students clearly understand the task in advance Rolling questions A student answers a question, then proceeds to ask a question directed at the next student in turn This continues around the class F - Using the Student's Cassette or Audio CD All dialogues and texts in the Culture Corner and Curricular Cuts sections are recorded on the Student's Cassette or CD Students have the chance to listen to these recordings at home as many times as they want in order to improve their pronunciation and intonation The suggested stages of such self-access study are: • The student listens to the recording and follows the lines in the text or dialogue • The student listens to the recording with pauses after each sentence or exchange The student repeats as many times as needed, trying to imitate the speaker's pronunciation and intonation • The student listens to the recording again, then reads aloud STUDENTS' LANGUAGE PORTFOLIOS At the beginning of the course, students should be asked to obtain a suitable folder, or sectioned document wallet, which they will bring to each lesson and which will hold their personal Language Portfolio This will be used to store not only the material cut out of the printed supplement, My Language Portfolio, but also a wide variety of other documents and material In practice, Language Portfolios may include projects or other written work; computer diskettes with work or drawings completed inside or outside the class; video cassettes with the students' favourite story, filmed performances of songs, school plays, etc; Evaluation Sheets and reports from teachers; various realia or pictures; and so on In short, it is a collection of what the learners want to keep as evidence of what they are learning through the medium of the English language This Language Portfolio is the student's property It is a tool to accompany the students' language learning throughout the course and is suitable for documenting their learning both inside and outside the classroom The main emphasis is on the process of learning, so that while compiling their Language Portfolios, learners develop the skill of working independently The aim of the language Portfolio is to develop the learners' autonomy However, they should be guided at first on how to organise their work, keep records, access their own information, etc Learners at this level are usually willing to experiment and try new things, but at the same time, can be discouraged if they are not sure what is required of them Once a routine has been established and learners begin to develop their autonomy, they can be given more responsibility and freedom Learners will still appreciate feedback and appraisal, though, so it is important that their efforts are monitored and facilitated First Steps It is suggested that work on the Laguage Portfolio is started a few weeks into the course once students have made some progress in the English Language At this level a letter can be sent home to parents to inform them that the students will need a folder, plastic envelopes, etc At the beginning of the first session, ask the students to turn to page three of their Language Portfolio Go through the letter together, making sure that the students have a thorough understanding of the concept of the Language Portfolio Encourage them to ask questions about anything they not understand Then, give the students some time to arrange their Language Portfolio Go around, providing any necessary help Once the students have arranged their language Portfolio, go through each page together, commenting on the layout and pictures, and giving a brief explanation of the content of each page Spend some time going through the Language Biography section, providing any necessary help Once this has been completed, encourage the students to the activities in the Dossier section How to approach each section I) Language Passport Read out the introductory paragraph as the students follow silently Answer any questions they may have Each time they are given something for this section, remind them to make a record and file it in the appropriate section of their Language Portfolio 11) Language Biography Spend some time on each section, making sure the students know what is required of them Here is a brief explanation of the rationale of each section: - All about me: Students fill in their personal information and record their exposure to the English language - How I learn: Go through the section along with students, providing any necessary help The purpose of this section is for both students and teacher to be able to determine each students individual learning style (i.e visual, auditory, tactile/kinaesthetic) and needs My World of English: By updating the record, students get a sense of achievement in the target language Now I can: Students have the opportunity to assess their own learning If a student moves to a new school his/her teacher will also be able to gauge this student's level Future Plans: Students record their intentions and ambitions concerning their improvement in the target language Ill) Dossier The activities have been designed to reinforce the language covered in each module They can be done upon completion of each module or at a time convenient to the teacher, provided that students have covered the corresponding module It is suggested that teachers participate in the activities by bringing in a completed version of an activity to be presented Students need to be motivated and inspired, and the following is a suggestion on how to approach each activity: Every time students present an activity, give them due praise and attention, reward them with stickers, etc In general, make them feel that they have done something special; in this way, all the class will be encouraged to likewise TYPES OF LEARNING STYLES Experienced teachers will be aware that some of their students learn best by listening to new information, some prefer to read about it, whereas other students need to something with the new information There is no absolute 'best' method of learning; these are all valid learning styles, as different people learn in different ways Consequently, a coursebook should offer a variety of exercises and material which stimulate all types of learning styles in order to help the learners learn according to their personal learning styles • Visual Learners need to see the teacher's body language and facial expression to fully understand • • the content of the lesson They think in pictures and learn best from visual displays, including diagrams, illustrations, transparencies, videos, flashcards and hand-outs Auditory Learners learn best through verbal explanations, discussions, talking things through and listening to what others have to say Written information may have little meaning until it is heard They often benefit from reading a text aloud and using a tape recorder Tactile/Kinaesthetic Learners learn best through a hands-on approach, actively exploring the physical world around them They may find it hard to sit still for long periods and may become distracted by their need for activity and exploration These learners express themselves through movement They have a good sense of balance and eye-hand co-ordination By interacting with the space around them, they are able to remember and process information Involve them in role play, pairwork and other classroom activities EVALUATION Evaluation is an essential part in the learning process It helps the learners recognise their progress in the target language, how much they have achieved and what areas need further practice The learners' attitude towards their own learning experience is positively influenced as they participate in the whole process Evaluation also allows teachers to reflect on the validity of their teaching practices and the types of material being used The process is divided into three parts: Initial Evaluation at the beginning of the course, Formative Evaluation, which is done on a day-to-day basis, and Cumulative Evaluation, upon finishing a module Initial Evaluation This evaluation centres mainly on the students' reports from the previous school year The teacher can assess the students' level, work already covered, work which needs to be covered, strengths/weaknesses, etc Formative Evaluation Any exercise a student does can be used for this type of evaluation The results are then recorded on the students' Formative Evaluation Chart Make as many photocopies as you need and complete the charts as indicated Write the names of the activities you are going to evaluate (e.g dialogues, songs, pairwork, etc) and write the marks obtained with the help of the following code, using colours if you wish c (competence - green): the student has a full understanding of the task and responds appropriately w (working on - yellow): the student has an understanding of the task but the response is not fully accurate n (non-competence - red): the student does not understand the task and is unable to respond appropriately • The students should keep these cards in their Language Portfolio for future reference Student Evaluation Sheet: After students have completed the Module Test, the teacher corrects it and records their progress on this sheet, which is printed in the Test Booklet The sheet - together with the corresponding Module Test, if the teacher wishes - is given to students for them to file in their Language Portfolio ABBREVIATIONS Cumulative Evaluation Cumulative evaluation takes into account the work the students have done throughout the module as well as their participation and attitude The instruments of evaluation are: • Student's Self-Assessment Forms: After the students have completed the Self-Check section of each module, they fill out the photocopiable SelfAssessment Form, giving their subjective opinion of their own performance This learning-to-Iearn technique enables the students to develop awareness of their progress The Self-Assessment Form should be kept in their Language Portfolio for future reference The Self-Assessment Forms are printed at the back of the Teacher's Book • Progress Report Cards: After students complete each module and take the corresponding test, photocopy the respective Progress Report Card from the Teacher's Book and fill out a card for each student 10 The following abbreviations are Student's Book and Teacher's Notes: T 5(s) HW L1 Ex p(p) e.g i.e etc sb sth teacher student(s) homework students' mother tongue exercise page(s) for example that is etcetera somebody something used in the A Shopping List Then Read the instructions and explain the activity Refer the students to the shopping list and ask them to tell you what kind of food goes on their shopping list every week Encourage them to talk about their favourite food and how often they go shopping Ask them how much or how many of the things they buy and which shops they buy them from, before they fill in their shopping list Read the instructions and explain the activity Ask the students to imagine what their town/city was like 100 years ago Ask them to use their imagination and the vocabulary provided If they are not sure about what things were like in those times, tell them to find out at home They can ask older members of their family or look at old photographs Tell them they can draw pictures or cut and stick photos in the space provided Sort Them Out! Read the instructions and explain the activity Take in a picture of people wearing different clothes and show it to the students Ask them to describe what the various people are wearing Encourage them to talk about the clothes they are wearing and tell you where they bought them Ask them what kind of clothes they wear for different occasions or in different seasons Provide any necessary vocabulary Weather Read the instructions and explain the activity Ask the students about the weather in each of the seasons Encourage them to tell you which of the seasons they prefer and the different activities they during these times Ask them to mime an activity and see if the other students can guess what they are doing, where they are and what the weather is like Tell them they can draw pictures or cut and stick pictures from magazines etc Story Time Read the instructions and explain the activity Ask the students to talk about something that happened to them recently Ask them to use their imagination and tell you - where they were, what the weather was like, who they were with etc Encourage the students to use a variety of adjectives when they talk about what happened and how they felt Remind them to use the past simple to talk about things that happened in the past, before completing the activity Christmas Cards Read the instructions and explain the activity Encourage the students to talk about things they usually at Christmas time Ask them about any special activities they such as, buying presents, sending Christmas cards, or preparing special food Provide any necessary vocabulary Then, ask students to decorate their card with a drawing City Breaks Read the instructions and explain the activity Ask the students which city they would like to visit, either in their own country or abroad Encourage them to tell you where they would like to stay, what they would like to see and what they would like to there Ask them to decorate their advertisement with drawings or pictures cut from magazines, before completing the activity Carnival Time Read the instructions and explain the activity Refer the students to the invitation Ask them whom they would like to send their invitation to Encourage them to tell you what people do, during Carnival time in their country Ask them to decorate their invitation with a colourful Carnival scene A Birthday Party Read the instructions and explain the activity Ask the students to imagine that they are planning their forthcoming birthday party Go around the class, encouraging the students to tell you about their plans Ask them how many people they are going to invite, what kind of food, drink and music they are going to have Then, ask students to think of an activity that would make their party special Provide any necessary vocabulary before completing the activity r Easter Presents Read the instructions and explain the activity Refer the students to the example and elicit relevant vocabulary Go around the class and ask students what kind of presents they usually buy for their family or friends Then, ask them to choose one or more of the presents that they would like to give to their family members for Easter Key to Test Booklet G TEST A (Module 1) A B This is a hat This is a schoolbag This is an umbrella sixteen nine This is a snake This is a ruler twenty eleven 10 thirteen C 11 12 family dad 13 14 mum brother 15 sister o 16 17 an 18 19 an 20 21 a 22 23 They She 29 am is E F 30 G H a 24 25 a I 26 She He 27 It 31 32 is are 33 34 35 C 36 D 41 She's eleven years old It's red He's Helen's pet dog He's nine years old He's white 42 43 44 45 37 38 Suggested F 39 40 A 46 48 47 a 45 28 We J eighteen four A E G 49 c 50 c This is an apple This is a horse 10 fourteen 13 14 mum sister 15 brother o 16 17 an 18 19 a an 20 21 a F 29 30 He 24 25 am is It I 31 32 is is 47 a 48 26 He 27 They 33 34 a is are 50 c Jacques is French He is a hairdresser Julia is Canadian She is a nurse Pauel is Polish He is a doctor Antonio is Argentinian He is a postman Tariq is Turkish He is a pilot 10 11 12 She a hundred forty seventy-seven 13 old 14 noisy 15 dirty o 16 17 Are is 18 19 Is is 20 are E 21 22 23 is Are am Are 25 26 aren't is is Are 29 'm not 30 am F 27 28 31 32 are 33 aren't 34 Are isn't 35 Is 36 C F B A E 38 39 40 37 41 sixteen Portuguese 42 Suggested 28 49 c b C H family dad We a thirty-eight sixty-four fifty-two eighty-five 24 11 12 22 23 C E 46 nine twelve a Answer TEST A (Module 2) is is G B D A a B b This is an eraser This is a book This is a mouse She's nineteen years old It's pink He's Ruth's pet horse He's eight years old He's black 44 TEST B (Module 1) A 41 42 43 39 40 E My name is Frances I am seventeen years old My favourite colour is pink This is my pet rabbit, Fluffy Fluffy is one year old He is big He is black Fluffy is a lovely rabbit Answer a F C Suggested My name is Chris I am ten years old My favourite colour is blue This is my pet cat, Felix Felix is two years old He is small He is black Felix is a great cat J H 37 38 G 35 36 43 old 44 museum 45 park Answer Dear Jim, Hello, my name's Lazlo I'm fourteen years old I'm from Budapest in Hungary Budapest is a very old city There are many beautiful old buildings and statues There is a big museum in Budapest There is a big park near my house There are lots of benches and trees in the park Budapest is a great city 207 Key to Test Booklet - Modular Tests That's all about me How about you? Best wishes, Lazlo J 46 47 a b 48 TEST A (Module 3) A 49 a c 50 b Mark is American He is a vet Marcela is Brazilian She is a secretary Andreas is Greek He is a student Gerry is Irish He is a postman Sergio is Portuguese He is a pilot seventy-three forty-seven thirty-three sixty-six B C 13 old 14 10 11 12 clean twenty-nine ninety-five fifty-four 15 There's a fireplace in the living room There's a fridge in the kitchen There's a sink in the bathroom There's a bath in the bathroom 10 There's a bed in the bedroom C 11 12 third seventh D 17 18 19 20 loaves brushes toys strawberries 16 17 E 21 22 23 24 F G 31 32 36 H 41 42 Are is 18 19 is is is Are aren't 25 Are 33 34 26 27 28 Is E 37 F seventeen Brazilian are Is isn't is Are 29 'm not 35 on on 39 C 40 A 41 a 35 H 44 T 45 F 46 Is am G aren't are 38 43 44 30 F 34 46 b 47 a D modern museum 48 39 C 40 A potatoes men children 32 33 have haven't 30 31 Have have Has hasn't 36 37 on near 38 in front of F 42 B 43 F 47 F 48 T E 45 theatre c 49 a 50 FOR RENT This modern two-bedroom flat is in a busy road in the town centre It has got a modern kitchen, a large living room, a bathroom and a dining room Ideal for a small family It has also got a balcony and a garage Rent: €500 a month Contact Mr Dexter on Bristol 685721 J 49 50 two wardrobe 51 52 CD player 30 53 TEST B (Module 3) A sofa cooker bedside cabinet B bath wardrobe b 10 208 tenth second Suggested Answer Suggested Answer Dear Saskia, Hello, my name's Larissa I'm sixteen years old I'm from St Petersburg in Russia St Petersburg is an old city There are lots of beautiful, old buildings There is a big museum in St Petersburg There is a big park in my neighbourhood There are lots of trees in the park There is an old theatre near my house St Petersburg is a fantastic city That's all about me How about you? Best wishes, Larissa J 15 16 21 22 23 28 29 26 27 20 first eighth 13 14 Have haven't Has has 25 D bed E 24 quiet sink bath B TEST B (Module 2) A fireplace fridge There's a sofa in the living room There's a cooker in the kitchen There's a bedside cabinet in the bedroom There's a bath in the bathroom There's a wardrobe in the bedroom Key to Test Booklet - Modular Tests e 11 second 12 third 13 sixth 14 ninth 15 first 16 fifth F 17 watches 18 tomatoes 19 boys 20 cherries 21 boxes 22 knives 23 women G 31 What time is it, please 32 You're welcome 33 Certainly 34 Yes, I've got a pet rabbit 35 It's got a big body and a short tail 36 It's a dog E 24 25 26 27 Has hasn't Have haven't 28 29 30 31 Has has Have haven't 32 33 F next to near 36 37 on on 38 in G 39 F 40 A 41 42 D E 43 B 44 T 45 T 46 47 F F 48 H 34 35 Has has H J 49 two 50 wardrobe 51 52 CD player 30 53 B head eye leg neck tail It's a quarter past one It's ten to seven It's twenty past three It's a quarter to three 10 It's half past five 11 It's twenty-five to twelve 27 28 at in at at 29 30 37 Yes, it has 38 It is about one and a half metres tall 39 It weighs about two hundred kilos 40 It lives in Africa 41 It eats leaves J 42 43 walk kangaroo 44 45 its tail climb trees 46 half past three TEST (Module 4) A head neck leg ear tail B It's a quarter to eight It's ten to nine It's twenty to one It's five to two 10 It's half past nine 11 It's ten past five e 12 3:30 13 12:00 14 6:15 15 8:40 16 4:00 17 12:45 18 is 19 lives 20 works 21 looks 22 TEST A (Module 4) A in in Suggested Answer The white rhino is a big animal It has got a big body, short legs, a short tail and two horns It is actually grey, not white It is two metres tall and three metres long It weighs between three and five tons It lives in Africa and it lives for up to fifty years It eats grass F Suggested Answer FOR RENT This large second-floor flat is on a quiet road in the city centre It has got three bedrooms, a large living room, a small kitchen and a bathroom It has also got a large balcony and a beautiful view of the city Perfect for a young family Rent €500 a month Contact Mr Ripley on Docklands 287296 25 26 E 23 24 Jenny can cook and sing, but she can't draw Diane can draw and cook, but she can't sing at at e 12 4:30 13 5:00 14 8:15 15 11:40 16 17 11:00 1:45 F 18 is 19 lives 20 works 21 takes 22 likes G 31 Have you got a pet 32 Excuse me 33 It's two 0' clock 34 You're welcome 35 What is it 36 What does it look like E 23 24 Susan can paint and dance, but she can't drive Pamela can drive and paint, but she can't dance likes 25 26 27 28 in in 29 in 30 at 209 Key to Test Booklet - Modular Tests H 37 38 39 40 41 It is brown It is about two metres tall It weighs about eight hundred kilos It lives in North America and Canada It eats grass Suggested 42 43 walk kangaroo 44 45 its tail climb trees 46 B 11 12 plump short C 16 B D 21 22 on 26 27 28 29 Do don't Do does F 36 37 He never sleeps late on Sundays They usually watch TV in the evening G 38 41 He is an actor He lives in London Natasha He is tall and has got short brown hair and blue eyes He likes going to the beach, spending time with his pet and staying at home half past three MID TEST C B B A C B A 10 A 11 C 12 B 13 A 14 A 15 C 16 C 17 B 18 A 19 B 20 C 21 C B B A B 26 A 27 C 28 A 29 A 30 C 31 B 32 A 33 C 34 B 22 23 24 25 210 35 A 69 36 37 38 39 70 71 72 73 74 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 B C C B B A C B C A A B 48 B 49 C 50 A 51 B 52 A 53 A 54 B 55 C 56 A 57 C 58 B 59 B 60 A 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 A A B C C B 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 B B B C C C A A A A H 42 43 44 B 45 C B C A C A C C A B A B C C 94 95 96 97 B 100 A A A B 98 B 99 C honest plump gym beard brush weekend 10 favourite E A B birthday Summer lunch A Answer The hippo is a big animal It has got a big body, short legs, a big head, a big mouth, small eyes and small ears It is grey and it is about one and a half metres tall and four and a half metres long It weighs about three and a half tons It lives in Africa and it lives for up to 40 years It eats grass J TEST A (Module 5) 13 14 17 B 23 24 on Suggested 30 31 32 33 39 beard long 15 18 C 19 C in glasses 20 B 25 on 34 35 Does doesn't on doesn't Do doesn't 40 A B Answer Matt Damon is a famous American actor and writer He was born in 1970 He lives in Los Angeles Matt has got a nice family His father's name is Kent and his mother's name is Nancy Matt has got a brother His name is Kyle Matt is a very handsome man He is tall and slim He has got short blond hair and blue eyes Matt is clever and funny Matt hasn't got much free time When he has, though, he plays basketball and goes to the gym Matt is a very popular actor He is one of the best actors in Hollywood today J 46 B 47 B 48 A 49 A 50 C TEST B (Module 5) A A A starts funny birthday work winter 10 short breakfast month reads meets Key to Test Booklet 11 12 13 slim long moustache C 16 C o 21 22 on B 14 15 plump curly E 26 27 28 29 17 A 18 C 19 B 30 20 A 31 23 24 on E 26 27 28 Do Do 29 30 31 32 33 in 25 35 some many Does doesn't G 38 E H 43 You can eat French food there You can have vegetable, onion or mushroom soup You can have chicken with vegetables, roast beef or seafood pie It costs about €50 It opens at 12:00 am and closes at 12:00 pm 44 F G 36 37 They always walk to work We sometimes meet our friends on Sundays 38 B H 41 42 43 44 45 39 40 A 45 46 47 She's an actress She lives in Hollywood Hills She has got two brothers and one sister She is honest and very funny She likes reading books, cooking and going out Suggested B 47 B 48 A 49 A J 48 49 A B bunch dairy loaf 10 11 C o bakery glass 12 13 14 a burger a piece/slice ice cream a glass a cup a sandwich 15 16 17 butcher's bank toy shop 20 21 some any B kilo slice vegetable 18 19 22 23 any some greengrocer's bank 24 25 any some kilo much 36 37 40 B A much any C 41 42 Answer brown two 50 51 eggs greengrocer's 52 cheese TEST B (Module 6) 50 C TEST A (Module 6) 35 "Jim's Snacks" is a new fast food restaurant at 11 Broad Street The food is great You can have vegetable salad or tomato soup as a starter There are lots of dishes to choose from for the main course: spaghetti bolognese, a beef sandwich, a burger or pizza Don't miss pancakes or ice cream for dessert A meal for two people costs about €12 "Jim's Snacks" is open from 9:00am to 10:00pm, Monday to Friday Enjoy your meal! A 46 34 39 Suggested Answer Cate Blanchett is a famous Australian actress She was born in 1969 She lives in London Cate hasgot a nicefamily.Herfather's name is Bob and her mother's name is June Cate has got one brother, Bob She has got a sister Her name is Genevieve Cate is very beautiful She is tall and slim She has got long blonde hair and blue eyes She is kind and funny Cate hasn't got much free time When she has, though, she likes listening to music and travelling Cate is a very popular actress She is one of the world's best J Don't close the door Give Carol some cake Don't buy any pineapples Don't drink the lemonade Don't drop the drinks Sit down over here 33 F 32 34 Tests on on doesn't Do don't don't - Modular melt chemist's bottle a glass a cup a burger 10 11 C 15 16 17 baker's greengrocer's butcher's o 20 21 any some E 26 27 28 29 30 22 23 offer tablespoons bowl piece order 12 13 14 an egg bowl a slice 18 19 toy shop baker's some any 24 25 some any Give him those bread rolls Sit down over here Don't answer the question Open the window, please Don't drink the water 211 Key to Test Booklet - Modular Tests 31 F 32 33 much bunch G 38 F 39 H 43 F 34 35 loaf many 36 37 much any C 40 A 41 B 42 D 44 T 45 T 46 47 F F Suggested Answer Do you like Italian food? "Delicioso" is a nice place to go It is a new Italian restaurant at 49, Parade Street The food is excellent As a starter you can have mushroom soup or green salad For the main course there are lots of dishes you can choose from: spaghetti bolognese, pizza or roast chicken For dessert try fruit salad, apple pie or ice cream A meal for two people costs about €60 "Delicioso" is open from 7:00pm to 11:30 pm every day Enjoy your meal! J 48 49 50 Suggested Answer My friend Luke likes wearing fashion clothes He likes wearing smart clothes when he is at work He usually wears a suit and tie and smart black shoes At the weekend, he likes wearing casual clothes like jeans and trainers He buys most of his clothes at department stores and sports shops He usually buys expensive clothes and he often buys shoes as well He goes shopping for clothes every weekend All in all, Luke has his own style and I think he always looks good! Don't buy any apples brown two eggs 51 52 J 45 a 46 c 47 b 48 c c 49 TEST B (Module 7) A shorts jumper scarf T-shirt swimming costume B high-heeled women swear short 10 size C 15 B D 20 too enough greengrocer's cheese 16 A formal cheap trainers uniforms 11 12 13 14 tie 17 C 18 C enough too 24 29 A TEST A (Module 7) A raincoat jumper jacket shirt trousers cap 21 comfortable gloves flat 10 smart 11 12 13 14 C 15 A D 20 enough too 21 E 25 26 27 16 B 22 23 plays is doing are spending F 31 They are 32 on G 35 H 40 41 42 43 44 212 F 36 A sportswear silk sunny tight 17 C 18 B too too 24 enough is she wearing invites buys 28 29 30 isn't studying eats aren't playing F 31 32 are of 33 34 in on G 35 C H 40 41 42 43 44 Smart shoes At the weekend At department stores and sports shops Comfortable clothes Every two months E B 22 23 25 26 27 19 B 36 D 37 A 38 E 39 B enough 28 29 30 Are they watching goes don't often go 33 34 are like 37 D 38 E High-heeled shoes At the weekend At department stores and boutiques Expensive clothes Every month 39 C Suggested Answer My friend Sarah likes wearing fashionable clothes She likes wearing smart clothes when she is at work She usually wears a skirt, a jacket, a blouse and flat shoes At the weekend she likes wearing sports clothes like shorts and trainers She buys most of her clothes at designer clothes shops and sports shops She usually buys quite expensive clothes and shoes She usually goes shopping for clothes every weekend Key to Test Booklet - Modular Tests All in all, Sarah has her own style and I think she always looks great! J 45 a 46 c 47 b 48 c 49 c TEST A (Module 8) B C 12 13 D 20 21 A B bike plane motorbike train hotel campsite souvenir C A C D 20 21 Can can't E 25 26 is sleeping Are you going to wash is going to study is listening am going to buy are swimming 28 29 30 F 31 14 15 16 17 C 22 23 33 E A A mustn't must G 36 E H 41 42 43 44 45 Over 397,000 Roman times (about 80 AD) The Royal Exchange At Ringway Two 38 F 47 a 48 c 39 B 31 32 to by G 36 D H 41 42 43 44 45 About 4,800 It dates back to 550 AD Derwentwater Three A film festival bus bike train plane chalet museums 18 19 B C 24 can't 49 c 33 34 37 F on at 35 on 38 A 39 B 40 E Suggested Answer Barcelona is a large city in the northeast of Spain In fact, it is the second largest city in Spain Over 1,600,000 people live there The city is very old and dates back to 230 BC It has many historic and modern buildings It has a big harbour and lots of ships take the goods from Barcelona's factories around the world Barcelona also has its own airport and metro system The university dates back to 1450 People say Columbus told everyone about the New World in the Plaza del Rey 40 D J 46 a 47 a 48 c 49 c 50 a TEST A (Module 9) A author president B eighteen fifty-six fourteen ninety-five seventeen thirty-eight C 11 12 13 14 15 astronaut painter 10 scientist fifteen forty-two eleven nine 50 a TEST B (Module 8) A B A Can mustn't F from Barcelona is a large city in the northeast of Spain In fact, it is the second largest city in Spain Over 1,600,000 people live there The city is very old and dates back to 230 BC It has many historic and modern buildings It has a big harbour and lots of ships take the goods from Barcelona's factories around the world Barcelona also has its own airport and metro system The university dates back to 1450 People say Columbus told everyone about the New World in the Plaza del Rey a 22 23 Can must 16 17 A 10 11 B Suggested Answer J 46 B 14 15 B 28 29 30 Can 35 on for 25 26 27 C 18 19 24 on by 37 A C cheque dishes is going to study are planning are you going to cook am going Are you going to wash are we going to buy 10 chalet 11 local 32 34 bus sightseeing 12 13 27 B postcard beach motorbike played married Did you cook did not go/didn't escaped 16 17 18 19 20 shot wrote gave wanted saw 213 Key to Test Booklet - Modular Tests o 21 22 Who Where E 26 27 the best the funniest the most boring 28 F 25 34 35 36 T 33 37 F F 38 When G the worst the most famous 29 30 No, it was awful! It was great! Where were you last night? My friends In Peru 31 32 G 23 What 24 How 39 T 40 T H Suggested Answer I was very tired when the plane landed after my ten-hour flight from Hawaii All I wanted was to get home and go to bed An hour later as I was closing my front door, I heard a strange noise coming from the lounge I walked into the room and just then there was a loud shout 'SURPISE!' All my family and friends were there smiling and laughing I suddenly realised it was my birthday The party was great fun and even though I was tired, I was very happy! 41 b 42 b 43 a 44 b 45 c TEST B (Module 9) A B C o composer inventor 11 12 13 14 15 21 26 27 28 F 31 32 33 34 35 214 explorer physicist fifteen eighty-six nineteen forty-five thirteen seventy-eight 22 E carried watched Did you damage did not! didn't play phoned Who Where 23 How 24 What the most boring the cheapest the most exciting Yes, it was fantastic! It was awful! I was at the cinema Who were you with? In South America author fourteen fifty-two ten nineteen 10 were became found built 20 discovered 16 17 18 19 25 When 36 the best the biggest 37 F 38 F 39 T 40 F H Suggested Answer I was very tired when the plane landed after my ten-hour flight from Hawaii All I wanted was to get home and go to bed An hour later as I was closing my front door, I heard a strange noise coming from the lounge I walked into the room and saw a man trying to climb through the window I screamed and ran to call the police When the police arrived I told them what happened The man was gone but I was too afraid to stay alone Later that night, as I was lying on my sister's sofa, I felt sad It wasn't a very good end to my holiday! 41 b 42 b 43 a 45 c 44 b EXIT TEST B B B C A B A C C 10 C 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 37 38 39 40 B B B C 41 C 42 B B A 43 B 51 52 53 A A 26 B 27 B 28 C 29 A 30 C A 32 C 33 C 34 B A A B B A A A A 22 C 23 C 24 C 31 35 36 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 C 20 C 25 29 30 T A B A A C C C 86 A A A 62 B A B B B 66 67 68 81 B 61 64 65 B C 77 A 78 B 79 A 80 B B A 58 B 59 C 60 C 63 75 76 82 83 84 85 54 A 55 C 56 C 57 69 C 70 C 71 C 72 B 73 A 74 A C A C A B B C 87 C 88 A 89 C 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 B A C B C B C C A B 100 C Tapescripts A: Hello Marek! I'm Rabia B: Hello Rabia Are you from Turkey? A: Yes, I am Are you from Italy? B: No, no I'm from Poland TEST A/B - Listening o Which is Kate's pet? A: Is this rabbit Kate's pet? B: No Kate's pet isn't a rabbit A: Is it a fish? B: No Kate's pet is a snake 46 Who They How They are Macy and Kelly? are my friends old are they? are seventeen They are twin sisters 49 What is Luke's seat number? What is Harry's last name? A: B: A: B: 49 50 Is this Mike's balloon? No Mike's balloon isn't white What colour is it? Is it black? No it's grey Who is she, Jake? She's my mum And who is he? He's my dad and this is my brother How old is he? He's eighteen TEST A/B - Listening Where is Verafrom? A: Where is Vera from? B: She's from Limerick A: Where is that? Is it in Canada? B: No A: I know! It's in Scotland! B: No, no, it's in Ireland 46 What is Ricardo's job? A: Good morning! I'm Tom, your teacher What are your names? B: Hi! I'm Ricardo A: Hello, Ricardo What's your job? Are you a postman? B: No I'm a pilot 47 What nationality is Marek? Which is the correct address? M: Good morning I have some red roses for you is this number seventeen Trees Road? F: No, it isn't [disappointed] this is number twenty-seven M: Oh, I'm sorry Is that number seventeen? F: No that's number fifteen number seventeen is the old house beside the park M: Thank you How you spell Harry's last name? Is it M CC LEA N? No it's MClene M C LA NE? No it's M C L E NE Who are Jake's family? A: B: A: B: A: B: o 50 What colour is Mike's balloon? A: B: A: B: Which is Rob's neighbourhood? A: Is there a post office in your neighbourhood? B: Yes there is A: And is there a cinema? B: No, there isn't but there's a museum It's beside the cafe A: My seat number is 89 What's your seat number, Luke? B: Mmm, let me see I think it's 811 No, no, it isn't It'sC11 48 What is there in the park? A: The park in my neighbourhood is very beautiful B: Is there a river in it? A: No B: Oh! Is there a lake then? A: No, there isn't but there's a beautiful little bridge Who are Macy and Kelly? A: B: A: B: 47 48 TEST A/B - Listening A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: There's an ad here for household objects Really? I need lots of things for my new flat Yes? I want a table for the dining room There is a table it costs fifty-five pounds Have they got a cooker? Yes it's two years old How much does it cost? Seventy pounds Oh! That's not expensive! Is there a bookcase? No, there isn't but there's a modern wardrobe Ah! I want a wardrobe for the small bedroom how much does it cost? A: It costs eighty-five pounds B: That's quite expensive! Is there a CD player? A: Yes there is it's five years old B: Mmmm '" that's quite old A: Yes, it is it costs forty pounds Ah! There's a large desk! It costs thirty pounds B: Oh, yes! I want a desk for my bedroom! There is space next to the window have they got a fridge? A: Yes they have it's three years old B: Oh! I really want a fridge! How much does it cost? A: It costs sixty-five pounds B:Hmm 215 Tapescripts TEST A/B - Listening TEST A/B - Listening Keeper: yes that's right four animals with problems Vet: Oh! dear Keeper: Yes one parrot can't fly and it can't talk Vet: I see What's the second animal? Keeper: It's an alligator , Vet: Oh no! Keeper: Yes one alligator can't swim Vet: Can it walk? Keeper: No, it can't walk either it just sits by the lake Vet: Mmmm Keeper: And one kangaroo can't jump Vet: Can it move its tail? Keeper: No, it can't Vet: So, I think there's the problem Keeper: We also have a problem with one chimpanzee Vet: Oh? Keeper: Yes it can't climb trees Vet: Ah! Can it eat? Keeper: Yes it can it eats a lot and it can walk Vet: Mmmm Keeper: So when can you come? Vet: I can come this afternoon Keeper: That's great! Can you come at o'clock? Vet: Hmm No, I can't but I can come at half past three Keeper: That's fantastic! A: Right what we need? Are there any oranges left? B: Yes, there are well there are three A: Three? So we need more, then buy a kilo B: How much bread have we got? A: Bread! We haven't got any bread left , so buy two loaves B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: one brown and one white Okay we need to buy any spaghetti? Well we've got one packet but buy two more we always eat lots Yes we Let's get some eggs then I can make a chocolate cake for your birthday on Saturday! Fantastic! How many we need? Well, I need four eggs for the cake so buy six Ok Do we need anything else? Err, how many potatoes have we got? I'll make a potato salad, as well We haven't got any! I can buy three kilos of potatoes at the greengrocer's for one pound it's a special offer Is there any milk left? Yes there's lots of milk but there's no cheese Mmmm get some cheese at The Dairy Shop Fine TEST A/B - Listening TEST A/B - Listening o What is Ken wearing? F: Ken! You're soaking wet! Give me your jacket to dry and your hat are your boots okay? Ken: Yes, thanks 45 What's the spring weather like in Athens? A: What's the weather like in Athens in the spring? Is it snowy? B: No it's sunny and it doesn't rain A: Very nice! 46 What is Julie doing? A: I'm looking for Julie I can't find her is she riding her bike? B: No, she isn't A: Is she jogging? B: No, no, she isn't she's in the shop eating an ice cream A: There's a new student in my English class Pierre Manitoni his mother is French and his father is Italian! B: Ah! His brother Jacques is in my class he's 12 How old is Pierre? 15? A: He's 14 B: What does he look like? Tall and slim like his brother? A: Quite tall but a bit plump B: I see What about his hair? Has he got straight blond hair like Jacques? A: Well, no he's got brown hair B: Oh A: And it's curly B: I see His brother is very clever but he's very lazy he never does his homework What is Pierre like? A: He's clever, too And he always does his homework And you know he always says "please" and "thank you" B: He's polite, then His brother is sometimes rude A: No, no Pierre is never rude B: What does he in his free time? A: Well he's in some school clubs B: Does he go to the film club? A: No, he doesn't He likes sports B: Does he play tennis, like Jacques? A: He doesn't like tennis He plays basketball on Mondays 216 47 How much is the pink dress? A: Excuse me how much is this pink dress? B: It's fifty pounds A: Fifteen pounds! That's very cheap! B: No A: Oh FIFTY pounds that's quite expensive! Tapescripts 48 Where is Pat wearing a scarf? A: OK What about the gift? A: Oh look! Pat's wearing a scarf around her waist! B: Oh! She usually wears one on her head or Ann: We're buying it tomorrow A: 49 sometimes around her neck Not today! What F: Do Sam: a pair does Sam wear to work? you wear a suit to work, Sam? No, I wear casual clothes at work like a shirt and of trousers, but not jeans or trainers TEST A/B - Listening o What did Tom yesterday? A: What did you yesterday, Tom? Did you play tennis with Jenny? Tom: No, I'm playing tennis with Jenny this afternoon, after I my homework Yesterday, I went to the beach with Jack TEST A/B - Listening 41 o Mark: I was born on 6th November 1990 No, wait It was 1991 A: Which one is it then, 1990 or 1991? Mark: 1991 42 46 How does John like to travel? A: Do you usually fly when you go on holiday, John? John: No, I don't like travelling by plane A: Oh, I suppose you drive then? John: Actually, I like to take the train I think it's more comfortable 47 What time is Sarah's party going to start? Sarah: Are you coming to my party on Saturday, Jane? Jane: Yes, I am What time you want me to be there? o'clock? Sarah: No It starts at pm but can you come at pm to help me with the decorations? Jane: Sure No problem 43 48 49 What date is the festival? Peter: Next year, I'm going to celebrate Halloween in England with my pen friend B: Really? When is that? Is it on 1st May? No, wait, that's May Day Is it on 14th February when people send cards and flowers? Peter: No, that's Valentine's Day Halloween is on 31st October It's when they dress up in costumes and play 'trick or treat' It's going to be great fun How old is Sam today? What year was Mark born? A: When were you born, Mark? 1989? Where is Tom staying on holiday? A: Are you staying at the same hotel as last year, Tom? Tom: No, this year I'm not staying in a hotel at all A: Oh Are you staying in a chalet, then? Tom: No, thls year I am going camping so I am staying in a tent for a change What did lan buy Rachel for her birthday? A: That's a lovely watch Did you get it for your birthday? Rachel: Yes, I did James bought it for me I also got a bag from Tom and lan bought me this lovely necklace A: Wow You lucky thing! Which part of the museum did Tim like best? A: How was your visit to the museum, Tim? Tim: It was great! I saw what people wore, the tools they used and the weapons they had in the past A: Which part was your favourite? Tim: The display of ancient weapons 44 What was the weather like yesterday? A: Oh no The forecast says it's going to be cloudy tomorrow Why can't it be sunny like today? B: Cheer up At least it's not gong to be rainy like it was yesterday 45 Which means of transport did the Wright brothers invent? A: What were the Wright brothers famous for? Didn't they invent some form of transport? Was it the car or the bicycle or something? B: No, it wasn't The Wright brothers were the first to fly a plane A: What's the date today? Sam: It's 5th March It's my birthday A: Oh! Happy Birthday, Sam! How old are you? 12? Sam: Actually, I'm 15 A: Well, have a great day! Sam: Thanks 50 What is Ann making for the party? A: Are you making the cake for the surprise party, Ann? Ann: No, my mum's making it I'm making the invitations 217 Key to Test Booklet - Unit Tests Unit 10 UNIT TESTS Unit 1 b b a b b b b b 10 a a quiet big clean old beautiful bridges statues noisy tall 10 old Unit 11 Unit 1 E-double G twenty B-A-double L double O-N sixteen 19 a b b a a b a b 10 a b Unit 12 schoolbag eraser pencil pencil sharpener ruler Unit B A B B A B A A 10 B B b b b b a b 10 b a Unit a b b b b a b a 10 a b a b a a b b 10 a b next to 10 in B A B B B A B 10 B Unit 14 houseboat flat street tenth postcode farmhouse view sixth tree 10 garage B B B A A A B B 10 b a a a b b 10 B A A B A B 10 B B Unit 16 Unit B A in bathroom at behind Unit 15 Unit b a Unit 13 B A Unit a b near in sink bed A B B B B A 10 B B b a a b Unit 17 Unit aren't 'm not isn't is a any isn't am some 10 Are B A A B Unit 18 Unit b a 218 b a b b a b 10 a b live works helps eats likes can flies catches talks 10 can't Key to Test Booklet - Unit Tests Unit 19 A A Unit 28 B B B B A B B 10 B any a some some some any any an many much 10 Unit 20 Unit 29 for to sharp is weighs long kilos big all 10 in B A Unit 21 B A A B B B 10 B B A B A B B B B 10 A Unit 30 B B B A A B B 10 B Unit 22 B B B B Unit 31 on Sunday usually always Wednesday often always On at 10 every windsurfing enjoying make sunbathing Some 10 go swimming like go shopping is skiing get up Unit 23 Unit 32 A B A B A B B A A 10 A A B B B A A B B A 10 B Unit 24 Unit 33 new wide interesting spends abroad cheap expensive information takes 10 offers works is cooking are washing does is reading goes sleeps has eat 10 is listening B A B A 10 uniforms boutique comfortable shops wardrobe 10 Unit 25 Unit 34 B A B B B A A B B 10 A A B B A B A B 10 B A A B A B B A B A B B Unit 26 Unit 35 B B Unit 27 B B B B go shopping store Who wearing casual 219 Key to Test Booklet - Unit Tests Unit 36 A A Unit 44 A A 8 A 10 8 Unit 37 A 8 A A A 8 10 B A A 8 A 10 8 Unit 39 balls music floats going to clean going to learn 10 display going to invite ride flower Friday 151h 10 along invitation costumes going to make hire Unit 40 barbecue cake decorations party games Unit 41 A A A A A 8 10 A A A A 8 10 Unit 42 A 8 Unit 43 220 A A A 8 10 8 8 8 10 A 8 Unit 45 Unit 38 A A Where slavery came became borrow shot wanted were leave 10 human A ... etc LISTENING A B C 14 D is a bed is a mirror 10 is a wall 11 is a fireplace 12 is a cupboard 13 is a curtain 14 is a sofa 15 is a cushion 16 is an armchair 17 is a table 18 is the floor • • Ss... describe what there is in each room ANSWER KEY • • a) • ANSWER KEY H 10 I K L M N J 15 o F E • b) • G 13 12 11 17 16 P Q R 18 • • Ss can translate these words into their own language Read out... Module p 11 Module p 24 Module p 37 Module p 51 Module p 64 Module p 78 Module p 92 Module p 10 6 Module p 12 3 Christmas Around the World p 13 7 It's Carnival Time p .13 8 Happy Easter p 13 9 Evaluations

Ngày đăng: 21/08/2022, 22:53