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Tieng Anh 8 Sach thi diem Bai tap Luu Hoang Tri Unit 7

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One man cause of this issue is waste water coming from many factories and then being directly pulled out into water bodies, especially into rivers or seas without any treatment because t[r]

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botanical tropical terrific statistic phonetic heroic microscopic elastic classical vertical Arabic cosmetic emphatic specific magic ceramic typical practical kinetic aerobic sympathetic scientific fabric aquatic logical critical linguistic symbolic automatic mechanic oceanic geographic numerical mythical Oo Ooo oOo oOoo ooOo II Complete the sentences with the words in the box Then practise saying them aloud aquatic heroic historical specific medical psychological dramatic chemicals The Nhue River's water has turned black with discharged from factories The fascinating sky view offers us cultural and values People from "cancer villages" should go for examination Serious levels of water pollution poison life Billboards should only be allowed to hang at roadside for a period of time At the higher levels, noise pollution may lead to physical and damage The programme had a/an effect on the environment The volunteers made a/an fight against pollution of the beach B VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR I Match each type of pollution with its definition, writing the answer in each blank Answer Types of pollution Air pollution Land pollution Definitions A the increase of temperature caused by human activity B the contamination of any body of water, such as lakes, Light pollution Noise pollution Thermal pollution C D E Visual pollution F Water pollution G Radioactive pollution H groundwater, oceans, etc the contamination of air by smoke and harmful the release of unwanted radioactive material into environment the brightening of the night sky preventing us from seeing stars by improper lighting of communities the destruction of the earth's surface caused by the misuse of resources and improper dumping of waste anything unattractive or visually damaging to the nearby landscape any loud sounds that are either harmful or annoying to humans and animals II Complete the sentences, using the correct form of the words in brackets The soil becomes because of the use of so many pesticides and fertilizers (contaminate) waste spills can contaminate groundwater (industry) In many developing countries, water pollution is usually a leading cause of (die) elements have been found in both ground and underground water sources (pollute) Fish and many other animals are killed by in their habitat (pollute) Astronomers are concerned about light pollution because they have in viewing activities in the sky and outer space (difficult) III.Rewrite the sentences, using the words in brackets You can make some changes There are asthma, allergies and other respiratory illnesses when air pollution happens (leads to) _ Aquatic life suffers or dies because there is thermal pollution (because of) _ Water in the Cau River becomes brown and has terrible smell because the waste water is released from the paper mill in Thai Nguyen City (so) _ People use much herbicide to treat weeds, so water in rivers, canals, lakes are extremely polluted and has bad effects on people’ health (because) _ May fish in the river die due the increased temperature of water (because) _ Because plastic bags take so long to decompose, nearly all of them still exist in the environment today (so) _ IV People worried about the greenhouse effect Makes sentences in Conditional sentences type with “If…, …will…”, using the cues given the earth gets warmer the sea gets warmer the ice at the North and South Poles melts the sea level rises there are floods in many parts of the world many people lose their homes If the earth gets warmer, the sea will get warmer If the sea gets warmer, _ _ _ V Combine each pair of sentences, using conditional sentences type 1 A person looks at the sky at night He is not able to see the Milky Way by naked eye _ Noise pollution happen regularly It causes stress or nuisance _ Water pollution gets more serious in the future It affects the development of economy the pollution and society _ _ Australia has invested in water in Viet Nam with good results Haft of the population in the rural areas has access to fresh water _ You use compact light bulbs You save a lot of energy _ We have more space We plant more trees _ VI Answer the questions, using conditional sentences type What would you if you had a garden of our own? _ If you had one wish, what would it be? _ What would you if you won €1 million? _ What would you to make our school ground greener if you were the principal? _ What would you if you were the Earth Hour Goodwill Ambassador? _ C SPEAKING I Complete the conversation with the phrases in the table to stop them to about it By the way into the river That’s terrible Mai: You know, there's a factory outside our town that's pumping chemicals (1) ? Nick: How can they that? Isn't that against the law? Mai: Yes, it is But a lot of companies ignore those laws Nick: (2) What can we now? Mai: Well, one thing (3) is to talk to the management Nick: What if that doesn't work? Mai: Well, then another way (4) is to get a TV station to run a story on it Nick: Yes! Companies hate bad publicity (5) , What’s the name of this company? Mai: It's called Apex Industries Nick: Oh, no It was in the news last month Notes: ignore (v) = to pay no attention to somebody/something (không để ý đến, lờ đi) bad publicity = notice that is harmful (tiếng xấu) II Rearrange the sentences in order to make a meaningful conversation, writing the number (1-8) in each blank The first (0) has been done for you _ Mai: Our group will give a presentation about visual pollution It's new to me Do you know what it is, Phong? _ A Phong: Yes, maybe Because billboards, litter, or junkyards can also be considered visal pollution _ B Mai: I hate seeing a man throw an empty cigarette package from a motorbike or a car He should be given a fine _ C Mai Oh, I see Can you give some examples of it, Phong? _ D Phong: That's right There are rules, or regulations that apply punishment to anyone that makes the surroundings ugly I dislike seeing too many billboards along the streets How about you, Mai? _ E Mai: Can we see visual pollution when we walk along the streets? _ F Phong: Well, visual pollution is anything that makes our neighbourhood unattractive or unpleasant, Mai _ G Mai: All of us should try to protect the beautiful sight around us We must have laws or regulation to protect our pretty landscape _ H Phong: Yeah, for example, skyscrapers or high buildings that block a natural view, graffiti or carving on trees or rocks D READING I Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage Light pollution is not (1) serious as water or air pollution (2) , it is the type of pollution that (3) more in cities than in rural area In the past, we could sit out at night and (4) at glittering stars in the sky and light from objects in the outer space Nowadays, cities are covered with lights from buildings, streets, advertising displays, many of which direct the lights up into the sky and into many unwanted places The real problem is that it is very (5) to apply light to almost everything at night Millions of tons of oil and coal (6) to produce the power to light the sky Eye strain, (7) of vision and stress are what people may get from light pollution (8) light at night can harm our eyes and also harm hormones that help us to see things properly A more B as C much D only A Moreover B However C Therefore D Nevertheless A happen B occur C occurs D is occurred A watch B see C spend D spend A waste B wastes C wasting D wasteful A used B using C is used D are used A lose B lost C loss D losing A Very much B Too much C Too many D So many II Read the passage, and the tasks that follow There are many causes that lead to water pollution One man cause of this issue is waste water coming from many factories and then being directly pulled out into water bodies, especially into rivers or seas without any treatment because this is the most convenient way of disposing waste water Industrial waste consists of some kind of chemical substance such as sulphur, which is harmful for marine life Lead is known as the main reason for cancer disease Cancer has become a popular disease in several communes which are called "cancer villages" Another cause is the awareness of citizens, people always use water for many purposes and then they dump waste water or garbage directly into rivers, canal, and ponds and son on In 2004, because of bird flu outbreak in Vietnam, people threw poultry to water body that made water highly polluted Task 1: Match a word in column A with its definition in column B, writing the answer in each blank Answer A B convenient (adj) A birds, like hens ducks, geese… that are kept for eggs and meat marine (adj) B knowledge awareness (n) C connected with the sea outbreak (n) D suitable or practical for a particular purpose poultry (n) E the sudden beginning of something unpleasant Task 2: Read the passages again, and then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) T Waste water from many factories which is dumped into water bodies directly causes  water pollution Dumping waste directly into water is the most convenient way of disposing waste water  Sulphur is believed the main reason for cancer  Cancer villages occurred in 2004  10 Due to lack of awareness, people poisoned water with dead poultry when there was bird  flu outbreak in 2004 III.Read the passage, and the tasks that follow Space Pollution F      The launch of Sputnik I and Yuri Gagarin, the first human being in space, marked the beginning of space exploration and the beginning of a new and unfamiliar type of pollution Satellites, solar panels, rocket bodies and fragment from space shuttles that are floating in space and are no longer functional are considered space debris This pollution of man-made objects in space affects us here on Earth as well and will continue to affect us in future travel In 1978, the Soviet Union Kosmos 954, which contained a nuclear power source, reentered over Canada and left debris over an area the size of Austria In 1969, five Japanese sailors were injured by pieces of space debris that hit their ship The largest piece, weighing one thousand pounds, in Australia in 1979 Many solutions are being considered by scientists and engineers However, the challenge to finding a solution lies within all of the nations which take part in the space exploration Task 1: Match a word in column A with its definition in column B, writing the answer in each blank Answer A B shuttle A broken pieces of something larger functional B made by people debris C a vehicle in which people travel into space and back again man-made D a way of finding an answer to a problem solution E working; being used Task 2: Read the passage again, and then answer the following questions What are some examples of space pollution? What are the effects of space pollution? What did Kosmos 954 cause to Canada? Why were Japanese sailor injured in 1969? 10 Is it easy for all the nations taking part in the space exploration to find solutions? E WRITING Write a paragraph about noise pollution (definition, causes, effects and solutions), using the cues given Noise pollution/ any loud sounds/ either harmful or annoying/ humans and animals _ Generally/ noise/ produced/ household appliances/ big trucks/ vehicles and motorbikes/ on the road/ planes and helicopters flying over cities/ loud speakers, etc _ Noise solution/ cause/ stress/ illnesses/ hearing loss/ sleep loss/ lost productivity _ _ Health effects/ noise/ include/ anxiety/ stress/ headaches/ irritability/ nervousness _ _ Noise-producing industries/ airports/ bus terminals/ should/ located/ far/ living places _ _ The officials/ check/ misuse/ loudspeakers/ outdoor parties and discos/ as well as/ public announcement systems _ _ ... (5) , What’s the name of this company? Mai: It''s called Apex Industries Nick: Oh, no It was in the news last month Notes: ignore (v) = to pay no attention to somebody/something (không để ý đến,... almost everything at night Millions of tons of oil and coal (6) to produce the power to light the sky Eye strain, (7) of vision and stress are what people may get from light pollution (8) light... functional are considered space debris This pollution of man-made objects in space affects us here on Earth as well and will continue to affect us in future travel In 19 78 , the Soviet Union Kosmos 954,

Ngày đăng: 22/11/2021, 10:23



