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Tài liệu Ground Precision Components P1 pptx

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Tiêu đề Ground Precision Components
Trường học FIBRO Precision Components
Chuyên ngành Precision Components
Thể loại Tài liệu
Thành phố Hassmersheim
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Nội dung

B PrecisionGroundPlatesandFlatBars  C LiftingandClampingDevices  D GuideElements E GroundPrecisionComponents  PunchesandMatrixes,  Pins,EjectorPins,GaugePins F Springs G Elastomer-Bars,-Sheets,-Sections  H FIBROChemicalToolingAids  J PeripheralEquipment  K SlideUnits  L StandardPartsforMouldMaking A DieSets e 2 subjecttoalterations 2·2351·4 ° GroundPrecisionComponents subjecttoalterations e 3 2·2352 ·4 °  GroundPrecisionComponents FIBROPrecisionComponentscoveravery widerangeofmaterials,shapesandsizes andthuspermitvirtuallyunrestricted selectioneventohighlyindividual requirements. AtHassmersheimandalsoabroad,stock levelsofPrecisionComponentsreach seven-digitfigures.Itisthereforequite likelythatyourparticularchoicewillbe availableforimmediatedelivery.Should thisnotbethecasethenourflexiblebatch productionscheduleswillensurethat delaysarekepttoaminimum. Batchproductioninourinterpretationnot onlyspellspromptdeliverybutalso exceptionalquality.Startingwiththe arrivalinspectionofrawmaterials,every singlemanufacturingoperationonFIBRO PrecisionComponentsisfollowedbya qualitycheck.Lastly,anuncompromising finalinspectionofeachandeverypart guaranteesthatthetrademarkFIBROis andremainssynonymouswithQuality. Inviewofthefactthatalargeportionof thePrecisionComponentsprogramme consistsofpunchesandmatrices,the importanceofalignmentinthe operationaldiemustbeemphasized. Unlessthisrequirementcanbemettoa highdegreeofaccuracy,eventhefinest effortsindesignandinthetoolroom mustfail!Diealignmentultimately dependsontheguides–FIBRODieSets andGuideElementsweredevelopedand aremadewiththispostulateinmind. Toollife,productioncostandworkquality aretoalargeextentafunctionoftooling materialselectionversusstripstock characteristicsandancillaryprocess conditions.Ajudiciouschoicefromthe widerangeofmaterialsforourpunches andmatriceswillbefacilitatedbythe orientationguideinthiscatalogue.Listing theprincipalcharacteristicsofeach materialtogetherwithselectioncriteria,it isintendedtohelpcustomersmakethe rightchoice. Ourexperiencedtoolingspecialistswill assistyouwithfurtherdetailed information. Inkeepingwiththebasictenetofour firm,everyeffortismadetoensurethat design,performancepotentialandquality ofFIBROPrecisionComponentskeepwell abreastwithlatesttechnological developments. e 4 subjecttoalterations 2·11163·8·2 ° Contents Page 222. 232. 233. 234. 2281. 2291. 220. DescriptionofMaterials E 10 –E 11,  E 24  AssemblyGuideLinesforHeadTypePunches E 18  withRoundPoints PrecisionPunches E 12 DIN9861,ShapeDA 223. PrecisionPunches E 13 DIN9861ShapeD/ISO6752 224. 225. PrecisionPunches E14 DIN9861,ShapeCA+C PrecisionPunches E 15 SimilartoDIN9861ShapeCA+C SteppedQuillPunches– E16 ConicalHead VDI3374 HeadTypeQuillBush E16 andThrustPin VDI3374 BallLockTypeQuillBush E16 andThrustPin VDI3374 RoundPrecisionPunches E17 withtaperedheads30°,ShapeD RoundPrecisionPunches E 17 withtaperedheads30°,ShapeC PrecisionPunches E 19 DIN9844,ShapeA Page 221. 266. 270. 271. 272. 273. PrecisionPunches E 19 DIN9844,ShapeB PrecisionPunches E 21 SimilartoVDI3374 267. PrecisionPunches E 22 withEjectorPin 268. PrecisionPunches E 23 withEjectorPin Stepped,ShortPoint 269. PrecisionPunches E 23 withEjectorPin Stepped,LongPoint CarbidePunches– E 25 similartoDIN9844+DIN9861 ShapeA CylindricalHead–Straight CarbidePunches– E 25 similartoDIN9844+DIN9861 ShapeB CylindricalHead–Stepped CarbidePunches– E 25 similartoDIN9844+DIN9861 ShapeD ConicalHead–Straigh CarbidePunches– E 25 similartoDIN9844+DIN9861 ShapeC ConicalHead–Stepped 274. 275. 2202. Ball-LockPunches, E 30– E 31 blank,lightduty 2212. 2222. 2232. 2242. 2252. Ball-LockPunches, stepped,lightduty subjecttoalterations e 5  Contents 2·111647·1 ° Page Page 2204. 2214. 2224. 2234. 2244. 2254. Ball-LockPunches, E 34– E 35 punchlargerthanshaft, lightduty 2704. 2714. 2724. 2734. 2744. 2754. Ball-LockPunches, E 36– E 37 punchlargerthanshaft, lightdutywithejectorpin 2705. 2715. 2725. 2735. 2745. 2755. Ball-LockPunches, E 46– E 47 punchlargerthanshaft, heavydutywithejectorpin 2273. Ball-LockPilotPins, E49 withparabolictip,heavyduty 2701. PrecisionPunches E 56– E 57 withejectorpin,ISO8020 2711. 2721. 2731. 2741. 2751. PrecisionPunchesstepped, withejectorpinISO8020 Ball-LockPilotPins, E48 withtaperedtip,heavyduty 2263. 2702. 2712. 2722. 2732. 2742. 2752. Ball-LockPunches, E 32– E 33 blankwithejectorpin, lightduty Ball-LockPunches,  steppedwithejectorpin, lightduty 2201. 2 211. 2221. 2231. 2241. 2251. PrecisionPunches, E54– E 55 ISO8020 PrecisionPunches, stepped,ISO8020 2262. Ball-LockPilotPins, E 38 withtaperedtip,lightduty 2272. Ball-LockPilotPins, E 39 withparabolictip,lightduty 2203. 2213. 2223. 2233. 2243. 2253. Ball-LockPunches, E 40– E 41 blank,heavyduty  Ball-LockPunches,  stepped,heavyduty 2703. 2713. 2723. 2733. 2743. 2753. Ball-LockPunches, E 42– E 43 blankwithejectorpin, heavyduty  Ball-LockPunches,  steppedwithejectorpin, heavyduty 2205. 2215. 2225. 2235. 2245. 2255. Ball-LockPunches, E 44– E 45 punchlargerthanshaft, heavyduty e 6 subjecttoalterations 2·10400·71 ° Contents Page 2664.05. 2664.06. 2664.07. 2664.10. 2664.08. 2664.09. TriangleRetainers E86 –E 88 forBall-LockPunches, lightduty heavyduty AccessoriesforRetainers, E 89 triangular,forBall-LockPunches Page 2664.02. 2664.04. TriangleRetainers E 94 forroundPunches,ISO8020 forPunches,ISO8020 AccessoriesforRetainers, E 95 triangular,forPunches, ISO8020 2607. 2617. 2627. 2637. 2647. 2657. PrecisionMatrixes E 69 –E 71 withshoulder, cylindrical,ISO8977 2606. 2616. 2626. 2636. 2646. 2656. PrecisionMatrixes E 65 –E 67 withoutshoulder, cylindrical,ISO8977 2605. 2615. 2625. 2635. 2645. 2655. Matrixeswithoutshoulder, E 72 –E 73 automotivestandard Standardised E 79 –E 83 SpecialShapes Punches/PrecisionMatrixes 262. 2621. PrecisionGuideBushes E 74 forPunchesDIN9845,ShapeC PrecisionGuideBushes E 74 forPunchesISO8978 260. PrecisionMatrixes E 75 withoutcollarDIN9845 ShapeA 2612. 2601. 2611. 2602. PrecisionMatrixes E 76 withoutcollar,cylindrical 261. PrecisionMatrixes E 75 withcollarDIN9845 ShapeB PrecisionMatrixes E 76 withcollar,cylindrical PrecisionMatrixes E 77 withoutcollar,conical PrecisionMatrixes E77 withcollar,conical 2618. DynamicStrippers E84 2661.07. 2661.08. SquareRetainers E 90 forBall-LockPunches, lightduty 2662.05. RectangularRetainers E91 forBall-LockPunches toVDI3374 2261. PilotPinswithtaperedtip, E 58 ISO8020 2276. PilotUnitstoDC-Standard E 60 2271. PilotPinswithparabolictip, E 59 ISO8020 subjecttoalterations e 7 PrecisionDowelPins(Parallel) E 112 similartoDINENISO8734/ISO8734  – E113 PrecisionDrillBushesShapeA E 115 DIN172,withcollar HotworkPrecisionEjectorPins E 117 NitridedISO6751 HardenedEjectorPins E 116  similartoDIN1530 ShapeA-ISO6751 BladePrecisionEjectors E 122 Hardened HardenedEjectorPins E 120 ConicalHeadDIN1530ShapeD HotworkPrecisionEjectorPins E 121 Nitrided– similartoDIN1530ShapeD PrecisionPunches, E108 Square/Rectangular withoutHead PrecisionPunches, E108 Square/Rectangular withHotUpset-ForgedHead Strippingunit E104 Strippingunitmountings E105 RectangularRetainers E102 forPunchestoVDI3374 SquareRetainers E 101 forProfilePunchestoVDI3374 2·111647·1 ° Page 2431.7. 230. 231. 235.1. 2351.1. High-Precision E 106 –E 107 SpecialParts 236.1. 2361.1. PrecisionDowelPins(Parallel) E109 withInternalExtractingThread – E110 similartoDINENISO8735/ISO8735 DowelPinExtractorFIBROZIPP OrderNo236.001 265.1. 2650.1 High-PrecisionLinerBushes E 111 forDowelPins,forbonding forpushfit Page 276. 277. 238.8. PrecisionDrillBushesShapeA E 115 DIN179,withoutcollar 237.1. 237.8. 238.1. HardenedEjectorPins E 118  similartoDIN1530 ShapeC-ISO8694 HotworkPrecisionEjectorPins E 119  NitridedDIN1530 ShapeC-ISO8694 2667. 2661.05. 2661.06. 2662.03. 2662.04. 263.1. 239.1. 239.8. 2661.01. 2661.02. SquareRetainers E 96 forPunchestoISO8020 2662.01. 2662.02. RectangularRetainers E 97 forPunchestoISO8020 2661.03. 2661.04. SquareRetainers E 100 forroundPunchestoVDI3374  Contents e 8 subjecttoalterations 2·17539·20021 ° Contents Page 240. 240.11. 240.22. 240.31. 240.32. 2280.01. 2280.02. 2282.01. 264.8. 264.1. 263.8. High-Precision E 126– E 127 GaugePinsDIN2269  Accessories: WoodenBoxesforGaugePins HighPrecisionGaugePins E 128 withHandle HighPrecisionGaugePins–BoxedSets Datestamp, E 129 complete embossedlettering E 130 standardandshortversion Punchingandembossingunit E 131 forpunchedholes HotworkPrecisionEjector E 125 Sleeves–NitridedDINISO8405 Precision-EjectorSleeves– E 124 HardenedDINISO8405 HotworkBladePrecision E 123 Ejectors–Nitrided subjecttoalterations e 9  ComparativeGraphs CompressiveStrength(0,2%ProofStress) FlexuralStrength HV30-Hardness 2·2357·7·2 ° e 10 subjecttoalterations 2·2355· 2003·3 ° FIBROPunchesandMatrixes– DescriptionofMaterials WS = AlloyToolSteel   MaterialNo1.2210,1.2516,1.2842orsimilar. Characteristics:  Hardandtoughtoolsteel,mediumwearresistance. ApplicationField:  Piercing/blankingdiesformildsteel,lowcarbonsteels,non-ferrousmetals,plastics,paper.   WS =materialcodenumber=“1” e.g. OrderNo =239.1. HWS = HighCarbon–HighChromeToolSteel(12%Cr)   MaterialNo1.2436,1.2379orsimilar. Characteristics:  Highresistancetowear. ApplicationField:  Piercing/blankingdiesofalltypes,trimdies,forallcarbonsteels,alloysteels,non-ferrousmetals,plastics,   paper.   HWS =materialcodenumber=“2” e.g. OrderNo =260.2. HSS = HighSpeedSteel   MaterialNo1.3343orsimilar. Characteristics:  Highwearresistance;hightemperingcurvepermitscertainsurfacetreatments. ApplicationField:  Piercing/blankingdiesofalltypes–fortoughmaterialse.g.springsteel,laminationsteels,andabrasive   papersaswellasplastics.   HSS =materialcodenumber=“3” e.g. OrderNo =220.3. ASP23 = HighSpeedSteelonPowder-MetallurgicBasis ASP2023  Characteristics:  Highwearresistance–greatertoughnessduetoexcellenthomogenity. ApplicationField:  SameasHSS.   ASP23    ASP2023 =materialcodenumber=“6” e.g. OrderNo =223.6. HST = HighSpeedSteel,Nitrided Characteristics:  Highwearresistance–reducedgallingtendencyonaccountofnitridesinfusedintotoplayerofmaterial. ApplicationField:  Piercing/blankingdiesofalltypes–forveryhardandabrasivematerials.    HST =materialcodenumber=“4” e.g. OrderNo =223.4. FT = Ferro-Tic(FerroTitanit) Characteristics:  BetweenthoseofHSSandhardmetals(tungstencarbides);machinableinthesuppliedstate–   hardnessconferredbyheattreatment. ApplicationField:  Fineblankingandprogression/laminationdiesforlargequantitiesofpartsfromabrasive,hardmaterials,   alsosiliconsteelsandstainlesssteels.    FT specialmanufacture     –onrequest– [...]... 275.4 ^950 HV 0,3 52±3 HRC ASP 23 – ASP 2023 Order No: Hardness: Shank Head Shank precision ground, head subsequently hot upset-forged and tempered; residual upset-bulge below head normally much smaller than permissible acc to DIN 9861 Shape C head hot upset-forged and tempered Shank and head subsequently precision plunge -ground for perfect concentricity and full interchangeability with replacement punches... 2· 9717· 7·2  ° e 20 subject to alterations 266 Precision Punches Similar to VDI 3374 266 Werkstoff: HSS Order No.: Hardness: Shank Head Execution: Head hot upset-forged; shank and head precision plunge -ground 266.3 62±2 HRC 45±5 HRC Ordering Code (example): Punch Material HSS d1 = 8,0 mm l1 = 71 mm Order No Description of FIBRO materials for die components: pages E 10 and E 11 = = = = = 266 266.3... alterations e 21 Precision Punches with Ejector Pin 267 267 Execution: Material: Head hot upset-forged Shank and shoulder precision plunge -ground HSS Order No: Hardness: Shank Head 267.3 64±2 HRC 52±3 HRC Ordering Code (example): Punch Material HSS d1 = 8,0 mm l1 = 71 mm Order No = = = = = 267 267.3 267.3.0800 267.3.0800.071 267.3.0800.071 Description of FIBRO materials for die components: pages... Thrust Pin Material C 4523 l1 = 48 mm Order No subject to alterations 2281 2291 Round Precision Punches with tapered heads 30°, Shape C+D 2281 Shape D 2291 Shape C Execution: Material: HSS Order No.: Hardness: Shape C and D Head hot upset-forged and tempered Shank and head subsequently precision plunge -ground for perfect concentricity and full interchangeability with replacement punches Shape... head/percussion plate = 0,02 mm e 18 subject to alterations 220 221 220 Shape A Precision Punches DIN 9844 Shape A+B 221 Shape B Material: Execution: HSS Order No: Hardness Shank Head Shape A = 220.3 Shape B = 221.3 64±2 HRC 52±3 HRC HST Order No: Hardness Surface Head Head hot upset-forged Shank and shoulder precision plunge -ground Shape A = 220.4 Shape B = 221.4 ^ 950 HV 0,3 52±3 HRC Ordering Code... ASP 23 – ASP 2023 Order No: Hardness: Shank Head Form C = 225.6 64±2 HRC 52±3 HRC Shank precision ground, head subsequently hot upset-forged and tempered; residual upset-buge below head normally much smaller than permissible acc to DIN 9861 Shape C Head hot upset-forged and tempered Shank and head subsequently precision plunge-gorund for perfect concentricity and full interchangeability with replacement... subsequently precision plunge -ground for perfect concentricity and full interchangeability with replacement punches 223.3 64±2 HRC 223.0 2300 HV 0,05 52±3 HRC 52±3 HRC Head 223.6 64±2 HRC Ordering Code (example): Punch =  223 Material HSS =  223.3 d1 = [ 16,5 mm =  223.3.1650 =  223.3.1650.080 l1 = 80 mm Order No =  223.3.1650.080 2·2363· 8· 3  ° Description of FIBRO materials for die components: pages... · 6 l d1‑h6   5   6   8 10 13 16 20 25 subject to alterations 268 269 Precision Punches with Ejector Pin, Stepped, Short/Long Point 268 Classified Point Shapes 269 Material: HSS Order No: Hardness: HSS Order No: Hardness: Execution: Shank Head Shank Head Head hot upset-forged Shank and shoulder precision plunge -ground 268.3 (short point) 64±2 HRC 52±3 HRC 269.3 (long point) 64±2 HRC 52±3 HRC... Description of FIBRO materials for die components: pages E 10–E 11 stock lenghts: 71, 80, 100 mm other lengths and diameters on request! 222 Shank Head HST Order No: Hardness: Ordering Code (example): 222.0 2300 HV 0,05 52±3 HRC stock lenghts: 71, 80, 100 mm other lengths and diameters on request! HSS Order-No: Hardness: HST Order-No: Hardness: e 12 subject to alterations 223 Precision Punches DIN 9861 Shape... Straight and Stepped Conical Head – Straight and Stepped 270 Shape A 271 Shape B 272 Shape D 273 Shape C Material: Execution: Tungsten-Cobalt Carbide Order No: Heads steel, brazed to shanks Shanks precision ground Shape A = 270.9., Shape B = 271.9 Shape D = 272.9., Shape C = 273.9 Dimensions: See DIN 9844 and DIN 9861 on pages E 12, E 13, E 14, E 15 and E 19 Other diameters and lengths on request Delivery: . 2 subjecttoalterations 2·2351·4 ° Ground Precision Components subjecttoalterations e 3 2·2352 ·4 °  Ground Precision Components FIBRO Precision Components coveravery widerangeofmaterials,shapesandsizes andthuspermitvirtuallyunrestricted selectioneventohighlyindividual requirements. AtHassmersheimandalsoabroad,stock levelsof Precision Components reach seven-digitfigures.Itisthereforequite likelythatyourparticularchoicewillbe availableforimmediatedelivery.Should thisnotbethecasethenourflexiblebatch productionscheduleswillensurethat delaysarekepttoaminimum. Batchproductioninourinterpretationnot onlyspellspromptdeliverybutalso exceptionalquality.Startingwiththe arrivalinspectionofrawmaterials,every singlemanufacturingoperationonFIBRO Precision Components isfollowedbya qualitycheck.Lastly,anuncompromising finalinspectionofeachandeverypart guaranteesthatthetrademarkFIBROis andremainssynonymouswithQuality. Inviewofthefactthatalargeportionof the Precision Components programme consistsofpunchesandmatrices,the importanceofalignmentinthe operationaldiemustbeemphasized. Unlessthisrequirementcanbemettoa highdegreeofaccuracy,eventhefinest effortsindesignandinthetoolroom mustfail!Diealignmentultimately dependsontheguides–FIBRODieSets andGuideElementsweredevelopedand aremadewiththispostulateinmind. Toollife,productioncostandworkquality aretoalargeextentafunctionoftooling materialselectionversusstripstock characteristicsandancillaryprocess conditions.Ajudiciouschoicefromthe widerangeofmaterialsforourpunches andmatriceswillbefacilitatedbythe orientationguideinthiscatalogue.Listing theprincipalcharacteristicsofeach materialtogetherwithselectioncriteria,it isintendedtohelpcustomersmakethe rightchoice. Ourexperiencedtoolingspecialistswill assistyouwithfurtherdetailed information. Inkeepingwiththebasictenetofour firm,everyeffortismadetoensurethat design,performancepotentialandquality ofFIBRO Precision Components keepwell abreastwithlatesttechnological developments. e. B Precision Ground PlatesandFlatBars  C LiftingandClampingDevices  D GuideElements E Ground Precision Components  PunchesandMatrixes, 

Ngày đăng: 20/01/2014, 00:20

