B PrecisionGroundPlatesandFlatBars C LiftingandClampingDevices D GuideElements E GroundPrecisionComponents PunchesandMatrixes, Pins,EjectorPins,GaugePins F Springs G Elastomer-Bars,-Sheets,-Sections H FIBROChemicalToolingAids J PeripheralEquipment K SlideUnits L StandardPartsforMouldMaking A DieSets e 2 subjecttoalterations 2·2351·4 ° GroundPrecisionComponents subjecttoalterations e 3 2·2352 ·4 ° GroundPrecisionComponents FIBROPrecisionComponentscoveravery widerangeofmaterials,shapesandsizes andthuspermitvirtuallyunrestricted selectioneventohighlyindividual requirements. AtHassmersheimandalsoabroad,stock levelsofPrecisionComponentsreach seven-digitfigures.Itisthereforequite likelythatyourparticularchoicewillbe availableforimmediatedelivery.Should thisnotbethecasethenourflexiblebatch productionscheduleswillensurethat delaysarekepttoaminimum. Batchproductioninourinterpretationnot onlyspellspromptdeliverybutalso exceptionalquality.Startingwiththe arrivalinspectionofrawmaterials,every singlemanufacturingoperationonFIBRO PrecisionComponentsisfollowedbya qualitycheck.Lastly,anuncompromising finalinspectionofeachandeverypart guaranteesthatthetrademarkFIBROis andremainssynonymouswithQuality. Inviewofthefactthatalargeportionof thePrecisionComponentsprogramme consistsofpunchesandmatrices,the importanceofalignmentinthe operationaldiemustbeemphasized. Unlessthisrequirementcanbemettoa highdegreeofaccuracy,eventhefinest effortsindesignandinthetoolroom mustfail!Diealignmentultimately dependsontheguides–FIBRODieSets andGuideElementsweredevelopedand aremadewiththispostulateinmind. Toollife,productioncostandworkquality aretoalargeextentafunctionoftooling materialselectionversusstripstock characteristicsandancillaryprocess conditions.Ajudiciouschoicefromthe widerangeofmaterialsforourpunches andmatriceswillbefacilitatedbythe orientationguideinthiscatalogue.Listing theprincipalcharacteristicsofeach materialtogetherwithselectioncriteria,it isintendedtohelpcustomersmakethe rightchoice. Ourexperiencedtoolingspecialistswill assistyouwithfurtherdetailed information. Inkeepingwiththebasictenetofour firm,everyeffortismadetoensurethat design,performancepotentialandquality ofFIBROPrecisionComponentskeepwell abreastwithlatesttechnological developments. e 4 subjecttoalterations 2·11163·8·2 ° Contents Page 222. 232. 233. 234. 2281. 2291. 220. DescriptionofMaterials E 10 –E 11, E 24 AssemblyGuideLinesforHeadTypePunches E 18 withRoundPoints PrecisionPunches E 12 DIN9861,ShapeDA 223. PrecisionPunches E 13 DIN9861ShapeD/ISO6752 224. 225. PrecisionPunches E14 DIN9861,ShapeCA+C PrecisionPunches E 15 SimilartoDIN9861ShapeCA+C SteppedQuillPunches– E16 ConicalHead VDI3374 HeadTypeQuillBush E16 andThrustPin VDI3374 BallLockTypeQuillBush E16 andThrustPin VDI3374 RoundPrecisionPunches E17 withtaperedheads30°,ShapeD RoundPrecisionPunches E 17 withtaperedheads30°,ShapeC PrecisionPunches E 19 DIN9844,ShapeA Page 221. 266. 270. 271. 272. 273. PrecisionPunches E 19 DIN9844,ShapeB PrecisionPunches E 21 SimilartoVDI3374 267. PrecisionPunches E 22 withEjectorPin 268. PrecisionPunches E 23 withEjectorPin Stepped,ShortPoint 269. PrecisionPunches E 23 withEjectorPin Stepped,LongPoint CarbidePunches– E 25 similartoDIN9844+DIN9861 ShapeA CylindricalHead–Straight CarbidePunches– E 25 similartoDIN9844+DIN9861 ShapeB CylindricalHead–Stepped CarbidePunches– E 25 similartoDIN9844+DIN9861 ShapeD ConicalHead–Straigh CarbidePunches– E 25 similartoDIN9844+DIN9861 ShapeC ConicalHead–Stepped 274. 275. 2202. Ball-LockPunches, E 30– E 31 blank,lightduty 2212. 2222. 2232. 2242. 2252. Ball-LockPunches, stepped,lightduty subjecttoalterations e 5 Contents 2·111647·1 ° Page Page 2204. 2214. 2224. 2234. 2244. 2254. Ball-LockPunches, E 34– E 35 punchlargerthanshaft, lightduty 2704. 2714. 2724. 2734. 2744. 2754. Ball-LockPunches, E 36– E 37 punchlargerthanshaft, lightdutywithejectorpin 2705. 2715. 2725. 2735. 2745. 2755. Ball-LockPunches, E 46– E 47 punchlargerthanshaft, heavydutywithejectorpin 2273. Ball-LockPilotPins, E49 withparabolictip,heavyduty 2701. PrecisionPunches E 56– E 57 withejectorpin,ISO8020 2711. 2721. 2731. 2741. 2751. PrecisionPunchesstepped, withejectorpinISO8020 Ball-LockPilotPins, E48 withtaperedtip,heavyduty 2263. 2702. 2712. 2722. 2732. 2742. 2752. Ball-LockPunches, E 32– E 33 blankwithejectorpin, lightduty Ball-LockPunches, steppedwithejectorpin, lightduty 2201. 2 211. 2221. 2231. 2241. 2251. PrecisionPunches, E54– E 55 ISO8020 PrecisionPunches, stepped,ISO8020 2262. Ball-LockPilotPins, E 38 withtaperedtip,lightduty 2272. Ball-LockPilotPins, E 39 withparabolictip,lightduty 2203. 2213. 2223. 2233. 2243. 2253. Ball-LockPunches, E 40– E 41 blank,heavyduty Ball-LockPunches, stepped,heavyduty 2703. 2713. 2723. 2733. 2743. 2753. Ball-LockPunches, E 42– E 43 blankwithejectorpin, heavyduty Ball-LockPunches, steppedwithejectorpin, heavyduty 2205. 2215. 2225. 2235. 2245. 2255. Ball-LockPunches, E 44– E 45 punchlargerthanshaft, heavyduty e 6 subjecttoalterations 2·10400·71 ° Contents Page 2664.05. 2664.06. 2664.07. 2664.10. 2664.08. 2664.09. TriangleRetainers E86 –E 88 forBall-LockPunches, lightduty heavyduty AccessoriesforRetainers, E 89 triangular,forBall-LockPunches Page 2664.02. 2664.04. TriangleRetainers E 94 forroundPunches,ISO8020 forPunches,ISO8020 AccessoriesforRetainers, E 95 triangular,forPunches, ISO8020 2607. 2617. 2627. 2637. 2647. 2657. PrecisionMatrixes E 69 –E 71 withshoulder, cylindrical,ISO8977 2606. 2616. 2626. 2636. 2646. 2656. PrecisionMatrixes E 65 –E 67 withoutshoulder, cylindrical,ISO8977 2605. 2615. 2625. 2635. 2645. 2655. Matrixeswithoutshoulder, E 72 –E 73 automotivestandard Standardised E 79 –E 83 SpecialShapes Punches/PrecisionMatrixes 262. 2621. PrecisionGuideBushes E 74 forPunchesDIN9845,ShapeC PrecisionGuideBushes E 74 forPunchesISO8978 260. PrecisionMatrixes E 75 withoutcollarDIN9845 ShapeA 2612. 2601. 2611. 2602. PrecisionMatrixes E 76 withoutcollar,cylindrical 261. PrecisionMatrixes E 75 withcollarDIN9845 ShapeB PrecisionMatrixes E 76 withcollar,cylindrical PrecisionMatrixes E 77 withoutcollar,conical PrecisionMatrixes E77 withcollar,conical 2618. DynamicStrippers E84 2661.07. 2661.08. SquareRetainers E 90 forBall-LockPunches, lightduty 2662.05. RectangularRetainers E91 forBall-LockPunches toVDI3374 2261. PilotPinswithtaperedtip, E 58 ISO8020 2276. PilotUnitstoDC-Standard E 60 2271. PilotPinswithparabolictip, E 59 ISO8020 subjecttoalterations e 7 PrecisionDowelPins(Parallel) E 112 similartoDINENISO8734/ISO8734 – E113 PrecisionDrillBushesShapeA E 115 DIN172,withcollar HotworkPrecisionEjectorPins E 117 NitridedISO6751 HardenedEjectorPins E 116 similartoDIN1530 ShapeA-ISO6751 BladePrecisionEjectors E 122 Hardened HardenedEjectorPins E 120 ConicalHeadDIN1530ShapeD HotworkPrecisionEjectorPins E 121 Nitrided– similartoDIN1530ShapeD PrecisionPunches, E108 Square/Rectangular withoutHead PrecisionPunches, E108 Square/Rectangular withHotUpset-ForgedHead Strippingunit E104 Strippingunitmountings E105 RectangularRetainers E102 forPunchestoVDI3374 SquareRetainers E 101 forProfilePunchestoVDI3374 2·111647·1 ° Page 2431.7. 230. 231. 235.1. 2351.1. High-Precision E 106 –E 107 SpecialParts 236.1. 2361.1. PrecisionDowelPins(Parallel) E109 withInternalExtractingThread – E110 similartoDINENISO8735/ISO8735 DowelPinExtractorFIBROZIPP OrderNo236.001 265.1. 2650.1 High-PrecisionLinerBushes E 111 forDowelPins,forbonding forpushfit Page 276. 277. 238.8. PrecisionDrillBushesShapeA E 115 DIN179,withoutcollar 237.1. 237.8. 238.1. HardenedEjectorPins E 118 similartoDIN1530 ShapeC-ISO8694 HotworkPrecisionEjectorPins E 119 NitridedDIN1530 ShapeC-ISO8694 2667. 2661.05. 2661.06. 2662.03. 2662.04. 263.1. 239.1. 239.8. 2661.01. 2661.02. SquareRetainers E 96 forPunchestoISO8020 2662.01. 2662.02. RectangularRetainers E 97 forPunchestoISO8020 2661.03. 2661.04. SquareRetainers E 100 forroundPunchestoVDI3374 Contents e 8 subjecttoalterations 2·17539·20021 ° Contents Page 240. 240.11. 240.22. 240.31. 240.32. 2280.01. 2280.02. 2282.01. 264.8. 264.1. 263.8. High-Precision E 126– E 127 GaugePinsDIN2269 Accessories: WoodenBoxesforGaugePins HighPrecisionGaugePins E 128 withHandle HighPrecisionGaugePins–BoxedSets Datestamp, E 129 complete embossedlettering E 130 standardandshortversion Punchingandembossingunit E 131 forpunchedholes HotworkPrecisionEjector E 125 Sleeves–NitridedDINISO8405 Precision-EjectorSleeves– E 124 HardenedDINISO8405 HotworkBladePrecision E 123 Ejectors–Nitrided subjecttoalterations e 9 ComparativeGraphs CompressiveStrength(0,2%ProofStress) FlexuralStrength HV30-Hardness 2·2357·7·2 ° e 10 subjecttoalterations 2·2355· 2003·3 ° FIBROPunchesandMatrixes– DescriptionofMaterials WS = AlloyToolSteel MaterialNo1.2210,1.2516,1.2842orsimilar. Characteristics: Hardandtoughtoolsteel,mediumwearresistance. ApplicationField: Piercing/blankingdiesformildsteel,lowcarbonsteels,non-ferrousmetals,plastics,paper. WS =materialcodenumber=“1” e.g. OrderNo =239.1. HWS = HighCarbon–HighChromeToolSteel(12%Cr) MaterialNo1.2436,1.2379orsimilar. Characteristics: Highresistancetowear. ApplicationField: Piercing/blankingdiesofalltypes,trimdies,forallcarbonsteels,alloysteels,non-ferrousmetals,plastics, paper. HWS =materialcodenumber=“2” e.g. OrderNo =260.2. HSS = HighSpeedSteel MaterialNo1.3343orsimilar. Characteristics: Highwearresistance;hightemperingcurvepermitscertainsurfacetreatments. ApplicationField: Piercing/blankingdiesofalltypes–fortoughmaterialse.g.springsteel,laminationsteels,andabrasive papersaswellasplastics. HSS =materialcodenumber=“3” e.g. OrderNo =220.3. ASP23 = HighSpeedSteelonPowder-MetallurgicBasis ASP2023 Characteristics: Highwearresistance–greatertoughnessduetoexcellenthomogenity. ApplicationField: SameasHSS. ASP23 ASP2023 =materialcodenumber=“6” e.g. OrderNo =223.6. HST = HighSpeedSteel,Nitrided Characteristics: Highwearresistance–reducedgallingtendencyonaccountofnitridesinfusedintotoplayerofmaterial. ApplicationField: Piercing/blankingdiesofalltypes–forveryhardandabrasivematerials. HST =materialcodenumber=“4” e.g. OrderNo =223.4. FT = Ferro-Tic(FerroTitanit) Characteristics: BetweenthoseofHSSandhardmetals(tungstencarbides);machinableinthesuppliedstate– hardnessconferredbyheattreatment. ApplicationField: Fineblankingandprogression/laminationdiesforlargequantitiesofpartsfromabrasive,hardmaterials, alsosiliconsteelsandstainlesssteels. FT specialmanufacture –onrequest– [...]... 275.4 ^950 HV 0,3 52±3 HRC ASP 23 – ASP 2023 Order No: Hardness: Shank Head Shank precision ground, head subsequently hot upset-forged and tempered; residual upset-bulge below head normally much smaller than permissible acc to DIN 9861 Shape C head hot upset-forged and tempered Shank and head subsequently precision plunge -ground for perfect concentricity and full interchangeability with replacement punches... 2· 9717· 7·2 ° e 20 subject to alterations 266 Precision Punches Similar to VDI 3374 266 Werkstoff: HSS Order No.: Hardness: Shank Head Execution: Head hot upset-forged; shank and head precision plunge -ground 266.3 62±2 HRC 45±5 HRC Ordering Code (example): Punch Material HSS d1 = 8,0 mm l1 = 71 mm Order No Description of FIBRO materials for die components: pages E 10 and E 11 = = = = = 266 266.3... alterations e 21 Precision Punches with Ejector Pin 267 267 Execution: Material: Head hot upset-forged Shank and shoulder precision plunge -ground HSS Order No: Hardness: Shank Head 267.3 64±2 HRC 52±3 HRC Ordering Code (example): Punch Material HSS d1 = 8,0 mm l1 = 71 mm Order No = = = = = 267 267.3 267.3.0800 267.3.0800.071 267.3.0800.071 Description of FIBRO materials for die components: pages... Thrust Pin Material C 4523 l1 = 48 mm Order No subject to alterations 2281 2291 Round Precision Punches with tapered heads 30°, Shape C+D 2281 Shape D 2291 Shape C Execution: Material: HSS Order No.: Hardness: Shape C and D Head hot upset-forged and tempered Shank and head subsequently precision plunge -ground for perfect concentricity and full interchangeability with replacement punches Shape... head/percussion plate = 0,02 mm e 18 subject to alterations 220 221 220 Shape A Precision Punches DIN 9844 Shape A+B 221 Shape B Material: Execution: HSS Order No: Hardness Shank Head Shape A = 220.3 Shape B = 221.3 64±2 HRC 52±3 HRC HST Order No: Hardness Surface Head Head hot upset-forged Shank and shoulder precision plunge -ground Shape A = 220.4 Shape B = 221.4 ^ 950 HV 0,3 52±3 HRC Ordering Code... ASP 23 – ASP 2023 Order No: Hardness: Shank Head Form C = 225.6 64±2 HRC 52±3 HRC Shank precision ground, head subsequently hot upset-forged and tempered; residual upset-buge below head normally much smaller than permissible acc to DIN 9861 Shape C Head hot upset-forged and tempered Shank and head subsequently precision plunge-gorund for perfect concentricity and full interchangeability with replacement... subsequently precision plunge -ground for perfect concentricity and full interchangeability with replacement punches 223.3 64±2 HRC 223.0 2300 HV 0,05 52±3 HRC 52±3 HRC Head 223.6 64±2 HRC Ordering Code (example): Punch = 223 Material HSS = 223.3 d1 = [ 16,5 mm = 223.3.1650 = 223.3.1650.080 l1 = 80 mm Order No = 223.3.1650.080 2·2363· 8· 3 ° Description of FIBRO materials for die components: pages... · 6 l d1‑h6 5 6 8 10 13 16 20 25 subject to alterations 268 269 Precision Punches with Ejector Pin, Stepped, Short/Long Point 268 Classified Point Shapes 269 Material: HSS Order No: Hardness: HSS Order No: Hardness: Execution: Shank Head Shank Head Head hot upset-forged Shank and shoulder precision plunge -ground 268.3 (short point) 64±2 HRC 52±3 HRC 269.3 (long point) 64±2 HRC 52±3 HRC... Description of FIBRO materials for die components: pages E 10–E 11 stock lenghts: 71, 80, 100 mm other lengths and diameters on request! 222 Shank Head HST Order No: Hardness: Ordering Code (example): 222.0 2300 HV 0,05 52±3 HRC stock lenghts: 71, 80, 100 mm other lengths and diameters on request! HSS Order-No: Hardness: HST Order-No: Hardness: e 12 subject to alterations 223 Precision Punches DIN 9861 Shape... Straight and Stepped Conical Head – Straight and Stepped 270 Shape A 271 Shape B 272 Shape D 273 Shape C Material: Execution: Tungsten-Cobalt Carbide Order No: Heads steel, brazed to shanks Shanks precision ground Shape A = 270.9., Shape B = 271.9 Shape D = 272.9., Shape C = 273.9 Dimensions: See DIN 9844 and DIN 9861 on pages E 12, E 13, E 14, E 15 and E 19 Other diameters and lengths on request Delivery: . 2 subjecttoalterations 2·2351·4 ° Ground Precision Components subjecttoalterations e 3 2·2352 ·4 ° Ground Precision Components FIBRO Precision Components coveravery widerangeofmaterials,shapesandsizes andthuspermitvirtuallyunrestricted selectioneventohighlyindividual requirements. AtHassmersheimandalsoabroad,stock levelsof Precision Components reach seven-digitfigures.Itisthereforequite likelythatyourparticularchoicewillbe availableforimmediatedelivery.Should thisnotbethecasethenourflexiblebatch productionscheduleswillensurethat delaysarekepttoaminimum. Batchproductioninourinterpretationnot onlyspellspromptdeliverybutalso exceptionalquality.Startingwiththe arrivalinspectionofrawmaterials,every singlemanufacturingoperationonFIBRO Precision Components isfollowedbya qualitycheck.Lastly,anuncompromising finalinspectionofeachandeverypart guaranteesthatthetrademarkFIBROis andremainssynonymouswithQuality. Inviewofthefactthatalargeportionof the Precision Components programme consistsofpunchesandmatrices,the importanceofalignmentinthe operationaldiemustbeemphasized. Unlessthisrequirementcanbemettoa highdegreeofaccuracy,eventhefinest effortsindesignandinthetoolroom mustfail!Diealignmentultimately dependsontheguides–FIBRODieSets andGuideElementsweredevelopedand aremadewiththispostulateinmind. Toollife,productioncostandworkquality aretoalargeextentafunctionoftooling materialselectionversusstripstock characteristicsandancillaryprocess conditions.Ajudiciouschoicefromthe widerangeofmaterialsforourpunches andmatriceswillbefacilitatedbythe orientationguideinthiscatalogue.Listing theprincipalcharacteristicsofeach materialtogetherwithselectioncriteria,it isintendedtohelpcustomersmakethe rightchoice. Ourexperiencedtoolingspecialistswill assistyouwithfurtherdetailed information. Inkeepingwiththebasictenetofour firm,everyeffortismadetoensurethat design,performancepotentialandquality ofFIBRO Precision Components keepwell abreastwithlatesttechnological developments. e. B Precision Ground PlatesandFlatBars C LiftingandClampingDevices D GuideElements E Ground Precision Components PunchesandMatrixes,