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INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING THE COACHING SKILLS ASSESSMENT TOOL The purpose of the assessment is to provide data to help the coach improve his/her coaching skills. A candid evaluation will provide the most help. Be as specific as possible in your responses. The coach's self-assessment, along with input from their manager/coordinator and from people they coach will provide a total assessment of the individual's coaching skills. Please follow these guidelines as you provide input: • Provide specific examples as often as possible. • Data should be current. • If you don't understand a question, ask your manager/coordinator or module Coaching Systems owner for clarification. • If you don't have any input, write “None.” • Coachees should evaluate performance based on their own working relationship with the Coach. • Coach and manager/coordinator should evaluate performance based on their perspective and data on the collective relationships. COACHING ASSESSMENT TOOL Date:___________________ Coach's Name: _________________________________ Person Inputting:____________________________________________ INSTRUCTIONS: Considering the Coach's working relationship with his/her coachees, provide examples which exemplify actual behavior for each skill element listed. CORE COMPETENCIES OF EFFECTIVE COACHING EXAMPLES OF ACTUAL BEHAVIOR I. THE ABILITY TO DEVELOP EFFECTIVE 1:1 RELATIONSHIPS (i.e. Build Trust) a) Takes the time to know coachees personally; their interests, their family, their values. b) Is always open and honest with coachees, respects confidentiality, and considers their personal needs. Demonstrates a genuine commitment to the coachees. c) Has clear expectations with each coachee, including mutually understood results, standards and decision space. d) Shows respect for coachees by providing helpful suggestions and advice that allows them to do a better job and by acknowledging their contributions and abilities. II. THE ABILITY TO HANDLE CONFLICT (i.e., using Principle Based Decision Making on issues involving coachees) a) Is willing to deal with conflict that involves coachees. b) When conflict arises he/she focuses on the problem or issue (facts) instead of on the coachee or the other people involved. c) Asks enough questions to understand/clarify the situation. d) Clarifies the boundaries and principles that apply to the decision. CORE COMPETENCIES OF EFFECTIVE COACHING (cont’d) EXAMPLES OF ACTUAL BEHAVIOR II. THE ABILITY TO HANDLE CONFLICT (cont’d.) e) Listens to coachee's point of view as well as those of others involved. Respects everyone involved when taking action (i.e., confrontation, making decisions, communications, etc.). f) Gets all the right people together to work the issue including identifying who has data to provide and who makes the decision. g) Uses a decision making process that usually results in a win-win solution. h) Decisions are based upon VMOP (Vision, Mission, Objective, Principles) and clear, business driven objectives. III. THE ABILITY TO UNDERSTAND, ACKNOWLEDGE, AND USE DIFFERENT STYLES. a) Leadership style always seems to fit the situation and people involved (e.g., directing, coaching, supporting, or delegation) without causing confusion. Has a strategy for leading each team member and seeks feedback on the effectiveness of those styles. b) Understands the different styles used by coachees and leverages the fact that people of different backgrounds and cultural values can take different but equally effective approaches to their work. c) Focuses and confronts biased or culturally inappropriate words, humor, gestures, and behaviors. IV. THE ABILITY TO SEE AND CAPITALIZE ON THE POTENTIAL IN OTHERS a) Helps each coachee to develop an effective skill improvement plan. (e.g., Personal Development Plan) that causes them to grow. Periodically checks progress. b) Knows what each coachee wants to accomplish during their career at P&G. Supports those personal goals. c) Recognizes unique skills of each coachee and builds their self-esteem by the way he/she rewards their contributions and use of those skills. d) Provides all coachees opportunities to increase their level of responsibilities and helps them successfully meet that challenge. e) Helps coachees increase their decision making space by defining the boundaries. V. THE ABILITY TO MAINTAIN ACCOUNTABILITY FOR ACHIEVING RESULTS a) Have regular discussions on how coachee's assignments fit the business priorities and why their assignments are important in accomplishing the business strategy. Each coachee has a work plan. b) The consequences and measures of success are clear to each coachee in regard to their commitments and standards. c) Coachees get the direction they need to do their work. Improvement plans are developed when mutually agreed upon results are not achieved. d) Coachees are clear about which decisions they will make and what decisions the coach or others will make. V. THE ABILITY TO MAINTAIN ACCOUNTABILITY FOR ACHIEVING RESULTS (cont’d) e) Frequently discusses progress with each coachee. Provides immediate feedback when coachees do not meet expectations. V1. THE ABILITY TO PROVIDE EFFECTIVE AND BALANCED FEEDBACK TO OTHERS a) Provides timely and frequent feedback to coachees and the feedback is balanced to reinforce strengths and contributions and to clarify improvement needs. b) Provides feedback to coachees that helps them achieve their results. Uses effective pinpointing techniques and follows key elements of effective feedback. c) Has a contract with each coachee on how feeback will be given. d) Provides feedback on how coacheees impact others. e) Coachee’s performance reviews are current and done on time. VII. THE ABILITY TO EFFECTIVELY LISTEN TO OTHERS. a) Takes the time to really talk through issues with coachees. b) Empathizes with coachee's feelings as they discuss issues. c) Does not become defensive when coachees say something he/she doesn't like. d) Does not become defensive when coachees say something he/she doesn't like. e) I understand what coachees mean as well as what they say. . INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING THE COACHING SKILLS ASSESSMENT TOOL The purpose of the assessment is to provide data to help the coach improve his/her coaching. from their manager/coordinator and from people they coach will provide a total assessment of the individual's coaching skills. Please follow these

Ngày đăng: 18/01/2014, 15:20