Lesson 11 – The Clothes Shop Is Closed Lesson 11 – The Clothes Shop Is Closed Vocabulary Vocabulary: Clothes shop = Clothing store (Cửa hàng quần áo) Join = Go with (Tham dự, cùng) Now = At present, at the moment (Bây giờ) Worry = Anxious (Lo lắng) Open = Spread out (Mở cửa) Alright = All right (Được rồi) Half = Partly (Một nửa) About = Approximate (Khoảng) Live = Alive (sống) 1|Page http://engbreaking.com Lesson 11 – The Clothes Shop Is Closed Long = Lengthy (Dài) Slang and Idioms: That’s a drag = That’s disappointing (Chán thế) Let’s hang out = Let’s spend time together (Chúng ta chơi đi) Abbreviations: Wasn’t = Was not (Đã không là) Weren’t = Were not (Đã không là) Didn’t = Did not (Đã không làm) She’d = She would (Cô sẽ) Isn’t = Is not (Không là) It’s = It is (Nó là) Aren’t = Are not (Khơng là) They’re = They are (Họ là) Doesn’t = Does not (Không làm) He’s = He is (Anh là) She’s = She is (Cô là) He’s = He is (Anh đã) She’s = She is (Cô đã) Don’t = Do not (Không làm) She’ll = She will (Cô sẽ) He’ll = He will (Anh sẽ) It’ll = It will (Nó sẽ) 2|Page http://engbreaking.com Lesson 11 – The Clothes Shop Is Closed Conversation Lynn - Carl, I'm going to the clothes shop Do you want to join me? (Carl, tớ định tới cửa hàng quần áo Cậu muốn tớ không?) Carl - I think the clothes shop is closed now (Tớ nghĩ cửa hàng quần áo đóng cửa rồi.) Lynn - Oh, when does it close? (Ơi, lúc đóng cửa thế?) Carl - It closes at 7:00 on Sundays (Vào chủ nhật hàng tuần đóng cửa lúc giờ.) Lynn - That's a drag (Chán thế.) Carl - Don't worry, we can go tomorrow morning It opens at 8:00 AM (Đừng lo, vào sáng mai mà Nó mở lúc sáng.) Lynn - Alright What you want to now? (Thôi Giờ cậu muốn làm gì?) Carl – Let’s hang out for a half an hour My sister will get here at about 8:30 PM, and then we can all go out to dinner (Chúng chơi khoảng nửa tiếng Chị tớ tới vào khoảng 8:30 tối, sau tất ăn tối.) Lynn - Where is she from? (Chị đâu?) Carl - She lives in Los Angeles (Chị sống Los Angeles.) Lynn - How long has she lived there? (Chị sống rồi?) Carl - I think she's lived there for about 10 years (Tớ nghĩ chị khoảng 10 năm rồi.) Lynn - That's a long time Where did she live before that? (Lâu Trước chị sống đâu vậy?) Carl - San Diego (San Diego.) 3|Page http://engbreaking.com Lesson 11 – The Clothes Shop Is Closed Point of View – Present Tense Story Lynn is going to the clothes shop Lynn asks Carl to join her Carl says he thinks the clothes shop is closed then Carl says the clothes shop closes at 7:00 on Sundays Lynn says that’s a drag Carl tells Lynn not to worry because the shops open at 8:00 AM the next day Carl says he and Lynn should hang out for a half hour His sister arrives at 8:30 PM and they can all go to dinner Lynn asks Carl where his sister is from Carl says his sister is from Los Angeles and has lived there about 10 years (Lynn định tới cửa hàng quần áo Lynn hỏi Carl có khơng Carl nói anh nghĩ cửa hàng quần áo đóng cửa Carl nói cửa hàng quần áo đóng cửa lúc vào Chủ Nhật Lynn nói thật đáng tiếc Carl nói Lynn khơng cần lo cửa hàng mở lúc sáng hơm sau Carl nói anh Lynn nên khoảng nửa tiếng Chị anh tới lúc 8:30 tối tất họ ăn tối Lynn hỏi Carl chị anh đâu Carl nói chị anh Los Angeles sống khoảng 10 năm rồi.) 4|Page http://engbreaking.com Lesson 11 – The Clothes Shop Is Closed Point of View – Past Tense Story Lynn was going to the clothes shop Lynn asked Carl to join her Carl said he thought the clothes shop was closed then Carl said the clothes shop closed at 7:00 on Sundays Lynn said that was a drag Carl told Lynn not to worry because the shops opened at 8:00 am the next day Carl said he and Lynn should have out for a half hour His sister arrived at 8:30 PM and they could all go to dinner Lynn asked Carl where his sister was from Carl said his sister was from Los Angeles and had lived there about 10 years (Lynn tới cửa hàng quần áo Lynn hỏi Carl có anh khơng Carl nói anh nghĩ cửa hàng quần áo đóng cửa Carl nói cửa hàng quần áo đóng cửa lúc vào Chủ Nhật Lynn nói thật đáng tiếc Carl nói Lynn khơng cần lo cửa hàng mở lúc sáng vào hôm sau Carl nói anh Lynn nên khoảng nửa tiếng Chị anh tới lúc 8:30 tối tất họ ăn tối Lynn hỏi Carl chị anh đâu Carl nói chị anh Los Angeles sống khoảng 10 năm rồi.) 5|Page http://engbreaking.com Lesson 11 – The Clothes Shop Is Closed Point of View – Future Tense Story Lynn will be going to the clothes shop Lynn will ask Carl to join her Carl will say he thinks the clothes shop is closed down the road Carl will say the clothes shop closes at 7:00 on Sundays Lynn will say that’s a drag Carl will tell Lynn not to worry because the shops open at 8:00 AM the next day Carl will say he and Lynn should hang out for a half hour His sister will arrive at 8:30 PM and they all will be able to go to dinner Lynn will ask Carl where his sister is from Carl will say his sister is from Los Angeles and has lived there about 10 years (Lynn tới cửa hàng quần áo Lynn hỏi Carl có anh khơng Carl nói anh nghĩ cửa hàng quần áo đóng cửa Carl nói cửa hàng quần áo đóng cửa lúc vào Chủ Nhật Lynn nói thật đáng tiếc Carl nói Lynn khơng cần lo cửa hàng mở lúc sáng vào hôm sau Carl nói anh Lynn nên khoảng nửa tiếng Chị anh tới lúc 8:30 tối tất họ ăn tối Lynn hỏi Carl chị anh đâu Carl nói chị anh Los Angeles sống khoảng 10 năm rồi.) 6|Page http://engbreaking.com