Thereaderisnotyour friend
A freindly letter
Hi Ngoc,
I hope u r w3ll. How isyour academic writing class
going? Are there any cute boys there. I hope not :(.
When you are fr33, letz go out for coffee, 0k?
ur friend,
A freindly letter
It’s nice, isn’t it?
This style is ok for sending text messages to your girlfriend
or boyfriend. But for an academic paper, we need to be
more formal.
Don't say "you", "me" or "I"
Academic writing is different from other styles of writing.
In an academic paper, it isnot appropriate to talk about
yourself. You should not give your opinions or tell your
It is also not ok to talk about the reader. In an academic
paper, thereaderisnotyourfriend so don’t be too friendly.
Don't talk about yourself
Google Sites is my favorite way to make a free
Instead of:
Google Sites is one of the most popular free website
design solutions. (PC magazine)
Don't talk about yourself
I found many examples of web 2.0 techniques on
websites in Vietnam.
Instead of:
Many websites in Vietnam use web 2.0
Don't talk to the reader
You are probably wondering why 3D graphics are
better than 2D.
Instead of:
Compared with 2D, 3D graphics have several advantages.
About author
Hans Anderson
2007-Present: Lecturer at FPT Greenwich
Programmes, FPT University.
2007: M.S., Computational Mathematics,
University of Minnesota
2001: B.A., Computer Science, Gustavus
Adolphus College, Saint Peter, MN
. opinions or tell your
It is also not ok to talk about the reader. In an academic
paper, the reader is not your friend so don’t be too friendly.
Don't. The reader is not your friend
A freindly letter
Hi Ngoc,
I hope u r w3ll. How is your academic writing class
going? Are there any cute boys there.