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De cuong on tap tieng anh 11

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Ly Thuyet: Indefinite pronouns: đại từ bất định Pronouns ones, someone, no one, anyone, everyone - One : thay cho 1 danh từ số ít đã được đề cập ở trước nhưng không muốn nhắc lại Eg : [r]

(1)TRƯỜNG THPT VÕ NGUYÊN GIÁP ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP ANH VĂN 11- HKI NĂM HỌC 2015- 2016 UNIT 1: FRIENDSHIP A Ly Thuyet: I Infinitive with TO and Infinitive without TO Infinitive with TO : + is used to express a purpose (chỉ mục đích) Ex : I’m learning English to get a good job + is used after adjectives (sau tính từ) Ex : I’m happy to see you + is used after interrogative pronouns:(sau Wh-words) what, who, where, why, how, Ex : Tell me what to + is used after indefinite pronouns: (sau các đại từ) something, nothing, anybody,… Ex : He has nothing to + is used after some verbs: want, need, decide, refuse, offer, hope, fail, agree, tend, plan, arrange, learn, promise, afford, care, manage, attempt, expect, Ex : I want to buy that house Infinitive without TO (V bare) + is used after some verbs : make, let, have ; and see, hear, watch, feel,… + Object + (V bare) Ex : Nothing can make him cry./ I saw the man get into the car + is used after modal verbs: will, shall, could, can, should, must, may, ….and after: had better, would rather,… Ex: I must speak to manager /You should go to bed early / He cannot anything but smile B Practice: * Exercise: Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form: You mustn’t (use) _ phone in class I often go to the market (buy) food She promised (not be) there again I want (see) the house where our president was born He told me (try) _ (come) early You’d better (be) on time He always makes me (smile) Would you like ( go ) to the cinema now? I wish to have someone (talk) with 10 I don’t know where (go) now UNIT 2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCES A Ly Thuyet: I Tenses Simple present (Hiện đơn): khẳng định phủ định nghi vấn He / she / it + V-s /es He / she / it + doesn’t + V Does + he / she / it +V? I / You / We/ They +V I / You / We / They +don’t + V Do + I / you / we / they +V?  Trạng từ thường gặp: usually, often, always, sometimes, as a rule, normally, ever, never… Ex: My father usually gets up at a.m Simple past (Quá khứ đơn) khẳng định phủ định nghi vấn S+ V-ed / V2 S+ didn’t + V Did + S + V?  Trạng từ thường gặp : yesterday, ago, last… Ex : - I went to Ho Chi Minh city three days ago (2) Past continuous (Quá khứ tiếp diễn) : S+ was/ were + Ving Ex: - I was watching TV at p.m yesterday - When he came, we were doing our homework at 7a.m yesterday morning Past perfect (Quá khứ hoàn thành) S+ had + PP  Use: Diễn tả hành động xảy và hoàn thành trước hành động khác quá khứ S + V2 / didn’t + Vinf + after + S + had + Vpp S + had + Vpp + before + S + V2 / didn’t + Vinf - By the time - When + Vsimple past, S + had + Vpp - Until B Practice: I (see) her last year I (do) _ my homework at p.m yesterday Before she (watch) _ TV, she (wash) _ her clothes The light (go) out while we (have) _ dinner As we (cross) _ the street, we (see) an accident Before Alice (go) _ to sleep, she (call) _ her family The bell (ring) while Tom (take) _ a bath Daisy (agree) with other members in the last meeting She (win) _the gold medal in 1986 10 I (be) _ very tired because I (work) _ all day yesterday 11 While my father (read) a newspaper, I (learn) my lesson and my sister (do) _ her homework at p.m yesterday 12 What you (do) _ yesterday? 13 Yesterday when she (come) to his house, I (do) my homework 14 David (be) born after his father (die) _ 15 After John _ (wash) his clothes, he began to study UNIT 3: PARTY A Ly Thuyet: INFINITIVE AND GERUND 1.1 Verbs followed by To-inf: V + (O) + To-inf - decide - expect - try / attempt - would like / love - agree - advise - tend - ask / want - refuse - intend - be willing - fail - desire / wish - order / require - demand - hope - tend - hesitate Ex: I expect to meet him tomorrow 1.2 Verbs followed by the gerund V + (O) + V-ing - avoid - mind - appreciate - practise - consider - finish - deny - delay / - miss - enjoy - keep - dislike/ hate / detest * Expressions: - look forward to - be worth - can’t help / bear / stand - be accustomed to - There’s no point in - be busy - It’s no good / use - be / get used to * Adj phrase with preposition + V-ing Ex: He is good at solving mathematical problems PASSIVE INFINITIVE AND GERUND 2.1 Examples: Examples: - She expects to be invited to Minh’s birthday party V to be + PP (3) - She enjoys being invited to Minh’s birthday party V being + PP 2.2 Form: Passive infinitive: To be + Past Participle Passive gerund: Being + Past Participle B Practice: Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct form: gerund or infinitive He tried (explain) but she refused (listen) At dinner she annoyed me by (smoke) between two courses He avoided _ (see), so he wore a big false bear Would you mind (show) me how (work) the lift? He enjoyed (invite) to her wedding party He didn’t want (see) by Mary at the airport UNIT 4: VOLUNTEER WORK A Ly Thuyet:  GERUND AND PRESENT PARTICIPLE: (Danh động từ và phân từ) Form: V - ING Use a To form continuous tenses.+ Example: She is reading book now b As adjectives + Example:  I love the noise of falling rain c Present participle is used after verbs of sensation (see, hear, smell, feel, listen to, notice, watch…) + Example:  I see him passing my house everyday d Present participle is used after verbs: catch, find, leave + Object + Example:  I caught them stealing my money e Present participle is used after verbs: go, come, spend, waste, be busy + Example:  Tom is busy practising for the school concert  PERFECT GERUND AND PERFECT PARTICIPLE ( Danh động từ hoàn thành và phân từ hoàn thành) Form Having + Past Participle Use 2.1 Perfect gerund: a is used instead of the present gerund form when we are referring to a past action.( đề cập đến hành động quá khứ) + Example: He was accused of having deserted his ship b is fairly usual after “deny” : + Example: He denied having been there 3.2 Perfect participle: a can be used instead of the present participle to replace a main clauses, (when one action is immediately followed by another with the same subject) b emphasizes that the first action is complete before the second one starts.( hành động hoàn thành trước hành động 2) + Example:  Having finished his homework, Tom watched TV B Practice: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets (4) 1/ The boy was accused of…………………… (take) the car 2/ (Complete)……… …… the book, he had a holiday UNIT 6: COMPETITIONS A Ly Thuyet: Reported Speech with gerund a/ Having object: S + V + Object + preposition + V-ing * Verbs: accused …of, congratulate … on, prevent … from, thank … for, warm … against, stop… from * Example:- “You are not telling the truth, you are a liar!”  They accused me of telling lies b/ Having no object: S + V + preposition + V-ing * Verbs: dream of, approve/ disapprove of, insist on, apologize for, think of, look forward to, deny, admit,+ V-ING B Practice: Write the following sentences using the words given “Let’s meet outside the cinema,” he said  He suggested……………………………………………… “You didn’t pay attention to my lesson, Ha”, the teacher said  The teacher accused …………………………………………… John spent his own money I can’t prevent him from that  I can’t prevent ………………………………………………… 4.”Congratulations! You’ve succeeded in the interview, Kate,’’  Jane congratulated ……………………………………………… “ Thank you for helping me, Mary” he said  He thanked ………………………………………………… UNIT 7: WORLD POPULATION A Ly Thuyet: CONDITIONAL SENTENCES (CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN) Điều kiện loại : IF CLAUSE (Mệnh đề If) If + S + Be am/ is/are V[-s/es]/ V don’t / doesn’t + V(inf) MAIN CLAUSE (Mệnh đề chính) S + will + V(inf) S + will not + V(inf) Will + S + V(inf)…? Unless = if…….not Ví dụ Unless you study hard, you will fail the exam If you don’t study hard, you will fail the exam - Sau Unless không dùng dạng phủ định (Ví dụ: không viết Unless you don’t write) Điều kiện loại 2, loại : (5) TYPE IF CLAUSE (Mệnh đề If) II If + S + Be  were S + V-ed/2 S + didn’t + V(inf) MAIN CLAUSE (Mệnh đề chính) S + would / could + V(inf) S + wouldn’t / couldn’t +V(inf) Would / Could + S + V(inf)… ? S + would / could have + V-ed/3 S + wouldn’t / couldn’t have + VIf + S + had + Vpp III ed/3 Would / Could + S + have + Ved/3…? Điều kiện loại : diễn tả việc không có thật Điều kiện loại : diễn tả việc không có thật quá khứ II CONDITIONAL IN REPORTED SPEECH Ex: 1.“If I have a lot of money, I’ll build houses for the poor.”, John said  John said if he had a lot of money, he would build houses for the poor “ If today were Sunday, we wouldn’t go to school” they said to me => They told me if that day were/ had been Sunday, they wouldn’t go/ wouldn’t have gone to school B Practice: Put the verbs into the correct form If he (eat) all that, he will be ill If I (know) his address, I’d give it to you I shouldn’t drink that wine if I (be) you If the rain (stop) _, I would have gone for a walk If he had done his homework last night, he (not/get) _ bad marks now Change the following conditional sentences into reported speech 1/ “ If I had any money I’d buy you a drink”, she said to me >…………………………………………… 2/ “ If I catch the plane I ‘ll be home by five” he said >…………………………………………………… 3/ “If I have enough time, I will write a letter to you” Nga said >………………………………………… 4/ “ If I’d had my mobile yesterday, I could have contacted you,” Tom said>…………………………… 5/ “ If I were you, I’d stop smoking” she said to her brother >………………………………………… Rewrite these sentences by using “If”: She will fail in the examination because she is lazy………………………………………… We don’t have holiday because we don’t have any money……………………………………… I don’t know the answer so I can’t tell you……………………………………………………… The little boy couldn’t eat the cake because it was very hot……………………………………… UNIT 8: A Ly Thuyet: Indefinite pronouns: ( đại từ bất định) Pronouns one(s), someone, no one, anyone, everyone - One : thay cho danh từ số ít đã đề cập trước ( không muốn nhắc lại) Eg : I don’t like the red shirt; I prefer the blue one.(shirt) - Ones : thay cho danh từ số nhiều đã đề cập trước Eg: Don’t buy the sour oranges Buy the sweet ones (oranges) (6) - Someone (Somebody): thường dùng câu khẳng định, có thể dùng câu nghi vấn người nói muốn nghe câu trả lời ‘yes’ Eg : There’s someone waiting for you in the living room Did someone call me last night ? ( - Yes, Jane did.) - Anyone(Anybody): dùng câu phủ định và nghi vấn Eg : Have you met anyone like him ? Don’t tell anyone my secret - No one (Nobody) : dùng với động từ khẳng định ý tưởng câu mang nghĩa phủ định Eg: No one likes her stories - Everyone (Everybody) : dùng câu khẳng định, đề cập đến người tất người (nhưng động từ chia số ít) Eg : Everyone has been already for the game Phonetics (ngữ âm) * CÁCH PHÁT ÂM "S"CUỐI : trường hợp danh từ số nhiều nhiều động từ số ít /s/ Khi sau các phụ âm điếc (voiceless consonants): /f/, /k/, /p/, /t/ ,//,/h/ Ex: laughs, walks, cups, cats, tenths; books / iz / Khi sau phụ âm rít : /z/, /s/, /dz/, / t∫/, / ∫ /, /z/ Hoặc các chữ cái: s, x, z, ch, sh, ce, ge Ex: washes , kisses , oranges… // z / Không thuộc hai loại trên Ex: bags , kids , days … Ngọai lệ: bình thường chữ s phát âm /s/, có ngoại lệ cần nhớ: - Chữ s đọc /z /sau các từ: busy, please, easy, present, desire, music, pleasant, desert, choose, reason, preserve, poison -Chữ s đọc /'∫/ sau các từ: sugar, sure * CÁCH PHÁT ÂM “ –ED” CUỐI : Đây là hình thức Past tense và Past participle: “-ed ” pronounced as / id /: sau / t, d / : Thường sau chữ t, d : Ex: wanted; decided “-ed ” pronounced as / t /: sau / k, f, p, s, ∫, t∫, h ,/ chữ p, k, f, th, s, sh, ch :.Ex: asked; stopped; laughed “-ed ” pronounced as / d /: Trừ trường hợp trên : Ex: moved; played; raised Ngọai lệ: Đuôi -ed các tính từ sau phát âm /id/: aged, learned, beloved, blessed, naked, *STRESS - Một số quy tắc để nhận biết trọng âm 1/ Trọng âm thường ít rơi vào các tiền tố (prefix) và hậu tố (suffix)  ví dụ: dislike, unhappy, uncertain, disappointed, unashamed, forefather * Ngoại lệ: 'foresight , 'forecast , 'unkeep , 'upland , 'surname , 'subway Dưới đây là vài hậu tố không thay đổi dấu nhấn từ gốc V + ment: ag'ree(thoả thuận) =>ag'reement V + ance: re'sist( chống cự ) =>re'sistance (sự chống cự) V + er : em'ploy(thuê làm) => em'ployer( chủ lao động) V + or : in'vent ( phát minh) => in'ventor V + ar : beg (van xin) => 'beggar( người ăn xin) V + al : ap'prove( chấp thuận) => ap'proval V + y : de'liver( giao hàng)=> de'livery( giao hàng) V + age: pack( đóng gói ) => 'package( bưu kiện) V + ing : under'stand( hiểu) => under'standing adj + ness : 'bitter ( đắng)=> 'bitterness( nỗi cay đắng) (7) 2/ Nói chung, trọng âm thường rơi vào nguyên âm kép dài, ít rơi vào nguyên âm ngắn /∂/ hay /i/ * Ex: a'bandon , 'pleasure , a'ttract , co'rrect , per'fect , in'side , 'sorry , 'rather , pro'duct , for'get , de'sign , en'joy 3/ Một từ hai vần vừa là động từ vừa là danh từ thì Động từ : trọng âm thường rơi vào âm tiết thứ Danh từ : trọng âm thường rơi vào âm tiết thứ EX: 'rebell(n), re'bell(v), export, import, increase, object, perfect, permit, present, produce, record, refuse * Ngoại lệ : 'promise (n), (v) 4/ Trọng âm thường rơi vào trước các hậu tố (suffixes) sau đây vần : -ION, -IC, -IAL , -ICAL, -UAL, -ITY, -IA, -LOGY, -IAN, -IOUS, -EOUS , -IENCE, -IENT, -GRAPHY , -NOMY , -METRY EX: 'vision, uni'versity, phy'sician, li'brarian, Ca'nadian, Au'stralian, ex'perience, im'patience, edu'cation, a'bility, elec'tricity, bi'ology, psy'chology, Au'stralia, 'Austria, 'Asia, ge'ography, pho'tography, e'ssential, ha'bitual, me'chanical, mathe'matical, po'litical, de'licious, pho'netics, scien'tific, ge'ometry, a'stronomy Ngoại Trừ (exceptions): 'lunatic, a'rithmetic, 'politics, 'Arabic, 'television 5/ Trọng âm rơi vào các vần cuối sau đây: -ADE, -OO, -OON, -EE, -EEN, -EER, -ESE, -AIRE, -SELF, -ETTE, -ESQUE Ex: bamboo, millionaire, engineer, themselves, saloon, balloon, thirteen, Vietnamese, employee, agree, picturesque, Cartoon, guarantee, kangaroo, typhoon *Ngoại lệ : 'centigrade , 'coffee , co'mmittee , 'cukoo , 'teaspoon… * Word form and word meaning: Nouns: Danh từ thường đứng các vị trí sau: a Chủ ngữ câu ( S ) b Sau tính từ tính từ sở hữu ( adj + N, her/ his/ my/ their/ ‘s ……… + N ) c Sau mạo từ: a/ an/ the ( a/ an/ the + adj + noun ) d Sau giới từ: ( of, in, on, from, to, about, with ) từ số lượng ( a few/ little, some, any, much, most… Adjectives: Tính từ thường đứng các vị trí sau: a Trước danh từ, bổ nghiã cho danh từ b Sau động từ “ to be” động từ “ linking verbs" ( get, seem, keep, make, become, feel ……… ) c Sau các cấu trúc: so… that, enough…, too… to, dạng so sánh ( more, most, less, as as ) Adverbs: Trạng từ thường đứng các vị trí sau: a Trước sau động từ thường: ( S - V … + adv S + adv + V … ) b Trước tính từ: ( be, seem … + adv + adj … ) c Đầu câu ( sau dấu phẩy ) cuối câu B Practice: I Fill in the blanks with the pronouns: one(s), someone, anyone, no one, or everyone Nearly _on the Internet uses e-mail to communicate with each other _ has left their bag behind I’ve got some stamps here Which is the _you like? Was there _ you knew at the meeting? Goodbye, _ I’ll see you next week There’s _at the door II Fill in each blank with an appropriate preposition Children usually are given 'lucky money' _ Tet Banh Chung, which is made sticky rice, is one of Tet's special foods The New Year is celebrated _ night _ January (8) There are usually a lot of party _ New Year’s Eve Vietnamese people prepare _ Tet several weeks beforehand We decorated our Christmas tree _ a lot of colored and shiny little bells Many people go to the pagoda to pray _ a happy year FURTHER PRACTICE I Put out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others A dinner B drink C river D child A young B.use C year D.unhappy A.literacy B minority C library D primary A family B father C market D party A chemistry B children C schooling D character A general B education C secondary D remember A figure B sticky C limit D excite A agrarian B traditional C population D popular A clean B reach C peach D wear 10 A special B express C method D reward II Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words 1.A number B eager C special D affair A feeling B believe C ready D easy A acquaintance B interest C capable D sympathy A experience B embarrass C floppy D embrace A operation B revision C education D population A opportunity B competition C activity D population A increase B figure C remote D affect III VOCABULARY We should take care of war invalids and family of martyrs A look after B look into C look for D look at Shy people often find it difficult to _ group discussions A take place in B take part in C get on with D get in A person who has been chosen to speak or vote for someone else on behalf of a group A contestant B competitor C examinee D representative One third of the world’s _ consumes two thirds of the world resources A people B men C population D human The practice of controlling the number of children a person has, using various methods of contraception is called _ A family planning B birth control C population D A & B A special event that people organize to memorize something A birthday B wedding C house warning D celebration Banh Chung is made _ sticky rice, green beans and fatty pork A of B from C with D by Many people go to the pagoda to _ for a happy year for themselves and their family A pray B long C desire D ask Schools need to help children to read and write A volunteers B pioneers C engineers D innovators 10 I looked everywhere but I couldn't find _ at all A no one B anyone C someone D somebody 11 A person who decides who has won a competition is called a(n) A referee B judge C investigator D witness 12 Teenagers often have their who they admire very much A ideals B admirers C images D idols (9) 13 A: What’s Tet? B: It’s time when Vietnamese people celebrate beginning of spring A X/ the B the/ the C a/ a D a/ the 14 Good friendship should be based on understanding A give and take B unselfish C loyal to D mutual 15 The population of the world has been _ faster and faster A increasing B decreasing C falling D changing IV Supply the correct form of the word in bold I’ve never felt so ( embarrass ) in my life! They had a really good chance of winning the national (compete) Over 30,000 will run in the New York marathon (compete) We would like to see closer ( cooperate ) .between parents and schools The work of the charity is funded by ( volunteer ) donations They went hiking in a ( mountain) region What’s the (populate) of the world? * Word form and word meaning: Nouns: Danh từ thường đứng các vị trí sau: e Chủ ngữ câu ( S ) f Sau tính từ tính từ sở hữu ( adj + N, her/ his/ my/ their/ ‘s ……… + N ) g Sau mạo từ: a/ an/ the ( a/ an/ the + adj + noun ) h Sau giới từ: ( of, in, on, from, to, about, with ) từ số lượng ( a few/ little, some, any, much, most… Adjectives: Tính từ thường đứng các vị trí sau: d Trước danh từ, bổ nghiã cho danh từ e Sau động từ “ to be” động từ “ linking verbs" ( get, seem, keep, make, become, feel ……… ) f Sau các cấu trúc: so… that, enough…, too… to, dạng so sánh ( more, most, less, as as ) Adverbs: Trạng từ thường đứng các vị trí sau: d Trước sau động từ thường: ( S - V … + adv S + adv + V … ) e Trước tính từ: ( be, seem … + adv + adj … ) f Đầu câu ( sau dấu phẩy ) cuối câu V Reading: units 1-8 ( read carefully) (10) (11)

Ngày đăng: 13/10/2021, 17:52

