Facebook marketing plan template

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Facebook marketing plan template

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Brand Name Facebook Marketing Plan Template Month & Year Confidential 1 This template is provided by PamAnnMarketing.com 1 CURRENT SITUATION ANALYSIS GOALS, STRENGTHS, AND WEAKNESSES GOALS: • Expand brand awareness • Provide a(n) (engaging / fun / educational / etc.) experience for Facebook fans • Drive traffic to website • Promote awareness of local events the brand is participating in • Foster customer loyalty STRENGTHS • Does the brand already have a strong presence on Facebook? • Does the brand’s blog/website have social media sharing tools in place? • Is the brand username claimed and in use (Facebook.com/BrandName)? • Does the company have a great story to tell? • Does the page have high-quality and properly formatted banner and profile images? WEAKNESSES • List any of the above that not up to par (move from strengths to weaknesses) • Is the industry a very competitive one? • Which competitors’ social media presences are stronger than this brand’s? CURRENT FACEBOOK SITUATION CURRENT USAGE OF THE PLATFORM • The brand is currently posting an average of X times per week, offering a mix of (event promotion / customer photos / fun facts / educational posts / industry news / etc.) • There are X apps in use on the brand’s Facebook page, and they serve the following functions: __________. CURRENT FACEBOOK ENGAGEMENT  Current engagement rate is X% (“People Talking About This divided by Total Number of Fans, times 100)  What types of posts do fans seem to respond best to? Give examples. 2 This template is provided by PamAnnMarketing.com 2 COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS Identify the brand’s competitors, both those with and without a Facebook presence. List some strengths and weaknesses of each, both with and without relation to their social media marketing. (Generate the following charts for the brand and up to 9 competitors with SimplyMeasured.com) 3 This template is provided by PamAnnMarketing.com 3 4 This template is provided by PamAnnMarketing.com 4 5 This template is provided by PamAnnMarketing.com 5 STRATEGIC FACEBOOK MARKETING PLAN AUDIENCE Define your target audience. Include applicable demographics such as age, gender, occupation, education, income level, and location, as well as psychographics like values, beliefs, fears, needs, and behavioral characteristics. BRAND MESSAGE What message should the brand’s Facebook page portray? What impression should visitors to the page get? Consider including the company’s vision/mission statements here. POSTING FREQUENCY For maximum brand exposure, posting frequency will be set at X times per day, X days per week. (Use a tool such as Crowdbooster or EdgeRankChecker to determine optimal times/frequency for existing pages). POST CONTENT The current content mix of X (will / will not) be continued, and will be expanded to include the following types of posts (samples follow): 6 This template is provided by PamAnnMarketing.com 6 • Product Photos • Industry News • Re-sharing Fan Content • Fill-in-the-Blank Posts • “Either/Or” Posts (asking fans if they prefer this or that) • Questions / Conversational Posts • Re-sharing Other Brands’ and/or Charities’ Content (indicate parameters of which brands can and cannot be re-shared) • Screenshots • Funny Photos (indicate parameters of what types of humor are / are not acceptable) • “Behind the Scenes” Content • “Meet our Team” Photos/Info • Funny / unusual holidays • “This Day in History” • Reviews of movies / books / products / services • Company and/or Community Events • Tips / Advice / How-to Articles / Infographics • Videos (indicate parameters) • News / Current Events • Seasonal / Holiday Content • Etc. DESIRED BRANDED/NON-BRANDED RATIO Indicate the desired ratio of non-branded posts to brand-centric (i.e. 80% non-branded, 20% branded) DESIRED MIX OF CONTENT / SCHEDULE • Indicate the desired mix of content and any relation to days of the week (i.e. post industry news on Mondays, fan content on Tuesdays, etc.) • Indicate whether a content calendar/schedule will be utilized and any related approval procedures. INCREASE BRAND AWARENESS DRIVE EXISTING BRAND LOVERS TO FACEBOOK Indicate which ways the brand will encourage existing brand-lovers to become Facebook fans. Where will the brand include the “Like Us on Facebook” call-to-action? Consider adding the call to existing advertising in all forms of media, the company website, on employee business cards, email signatures, invoices/packing slips and other stationary, phone system hold messages, and more. 7 This template is provided by PamAnnMarketing.com 7 USE FACEBOOK ADVERTISING TO BUILD FAN BASE See section below on advertising. FOSTER BRAND-TO-BRAND ENGAGEMENT Brand-to-Brand focused engagement helps facilitate reciprocal promotion and exposure from other complimentary brands, in turn gaining exposure to their consumer fan base who are highly likely to be interested in the brand. Brand-to-Brand engagement will be fostered by “liking” and interacting with other brand pages as the brand page, particularly those related to the following targets: BRAND-TO-BRAND INTERACTION TARGETS / EXCEPTIONS List industries to target and brands to avoid (competitors, etc.) BRAND-TO-BRAND INTERACTION QUOTAS • Connect with approximately X other brand pages per week • Provide approximately X interactions per day with other brands in the brand’s News Feed (when using Facebook “as the brand” via the upper-right-hand menu) INCREASE FAN ENGAGEMENT The brand currently has the X largest presence for a ____ company on Facebook. Although it will be a goal to move the brand up in this rank, engagement rate will be focused on heavily as well, since that is most powerful at converting fans to customers. CALLS TO ACTION In order to increase fan engagement, nearly every post will contain a call-to- action to solicit comments and re-shares. In most cases this will be a simple question, such as “How many weddings are you attending this spring?” or “How would this look in your kitchen?” RESPONSE TO FAN COMMENTS/POSTS The brand will respond to (all / most / notable) user comments and timeline posts within X timeframe. (Indicate if weekends are / are not included) 8 This template is provided by PamAnnMarketing.com 8 Answer ALL questions asked by fans within X timeframe. (Indicate procedure and source for getting answers from the company if necessary). Indicate any other guidelines for direct communication with fans (i.e. how to respond to mentions of the competition, criticism, etc.) HARVEST COMPETITIVE INTELLIGENCE Imitation is the highest form of flattery, but more importantly, what works well for the competition will work well for this brand. The competitors with the highest engagement rates will be monitored on a regular basis to ensure that this brand’s Facebook page is keeping up with the latest trends and to get ideas for posting content (without directly copying or too closely mimicking any particular page). CONTESTS To increase both brand awareness and fan engagement, contests can be held using a Facebook- approved contest app such as Top Tab, TabSite or Wildfire (additional app fees may apply). CONTEST FREQUENCY Contests will be held on a (monthly / weekly / quarterly) monthly basis. CONTEST BEST PRACTICES • Clear rules • Easy actions • A great prize CONTEST PRIZES Offer the following products/services as prizes:___________. 9 This template is provided by PamAnnMarketing.com 9 CONTEST THEMES Each contest will have a theme, preferably something highly relevant to the current season or closest holiday. Theme ideas for this brand include: _____________. CONTEST STEPS Indicate the steps that fans need to take to qualify for contest entry. Be sure to review Facebook’s Promotion Guidelines and the documentation for the contest app to be used. Consider requiring fans to enter an email address if the brand uses email marketing. COUPONS / OFFERS To increase conversion from the segment of fans who are already aware of the brand and ready to purchase but are concerned about price, the brand will occasionally offer coupons through the native Facebook “Offers” feature and/or a Facebook application. Indicate frequency and parameters for offers/coupons. ADVERTISING . Facebook advertising is a very effective way of increasing a brand’s fan base (additional fees for ad spend apply). There are three types of advertising available: SPONSORED STORIES: Solicits new fans by telling friends of existing fans that their friend likes the brand’s page. Has built-in “vote of confidence” and “word of mouth” effects. These are often found in the right hand column of Facebook as well as in the News Feed. Indicate measurable brand objectives for sponsored stories (i.e. build fan base up to X fans by X date), metrics for targeting, and budget. 10 This template is provided by PamAnnMarketing.com 10 [...]... Total/Organic/Paid Impressions of your posts • Total Impressions • Total Consumers, Page consumptions 13 This template is provided by PamAnnMarketing.com 13 • Negative Feedback Users, Negative Feedback from Users • Total check-ins, Total check-ins using mobile devices 14 This template is provided by PamAnnMarketing.com • 14 Lifetime Total Subscriptions, New Subscribes Users, Unsubscribes Users OTHER POST-LEVEL... metrics, such as Visits, Pages/Visit, Visit Duration, % New Visits, and Bounce Rate for Facebook- driven website traffic Also consider including Facebook traffic as a % of total socially-driven web traffic AD METRICS Indicate which ad metrics will be reported on and their targets: 15 This template is provided by PamAnnMarketing.com 15 • Impressions • Social Impressions • Campaign Reach • Social Reach •... POSTS: Facebook lets brands pay for additional exposure for an individual post Prices vary based upon the size of the page’s audience and the additional exposure desired This option is useful for the promotion of one-time events, webinars, contests, etc Indicate the intended uses of Promoted Posts for this particular brand Recommend frequency and budget 12 This template is provided by PamAnnMarketing.com...Example of sponsored story in right hand column: Example of sponsored story found in News Feed: 11 This template is provided by PamAnnMarketing.com 11 PAY-PER-CLICK: Similar to the ads found on the side of Google, these are more traditional type ads with custom copy and images Advanced targeting is available that allows . 3 4 This template is provided by PamAnnMarketing.com 4 5 This template is provided by PamAnnMarketing.com 5 STRATEGIC FACEBOOK MARKETING PLAN AUDIENCE. Brand Name Facebook Marketing Plan Template Month & Year Confidential 1 This template is provided by PamAnnMarketing.com 1 CURRENT SITUATION

Ngày đăng: 03/01/2014, 11:57

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