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ESSAY COMPARE DOG AND CAT There are several similarities that cats and dogs share, but at the same time they are very different These two animals are two of the most popular pets today Some people prefer the company of a cat, while others are considered dog lovers Through the various aspects of each animal, we will look at the similarities and differences each one holds, and we can get a good insight as to why these animals are so loved First, we shall discuss the similarities that these two creatures share One of the most obvious similarities between these two animals is that they both have hair They are also domesticated animals kept as pets They require love and affection from their owner, and can show love and affection If you show it towards them Another thing is that when you pet them, not only does it relieve stress, it gets dog or cat hair everywhere They both give birth to multiple offspring at one time, which must be very hard on the mother Both animals are easy to love, and with the right affection they become like children to most Aside from the similarities, there are also various differences between the two animals To begin with cats, who belong to the family of felines.Cats are loners, meaning they can spend a lot of time alone without getting lonely They like spending time away from people The sounds they make also differ from a dog Typically you will hear a “meow” or a “purr” from a cat Cat’s not have ranks that determine their social status All cats are basically equal, one doesn’t dominate over another Another difference is the signals cats give off When a cat holds its tail up in the it shows a sign of happiness Another difference is that cats are nocturnal, meaning they go out at night They also have retractable claws, unlike dogs Cats seem to be very well-balanced and a lot more flexible than dogs Most would say that cats have a higher intelligence than dogs Dogs, on the other hand, are canines They are a pack of animals, which means you should spend lots of time with your dog so that it doesn’t get lonely A dog goes woof, bark, growl, or howl, complete opposite of a cat The canine group also has a particular social status, and how they determine their ranks.The determining factor in dogs is the tail In dogs, how high they hold their tail is how they determine ranks If one dog meets another dog, and one holds it’s tail up, it is the one of the higher social class Dogs, however, are day animals Another very obvious difference between dogs and cats is that dogs are usually bigger than cats Dogs are also somewhat smarter than cats in the area of verbal command For example, you can call your dog by name and usually it will come to you, unlike a cat Also, you can train dogs to tricks when commanded Some of the most commonly seen tricks in dogs are role over, fetch, shake hands, sit down, lay down, and play dead As one can tell there are various similarities and differences that dogs and cats hold to each other This compare and contrast between the two animals can be perceived in different ways Some may think more highly of cats due to their intelligence, while others will choose a dog any day because of their companionship It primarily relies on the personality of the person Weddings around the globe Do you know how weddings in different parts of the world are? Many of us have been in a wedding and we have seen that the ceremony is the same in our culture, but what about other cultures, are weddings the same to our own culture? As we know weddings may vary from country to country and it depends on its culture Usually, for many cultures before getting married it is necessary the proposal For example, in the western culture the proposal is different to the Islamic culture First, in a Western culture it is a tradition that the groom gives a ring to the girl and he asks her if she wants to get married In contrast, in the Islamic culture the proposal occurs in a different way The father of the groom and their close relatives visit the home of the bride to ask for her hand in marriage It involves negotiations between the families and they have a legal agreement Another difference that makes the weddings different in the Western culture and in Islamic culture is the clothes of the bride and groom In western weddings, the bride wears a white gown and the groom wears a tuxedo However, in Islamic weddings the bride wears a dress of color black with something red Also she has all the face covered Bride`s hands and feet are decorated with henna It symbolizes health, beauty, and luck In addition, they use a lot of jewelry As the cultures are different in both kinds of weddings the ceremony has to be different In western ceremonies are in this way: the bride walks to the altar in the church to join the groom They play religious songs and read the Christian scriptures The bride and the groom exchange the vows and finally, the wedding kiss On the contrary, in the Islamic culture they a henna party for the bride In this party the groom performs a special dance with swords Also men and women sit separately and guests bring gifts to the bride When the bride and the groom enter in their new house they meet for the first time, then they are officially married As we saw weddings are different in every country and it is because of the culture Not all the weddings are the same because each couple gives a special touch to their wedding according to their cultural beliefs Weddings seem to be different in the world, but only one thing share in common to stay with the person that you love for the rest of your life Should schools teach traditional subjects like history? Traditional school curriculum gives too much importance to subjects like history or arts Some people oppose this In their opinion, schools should teach subjects that will improve the employability of their students I totally agree with this view History is important After all, there is no point in developing a generation of professionals who know absolutely nothing about their culture or history However, problems arise when traditional subjects get more importance than job-oriented subjects Learning subjects like history or literature might make a person more knowledgeable; however, these subjects not improve the job worthiness of a student Employers need professional degrees It is not easy to find a job after obtaining a degree in history or arts This is not exactly the case with science or maths graduates Since they possess the skills required by the industry, they find jobs easily Everyone wants to be able to find a good job after finishing their studies When the schools give more importance to professional or vocational subjects, students can start learning the skills required by the industry from a young age This will improve their competence Unemployment figures are increasing rapidly all over the world If we examine the unemployment situation in any country, it is not hard to see that most of the unemployed are students who lack a professional degree When schools give more importance to subjects like maths or science, more and more students will want to enrol in professional courses when they go to university and such courses will enable them to find jobs easily To conclude, subjects like history or literature are important, but maths and science are even more important After all, the ultimate goal of education is helping students to find employment Therefore, I totally agree with the argument that schools should focus on teaching the skills that will prepare their students for the workplace topic: A lot of people agree that studying history is import!ant On the other hand, there are some who believe that there is no use studying events that have already happened Therefore, they think that schools should stop teaching history What is your opinion? Support your opinion with examples and relevant explanations Some people are saying that we not need to study history since studying events in the past is no use However, learning history is very worthwhile and has a significant meaning to us There are several reasons why I believe this To begin with, we are living in a part of history now It means that the present, which is to become the past as the moment passes, can not be apart from history Some people may assume that the past is something happened long time ago However, it is only partially true Yesterday, or even a minute ago becomes a part of history Thus, if we believe that studying history is no use, we admit that we are living lives which will become meaningless in the future In addition, we learn many things from the past History is not an obsolete thing Rather, it gives us valuable lessons which help to make our lives better For instance, we definitely know how tragic the result of the war is from the cases of World War and Civil war in the history From the devastating events in the past, we come to know the war can never be justified whatever causes are Finally, history reveals who we really are There is an old saying 'Like father, like son', which indicates the importance of knowing who our forefathers are like Our lives are so much the reflection of theirs That is, by carefully looking at their ways of thinking or their attitudes, we will have a better understanding of ourselves In conclusion, we should appreciate learning history since it has significant value itself First, the moment we are living now is a part of history Also, history teaches us valuable lessons, so that we will not the same thing wrong ever again! Lastly, we learn more about ourselves through history by seeing the lives of our forefathers Therefore, studying history should be encouraged at all coats In order to solve traffic problems, governments should tax private car owners heavily and use the money to improve public transportation What are the advantages and disadvantages of such a solution? Traffic congestion in many cities around the world is severe One possible solution to this problem is to impose heavy taxes on car drivers and use this money to make public transport better This essay will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of such a measure One of the first benefits of such a measure is that the heavy taxes would discourage car owners from using their cars because it would become very expensive to drive This would mean that they would begin to make use of public transport instead, thus reducing traffic problems and pollution as well Another benefit would be that much more use would be made of public transport if it was improved It is often the case that public transport in cities is very poor For example, we often see old buses and trains that people would rather not use High taxes would generate enough money to make the necessary changes Nevertheless, there are drawbacks to such a solution First and foremost, this would be a heavy burden on the car drivers At present, taxes are already high for a lot of people, and so further taxes would only mean less money at the end of the month for most people who may have no choice but to drive every day In addition, this type of tax would likely be set at a fixed amount This would mean that it would hit those with less money harder, whilst the rich could likely afford it It is therefore not a fair tax To conclude, this solution is worth considering to improve the current situation, but there are advantages and disadvantages of introducing such a policy In most part of the world, the volume of traffic is growing at an alarming rate Discuss the main traffic problems in your country and possible solutions As a developing country, Vietnam is enjoying rapid economic growth, the evidence of which can be seen in all major cities whose streets are teeming with thousands of vehicles of all kinds Unfortunately, traffic problems invariably ensue This essay will present these problems and some solutions Practically, city dwellers are most vexed by traffic congestion One can be stuck in the traffic for hours during rush hours in Ho Chi Minh City where I live Cars and buses often advance at a snail pace even off rush hours because there are always some cars ignoring traffic rules, holding up hundreds of cars Worse still, accidents are increasing daily With more cars on road, it becomes harder to navigate our vehicle out of a collision course with other cars, bikes, or people Each year, thousands die or get injured in traffic accidents, not to mention the incalculable property damage However, traffic accidents and congestion need not to be a necessary evil Something can be done to reduce them To begin with, measures should be taken to reduce private car ownership Increased taxes in gasoline will well to dampen many people’s enthusiasm for buying a car In addition, most traffic wardens need to be posted in busy intersections to regulate the flow of traffic Most accidents occur because people start to take chances when there is no policeman around Accidents can be vastly reduced if all of us abide by traffic rules A welldeveloped public transport system is the ultimate solution Cheap and reliable, public transport offers comfortable rides to everyone It is the most energy and space-efficient way to travel in cities unless all people choose to walk or ride bikes, which seems unlikely All in all, progress often has its casualties and prices to pay The promise of speed and safety offered by private cars is becoming harder to fulfill each day Sound planning and measures are required to tackle traffic problems The environment we live in is in danger due to various problems What are the underlying causes? Who is responsible to combat this? There is no denying that our mother earth is in danger and this is something that each one of us knows The occurrence of natural calamities like Tsunami has increased multifold in the past decade inviting experts views to outline the underlying causes of this problem and what can be done to combat this {Causes} The foremost reason that poses the serious threat to our environment is the harmful gases present in the air In the past decade, the uncontrolled use of automobiles has increased multifold which in turn emits harmful gases like Carbon monoxide The electronic appliances of our daily use like air conditioners and refrigerators also contaminate air by the discharge of harmful substances The diverse effect of these gases leads to air pollution and global warming Deforestation is another major cause The human population is increasing at a fast rate and to meet their daily consumption forests and trees are being cut down Be it for home or fuel, the man is causing great loss to the environment Other known causes are the depletion of natural resources like water, fuel, and food The overconsumption of resources by the humans and improper waste disposal have resulted in increasing volumes of solid and hazardous wastes that pose major threats to the environments {Solutions} It is mainly due to human activities that the planet has reached unsustainable levels and now it is our duty and responsibility to lower the loss that has been already done to nature Every individual could play a significant role to combat this problem We use the enormous amount of plastic in our daily life so let’s say ‘No’ to plastics Instead of plastic, we can make use of Eco-friendly substitutes that are readily available everywhere For example: Use paper and cloth bags for shopping The government of every country should implement strict laws for industries that inhibit the release of the toxic wastes and proper waste management The awareness programs should be organized to encouraging citizens to use more of public transport and plant trees in their neighborhood The less use of private vehicles will substantially reduce the emission of fossil fuels thereby playing a vital role in addressing this issue {Conclusion} At the end, I can say that it is the responsibility of each one of us to our bit for the environment Let’s work together towards a greener and more sustainable future SHOULD MUSEUMS BE FREE? The museum is a living repository of history, economy, society, science The museum greatly supports the research, the process of cultural and economic development So sure Should museum be free? This article will give some reasons for or should not be free First of all, for reasons that should be free of charge, There are some of the following reasons: The first, Museums preserve and display our artistic, social, scientific and political heritage Everyone should have access to such important cultural resources as part of active citizenship, and because of the educational opportunities they offer to people of every age If museums are not funded sufficiently by the government, they will be forced to charge for entry, and this will inevitably deter many potential visitors, especially the poor and those whose educational and cultural opportunities have already been limited Free access is essential to provide freedom of cultural and educational opportunity, especially for children The second, The free admission to the museum, especially for children, will help them learn more about culture, history, science through visual and highly realistic images , that will help stimulate their intellect and creativity Children may have free entry at many museums, but parents are often charged high prices, deterring family visits, especially from the poor and from those families who not prize education so highly Again, this is an equal opportunity issue, being one of the reasons why middle-class children outperform their less-privileged peers academically The fourth, Museums have a valuable role in preserving and transmitting a nation’s history and heritage to new generations Free access will encourage more people to find out about their country and help to promote feelings of national unity and identity, while promoting greater understanding and acceptance of foreign cultures And why not free the museum? Because of the following reasons: Not everyone wishes to visit museums, which are essentially a form of entertainment for the middle classes and tourists The majority of adults never visit a museum, preferring instead leisure pursuits such as football, the cinema or clubbing Why should they have to pay for their chosen entertainment while subsidising the generally wealthier middle class through their taxes? Tourists pay no taxes here and so gain a free ride at the expense of domestic taxpayers The state provides educational opportunities for all through free schooling, which often includes free museum trips If free museum entry were considered a cultural right, shouldn’t the state make theatre tickets free as well? If museums are entirely funded by the state, they will have little incentive to increase visitor numbers and to make their collections exciting and accessible for all The need to attract paying customers concentrates the minds of museum and gallery directors upon the needs of the public and produces imaginative and popular exhibitions, as well as adding value through guided tours, lectures and tieins with television programmes All of this ensures that more people, not less visit museums In addition, if museums were made entirely reliant upon public funding, it is likely that money would be channelled to those institutions the government felt were most important, forcing smaller, local or more specialist museums to close To sum up, there are many reasons given to explain whether or not the museum should be free With me, I would say that the museum should be free for separate visitors For example, for children or students because they are subjects that need to cultivate culture, the museum is the place that helps them to have accurate and closest access to those What they are learning in school, therefore, it will support their learning and creativity, including now and in the future However, the government should also have the policies or solutions needed to maintain and develop the museum system from the central to local levels, need to change the way the display is to attract more people.I believe that people will come to the museum and are willing to pay for the experience there

Ngày đăng: 05/10/2021, 15:53

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