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KẾ HOẠCH GIÁO DỤC MÔN: TIẾNG ANH Năm học 2021- 2022 KHỐI Cả năm: 35 tuần x tiết = 70 tiết Học kỳ I: 18 tuần x tiết = 36 tiết Học kỳ I: 17 tuần x tiết = 34 tiết HỌC KỲ I Tuần Tiết Tên Thời Yêu cầu cần đạt lượng 1 Review and Test dạy học Hình thức tổ Điều chức dạy học chỉnh thực The tenses present simple, present progressive, past simple, present Teaching in perfect linking verbs class Attitude: Students are excited about the lesson Skills: Listening, Speaking, Unit A VISIT FROM A PENPAL Getting startedListen& Read Introducing people Teaching in The behaviors of the people class 2 Speak- Listen Listen and read to find information whole class Revise present simple tense, present Work in pairs continuous tense, future tense, linking Work in group verbs Attitude: Students are excited about Work the lesson individually Skills: Listening and reading Make & respond to introductions Teaching in - Listen to the dialogue for detailed class information whole class -Listen to dialogues within 100-120 words Work in pairs for general or detailed information Work in group Read the passage for general information Work about the nation individually - Read passages within 150-180 words for general or detailed information Attitude: Students are excited about the lesson Read Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, - Read the passage for general information Teaching in about the nation class - Words to describe the geography of a whole class country: climates, population,religions, Work in pairs languages, social customs, habits Work in group - Read passages within 150-180 words for Work general or detailed information individually -Students’ attitude to the nation Attitude: Students are excited about the lesson Write Language Focus Skills: Listening, Reading, -Write an exposition from picture and word Teaching in cues class - Write an exposition of 80-100 words from whole class picture Work in pairs Attitude: Students are excited about the Work lesson individually Skills: Listening, Writing -Past simple: regular and irregular verbs to Teaching in talk about a past action or event that is class finished whole class - Past simple with “Wish” Work in pairs - Used to (review) Work in group Attitude: Students are excited about the Work lesson individually Skills: Speaking, Writing Unit CLOTHING Getting StartedListen& Read 10 Speak Listen Read 1 -Past simple: regular and irregular verbs to Teaching in talk about a past action or event that is class finished whole class Attitude: Students are excited about the Work in pairs lesson Work in group Skills: Listening, Reading, - Past simple with “Wish” Teaching in Attitude: Students are excited about the class lesson whole class Skills: Listening, Speaking, Work in pairs - Used to (review) Work in group Teaching in Attitude: Students are excited about the classwhole class lesson Work in pairs Skills: Listening, Speaking, Attitude: Students are excited about the Work in group Teaching in lesson 11 Write class Skills: Listening, Reading, -Write an argument letter from outline A and Teaching in outline B class In my opinion/I think… whole class Firstly,…… Work in group Secondly…… Work Finally,……… individually Therefore/ In conclusion - Write an argument letter with a frame using suggested ideas or word cues The choice of clothing when going to school 12 Language Focus Skills: Listening, Writing -The present perfect to talk about an action Teaching in or a state which began in the past and class continues to the present Work + The passive (review): individually Be + past participle whole class Attitude: Students are excited about the Work in pairs lesson Work in group 13 Revision Skills: Speaking, Writing -Past simple: regular and irregular verbs to Teaching in talk about a past action or event that is class finished Work - Past simple with “Wish” individually - Used to (review) whole class -The present perfect Work in pairs + The passive (review): Work in group Be + past participle Unit A TRIP TO THE COUNTRY-SIDE 14 Describing the countryside Teaching in Getting Started- -Words to describe the country/ a trip to the class Listen & Read country: natural landscapes, location, whole class direction, outing activities Work in pairs -Listen and read to find information Work in group Students’ attitude about the countryside Attitude: Students are excited about the lesson 15 Speak and Listen Skills: Listening, Reading, Ask for & give information about life & Teaching in activities in the countryside class - talk about a picnic in the country whole class -Listen to the monologue for detailed Work in pairs information Work in group Ask for and give information about the geography of one’s home country - Listen to monologues / dialogues within 100-120 words for general or detailed information Attitude: Students are excited about the lesson 16 Read Skills: Listening, Speaking, -Read the passage for detailed information Teaching in to complete summary class - Read passages within 150-180 words for whole class general or detailed information Work in pairs - Write a picnic to the country Work in group - Attitude: Students are excited about the Work lesson individually Skills: Listening, Reading, 17 Write Ask for & give information about life & Teaching in activities in the countryside class - talk about a picnic in the country whole class Ask for and give information about the Work in pairs geography of one’s home country Work in group - Write a passages within 150-180 words for Work general or detailed information individually Attitude: Students are excited about the lesson 18 Language Focus Skills: Listening, Writing +Modal:could , would with wish Teaching in + The past simple with Wish (review) class + Prepositions of time Adverbial clauses of the result whole class -Do excersises Work in pairs -Read the passage for detailed information Work in group to complete summary Work Attitude: Students are excited about the individually lesson Skills: Reading, Writing 10 19 Revision -Past simple: regular and irregular verbs to whole class talk about a past action or event that is Work in pairs finished Work in group - Past simple with “Wish” Work - Used to (review) individually -The present perfect + The passive (review): 20 11 21 Test 45 minutes Test correction 1 Be + past participle Ss’ knowledge in Unit to Teaching in Do the Test well: Listening, Speaking, class Reading, WritingCheck knowledge from Work in group unit to unit Work Attitude: Students are excited about the individually lesson - Correction for the test and help Ss Teaching in recognize their mistakes class - ReAttitude: Students are excited about the whole class lesson Work in pairs Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading Work in group Writingcognize and correct mistakes Work 10 individually Unit LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE 22 Getting Started – Listen & Read - Seeking information for learning a foreign Teaching in language class Words to talk about language study:time- Work in group tables,courses, subjects,waysoflearning, Work learning activities individually iAttitude: Students are excited about the lesson 12 23 Speak Skills: Listening, Reading, Ask for and give information about Teaching in language study/ language courses class - give advice to someone whole class - Express opinions/ preferences Work in pairs - If with Modal verbs: must,have to, should, Work in group might, ought to ( to talk about conditions Work and results) individually - Listening to the dialogue for general formation - Talk about methods of study 14 - Gerunds after some verbs class Vocabulary and garmmar whole class like doing, enjoy doing Work in pairs - Do excersises Work in group Attitude: Students are excited about the Work lesson individually Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, 17 33 Revision Writing Grammar :- Nouns( countable/ Teaching in Uncountable) class -The Passive voice: Past and Present tenses whole class Vocabulary Work in pairs - Writing the sentences with passive voice Work in group - Reading for specific infor about their Work favourrite film individually Attitude: Students are excited about the lesson 34 Revision Skills: Reading, Writing Grammar The tenses, verbs, Nouns, Teaching in Vocabulary class 15 35 Revision 18 - Writing the sentences whole class - Reading for specific infor about their Work in pairs favourrite film Work in group Attitude: Students are excited about the Work lesson individually Skills: Reading, Writing Tag questions Teaching in - Gerunds after some verbs class Vocabulary and garmmar whole class like doing, enjoy doing Work in pairs - Do excersises Work in group Attitude: Students are excited about the Work lesson individually Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, WritingCheck knowledge from unit to unit Attitude: Students are excited about the lesson 36 st Test Term Skills: Reading, Writing Ss’ knowledge in Unit to Teaching in Teaching 16 Do the Test well: Listening, Speaking, class in class Hình thức tổ Điều chức dạy học chỉnh Reading, WritingCheck knowledge from unit to unit Attitude: Students are excited about the lesson Skills: Reading, Writing HỌC KỲ II Tuần Tiết Tên Thời Yêu cầu cần đạt lượng dạy Unit THE ENVIRONMENT 19 Getting Started – 37 Listen & Read học thực - Read the information about cleaning Teaching in class environment whole class -Keeping & protecting the environment Work in pairs Attitude: Students are excited about the Work in group lesson Work Skills: Listening, Reading individually 17 38 Speak – Listen - Persuade, ask for & give reasons, talk about Teaching in class the problems of environment & solution whole class -listen to monologue for detailed information Work in pairs - keeping & protect environmental air & sea Work in group Work 20 39 40 21 41 Read Write Language Focus 1 - Read the poem about the environment individually Teaching in class -keep & preserve the environment whole class Attitude: Students are excited about the Work in pairs lesson Work in group Skills: Listening, Speaking Work -Write a letter of complaint individually Teaching in class -Show a complaint letter whole class Attitude: Students are excited about the Work in pairs lesson Work in group Skills: Reading, Writing Work Adjectives & adverbs individually Teaching in class Adverbial clauses of reason : as, since, whole class because Work in pairs 18 + Adjective = that clause + Conditional sentences – type Use new struAttitude: Students are excited Work in group Work individually about the lesson Skills: Reading, Writing Unit 7: SAVING 21 ENERGY 42 Getting Started – Listen & Read 22 43 Speak Read the dialogue about saving energy Teching in class -saving water energy whole class Attitude: Students are excited about the Work in pairs lesson Work in group Skills: Listening, Reading Work - Talk about the problems of energy waste individually Teaching in class and solutions to the problems whole class -Make & respond to suggestions Work in pairs Recognize the problems of energy& Work in group solutions to them Work Attitude: Students are excited about the individually lesson Skills: Listening, Speaking 19 44 Listen Listen to monologue for detailed information Teaching in class -Get general knowledge about one kind of whole class alternative energy: solar energy Work in pairs Attitude: Students are excited about the Work in group lesson 23 45 Read Skills: Listening, Speaking Read passages for detailed information Teaching in class -KnoAttitude: Students are excited about the whole class lesson Work in pairs Skills: Listening, Reading Work in group Work 46 Write 24 47 Language focus individually write a passage based on frame and idea cues Teaching in class -Write a speech about energy saving and whole class other school- related topicss Work in pairs Attitude: Students are excited about the Work in group lesson Work Skills: Reading, Writing - Language focus:+ Make suggestions individually Teaching in class * suggest + verb-ing whole class * suggest + that + S + should…… Work in pairs 20 Language focus: Work in group + Connectives :and but, because, or, so, Work therefore, however individually + Phrasal verbs - use new structures to exercises Attitude: Students are excited about the lesson 48 Revision Skills: Reading, Writing Adjectives & adverbs Teaching in class Adverbial clauses of reason : as, since, whole class because Work in pairs + Adjective = that clause Work in group + Conditional sentences – type Language focus:+ Make suggestions Work individually * suggest + verb-ing * suggest + that + S + should…… Language focus: + Connectives :and but, because, or, so, therefore, however Unit CELEBRATIONS 25 49 Getting Started – -Read a passage about celebrations Teaching in class 21 Listen & Read 50 26 51 L2: Speak – Listen L3: Read 1 -Know about famous celebrations around the whole class world Work in pairs - show their love about celebrations Work in group Attitude: Students are excited about the Work lesson individually Skills: Listening, Reading - Give & respond to compliments Teaching in class + Describe events whole class +Express opinions Work in pairs -listen to the song for specific information Work in group - learn to give and respond to a compliment Work for common situations individually - Sing an English song whole class Attitude: Students are excited about the Work in pairs lesson Work in group Skills: Listening, Speaking, Work - Read passages for general information individually Teaching in class - Show children’s opinions, feelings , whole class memories about their fathers Work in pairs 22 52 27 53 L4: Write L5: Language 1 Focus 54 28 55 Writing Test 45m Test Remark Attitude: Students are excited about the Work in group lesson Work Skills: Listening, Reading, - Write a letter to a pen pal to share the idea individually Teaching in class on Mother’s Day or Father’s Day whole class -Show the letter to a friend to share their Work in pairs ideas about a particular issue Work in group Attitude: Students are excited about the Work lesson individually Skills: Reading, Writing - Relative clauses Teaching in class + Adverbial clauses of concession whole class Attitude: Students are excited about the Work in pairs lesson Work in group Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Work Writing Evaluate Ss’ knowledge in Unit 6-8 individually Teaching in - Correction for the test and help Ss class Teaching in class recognize their mistakes whole class -Reattitude: Students are excited about the Work in pairs 23 lesson Work in group Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading Work Writingcognize and correct mistakes individually -Read the dialogue about the weather and Teaching in class Getting Started – natural disasters whole class Listen & Read -Understand the informationin a weather Work in pairs forecast Work in group Attitude: Students are excited about the Work lesson individually Unit 9: NATURAL DISASTERS 28 56 Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, 29 57 Speak – Listen Writing -Make Predictions Teaching in class +Talk about the weather- forecast whole class +Describe events Work in pairs +listen to monologue for specific information Work in group -help students understand how to live with Work disasters individually Attitude: Students are excited about the lesson 24 Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, 58 30 59 Read Write Writing - Read passages for general information: Teaching in class natural disaster whole class -Recognize the dangerous natural disasters Work in pairs Attitude: Students are excited about the Work in group lesson Work Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, individually Writing - write a story based on prompts Teaching in class -Recognize the dangerous natural disasters Attitude: Students are excited about the lesson Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, 60 Language Focus Writing Relative pronouns: who, that, which Teaching in class + Relative clauses (continue) Work in group Do exercises Work Attitude: Students are excited about the individually lesson Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, 25 Writing Unit 10: LIFE ON OTHER 31 PLANETS 61 Getting Started – Listen & Read - Read a passage about UFOS and other alien Teaching in class events on the Earth and other planets Work in group - Make Predictions about the existence of Work UFO individually LeAttitude: Students are excited about the lesson Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, 62 Speak – Listen Writingarn to talk about UFO - Talk about possibility Teaching in class +Seek informations Work in group + name & describe natural disaster Work +listen to monologue for general information individually - Speak with friends about things which might be on Mars 32 63 Read - talk about the moon -Read a passage for specific information -Read and know about a space trip Attitude: Students are excited about the Teaching in class 26 lesson Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, 64 Write Writing Write a story an exposition Teaching in class within 80 -100 words based on pictures/ Work in group words cues or prompts Work Know how to write an argumentative individually exposition Attitude: Students are excited about the lesson Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, 33 65 Language Focus Writing + Conditional sentences: type1 + type2 Teaching in class + Modals: may, might Work in group - Use some structures todo exercises Work Attitude: Students are excited about the individually lesson Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, 66 Revision Writing Vocabularies and grammars Tenses, verbs and nouns Teaching in class 27 34 67 68 35 69 Revision Revision Revision 70 nd Writing test Term Vocabularies and grammars whole class Review and prepare for the writing test Teaching in class Attitude: Students are excited about the Work in group lesson Work Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, individually Writing Attitude: Students are excited about the Teaching in class lesson Work in group Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Work Writing Vocabularies and grammars individually whole class Review and prepare for the writing test Teaching in class Attitude: Students are excited about the Work in group lesson Work Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, individually Writing Evaluate Ss’ knowledge in Unit 6-10 Work Do the Test well individually Hợp Tiến, ngày tháng năm 2020 HIỆU TRƯỞNG TỔ TRƯỞNG NGƯỜI LẬP 28 Hoàng Thị Tư Đặng Vũ Trường Phạm Thị Thanh Thủy ... methods of study 11 - Listen to monologues / dialogues within 10 0 -12 0 words for general or detailed information Attitude: Students are excited about the lesson 24 13 25 Listen Read 1 Skills: Listening,... Work Attitude: Students are excited about the individually lesson Skills: Reading, Writing 9 10 19 Revision -Past simple: regular and irregular verbs to whole class talk about a past action... Used to (review) individually -The present perfect + The passive (review): 20 11 21 Test 45 minutes Test correction 1 Be + past participle Ss’ knowledge in Unit to Teaching in Do the Test well:

Ngày đăng: 29/09/2021, 20:56

