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  • Cả năm : 35 tuần (105 tiết)

  • Học kỳ 1: 18 tuần (53 tiết)

  • HỌC KỲ I

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SỞ GDĐT QUẢNG NGÃI TRƯỜNG THPT DTNT TỈNH KẾ HOẠCH GIÁO DỤC MÔN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 12 - CƠ BẢN NĂM HỌC: 2021-2022 Cả năm : 35 tuần (105 tiết) Học kỳ 1: 18 tuần (53 tiết) TCBS: 12 tiết HỌC KỲ I Tuần Tiết 1 07/09-13/09 2020 Mạch nội dung kiến thức Introduction Hướng dẫn học/ Ktra đầu năm Yêu cầu cần đạt The main points of grammar in English 12 Số tiết Hình thức Ghi tổ chức Individually Topics and grammar in English 12 14/09-20/09 2020 Chủ đề/ Bài - Passage You comprehension about Reading (1,2) and Know about home life family relationship me - Guessing the meaning of the vocabularies and practising the questions Unit from the context HOME LIFE Ask and answer about Speaking (6 periods) family life and daily Talk about household chores routine and family life Listening Listening for specific information - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks - Pairworks Gộp task & - Groupworks thành hoạt động - Pairworks - Groupworks 21/09-27/09 2020 10 11 28/09-04/10 2020 12 Writing Write a letter to tell about their family rules Language focus - Pronunciation of the ending sound “ S/ES - Tenses revision Reading (1,2) Ss know about cultural diversity Speaking Talk about the typical Unit CULTURAL features of different cultures DIVERSITY (6 periods) Listening Writing and talking about Ss’ family rules - Distinguish the ways to read N/V+s/es - Use the tenses in speaking and writing skills - Do the execises about the tenses Passage comprehension about love and marriage Talk about the differences among culture in America and in Vietnam Comprehension questions Know more idears about a and know more about wedding in Vietnam the tradition of wedding ceremony in Vietnam Writing Language focus - Distinguish the ways to Distinguish between the read V+ED differences in pronunciation - Use the tenses in of the -ed ending sound and speaking and writing - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks - Individually - Pairworks - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks Không dạy - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks 05/10-11/10 2020 12/1018/10 2020 19/10- 13 14 tenses revision skills - Do the execises about Reading (1,2) Know about ways of socializing verbal and nonverbal communication - How to communicate in different culture - Guessing the meaning from the context and summarizing main idea Unit WAYS OF 15 Speaking - Make the questions to SOCIALIZING Practise giving compliments suit the responses (6 periods) and responding to the - Make the answers to compliments in different suit the questions situations TC TENSES REVISION - How to use the telephone Listening - Give Ss’ opinion about 16 - Listen for general using telephone 17 information - Listen to a monologue about the ways to use telephone 18 Writing - Practise sentences Build sentences based on building given words, and re-order - Base on the context, given sentences to make a the grammar to re-order complete paragraph the correct sentences TC TENSES REVISION(cont…) Understand rules in two Language focus syllable words (noun/adj - Pronunciation: 19 and verb) - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks - Individually - Pairworks - Individually - Pairworks Task không dạy mà lổng vào Before You Read 25/10 2020 Stress in two syllable words Reported speech and reported speech revision with statements revision - Grammar: Reported speech revision 20 REVISION (from u to u3) Education 22 Unit SCHOOL EDUCATION SYSTEM (6 periods) 23 - Groupworks Test Yourself A TC 21 26/1001/11 2020 Reading Know about school education system in Vietnam from primary to higher education - Guessing the meaning from the context - Get the main idea about level of education, age to start to school… Reading (2) Know about school education system in England - Know more about types of school, subjects - Compare school education system in Vietnam and in England Speaking Talk about the school education system in Vietnam - Ask and answer about the school system in Vietnam - Comparre the similarities and difference school education in Vietnam - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks Không dạy Task - Individually Trang 47 - Pairworks - Groupworks and in England Listening - Answer the teacher’s Listen and get the questions about school information about the ways subjects at school and of learning of the students give the reasons -Talk about Ss’s method of learning English at school 24 TC Writing Write a passage about Describing school education 150 words on the formal system in Vietnam school education system in Vietnam REPORTED SPEECH (cont…) Kiểm tra viết số 02/1108/11 2020 TC 26 27 Sửa kiểm tra viết số 28 10 09/1115/11 2020 Language focus - Stress in three - syllable words - Passive voice PASSIVE VOICE TC 29 Unit 30 - Groupworks REPORTED SPEECH 25 - Individually - Pairworks - Understand rules in stress three syllable words - Passive voice revision Reading (1,2) - Passage Know more about some Ss’s comprehension first impression of - Arrange the sequence - Pairworks - Groupworks 1 The whole class ThThe whole class - Pairworks - Groupworks - Individually - Pairworks 31 11 16/1122/11 2020 32 TC 33 12 23/1129/11 34 TC HIGHER University life of an event EDUCATION - Talk about Ss’ first impressions at school (6 periods) Speaking - Know about the Talk about the application obligatory to be admitted process to teriary institutions to a university in in Vietnam Vietnam - Ask and answer the application precess to tertiary study in Vietnam Listening Practise the conversatoion Talk about the problems between John & David may have happened Deciding on True or False when studying in a new statements school such as friends, Comprehension questions teachers, subjects………… PASSIVE VOICE (cont…) Writing How to write a letter of Writing a letter of request request - Understand rules in Language focus stress more than three - Pronunciation syllable words Stress in more than three- Conditional sentences syllable word revision - Grammar Conditional sentences IF CLAUSES (IF 1) - Groupworks - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks - Individually - Pairworks 1 Pairworks 1 35 36 Reading(1,2) Unit Know the factors that can FUTURE JOBS help them succeed in a job interview 37 (6 periods) 13 30/1106/12 2020 38 TC 39 40 14 07/1213/12 2020 41 - Guessing meaning from context - Reading for specific information - Practise asking and Speaking answering about the jobs Giving opinion about jobs in the future - Give the reason to choose the jobs in the future Listening Filling in the missing Summarize the passage information & deciding on from the information in True or false statements task 1,2 about the most popular jobs in the US and in Vietnam IF CLAUSES (If 2, If 3) Writing How to write a letter of Writing a formal letter of job job application applicant Practise speaking and writing skills Language focus - How to read weak or - Weak/ strong forms of strong form some conjunction & - Relative relative preposions clauses - Relative clauses Test Yourself B - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks - Individually - Pairworks - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks 1 - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks 1 42 TC 10 43 15 14/1220/12 2020 Reading(1,2) Talk about life in the future 44 Opinions of pessimistic and Unit LIFE IN THE optimistic FUTURE TC 11 RELATIVE (6 periods) CLAUSES(cont….) Community Speaking Discuss the predictions about life in the future 45 46 47 16 21/1227/12 1 Revision RELATIVE CLAUSES - Use the synonym from the definition - Questions and answers about the things will happen in the future - Say what will have Write a paragragh about the ideal word which Describe the world people people like living by using would like to live in the the ideas in task future - Groupworks happened by the end of the 21st century with the suggested information - Predict things are likely or unlikely happen by the reasons - Deciding on True or Listening Discuss the factors that False sentences and might help people have a listening for details - Give the advatages and long and healthy life disadvantages of having a very long life Writing - Individually - Pairworks - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks - Individually - Pairworks 2020 Language focus 48 TC 12 17 28/1203/01 2020 49 18 04/0110/01 2020 53 50 51 52 - Pronunciation Strong & weak forms of axiliaries - Grammar Prepositions & articles REVISION Test Yourself C Ôn tập học kỳ I - How to read strong and weak form - Use the prepositions and articles Practise all the grammar from Unit to unit 8, except unit 1 Ôn thi học kỳ Kiểm tra học kỳ - Individually - Pairworks HỌC KỲ II 17 tuần (52 tiết ) TCBS: 11 tiết Tuần Tiết Chủ đề/ Bài 54 55 57 Yêu cầu cần đạt - Guessing meaning from context - Scanning for specific Know about endangered details species and the primary causes of species extinction - Finding supporting events Số tiết Nature Unit 10 (6 periods) - Practise asking and answering the questions Speaking about the endangered Talk about the information animals with the of some endangered animals information given and how to protect and save - Talk about the animals which are endangered Listening Summarize the main Know more about the habitat ideas of the passage of gorillas about a gorilla’s habitat Hình thức tổ chức - Individually - Pairworks Reading(1,2) 19 11/01-17/01 2020 56 Mạch nội dung kiến thức ENDANGERED SPECIES - Groupworks - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks Ghi 58 20 18/01-24/01 Writing Write a paragragh about Write about measures to measures to protect protect endangered animals endangered animals Base on the suggested words or guideline Language focus - Practise reading the - Pronunciation stressed syllables Rhythm sentences - Grammar - Distinguish the ways to Modal verbs: may, might, use may/might, must… must, mustn’t… 59 60 61 Recreation Revise the knowledge Unit 11 BOOKS (6 periods) - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks - Guessing meaning from context - Scanning for specific details - Guessing meaning from context Know about the suitable - Scanning for specific ways to read kinds of books details - Give the opinion of reading a book Reading 62 63 Test yourself D Vocabulary and grammar revision Reading Know the ways to read a book Speaking - Ask and answer about Talk about habits of reading the ways to read a book - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks - Individually 21 25/01-31/01 books Listening Listen and practice the information about a book refers to the animals 64 65 Writing Write a book report by using Write a paragraph about a series questions books report 66 22 01/01-07/02 2020 67 68 69 - Report the result of reading a book to the group - Get the information from the book that the woman has just told - Give the opinion about the animals in the story Unit 12 WATER SPORT (6 periods) Language focus + Pronunciation Rhythm + Grammar Modal verbs in passive voice Reading Know about water polo - Practise reading the stressed syllables sentences - How to use modal verbs in passive voice - Guessing meaning from the context - Passage comprehension Reading - Guessing meaning The rules to play water polo from the context - Passage comprehension Speaking - Talk about types of water Talk about kinds of sports water sports and give the - Giving opinions and r - Pairworks - Groupworks - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks - Individually - Pairworks - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks 23 22/02-28/02 2020 preferences about water sports Listening Know about synchronized swimming a kind of water sport 70 71 Writing Give instructions for warm up exercises before swimming TC 13 MODAL VERBS Language focus + Pronunciation Elision + Grammar Transtive and intransitive verbs 72 24 01/03/07/03 2020 Talk about the history of synchronized swimming Write the instructions for warm up exercises before playing water polo 73 Reading Know about the success of - The rules to elide of the words have more than two syllables - Individually Groupworks - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks - Distinguish transtive and intransitive verbs Reading Say something about the Know more about Sea games 22nd Sea games in 2003 in 2003 in Vietnam in Vietnam Unit 13 THE 22nd - Individually - Pairworks MODAL VERBS IN PASSIVE TC 14 74 easons to prefer playing Talk something about the results of the 22nd - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks - Individually - Pairworks 75 76 25 08/03-14/03 2020 77 TC 15 26 15/03-21/03 2020 78 SEA the 22nd Sea games Sea games in 2003 in GAMES Vietnam Speaking Discuss and talk sports (6 periods) Know about some of records like or dislike and know at the 22nd Sea games some of the records at the 22nd Sea games Listening - Talk about the Know about pole vaulting accomplishment of Pole competition vaulting competition at The 22nd Sea games - Know more information about Vietnam’s women’s fooballers team Writing Write a description of Answer the questions to the football match describe a football match TRANSTIVE VERBS… Language focus + Pronunciation Linking + Grammar Double comparision - Groupworks - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks - Know the liking words - Understand the structures to use in double comparision - More and more / colder and colder - The + comparative…., the + comparative… - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks TC 16 COMPARATIVE + AND + COMPARATIVE 79 Test Yourself E 80 81 27 22/03-28/03 82 83 84 28 29/03-04/04 2020 85 86 Revise the grammar Unit 14 (6 periods) Sửa kiểm tra viết số INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Reading (1,2) Know about international organizations in the world - Individually - Pairworks - Individually - Pairworks Kiểm tra viết số People and places TC 17 Do double comparision exercises Know about the foundation of the Red Cross and the activities of this organization THE + COMPARATIVE ,THE + COMPARATIVE Speaking Talk about the major Talk about some popular objects and main international organizations activities of some international organizations in the world Listening Know about the Know more information purposes and activities about The UN of The UN organization Writing Write a paragraph to Explain the reasons to express the reasons why choose the international to choose the - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks TC 18 87 29 05/04-11/04 2020 TC 19 organization to work in the future DOUBLE COMPARASION(cont…) Language focus + Pronunciation The falling tune + Grammar Phrasal verbs organization to work for - Practise reading the sentnces with the falling tune - Understand and use phrasal verbs in the sentences - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks PHRASAL VERBS WOMEN IN SOCIETY 88 89 90 30 12/04-18/04 2020 91 92 Unit 15 Reading(1,2) WOMEN Know about the roles of the IN women in the family and in SOCIETY society (6 periods) Speaking Practise the expressions to respond when someone give an opinion Listening Know a typical day of a village woman Writing Know about the average hours of housework per Talk about the roles of the women in the past and nowadays For or against an idea or an opinion - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks Compare African village woman with mother or sister’s typical day Write a report to describe the average hours of housework peer - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks - Pairworks - Groupworks week of marital man and woman PHRASAL VERBS (cont….) Language focus + Pronunciation The rising tune + Grammar Phrasal verbs (cont…) TC 20 93 31 19/04-25/04 TC 21 Revision(Double comparision) Unit 16 (6 periods) 97 98 - Practise reading the sentnces with the raising tune - Understand and use phrasal verbs in the sentences Do the phrasal verbs and double comparision exercises THE ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHEAST ASIAN NATIONS Reading(1) Know the foundation Know about the association and the countries belong of Southeast Asian Nations to this organization Reading(2) The purposes of the association of Southeast Asian Nations Speaking - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks PHRASAL VERBS (cont….) 94 95 96 week between men and women - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks Talk about the purposes and the accomplishment of this organization Talk more about some - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks - Individually 32 26/04-02/05 2020 TC 22 99 Know about the countries in Asean countries such as” Asian nations and its capital population, total area, language, region… TENSES REVISON Listening - Listen to the passage Know more about the and choose the best religions of some Asean answers countries - Comprehension questions Writing 100 33 03/05-09/05 2020 101 102 How to write a letter of recommendation Language focus + Pronunciation The raising and falling tune + Grammar Adverbial clause of time Test Yourself F Write a letter to introduce someone to visit a famous place in Vietnam Know the intonation to ask the questions with OR (question selection) How to use adverbial clause of time with the conjunctions when, while, since, before, after… Revision 34 10/5-16/5 2020 TỔ TRƯỞNG CHUYÊN MÔN - Groupworks 1 - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks 1 TC 23 103 104 105 - Pairworks Ôn tập kỳ II Kiểm tra học kỳ II Revision 1 HIỆU TRƯỞNG (Kí, đóng dấu) ... class ThThe whole class - Pairworks - Groupworks - Individually - Pairworks 31 11 16 /11 22 /11 2020 32 TC 33 12 23 /11 29 /11 34 TC HIGHER University life of an event EDUCATION - Talk about Ss’ first... dạy - Individually - Pairworks - Groupworks 05 /10 -11 /10 2020 12 /10 18 /10 2020 19 /10 - 13 14 tenses revision skills - Do the execises about Reading (1, 2) Know about ways of socializing verbal and... that can FUTURE JOBS help them succeed in a job interview 37 (6 periods) 13 30 /11 06 /12 2020 38 TC 39 40 14 07 /12 13 /12 2020 41 - Guessing meaning from context - Reading for specific information -

Ngày đăng: 29/09/2021, 20:56
