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Tiêu đề Air Pollution Control for Engineering Design Particulate Matter Treatment System for Ceramic Tiles Manufacturing
Tác giả Chu Hoang Minh, Nguyen Ngoc Huy
Người hướng dẫn Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Nhat Huy
Trường học Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
Chuyên ngành Environment and Natural Resources
Thể loại project work
Năm xuất bản 2021
Thành phố Ho Chi Minh
Định dạng
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Xử lý khí bụi và khí SO2 từ quá trình sản xuất gạch men

HO CHI MINH CITY UNVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES PROJECT WORK:AIR POLLUTION CONTROL FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN PARTICULATE MATTER TREATMENT SYSTEM FOR CERAMIC TILES MANUFACTURING Instructor Assoc Prof Nguyen Nhat Huy Members Chu Hoang Minh – 1752340 Nguyen Ngoc Huy – 1752233 Ho Chi Minh, August 2021 ACKNOWDLEDGEMENT In advance of proceeding with the content of this report on Project Work: Air Pollution Control Engineering, we would like to express our deepest appreciation to all those who provided us with the possibility to complete this report We would like to appreciate and give our special gratitude to Assoc Prof Nguyen Nhat Huy, who worked a great deal, gave us advices, feedback and provided us with lots of foundation knowledge so that we could understand what we were written and drawn in this project work Furthermore, our sincere appreciation goes to the team whose advisory and guidance was crucial during the course of the project Without their help, we would not have accomplished this challenging project work, which is very important section of our final mark result However, this project work could have some mistakes We hope our adviser will give suggestions and corrections to help the knowledge in this project be more complete Finally, once again, we would love to express our deeply gratefulness to our instructor Mr Nguyen Nhat Huy who helped us get better our understanding about the Air Pollution Control Engineering The time we spent was very enjoyable, we have also learned many useful things which would support us a lot for our future career We will strive to utilize and improve this gained knowledge in the best possible way Ho Chi Minh, August 2021 2 Hoang Minh CHU – Ngoc Huy NGUYEN Table of Contents List of Tables List of Figures PROBLEMS FOR PROJECT WORK Task (content requires original data) Data of the influent gas for treatment is defined: 3 • Industry: ceramic tiles manufacturing process • Pollution: dust and toxic gases • Flowrate: 63000 m3/h • Temperature: 30oC • Pressure: 760 mmHg = atm • Specific weight of dry air: 1.225 kg/m3 • Moisture: 0.5 • System efficiency ranges from 85% to 95% • Need to satisfy national regulation QCVN 192009/BTNMT Content of explanatory and calculation parts Students follow the requirements of the outline for the technical subject of Air Pollution Control Engineering, specifically as follows: • Select and explanation of technology process for treatment • Design systems for treatment: calculation and demonstrating for the details of operation • Select and calculate ancillary equipment • The concentration of these pollution after influent air passing through treatment process Drawings and graphs (type and size of drawings) • Process flow diagram: 01 with size A3 • Wet scrubber: 01 with size A3 • Tray tower scrubber: 01 with size A3 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION In modern life, the increase of urbanization and modernization has served and contributed to the quality of human life However, this also results in the environmental degradation including air pollution To be specific, air pollution which comes from industrial, agricultural, transport and 4 human activities has been become one of the most serious concerns around the world and directly posed a serious threat to human health In fact, The Environmental Performance Index (EPI) of the US places Vietnam in 115 th place out of 180th economies, citing its air pollution and modest biodiversity protection Furthermore, according to Health Environment Management Agency, said: “WHO figures show that six out of the ten diseases with the highest mortality rates in Vietnam are related to air pollution.” In the past few decades, in Vietnam, with the development of science, technology and urbanization, it has caused environmental pollution due to the lack of treatment of exhaust gas, wastewater and solid waste One of the issues that is concerned is the increasing emissions emitted into the environment every day from industrial activities Vietnam is one of the countries has the highest air quality index in Asia and the World, especially in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city But the current situation is not decreasing but increasing, especially from industrial activities such as ceramic tile production, which not only pollutes but also harms human health from the release of fine dust and toxic gas These are compounds harmful to human health, causing some forms of cancer The problem is how to solve the issue of emissions at the ceramic tile factory most effectively emitting into the environment; besides, it must be economically appropriate and not cause negative impact on the environment 1.1 Contamination and hazard from ceramic tiles manufacturing In this project of Air Pollution Control Engineering, ceramic tiles manufacturing would be used for case study Currently, the demand for bricks in Vietnam as well as in other countries around the world is huge for serving accommodation need for people Along side with the increasing of population, the demand for housing is more and more necessary Therefore, the ceramic tiles are indispensable material in the construction such as schools, hospitals, condominiums, high-rise buildings However, today the ceramic tile production from process generate a large amount of both dust and toxic gas that negatively affect human health and the surrounding environment 1.1.1 Dust Ceramic tiles are made from a combination of clays, feldspars and other natural occurring minerals, mixed and grinded in water and fired in a high temperature kiln Dust generated from the ceramic tiles process is of varying sizes As a final inert product, they contain mostly a fraction of cement and silica dust which is one of the productions of workplace mechanical 5 processes such as crushing, cutting, drilling, grinding, sawing or polishing of natural stone These respirable dust particles is released as an fine dust (), which are small enough to penetrate deep into the lungs and can cause irreversible lung damage of human or animal and reducing the photosynthetic capacity of ecological systems Table 1-1: Characteristic of dust from ceramic manufacture[1] Form Color Odor Moisture Permeabilit y Melting point LEL/UEL Fine Dust Differen t Odorless Low Low High Low Table 1-2: Particles size distribution from ceramic tiles manufacturing [2] Dust in the production of ceramic tiles mainly generates from these following producing stages: • • • • Transport of raw materials from tank to crusher Handling and storage the products Surface polishing stage of ceramic tiles The process of burning bricks with FO and DO oil from the furnace Table 1-3: Typical concentration of dust pollution in the ceramic tile manufacturing industry [1] Manufacturing processes Concentration of Dust (mg/) Transport of raw materials 280 Handling and storage 527 Surface polishing stage 970 Burning bricks from furnace 1.1.2 Toxic gases 944.2 Concentration (mg/) QCVN 19:2009/BTNM T 2721.2 200 There are also many toxic gases that cause greenhouse effect and lead to the climate change, such as: mainly due to burning bricks with FO oil contained 3% of S from the furnace These gases are seriously toxic to the surrounding air environment and effect negatively on human health: pneumonia, lung cancer … Table 1-4: Parameters of the emissions from furnance [2] Manufacturing processes 6 Gas pollutants Concentration (mg/) QCVN 19:2009/BTNMT 2000 500 428 850 50 1000 Burning bricks from furnace Therefore, it is necessary to have an appropriate treatment system to prevent the harmful effects of dust and toxic gases on the surrounding environment Moreover, using approved respirators whenever engineering controls are not effective to keep the dust, and particularly the crystalline silica dust and toxic gas includes , which would be a threat to breath, lung cancer and reducing the photosynthetic capacity of ecological systems, must be belowed the exposure standards 1.2 National regulation This project in treating quality of dust expects to have the effluent meet the type B of the regulation of Vietnam Standard QCVN 19: 2009/BTNMT on Industrial Emission Table 5-5: National technical regulation on industrial emissions QCVN 19: 2009/BTNMT Parameters CO Allowable concetration A B 400 200 50 50 1500 500 1000 850 1000 1000 CHAPTER 2: AIR POLLUTION CONTROL METHODOLOGY FOR CERAMIC-TILES MANUFACTURING The production of ceramic tiles can generate both toxic gas ( and particulate pollution (cement and silica dust) As mentioned above, airborne matter particles in ceramic manufacturing are emitted from three main processes: toxic gases are emitted mostly in burning brick process and dusts are mainly relieved from transportation of raw materials, cutting and molding, surface polishing stage 7 2.1 An example for air polution control procedures of ceramic tiles companies There are some well – known ceramic tiles factories in Vietnam, the following companies are the reference for the current leading Vietnamese ceramic tiles such as Hoa Phat, Hoa Sen or Dong Tam Ceramic Tiles,… Along with economic development, the above companies must satisfy the regultion of emission standards by applying technology diagrams from environmental company Figure 2-1: Typical procedure for air pollution control Ngoc Lan company 8 ETC– Environment comapny Au Lac company Tin Dat company 2.2 Air pollution control technologies for ceramic tiles manufacturing 2.2.1 Cyclone (dry scrubber) Cyclone separators or simply cyclones are separation devices (dry scrubbers) that use the principle of inertia to remove particulate matter from flue gases Cyclone separators is one of many air pollution control devices known as pre-cleaners since they generally remove larger 9 pieces of particulate matter In addition, several cyclone separators can operate in parallel, and this system is known as a multicyclone It is important to note that cyclones can vary drastically in their size The size of the cyclone depends largely on flue gas flowrate, thus larger operations tend to need larger cyclones There are three types of cyclone includes: standard cyclone, stairmand cyclone and swift cyclone that we can use for different size of dust Figure 2-2: Schematic of Cyclone [3] Once polluted air pass through the inlet and move downwards to form an outer vortex flow, particles inside the influent were thrown into the cyclone body by centrifugal force After that these particles drop and out of the cyclone to collection equipment based on the propulsive force of the eddy and gravity The fresh air flow began to reverse upward to form an inner vortex flow and discharge to the environment after approaching the base of cone section 2.2.2 Fabric Filter Fabric filtration is a process which permits gas contains solids pass through a porous fabric medium and retains particle matters Once air and dust pass through the filter cloth, the dust particles larger than the gap between the fibers will be retained on the fabric surface according to the sieve principle while the smaller particles adhere to the surface of the filter cloth by collision, 10 10 Parameters Unit Number of spray nozzle Diameter of spray nozzle Diameter of inlet 0.65 Velocity inlet 55 Diameter of throat 0.4 Velocity at throat 130 Diameter of outlet 0.6 Velocity outlet 55 Length of inlet tube 0.7 Length of throat 0.15 Length of diffuser tube 1.15 Pressure loss 462 Thickness of venturi Supporting equipments for venturi scrubber Pump system Capacity of pump 21 21 Value • • • • The flowrate of liquid phase the efficiency of pump system, choose the specific weight of water, H – pump head height of suction and discharge, pressure drop for suction, pressure drop for discharge, height of protective layer, Pipeline system for liquid phase The flowrate of liquid phase Choose velocity of effluent of liquid phase Diameter of pipeline for liquid phase Pipeline system for gas phase The flowrate of gas phase Choose velocity of effluent of gas phase Diameter of pipeline for gas phase 4.1.2 Cyclone separator 22 22 • Dimension of cyclone separator Velocity of mixture in cyclone with According to geometric configuration parameter Parameters Unit Value Diameter of cyclone (B) Inlet height (H) 0.5 Inlet width (W) 0.25 Body length of Cyclone (C1) Total length of Cyclone (C4) 2.5 Gas outlet diameter (A) 0.5 Water outlet diameter (G) 0.2 Thickness of Cyclone (S) 4.2 Design of plate column 0.02 QCVN 19:2009/BTNMT Equilibrium curve and mass balance Table 4-13: Equilibrium constant of Sulfur Dioxide in air and liquid 23 23 (kPa) 11.6 18.3 24.3 30 36.4 0.5 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 • Mole fraction of in gas phase • Mole fraction of in liquid phase 0.059 0.115 0.181 0.24 0.296 0.359 0.0014 0.0028 0.0042 0.0056 0.0070 0.0084 Mole fraction of 25% equal ; based on mole of entering gas Assume the absorbent efficieny of plate column A = 85% Temperature and pressure • Henry’s constant of equilibrium line • The inlet concentration of from the gas stream • Initial concentration of gas phase in molar ratio • Emission concentration of gas phase in molar ratio • The outlet concentration of from the gas stream Liquid phase Water is used as an absorbent for treating ; therefore, the inlet mole fraction of liquid phase The slope constant of the minimum operating line • • 24 24 – Amount of inert gas flow in the mixture – Equilibrium liquid phase concentration From the equilibrium curve we can determine The actual slope constant of the operating line Gas phase The total influence of gas through into system The mass flowrate of gas inlet for operating state The mass flowrate of liquid inlet for operating state Mass balance equation for absorption process We have mass fraction of gas phase for equilibrium curve The amount of dust and after treatment from inlet to outlet The kg/mole in the gas phase entering the plate column The kg/mole in the gas phase flowing out of the plate column 25 25 The amount of transfers from gas to liquid Assume that the efficiency of plate column for dust removal (with partical size equal 0.5 is approximately 90% The concentration of dust after passing through absorption system: Physical properties of liquid phase Average flowrate of liquid phase in plate column Average mass flowrate of liquid • – Influent flowrate • – Effluent flowrate Physical properties of gas phase Average flowrate of gas phase in plate column • – outlet flowrate of gas Average specific weight of gas phase in plate column Average mass flowrate of gas 26 26 • – Influent flowrate • – Effluent flowrate Dimension of plate column Diameter of plate column a Velocity of gas through plate column b Diamter of plate Choose optimal working velocity of gas through the plate Height of body system The average energy of mass transfer Mass transfer coefficient Operated equation and based on operating line Number of mass transfer (NTU) 0.059 0.115 0.181 0.24 0.296 0.359 0.0014 0.0028 0.0042 0.0056 0.007 0.0084 0.134 0.218 0.302 0.386 0.47 0.554 13.3 9.7 8.3 6.8 5.7 5.1 The number of mass transfer based on the surface area of trapezoid shape The number of the mass transfer based on equation The actual number of plates with removal efficiency of each plate 27 27 The total height of mass transfer equal the height of body system Total height of plate column • • – choose the top height equal 1.65 (m) – choose the bottom height equal 1.6 (m) Thickness of plate column Number of holes for each plate Thickness for each plate Pressure drop Pressure drop of the dry trays • • – coefficient of pressure drop – velocity of gas through holes Pressure drop of the trays due to surface tension with a hole diameter equals mm • • – surface tension of water – diameter of holes inside trays, choose Hydrostatic pressure drop due to liquid phase Total pressure drop of plate column 28 28 Parameters Unit Value Height of plate column 6.45 Diameter of plate column 3.7 Thickness of plate column Number of plate Distance between each plate 0.8 Number of holes for each plate 120000 Diameter of each hole Pressure drop 732 Supporting legs and hanging arms The mass of bottom of plate column The mass of body of plate column The mass of sieves in plate column The mass of liquid in plate column The mass of flange connecting liquid pipe to body The mass of flange connecting gas pipe to body The total mass of plate column Choose the bracket with support legs and hanging arms, the load of plate column on each leg Choose the actual load 29 29 Supporting legs (SUS 304) The actual load (N) L B 2.5 250 H h s l d 185 16 90 27 (mm) 180 215 290 350 Hanging arms (SUS 304) The actual load (N) L B 2.5 150 H S l a d 60 20 30 (mm) 120 130 215 The pipe connection - flange connection to each parts of absorption system • The tube for inlet liquid phase at a side of system The flowrate of liquid phase Choose the velocity of liquid Diameter of pipeline systems for inlet liquid through plate column Parameter of flange for tube at side D H Bolts (mm) 600 • 456 436 Z 473 447 120 M10 The tube for outlet liquid at the bottom of system The flowrate of liquid phase Choose the velocity of liquid Diameter of pipeline systems for outlet liquid through plate column Parameter of flange for tube at bottom D H Bolts (mm) 600 • 30 30 456 436 Z 473 The tube for inlet gas phase at a side of system 447 120 M10 The flowrate of gas phase inlet Choose the velocity of gas phase Diameter of pipeline systems for inlet gas through plate column Parameter of flange for tube at side D H Bolts (mm) 900 • 456 436 Z 473 447 120 M10 The tube for outlet gas at the top of system The flowrate of gas phase outlet Choose velocity of gas phase Diameter of pipeline systems for outlet gas through plate column Parameter of flange for tube at top D H Bolts (mm) 800 456 436 Z 473 447 120 M10 4.3 Design of supporting equipments Flowrate of flue gas Q = 63000 (m3/h) and gas velocity in pipeline v = 20 (m/s) Duct system Diameter of duct system Centrifugal Fan Fan capaity Electric motor capacity Stack device 31 31 Assume the height of stack H = 10 (m) The diameter and actual height of stack Stair system Height of stairway H = 6.5 (m) Width of stairway W = 500 (mm) Investment System Venturi Scrubber Cyclonist for Mist Removal Plate Column Others 32 32 Material Symbol Value Investment Body system SUS 316 (kg) 60.000.000 Spray nozzles SUS 316 (kg) 2.400.000 Body system SUS 316 (kg) 120.000.000 Hanging arms SUS 304 (kg) 7.740.000 Supporting legs SUS 304 (kg) 9.000.000 Flange connection SUS 304 361 (kg) 32.400.000 Observation glass GLS 1.000.000 Body system SUS 316 (kg) 284.400.000 Sieve SUS 316 (kg) 288.000.000 Hanging arms SUS 304 (kg) 7.740.000 Supporting legs SUS 304 (kg) 9.000.000 Flange connection SUS 304 180(kg) + 360 (kg) 45.900.000 Observation glass GLS 1.000.000 Stair system SUS 304 (kg) 18.000.000 Stack device Concrete 10 (m) 5.000.000 Air duct system SUS 304 (kg) 9.000.000 Air hood system SUS 304 50 (m) 5.000.000 Centrifugal fan 125 (Hp) 6.000.000 Total material cost (VND) 911.580.000 Total incidental cost = 10% Total material cost (VND) 91.158.000 Total cost (VND) 1.002.738.00 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION Effluent of air after treatment has been satisfied QCVN 19:2009/BTNMT – National technical regulation on domestic water quality Therefore, the service has been completed In order to prepare the clean atmosphere for the citizens, we must first find out the overall importance for the quality of air so that it can determine the amount of air in the area of origin and in the region Parameters Unit Influent Effluent Alowable value Dust mg/m3 2721.2 13.4 200 mg/m3 2000 213 500 Table 5-14: The results of effluent after passing through treatment process 33 33 REFERENCES MSDS of Neveda Cement, "Material Safety Data Sheet for Portland Cement," [Online] Available: http://www.nevadacement.com/pdf/MSDS-Portland_.pdf GS Trần Ngọc Chấn, "Ơ nhiễm khơng khí xử lý khí thải 2," NXB KHKT, 2004 Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association , "Performance and Cost Comparision between Fabric Filter and Alternate Participate Control Techniques," [Online] Available: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/00022470.1974.10470025 34 34 EVN.GO, "Sổ tay hướng dẫn kiểm sốt khí thải công nghiệp," [Online] Available: https://www.env.go.jp/air/tech/ine/asia/vietnam/files/coop/files/cobenefit2016V-2.pdf MOC.GOV, "Giải pháp hạn chế ô nhiễm môi trường ngành Xây Dựng," [Online] https://moc.gov.vn/vn/_layouts/15/NCS.Webpart.MOC/mt_poup/Intrangweb.aspx? IdNews=49292 Nerang Tiles, "Silica Dust & Ceramic Tiles," [Online] Available: https://www.nerangtiles.com.au/silica-dust-and-ceramic-tiles.html MOSA, “Safety data sheet according to 1907/2006EC, Article 31,” [Online] Available: https://www.mosa.com/application/files/5013/9340/6208/safety-data-sheet-ceramic-tilesglazed-Mosa-Tiles.pdf 35 35 ... cost equipment due to working in corrosive environment Efficiency 90 – 95% To implement adsorption method for treating , large investment cost is required for materials to manufacture equipments... Available: http://www.nevadacement.com/pdf/MSDS-Portland_.pdf GS Trần Ngọc Chấn, "Ô nhiễm khơng khí xử lý khí thải 2," NXB KHKT, 2004 Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association , "Performance and... after passing through treatment process 33 33 REFERENCES MSDS of Neveda Cement, "Material Safety Data Sheet for Portland Cement," [Online] Available: http://www.nevadacement.com/pdf/MSDS-Portland_.pdf

Ngày đăng: 19/09/2021, 21:23

Nguồn tham khảo

Tài liệu tham khảo Loại Chi tiết
1. MSDS of Neveda Cement, "Material Safety Data Sheet for Portland Cement," [Online].Available: http://www.nevadacement.com/pdf/MSDS-Portland_.pdf Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: Material Safety Data Sheet for Portland Cement
2. GS. Trần Ngọc Chấn, "Ô nhiễm không khí và xử lý khí thải 2," NXB KHKT, 2004 Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: Ô nhiễm không khí và xử lý khí thải 2
3. Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association , "Performance and Cost Comparision between Fabric Filter and Alternate Participate Control Techniques," [Online]. Available:https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/00022470.1974.10470025 Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: Performance and Cost Comparisionbetween Fabric Filter and Alternate Participate Control Techniques
4. EVN.GO, "Sổ tay hướng dẫn kiểm soát khí thải công nghiệp," [Online]. Available:https://www.env.go.jp/air/tech/ine/asia/vietnam/files/coop/files/cobenefit2016V-2.pdf5. MOC.GOV, "Giải pháp hạn chế ô nhiễm môi trường trong ngành Xây Dựng," [Online].https://moc.gov.vn/vn/_layouts/15/NCS.Webpart.MOC/mt_poup/Intrangweb.aspx?IdNews=49292 Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: Sổ tay hướng dẫn kiểm soát khí thải công nghiệp," [Online]. Available:https://www.env.go.jp/air/tech/ine/asia/vietnam/files/coop/files/cobenefit2016V-2.pdf5. MOC.GOV, "Giải pháp hạn chế ô nhiễm môi trường trong ngành Xây Dựng
6. Nerang Tiles, "Silica Dust & Ceramic Tiles," [Online]. Available: https://www.nerangtiles.com.au/silica-dust-and-ceramic-tiles.html Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: Silica Dust & Ceramic Tiles
7. MOSA, “Safety data sheet according to 1907/2006EC, Article 31,” [Online]. Available: https://www.mosa.com/application/files/5013/9340/6208/safety-data-sheet-ceramic-tiles-glazed-Mosa-Tiles.pdf Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: Safety data sheet according to 1907/2006EC, Article 31

