ENGLISH FOR INTERVIEW Các câu thường được hỏi 1.. Tell me about a time when you overcome an obstacle.[r]
(1)ENGLISH FOR INTERVIEW Các câu thường hỏi Tell me about a time when you overcome an obstacle What is your best quality? What is your worst quality? Why did you quit your last job? What can you contribute to our company? Why should we hire you? What made you come looking for a job at our company? What kind of salary are you expecting? Các câu ứng viên thường nói I am very interested in working for your company, and I have the qualities needed for this position If I was given the job, I would be sure to work hard everyday I can make a good contribution to your company I am a team player and well working with others I have a few questions about the company and the position What are the benefits of working for this company? (2)