Đánh giá khả năng đáp ứng miễn dịch đối với Protein MBP-VT2eB trên heo
Trang 2One-Way Analysis of Variance
-Data: TLG.tlg
Level codes: TLG.lo
Means plot: LSD Confidence level: 95 Range test: LSD
Trang 3Table of means for TLG.tlg by TLG.lo
Stnd Error Stnd Error 95 % LSD Level Count Average (internal) (pooled s) intervals for mean
- 1 5 6.7400000 3906405 5203564 5.9597925 7.5202075
-2 3 7.0666667 4630815 6717773 6.0594 -231 8.0739102
3 4 6.6250000 7962150 5817762 5.7527015 7.4972985
4 5 7.1200000 3484250 5203564 6.3397925 7.9002075
5 4 6.5750000 7792892 5817762 5.7027015 7.4472985
-Total 21 6.8238095 2539079 2539079 6.4431072 7.2045118
Multiple range analysis for TLG.tlg by TLG.lo
-Method: 95 Percent LSD
Level Count Average Homogeneous Groups
5 4 6.5750000 X 3 4 6.6250000 X 1 5 6.7400000 X 2 3 7.0666667 X 4 5 7.1200000 X
-contrast difference limits 1 - 2 -0.32667 1.80181 1 - 3 0.11500 1.65507 1 - 4 -0.38000 1.56041 1 - 5 0.16500 1.65507 2 - 3 0.44167 1.88438 2 - 4 -0.05333 1.80181 2 - 5 0.49167 1.88438 3 - 4 -0.49500 1.65507 * denotes a statistically significant difference