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freely Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.. Question 2[r]

(1)SỞ GD- ĐT VĨNH PHÚC TRƯỜNG THPT LIỄN SƠN (ĐỀ LUYỆN 016) ĐỀ THI THPT QUỐC GIA NĂM 2015 MÔN THI: TIẾNG ANH Thời gian: 90 phút PART 1: MULTIPLE CHOICE (0.125 x 64 = 8.0p) Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions Question 1: A aged B naked C crooked D booked Question 2: A thunder B thank C asthma D thin Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions Question 3: A represent B intensive C domestic D employment Question 4: A promote B labor C women D country Question 5: A regional B establish C educate D operate Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions Question 6: Larry drove all night to get here for his sister's wedding He _ exhausted by the time he arrived A ought to be B must have been C could be D will have been Question 7: _ in London, we will have sat on the bus for 10 hours A As we are going to arrive B By the time we arrive C When we will arrive D By the time we will arrive Question 8: Peter _ for thirty minutes before Mary arrived A had been waiting B would be waiting C was waiting D has been waiting Question 9: My mother often our mistakes, whereas my father is very strict and punishes us for even the slightest one A overlooks B neglects C passes D avoids Question 10: _ on the stairs than the phone rang A No sooner had I stepped B Had no sooner I stepped C No sooner I had stepped D Had I stepped no sooner Question 11: My grandfather is quite deaf so you will have to _ up when you are telling him something A take B catch C keep D speak Question 12: Women in employment earn around 75% of that earned by men A doubted B reserved C paid D economic Question 13: UNESCO was established to encourage _ among nations in the areas of education, science, culture, and communication A workforce B collaboration C employment D independence Question 14: - “ .” -"Never mind, better luck next time." A I didn't get the vacant position B I couldn't keep my mind on work C I have a lot on my mind D I've broken your precious vase Question 15: our pre-paid order, they failed to send us the items in time A Regardless of B Without any notice of C With respect to D On behalf of Question 16: It is so hot Let's go swimming to _ off A give B make C stay D cool Question 17: _with being so busy both at work and at home, she became increasingly tired and badtempered A Where B Which C How D What Question 18: I don’t suppose there is anyone there, ? A is there B don't I C isn't there D I Question 19: She has just bought A a French interesting old painting B an interesting French old painting C an old interesting French painting D an interesting old French painting (2) Question 20: Mary had a serious fever, missed school and fell _ A off B behind C after D up Question 21: What time shall we leave? - A The soonest the best B Sooner better C Soonest and best D The sooner the better Question 22: - “Remember, they want someone who works well with people You've got to show them how easy-going and personable you are!” - “ .” A You see what I am like Don't worry B Wait and see Thanks C Thanks I hope so D Thanks I will keep that in mind Question 23: We spent nearly hours waiting outside the station, then out _ A came the star B the star came C did the star come D be the star coming Question 24: Getting good education and making money themselves have given women more _ A freedom B freed C free D freely Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions Question 25: In synchronized swimming, the players perform beautiful maneuvers to music and diving A swimming suits B tools for swimming C scuba sets D movements that need skill and care Question 26: Books are a primary means for dissemination of knowledge and information A invention B attempt C variety D distribution Question 27: Sports and festivals form an integral part of every human society A invented B essential C informative D exciting Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions Question 28: He had never experienced such discourtesy towards the president as it occurred at the annual meeting in May A politeness B rudeness C measurement D encouragement Question 29: About 95 percent of all animals are invertebrates which can live anywhere, but most, like the starfish and crabs, live in the ocean A with backbones B with ribs C without backbones D without ribs Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions A recent study shows that an unequal share of household chores is still the norm in many households, despite the fact that many more women now have jobs In a survey of 1,256 people ages between 18 and 65, men said they contributed an average of 37% of the total housework, while the women estinated their share to be nearly double that, at 70% This ratio was not affected by whether the woman was working or not When they were asked what they thought was a fair division of labor, women with jobs felt that housework should be shared equally between male and female partners Women who did not work outside the home owner satisfied to perform 80% - the majority of the household work – if their husbands did remainder Research has shown that, if levels increase beyond these percentages, women become unhappy and anxious, and feel they are unimportant After marriage, a woman is reported to increase her household workload by 14 hours per week, but for men the amount is just 90 minutes So the division of labor becomes unbalanced, as a man’s share increases much less than the woman’s It is the inequality and loss of repect, not the actual number of hours, which leads to axiety and depression The research describes housework as thankless and unfulfilling Activities included in the study were cooking, cleaning, shopping, doing laundry, washing up and childcare Women who have jobs report that they feel overworked by these chores in addition to their professional duties In contrast, full-time homemakers frequently anticipate going back to work when the children grow up Distress for this group is cuased by losing the teamwork in the marriage In cases where men perform most of the housework, results were similar The men also became depressed by the imbalance of labor The research showed that the least distressed people are those who have equal share, implying that men could perform significantly more chores and even benefit from this The research concludes “Everybody benefits from sharing the housework Even for women keeping house, a share (3) division of labor is important If you decide to stay at home to raise the children, you don’t want to become the servant of the house” (Adapted from Louis Harrision & Caroline Cushen, 2013) Question 30: The word remaider.in paragraph is closest in meaning to A what is done B what is fulfilled C what is left D what is share Question 31: Athough women think men should share the housework, those who don’t have paid job agree to share of the chores A 14% B 37% C 70% D 80% Question 32: After getting married, A women kave a bigger house B men more housework C men less housework D women twice as much housework Question 33: Working women A want their partners to an equal share B are anxious and depressed C 80% of the household D would prefer not to have a job Question 34: Women who not have a job become depressed A if they have to more than half of the housework B because they have no respect C when their husbands not hepl them D if their husbands 29% of the chores Question 35: The word norm in paragraph is closest in meaning to A changing thing B strange thing C usual thing D unequal thing Question 36: According to the passage, a good relationship is the one in which A men more housework than women B women and men divide the housework equally C women 80% of the housework D women 14 hours of housework Question 37: Objects of the survey were A people of a wide range of ages B married people C working people D unemploy people Question 38: The word estinated in paragraph is closest in meaning to A wanted B divided C hoped D guessed Question 39: What is the most suitable heading for the passage? A Difficulties of working women B Unequal housework division C Reason for women to be distress D How to be happy couples Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions Most forms of property are concrete and tangible, such as houses, cars, furniture or anything else that is included in one’s possessions Other forms of property can be intangible, and copyright deals with intangible forms of property Copyright is a legal protection extended to authors of creative works, for example, books, magazine articles, maps, films, plays, television shows, software, paintings, photographs, music, choreography in dance and all other forms of intellectual or artistic property Although the purpose of artistic property is usually public use and enjoyment, copyright establishes the ownership of the creator When a person buys a copyrighted magazine, it belongs to this individual as a tangible object However, the authors of the magazine articles own the research and the writing that went into creating the articles The right to make and sell or give away copies of books or articles belongs to the authors, publishers, or other individuals or organizations that hold the copyright To copy an entire book or a part of it, permission must be received from the copyright owner, who will most likely expect to be paid Copyright law distinguishes between different types of intellectual property Music may be played by anyone after it is published However, if it is performed for profit, the performers need to pay a fee, called a royalty A similar principle applies to performances of songs and plays On the other hand, names, ideas, and book titles are excepted Ideas not become copyrighted property until they are published in a book, a painting or a musical work Almost all artistic work created before the 20 th century is not copyrighted because it was created before the copyright law was passed The two common ways of infringing upon the copyright are plagiarism and piracy Plagiarizing the work of another person means passing it off as one’s own The word plagiarism is derived from the Latin plagiarus, which means “abductor” Piracy may be an act of one person, but, in many cases, it is a joint effort of several people who reproduce copyrighted material and sell it for profit without paying royalties to the creator Technological innovations have made piracy easy and anyone can duplicate a motion picture on videotape, a (4) computer program, or a book Video cassette recorders can be used by practically anyone to copy movies and television programs, and copying software has become almost as easy as copying a book Large companies zealously monitor their copyrights for slogans, advertisements, and brand names, protected by a trademark Question 40: What does the passage mainly discuss? A Legal ownership of creative work B Examples of copyright piracy C Legal rights of property owners D Copying creating work for profit Question 41: The word “extended” in paragraph is closest in meaning to _ A guaranteed B explicated C exposed D granted Question 42: It can be inferred from the passage that copyright law is intended to protect A computer software and videos from being copied B paintings and photographs from theft C the user’s ability to enjoy an artistic work D the creator’s ability to profit from the work Question 43: The word “principle” in paragraph is closest in meaning to _ A cardinal role B formidable force C crucial point D fundamental rule Question 44: Which of the following properties is NOT mentioned as protected by copyright? A paintings and maps B printed medium C scientific discoveries D music and plays Question 45: It can be inferred from the passage that it is legal if _ A two drawings, created by two different artists, have the same images B two books, written by two different authors, have the same titles C two songs, written by two different composers, have the same melody D two plays, created by two different playwrights, have the same plot and characters Question 46: With which of the following statements is the author most likely to agree? A Plays written in the 16th century cannot be performed in theaters without permission B Singers can publicly sing only the songs for which they wrote the music and the lyrics C Teachers are not allowed to make copies of published materials for use by their students D It is illegal to make photographs when sightseeing or traveling Question 47: The phrase “infringing upon” in paragraph is closest in meaning to _ A abhorring B impinging upon C inducting for D violating Question 48: The purpose of copyright law is most comparable with the purpose of which of the following? A A law against smoking B A law against theft C A household rule D A school policy Question 49: According to the passage, copyright law is _ A routinely ignored B zealously enforced C meticulously observed D frequently debated Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions Stories about how people somehow know when they are being watched have been going around for years However, few (50) have been made to investigate the phenomenon scientifically Now, with the completion of the largest ever study of the so-called staring effect, there is impressive evidence that this is a recognizable and (51) sixth sense The study involved hundreds of children For the experiments, they sat with their eyes covered and with their backs to other children, who were told to either stare at them or look away The results consistently showed that the children who could not see were able to (52) when they were being stared at In a total of 18,000 trials (53) worldwide, the children (54) sensed when they were being watched almost 70% of the time The experiment was repeated with the (55) precaution of putting the children who were being watched outside the room, (56) from the starers by the windows This was done just in case there was some (57) going on, with the children telling each other whether they were looking or not This prevented the possibility of sounds being (58) between the children The results, though less impressive, were more or less the same Dr Sheldrake, the biologist who designed the study, believes that the results are (59) enough to find out through further experiments precisely how the staring effect might actually come about Question 50: A attempts B tests C tries D aims Question 51: A received B genuine C accepted D sure Question 52: A tell B reveal C notice D find Question 53: A worked over B carried out C worked through D carried on (5) Question 54: A perfectly Question 55: A added Question 56: A split Question 57: A lying Question 58: A transmitted Question 59: A concluding B exactly B attached B divided B pretending B transported B satisfying C correctly C connected C parted C cheating C delivered C persuading D thoroughly D increased D separated D deceiving D distributed D convincing Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction Question 60: The first important (A) requirements for you to become (B) a mountain climber are (C) your strong passion and you have good health.(D) Question 61: During our tour of the refinery,(A) it was (B) seen that both propane and (C) gasoline were produced in large volumes (D) Question 62: Hardly did he enter (A) he room when (B) all the lights (C) went (D) out Question 63:Publishing in the UK, (A) the book has won (B) a number of awards in (C) recent regional book fairs (D) Question 64: A professor of economy (A) and history at our university developed (B) a new theory of the relationship between (C) historical events and financial crises (D) PART 2: WRITING TASK (2.0p) You should spend about 30 minutes writing a paragraph Part A Finish each of the following sentences in s uch a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it I spent seven years at secondary school and then I went to university - After She doesn’t get on well with her neighbor any more - She has These bookshelves are my own work - I made Tom does a very good immitation of the English teacher - Tom takes It was necesary for you to go so much trouble on my behalf - You needn’t Part B Write a paragraph about a job you like doing best after graduating upper secondary school You should write at least 100 words THE END ĐÁP ÁN 1D 2C 3A 4A 5B 6B 7B 8A 9A 10A 11D 12C 13B 14A 15A 16D 17D 18A 19D 20B 21D 22D 23A 24A 25D 26D 27B 28A 29A 30C 31D 32B 33A 34C 35C 36B 37A 38D 39B 40A 41D 42D 43D 44C 45B 46C 47D 48B 49A 50A 51B 52A 53B 54C 55A 56D 57C 58A 59D 60D 61B 62A 63A 64A PART 2: WRITING TASK (2.0p) You should spend about 30 minutes writing a paragraph Part A Finish each of the following sentences in s uch a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it I spent seven years at secondary school and then I went to university - After ( spending seven years at secondary school I went to university.) She doesn’t get on well with her neighbor any more - She has (fallen out with her neighbor.) These bookshelves are my own work - I made (these bookshelves by myself.) Tom does a very good immitation of the English teacher - Tom takes (off the English teacher very well) (6) It was necesary for you to go so much trouble on my behalf - You needn’t (have gone to so much my trouble.) Part B Write a paragraph about a job you like doing best after graduating upper secondary school You should write at least 100 words (7)

Ngày đăng: 15/09/2021, 11:01

