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Unit 1 line graph bar chart table

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bài giảng writing ielts gồm các kĩ năng làm bài , từ vựng , cách tư duy về task 1 , phần bar chart , line graph , table . Slide sáng tạo , màu sắc , bố cục rõ ràng , dễ truyền tải giúp giáo viên hoàn thành trọn vẹn bài giảng

The graph below shows the changes in young adult unemployment rates in England between 1993 and 2012 Line Graph The bar graph shows the global sales (in billions of dollars) of different types of digital games between 2000 and 2006 Bar Chart WRITING TASK LINE GRAPH – BAR CHART UNDERSTAND THE TASK Writing Task – Graphs: • Report main features & compare Line graph/Bar chart/Table – Languages: • Describing TRENDS, STATISTICS • Comparisons The chart gives information about UK immigration, emigration and net migration between 1999 and 2008 Introduction (1 sentence) Overall, both immigration and emigration rates rose over the period shown, but the figures for immigration were significantly higher Net migration peaked in 2004 and 2007 Overview (1 - sentences) In 1999, over 450,000 people came to live in the UK, while the number of people who emigrated stood at just under 300,000 The figure for net migration was around 160,000, and it remained at a similar level until 2003 From 1999 to 2004, the immigration rate rose by nearly 150,000 people, but there was a much smaller rise in Body (3 - sentences) emigration Net migration peaked at almost 250,000 people in 2004 After 2004, the rate of immigration remained high, but the number of people emigrating fluctuated Emigration fell suddenly in 2007, before peaking at about 420,000 people in 2008 As a result, the net migration figure rose to around 240,000 in 2007, but fell back to around 160,000 in 2008 Body (3 - sentences) STRUCTURE “1 – – – 4” INTRODUCTION – sentence • Paraphrase the question OVERVIEW – sentences • Overview BODY PARAGRAPHS – - sentences • Body – Report, describe No conclusion needed! INTRODUCTION Paraphrasing The graph shows long-term International migration in the UK, 1999-2008 Where What When 🡪 “The chart gives information about UK immigration, emigration and net migration between 1999 and 2008." INTRODUCTION Ideal Introduction includes: • WHAT • WHEN • WHERE Identify WHAT clearly before writing! Ways to paraphrase: Use the synonyms Ex: The graph below shows the quantities of goods transported in the UK between 1974 and 2002 by four different modes of transport The line graph compares the amounts of goods delivered by four means of transport in the UK from 1974 to 2002 Change the grammar structure: Ex: The graph below shows the average carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions per person in the United Kingdom, Sweden, Italy and Portugal between 1967 and 2007 The line graph illustrates the amounts of CO2 emitted by each person in four countries from 1967 to 2007.  INTRODUCTION Practice The graph below shows the changes in young adult unemployment rates in England between 1993 and 2012 The line graph illustrates the changing patterns in the proportions of young people who were out of work in London and the rest of England over the course of 19 years starting in 1993 The bar graph shows the global sales (in billions of dollars) of different types of digital games between 2000 and 2006 The chart illustrates the global revenue earned from types of games, namely mobile phone games, online games, console games and handheld games over the course of years starting in 2000 BODY PARAGRAPHS Line Graph (4 Lines or more) SAMPLE: (16-24) London & the rest of England Sentence – 2: Unemployment rate in London (16-24): 22% 15% - 25% Sentence – 3: Unemployment rate in the Rest (16-24): 17% 12% - 20% BODY PARAGRAPHS Line Graph (4 Lines or more) SAMPLE: (Overall) Sentence – 2: Unemployment rate in London (16-24): 14% ~a half - 10% Sentence – 3: Unemployment rate in the Rest (16-24): 10% 5% - 7% BODY PARAGRAPHS Line Graph (4 Lines or more) BODY SAMPLE In 1993, the rate of unemployment in London among people between the age of 16 to 24 was 22% This figure dropped to about 15% between 1993 and 2002 before rising to approximately 25% by 2012 A similar pattern was seen in the percentage of unemployed people in the same age group in the rest of England, which fell from 17 to around 12% between 1993 and 2004 before climbing to about 20% At the beginning of the period, the unemployment rate in London registered nearly 15% This figure witnessed a progressive decline to only half between 1993 and 2008 and then maintained at 10% at the end of the period The rate of jobless individuals in other parts of England showed a similar development, where it dwindled from 10% to 5% between 1993 and 2008 before stabilizing at about 7% afterwards BAR CHART BODY PARAGRAPHS Bar Chart (with Timeline) SUBJECTS: MORE THAN SUBJECTS: Divide by periods of time Divide by groups with similar traits • Body 1: beginning 🡪 mid point • High/Low • Body 2: mid point 🡪 End • Increased/decreased subjects BODY PARAGRAPHS Bar Chart (with NO Timeline) Divide by groups • Groups of subjects (in vertical axis) • Groups of columns (elements/factors/…) BODY PARAGRAPHS Bar Chart (with NO Timeline) I Introduction The bar chart below shows the different types of accommodation chosen by the British when they went on holiday in 2010.   This bar chart shows the results of a survey on whether people in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales stayed in hotels, caravans, campsites or self-catering accommodation when they went on holiday in 2010 BODY PARAGRAPHS Bar Chart (with NO Timeline) II Overview Overall, hotel was by far the most favoured accommodation form in all four countries. It is also worth noting that caravan was much more familiar with British tourists in Northern Ireland than those who visited other countries BODY PARAGRAPHS Bar Chart (with NO Timeline) III Body In England, Scotland and Wales the majority of people preferred hotels to other accommodation types, with an average of 50% of voters from each country Self-catering was ranked second also in this group, averaging approximately 30% By contrast, figures for the remaining types remained much lower, ranging from 5% to 15% for each nation A striking point to note is that while camping holidays were nearly twice more popular than caravan holidays in England and Wales, this pattern was completely reversed in Scotland BODY PARAGRAPHS Bar Chart (with NO Timeline) III Body In comparison with the aforementioned countries, Northern Ireland followed a different pattern It is noticeable that there was just over 30% of the population choosing caravan holidays in preference to self-catering accommodation and camping (both around 12%) BODY PARAGRAPHS Bar Chart SAMPLE In 2000, the sales of Handheld games stood at approximately $12 billion The figure _ a rise to $18 billion in years A witnessed reverse pattern was witnessed in the sales of Console Games, which was only $6 billion in 2000 and halved to $3 billion in 2006 In 2001, Online games were launched and stood at around $2 billion There was a to $8 billion in the sales of online sharp rise second games, making it the _ best selling type of games after handheld games A similar trend was witnessed in MPG games sales, which increased from $1 to $7 billion PRACTICE LINE GRAPH PRACTICE Sample The line graph compares birth rates in China and the US and how these rates changed from 1920 to 2000 Overall, the birth rates of both nations decreased over the period of 80 years Although the two trends were similar in terms of a general decline, the birth rate of the USA in most years was higher than that of China In the 1920-1935 period, the birth rate in America fluctuated, although it always remained above 10% However, in the following decade, the American birth rate fell sharply to below 5% In the 1950s, the figure for the USA  increased significantly to exactly 15%, which was its highest point during the 80-year period. Throughout the remainder of the period, there was a gradual decline in the US birth rate, which fell to 7% by the year 2000 Over the same period, the birth rate in China varied more significantly than in the US It dropped to 5% from 1940 to 1945 before reaching the highest point of the whole line graph, 20%, in 1950 By contrast, years later, the birth rate in China decreased rapidly by over 10%, falling to approximately 2% in 2000 The bar chart below shows the top ten countries for the production and consumption of electricity in 2014 ... Unemployment rate in London (16 -2 4): 14 % ~a half - 10 % Sentence – 3: Unemployment rate in the Rest (16 -2 4): 10 % 5% - 7% BODY PARAGRAPHS Line Graph (4 Lines or more) BODY SAMPLE In 19 93, the rate of unemployment... Sentence – 2: Unemployment rate in London (16 -2 4): 22% 15 % - 25% Sentence – 3: Unemployment rate in the Rest (16 -2 4): 17 % 12 % - 20% BODY PARAGRAPHS Line Graph (4 Lines or more) SAMPLE: (Overall) Sentence... PARAGRAPHS Bar Chart (with NO Timeline) I Introduction The bar chart below shows the different types of accommodation chosen by the British when they went on holiday in 2 010 .   This bar chart

Ngày đăng: 12/09/2021, 11:52



