De thi dai hoc nam 2014 lan 1 mon hoa hoc cua Nhat Ban De thi dai hoc nam 2014 lan 1 mon hoa hoc cua Nhat Ban De thi dai hoc nam 2014 lan 1 mon hoa hoc cua Nhat Ban De thi dai hoc nam 2014 lan 1 mon hoa hoc cua Nhat Ban De thi dai hoc nam 2014 lan 1 mon hoa hoc cua Nhat Ban
(liter) 0◦ C 1.0 × 105 Pa (=1.0 atm) (standard state) (ideal gas) 22.4 L/mol (molar volume) R = 8.31 × 103 Pa·L/(K·mol) (gas constant) (Avogadro constant) N A = 6.0 × 1023 /mol (Faraday constant) F = 9.65 × 104 C/mol (atomic weight) L (atom) H 1.0 C 12 Cl 35 Br 80 N 14 O 16 F 19 S 32 (electroncon figuration) Al3+ 12 C Cr 13 C F (valence electron) K (outermost shell) 23 S Na N 24 (neutron) (proton) (N shell) Mg 16 (a) (e) (atom) (single bond) (a) (acetic acid) (b) (ammonia) (c) (carbon dioxide) (d) (ethylene(ethene)) (e) (methanol) a b a d a e b c b d b e c d d e (a) (d) (atom) (plane) ( a ) CH4 a b ( c ) C2H6 (b) C2H4 a c a d b (reaction formula) c (d) C6H6 b d c d (coefficient) x C3H8 + x O2 y CO2 + z H2O 0◦ C 1atm H2 CH4 O2 (density) (ratio) 1 1 16 300 K 1.0 atm 16 16 3.0 L (argon) 360 K 7.2 L atm atm 0.30 0.1 mol/kg 0.50 1.0 2.0 (glucose) 2.4 3.0 (cooling time) (chemical reaction) (rate of reaction) (partial pressure) (catalyst) (equilibrium constant) (heat of reaction) (sulfuric acid)10 mL (neutralization) NaOH aq 40 mL 0.20 mol/L [mol/L] mol/L 0.10 10 0.20 0.40 (platinum electrode) 2.00 A (electric current) 0.80 1.0 NaCl aq (electrolysis) (cathode) H2 224 mL 10 4.83 × 10 9.65 × 102 9.65 × 10 4.83 × 103 4.83 × 102 9.65 × 103 11 (a) (solute) (c) 11 (a) (platinum wire) CaCl2 aq (b) (c) (platinum electrode) (electrolysis) (cathode) H2 O2 (anode) AgNO3 12 (precipitate) HCl H2SO4 NaCl Na2SO4 AgNO3 aq 12 KCl aq (precipitate) Ag (copper plate) H2S NaOH aq NH3 aq (excess) NH3 aq 13 NH3 aq (in excess) (precipitate) 13 AlK(SO4)2 aq CaCl2 aq (II) CuSO4 aq NaCl aq ZnCl2 aq 14 0.10 mol/L AgNO3 aq 10 mL ZnCl2 aq 10 mL 0.20 mol/L Cl– (precipitate) [mol/L] 14 mol/L 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 (a) 15 (f) (oxidation-reduction reaction) 15 (a) NH4Cl (II)FeS (b) Ca(OH)2 dil.H2SO4 (c) (IV)MnO2 conc.HCl (d) NaCl conc.H2SO4 (e) dil.HNO3 (f) Cu NaHCO3 CH3COOH a b a c a f b d b e c d c e e f 16 (structural formula) (hydrocarbon) 16 C2 H H3 C C C2 H H 1,1- (1,1-diethylethane) (diethylmethylmethane) 2- (2-ethylbutane) 31- (3-methylpentane) -1- (1-ethyl-1-methylpropane) 17 H2 (catalyst) (addition) (asymmetric carbon atom) 17 H3 C H C H H C H3 C H3 C C CH3 C CH3 H C2 H H3 C CH3 18 H3 C (ethylene(ethene)) C H H C C2 H C2 H C C CH3 H C C CH3 Br2 (addition) Cl2 (product) 45 g mol 18 mol 0.10 0.30 0.50 0.60 0.80 1.0 19 (organic compound) A C B C 19 A C B OH ONa NaHCO3 aq CH2 OH COOH KMnO4 aq Cl Cl2 (UV) CH(CH3 )2 CH3COCH3 CH2 OH CH2 ONa NaOH aq 20 (carboxy group) (complete combustion) 1.0 mol (unsaturated carboxylic acid) 1.0 mol 18 mol CO2 16 mol H2O H2 (saturated carboxylic acid) mol 20 mol 1.0 2.0 3.0 10 4.0 5.0 ... 10 9.65 × 10 2 9.65 × 10 4.83 × 10 3 4.83 × 10 2 9.65 × 10 3 11 (a) (solute) (c) 11 (a) (platinum wire) CaCl2 aq (b) (c) (platinum electrode) (electrolysis) (cathode) H2 O2 (anode) AgNO3 12 (precipitate)... e e f 16 (structural formula) (hydrocarbon) 16 C2 H H3 C C C2 H H 1, 1- (1, 1-diethylethane) (diethylmethylmethane) 2- (2-ethylbutane) 31- (3-methylpentane) -1- (1- ethyl -1- methylpropane) 17 H2... (coefficient) x C3H8 + x O2 y CO2 + z H2O 0◦ C 1atm H2 CH4 O2 (density) (ratio) 1 1 16 300 K 1. 0 atm 16 16 3.0 L (argon) 360 K 7.2 L atm atm 0.30 0 .1 mol/kg 0.50 1. 0 2.0 (glucose) 2.4 3.0 (cooling time)