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Contents Overview 1 Examining the Web Storage System 2 ManagingSharePointPortalServer 6 Monitoring SharePointPortalServer 22 Backing Up SharePointPortalServer 27 Restoring SharePointPortalServer 35 Lab A: Backing Up and Restoring SharePointPortalServer 41 Review 47 Module9:ManagingSharePointPortalServer Information in this document is subject to change without notice. The names of companies, products, people, characters, and/or data mentioned herein are fictitious and are in no way intended to represent any real individual, company, product, or event, unless otherwise noted. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation. If, however, your only means of access is electronic, permission to print one copy is hereby granted. Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property. 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Active Directory, Active X, FrontPage, JScript, MS-DOS, NetMeeting, Outlook, PowerPoint, SharePoint, Windows, Windows NT, Visio, Visual Basic, Visual SourceSafe, Visual Studio, and Win32 are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S.A. and/or other countries. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. Module9:ManagingSharePointPortalServer iii Instructor Notes This module is intended to help the server administrator perform the day-to-day administration of Microsoft ® SharePoint ™ PortalServer 2001. After completing this module, students will be able to: Locate and manage files and folders in the Microsoft Web Storage System. Manage the computer running SharePointPortal Server. Monitor SharePointPortalServer by using System Monitor. Back up SharePointPortal Server. Restore SharePointPortal Server. Materials and Preparation This section provides the materials and preparation tasks that you need to teach this module. Required Materials To teach this module, you need the following materials: Microsoft PowerPoint ® file 2095A_09.ppt Module 9, “Managing SharePointPortal Server,” in Course 2095A, Implementing Microsoft ® SharePoint ™ PortalServer 2001 Preparation Tasks To prepare for this module, you should: Read all of the materials for this module. Read the instructor notes and margin notes for this module. Complete the labs. Presentation: 135 Minutes Lab: 30 Minutes iv Module9:ManagingSharePointPortalServerModule Strategy Use the following strategy to present this module: Examining the Web Storage System Explain the fundamental properties of the Web Storage System. Explain how to remount the installable file system (IFS) drive (drive M). Explain how to use the Public Folders store in SharePointPortal Server. Explain the document management capabilities of the Web Storage System, including the differences between the Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server and SharePointPortalServer implementations of that technology. ManagingSharePointPortalServer Describe the various management functions of the administrator role in SharePointPortal Server, including managing configuring server settings, workspace settings, resource usage, server load options, and file locations, as well as administering services. Monitoring SharePointPortalServer Explain and demonstrate how to monitor SharePointPortalServer by viewing the Microsoft Windows ® 2000 event log, the application log in Windows 2000 Event Viewer. Explain how to use the Performance Microsoft Management Console in Windows 2000 to monitor performance counters of the DMX Knowledge Management Server, MSExchange OLEDB Resource, and Exchange Server HTTP Extensions objects. Backing Up SharePointPortalServer Explain that administrators can use backup and restore procedures on SharePointPortalServer in order to recover an entire server. Explain how to plan a backup operation and then perform the operation by using the msdmback.vbs utility. Describe the causes and resolution of common backup problems. Restoring SharePointPortalServer Explain how to plan a restore operation for SharePointPortal Server. Explain how to perform a restore operation by using the msdmback.vbs utility. Explain how to use a restore operation to recover from a server failure. Describe the cause and resolution of common restore problems. Module9:ManagingSharePointPortalServer v Customization Information This section identifies the lab setup requirements for a module and the configuration changes that occur on student computers during the labs. This information is provided to assist you in duplicating or customizing Training and Certification courseware. The lab in this module is also dependent on the classroom configuration that is specified in the Customization Information section at the end of the Classroom Setup Guide for Course 2095A, Implementing Microsoft ® SharePoint ™ PortalServer 2001. Lab Setup There are no lab setup requirements that affect duplication or customization. Lab Results There are no configuration changes on student computers that affect duplication or customization. Importan t Module9:ManagingSharePointPortalServer 1 Overview Examining the Web Storage System ManagingSharePointPortalServer Monitoring SharePointPortalServer Backing Up SharePointPortalServer Restoring SharePointPortalServer *****************************I LLEGAL FOR N ON -T RAINER U SE ***************************** After completing this module, you will be able to: Locate and manage files and folders in the Microsoft ® Web Storage System. Manage the computer running Microsoft SharePoint ™ PortalServer 2001. Monitor SharePointPortalServer by using System Monitor. Back up SharePointPortal Server. Restore SharePointPortal Server. Topic Objective To provide an overview of the module topics and objectives. Lead-in In this module, you will learn how to manage, monitor, back up, and restore a SharePointPortalServer computer. The topic of server duplication is covered in Module 10, “Examining an Enterprise-Level Implementation,” in Course 2095A, Implementing Microsoft ® SharePoint ™ PortalServer 2001. 2 Module9:ManagingSharePointPortalServer Examining the Web Storage System Mounting the IFS Drive (Drive M) To remount drive M To permanently enable drive M The Public Folders Store in SharePointPortalServer SharePointPortalServer Setup installs a Public Folders store during the installation process Document Management and the Web Storage System Differences between Web Storage System implementations *****************************I LLEGAL FOR N ON -T RAINER U SE ***************************** SharePointPortalServer uses the same Web Storage System technology that is used by Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server. However, SharePointPortalServer does not mount drive M by default the way Exchange 2000 Server does. The Web Storage System provides SharePointPortalServer with an efficient and highly accessible data storage facility. Understanding the underlying architecture of the Web Storage System and the methods for accessing stored components will help you to manage, maintain, and troubleshoot a SharePointPortalServer computer. The Web Storage System combines the features and functionality of the file system, the Web, and a collaboration server in a single location. The Web Storage System comes with both Exchange 2000 Server and SharePointPortal Server. You can use the Web Storage System for storing, accessing, and managing data, as well as for building and running programs. Mounting the IFS Drive (Drive M) The installable file system (IFS) drive is not mounted by default when you install SharePointPortal Server. However, you may want to use IFS access for the following tasks: Read-only access to the document library Microsoft FrontPage ® Server Extensions Web Storage System development by means of IFS Topic Objective To present the function of the Web Storage System in SharePointPortal Server. Lead-in The Web Storage System in SharePointPortalServer supports only one database per server, a Public Folders store. Let your students know that if they want more information about the departmental Web Storage System that ships with SharePointPortal Server, they can refer to the document Microsoft SharePointPortalServer 2001 as a Collaborative Solution Platform.htm, which is located under Additional Reading on the Web page on the Student Materials compact disc. Module9:ManagingSharePointPortalServer 3 To remount drive M: 1. Open a Command Prompt. 2. Type SUBST M: \\.\backofficestorage Note that SharePointPortalServer Setup still uses drive M during setup and repair. This has the following issues: • Drive M is added to the backup exclusion list for Microsoft Windows NT ® backup. You will not see any drives mounted as M under the Windows NT backup utility. You can reset this by using the backup utility for Windows NT. • If there are no free drive letters, the repair option of Setup will not succeed. Unmap another drive in order for repair to succeed. To permanently enable drive M: • In Registry Editor, set the following registry key: HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\EXIFS\Parameters and set the DriveLetter value to M. To temporarily enable drive M: • In the Registry Editor, set the following registry key: SUBST M: \\.\backofficestorage For more information about the IFS drive, see the Readme.doc file on the SharePointPortalServer compact disc. The Public Folders Store in SharePointPortalServer The top-level unit of storage in the Web Storage System is a database. The database file is a Joint Engine Technology (JET) database (.mdb) that efficiently provides access to the information that is stored in it. Although the Web Storage System in Exchange 2000 supports multiple databases, the Web Storage System in SharePointPortalServer only supports one database per server, a Public Folders store. Note Let students know that administrators should not use the Exchange System Manager to manage the SharePointPortalServer Web Storage System. You may also want to mention the Eseutil and Isinteg utilities. Both will work with the SharePointPortalServer Web Storage System, but they are not currently supported. The Eseutil utility can perform an offline defragmentation, which releases unused hard disk space from the SharePointPortalServer database to the file system. For more information, direct students to the MSDN Web site. 4 Module9:ManagingSharePointPortalServerSharePointPortalServer Setup installs a Public Folders store during the installation process. This process is summarized as follows: 1. SharePointPortalServer Setup creates a public virtual root in the Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) metabase. The metabase functions as a registry for IIS. Use the Internet Services Manager, an IIS snap-in, to manage the metabase. 2. The public virtual root points to the root of the Public Folders store in the Web Storage System. Setup also creates a workspace and a corresponding folder in the Public Folders tree in the Workspaces folder, along with a virtual root of the workspace name that points directly to the workspace. Although you can use IFS to view the workspace structure, you should refrain from doing so. You should always use Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to display and manage the contents of your workspace by using Web folders. Using IFS bypasses the HTTP protocols upon which many SharePointPortalServer services are built; therefore, you will not be able to perform specific SharePointPortalServer actions or set security by using roles. Document Management and the Web Storage System The Web Storage System provides an HTTP/Distributed Authoring and Versioning (HTTP/DAV) server component that resides in the IIS process and exposes a high-performance HTTP/DAV protocol in the Web Storage System. The HTTP/DAV component allows a client to perform file-system type operations on a remote server. The SharePointPortalServer client-side OLE-DB 2.5 implementation, Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Internet Publishing (MSDAIPP), communicates with the Web Storage System by using HTTP/DAV. These two components provide document management functions to Web browser clients and SharePointPortalServer Web folder clients. Note [...]... for managingSharePointPortalServerManaging the server involves configuring server settings, balancing resource usage, setting server load options, defining file locations, configuring workspace settings, and administering services Module 9:ManagingSharePointPortalServer 7 Configuring Server Settings Topic Objective To present SharePointPortalServer Administration Lead-in Use SharePoint Portal. .. index creation, SharePointPortalServer encounters 32 consecutive time-outs related to one server, SharePointPortalServer designates the server as unavailable and does not process any requests to that server for the next 10 minutes SharePointPortalServer records an access error in the gatherer log By default, the wait time is 20 seconds 14 Module9:ManagingSharePointPortalServer Defining... error message appears 3 Click OK Module 9:ManagingSharePointPortalServer 15 Relocating Workspace Indexes When a workspace is created, SharePointPortalServer creates an index under the workspace root SharePointPortalServer also creates all indexes that are propagated to the SharePointPortalServer computer under this root To change this path, use SharePointPortalServer Administration Important... Implementing Microsoft® SharePointPortalServer 2001 Module 9:ManagingSharePointPortalServer 17 Relocating Web Storage System Files You can use SharePointPortalServer Administration to specify the path to the Web Storage System files WSS-Database Every SharePointPortalServer computer contains one public store (WSS.mdb) All workspaces that are hosted on the SharePointPortalServer computer reside... will not succeed if the original server has a different version of the Web Storage System than the server that is being restored For example, you cannot back up a SharePointPortalServer computer that also has Exchange 2000 Server installed on it and then restore it to a server with only SharePointPortalServer installed on it 28 Module9:ManagingSharePointPortalServer Planning Your Backup Process... Course 2019A, Building Solutions in Microsoft Exchange 2000 With the Web Storage System 6 Module9:ManagingSharePointPortalServerManagingSharePointPortalServer Topic Objective To outline this topic Lead-in The administrator uses SharePointPortalServer Administration to manage the server Configuring Server Settings Balancing Resource Usage Setting Load Options Defining File Locations Administering... a workspace name in the console tree of SharePointPortalServer Administration, you can access the same workspace Properties page that is displayed by double-clicking Workspace Settings 22 Module9:ManagingSharePointPortalServer Monitoring SharePointPortalServer Topic Objective To outline this topic Lead-in The administrator monitors SharePointPortalServer by viewing the Windows 2000 event... installing SharePointPortal Server, open SharePointPortalServer Administration by clicking Start, pointing to Programs, pointing to Administrative Tools, and then clicking SharePointPortalServer Administration Click the name of the SharePointPortalServer computer in the console tree, and then use the Action menu to access the New Workspace Wizard and the Properties page of the SharePointPortal Server. .. by SharePointPortalServer Exchange 5.5 Enable and configure searches of Exchange 5.5 content Other Restrict Web discussions to items that are stored in workspaces on the server Note For more information about using the Proxy Server tab and the Accounts tab, see Module 6, “Adding and Managing External Content,” in Course 2095A, Implementing Microsoft® SharePointPortalServer 2001 Module 9: Managing. .. Server documentation Module 9:ManagingSharePointPortalServer 25 Monitoring Performance Counters Topic Objective To present the System Monitor objects that are used to monitor SharePointPortalServer Lead-in There are several objects that can be used to monitor SharePointPortal Server, including System Monitor objects, the MSExchange OLEDB Resource object, and the Exchange Server HTTP Extensions . System 2 Managing SharePoint Portal Server 6 Monitoring SharePoint Portal Server 22 Backing Up SharePoint Portal Server 27 Restoring SharePoint Portal Server. SharePoint Portal Server. Monitor SharePoint Portal Server by using System Monitor. Back up SharePoint Portal Server. Restore SharePoint Portal Server.