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Tài liệu Module 7: Managing Server Objects in Exchange 2000 pptx

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&RQWHQWV## 2YHUYLHZ#4# 8VLQJ#([FKDQJH#6\VWHP#0DQDJHU#5# /DE#$=#([SORULQJ#([FKDQJH#6\VWHP## 0DQDJHU#<# 0DQDJLQJ#$GGUHVV#/LVWV# 45# /DE#%=#&UHDWLQJ#DQ#$GGUHVV#/LVW#LQ# ([FKDQJH#5333# 47# 0DQDJLQJ#$GPLQLVWUDWLYH#*URXSV# 4:# /DE#&=#&UHDWLQJ#DQG#0DQDJLQJ## $GPLQLVWUDWLYH#*URXSV# 56# &UHDWLQJ#5HFLSLHQW#3ROLFLHV# 5;# 8VLQJ#([FKDQJH#5333#3ROLFLHV# 63# /DE#'=#&UHDWLQJ#DQG#$SSO\LQJ## ([FKDQJH#5333#3ROLFLHV# 73# 5HYLHZ# 84# # Module 7: Managing Server Objects in Exchange 2000 Information in this document is subject to change without notice. The names of companies, products, people, characters, and/or data mentioned herein are fictitious and are in no way intended to represent any real individual, company, product, or event, unless otherwise noted. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation. If, however, your only means of access is electronic, permission to print one copy is hereby granted. Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property.  2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, MS-DOS, MS, Windows, Windows NT, Active Directory directory service, ActiveX, BackOffice, FrontPage, Hotmail, MSN, Outlook, PowerPoint, SQL Server, Visual Studios, and Win32, are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S.A. and/or other countries. The names of companies, products, people, characters, and/or data mentioned herein are fictitious and are in no way intended to represent any real individual, company, product, or event, unless otherwise noted. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. Project Lead: David Phillips Instructional Designers: Lance Morrison (Wasser), Janet Sheperdigian, Steve Thues Lead Program Manager: Mark Adcock Program Manager: Lyle Curry, Scott Hay, Janice Howd, Steve Schwartz (Implement.Com), Bill Wade (Wadeware LLC) Graphic Artist: Kimberly Jackson, Andrea Heuston (Artitudes Layout and Design) Editing Manager: Lynette Skinner Editor: Elizabeth Reese (Write Stuff) Copy Editor: Ed Casper (S&T Consulting), Carolyn Emory (S&T Consulting), Patricia Neff (S&T Consulting), Noelle Robertson (S&T Consulting) Online Program Manager: Debbi Conger Online Publications Manager: Arlo Emerson (Aquent Partners) Online Support: Eric Brandt Multimedia Developer : Kelly Renner (Entex) Compact Disc Testing: Data Dimensions, Inc. Production Support: Ed Casper (S&T Consulting) Manufacturing Manager: Bo Galford Manufacturing Support: Rick Terek Lead Product Manager, Development Services: Lead Product Manager: David Bramble Group Product Manager: Robert Stewart # 0RGXOH#:=#0DQDJLQJ#6HUYHU#2EMHFWV#LQ#([FKDQJH#5333# # LLL# ,QVWUXFWRU#1RWHV## This module focuses on the differences between managing servers in Microsoft ® Exchange Server version 5.5 and Microsoft Exchange 2000. Students will be introduced to the main Exchange 2000 console, which is Exchange System Manager. Administrative groups are discussed in detail. This module also includes topics covering address lists, policies, and multimedia mail. These are new objects to Exchange 2000 that are all administered in Exchange System Manager and do not warrant their own module. At the end of this module, students will use Exchange System Manager to create and manage administration groups, create various policies, and create and manage address lists. 0DWHULDOV#DQG#3UHSDUDWLRQ# This section provides you with the required materials and preparation tasks that are needed to teach this module. 5HTXLUHG#0DWHULDOV# To teach this module, you need the following materials: • Microsoft PowerPoint ® file 1569A_07.ppt 3UHSDUDWLRQ#7DVNV# To prepare for this module, you should: „# Read all of the materials for this module. „# Complete the lab. „# Practice your Exchange System Manager demonstration. 3UHVHQWDWLRQ=## 78#0LQXWHV# # /DE=# :3#0LQXWHV# LY##0RGXOH#:=#0DQDJLQJ#6HUYHU#2EMHFWV#LQ#([FKDQJH#5333# ,QVWUXFWRU#6HWXS#IRU#D#/DE# This section provides lab tips for labs in this module. /DE#%=#$GPLQLVWUDWLYH#*URXSV# A student’s administrative group (your_servername AG) may disappear from the Exchange System Manager console. It is actually still there, but the permissions on the administrative group may have been lost or set such that no users have access to it, and therefore they cannot see it. This can be corrected by using the Windows 2000 Resource Kit utility ADSIEdit to re-apply the default permissions to the administrative group. The following text gives the path in the configuration partition of Active Directory that contains the administrative groups for the Exchange organization: &RQILJXUDWLRQ# &RQWDLQHU?&1 &RQILJXUDWLRQ/'& QZWUDGHUV/'& PVIW?&1 6HUYLFHV?# &1 0LFURVRIW#([FKDQJH?&1 1RUWKZLQG#7UDGHUV?&1 $GPLQLVWUDWLYH# *URXSV# Follow these steps to correct the permissions problem: 1. Select the Administrative Groups container in the console tree. A list of administrative groups appears in the details pane on the right. The administrative groups that have a permissions problem will have a notepad icon, and no sub-containers. 2. Select the administrative group that has permissions problems, and then click Properties . 3. Click OK if you receive any error messages. 4. Click the Security tab, and add Domain Admins, Enterprise Admins, and Exchange Admins with Full Control. 5. Click OK . 6. Select the Administrative Groups container on the right, and refresh the screen until the administrative group shows the correct folder icon and you can see sub-containers. 7. Repeat for any affected administrative groups. # 0RGXOH#:=#0DQDJLQJ#6HUYHU#2EMHFWV#LQ#([FKDQJH#5333# # Y# 0RGXOH#6WUDWHJ\# Use the following strategy to present this module: „# Using Exchange System Manager Explain how Exchange System Manager starts. Demonstrate the top-level objects and the server object properties. „# Creating and Using Address Lists Explain how to create and manage address lists. „# Managing Administrative Groups Explain the purpose of administrative groups and demonstrate how to create and manage administrative groups. „# Creating Recipient Policies Explain the purpose of recipient policies and demonstrate how to configure a recipient policy. „# Using Policies Explain what policies are. Demonstrate how to create each of the policies that can be created. Show the various settings that can be made. # 0RGXOH#:=#0DQDJLQJ#6HUYHU#2EMHFWV#LQ#([FKDQJH#5333# # 4# 2YHUYLHZ# „ 8VLQJ#([FKDQJH#6\VWHP#0DQDJHU „ 0DQDJLQJ#$GGUHVV#/LVWV „ 0DQDJLQJ#$GPLQLVWUDWLYH#*URXSV „ &UHDWLQJ#5HFLSLHQW#3ROLFLHV „ 8VLQJ#([FKDQJH#5333#3ROLFLHV Exchange System Manager is the management tool for Microsoft ® Exchange 2000. This Manager, in Microsoft Management Console (MMC), allows you to administer computers running Exchange 2000 Server and the Exchange organization. Specific objects are discussed throughout the course, but this module focuses on using the tool and covers certain objects that are not discussed elsewhere. At the end of this module, the student will be able to: „# Use Exchange System Manager to create and manage a variety of system objects. „# Plan and create administrative groups for a given situation. „# Create and manage address lists. „# Define, create, and manage policies. „# Configure server-side multimedia messaging properties. 6OLGH#2EMHFWLYH# 7R#SURYLGH#DQ#RYHUYLHZ#RI# WKH#PRGXOH#WRSLFV#DQG# REMHFWLYHV1# /HDG0LQ# ,Q#WKLV#PRGXOH/#\RX#ZLOO#OHDUQ# KRZ#WR#PDQDJH#VHUYHU# REMHFWV#XVLQJ#([FKDQJH# 6\VWHP#0DQDJHU1# 5# # 0RGXOH#:=#0DQDJLQJ#6HUYHU#2EMHFWV#LQ#([FKDQJH#5333# ‹‹ # 8VLQJ#([FKDQJH#6\VWHP#0DQDJHU# „ 6WDUWLQJ#([FKDQJH#6\VWHP#0DQDJHU „ 2UJDQL]DWLRQ#2EMHFW#3URSHUWLHV „ 7RS0/HYHO#&RQWDLQHUV „ 6HUYHU#2EMHFW#3URSHUWLHV „ 8VLQJ#([FKDQJH#6\VWHP#0DQDJHU You will use Exchange System Manager in MMC to perform Microsoft Exchange 2000 administration. This manages all Exchange 2000 settings and tasks. The following are the primary development goals for Exchange System Manager: „# Provide a framework for containing all other Exchange snap-ins, so that an entire Exchange enterprise can be managed from a single console. „# Provide a consistent administrative experience for administrators who deal with all facets of Exchange, including user management, public folders, servers, routing, and policies. „# Enable customers to rename and move as many of the objects in the console tree as possible. 6OLGH#2EMHFWLYH# 7R#JLYH#DQ#RYHUYLHZ#RI#WKLV# WRSLF1# /HDG0LQ# $OO#([FKDQJH#5333#V\VWHP# PDQDJHPHQW#LV#SHUIRUPHG# IURP#WKH#([FKDQJH#6\VWHP# 0DQDJHU#FRQVROH1# # 0RGXOH#:=#0DQDJLQJ#6HUYHU#2EMHFWV#LQ#([FKDQJH#5333# # 6# 6WDUWLQJ#([FKDQJH#6\VWHP#0DQDJHU# „ &RQQHFWV#WR#&ORVHVW#'RPDLQ#&RQWUROOHU#WR#3URYLGH# 'LUHFWRU\#,QIRUPDWLRQ „ &DQ#%H#0RGLILHG#WR#&KRRVH#D#6SHFLILF#'RPDLQ# &RQWUROOHU Exchange System Manager is accessible in a saved console file in the Microsoft Exchange program group. Exchange System Manager will, by default, connect to a domain controller on the same subnet, as determined by your DNS entries. If no domain controller exists on the same subnet as the computer running Exchange System Manager, a domain controller will be chosen from within the same Windows 2000 site. Exchange System Manager then queries Active Directory ™ directory service to populate the console with data applicable to Exchange 2000. When you start Exchange System Manager by using the shortcut in the Start menu, the closest domain controller will be accessed. If you want to direct the console to a specific domain controller, then you must add the snap-in to an MMC console by using the Add/Remove command in MMC. Prior to adding the snap-in to the console you will be prompted at that time for the specific domain controller to administer. This domain controller information will be maintained in the saved console file. You may want to override the default domain controller in the following scenarios: „# You need to bypass Active Directory replication latency. „# You want to connect to a specific domain in the Windows 2000 forest. „# You want to use the same administrator computer to connect to multiple domain controllers in different Windows 2000 forests to manage different companies or divisions. 6OLGH#2EMHFWLYH# 7R#H[SODLQ#KRZ#([FKDQJH# 6\VWHP#0DQDJHU#FRQQHFWV# WR#$FWLYH#'LUHFWRU\#GXULQJ# VWDUWXS1# /HDG0LQ# ([FKDQJH#6\VWHP#0DQDJHU# GLVSOD\V#GDWD#IURP#WKH# :LQGRZV#5333#GRPDLQ# $FWLYH#'LUHFWRU\1# 7# # 0RGXOH#:=#0DQDJLQJ#6HUYHU#2EMHFWV#LQ#([FKDQJH#5333# 2UJDQL]DWLRQ#2EMHFW#3URSHUWLHV# Northwind Traders Properties OK A pply A pply Cancel Help General Details Administrative views O peration mode: Native Mode [no pre-Exchange 2000 servers] Security Dis play administrative groups Dis play administrative groups Northwind Traders Configure whether your organization employs routing groups and administrative groups Display routing groups The Organization object is the top-level container for all other Exchange 2000 system objects. The Organization object has the following options. Tab Option Function General Display routing groups Displays the organization’s routing group information. This option is disabled by default and can only be enabled in Exchange 2000 Beta 3 if you are operating in native mode. Display administrative groups Displays the organization’s administrative groups. This option is disabled by default. Operation mode Displays whether the organization is running in mixed mode or native mode. By default, servers will run in mixed mode. Change operation mode Converts the organization to native mode only when you are certain you will no longer be coexisting with Exchange Server 5.5. This action is not reversible. Details Creation Date Displays when the Organization object is created in Active Directory. Last Modification Displays the date and time of the last modification to the Organization object. Administrative note Provides additional information about the Exchange organization. 6OLGH#2EMHFWLYH# 7R#GHVFULEH#WKH# 2UJDQL]DWLRQ#REMHFW# SURSHUWLHV#IRU#DQ# ([FKDQJH#5333# RUJDQL]DWLRQ1# /HDG0LQ# 7KH#2UJDQL]DWLRQ#REMHFW#LV# WKH#WRS0OHYHO#FRQWDLQHU#IRU#DQ# ([FKDQJH#5333# RUJDQL]DWLRQ1# [...]... networks Administrative groups are implemented in Exchange 2000 with the following goals: „# Provide a simple way to organize administrative objects into groupings for navigation and granting permissions „# Provide a mapping container for legacy Exchange sites in Exchange 2000 „# Provide a way to easily move objects between administrative groups „# Limit exposure of administrative groups in the user interface... Exchange system objects is new in Exchange 2000 Policy usage is a way for administrators to define properties on a set of objects by defining those properties on a single policy object There are server, public store, and mailbox store policies These policies should not be confused with Windows 2000 policies In Exchange 2000, the following objects are supported: „# Mailbox store „# Public store „# Server. .. Policies container Policies created in this container can then be applied to objects in other administrative groups by the region or division administrators 1RWH# In Exchange Server 5.5, properties set per site cannot be applied to objects in other sites However, in Exchange 2000, objects defined within an administrative group can be applied throughout an Exchange 2000 organization For example, you can create... new administrative group during installation of an Exchange server ,PSRUWDQW# In Exchange 2000 Beta 3, the Exchange System Manager interface allows you to move servers between administrative groups, but the results are unpredictable Therefore, add any new administrative groups before you install additional servers (VWDEOLVKLQJ#3HUPLVVLRQV# To establish permissions, you add the appropriate Windows 2000. .. mail exchanger for each email domain you plan to define in your company For example, if you have three Exchange servers and each one is handling incoming mail for multiple departments, and each user has multiple valid SMTP addresses, you will need to define each computer running Exchange in DNS with a mail exchanger (MX) record to identify the three domains to be handled by a particular Exchange server. .. # Exchange System Manager is an MMC console that provides a two-pane view, displaying the administration containers on the left (console tree) and leaf objects on the right (details pane) Objects can be moved in Exchange System Manager by dragging and dropping For example, you can drag a policy from one administrative group to another ,PSRUWDQW# In Exchange 2000 Beta 3, moving servers between administrative... „# If a single administrative group exists, then the server will automatically be added to that administrative group „# If multiple administrative groups exist, Setup will prompt the user to select the administrative group in which it should create this server 5HPRYLQJ#DQ#([FKDQJH#5333#6HUYHU# You may also need to remove a computer running Exchange 2000 When uninstalling the last server in an Exchange. .. deployment phase of Exchange 2000, all administrators had been added to the Domain Admins and Exchange Admins groups in Windows 2000 This approach has given each administrator the ability to modify all servers in the organization After other administrators have made a few configuration mistakes with your server, you decide to set security so that only you can modify the attributes on your server You want... 15 minutes to explore the properties of other objects in the Exchange System Manager Think of tasks that you would perform in Exchange Server 5.x and attempt to locate the equivalent location in Exchange System Manager a If necessary, expand Northwind Traders (Exchange) b Expand Tools c Right-click Message Tracking Center, and then click Track Message d Review the interface for the Message Tracking... 58# (continued) Tasks Detailed Steps Why do you still have the ability to modify the configuration of your partner’s server even though your servers are in different administrative groups? The security settings on the administrative group are currently set to allow the Domain Admins and the Exchange Admins groups administrative control of the group Currently all student accounts in Windows 2000 are . /DE#'=#&UHDWLQJ#DQG#$SSOLQJ## ([FKDQJH#5333#3ROLFLHV# 73# 5HYLHZ# 84# # Module 7: Managing Server Objects in Exchange 2000 Information in this document is subject to change without. This module focuses on the differences between managing servers in Microsoft ® Exchange Server version 5.5 and Microsoft Exchange 2000. Students will be introduced

Ngày đăng: 09/12/2013, 17:15