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While- listening: - Ask Ss to look at exercise B2, read the dialogue in exerciseB1 again and use the short answers to practice the questions and answers in pairs.. - Call on some pairs t[r]

(1)Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B / /2009 /2009 Period 55 Unit At home and away A A holiday in nha trang.(A1) I.Objectives By the end pf the lesson, Ss will be able to practice listening and speaking the conversation about one vacation in Nha Trang to understand it details Language focus Vocabulary: vacation, delicious, aquarium, souvenir Structures: The past simple tense Language skill: IV Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Picture of Nha Trang, sub board Video tape Student’s: textbook V Procedures organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Checking up: New lesson Teacher and Students’ activities Contents 1.Warm up: - Absent Ss: 2.Presentation: Teacher ask: - What you always in summer? - Do you like traveling? - What can we when we visit Nha Trang? Ss: …………… T: Introduce: “We are going to listen to a conversation between BA and Liz They are talking about Liz’s vacation in Nha Trang You listen and tell me what they did there” Practice: T: play the tape once - Introduce “ Trong ®o¹n héi tho¹i, tÊt c¶ c¸c hành động mà Liz kể lại xảy quá khứ * The past simple tense: Thì quá khứ đơn gi¶n: §éng tõ tobe : (+) I, he, she, it +was + …… (2) Vì các động từ diễn tả hành động We, you, they + were +…… này đã đợc dùng thì quá khứ đơn giản” (-) I, he, she, it + was not +…… : We, you, they +were not +…… (?) Was + I, he, she, it + O ? Were + you, they, we + O? - Yes, S + was/ were - No, S +were not/ was not §éng tõ thêng: (+) S + V-ed +O (-) S + did not +V- infinitive (?) Did + S + V- infi +O…? - Yes, S + did - No, S +did not 3.C¸ch dïng: Diễn tả hành động đã hoàn tất thêi ®iÓm hoÆc mét kho¶ng thêi gian x¸c định quá khứ Thờng với các trạng tõ chØ thêi gian nh : yesterday, lastnight, last year, ago Example: I visited my friend yesterday We did not go to school */ t / kÕt thóc lµ mét phô ©m v« thanh: walked, worked, laughed * /d/ kÕt thóc lf mét phô ©m h÷u thanh: T: Explain the pronunciation of “- ED” opened, learned /id/ động từ kết thúc là /t/ /d/: started, needed * Một số động từ bất qui tắc: Take – took Buy _ bought Have _ had * New words: - vacation : Kú nghØ Ss: Listen to the tape, and then practice the - delicious : ngon dialogue in pairs - aquarium : bÓ, hå c¸ - souvenir : Qu¶ lu niÖm T: Introduce the new words SS: Read the dialogue carefully and *3.Answers: Liz bought souvenirs exercise in “Now answer” liz visited Tri Nguyen Aquarium Liz returned to Ha Noi - Compare the answers with a partner Liz went to Nha Trang T: Call on some Ss to read the answers Liz talked about her vacation - Correct and give the correct answers - Prepare”A2” 4.Consolidation: T: Call on some pairs to practice the dialogue again - Ask some Ss to make sentences, using the past simple tense 5.Homework: (3) (4) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B / /2009 /2009 Unit At home and away Period 56: A A holiday in nha trang.(A2) I Objectives By the end of the lesson, SS read a short story to understand and they can retell the summary of the story with the pictures given Language focus Vocabulary: vacation, delicious, aquarium, souvenir Structures: The past simple tense Language skill: IV Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Picture of Nha Trang, sub board Video tape Student’s: textbook V Procedures organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Checking up: write new words New lesson Contents Teacher and Students’ activities 1.Warm up: Absent Ss : - Checking the old lesson: T: Call on some pairs to practice the dialogue in A1 and translate it into Vietnamese Pre- reading T: ask Ss some questions in A1 _ How was Liz’s vacation? _ What did she think of Nha Trang? _ What places did she visit? T: Introduce:” In the last period, you heard Liz telling about her vacation in Nha Trang with her family In today’s lesson, we will read the text about one of the most interesting and memorable activities which Liz and her family did during the vacation the visit to Tri Nguyen Aquarium Can you guess what Liz and her family did during the *New words: visit to Tri Nguyen Aquarium” C¸ mËp T: Read the text and explain the new words shark: dolphin: C¸ heo and the past form of irregulars verbs - turtle: Con rïa - colorful: NhiÒu mÇu s¾c - exit: Lèi - cap: Mò lìi trai - crab: Con cua (5) - noodles: M×, phë -Instead: Thay vào đó * Irregular verbs: - go – went - see- saw - think – thought - wear – wore - eat – ate Answers: a Her parents went to the aquarium with her 3.While – reading: Ss: read the text and find the answers for the b They saw sharks, dolphins, turtles and many different types of fish questions c They bought a cap and a poster _ Compare the answers with a partner d Yes, she did Liz wore the cap all T: Call on some Ss to read the answers day _ Correct and give the correct answers e Yes, they ate fish and crab f Because she remembered the beautiful fish in the aquarium * Answers: a The Robinsons went to the aquarium 4.Post- reading : T: ask Ss to read the text once again and b They saw sharks, dolphins, turtles, and many colorful fish translate it into Vietnamese Ss: look at the pictures and the story of Liz’s c There was a souvenir shop near the exit of the aquarium trip to Tri Nguyen Aquarium d Mr Robinson bought Liz a cap T: call on some Ss to tell the story with a picture of a dolphin on it Mrs - correct and give suggested answers Robinson bought a poster e After their visit to the aquarium, the Robinsons went to a footstall Mr and Mrs Robinson ate fish and crab and Liz ate noodles 5.Homework: - Revise the lesson - Prepare “A3” (6) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B / /2009 /2009 Unit At home and away Period 57: A A holiday in nha trang.(A3.4) I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + Listen to the trip of Liz’s family to Nha Trang to get information and choose the sentence in each pair which contains the similar information on the tape + To revise practicing the simple past tense by reading a diary and correcting the false sentences Language focus Vocabulary: unfortunately, peaceful, roadside restaurant, peanut, keep in touch, improve, talk, arrive, rent, move Structures: Revise the simple past tense Language skill: Practice reading and listening skills IV Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Teaching plan, Cassette, pictures, extra – board Students’: Textbook, workbook V Procedures organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Checking up: - Retell what Liz and her family during the trip to Nha Trang New lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3.1.Warm up: - Ask Ss play the game “Rub out and - Play the game remember” about the new words in the last period 3.2 Listen: * Pre- listening: - Ask Ss: - Answer the questions + Can you tell me about Liz’s trip to Nha Trang? + How did they return to Ha Noi? + What time did they arrive home? T: Introduce: ‘In the last period, you know what Liz and her family did during the trip to Nha Trang In this activity, you will have a chance to know more about their trip such as: means of transport, arrive time,…” * While- listening : - Have Ss looked at exercise A3 and the sentences given - Introduce “We are going to listen to a tape about the trip of Liz’s family to Nha Trang You listen to it and choose the sentence in (7) each pair which contains the similar information on the tape” T: Play the tape times Ss: Listen and exercise - Call on some Ss to read the answers - Correct and give the correct answers - Play the tape again and introduce the new words - Read the sentences, - Listen and find out the answers - Compare the answers with a partner *Answers: b, d, e, h, j, *New words: + unfortunately: ThËt kh«ng may + peaceful: Yªn b×nh + roadside restaurant: Nhà hàng ven đờng + peanut: §Ëu phéng, L¹c *Post- listening : - Ask Ss to work in groups of 4, one Ss is Liz - Work in pairs and others are her classmates Ask Liz about her recent trip to Nha Trang and back to Ha Noi - Call on some groups to practice *Example Exchanges: - Correct S1: Where did you go in Nha Trang? S2: ……………………………… S3: What did you see? S2: ……………………………… S4: How did you travel back? 3.3 Read: S2: ……………………………… * Pre- reading - Ask Ss to look at exercise A4 and then answer the questions: + Do you write diary? + What you always write in your diary? - Discuss in groups of to find the answers - Introduce: “Liz and Ba are friends This morning, they met each other Can you guess what they talked about?” - Introduce and explain the new words * New word: +keep in touch: Gi÷ liªn l¹c + improve: Ph¸t triÓn, tiÕn bé + arrive: Tới , đến + rent: Thuª - Help the Ss to revise the past form of the + move: ChuyÓn tíi verbs * Past simple: improve – improved talk – talked Arrive – arrived Rent – rented move – moved * While- reading: - Ask Ss to read exercise A4 “ Ba’s diary” - Ask Ss some questions: + Where did Liz and her parents arrive in Ha Noi from? + What does Mr Robinson do? + How old is Liz? + What does Ba collect? - Call on some Ss to answer the questions: - Answer the questions - Give feedback and answers - Work in pairs; look at exercise A4; read the diary careful and make sentences true - Compare the answers with partners * Now make sentences true (8) - Call on some Ss to read the answers - Correct and give the correct answers: * Post- reading: - Have Ss written their diaries about what they did yesterday - Call on some Ss to read their writings - Correct Example: - Mr Robinson came to Viet Nam on vacation - Mr Robinson came to Viet Nam to work *Answers: a Liz lives next door to Ba b Liz learned Vietnamese in Viet Nam c Ba collects stamps d Liz’ aunt lives in New York e The Robinson moved to the other side of Ha Noi f The Robinson moved Now Ba is sad g Ba will see Liz next week Drill: Vocabulary: unfortunately, peaceful, roadside restaurant, peanut, keep in touch, improve, talk, arrive, rent, move Structures: Revise the simple past tense Homework: - Summarize main points - Learn by heart the past simple form of irregular verbs you’ve learned and the pronunciation of them - Talk about what you did yesterday - Prepare “B1, B2” (9) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B / /2009 /2009 Unit At home and away Period 58: b- Neighbors (b1, b2) I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practice asking and answering with the past simple tense Language focus Vocabulary: cut, hairdresser, neighbor, material, dressmaker, make Structures: Did you buy the dress? +Yes, I did / No, I didn’t Language skill: Practice listening skill IV Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Teaching plan, Cassette, pictures, extra – board Students’: Textbook, workbook V Procedures organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Checking up: - Talk about the things you did yesterday Example: I listened to the radio last night New lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3.1.Warm up: - Ask other Ss to talk about the things they - Work in pairs, discuss and write did last week Example: - Call on some Ss to check + We went to the Kim Xuyen market - Correct and give suggested answers + …………………………………… 3.2.Pre- listening: Listen Then practice - Introduce the picture in exercise B1 and ask Ss: + Look at the picture and guess what they - Work in pairs; discuss to find out the answers are doing? - Set the scene ″Lan and Hoa are friends They are talking Now listen to the tape and tell me what they are talking about?” - Play the tape once *New words: - Introduce the new words + to cut: C¾t + hairdresser (n): Thî uèn tãc - Ask Ss to make sentences with the new + neighbor (n): Hµng xãm + material (n): V¶i words + dressmaker (n): Thî may ( n÷) + make- made : Lµm, chÕ t¹o - Play the tape once more - Call on some pairs to practice - Correct - Listen then practice the dialogue in pairs * Structures: What + N ! Examples: (10) -Help Ss to revise the compliments with WHAT+ N! - Call on some Ss to read the answers - Correct and give the correct answers 3.3 While- listening: - Ask Ss to look at exercise B2, read the dialogue in exerciseB1 again and use the short answers to practice the questions and answers in pairs - Call on some pairs to practice - Correct and give the correct answers +What a nice dress! +What a clever woman! +What a nice neighbor! - Read the dialogue again and answer the questions - Compare the answers with a friend * Now answer: a She’s a hairdresser b She’s a dressmaker Answer: Example: S1: Did you go to school yesterday? S2: Yes, I did / No, I didn’t *Answers: a No, she didn’t b No, she didn’t c Yes, she did * Example Exchanges: S1: Did you help your mom last week? 3.4 Post – listening: - Ask Ss to use ″YES-NO” questions to ask S2: Yes, I did / No, I didn’t and answer about what they did yesterday or last week Drill: Vocabulary: cut, hairdresser, neighbor, material, dressmaker, make Structures: Did you buy the dress? +Yes, I did / No, I didn’t Homework: - Summarize main points - Write YES-NO questions then answer them - Prepare″B3, 4” (11) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B / /2009 /2009 Unit At home and away Period 59: b- Neighbors (b3, b4) I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practice reading a short text to understand the details then practice doing exercises with the simple past tense Language focus Vocabulary: sewing, hobby, sewing machine, cushion, fit Structures: Learn how to + V- infinitive Language skill: Practice reading skill IV Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Teaching plan, Cassette, pictures, extra – board Students’: Textbook, workbook V Procedures organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Checking up: - Write the past form of the verbs: + watch - …… + buy - …… + cut - ……… + make - ……… * Answers: + watch - watched + buy - bought + cut - cut + make - made New lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3.1.Warm up: - Ask Ss to make up some exclamation - Work in groups of 3, discuss and write sentences using structure “What + N!” * Example: + What a new book! + What a beautiful flower! + ……………………………… Read Then answer 3.2.Pre- reading: - Ask Ss to look at exercise and ask: + What you learn in home Economics? + Do you like it? + What you like to most in home Economics? sewing, knitting (®an, v¸), (12) cooking,… - Read the text once - Introduce and explain the new words and * New words: + sewing (n) : C«ng viÖc may v¸ structures + hobby: Së thÝch + sewing machine (n) : M¸y kh©u + cushion (n): Tấm đệm gối + fit (adj): Võa hîp ( VÒ kÝch cì) + learn how to + V- inf : Häc lµm g× - Ask Ss to make example for each new Example: She learns how to sew word and structure 3.3 While – reading: - Ask Ss to read the text carefully and - Work in pairs, read the text and then answer the questions answer the questions - Go around the classroom and give - Compare the answers with partners *Answers: provided helps if necessary a She learns how to use a sewing machine b She made a cushion for her armchair - Cal on some Ss to read the answers first - Correct and give the correct answers c It was blue and white d Next, she made a skirt e It was green with white flowers on it f It looked very pretty g She tried it on but it didn’t fit h Hoa’s neighbor helped her i Finally, it fitted very well - Call on some Ss to read the passage aloud 2.Answer: 3.4 Post – reading: - Ask Ss to read the text again and complete the sentences in exercise B4 with the verbs - Work individually - Compare the answers with a partner in the Past simple tense - Go around the classroom and provide help if necessary - Call on some Ss to read the answers Watched, bought, cut, used, decided, was, - Correct and give the correct answers - Call on some Ss to translate the text in B3 made, was, wasn’t, helped, fitted - Revise the lesson Drill: Vocabulary: sewing, hobby, sewing machine, cushion, fit Structures: Learn how to + V- infinitive - The simple past tense of the verbs Homework: - Summarize main points - Prepare “Language Focus 3” (13) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B / /2009 /2009 Unit At home and away Period 60: Language focus I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to revise: + Past simple tense + The use of “more / less / fewer” + Preposition of position + Ask and answer about prices Language focus Structures: - Past simple tense - More / less / fewer - Prepositions Language skill: Practice reading and writing skills IV Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Teaching plan, pictures, extra – board Students’: Textbook, workbook V Procedures organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Checking up: - Write the simple past tense of the verbs given; Borrow Buy Decide Cut Fit Think Learn Watch New lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3.1.Warm up: T: Retell the structure “How much is it?” Ss’ answer can be: It is 10.800 dong - Hand a book and ask: “How much is it?” - Explain the preposition of positions by Examples: giving examples Hung is near Hoa - Explain the Past simple Hang is between Hoa and Hung - Explain the use of “more / less / fewer” I’m standing opposite the board The windows are beside / next to the desk * The Past simple tense I did my home work yesterday What did you yesterday? Did you watch TV last night? MORE: NhiÒu h¬n ( dïng so s¸nh víi danh từ số ít, số nhiều, danh từ đếm đợc và không đếm đợc LESS: ít ( Dùng với danh từ đếm đợc) 3.2 Activity 1: How much is it? (14) - Ask Ss to look at exercise and practice it - Look at conversationa); practice the in pairs dialogue in a, in pairs - Call on some Ss to practice the dialogue a) - Use the information in the board and make up other ones * Suggested answers: Mai: How much is the blue hat? Assistant: It’s 15,000 dong - Call on some Ss to practice - Give the correct answers Mai: What about the yellow one? Assistant: It’s 12,000 dong 3.3 Activity 2: Prepositions: - Introduce the street map in part a) - Work in pairs, look at the example in the - Ask Ss to look at the street map a) and book and then write the location of each practice in pairs store - Compare their writings with partners a, Suggested answers: - Call on some Ss to look at the map and say +The clothing store is on Hai Ba Trung the position of each place It is near the shoe store +The shoe store is on Hai Ba Trung It is next to / near the clothing store to the left + …………………………………………… - Look at the example in part b, use the information in the table and practice in pairs - Call on some pairs to practice b, Answers: Example exchanges: - Correct and give the correct answers S1: How far is it from clothing store to the book store? S2: It is 450 meters 3.Past simple tense: 3.4.Activity 3: - Have Ss look at the table inn exercise and a, The past form of the verbs complete them with the past form of the - Look at the table and write the past form of the verbs in the table verbs given -Compare the answers with a partner - Call on some Ss to read the answers Answers: - Correct and give correct answers Verbs Past form guy bought help helped remember remembered take took send sent think thought talk talked b, Answers: - Call on some Ss to read the answers played, talked, bought, worked, sent - Correct and give correct answers 4.Simple tense: 3.5 Activity 4: - Work in piars, read the diary and then - Have Ss to look at the diary in exercise complete the dialogue and complete the dialogue in pairs - Compare the answers with partners Nga: ……., help my mom and study English - Call on some pairs to check the answers Nga: I cleaned my room, helped my mom, - Correct and give the correct answers studied English, watched TV, play soccer, and stayed at Hoa’s house Nga: I will study English, clean my room, help my mom, see a movie, visit my grandmother and buy new shoes (15) 3.6 Activity 5: - Have Ss to look at the two refrigerators and the example in the book - Explain the examples - Call on some Ss to check the answers - Correct and give the correct answers Drill: Structures: - Past simple tense - More / less / fewer - Prepositions Homework: - Summarize main points - Prepare “Unit 10: A1” More, Less and Fewer - Write sentences with “More, Less Fewer” - Compare the answers with a partner Answers: -Before there were bananas Now there are fewer bananas - Before there were no cabbages Now there is one cabbage -…………………………………………… (16) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B / /2009 /2009 Unit 10 health and hygiene Period 61: a- personal hygiene (a1, a2) I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + Read a letter to understand the details + Revise the Simple present and Simple past tense + Talk about the hobbies and personal hygiene Language focus Vocabulary: take morning exercises, get up early, take care of one self, personal hygiene Language skill: Practice reading skill IV Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Teaching plan, a sub- board which was written the questions in “Prereading” Students’: Textbook, workbook V Procedures organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Checking up: - Call on some Ss too write sentences with LESS, MORE, FEWER New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3.1.Warm up: - Let Ss play the game “Noughts and took learned taught Crosses” made borrowed thought 3.2.Pre – reading: bought helped decided - Ask Ss: +Do you remember Hoa? +What you remember about her? +Where does she come from? +Which school does she study in? +Where does she live now? +Who does she live with? +Where her parents live? - Have Ss look at the letter in A1 and set the scene: “Hoa’s parents live in Hue and she lives and studies in HaNoi You are going to read the letter which Hoa’s mother sent her Can you guess what her mother wrote in the letter?” - Read the letter once - Introduce the new words and structures * New words: + take morning exercises: TËp thÓ dôc buæi (17) s¸ng + get up early: thøc d¹y sím ><stay up late + Don’t eat too much candy or stay up late: Kh«ng ¨n qu¸ nhiªï kÑo vµ thøc khuya 3.3.While – reading: - Ask Ss to read the letter and find the answers for the questions - Compare the answers with a partner - Call on some Ss to read the answers - Correct and give correct answers * Answers: a, They are busy because it is nearly harvest time b, Hoa’s father helps them on the farm c, They will go to Ha Noi soon, after the harvest d, Now, Hoa is different She gets up early and does morning exercises everyday e, Hoa’s mother wants to: her own washing and iron Hoa’s mother doesn’t want her to eat too 3.4.Post – reading: - Ask Ss to discuss in groups of and much candy, get up late answer the questions below: +What you in the morning / afternoon / evening? +Do you brush your teeth in the morning / before bed time? - Call on some representatives to talk about their discussion - Call on some Ss to translate the letter in A1 - Correct mistakes if any 3.3 Listen: * Pre – listening: - Have Ss looked at the pictures in exercise A2, discuss in pairs about what Hoa does in each picture Ss: ………………………………………… - Set the scene: “Obey Hoa’s mother’s offers Hoa does her personal hygiene You listen and compare with your guessing” * While – listening: - Play the tape once - Answer the questions - Ask Ss “What did Hoa do?” - Listen and find out the answers - Ask Ss to listen to the tape times and put -Compare the answers with a partner the pictures in the order * Answers: - Call on some Ss to read the answers a, e, f, d, g, c, h, b, * New words: - Correct and give the correct answers + polish (n): §¸nh bãng (giµy) - Play the tape once more and introduce the + pants (n): QuÇn new words and structures + sandals (n):DÐp x¨ng ®an + Iron clothes:Lµ quÇn ¸o * Structures: + brush one’s teeth: §¸nh r¨ng + wash and iron clothes: GiÆt vµ lµ quÇn ¸o * Answers: a, put on clothes b, ………………………………… Post – listening: c, ………………………………… - Ask Ss to look at the pictures work in pairs ………………………………… and write the action which Hoa does in each (18) - Call on some Ss to write the answers on the sub – board - Correct if any Drill: Vocabulary: take morning exercises, get up early, take care of one self, personal hygiene Homework: - Summarize main points - Copy and translate the letter in A1 into Vietnamese - Prepare “A3, A4” (19) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B / /2009 /2009 Unit 10 health and hygiene Period 62: a- personal hygiene (a3, a4) I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about one’s daily routines and personal hygiene Language focus Vocabulary: comb hair, strange Language skill: Practice reading skill IV Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Teaching plan, pictures, extra – board Students’: Textbook, workbook V Procedures organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Checking up: - Retell what Hoa did in the last period New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3.1.Warm up: - Let Ss play the game “True/ False repetition - Whole class play the game drill” about the things Hoa did in listening exercise (A2) 3.2.Activity 1: - Ask Ss to look at the diary in exercise 3; Read Nam’s diary introduce: This is Nam’s diary You look at it - Listen to the teacher and work in pairs Ask and answer about Nam’s daily routines” - Practice in pairs - Call on some pairs to practice - Correct if any * Example Exchange: S1: What does Nam at 6:30? S2: He gets up S1: What time does he wash face? S2: He washes his face at 6:55 - Ask Ss to write about themselves Complete a diary entry like Nam’s - Go around the classroom and provided help if necessary - Call on some pairs to check * Example Exchanges: - Correct S1: What you everyday? S2: I get up, morning exercises, wash face, S2: What time you get up / eat breakfast / home works / go to bed/…? (20) S2: I get up / …/ at … 3.3 Activity 2: * Pre – reading: - Set the scene: “In the last period, you read the letter from Mom to Hoa Do you remember what Hoa’s Mom asked her to do?” - Have Ss to look at exercise A4 and introduce “You are going to read the letter from Hoa to Mom, can you guess what she wrote in the letter” - Write students’ guessing * While – reading: - Ask Ss to read the letter and complete it with suitable verbs - Call on some Ss read the answers - Correct and give the correct answers - Explain the form of the letter * Post – reading: - Write the information on the board A letter to Mom -Discuss in groups and answer Ss: Guess - Work individually - Compare the answers with a partner * Answers: was; having; show; take; get; go; wash; iron; eating; told; see; go * Structure of a letter: - Name of the sender and date, month: §Þa chØ ngêi göi th vµ ngµy th¸ng - Dear….,: Th göi tõ - Cuèi th: Love; Lots of love; with much love; your loving daughter - Close their books and find out which Hoa did and she didn’t Examples: + Get up early + Take morning exercises + Go to bed early + Play volleyball + Clean room + Wash clothes + Eat breakfast Drill: - Retell the construction of the letter - Vocabulary: comb hair, strange Homework: - Summarize main points - Write a letter to one of your relatives to tell about your daily routines - Prepare “B1” (21) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B / /2009 /2009 Unit 10 health and hygiene Period 63: b- a bad toothache (b1) I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practice the conversation in the text book Then ask and answer the questions about one’s tooth ache Language focus Vocabulary: have an appointment; drill; fill a cavity; hurt; fix one’s teeth Structures: Tobe scared Language skill: Practice listening and reading skills IV Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Teaching plan, Cassette, pictures, extra – board Students’: Textbook, workbook V Procedures organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Checking up: - Call on some Ss to read the letter they wrote in the last period New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3.1.Warm up: - Ask Ss some questions: - Whole class Answer the questions + Did you go to the dentist? + Why did you go there? + When did you go there? 3.2 Presentation: - Ask Ss to look at the pictures and answer teacher’s questions: + What’s the matter with Minh / the boy in the - Work in pairs, discuss and guess the picture? answers (He has a tooth ache) - Can answer in English or Vietnamese + If you have a tooth ache like Minh / the boy in the picture, what will you do? (Go to the dentist) + When you go to the dentist, what will the dentist do? - Call on some representatives to perform the answers - Set the scene: “You’ll listen to a conversation between Minh and Hoa Hoa is telling Minh (22) how she has a cavity filled last week” - Play the tape once - Introduce the new words and structures * New words: + have an appointment: Cã hÑn + drill (n): C¸i khoan + fill a cavity: HÇn r¨ng, lÊp chç trèng + hurt (adj): §au + fix one’s tooth: Sửa, chữa đó * Structure: Tobe scared: Sî Examples: I am scared Were you scares? 3.3 Practice: - Ask Ss some questions: + What is Minh going to at 10:30 this - Answer the questions: morning? + What happened to Hoa last week? + How did the dentist help Hoa? - Read the dialogue and answer the - Ask Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs questions in “Now answer” - Call on some pairs to practice - Compare the answers with a partner - Call on some Ss to read the answers * Now answer: - Correct and give the correct answers a, Minh has a tooth ache b, No, he doesn’t The loudness of the drill scares him c, Because she has a tooth ache 3.4 Consolidation: d, She filled the cavity in her teeth - Have Ss looked at the questions in “About you” then ask and answer them in pairs - Call on some pairs to practice - Correct - Help Ss to revise the new words and new structure Drill: Vocabulary: have an appointment; drill; fill a cavity; hurt; fix one’s teeth Structures: Tobe scared Homework: - Summarize main points - Prepare “B2” (23) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B / /2009 /2009 Unit 10 health and hygiene Period 64: b- a bad toothache (b2) I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the passage in the tape and answer the questions provided Language focus Vocabulary: clean teeth regularly; eat sensibly Structures: Remind sb to sth Language skill: Practice listening skills IV Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Teaching plan, Cassette, pictures, extra – board Students’: Textbook, workbook V Procedures Organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Checking up: - Call on Ss to go to the board and practice the dialogue in B1 again then answer the questions: + What happens to Minh? + Why did Hoa go to the dentist last week? + What did the dentist do? New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3.1.Warm up: - Call on Ss to go to the board and write the - Remember and write; then read them vocabulary about problems with teeth aloud 3.2 Pre – listening: - Give some words in English and Vietnamese - Work in pairs; match them in correct meanings Matter Hµn r¨ng Toothache Cuéc hÑn Appointment Sî Fill a cavity Vấn đề Matter Hµn r¨ng Scared Nha sÜ Toothache Cuéc hÑn Dentist §au r¨ng Appointment Sî Kind Tö tÕ, tèt bông Fill a cavity Vấn đề - Ask Ss to use the words above and retell the Scared Nha sÜ story about Minh Dentist §au r¨ng Kind Tö tÕ, tèt bông (24) T: Set the scene: “You are going to listen to the tape about Dr Lai, the woman Hoa mentioned in the conversation Can you guess what she is like” 3.3 While – listening: T: Play the tape once Ss: listen then answer about Dr Lai Ss: Listen to the tape again and then complete the story Ss: compare the answers with a partner T: Call on some Ss to read the answers - Correct and give the correct answers Matter: Vấn đề Toothache: §au r¨ng Appointment: Cuéc hÑn Fill a cavity: Hµn r¨ng Scared: Sî Dentist: Nha sÜ Kind: Tö tÕ, tèt bông Example: “Minh has a toothache He has an appointment with the dentist at 10:30 this morning but he is scared because he hates the sound of the drill Hoa advices him not to worry because the dentist was very kind” T: Play the tape once more and explain the new words, new structures Answers: a, Dr Lai is a dentist 3.4 Post – listening: b, She wears uniform to work T: Ask Ss to discuss in groups of to answer c, Most of children feel scare when they the questions: come to see Dr Lai + Do you eat allot of candy? d, She explains what will happen She gives + How often you clean your teeth? them advice She tells them how to look after their teeth And she reminds them to + …………………………………… clean their teeth regularly and eat sensibly T: Call on some representatives to perform * Remind sb to sth: Nh¾c nhë lµm g× their discussion đó - Talk about the important of taking care of * Clean teeth regularly: §¸nh r¨ng thêng our teeth xuyªn * Eat sensibly: ¡n uèng hîp lÝ Drill: Vocabulary: clean teeth regularly; eat sensibly Structures: Remind sb to sth Homework: - Summarize main points - Prepare “B3, 4, *5, *6” (25) Teaching date: Class 7A:the person / /2009 Find Dr Lai Minh 7B: / /2009 who… Is kind Unit 10 Has a toothache Helps children health and hygiene Is scared of seeing Period 65: b- a bad toothache (b3,4) the dentist I Objectives Looks after children teeth Hates the sound of By the the drill end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read to understand the passage Then retell the story and Has topractice visit theasking and answering the questions about the passage dentist Language focus Vocabulary: serious; surgery Language skill: Practice reading skill IV Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Teaching plan, Cassette, pictures, extra – board Students’: Textbook, workbook V Procedures Organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Checking up: - Retell about Dr Lai New lesson Teacher’s activities 3.1.Warm up: - Let Ss play the game Find someone who about Dr Lai and Minh 3.2 Pre – reading: - Have Ss looked at the picture in exercise B3 - Introduce: “In the last lesson, you learned about Minh and Dr Lai As you know, Minh has a toothache and has to go to the dentist You will read the passage describing the Students’ activities New words: - Serious (adj): Nghiªm träng - Surgery (n): Phßng phÉu thuËt - Listen and find the answer “What does Dr Lai say to Minh?” - Read the passage and complete the story - Compare the answers with a partner * Answers: nervous; smile; cavity; brush; please Example exchange: S1: Minh’s tooth is hurt S2: Why? (26) meeting between Minh and Dr Lai Can you guess what Dr Lai will say and do?” T: Introduce the new words While – reading: - Play the tape in B3 - Call on some Ss to read the answers - Correct and give the correct answers Post – reading: - Ask Ss to look at exercise B4 - Explain the example - Call on some pairs to practice - Correct and give the suggested answers Drill: - Retell main points Vocabulary: serious; surgery Homework: - Summarize main points - Prepare “Unit 11- A1” S1: Because he has a cavity - Remember the passage in B3, look at the pictures in exercise B4 and practice in pairs * Answers: b, +The cavity is not serious Why? + Because it’s small c, + Minh looks worried Why? + Because he always forgets to brush his teeth d, +Minh is very happy Why? + Because his teeth are OK (27) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B: / /2009 /2009 Unit 11 keep fit, stay healthy Period 66: a- a check up (a1) I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to discuss the topic on health: Medical check up and common diseases Language focus Vocabulary: temperature; measure; weigh; scale; waiting room Structures: Would you + V … , please? Language skill: Practice reading and speaking skills IV Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Teaching plan, Cassette, pictures, extra – board Students’: Textbook, workbook V Procedures Organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Checking up: Answer the question: “What you have to to keep your teeth healthy?” New lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3.1.Warm up: - Let Ss play the game Brain storming about - Work in groups and play what they should to keep their teeth well 3.2 Presentation: - Introduce: “In the last period, we learned about personal hygiene, teeth protection In the following lesson, we will continue discussing topic on health: Medical check up and common disease” - Have Ss looked at the picture in A1 and answer the questions: -Guess and answer + Who are in the picture? + Where are they? + What you think they are doing? - Introduce the new words * New words: + a medical check up: Buæi kh¸m søc khoÎ + medical record: PhiÕu kh¸m søc khoÎ + fill in the medical record: §iÒn vµo phiÕu kh¸m søc khoÎ - Ask Ss: - Read the introduction in the first lesson (28) + Where are the students from? + What are they doing? - Introduce: “The students of Quang Trung school is having a medical check up Can you guess what they will in a check up?” 3.3 Practice: - Play the tape once - Do the same with “height”, “measure”, “Weight” and “scale” to get the information - Can answer in Vietnamese - Look at the answer “37˚C” and guess the meaning of “take your temperature” + Take one’s temperature: Đo nhiệt độ + height (n): ChiÒu cao + measure (v): §o (chiÒu cao) + weigh (v): C©n + scale (n): C¸i c©n - Introduce the structure Then give examples + waiting room(n): Phßng chê * Structure: CÊu tróc yªu cÇu lÞch sù Would you + V …., please? Example: Would you open your mouth please? - Play the tape again - Add more examples - Call on some pairs to practice - Practice the dialogue in pairs - Ask Ss “Now look at “Now answer Number - Do exercise then compare the answers the sentences” Using the information given in with a partner the conversation you have practiced, you put * Now answer: the following sentences in the right order” a, - - Call on some Ss to read the answers b, - - Correct and give the correct answers c, - d, - e, - f, - g, - 3.4 Consolidation: h, - - Retell the structure and vocabulary in the lesson Drill: Vocabulary: temperature; measure; weigh; scale; waiting room Structures: Would you + V … , please? Homework: - Summarize main points - Learn by heart the new words - Make sentences with “Would you + V …, please?” - Prepare: “A2, A3” (29) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B: / /2009 /2009 Unit 11 keep fit, stay healthy Period 67: a- a check up (a2, A3) I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to complete the conversation with the missing words they hear And then practice asking and answering to complete the medical record Language focus Vocabulary: forename; surname; male; female Language skills: Practice listening skill IV Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Teaching plan, Cassette, pictures, extra – board Students’: Textbook, workbook V Procedures Organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Checking up: - Make sentences with polite requests with “Would you + V +… , please?” New lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3.1.Warm up: - Call on some Ss to use the structures they - Answer teacher requests learned to introduce their name, weight, height 3.2 Pre – listening: - Have Ss looked at the pictures in exercise A2 - Ask Ss some questions: + Who are they in the picture? (Hoa and the doctor) + What is Hoa doing? - Ask Ss to read the conversation and guess the missing words - Introduce: “This is the conversation between Hoa and the doctor However some words are missing You listen to it, find out the missing words and complete the conversation” 3.3 While – listening: - Play the tape times - Listen and the exercise (30) - Call on some pairs to check - Call on others to give remarks - Give the correct answers - Help Ss to revise the structure - Compare the answers with a partner - Practice the complete dialogue in pairs * Answers: Ask; How; your; shorter; me; tall; meter 45 centimeters; will; nurse; height; think; no; form * CÊu tróc hái vµ tr¶ lêi vÒ chiÒu cao, c©n nÆng: How tall / heavy + tobe + S? S + tobe + … + tall / heavy 3.4 Post – listening: - Ask Ss to close their book and answer the - Work in pairs, discuss and answer the question about Hoa questions + How old is Hoa? + How tall is she when the nurse measured her? + Does she think she is taller or shorter? + How tall is she? 3.5 Further practice: - Ask Ss to look at exercise A3 - Introduce: “Now you work in pairs, one of you is A and the other is B Look at your copy of the medical record and cover the other copy In turn, A ask B about the missing information and complete the record” - Explain the new words * New words: + forenames: Tên đệm và tên chính + surname: Hä + male: Nam < > female: N÷ - look at the medical record, the example then practice in pairs - Call on some pairs to check * Suggested questions: - Correct and give suggested answers A: Which class is he in? What is his surname? Where does he live? What is his weight? What is his height? B: Which school does he go to? What are his forenames? How old is he? Drill: - Summarize main points -Vocabulary: forename; surname; male; female Homework: - Summarize main points - Prepare “B1, 2” (31) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B: / /2009 /2009 Unit 11 keep fit, stay healthy Period 68: b- What was wrong with you? (b1, b2) I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the dialogue and practice asking and answering the questions about health Language focus Vocabulary: tobe sick; a little tired; stay inside; sick note; virus Structures: What is / was wrong / matter with sb? S + have / has + name of illness Language skills: Practice listening skill IV Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Teaching plan, Cassette, pictures, extra – board Students’: Textbook, workbook V Procedures Organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Checking up: - Working in pairs asking and answering about their partner’s height and weight New lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3.1 Warm up: - Give Ss medical check - up * Example: - Ask Ss to work in groups of 3, ask and Medical record answer to complete the medical check – ups School: ……………………… Class: …………………… full name Forename: ……………………… Surname:………………………… Address: ………………… ……………………………………… Male Female Age:……………………………… Weight: …………………………… Height: ………………………………… S1: Which school you go to? 3.2 Presentation: - Have Ss looked at the picture in B1 then S2: I go to Sam Duong school (32) answer the question: “Who you think they are in the picture?” - Set the scene: “Now look at the balloon 1: Lan wasn’t there She was absent What you think Mr Tan is asking Lan Let’s look at the balloon and answer What was wrong with her?” - Introduce: “You are going to listen to the conversation between Hoa and Mr Tan Yesterday Hoa was sick, you listen and find out the structures they use to talk about health” 3.3 Practice: - Play the tape S3: What is your forename? S2: My forename is …… S4:………………………………? S2: ………………………… - Ss’ answer can be: “They are Hoa and Mr Tan, her teacher” - Ss’ answer can be: “She was sick” - Introduce the new words and structures - Look at the book and listen to the tape - Listen to the tape again Then practice the dialogue in pairs * MÉu c©u hái vµ tr¶ lêi vÒ søc khoÎ: - Ask Ss to write / make examples using the What is/was the mater/wrong with sb? new words and structures above - Call on some pairs to check S + have / has + name of illness Example: + What is / was wrong with Lan yesterday? + She has a bad cold * New words: + tobe sick: BÞ èm - Ask Ss to look at “Now answer”; answer the + A little tired: h¬i mÖt questions in the text book + stay inside: ë líp häc - Call on some Ss to read the answers aloud + sick note: GiÊy xin phÐp nghØ häc - Correct and give the correct answers + virus: Vi rót * Now answer: - Compare the answers with a partner a, Lan didn’t go to school yesterday because she had a bad cold - Have Ss looked at exercise B2 and listen to b, She had a headache the teacher’s introduction: “This is a survey c, Mr Tan told Lan to stay inside at about the student’s health You now work in recess the groups of in turn ask and answer the d, The doctor said that Lan has a virus given questions to complete the survey” e, The docter wrote Lan’s sick note - Introduce the new words B2 Take a survey: + Were you ever absent from school last semester? +Were you sick? + Did you have a cold? a stomachache? a headache? * New words: + tobe absent from: V¾ng mÆt, nghØ häc - Ask Ss to work in groups of and instructed, + semester: Kú häc fill in the names of students in the group and + cold: C¶m l¹nh tick the illness which each of the student had + flu: Cóm After practicing, all the groups combine the + headache: §au ®Çu results to find out which illness was the most + stomachache: §au ®Çu common + toothache: §au r¨ng - Call on some representatives to talk about the (33) results and answer the question: “What was the most common illness?” Drill: - Retell the structures which used to talk about health; names of the common illness Homework: - Summarize main points - Learn by heart the dialogue; new words - Make sentences with the new structures - Prepare “B3” (34) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B: / /2009 /2009 Unit 11 Find someone who… Name keep fit, stay healthy - Was absent from class for day due to sickness Period 69: b- What was wrong with you? (b3) (Were you absent from class for one day due to sickness? Which sickness did you have?) I Objectives - Was absent from class for days due to sickness? - Was absent from class for days sickness? By due the toend of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen to understand the information - Was absent from class for days Then complete due to sickness?the exercise given - Was absent from class for days due1.toLanguage sickness? focus in the tape Vocabulary: total; absence; dye to; problem; account for Language skills: Practice listening skill IV Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Teaching plan, Cassette, pictures, extra – board Students’: Textbook, workbook V Procedures Organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Checking up: - Write names of the common illness New lesson 3.1.Warm up: - Let Ss play the game Networks about the comment illness Common illness 3.2.Pre- reading: - Let the Ss play the game “ Find someone who” - Ask Ss to find out who had the most day lost through sickness * New words: + Total (n): Tæng sè + Absence(n): Sù v¾ng mÆt + due to: V×, bëi v× + problem(n): Vấn đề + account for: ChiÕm (trong tæng sè) - Listen and find the answers - Compare the answers with a partner - Introduce: “You are going to listen to a report telling you the day’s absence due to sickness of 7A You listen to it and complete Stomach Head Tooth Cold Flu the table by writing the days in each ache ache ache 10 43 37 17 column” Total days lost: 112 - Introduce the new words (35) 3.3 While – listening: - Have Ss looked at the table and listen to the tape - Call on some Ss to read the answers - Correct and give the correct answers 3.4 Post – listening: - Ask Ss to look at the table and practice in groups, talk about the contents in the tape.5 Drill: - Revise the lesson Vocabulary: total; absence; dye to; problem; account for Homework: - Summarize main points - Do exercise * Exercise: Circle the odd word in the following list A ill B sick C sad A flu B flat C cold A doctor B nurse C dentist A sleep B take care of C nurse - Prepare: “B4” D unwell D headache D teacher D look after (36) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B: / /2009 /2009 Unit 11 keep fit, stay healthy Period 70: b- What was wrong with you? (b4) I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand one of the most common illnesses: “The common cold”: The symptoms; cures and preventions Then answer the questions in the text book correctly Language focus Vocabulary: disease; runny nose; slight fever; coughing; sneezing; symptom; catch; cure; unpleasant; medicine; relieve; disappear; prevent Language skills: Practice listening skill IV Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Teaching plan, pictures, extra – board Students’: Textbook, workbook V Procedures Organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Checking up: - Do exercise in “Homework” in the last period Answers: C B D 4.C New lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3.1.Warm up: T: Call on some Ss to go to the board and play the game “Rub out and remember” - Flu - C¶m - Play the game in groups of - Cold - Cóm - Headache - §au bông - Stomachache - §au ®Çu - Toothache - §au r¨ng - Ask Ss: “Which is the most common illness?” 2.2 Pre – reading: - Ask Ss: “Among the diseases you learned, you know which is the most common?” (The common cold) - Have Ss looked at the picture and answer the question: + Do you know what are the symptoms of the common cold are? - Introduce the word “Symptom” - Explain the symptoms of the common cold - Introduce: “You are going to read a passage (37) about the common cold You read and answer the questions” 3.3 While – reading: - Read the passage - Say the symptoms in Vietnamese or in English + Symptoms (n): TriÖu chøng + a runny nose (n): Sæ mòi + a slight fever (v): Sèt nhÑ + coughing (n): Ho + sneezing (n): H¾t h¬i - Read the passage and answer the questions - Call on some Ss to read the answers - Compare the answers with a partner - Correct and give the correct answers * Answers: a, We call the cold “Common” because every year millions of people catch it b, They are: a runny nose; a slight fever; coughing and sneezing c, No, there is no cure for the common cold d, No, these medicines don’t cure a cold but they relieve the symptoms e, We can prevent a cold by eating well, - Explain the some more new words doing exercise, keeping fit and staying healthy * New words: + disease (n): BÖnh + common (adj): Chung, phæ biÕn + catch (v): NhiÔm, m¾c bÖnh + cure (n): C¸ch ch÷a bÖnh 3.4 Post – reading: + unpleasant (adj): Kh«ng tho¶i m¸i - Give Ss work sheets ask Ss to close their books + relieve (v): Lµm dÞu ®i, bít ®i and play the game “Brain storming” + disappear (v): BiÕn mÊt + prevent (v): Phßng, tr¸nh The common cold Consolidation: Preventions: ………………… - Summarize main - Play the game Symptoms: ………………… points Cures: ……………………… Homework: - Revise the lesson, copy the answers - Prepare: “Unit 12- A1,2” Drill: Vocabulary: disease; runny nose; slight fever; coughing; sneezing; symptom; catch; cure; unpleasant; medicine; relieve; disappear; prevent - Retell the main points Homework: - Summarize main points - Revise the lesson, copy the answers - Prepare: “Unit 12- A1,2” (38) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B: / /2009 /2009 Period: 71 KiÓm tra tiÕt I Objectives: - Review and consolidate the knowledge which Ss have learnt through all topics (Back to school, Personal information, and At home) II Procedure: Organization: Class 7A 7B II Matrix: Total …… …… Out …… …… III Questions: I Listen and circle the letter of the correct answer (2pts) Lam is a student in grade His school is very far from his house Everyday, he gets up at 6: 00 He has bread and eggs for breakfast Then he put on his (1) …… He walks to the Standar unit (topic) contents Listening Reading Require Grasp thoroughly Obj Sub Realize Obj Sub Apply Obj Total Sub (2) (2) (2) (2) Writing 4 (2) Grammar (2) (2) Vocabular y (2) Total 16 (6) (2) (2) 4 (2) 24 (2) (10) station He waits for the bus a few minutes He goes to (2)…… by bus School starts at 7:00 and ends at 11:00 He goes home and has (3) …at home In the afternoon, he goes to the (4)…… …….club He plays basketball with his friends from 2: 00 to 4: 00 After that, he goes swimming He returns home at 6: 00 (1) A shirt B hat C shoes D uniform (2) A train B bus C School D police (3) A lunch B breakfast C dinner D noodles (4) A game B sport C tennis D soccer II Choose A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences (2pts) 1) They …… Nha Trang last summer A visit B visiting C visited D to visit 2) We …… lots of souvenirs in Nha Trang last week A buy B bought C to buy D buys 3) She was sick, but now she feels …… A good B well C best D goodly 4) When you have a toothache, you should go to the …… (39) A doctor’s B nurse’s C dentist’s D worker’s 5) Children shouldn’t go to bed ……… A late B early C soon D fast 6) The dentist …… a cavity in his tooth A did B filled C made D looked 7) What’s your ……… ? – 40 kilos A height B kilos C high D weight 8) Ba is …… in his medical record now A fills B fill C filling D to fill III Read the text and answer the questions.(2pts) In the summer holidays, Mr Hung, Mrs Chi and their children, Tuan and Hoa often go to the beach for two or three days They always go to Vung Tau in the south of Viet Nam They usually stay in a small house by the sea, but sometimes they stay in a hotel Last summer they went to Nha trang They stayed at Sunshine hotel for days In the morning, Tuan played soccer with his father on the beach Hoa and her mother walked along the beach They visited Tri Nguyen Aquarium and saw different kinds of fish there They also bought a lot of souvenirs for friends Questions: 1) Where does Hoa’s family often go for their summer holidays? + ………………………………………………………………………………………… 2) Where they usually stay? + ………………………………………………………………………………………… 3) Where did they go last summer? + ………………………………………………………………………………………… 4) What did they see at Tri Nguyen Aquarium? + …………………………………………………………………………………… IV Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets (2pts) 1) Ba (make) a pencil case for his sister yesterday + ………………………………………………………………………………………… 2) Nam (not do) his home work at the moment + ………………………………………………………………………………………… 3) Lan (buy) some new clothes tomorrow + ………………………………………………………………………………………… 4) They (do) morning exercise everyday + ………………………………………………………………………………………… VI Complete the following sentences to make them meaningful (2pts) 1) open / please / you / mouth / your? + ………………………………………………………………………………………… 2) temperature / nurse / the / first / my + ………………………………………………………………………………………… 3) week / I / cold / last / a + ………………………………………………………………………………………… 4) Lan / fill / her / medical / record / now + ………………………………………………………………………………………… The end (40) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B: / /2009 /2009 Period: 72 Ch÷a bµi KiÓm tra tiÕt I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know the answers of the exercises in the written test, and then understand them more clearly II Procedure: Organization: Class 7A 7B Total …… …… Out …… …… Teacher’s remarks: - Remark what the Ss’ answers and explain what Ss didn’t understand clearly Answers: I Mỗi câu trả lời đúng 0.5 điểm Tape script Lam is a student in grade His school is very far from his house Everyday, he gets up at 6: 00 He has bread and eggs for breakfast Then he put on his uniform He walks to the bus station He waits for the bus a few minutes He goes to school by bus School starts at 7:00 and ends at 11:00 He goes home and has luch at home In the afternoon, he goes to the sport club He plays basketball with his friends from 2: 00 to 4: 00 After that, he goes swimming He returns home at 6: 00 (1) – D (2) – B (3) – A (4) – B II Mỗi câu trả lời đúng 0.25 điểm 1) – A 5) - A 2) – B 6) - B 3) – B 7) - D 4) – C 8) – C III Mỗi câu trả lời đúng 0.5 điểm Hoa’s family often go to the beach for their summer holidays They usually stay in a small house by the sea Last summer they went to Nha trang They saw different kinds of fish at Tri Nguyen Aquarium IV Mỗi câu trả lời đúng 0.5 điểm Ba made a pencil case for his sister yesterday Nam isn’t doing his home work at the moment Lan will buy some new clothes tomorrow They morning exercise everyday V Mỗi câu trả lời đúng 0.5 điểm Would you open your mouth please? The nurse took my temperature fisrt I had a cold last week Lan is filling in her medical record now Drill: - Retell the main points Homework: - Summarize main points - Prepare “Unit 12- A1, A2” (41) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B: / /2009 /2009 Period 73 Unit 12: let’s eat! a- what shall we eat? (a1, a2) I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen to a conversations between Hoa and her aunt in the market to understand names of fruit and food they bought Then practice talking about the food they like Language focus Vocabulary: beef; pork; pea; spinach; cucumber; papaya; pineapple; durian; meat stall; a selection of; ripe; smell Structures: Responses with “Too”, “So”, “Either”and “Neither” Language skills: Practice listening and speaking skills IV Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Teaching plan, Cassette, pictures, extra – board Students’: Textbook, workbook V Procedures Organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Checking up: - Talk about the common cold: Symptoms, Cures, and Preventions New lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3.1 Warm up: - Let Ss play the game Networks about the Banana apple fruits and vegetables they know Fruits orange 3.2 Presentation: - Have Ss looked at the pictures in exercise A1 - Answer - Ask Ss: “How many kinds of fruits / food have you known in English in the pictures?” - Ask Ss to continue looking at the pictures and make a list of fruits / food which they haven’t known their English names in Vietnamese - Introduce the new words * New words: + chicken (n): ThÞt gµ + beef (n): Thit bß + pork (n):ThÞt lîn + pea (n): §Ëu + carrot (n): Cµ rèt + spinach (n): Rau ch©n vÞt + cucumber (n): Da chute + papaya (n): Quả đu đủ + pineapple (n): Qu¶ Døa (42) + durian (n): Qu¶ sÇu riªng - Ask Ss: “Yesterday, Hoa and her aunt went to market Can you guess what they bought?” - Introduce: “You are going to listen to the conversations between Hoa and her aunt in the market After hearing the conversations, you will know what they bought” - Play the tape in part (from Yesterday to OK) - Introduce the new words and new structures - Have Ss practiced this conversation in pairs - Play the tape in part “We need … some of those” - Introduce the new words - Play the tape again - Play the tape of the last conversation, and then introduce the new words - Play the tape of the whole conversation - Have Ss practiced the whole conversation - Correct their pronunciation 3.3 Practice: - Ask Ss to read the conversation carefully and answer the questions in “Now answer”: What did Hoa and her aunt buy at the market? - Call on some Ss to read the answers - Correct and give the correct answers - Ask Ss to look at exercise and practice in pairs - Call on some pairs to practice - Correct if any 3.4 Consolidation: - Retell name of fruits / food and the structures with “So; Either; Neither; Too” - Work in small groups and guess and answer + meat stall (n): QuÇy b¸n thÞt + a selection of: Sù su tËp, tËp hîp * Cấu trúc diễn tả đồng tình khẳng định/ phủ định: + Diễn tả đồng tình khẳng định ta dùng “TOO / SOO” Examples: I’m a student She is, too / So is she => So + auxiliary verb + S + Diễn tả đồng tình phủ định ta dùng: Either sau câu phủ định Example: I’m not a student She isn’t, either Neither sau câu khẳng định Example: I’m not a student Neither is she * New words: + on display: Trng bµy, b¸n + vegetable stall: QuÇy hµng rau + ripe (adj): ChÝn + neither are bananas: Nh÷ng qu¶ chuèi còng thÕ + smell: Ngöi - Practice the dialogue in pairs - Answer, then compare the answers with a partner * Answers: beef; spinach; cucumber; oranges Example Exchanges: A: I like pineapples Do you like them? B: Yes, I like pineapples, too / Yes, so I A: I don’t like pineapples Do you like them? B: I don’t like pineapples, either/ Neither I (43) Drill: Vocabulary: beef; pork; pea; spinach; cucumber; papaya; pineapple; durian; meat stall; a selection of; ripe; smell Structures: Responses with “Too”, “So”, “Either” and “Neither” Homework: - Summarize main points - Learn by heart name of fruits / food in the lesson - Write sentences with “So/ Too/ Either/ Neither” - Prepare: “A 3, A4” (44) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B: / /2009 /2009 Period 74 Unit 12: let’s eat! a- what shall we eat? (a3, a4) I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + Read a short story to understand the details + Know how to make a meal and its recipe Language focus Vocabulary: slice, boil, heat, stir- fry, add, salt, green pepper, soy sauce, cucumber salad, plate, bowl, chopstick, spoon Language skills: Practice reading skill IV Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Teaching plan, pictures, extra – board Students’: Textbook, workbook V Procedures Organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Checking up: - Write name of fruits / food you have learned in the last period New lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3.1 Warm up: - Ask Ss to continue playing the game - Whole class Networks about the fruits and vegetables they learned in the last period 3.2 Pre – reading: - Ask Ss some questions: + Do you always cook meals? + What you think of this work? + Do you like it? - Can answer in Vietnamese in the last + What you have to when you cook question meals? - Introduce the new words * New words: + slice (v): Th¸i máng + boil (v): Luéc + heat (v): §un nãng + stir- fry (v): Xµo + add (v): Thªm vµo - Have Ss looked at the pictures in exercise A3 - Ask Ss: + What are they doing? (They are preparing a meal) - Introduce the new words * New words: + green pepper (n): ít xanh + onion (n):Hµnh + salt (n): Muèi + soy sauce (n): Níc x× dÇu + cucumber salad (n): Xa l¸t Da chute + plate (n): §Üa (45) + bowl (n): B¸t 3.3 While – reading: + chopstick (n): §òa - Ask Ss to read the passage again and answer + spoon (n): Th×a the questions in part a/ - Practice the exercise in pairs - Call on some Ss to check - Compare their menu with others - Correct and give the correct answers a/ Menu: + Cucumber salad with onion + Boiled spinach + Stir- fry beef with green peppers and onions + Rice - Ask Ss to look at part b/ and the b/ The missing verbs: followings: “This is the recipe Hoa’s aunt Compare the answers with a partner used You look at the passage again and add the missing verbs to complete the instructions and then match the instructions to the right pictures” - Call on some Ss to read their recipe and their * Answers: matching exercise 2) Slice - Correct and give the correct answers 3) Heat 4) Stir – fry 5) Add 6) Boil / Cook 7) Add * Matching: 1)- C 2)- F 3)- A 4)- D 3.4 Post – reading: 5)- B 6)- E 7)- G - Ask Ss to look at exercise A4 and talk about the food / drink they ate / drunk yesterday - Pairs work - Call on some Ss to perform their answers - Correct and give suggested answers if necessary Drill: Vocabulary: slice, boil, heat, stir- fry, add, salt, green pepper, soy sauce, cucumber salad, plate, bowl, chopstick, spoon Homework: - Summarize main points - Learn by heart the new words - Write a recipe for a meal you know - Prepare “B1” (46) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B: / /2009 /2009 Period 75 Unit 12: let’s eat! b- our food (b1) I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practice a conversation to understand how to avoid stomachache and other food related diseases; what they should and what they shouldn’t Language focus Vocabulary: probably, dust Structures: + It must be ……… + It was / is probably …… + Make sb + adj / sth + wash sth well / carefully Language skills: Practice reading and speaking skills IV Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Teaching plan, Cassette, extra – board Students’: Textbook, workbook V Procedures Organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Checking up: - Write the recipe for rice cooking or boil vegetables New lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3.1.Warm up: - Continue asking Ss write the recipe for rice - Whole class cooking or boil vegetables 3.2 Presentation: - Ask Ss to look at the picture in the text book and answer the questions: + Where is Ba? + Can you guess what’s wrong with him? + You now tell me what causes stomachache? - Introduce: “You are going to listen to the conversation between Ba and the doctor at the surgery Ba has an awful stomachache You listen and answer the question: Why did Ba have a stomachache?” - Play the tape times - Ask Ss to answer the questions above - Correct if any - Introduce the new words and structures: * New words: (47) 3.3 Practice: - Ask Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs - Call on some pairs to practice -Correct if any - Have Ss looked at “Now complete the story” and complete the passage, using the information in the conversation - Call on some Ss to read the answers - Correct and give the correct answers 3.4 Consolidation: - Ask Ss to work in groups of and discuss “How to avoid stomachache and other food related diseases What should we and what shouldn’t we do?” - Call on some representatives to perform their discussions - Remark - Retell the structures in the lesson Drill: Vocabulary: probably, dust Structures: + It must be ……… + dist (n): + Probably (adv): * New structures: + CÊu tróc pháng ®o¸n: - It must be …… : Ch¾c h¼n lµ …… - It is / was probably … : Ch¾c cã thÓ lµ Examples: It must be something you ate It was probably the spinach + CÊu tróc víi MAKE: - Make sb + adj / sth: Lµm cho nào, bắt đó làm gì Example: This medicine will make you feel better: Thuèc nµy sÏ lµm cho b¹n c¶m they khoÎ h¬n + Wash sth well / carefully: Röa c¸i g× s¹ch (kü) - Look at the book and listen to the tape again - Do exercise and then compare the answers with a partner * Now complete the story: (1) doctor (7) more carefully (2) sick (8) vegetables (3) asked (9) make (4) had (10) she (5) spinach (11) medicine (6) wash (48) + It was / is probably …… + Make sb + adj / sth + wash sth well / carefully Homework: - Summarize main points - Prepare “B2” (49) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B: / /2009 /2009 Period 76 Unit 12: let’s eat! b- our food (b2) I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the important of food to our health and lives Then know how to eat sensibly Language focus Vocabulary: unhealthy food, moderate, amount, energy, fatty food, bodybuilding food, dairy product, a variety of Language skills: Practice reading skill IV Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Teaching plan, Cassette, pictures, extra – board Students’: Textbook, workbook V Procedures Organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Checking up: T: Call on Ss to play a doctor and a patient and make up similar dialogue in B1 New lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3.1.Warm up: - Ask Ss some questions: - Whole class + What you usually eat every day? + Do you think the food you eat sensible (hîp lÝ)? Pre – reading: - introduce: “Food plays an important part in our life It gives us the main energy for body development Thus, a balanced diet is especially important In our today’s lesson, we will learn about the definition of a balanced diet and useful guidelines about food” -Ask Ss: + What is your favorite food? + What you always have for breakfast / -Answer lunch / dinner? + Do you think your diet is balanced? - ay: “To know whether your diet is balanced or not, you will find the right answers in your today’s lesson” 3.3 While – reading: - Play the tape, and then introduce the new (50) words * New words: + unhealthy food: Thøc ¨n kh«ng bæ dìng + moderate amount: Khèi lîng hîp lÝ, võa ph¶i + energy: N¨ng lîng + balanced diet: Chế độ, phần ăn phù hîp, c©n b»ng + fatty food: Thøc ¨n giµu chÊt bÐo + body- building food: Thøc ¨n gióp ph¸t triÓn c¬ b¾p + dairy product: Thùc phÈm b¬ s÷a + a variety of: §a d¹ng, nhiÒu lo¹i + cereals: Ngò cèc - Ask Ss to read the passage carefully and - Work in pairs, discuss to find out the answers answer the questions a) and b) - Compare the answers with a partner - Call on some Ss to read the answers * Answers: - Correct and give the correct answers - Call on some Ss to read the passage and a) Sugar adds taste to food and it gives you energy translate it into Vietnamese b) A balanced diet is not enough; all - Correct mistakes if any people need exercise to keep a healthy 3.4 Post - reading: - Ask Ss to read the questions “Do you think life - Work in groups , discuss and answer your diet is balanced? Why / Why not? - Call on some Ss to perform her / his ideas - Retell main points Drill: - Retell main points Vocabulary: unhealthy food, moderate, amount, energy, fatty food, body- building food, dairy product, a variety of Homework: - Summarize main points - Prepare: “B4” (51) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B: / /2009 /2009 Period 77 Unit 12: let’s eat! b- our food (b4) I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen and then tell what someone ate and drank among the food and drinks mentioned Language focus Vocabulary: rice, noodles fish, vegetables, fruit, beef, juice, water Language skills: Practice listening skill IV Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Teaching plan, Cassette, pictures, extra – board Students’: Textbook, workbook V Procedures Organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Checking up: - Write a menu for yourself and your family, including details of breakfast, lunch and dinner New lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3.1 Warm up: - Ask Ss to play the game Brainstorming - Group work: about a balanced diet Example: + eat a moderate amount or fatty food and sugar + 3.2 Pre – listening: …………………………………………… - Have Ss looked at the pictures and say the … name of each - Help Ss to revise the names of the food and drinks they learned + rice: C¬m + noodles: M× + fish: C¸ + vegetables: Rau + fruit: Hoa qu¶ - Introduce: “You are going to listen to a + beef: ThÞt bß tape about Lan, Ba, Nga and Hoa You hear + juice: Níc tr¸i c©y and tell what they ate and drank among the + water: Níc food and drinks mentioned above by writing the letter a), b), c) … Next to each person corresponding with the food and drinks they used” 3.3 While – listening: - Play the tape times - Have Ss looked at the pictures and listen to - Listen and exercise the tape times - Compare the answers with a partner - Call on some Ss to read the answers * Answers: - Correct and give the correct answers Lan: b) d) f) g) (52) Ba: c) a) e) h) Nga: a) d) g) Hoa: b) e) g) 3.4 Post – listening: - Have Ss played the game “Rub out and Remember” Match the name of the people in the tape with what they ate or drank Lan: …… Hoa: …… Ba: …… - Close the book, notebook and exercise Nga: … - Call on some Ss to check Drill: Vocabulary: rice, noodles fish, vegetables, fruit, beef, juice, water Homework: - Summarize main points - Prepare: Language Focus 4” (53) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B: / /2009 /2009 Period 78 Language focus I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to revise: + Past simple tense + Indefinite quantifiers + Too, So / Either, Neither + Imperatives Language focus Grammar: + Past simple tense + Indefinite quantifiers: a little, a lot of / lots of, too much + Too, So / Either, Neither + Imperatives Language skills: Practice reading and writing skills IV Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Teaching plan, pictures, extra – board Students’: Textbook, workbook V Procedures Organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Checking up: - Write sentences about the things you did yesterday New lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3.1 Warm up: - Ask Ss to work in pairs to make up some - Pair work imperative sentences Example: S1: Stand up S2: ………… 3.2 Activity 1: - Retell the formations, the uses and 1.Past simple tense: irregular verbs of past simple tense: (+) S + V- ed/ + O (-) S + did not + V + O (?) Did + S + V + ……? Irregular verbs of past tense: + go – went + read – read - Practice in pairs, looking at the pictures in T: Call on some pairs to check exercise 1, asking and answering the - Correct and give the correct answers questions * Answers: a) No, I didn’t I watched TV b) No, I didn’t I had dinner in a restaurant c) No, I didn’t I went to the movie theater yesterday d) No, I didn’t I read a book on the weekend (54) e) No, I didn’t I play soccer yesterday Indefinite quantifiers: Ss: Look at the pictures and example in exercise Then write the answers - Compare the answers with a partner a) Answers: A: a little coffee B: a lot of tea C: a little sugar D: a lot of salt - Ask Ss to look at the pictures in part b) and E: too much coffee practice in pairs b) - Call on some pairs to practice A: - Correct and give the correct answers Lan: a little or a lot Mrs Quyen: … a little… B: Dr Le: ……… a lot of … C: Mr Nhat: … too much…… D: 3.4 Activity 3: Nam: …… a little …… - Retell the uses of “TOO” and “EITHER” TOO and EITHER - Call on some pairs to practice Look at the exchanges in exercise and - Help Ss to know how to in exercise b) practice in pairs - Call on some pairs to check - Correct and give suggested answers b) (Students’ answers) 3.5 Activity 4: - Make up similar dialogues - Have Ss looked at exercise 4 SO and NEITHER - Retell the uses of “SO” and “NEITHER” + So I / I do, too: Dïng c©u kh¼ng định + I don’t either / Neither I: Dïng câu phủ định - Ask Ss looked at exercise 3, make up * Example Exchanges: dialogues with “SO” and “NEITHER” A: I like mangoes - Call on some pairs to check B: So I A: I don’t like bananas 3.6 Activity 5: B: Neither I - Have Ss looked at exercise and explain Imperatives: how to this one * New words: + ingredient (n): Thµnh phÇn - Introduce the new words if necessary + vinegar (n): GiÊm + peel (v): Gät vá -Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with the words given - Compare the answers with a partner - Call on some Ss to perform their answers * Answers: - Correct and give the correct answers a) wash e) Add b) slice f) Stir d) mix g) wait Drill: Summarize main points Grammar: + Past simple tense + Indefinite quantifiers: a little, a lot of / lots of, too much + Too, So / Either, Neither + Imperatives Homework: - Summarize main points 3.3 Activity 2: - Retell the meaning and the use of the quantifiers: a little, a lot / lots of, too much - Call on some Ss to check and then correct mistakes (55) - Prepare “ Unit 13 A1, 2” (56) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B: / /2009 /2009 Period 79 Unit 13: Activities a- sports (a1 a2) I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read a short text to understand the most popular free time activities which American teenagers like most and then learn about sport vocabulary Language focus Vocabulary: roller – skating, roller – blading, baseball, skate boarding, surprising result, the most popular choice Language skills: Practice reading skills IV Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Teaching plan, Cassette, posters about sports Students’: Textbook, workbook V Procedures Organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Checking up: Write the sports which children in Viet Nam and all over the world usually play Example: soccer, volleyball, …… New lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3.1 Warm up: - Let Ss play the game “Find someone - Group work who” about activities their friend often play Example: or in free time Find someone who… Name Play sports Read books Watch TV Goes out - Remark: “Playing sports is one of the most Learns how to cook Popular fre time activities around the world In this lesson and in the following ones we will learn about this topic” 3.2 Pre – reading: - Ask Ss some questions: + What are your favorite sports? - Whole class + When you always play these sports? - Answer + Make a list of the sports which you play in your free time? - Ask Ss to look at the pictures in exercise A1 and answer the question: Do you - Can talk in Vietnamese recognize these sports? - Introduce the new words * New words: + roller – skating: M«n trît Pa (sö dông giµy cã b¸nh xe ë gãc) + roller – blading: M«n trît Pa (sö dụng giày có bánh xe nằm dọc dới đế giày) (57) + baseball: Bãng chµy + skate boarding: Trît v¸n + suprising result: Kết đáng ngạc nhiên + the most popular choise: Sù lùa chän phæ biÕn nhÊt - Introduce: “You are going to read the result of a survey carried out recently about the most 10 popular sports among American teenagers You hear and look at the book and find out what 10 sports are Compare with earlier guess” 3.3 While – reading: - Play the tape times - Call on some pairs to practice - Introduce: “You have learned 10 sports which American teenagers like most Do you think it is the same in Viet Nam? And which sports is the most popular in Viet Nam?” - Call on some representatives to perform their surveys - Correct if any 3.4 Post – reading: - Have Ss closed their book and talk about the most popular sports which Vietnamese and American teenagers play - Listen, then read the passage and answer the questions in “Questions” - Practice the questions and answers in pairs - Work in groups of 10, look at exercise and take a class survey - Whole class Drill: Vocabulary: roller – skating, roller – blading, baseball, skate boarding, surprising result, the most popular choice Homework: - Summarize main points - Write names of the sports you like best - Prepare: “A3, A4” (58) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B: / /2009 /2009 Period 80 Unit 13: Activities a- sports (a3, a4) I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + Know the use of adverbs of manner + Read a passage to understand one of the most popular sport activities: walking Language focus Vocabulary: walking competition, organizes, participant, regular activity, instead of, motorbike / bicycle trip, expensive, ability Grammar: Adverbs of manner: Adjectives + ly = Adverbs Language skills: Practice reading skills IV Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Teaching plan, Cassette, pictures, extra – board Students’: Textbook, workbook V Procedures Organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Checking up: Write 10 most popular sport activities which American teenagers like most New lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3.1 Warm up: - Let Ss play the game Networks about sports activities which are the most popular in Vietnam and in America Most popular sports * Adverbs of manner: Tr¹ng tõ chØ thÓ c¸ch 3.2 Activity 1: - Have Ss looked at the pictures in exercise Adj + ly = Adv A3 and say names of the sports - Introduce the form and the use of Adverbs Eg: Skillfull  skillfully of manner Slow  slowly Bad  badly Quick  quickly Safe  safely Trờng hợp đặc biệt: Good  well Fast  fast Late  late Hard  hard Early  early * C¸ch dïng: Tr¹ng tõ chØ thÓ c¸ch thêng (59) đứng sau động từ, bổ nghĩa cho động từ, và tr¶ lêi c©u hái “How” Eg: He plays soccer very well - Look at the book and listen to the tape - Call on some pairs to read the sentences in - Listen again and repeat the book - Practice in pairs 3.3 Reading: * Pre – reading: - Ask Ss to look at the pictures in A4 and answer the questions: + What are they doing? (They are walking) + Do you always take a walk? + What are the benefits of walking? - Ask Ss to base on the title “Walking is fun” and guess what the reading is about?” T: Introduce “You are going to read a passage about walking- one of the most popular sports activities You read and answer the questions in the book” - Introduce the new words * New words: + Walking competition: Cuéc thi ®i bé + Organice (v): Tæ chøc + Participant: Ngêi tham dù + Regular activity: Hoạt động thờng xuyên + Instead of: Thay v× + Motorbike/bicycle trip: ChuyÕn ®i d· * While – reading: ngoại xe máy / xe đạp - Ask Ss to read the passage and answer the + Inexpensive: Không đắt questions a) b) c) -> f) + Ability: Kh¶ n¨ng - Call on some Ss to read the answers -Answer and then compare the answers with - Correct and give the correct answers a partner * Answers: a) He takes part in Walking For Fan (WFF) club/walking b) The writer’s school team won the first prize; they were so happy and wanted to keep the activity c) One activity is a km walk / walking km to the beach on Sunday morning, and the other is walk – to – school day d) It’s km from school to the beach e) Wednesday is the WTS (walk to school) day - Call on some Ss to read the passage and f) Members living near school often take translate it if they can part in the WTS day * Post-reading: - Ask Ss to work in group talking about the benefits of walking * Walking: Fun Easy Inexpensive: (60) 3.4 Consolidation: For everyone: - Retell the form of Adverbs of manner Healthy: - The benefits of walking … Drill: Vocabulary: walking competition, organizes, participant, regular activity, instead of, motorbike / bicycle trip, expensive, ability Grammar: Adverbs of manner: Adjectives + ly = Adverbs Homework: - Summarize main points - Learn by heart the irregular of adverbs of manner - Prepare “A5” (61) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B: / /2009 /2009 Period 81 Unit 13: Activities a- sports (a5) I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the usages adverbs of manner clearly Language focus Vocabulary: summer is on its way, water safety awareness, aim, pool lifeguard, pool edge, obey, red and yellow flags Structures: Be aware of Language skills: Practice reading skills IV Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Teaching plan, pictures Students’: Textbook, workbook V Procedures Organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Checking up: T: Call Ss to exercise S1: Talk about the benefits of walking S2: Perform the form of adverbs of manner New lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3.1.Warm up: - Let Ss play the game Rub out and remember - Whole class about the sports they have learned, especially in swimming 3.2 Pre – reading: - Ask Ss to look at the picture and ask + “What sport is it in the picture?” - Whole class (swimming) + Do you like swimming? Why? + Where can we go swimming? - Introduce “Swimming will be dangerous if you don’t strictly follow water safety advice in - Work in group discuss to find the the pool or on the each What we have to answer (English/ Vietnamese) to ensure the safety in the pool? - Introduce “You are going to read a passage about safety awareness in the swimming pool or on the beach You read and find the main idea of the passage” 3.3 White – reading: - Read the passage to find out the main (62) - Introduce the new words - Retell the usage of adverbs of manner - Call on some Ss to read the answer - Correct idea and perform it * New words: + Summer is on its way: Kú nghØ hÌ ®ang đến + Water safety awareness: Chó ý vÒ sù an toµn díi níc + Aim: Mục đích + Pool life guard: ngêi cøu hé, ngêi b¶o vÖ c¸c bÓ b¬i + Pool edge: thµnh, c¹nh bÓ + Obey: tu©n theo + Red and yellow flags: cờ đỏ, cờ vàng (cét mèc chØ kho¶ng c¸ch cho phÐp c¸c bÓ b¬i, b·i biÓn) + Be aware of: NhËn thøc - Read the passage again and change the adjectives in brackets to adverbs - Compare the answers with a friend Adjectives Adverbs Clear Clearly Careful Carefully Safe Safely Careless Carelessly Strict Strictly - Ask “What you think about the position of the adverbs you have done? - Call on some Ss to read the passage - Read the passage 3.4 Post reading: - Ask Ss to close the book and practice in group talking about safety awareness in the swimming pool - Call on some representative to perform - Correct if any Drill: Vocabulary: summer is on its way, water safety awareness, aim, pool lifeguard, pool edge, obey, red and yellow flags Structures: Be aware of Homework: - Summarize main points - Prepare “B1,2” (63) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B: / /2009 /2009 Period 82 Unit 13: Activities b- come and play (B1, b2) I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + Practice using modal verbs: have to, must, … + Understand the conversation clearly Then answer the questions correctly Language focus Vocabulary: have to, must, ought to, … , paddle Structures: + It takes sb time + to sth Language skills: Practice reading skills IV Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Teaching plan, Cassette, pictures, extra – board Students’: Textbook, workbook V Procedures Organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Checking up: Change the adjectives in brackets into adverbs, and then complete the sentences a) She sings that new song (beautiful) b) You should follow (strict) _ the traffic rules c) He did his test (careless) _ * Answers: a) beautifully b) strictly c) carelessly New lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3.1.Warm up: - Let Ss play the game Find someone who - Group work about how their partners ply sports Example: Find someone who…… Name Can play soccer well Can run quickly Can play volleyball skillfully Can’t swim quickly Can’t play table tennis well 3.2 Activity 1: - Have Ss looked at the pictures in B1 and answer the questions: - Look at the book, listen to the + What are Ba and Nam doing? conversation (They are playing table tennis) * Modal verbs: §éng tõ t×nh th¸i + Can you play table tennis? (64) - Introduce and explain the modal verbs + ought to: Nªn + must: Ph¶i + have to: Ph¶i Động từ tình thái là động từ không dùng đợc tất các thì và cách các động từ thờng, không dùng độc lập mà phải dùng với động từ chính câu động từ thờng đứng sau động từ t×nh th¸i ë d¹ng nguyªn thÓ theo c«ng thøc: - Ask Ss to make up sentences with these Modal verbs + V- infinitive modal verbs - Play the tape again Then help Ss to revise the * Lêi mêi vµ c¸ch tõ chèi lêi mêi: structures they learned + Would you like + to … ? - Introduce the new structure I’d like, but I can’t + It takes sb time + to sth: MÊt bao nhiêu thời gian để làm gì + table tennis paddle: Vît bãng bµn - Practice the dialogue in pairs - Listen to the tape again and answer the questions in B1 - Compare the answers with a partner - Call on some pairs to practice - Call on some Ss to check the answers -Correct and give the correct answers 3.3 Activity 2: - Have Ss looked at exercise B2 - Introduce: “You have learned about modal verbs, the way to make and refuse an invitation Now you continue to practice these verbs” - Ask Ss to listen to the tape, and then practice * Answers: the conversation in pairs - Ask Ss to change the underlined details, using a) Nam must finish his home work before the information in the box to make up similar he plays table tennis b) Nam will be ready in a few minutes dialogues - Call on some pairs to practice their dialogues c) Ba will finish a question for Math - Correct and give suggested answers if d) Ba has two paddles necessary 3.4 Consolidation: - Retell the use of the modal verbs, and how to make an invitation and refuse it Drill: Vocabulary: have to, must, ought to, … , paddle Structures: + It takes sb time + to sth Homework: - Summarize main points (65) - Write sentences using modal verbs you have learned - Prepare: “B3” (66) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B: / /2009 /2009 Period 83 Unit 13: Activities b- Come and play (B3) I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read and understand a short text about scuba- diving clearly Then the exercises given correctly Language focus Vocabulary: scuba- diving, world surface, special breathing equipment, invent, deep sea diving vessel, underwater life Language skills: Practice reading skills IV Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Teaching plan, pictures, extra – board Students’: Textbook, workbook V Procedures Organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Checking up: - Write sentences using modal verbs you have learned New lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3.1.Warm up: - Let Ss play the game Jumble words about the - Whole class sports Example: + cercsoc: + tetablennis: + miswingm: + layballvo: 3.2 Pre – reading: - Have Ss looked at the pictures in the text book and listen to the introduction.“This is the sport which we never learned before You look at the pictures and tell me which sport it is? - Answer This is scuba – diving” - Ask Ss: + Where can we play this sport? + To scuba- dive, what equipment we need / have to do? - Read the text and then introduce the new words * New words: + scuba – diving: LÆn cã b×nh dìng khÝ + world’s surface: Bề mặt trái đất + pearl diver: Thî lÆn lÊy ngäc trai + special breathing equipment: Dông cô (67) thở đặc biệt + invent(v): Ph¸t minh -> Invention (n) + deep sea diving vessel: Tµu lÆn s©u díi đáy biển + underwater life: Cuộc sống dới đáy đại - Set the scene: “You are going to read a d¬ng passage about scuba- diving This is a new and interesting sport You read the text quickly and tell me the main idea after the first reading” 3.3 While – reading: - Read the text in silent - Ask: “What you know about scuba – diving after scanning the text?” - Answer - Introduce: “Now you read the text again and decide whether the statements are True or False, check and then correct the false statements” - Do exercise then compare the answers with a partner - Call on some Ss to check the answers * Answers: - Correct and give the correct answers 1) False: Most of the world’s surface is water 2) True 3) False: Now, scuba – diving is a popular sport because people can swim freely in the water with the help of special breathing equipments 4) False: Jacques Cousteau invented a deep sea diving vessel 5) True * New words: - Introduce the new words + in the early 1940s: Vµo ®Çu nh÷ng n¨m 1940 + thanks to: Nhê cã, nhê vµo 3.4 Post – reading: - Ask some Ss to translate the text into Vietnamese - Comment and translate it - Give Ss some more information about Jacques Yves Cousteau Drill: Vocabulary: scuba- diving, world surface, special breathing equipment, invent, deep sea diving vessel, underwater life Homework: - Summarize main points - Prepare: “Unit 14: A1,2” (68) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B: / /2009 /2009 Period 84 Unit 14: free time fun A- time for tv (a1, 2) I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + Practice the dialogue about watching TV in free time + Understand the dialogue clearly and exercises given correctly Language focus Vocabulary: News in English, series, that sounds boring, Youth cultural house, pop concert, opera house, classical concert, detective movie, New age theater, cowboy movie, nightly, play Structures: + Prefer to / doing sth to sth else + Could it be later / earlier? Language skills: Practice reading and speaking skills IV Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Teaching plan, Cassette, pictures, extra – board Students’: Textbook, workbook V Procedures Organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Checking up: - Make up invitations then reply them New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3.1.Warm up: - Let Ss play the game Find someone who - Group work about free time activities Example: Find someone who…… Name Read books Play soccer Watch TV Listen to music Go to the movie Listen Then practice 3.2 Activity 1: - Ask Ss: How many people watch TV in their free time? What time you always watch TV? What is your favorite program? - Have Ss looked at the picture in A1 - Introduce: “Watching TV is one of the most popular activities in free time You are going - Listen to listen to a conversation between Hoa and Lan What Hoa’s / Lan’s family in their (69) free time?” - Play the tape once - Ask Ss: Do you recognize the structure you have learned? - Retell the structure: “Would you like to + infinitive + … ?” And the answers: “I’d love to / Great That would be a lot of fun / nice” - Ask: Do you know any new structures? * CÊu tróc diÔn t¶ sù thÝch h¬n: - Introduce the new structures and new words + Prefer to / doing sth to sth else Example: She prefers to read books to newspapers * New words: + News in English: B¶n tin TiÕng Anh + series “The adventure of the Cricket”: Phim nhiÒu tËp “DÕ MÌn phiªu lu ký” + That sounds boring: Nghe cã vÎ ch¸n nhØ - Read the dialogue and then practice it in - Call on some pairs to practice the dialogue pairs - Ask Ss to read the dialogue again and choose - Work in pairs the best answers on page 140 - Compare the answers with a partner - Call on some Ss to read the answers * Answers: - Correct and give the correct answers a) C c) B e) D b) A d) C Listen Then practice 3.3 Activity 2: - Have Ss looked at the advertisements in A2 * New words: - Explain these advertisements + Youth cultural House: Nhµ v¨n ho¸ - Introduce “You’re going to listen to a niªn conversation between Hoa and Lan They’re + pop concert: Ch¬ng tr×nh nh¹c Pèp discussing the suitable program to see You + Opera House: Nhµ h¸t lín listen and answer: Which program will they + Classical concert: Hoµ nh¹c cæ ®iÓn see?” + detective movie: Phim trinh th¸m + New Age theater: R¹p thÕ hÖ míi + Cow boy movie: Phim cao båi + nightly: ChiÕu vµo c¸c tèi hµng tuÇn + Youth theater: Nhµ h¸t tuæi trÎ + Play: Vë kÞch - Listen and recognize the structure they have learned: Would you like to … ?, What / How about ?, Let’s + Vinfinitive - Listen to the tape again and practice the (70) - Call on some pairs to practice the dialogue in dialogue in pairs the text book - Ask Ss to work in pairs, look at the * Structures: advertisements again and discuss the program + Can you make it on Monday night? they will see by making up a similar Bạn có thể chuuyển sang tối thứ Hai đợc conversation kh«ng? - Go around and make any necessary help + Could it be later / earlier? - Call on some pairs to practice 3.4 Consolidation: - Retell the way to make an invitation and reply it - Retell how to make a suggestion Drill: Vocabulary: News in English, series, that sounds boring, Youth cultural house, pop concert, opera house, classical concert, detective movie, New age theater, cowboy movie, nightly, play Structures: + Prefer to / doing sth to sth else + Could it be later / earlier? Homework: - Summarize main points - Make sentences with the structures you have learned - Prepare: “A3” (71) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B: / /2009 /2009 Period 85 Unit 14: free time fun A- time for tv (a3) I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read to understand the history and the development of television in Viet Nam, then can summarize the text correctly Language focus Vocabulary: TV owner, gather, anymore Language skills: Practice reading skill IV Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Teaching plan, pictures, extra – board Students’: Textbook, workbook V Procedures Organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Checking up: T: Call on some Ss to talk about their plans about what they are going to on the weekend New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3.1.Warm up: - Ask Ss play the game Hangman about the - Whole class words in the lesson: detective, cowboy, advertisement,…… 3.2 Pre – reading: - Have Ss looked at the pictures and the title “TV in Viet Nam” and guess what the reading is about? - Introduce: “You are going to read a passage entitled “TV in Viet Nam”, you scan it and see whether your guess is similar to the reading or not” 3.3 While – reading: - Read the text and then answer teacher’s - Ask Ss to read the text again and answer question: “What is the idea of the passage?” some questions: (The development of TV in Viet Nam) + Did many people in Viet Nam have TV set in their homes 30 years ago? What did they always after dinner? + What color were the TV programs 30 years ago? + Where people watch TV today? + Do they spend much time together? - Call on some Ss to read their answers (72) - Comment and give suggested answers if necessary * New words: - Explain the new words + TV owner: Nhµ cã TV + gather: TËp trung, tô tËp - Ask Ss to look at the summary and then + any more: H¬n n÷a use the information in the original passage - Do exercise and then compare the answers to complete the summary with a partner - Go around class and make necessary help * Answers: (1) people (7) they - Call on some Ss to check the answers (2) not (8) today - Correct if any (3) TV (9) have 3.4 Post – reading: T: Have Ss played the game “True / False (4) popular (10) life repetition drill” (5) evening (11) know Examples: (6) gather + Most people in Viet Nam had a TV set 30 years ago + TV owners were not popular at that time + People always gather in the TV owners’ homes + …………………………………… Drill: Vocabulary: TV owner, gather, anymore Homework: - Summarize main points - Prepare: “B1, B2” (73) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B: / /2009 /2009 Period 86 Unit 14: free time fun B- what’s on? (B1,2) I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + Talk about television programs they like + Listen and know the names of the popular programs on VTV Language focus Vocabulary: sport show, cartoon, early news, weather forecast, the world today Structures: + Like to / doing + prefer doing sth Language skills: Practice listening and reading skills II Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Teaching plan, Cassette, pictures, extra – board Students’: Textbook, workbook III Procedures Organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Checking up: - Talk about the development of TV in Viet Nam New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3.1.Warm up: - Group work - Let Ss play the game Noughts and crosses Popular Comfortable Different TV Program Neighbors about the words they have learned in the last Gathered spent Watched period Listen Then practice with a partner 3.2 Activity 1: - Ask Ss to look at B1 and answer teacher’s questions: + What program is on TV now? (Cartoon) + Who are the characters? + Do you like to watch cartoon on TV? + Which character you like best? - Introduce: “We are going to listen to a conversation between Ba and Nga What they are talking about? Do they like cartoon?” - Listen to the tape - Play the tape once - Call on some Ss to give their answers + Like to / doing: ThÝch lµm g× - Introduce the new structures + Prefer doing sth:ThÝch lµm g× h¬n * New words: - Introduce the new words (74) + sport show: C¸c ch¬ng tr×nh thÓ thao + cartoons: c¸c ch¬ng tr×nh phim ho¹t h×nh - Ask Ss to practice the dialogue in B1 in - Pair works pairs, and then change the role - Call on some pairs to practice the dialogue - Answers, and then compare the answers - Correct if any with a partner - Ask Ss to answer the questions in “Now * Answers: a) No, because there aren’t any good answer” - Call on some Ss to check the answers programs for teenagers - Correct and give the correct answers b) Ba watches sport shows, cartoons and movies c) Nga likes to watch programs about teenagers in other countries d) Nga doesn’t like the music programs because they don’t play kind of music she likes e) In the evening, Nga is going to listen to the radio and maybe read a book Listen: 3.3 Activity 2: * Pre – listening: - Have Ss looked at exercise B2 - Ask Ss “Look at these programs, you know the name s of these popular programs * New words: on VTV?” + Early News: B¶n tin chµo buæi s¸ng - Introduce the meaning of these programs + Weather forecast: B¶n tin dù b¸o thêi tiÕt + The World Today: ThÕ giíi ngµy + Movie “A Fistful of Dollars”: Phim §ång tiÒn vÊy m¸u - Ask Ss to discuss in groups of and answer - Group work the questions: + Do you always watch these programs? + Which programs you like watching? + What time you know each of these programs is on? - Call on some representatives to perform their discussion - Comment - Introduce: “You are going to listen to a conversation between Lan and Ba They are going to talk about the time of TV programs we’ve discussed You listen and write down the time of the above programs” (75) * While – listening: - Call on some Ss to check the answers - Correct and give the correct answers * Post – listening: - Ask Ss to retell the time of these programs Drill: - Summarize the main structures + Like to / doing + Prefer doing sth + What’s on? Homework: - Summarize main points - Prepare “B3” - Listen to the tape and write the time of each program - Compare the answers with a partner * Answers: a) Children’s program starts at five b) The early New is at six c) The weather forecast is at ten past six d) The World Today is at a quarter past six e) The movie “A Fistful of Dollars” starts at seven - Whole class (76) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B: / /2009 /2009 Period 87 Unit 14: free time fun B- what’s on? (B3) I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + Read to understand three popular TV Programs + Answer the questions about the passage correctly Language focus Vocabulary: audience, show, perform, contest, contest of folk music / knowledge / sports, contestant, series Language skills: Practice reading skill II Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Teaching plan, Cassette, pictures, extra – board Students’: Textbook, workbook III Procedures Organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Checking up: -Write names of popular TV programs you like New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3.1.Warm up: - Let Ss play the game Networks about names of some TV programs TV programs 3.2.Pre – reading: - Have Ss looked at the pictures in B3 - Ask Ss: “Do you recognize the characters in each picture?” (The Moffats band) - Introduce the meaning of these programs + The Moffats band: Ban nh¹c Mofats + contsetants of “The Road to the Olympia peak”: Bèn thÝ sinh buæi chung kÕt thi đờng lên đỉnh Olympia + The Famous Detective Sherlock Holmes: Th¸m tö long danh Sherlock Holmes - Introduce the new words * New words: + audience (n): Kh¸n gi¶ + show (n): C¸c ch¬ng tr×nh biÓu diÔn + perform (v): BiÓu diÔn + contest (n): Cuéc thi (77) + contestant (n): ThÝ sinh + series (n): C¸c ch¬ng tr×nh phim dµi tËp + contests of knowledge / folk music / sports: C¸c cuéc thi kiÕn thøc / nh¹c cæ truyÒn / thÓ thao - Introduce “You are going to listen and read about popular TV programs Listen and tell me what the programs are?” 3.3.While – reading: - Call on some Ss to say the names of the programs - Comment - Ask Ss to read the passage again then answer the questions - Call on some Ss to check the answers - Correct and give the correct answers 3.4 Post – reading: - Ask Ss to answer more questions about the passage + What is the long form of pop music? + What are the common kinds of contest? + How can viewers join in the contest? + What are the imports? - Call on some representatives to answer the questions - Correct and give the suggested answers if necessary -Look at the book and listen to the tape - Answer and then compare the answers with a partner * Answers: a) Teenagers like to hear the latest pop music and see the shows of their favorite artists b) In contest programs, the contestants are students, workers or family members c) Imports usually include police and hospital series d) (Student’s answers) - Can work in groups of 4, answer the questions * Suggested answers: + The long form of pop music is “Popular music” + They are contests of knowledge, folk music, games, sports… + Viewers can join in the contest through telephone or mail + Imports are foreign series such as Sherlock Homes Drill: - Summarize main points - Vocabulary: audience, show, perform, contest, contest of folk music / knowledge / sports, contestant, series Homework: (78) - Summarize main points - Prepare “B4” (79) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B: / /2009 /2009 Period 88 Unit 14: free time fun B- what’s on? (B4) I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read to understand the favorite programs of teenagers and the development of TV in the future Language focus Vocabulary: the most popular shows on TV, TV game shows, the talk shows, ordinary characters, satellite TV, cable TV, a wide variety of programs, receive, possible Language skills: Practice reading skill II Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Teaching plan, extra – board Students’: Textbook, workbook III Procedures Organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Checking up: - Talk about one of the popular TV programs you learned in the last period New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3.1.Warm up: - Let Ss play the game Giving advice - Group work - Give ideas, call on Ss to give advices Example: I like music, especially foreign music Which program should I watch? ( Pop music) ………………………………………… 3.2 Pre – reading: - Ask Ss some questions: + What kind of programs teenagers in the world like watching? Vietnamese teenagers? + What is the modern life of TV now and the - Discuss to find the answers future? - Have Ss looked at exercise B4 - Introduce: “You are going to read a passage about the favorite programs of teenagers and the development of TV in the future You read and find out the main idea of the passage” - Introduce the new words and phrases * New words: + The most popular shows on TV: Nh÷ng (80) chơng trình đợc yêu thích + TV game shows: C¸c ch¬ng tr×nh trß ch¬i trªn TV + the talk shows: C¸c ch¬ng tr×nh gÆp gì, toạ đàm trên truyền hình + ordinary characters: Những nhân vật đời thêng + satellite TV: TruyÒn h×nh vÖ tinh + cable TV: TruyÒn h×nh c¸p + a wide variety of programs: §a d¹ng c¸c ch¬ng tr×nh + receive (v): TiÕp nhËn + possible: Cã kh¶ n¨ng 3.3 While – reading: - Set the scene: “After reading the passage, you now look at the words in the box You - Work individually, complete the exercise read the reading again and complete it” - Compare the answers with a partner - Call on some Ss to read the answers and then the complete passage - Correct and give the correct answers * Answers: (1) around (6) like (2) watch (7)station (3) listen (8) receive (4) series (9) cities 3.4 Post – reading: (5) show (10) possible - Call on some Ss to read the passage - Ask Ss to close their books and answer some questions: + What is the most popular TV show in a lot ( Student’s answers) of countries? + What can people in many countries watch beside ordinary TV? Drill: - Summarize main points -Vocabulary: the most popular shows on TV, TV game shows, the talk shows, ordinary characters, satellite TV, cable TV, a wide variety of programs, receive, possible Homework: - Summarize main points - Prepare “KiÓm tra tiÕt” (81) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B: / /2009 /2009 Period: 71 KiÓm tra tiÕt I Objectives: - Review and consolidate the knowledge which Ss have learnt through all topics (Let’s eat; Activities; Free time fun) II Procedure: Organization: Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… II Matrix: Standar Require unit Grasp Total Realize Apply (topic) thoroughly contents Obj Sub Obj Sub Obj Sub Listening 8 (2) (2) Reading 4 (2) (2) Writing 4 (2) (2) Grammar 4 (2) (2) Vocabular 8 y (2) (2) Total 20 4 28 (2) (2) (10) (6) Questions: I Listen and choose the correct answers (2pts) Hoan is living with his parents in an (1) …….in Ho Chi Minh City There are four (2) ……altogether: a living – room, two (3) …… , a bathroom and a kitchen The living room is the (4) …… of all The two bedrooms are (5)…… small The kitchen is also small, but (6)……… It is one of the (7) ……… suitable apartments because it is in the (8) …… of the city A apartment B house C kitchen D building A rooms B bedrooms C bathrooms D living rooms A.bathroom B bed – rooms C kitchen D room A smallest B biggest C largest D tallest A bigger B smaller C rather D newer A old B new C large D modern A more B the most C most D the more A in front of B behind C next to D center II Choose A, B, C or D to complete the sentences (2pts) Basketball is one of the …… popular games A more B much C most D lots of He is a …… volleyball player A skill B skillful C skillfully D skillfulness There are many sport activities ……….school children A with B for C to D in American teenagers choose baseball as one of their ………… games (82) A best B popular C famous D bad Would you like to come to my house for dinner tonight? A Thanks I’d love to C No, I don’t B No, I wouldn’t D Yes, I Children enjoy watching ………… A news B report C cartoons D series Are you ………… on Thursday? A free B freely C freedom D freeness ……… you watch TV? Every night A When B How long C How often D Why III Read the passage then answer the questions (2pts) Nam is the best student in my class He works very hard He plays soccer skillfully He also runs quickly At home, he always does his home work carefully In class, he usually helps his friends with the projects His friends love him and talk to him cheerfully They often play game together happily * Questions: 1) How does Nam play soccer? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 2) How does he run? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 3) Where does he always his home work? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 4) What does he usually in class? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… IV Change the adjectives in brackets into adverbs, then complete the sentences (2pts) She sings that new song (beautiful) ……………………… He goes to school by bike (safe) ………………………… The teacher explains the lesson (clear) ………………… to the students Tan runs (quick) …………………… and got the medal V Answer the questions about you (2pts) What sports activity you take part in? + ………………………………………………………………………………………… How often you play sports? + ………………………………………………………………………………………… Who you play with? + ………………………………………………………………………………………… Where you play? + ………………………………………………………………………………………… IV Home work: - Revise Unit 12-14 - Prepare “Ch÷a bµi kiÓm tra” (83) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B: / I Objectives: /2009 /2009 Period: 90 Ch÷a bµi KiÓm tra tiÕt By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know the answers of the exercises in the written test, and then understand them more clearly II Procedures Organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Teacher’s remarks: - Remark what the Ss’ answers and explain what Ss didn’t understand clearly Answers: * Answer keys: Tape scripts: Hoan is living with his parents in an apartment in Ho Chi Minh City There are four rooms altogether: a living – room, two bed – rooms, a bathroom and a kitchen The living room is the largest of all The two bedrooms are rather small The kitchen is also small, but modern It is one of the most suitable apartments because it is in the center of the city I Mỗi câu đúng 0,5 điểm A A 5.C D II Mỗi câu đúng 0,25 điểm B C C D 1.C B B B A C A C III Mỗi câu đúng 0,5 điểm 1) He plays soccer skillfully 2) He runs quickly 3) He always does his home work at home 4) In class, he usually helps his friends with the projects IV Mỗi câu đúng 0,5 điểm beautifully safely clearly quickly V Mỗi câu đúng 0,5 điểm (Student’s answers) Home work: - Prepare “Unit 15: A1” (84) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B: / /2009 /2009 Period 91 Unit 15: going out A- video games a1 I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the topic: Video games which help Ss relax after hard working day And the bad effects cause by video games Language focus Vocabulary: amusement center, addictive, arcade Structures: + Do harm to eyes + Don’t + V-infi Language skills: Practice reading skill II Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Teaching plan, Cassette, pictures, extra – board Students’: Textbook, workbook III Procedures Organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Checking up: - Answer the questions: + What TV programs you want to see? New lesson: Teacher’s activities 3.1.Warm up: - Let Ss play the game Networks about the entertainments Students’ activities Entertainments 3.2.Presentation: - Have Ss looked at the picture in A1 and answer the question + What you see in the picture? (Amusement Center) + Are there any amusement centers in your - Work in groups, discuss then answer the neighborhood? questions + Do you often go to an amusement center? + What you usually there? - Introduce “You are going to listen to a conversation between Nam and Lan Nam is going to the amusement center You listen to it and tell me what Nam will there?” (85) - Introduce the new words - Set the scene “As video games can be addictive if you play too much So what does Lan advise Nam? – Don’t spend too much of your time in the arcade” - Play the tape times Then introduce the new structures 3.3 Practice: - Call on some pairs to practice the dialogue - Correct mistakes if any - Ask Ss to read the dialogue then answer the questions in “Now answer” - Call on some Ss to read the answers - Correct and give the correct answers * New words: + amusement center: Trung t©m vui ch¬i + addictive: G©y nghiÖn + arcade: Khu vui ch¬i * Structures: + Don’t spend too much of your time in the arcade: Bạn đừng dành quá nhiều thời gian ë trung t©m vui ch¬i +Don’t worry, I won’t: §õng lo/ yªn t©m ®i Tí sÏ kh«ng ch¬I nhiÒu ®©u - Practice the dialogue in pairs then change the role - Work in pairs - Compare the answers with a partner * Answers: a) He’s going to the amusement center b) He’s going to play video games c) He goes to the amusement about once a week d) No, he doesn’t He doesn’t spend much money e) He usually plays for about an hour f) Nam must be careful because video games can be addictive g) He’ll his homework later 3.4 Consolidation: - Ask Ss to discuss in groups of about this situation “To some extent, video games help you relax after hard working day However, spending too much time on video games can be harmful Now you work in groups, listing the bad effects caused by video games” + harm to eyes: H¹i m¾t + Backache: §au lng - Give prompts if necessary + waste time / money: PhÝ thêi gian / tiÒn cña + learn worse: Häc hµnh sa sót - Call on some representatives to perform - Group work their discussion - Remark and give suggested answers if necessary (86) Drill: - Vocabulary: amusement center, addictive, arcade - Structures: + Do harm to eyes + Don’t + V-infi Homework: - Summarize main points - Write sentences advise somebody should / shouldn’t in her / his free time - Prepare “A2” (87) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B: / /2009 /2009 Period 92 Unit 15: going out A- video games a2 I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read a short text and understand what the doctor advises them to prevent video games from becoming addictive Language focus Vocabulary: dizzy, play outdoor, social skill Language skills: Practice reading skill II Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Teaching plan, Cassette, pictures, extra – board Students’: Textbook, workbook III Procedures Organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Checking up: - Do exercise in Homework in the last period New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3.1.Warm up: - Ask Ss some questions about themselves - Whole class + How often you play video games? + How long you usually play? + What must you be careful? 3.2 Pre – reading: - Ask Ss to look at the pictures in A2 - Look at the pictures and listen - Set the scene “Today we continue the topic Video games In the reading, doctor will give you some advices that prevent video games from becoming addictive In your opinion, what are the advices” 3.3 While – reading: - Play the tape once -Look at their book and listen then answer the question “What is the main idea of the reading?” - Introduce the new words * New words: + dizzy: Chãng mÆt, hoa m¾t + play outdoor: Ch¬i ngoµi trêi + social skill: Kü n¨ng giao tiÕp x· héi - Play the tape again - Read the passage carefully and complete the sentences in “Now answer” (88) - Call on some Ss to read the answers - Correct and give the correct answers - Compare the answers with a partner * Answers: a) D c) D b) A d) B - Call on some Ss to read the passage then translate it into Vietnamese - Group work 3.4 Post – reading: - Ask Ss to work in groups of and make Bad effects lists about the bad effects and advices of Tired video games - Call on some representatives to check Dizzy - Correct and give suggested answers if Backache necessary Spend time on their own ……………… Drill: - Vocabulary: dizzy, play outdoor, social skill - Summarize main points Homework: - Summarize main points - Prepare “A3” Advices Take part in activities with others Play outdoor Develop social skill Be with people of their age ……………… (89) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B: / /2009 /2009 Period 93 Unit 15: going out A- video games a3 I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read and complete the passage to understand the applications of video in our life Language focus Vocabulary: protect the premises, identify robber, teaching aid, VCR, VCD, music industry, image Language skills: Practice reading skill II Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Teaching plan, extra – board Students’: Textbook, workbook III Procedures Organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Checking up: - Summarize the passage in exercise A2 New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3.1.Warm up: - Ask Ss some questions: + Do you often play video games? - Whole class + Where you often play the? 3.2 Pre – reading: - Ask Ss “Besides relaxing, what are the - Discuss in groups of and list the other applications of videos?” applications - Set the scene “When you go into the stores or bank, you usually see videos What people use video cameras for?” - Introduce the new words * New words: + protect the premises: B¶o vÖ tµi s¶n + identify robber: Ph¸t hiÖn téi ph¹m + teaching aid: Ph¬ng tiÖn trî gi¶ng + VCR (Video Cassette Recorder): §Çu m¸y video + VCD (Video Compact Discs): §Üa h×nh + music industry: Nghµnh c«ng nghiÖp ©m nh¹c + image: H×nh ¶nh - Introduce “You’re going to read a passage (90) about the applications of videos in our life You read and answer the question: What are the applications?” 3.3 While – reading: - Ask Ss to use the words in the box to - Work in pairs complete the passage by filling the spaces - Compare the answers with a partner - Call on some Ss to read the answers - Correct and give the correct answers * Answers: (1) be (6) use (2) have (7) can (3) is (8) will (4) identify (9) buy 3.4 Post – reading: - Call on some Ss to read the completed passage then translate it into Vietnamese - Retell the new vocabulary and the applications of videos in our life Drill: - Vocabulary: protect the premises, identify robber, teaching aid, VCR, VCD, music industry, image - Summarize main points Homework: - Summarize main points - Rewrite the applications of videos in our life - Prepare “B1, 2” (91) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B: / /2009 /2009 Period 94 Unit 15: going out B – in the city b1,2 I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practice talking about life in the city and in the countryside Language focus Vocabulary: the rest of the week, little traffic, busy road Structures: + Keep sb + adj + get / be used to + doing sth / N Language skills: Practice reading and speaking skill II Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Teaching plan, Cassette, pictures Students’: Textbook, workbook III Procedures Organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Checking up: - Talk about the applications of videos in our life New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3.1.Warm up: - Let Ss play the game Noughts and crosses - Group work about the new words in the last period Bank Video Premises Education University VCD music VCR Police 3.2 Presentation: - Ask Ss to look at the picture in B1 - Ask Ss: “Do you live in the city or in the countryside? What you think about the life in the city and in the countryside?” - Set the scene “You are going to listen to a conversation between Lan and Hoa You listen to it and tell me what they think about living in the city and the countryside?” * New words: - Play the tape and then introduce the new + the rest of the week: Nhòng ngµy cßn l¹i words and structures tuÇn + A little traffic: Ýt xe cé (Giao th«ng) + busy road: Đờng đông đúc * Structures: + Keep sb + adj: Lµm cho …… (92) Example: Keep me awake: Lµm cho t«i tØnh giÊc + Get / be used to + ding sth / N: Quen, thÝch nghi víi c¸i g× Example: She will get used to the noise in the city soon 3.3 Practice: - Play the tape once more - Ask Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs - Call on some pairs to practice - Correct and give the correct answers - Ask Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs again - Ask Ss to read the questions in exercise B2 then answer (work in groups of 3) - Compare the answers with other groups - Call on some representatives to read the answers - Correct and give comment 3.4 Consolidation: - Retell the main points and the structures in the lesson - Read the dialogue carefully and answer the questions in “Now answer” - Compare the answers with a partner * Answers: a) She goes to the school theater once a week The rest of the week she usually stays at home in the evening b) No, she doesn’t like the city c) Before, Hoa lived in a village near Hue d) She likes living there because she knew all the people in her neighborhood, the village was quiet and there was a little traffic e) She doesn’t like the city because it is noisy and the roads are busy f) She hates crossing the road most because bikes, motorbikes and cars come from every direction, and they scare her - Look at the questions in exercise B2 Then answers them - Practice asking and answering the questions in groups * Answers: (Student’s answers) Drill: Vocabulary: the rest of the week, little traffic, busy road Structures: + Keep sb + adj + get / be used to + doing sth / N Homework: - Summarize main points (93) - Write a short passage to tell Why / Why not you like / don’t like to live in the countryside or in the city - Prepare “B3, B4” (94) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B: / /2009 /2009 Period 95 Unit 15: going out B – in the city b3,4 I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to continue to talk about life in the city or in the countryside and what they usually in the city Language focus Vocabulary: help each other, together, far too expensive, eat out, socialize, public library, after all Structures: Prefer / like + to ; like + V- ing Language skills: Practice reading and speaking skill II Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Teaching plan, Cassette, pictures, extra – board Students’: Textbook, workbook III Procedures Organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Checking up: - Answer the questions: + Do you like the city / countryside? Why? Why not? New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3.1.Warm up: - Let Ss play the game Networks about the places they can see in the country or in the City city Country 3.2 Reading: * Pre – reading: - Ask Ss to look at exercise B3 - Introduce “In the last lesson, Lan said that Hoa would get used to the life in the city soon In your opinion, was she right? And what could Hoa in the city?” - Introduce the new words and structures Read * New words: + help each other: Giúp đỡ lẫn + together: Cïng + far too expensive: Quá đắt + eat out: §i ¨n hµng (95) + socialize: Giao lu, giao tiÕp b¹n bÌ + public library: Th viÖn c«ng céng + after all: Rèt cuéc, cau cïng * Prefer / like + to = like + V- ing - Read the text and find out the answers in * While – reading: “Pre – reading” (Lan is right She could cross the road, - Ask Ss to read the text again and make a began to go out more often) list of the things Hoa usually did in the evening Using the simple present tense - Do exercise and then compare the answers - Call on some Ss to check the answers with a partner - Correct and give the correct answers * Answers: + She visits friends + They listen to music and talk + They help each other with their home work + She plays table tennis and plays chess + She socializes with her friends + She goes to the library and borrows books * Post – reading: - Ask Ss some more questions: + What did Hoa and her friends usually when she went out? + Why did Hoa rarely go to see movies or - Listen and answer the questions eat out in the evening? What did she prefer to do? + Why couln’t Hoa read books in the village? + Why did Hoa decide that the city wasn’t so bad after all? 3.3 Listening: * Pre- listening: Listen Match each name to an activity - Ask Ss to look at the pictures in B4 and answer the question “What are the - Discuss in groups and then answer entertainment activities in the pictures?” + Play chess - Introduce the activities in the lesson + Play table tennis + Listen to music (CDs) + See a movie + Watch a soccer match T: Set the scene “There are activities that + Go to the restaurant Ba, Hoa, Nam and Lan did yesterday evening Now you listen to the tape and match each name to an activity” * While – listening: (96) - Call on some Ss to check the answers - Correct and give the correct answers - Listen to the tape2 times and match - Compare the answers with a partner * Answers: * Post – listening: Ba – b) Hoa – a) Nga – d) - Have Ss practiced in pairs asking and Nam – c) Lan – f) An – e) answering about what their friends did yesterday evening * Example Exchange: S1: What did you yesterday evening? S2: I did my homework, listened to music, … Drill: - Vocabulary: help each other, together, far too expensive, eat out, socialize, public library, after all - Structures: Prefer / like + to ; like + V- ing - Summarize main points Homework: - Summarize main points - Prepare “Unit 16: A1, A2” (97) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B: / /2009 /2009 Period 96 Unit 16: people and places a Famous places in Asia (A1, A2) I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know the name of famous places in Asia Then understand the conversation details Language focus Vocabulary: Names of some countries and cities in Asia Language skills: Practice reading and speaking skills II Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Teaching plan, Cassette, pictures, extra – board Students’: Textbook, workbook III Procedures Organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Checking up: - Summarize the story about Hoa you did in “Homework” in the last lesson New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3.1.Warm up: - Let Ss play the game Networks about - Group work names of some countries they have learned Australia Chinese Countries 3.2 Presentation: - Ask Ss to look at the post card in A1 - Explain “Greetings from Bangkok” - Ask Ss: + Where is Bangkok? (Thailand) + What you know about Thailand? + Besides Thailand, which countries and their capitals in South East Asia you know? - Set the scene “You are going to read a conversation between Hoa and Ba Ba tells Hoa about his uncle (Mr Nghia A pilot) and the places Mr Nghia visited You listen to the tape and tell me which places he flew to?” Listen Then practice + Greetings from Bangkok: Lêi chµo tõ B¨ng cèc - Discuss in groups and then answer the questions - Work individually, listen and find the places (98) 3.3 Practice: - Introduce the capitals and ask where each one belongs to? Bangkok Hong Kong Kuala Lumpur Singapore Jakarta Phnom Penh Vientiane Yangon - Ask Ss to look at the exercise at page 155 T: Call on some Ss to read the answers - Feedback and give the correct answers - Practice the dialogue in pairs - Call on some pairs to check - Introduce the new words - Discuss in small groups and answer - Listen to the conversation again and match the half - sentences to make completed ones - Compare the answers with a partner * Answers: a) – D b) – F c) – B d) – C e) – A f) – E * New words: + occationally (adv): ThØnh tho¶ng, thi tho¶ng + It’s his job to fly there: C«ng viÖc cña chó là bay đến đó Complete the table 3.4 Further practice: - Ask Ss to look at exercise A2, ask Ss: “ The words in the box are the names of some Asian countries You look at the board and * New words: tell me which countries they are?” - Cambodia: Cam Pu Chia - Myanmar: Mi- an -ma - Indonesia: In đô nê xi a - Malaysia: Ma- lai – xia - China: Trung Quèc - Ask Ss to look at the table and complete - Laos: Lµo the table by matching the names with their - Thailand: Th¸i Lan countries - Work in pairs - Call on some Ss to go to the board and - Compare the answers with partners complete the table * Answers: - Correct and give the correct answers Capitals Country Bangkok Thailand Beijing China - Call on some Ss to read names of the Kuala Lumpur Malaysia countries and their capitals in the table Phnom Penh Cambodia (99) - Ask Ss to look at “ Now ask and answer questions with a partner ” and practice in pairs using the in formation in the conversation - Call on some Ss to check - Correct and give suggested answers Vientiane Yangon Jakarta Laos Myanmar Indonesia * Now ask and answer: - Pair works Example Exchange: S1: Where does Ba’s uncle fly to? S2: He usually flies to Bangkok S1: Where is that? S2: It’s in Thailand Drill: - Vocabulary: Names of some countries and cities in Asia - Summarize main points Homework: - Summarize main points - Learn by heart names of countries and their capitals in this lesson - Prepare “A3, A4” (100) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B: / /2009 /2009 Period 97 Unit 16: people and places a Famous places in Asia (A3, A4) I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + Remember the names of some countries in Southeast Asia and their capitals + Listen and complete one pilot’s schedule from Monday to Sunday + Read a passage about tourist attractions in Southeast Asia to find out the destinations and their special features Language focus Vocabulary: over night, cultural show, Balinese dancer attraction, ancient monument, Khmer / Buddhist temple, puppet show, resort, colorful coral, tradition, outdoor life Language skills: Practice listening and reading skills II Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Teaching plan, Cassette, pictures, extra – board Students’: Textbook, workbook III Procedures Organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Checking up: - Write then read names of countries and their capitals in Asia New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3.1.Warm up: - Whole class - Let Ss play the game Guessing game about Example: Laos names of the countries they learned in the Is it in South East Asia? last period Is it big? Does it border with Viet Nam? Is its capital Vientiane? Listen and complete 3.2 Listen * Pre – listening: - Answer the questions - Ask Ss to look at the picture in A3 and answer the questions: + Where is this man? (At the airport) + What is his job? Why you know? (He is a pilot because he wears uniform) + What does the pilot do? - Set the scene “ You now look at part A3 (page 156) This is one pilot’s schedule from Monday to Sunday You listen to the tape (101) and complete the schedule by writing the name of the places that the pilot flew to” - Listen and complete the table * While – listening: - Compare the answers with a partner - Play the tape times * Answers: * New words: + stay overnight: qua đêm + cultural show: Buæi biÓu diÔn v¨n ho¸ - Call on some Ss to check their answers + Balinese dancer: Nghệ sỹ khiêu vũ đảo - Correct and give the correct answers Bali - Explain the new words in Listening Monday and Singapore * Post – listeningBangkok : Tuesday Singapore - Ask Ss to look Jakarta at the information in the Wednesday tableThursday and describeBali where the pilot flew to fromFriday Monday to Sunday Bali Saturday Kong the places the - Ask Ss to listenHong and repeat Sunday Back to Ha Noi pilot flew to 3.3 Read * Pre – reading: - Ask Ss to look at exercise A4 - Ask Ss: + What kind of tourism you like most? If you are interested in history / ocean / culture / … Where can you go? - Introduce the new words Listen and read: * New words: + attraction: §iÓm thu hót kh¸ch du lÞch + ancient monument: L¨ng mé cæ + Khmer / Buddhist temple: §Òn thê cña ngời Khơ me/ ngời theo đạo phật + puppet show: Buæi biÓu diÔn móa rèi + resort: Khu nghØ m¸t + colorful coral: §¶o san h« ®Çy mµu s¾c - Pair works - Set the scene “ You are going to read a passage about tourist attractions in Southeast Asia You read and tell me what are the destinations and their special features?” * While – reading: - Play the tape times - Ask Ss to read the passage carefully and answer question a) in “ Questions ” - Call on some Ss to read the answers - Correct and give the answer * Answers: a) The three kinds of tourist attractions mentioned in the passage are ancient monuments, shows and resort * Suggested answers: + Two examples of the ancient monuments are Khmer temples of Angkor Wat and the Buddhist temples of Borobudur (102) + We can see colorful dances in Thailand - Ask Ss more questions: + We can see puppet shows in Indonesia + What are examples of ancient + We can swim, dive, and admire colorful monuments? corals and fish and sail + Where can we see colorful dances? + What can we see in Indonesia? * New words: + What can we when we go to the sea? + tradition (n): TruyÒn thèng - Call on some Ss to read the answers, + traditional music (n): Nh¹c cæ truyÒn - Correct and give suggested answers + outdoor life (n): Cuéc sèng ngoµi trêi - Work in groups of - Call on some Ss to read the passage aloud - Introduce more new words Ancient monuments Cham temples, Literature temples Shows Resorts Traditional music shows in Bac Ninh, Beaches in Da Nang, Nha Trang, … * Post – reading: - Give a table and ask Ss to find the right places for tourist attractions above - Call on some representatives to read their discussion - Correct if necessary - Give suggested answers Drill: - Summarize main points - Vocabulary: over night, cultural show, Balinese dancer attraction, ancient monument, Khmer / Buddhist temple, puppet show, resort, colorful coral, tradition, outdoor life Homework: - Summarize main points - Learn by heart the new words - Summarize main points, translate the passage in A4 - Rewrite a short passage to describe the places the pilot flew to in exercise A3 - Prepare “B1, B2” (103) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B: / /2009 /2009 Period 98 Unit 16: people and places b Famous people (B1, b2) I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practice reading and talking about some famous people in Viet Nam and in other countries Language focus Vocabulary: history quiz, general, lead, people’s Army of Viet Nam, commander- In – Chief, force, defeat Structures: + Be famous for … + Be good at… + Be interested in … Language skills: Practice reading and speaking skills II Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Teaching plan, Cassette, pictures, extra – board Students’: Textbook, workbook III Procedures Organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Checking up: - Call on some Ss to translate the passage in A4 New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3.1.Warm up: - Ask Ss some questions: + Do you know General Vo Nguyen Giap? - Ss can answer in Vietnamese or in English + What you know about him? 3.2 Presentation: - Point the picture of General Giap in Listen Then practice exercise B1 and ask: + Who is in the picture? + Do you know anything about this person? - Whole class - Set the scene “You are going to read a conversation between Ba and Liz about General Vo Nguyen Giap We will know more about this famous figure” - Play the tape times -Introduce the new words and structures * New words: + history quiz:Cuéc thi lÞch sö + general:§¹i tíng + lead: Lãnh đạo + people’s Army of Viet Nam: Quân đội (104) 3.3: Practice: - Ask Ss to listen to the conversation in A1 again - Ask Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs - Call on some pairs to practice the dialogue - Ask Ss to read the conversation carefully and check the right column Then correct the false sentences - Call on some Ss to check the answers - Correct and give the correct answers nh©n d©n ViÖt Nam + commander- In – Chief: Tæng chØ huy + force: Lùc lîng + defeat: §¸nh b¹i + Be famous for : næi tiÕng vÒ… + Be good at: giái vÒ… + Be interested in : thích / quan tâm đến - Pair works - Do exercise then compare the answers with a partner * Answers: a) F: Liz know nothing about General Giap b) F: The people’s Army of Viet Nam defeated the French in 1954 c) T d) F: General Giap was born in 1911 e) T - Have Ss looked at exercise B2 and some f) F: Ba will lend Liz some history books famous soccer players (Pele, Romario, Practice Ronaldo, … ) and answer teacher’s questions: Do you like these players? Why? - Whole class Do you know anything about them? - Set the scene “ You are going to read a conversation between Lan and Hoa They are talking about Romario and Pele You read and complete it by using the words in the box to fill the spaces” - Work in pairs, complete exercise a - Call on some Ss to check the answers - Compare the answers - Correct and give the correct answers Answers: (1) like (2) prefer -Ask Ss to read exercise B2b (page 158) (3) guess - Set the scene “ Now you work in pairs, ask (4) favorite and answer about the famous people you like, using the adjectives in the box You can also use other adjectives which are more suitable for the person you talk about The famous people may different fields such as: sports, sciences and technology, ….” - Go round the class and make provided help * Example Exchange: S1: Do you like My Tam? if necessary S2: No, not very much I prefer My Linh - Call on some pairs to check the answers (105) - Correct and give suggested answers S1: Why you prefer My Linh? 3.4 Consolidation: S2: Because she sings better than My Tam - Summarize main points about General Giap Drill: Vocabulary: history quiz, general, lead, people’s Army of Viet Nam, commander- In – Chief, force, defeat Structures: + Be famous for … + Be good at… + Be interested in Homework: - Summarize main points - Write a about a person you like: name, job, age, … - Prepare “B4” (106) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B: / /2009 /2009 Period 99 Unit 16: people and places b Famous people (B4) I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read a passage about famous people: Thomas Edison and Hans Christian Anderson to understand their inventions and writings Language focus Vocabulary: invent, electric light bulb, power station, gramophone, motion pictures, novel, poetry, fairy tale Language skills: Practice reading skill II Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Teaching plan, Cassette, pictures, extra – board Students’: Textbook, workbook III Procedures Organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Checking up: - Talk about a famous person you like most New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3.1.Warm up: - Let Ss play the game Networks about the - Group work famous people in Viet Nam they know Uncle Ho Famous people 3.2 Pre – reading: - Ask Ss some questions: + Who is the inventor of the electric light bulb? + Who is the author of The Little Natch Girl, The Nightingale? - Set the scene “ You are going to read a passage about famous people: Thomas Edison and Hans Christian Andersen What you know about these people? Now you work in groups and make a list of facts about them” - Call on some representatives to answer - Introduce the new words - Work in groups - Can answer in Vietnamese or in English (Student’s answers) * New words: (107) 3.3 While – reading: - Read the passage time first - Ask Ss to read the passage carefully and then answer the questions: + When was Thomas born? When did he die? + What did Thomas Edison invent? + What were his other inventions? + When was Andersen born? When did he die? + Was Andersen’s family rich? + What did he write? - Call on some Ss to read the answers - Correct and give the correct answers 3.4 Post – reading: - Ask Ss to look at “ Now work with a partner a) ” and explain how they have to then explain the example - Go round the class and give provided help if necessary - Call on some pairs to practice - Ask Ss to look at b) , change the role and carry out the interview with Hans Christian Andersen - Call on some Ss to practice - Correct and give the suggested answers + invent: Ph¸t minh + invention (n) + inventor (n): + electric light bulb: Bóng đèn điện + power station: hµ m¸y ph¸t ®iÖn + gramophone: Máy quay đĩa + motion pictures: Phim ®iÖn ¶nh + novel: TiÓu thuyÕt + poetry (n): Th¬ ca + fairy tale: TruyÖn cæ tÝch - Work in pairs - Answer then compare the answers with a partner * Answers: a) Thomas edison was born in 1487 and died in 1931 b) He invented electric light bulb c) His other inventions were gramophone and motion pictures d) Andersen was born in 1805 and died in 1875 e) No, his family was very poor f) He wrote novels, plays, poetry and travel books a) Work with a partner Example: S1: Where were you born, Mr Edison? S2: I was born in 1847 S1: Were you born in America? S2: Yes, I am b) Example: S1: When were you born Mr Andersen? S2: I was born in 1805 S1: Was your family rich? S2: No, It’s poor Drill: - Retell the main information about Thomas Edison and Hans Christian Andersen and the new words Vocabulary: invent, electric light bulb, power station, gramophone, motion pictures, novel, poetry, fairy tale Homework: - Summarize main points about the famous people in this lesson - Prepare “B5” (108) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B: / /2009 /2009 Period 100 Unit 16: people and places b Famous people (B5) I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen to get information about a famous person in Viet Nam, Uncle Ho to understand more about his life Language focus Vocabulary: Founded Vietnamese Communist Party, Formed Viet Minh Front, become, president, province, Indochinese, Communist Party, Declare independence Language skills: Practtice listening skill II Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Teaching plan, Cassette, pictures, extra – board Students’: Textbook, workbook III Procedures Organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Checking up: - Summarize the biography of Thomas Edison and Hans Christian Andersen New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3.1.Warm up: - Ask Ss some questions about Uncle Ho: +Where Uncle Ho born? - Whole class can answer in Vietnamese or + What did he for Vietnamese people? in English + What is he famous about? 3.2 Pre – listening: - Have Ss looked at exercise B5 - Set the scene “ Ho Chi Minh is a great figure in the history We all know about him Now you look at the map in your book and tell me what place in the map meant in Uncle Ho’s life” - Ask Ss to look at the table in the book and guess the information and complete the table - Introduce the new words * New words: + Founded Vietnamese Communist Party: Thµnh lËp §CS ViÖt Nam + Formed Viet Minh Front: Thµnh lËp MÆt trËn ViÖt Minh (109) - Introduce “ You are going to listen to the + become president: Trë thµnh chñ tÞch tape summarizing the biography of Uncle Ho You listen to it and complete the table You have to fill in either the name of the years or the name of places according to the events on your right hand” 3.3.While – listening: - Listen to the tape times and exercise - Compare the answers with a partner Events Year Place Date of birth 1890 Kim Lien 1911 - Call on some Ss to read the answers Left Viet Nam Saigon - Correct and give the correct answers Worked in a hotel 1900s London Went to another 1917 Paris country Moves again 1923 Moscow Founded 1930 Guangzhou Vietnamese Communist Party Formed Viet Minh 1941 Viet Nam Front Became President 1945 Viet Nam Died 1969 Hanoi * New words: + Nghe An province: TØnh NghÖ An + In th early 1900s: Vµo ®Çu nh÷ng n¨m - Play the tape again and explain the new 1900 words + Indochinese Communist Party: §¶ng Céng S¶n §«ng D¬ng + Declare independence: Tuyên bố độc lập - Pair works 3.4 Post – listening: - Ask Ss to write the biography of Uncle Ho, using the information in the tape - Call on some Ss to read their writings - Correct and give suggested answers - Summarize main points Drill: Vocabulary: Founded Vietnamese Communist Party, Formed Viet Minh Front, become, president, province, Indochinese, Communist Party, Declare independence Homework: - Summarize main points - Find more information about Uncle Ho - Prepare “Language focus 5” (110) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B: / /2009 /2009 Period 101 Unit 16: people and places Language focus I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use the knowledge they have learned from Unit 13 to Unit 16 to the exercises correctly and fluently Then understand them more clearly Language focus Vocabulary: (Revise) Grammar: + Adjectives and Adverbs + Modal verbs + Expressing “Like” and “Dislike” + Tenses Language skills: Practtice writing skill II Teaching aids: Teacher’s: Teaching plan, Cassette, pictures, extra – board Students’: Textbook, workbook III Procedures Organization Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Checking up: - Summarize the biology of Uncle Ho New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3.1.Warm up: - Whole class - Call others Ss to summarize the biology of Adjectives and Adverbs: Uncle Ho Adjectives Adverbs 3.2 Activity 1: Dangerous V - Ask Ss to look at exercise 1a) Slowly V Skillfully V - Explain the form of adverbs again Good V “ Adjective + Ly = Adverb ” Bad V - Ask Ss to look at the table and complete it quickly V - Call on some Ss to check (V) the boxes - Look at exercise b) - Correct and give the correct answers -Read the sentences and then complete them b) Answers: - Explain how to this exercise.with A: quickly suitable word B: Slowly - Compare the answers with a partner C: good - Call on some Ss to check the answers D: dangerous - Correct and give the correct answers E: skillful Modal verbs: a) Work with a partner (111) 3.3 Activity 2: - Practice the dialogue b) in pairs - Ask Ss to look at exercise - Retell the structure with modal verb MUST “ S + must + infinitive + O ” b) Suggested answers: - Call on some pairs to practice - Look at the pictures in b) and make up similar dialogues a) A: Can I play soccer, Mom? B: First, you must practice the piano - Call on some Ss to check the answers b) A: Can I play badminton, Mom? - Correct and give suggested answers B: First, you must clean up your room c) -> e) …… c) Suggested answers: - Practice giving her advices - Ask Ss to look at the pictures in c) - Set the scene “Hoa has a few problems Give her some advice, using “ should ” or “ ought to ” a) You should / ought to go to the doctor - Retell the use of the structure with b) You should take a bath “ should ” and “ ought to ” c) You should put a thick coat on - Call on some Ss to give her / him advices d) You should relax - Correct and give suggested answers Expressing “ Like ” and “ Dislike ” : * New words: 3.4 Activity 3: + spring roll (n): Nem r¸n - Ask Ss to look at the menu in exercise + shrimp cake (n): B¸nh t«m and find out which food they don’t know + beef stew (n): ThÞt bß hÇm - Introduce the new words + beef steak (n): Bß bÝt tÕt + Sweet and sour chicken: ThÞt gµ xµo chua ngät + ginger chicken: Gµ tÈm gõng * Suggested answers: A: What would you like to eat? - Ask Ss to work in pairs, decide which B: I’d like shrimp cakes items to order A: Would you like fresh fish and lemon + What would you like to eat? sauce? + What would you like? B: Yes, that sounds nice + Would you like … ? A: Would you like ginger chicken? - Call on some Ss to check the answers B: I prefer sweet and sour chicken - Correct and give answers A: Would you like rice noodles? B: No, I don’t really like rice noodles I’d like fried rice Tenses: - Compare the answers with a partner * Answers: 3.5 Activity 4: Past Present Future a) …… V (112) - Retell the usage and the formation of the Present simple and Future simple tenses again - Ask Ss to look at the board and check (V) the correct column - Call on some Ss to check the answers - Correct and give answers b) …… c) …… d) …… e) …… f) …… g) …… h) …… i) …… j) …… Because: V V V V V V V V V - Pair works - Look at the table and the words in the box and make up similar dialogues * Suggested answers: 3.6 Activity 5: A: What is your favorite TV program? - Ask Ss to read the dialogue in exercise B: Cartoons (page 166) and practice in pairs A: Why? - Call on some pairs to practice B: Because it is exciting - Correct and explain the question with A: Cartoon is my favorite program, too I “ Why ” and the answer with “ Because ” prefer it because it is interesting - Call on some Ss to practice - Correct and give suggested answers Drill: Vocabulary: (Revise) Grammar: + Adjectives and Adverbs + Modal verbs + Expressing “Like” and “Dislike” + Tenses + Because Homework: - Summarize main points - Copy the answers - Revise Unit to Unit 16 (113) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B: / /2009 /2009 Period 102 REVISION I Objectives - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review the basic knowledge from unit to unit 10 Language focus: - Past simple - Why?/ Because Language skills: - Communicative - Doing exercises II Teaching aids Teacher: - Text book, teacher's book, lesson plan Students: - Text book, notebook III Procedure Organization: Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Check up: No New lesson: Teacher's activities * Warm up Slap the board: Students' activities Whole class remembered arrived sent took rented * Presentation thought - Ask Ss to review all the basic knowledge from - Repeat all these above knowledge * Past simple: unit to unit 10: Form: Past simple Why?/ Because Eg: - He got up at a.m yesterday * Practice - Ask Ss to some exercises - Call some Ss to give their answers in front of the class - Correct their mistakes and give keys (+) Exercise Complete the sentences Use the past form of - Do the exercises - Go to the board and the exercises (+) Exercise Answers: (114) S + Ved + O the verbs in brackets I …saw………… a lot of beautiful fish I …………… (see) a lot of beautiful fish at at Tri Nguyen Aquarium Tri Nguyen Aquarium They …went…… to Ha Long for their They ……… (go) to Ha Long for their last last summer vacation summer vacation My friend …took……… me to see Tay My friend ………… (take) me to see Tay Phuong Pagoda Phuong Pagoda We …speak……… to some American We ………… (speak) to some American tourist tourist He …returned……… to Ho Chi Minh He ………… (return) to Ho Chi Minh City City for a short visit for a short visit (+) Exercise Make sentences, using Why?/ Because 4.Drill - Repeat the main knowledge in the lesson - Ss listen and remember Homework - Review the above the knowledge - Read unit 11, unit 12 again (+) Exercise Possible answers: I am very hungry now because I did not eat enough this morning He has strong white teeth because he is having a toothache We wash our hands before meals because we want to have a healthy living Hoa is not afraid of the dentist because she is very kind and skillful Nam looks unhappy because he is having a toothache (115) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B: / /2009 /2009 Period 103 REVISION I Objectives - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review the basic knowledge from unit 11 to unit 12 Language focus: - Past simple - too and either/ So and Neither Language skills: - Communicative - Doing exercises II Teaching aids Teacher: - Text book, teacher's book, lesson plan Students: - Text book, notebook III Procedure Organization: Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Check up: No New lesson: Teacher's activities * Warm up Slap the board: (Fruits) Students' activities Whole class spinach papaya mangoes apple orange * Presentation lemon - Ask Ss to review all the basic knowledge from unit 11 to unit 12: Past simple too and either/ So and Neither * Practice - Ask Ss to some exercises - Call some Ss to give their answers in front of the class - Correct their mistakes and give keys (+) Exercise Make sentences with too or either I am hungry I ………… I am not thirsty I ………… I like potatoes and peas and they … Nam does not like chicken and Hoa …………… - Repeat all these above knowledge - Do the exercises - Go to the board and the exercises (+) Exercise Answers: I am hungry I am, too I am not thirsty I am not, either I like potatoes and peas and they like, too Nam does not like chicken and Hoa does not, either They love papaya and we love, too (116) S + Ved + O They love papaya and we ……… (+) Exercise Make sentences with So and Neither I eat a little in the morning (They) They not like pork (I) I eat bread for breadfast (My sister) He does not have big lunch (They) Beans are very good for our health (Fresh fruits) 4.Drill - Repeat the main knowledge in the lesson - Ss listen and remember Homework - Review the above the knowledge - Read unit 13, unit 14 again (+) Exercise So they Neither I So does my sister Neither they So are fresh fruits (117) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B: / /2009 /2009 Period 104 REVISION I Objectives - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review the basic knowledge from unit 13 to unit 14 Language focus: - Adjectives and Adverbs - Modal verbs Language skills: - Communicative - Doing exercises II Teaching aids Teacher: - Text book, teacher's book, lesson plan Students: - Text book, notebook III Procedure Organization: Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Check up: No New lesson: Teacher's activities * Warm up Jumbled words: ( Names of the sports) - aeallsbb = Baseball - aionnmdbt = Badminton - ooallbft = Football - oeallllvy = Volleyball - aaellbbskt = Basketball * Presentation - Ask Ss to review all the basic knowledge from unit 13 to unit 14: Adjectives and Adverbs Modal verbs * Practice - Ask Ss to some exercises - Call some Ss to give their answers in front of the class - Correct their mistakes and give keys (+) Exercise Complete the sentences My brother is a good badminton player He plays ……… Lan is a quick swimmer She swims ………… Nam is a safe driver He drives … I am a bad swimmer I swim ……… Minh is a skillful tennis player He plays ……… Students' activities Whole class - Repeat all these above knowledge - Do the exercises - Go to the board and the exercises (+) Exercise Answers: My brother is a good badminton player He plays …well…… Lan is a quick swimmer She swims … quickly……… Nam is a safe driver He drives …safely I am a bad swimmer I swim …badly…… Minh is a skillful tennis player He plays …skillfuly…… (118) (+) Exercise Make the sentences with Modal verbs: can, must, should, ought to 4.Drill - Repeat the main knowledge in the lesson - Ss listen and remember Homework - Review the above the knowledge - Read unit 15, unit 16 again S + Ved + O (+) Exercise Possible answers: I can play basketball You must go to school on time You should your homework at home I ought to help my Mom (119) Teaching date: Class 7A: / 7B: / /2009 /2009 Period 105 REVISION I Objectives - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review the basic knowledge from unit 15 to unit 16 Language focus: - Adjectives and Adverbs - Modal verbs Language skills: - Communicative - Doing exercises II Teaching aids Teacher: - Text book, teacher's book, lesson plan Students: - Text book, notebook III Procedure Organization: Class Total Out 7A …… …… 7B …… …… Check up: No New lesson: Teacher's activities * Warm up Jumbled words: (Names of the contries) - aaoibdcm = Cambodia - aammnry = Myanmar - oiiannsde = Indonesia - hnaaidlt = Thailand - ianhc = China * Presentation - Ask Ss to review all the basic knowledge from unit 15 to unit 16: Adjectives and Adverbs Modal verbs * Practice - Ask Ss to some exercises - Call some Ss to give their answers in front of the class - Correct their mistakes and give keys (+) Exercise Decide what children can/ must/ should or should not among these things Then write full sentences Spend a lot of money on video games Play video games for a short time Take 10 minute rest every hour they play video games Spend time playing outdoors Take part in activities with others Go to the amusement center often Students' activities Whole class - Repeat all these above knowledge - Do the exercises - Go to the board and the exercises (+) Exercise Answers: Children should not spend a lot of money on video games Children should play video games for a short time Children must take 10 minute rest every hour they play video games Children should spend time playing outdoors Children should take part in activities with (120) Forget to homework Spend little time playing video games (+) Exercise Complete the sentences Use the words in the box show useful be protect play identify can Video cameras can be very ……… Video cameras can ………… banks and stores Video cameras can ……… robbers VCRs ……… ………… in education VCDs …………… music and …… Video images at the same time S + Ved + O others Children should not go to the amusement center often Children should not forget to homework Children can spend little time playing video games (+) Exercise Answers: useful protect identify can be play, show 4.Drill - Repeat the main knowledge in the lesson - Ss listen and remember Homework - Review the knowledge from unit to unit 16 to the second exam well (121) (122)

Ngày đăng: 27/06/2021, 03:26

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