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In both areas, there was a well-established ground stone tool technology, a method of pounding and grinding nuts and other plant foods, that could be adapted to newly cultivated foods.By[r]

(1)REVISION TEST 23 I Pick out the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the other words A property B supposed C particular D apparent A community B protection C develop D company A entertain B respectable C imaginable D equality A influence B instructor C intelligent D inflation A comfort B element C personal D evacuate II Complete each sentence with the right form of the word in brackets 6."Never be late for an interview, you can't get the job." A otherwise B if not C or so D unless 7: " you treat him, he'll help you He's so tolerant." A In addition to B Even though C As if D No matter how 8.The village was visible through the dense fog A mostly B hard C only D barely Hypertension is one of the most widespread and potentially dangerous diseases The word widespread means… A colossal B popular C common D scattered 10.The sky was cloudy and foggy We went to the beach, A so B however C even though D yet 11 He is good at accompanying people’s singing by his guitar and I admire him very much Admire is the opposite of……… A ignore B scorn C deny D pity 12 It’s time you your way of living A meditated B surrendered C reflected D amended 13 It is very ……………of you not to play the piano while I was asleep a familiar b considerate c popular d attractive 14 ……….a movie to be entertaining ,it has to have an interesting story A So that B In order that C In order for D In order to 15: Skilled workers can ……………high wages A command B insist C order D require 16 His brother is an extremely competent and…………builder A industry B industrial C industrious D industrialize 17: He’s a very person because he can make other workers follow his advice A creative B influential C deciding D effective 18: That hotel is so expensive They you sixty pounds for bed and breakfast A charge B fine C take D cost 19: The doctor decided to give her a thorough examination he could identify the causes of her illness A after B so as C unless D so that 20 The Federal Reserve System, ……… under President Wilson, plays a key role in regulating the U.S economy A the establishment in 1913 B was established in 1913 C established in 1913 D in 1913 they established 21.I am going to wait until you .your work A have finished B finished C had finished D will finish 22.Jane: 'We've collected thousands of pounds this week for charity.' Frank: ' .' A Goodness you ! B Goodness them! C Goodness us! D Goodness me! 23 ‘You must be thirsty after such a long walk on a hot day like this May I give you …iced tea? ’ ‘No, thanks I don’t think I want … ’ A some …some B some …any C any …some D any …any 24 My headache isn’t serious It will after an hour or so The word wear off means……… A reduce B disappear gradually C permit to be alone D produce 25 Brian didn’t like his new job, so he packed after only two months A it off B off it C it in D in it 26 The team practised so hard that it could .the trophy A regain B return C restore D replace 27 in large quantities in the Middle East, oil became known as black gold because of the large profit it brought A Discovering B.That was discovered C Discovered D When discovered 28 : Sue: "Can you help me with my essay?" Robert: " " A I think that, too B Yes, I'm afraid not C Not completely D Why not? 29 "You have cooked so many dishes There are only three of us for lunch." A wouldn't B oughtn't C needn't D couldn't 30: Joan: "Our friends are coming , Mike? " Mike: "I'm sorry, but I can't it now." A Shall you make some coffee, please B Would you mind making some coffee C Why don't we cook some coffee D Shall I make you like some coffee 31: "Why don't you sit down and ?" A make yourself at peace B make it your own home C make yourself at home D make yourself at rest 32 She built a high wall round her garden A in order that her fruit not be stolen B to enable people not taking her fruit C so that her fruit would be stolen D to prevent her fruit from being stolen 33.: His new work has enjoyed a very good review from critics and readers The word review means…… A viewing B regard C opinion D look 34.: Such problems as haste and inexperience are a universal feature of youth The word universal means…… A marked B separated C shared D hidden 35.: We have lived there for years and grown fond of the surroundings That is why we (2) not want to leave A possessed by the surroundings B planted many trees in the surroundings C loved the surroundings D haunted by the surroundings III Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting 36 It is a (A)common observation that liquids (B) will soak through some materials (C) but not through (D)other 37 (A)The music on (B)a compact disc is (C)record (D)by lasers 38 (A)As every (B)other nation ,the United States (C)used to define (D)its unit of currency ,the dollar, in term of the gold standard 39 (A) One out of (B) every eight balloons (C) in the world (D) are launched at Albuquerque, New Mexico 40 Local minibuses, buses and trains (A)operate (B)throughout most of the country and (C)whatever you go you will be given a warm (D)welcome IV Read the passage and choose the best answer A, B, C or D to questions below Both in what is now the eastern and the southwestern United States, the peoples of the Archaic era (8,000-1,000 B.C) were, in a way, already adapted to beginnings of cultivation through their intensive gathering and processing of wild plant foods In both areas, there was a well-established ground stone tool technology, a method of pounding and grinding nuts and other plant foods, that could be adapted to newly cultivated foods.By the end of the Archaic era, people in eastern North America had domesticated certainnative plants, including sunflowers; weeds called goosefoot, sumpweed, or marsh elder;and squash or gourds of some kind These provided seeds that were important sources ofcarbohydrates and fat in the diet The earliest cultivation seems to have taken place along the river valleys of the Midwest and the Southeast, with experimentation beginning as early as 7,000 years ago and domestication beginning 4,000 to 2,000 years ago Although the term “Neolithic” is not used in North American prehistory, these were the first steps toward the same major subsistence changes that took place during the Neolithic (8,000-2,000 B.C.) period elsewhere in the world Archaeologists debate the reasons for beginning cultivation in the eastern part of the continent Although population and sedentary living were increasing at the time, there is little evidence that people lacked adequate wild food resources; the newly domesticated foods supplemented a continuing mixed subsistence of hunting, fishing, and gathering wild plants, Increasing predictability of food supplies may have been a motive It has been suggested that some early cultivation was for medicinal and ceremonial plants rather than for food One archaeologist has pointed out that the early domesticated plants were all weedy species that well in open, disturbed habitats, the kind that would form around human settlements where people cut down trees, trample the ground, deposit trash, and dig holes It has been suggested that sunflower, sumpweed, and other plants almost domesticated themselves, that is , they thrived in human –disturbed habitats, so humans intensively collected them and began to control their distribution Women in the Archaic communities were probably the main experimenters with cultivation, because ethnoarchaeological evidence tells us that women were the main collectors of plant food and had detailed knowledge of plants 41 The passage mainly discusses which of the following aspects of the life of Archaic peoples? (A) The principal sources of food that made up their diet(B) Their development of ground stone tool technology (C) Their development of agriculture(D) Their distribution of work between men and women 42 The word “these” in line 13 refers to (A) seeds (B) river valleys (C) the Midwest and the Southeast (D) experimentation and domestication 43 According to the passage, when did the domestication of plants begin in North America? (A) 7,000 years ago (B) 4,000 to 2,000 years ago (C) Long after the Neolithic period (D) Before the Archaic period 44 The word “adequate” in line 18 is closest in meaning to (A) sufficient (B) healthful (C) varied (D) dependable 45 According to the passage, which of the following was a possible motive for the cultivation of plants in eastern North America? (A) Lack of enough wild food sources(B) The need to keep trees from growing close to settlements (C) Provision of work for an increasing population(D) Desire for the consistent availability of food 46 The phrase “rather than” in line 21 is closest in meaning to (A) in addition to (B) instead of (C) as a replacement (D) such as 47 The plant “sumpweed” is mentioned in line 25 in order to (A) contrast a plant with high nutritional value with one with little nutritional value(B) explain the medicinal use of a plant (C) clarify which plants grew better in places where trees were not cut down (D) provide an example of a plant that was easy to domesticate 48 The word “thrived” in line 26 is closest in meaning to (A) stayed (B) originated (C) grew well (D) died out 49 According to the passage, which of the following is true about all early domesticated plants? (A) They were varieties of weeds.(B) They were moved from disturbed areas (C) They succeeded in areas with many trees.(D) They failed to grow in trampled or damaged areas 50 According to the passage, it is thought that most of the people who began cultivating plants were (A) medical workers (B) leaders of ceremonies(C) women (D) hunters V.Choose the best option I had never been to Denmark before, so when I set ………(51)…… to catch the ferry in early May, I little suspected that by the end of the trip I’d have made such lasting friendships Esjberg is a (52) ….port for a cyclist’s arrival, where tourist information can be (53) ….and money changed A cycle track leads out of town and down to Ribe, where I spent my first night The only appointment I had to (54) ….was a meeting with a friend who was flying out in June I wanted to (55) ….my time well, so I had planned a route which would (56) ….several small islands and various parts of the countryside In my experience, a person traveling alone sometimes meets with unexpected hospitality, and this trip was no (57) … On only my second day, I got into conversation with a cheerful man who turned out to be the local baker He insisted that I should (58) ….his family for lunch, and, while we were eating, he contacted his daughter in Odense Within minutes, he had (59) ….for me to visit her and her family Then I was (60) ….on my way with a fresh loaf of bread to keep me going, and the feeling that this would turned out to be a wonderful holiday 51 A out B up C down D on 52 A capable B ready C favourable D convenient (3) 53 A met B united C established D obtained 54 A B support C keep D maintain 55 A take B serve C exercise D use 56 A include B contain C enclose D consist 57 A difference B change C exception D contrast 58 A greet B see C join D approach 59 A arranged B fixed C settled D ordered 60 A passed B sent C begun D put VI.Reading Human memory, formerly believed to be rather inefficient, is really more sophisticated than that of a computer Researchers approaching the problem from a variety of points of view have all concluded that there is a great deal more stored in our minds than has been generally supposed Dr Line Wilder Penfield, a Canadian neurosurgeon, proved that by stimulating their brains electrically, he could elicit the total recall of specific events in his subjects' lives Even dreams and other minor events supposedly forgotten for many years suddenly emerged in detail The memory trace is the term for whatever is the internal representation of the specific information about the event stored in the memory Assumed to have been made by structural changes in the brain, the memory trace is not subject to direct observation but is rather a theoretical 10 construct that we use to speculate about how information presented at a particular time can cause performance at a later time Most theories include the strength of the memory trace as a variable in the degree of learning, retention, and retrieval possible for a memory One theory is that the fantastic capacity for storage in the brain is the result of an almost unlimited combination of interconnections between brain cells, stimulated by patterns of activity Repeated references to the same information 15 supports recall Or, to say that another way, improved performance is the result of strengthening the chemical bonds in the memory 61 With what topic is the passage mainly concerned? (A) Wilder Penfield (B) Neurosurgery (C) Human memory (D) Chemical reactions 62 The word "formerly" in line could best be replaced by (A) in the past (B) from time to time (C) in general (D) by chance 63 Compared with a computer, human memory is (A) more complex (B) more limited (C) less dependable (D) less durable 64 The word "that" in line refers to (A) the computer (B) the efficiency (C) the sophistication (D) the memory 65 According to the passage, researchers have concluded that (A) the mind has a much greater capacity for memory than was previously believed (B) the physical basis for memory is clear (C) different points of view are valuable (D) human memory is inefficient 66 How did Penfield stimulate dreams and other minor events from the past? (A) By surgery (B) By electric stimulation (C) By repetition (D) By chemical stimulation 67 The word "elicit" in line is closest in meaning to (A) prove (B) prevent (C) cause (D) reject 68 According to the passage, the capacity for storage in the brain (A) can be understood by examining the physiology (B) is stimulated by patterns of activity (C) has a limited combination of relationships (D) is not influenced by repetition 69 The word "bonds" in line 17 means (A) promises (B) agreements (C) connections (D) responsibilities 70 All of the following are true of a memory trace EXCEPT that (A) it is probably made by structural changes in the brain (B) is able to be observed (C) is a theoretical construct (D) is related to the degree of recall VII SENTENCE TRANFORMATION 71 Mortorists are jamming the streets as they slow down to see the wall painting A Motorists are being held up as they slow down to see the wall painting B Motorsits are causing holdups as they slow down to see the wall painting C Motorists are told to slow down to see the wall painting because the streets are jammed D Wall paintings are holding up the streets as motorists jammed to see them 72 He is becoming quite famous as an interviewer A He is making a name for himself as an interviewer B He is calling himself a name as an interviewer C Being a famous interviewer is giving him a name D He has a name as a famous interviewer 73 Every possible effort was made by the orphange to find the boy's parents A The orphanage turned every stone to find the boy's parents B The orphanage threw a stone and found the boy's parents C The orphanage had every stone turned up to find the boy's parents D The orphanage left no stone unturned in their attempt to find the boy's parents 74 The minister gave no precise figures about the casualties A The minister gave inexact figures about the casualties B The minister did not mention the figures about the casualties C The minister did not go into details about the casualties D The minister refused to comment on the figures about the casualties 75 They've been arguing about the motorway extension for years A It's years since they argued about the motorway extension B The motorway extension is a matter of concern for many years C The motorway extension has been a bone of contention for years D They are still building an extension to the motorway 76 I'm afraid our problems are just beginning A I'm afraid we've just had a lot of problems B I'm afraid our problem is just the tip of the iceberg C I'm afraid the problems only concern us D I'm afraid we must deal with our problems right now 77 Unlike the other students, Thomas does not have any ambition A Thomas's peers, as well as him, all have some ambition B Thomas does not like his friends because they are ambitious (4) C His students not like Thomas because he has no ambition D All the students, excluding Thomas, have some ambition 78 The fact that Michael Jackson has passed away is something many people cannot accept A Many people can not come to terms with the fact that Michael Jackson has passed away B Many people cannot accept that Michael Jackson has passed away C That Michael Jackson had died was not accepted by many people D The fact that Michael Jackson has died cannot come to terms with many people 79 Local residents said they were against the new traffic scheme A It is known that local residents not support the traffic scheme B What the local residents were not in favour of was the new traffic scheme C Local residents did not show their approval of the new traffic scheme D Local residents expressed their disapproval of the new traffic scheme 80 The boy wasn’t allowed to have any friends, so he became an introvert A The boy who was not allowed to have any friends became an introvert B If the boy had some friends, he wouldn’t become an introvert C Deprived of friends, the boy became an introvert D Having no friends made the boy become an introvert Test 23 I Pick out the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the other words A property B supposed C particular D apparent A community B protection C develop D company A entertain B respectable C imaginable D equality A influence B instructor C intelligent D inflation A comfort B element C personal D evacuate II Complete each sentence with the right form of the word in brackets 8: Skilled workers can ……………high wages A command B insist C order D require 6."Never be late for an interview, you can't get the job." A otherwise B if not C or so D unless 7: " you treat him, he'll help you He's so tolerant." A In addition to B Even though C As if D No matter how 8.The village was visible through the dense fog A mostly B hard C only D barely Hypertension is one of the most widespread and potentially dangerous diseases The word widespread means… A colossal B popular C common D scattered 10.The sky was cloudy and foggy We went to the beach, A so B however C even though D yet 11 He is good at accompanying people’s singing by his guitar and I admire him very much Admire is the opposite of……… A ignore B scorn C deny D pity 12 It’s time you your way of living A meditated B surrendered C reflected D amended 13 It is very ……………of you not to play the piano while I was asleep a familiar b considerate c popular d attractive 14 ……….a movie to be entertaining ,it has to have an interesting story A So that B In order that C In order for D In order to 15: Skilled workers can ……………high wages A command B insist C order D require 16 His brother is an extremely competent and…………builder A industry B industrial C industrious D industrialize 17: He’s a very person because he can make other workers follow his advice A creative B influential C deciding D effective 18: That hotel is so expensive They you sixty pounds for bed and breakfast A charge B fine C take D cost 19: The doctor decided to give her a thorough examination he could identify the causes of her illness A after B so as C unless D so that 20 The Federal Reserve System, ……… under President Wilson, plays a key role in regulating the U.S economy A the establishment in 1913 B was established in 1913 C established in 1913 D in 1913 they established 21.I am going to wait until you .your work A have finished B finished C had finished D will finish 22.Jane: 'We've collected thousands of pounds this week for charity.' Frank: ' .' A Goodness you ! B Goodness them! C Goodness us! D Goodness me! 23 ‘You must be thirsty after such a long walk on a hot day like this May I give you …iced tea? ’ ‘No, thanks I don’t think I want … ’ A some …some B some …any C any …some D any …any 24 My headache isn’t serious It will after an hour or so The word wear off means……… A reduce B disappear gradually C permit to be alone D produce 25 Brian didn’t like his new job, so he packed after only two months A it off B off it C it in D in it 26 The team practised so hard that it could .the trophy A regain B return C restore D replace 27 in large quantities in the Middle East, oil became known as black gold because of the large profit it brought (5) A Discovering B.That was discovered C Discovered D When discovered 28 : Sue: "Can you help me with my essay?" Robert: " " A I think that, too B Yes, I'm afraid not C Not completely D Why not? 29 "You have cooked so many dishes There are only three of us for lunch." A wouldn't B oughtn't C needn't D couldn't 30: Joan: "Our friends are coming , Mike? " Mike: "I'm sorry, but I can't it now." A Shall you make some coffee, please B Would you mind making some coffee C Why don't we cook some coffee D Shall I make you like some coffee 31: "Why don't you sit down and ?" A make yourself at peace B make it your own home C make yourself at home D make yourself at rest 32 She built a high wall round her garden A in order that her fruit not be stolen B to enable people not taking her fruit C so that her fruit would be stolen D to prevent her fruit from being stolen 33.: His new work has enjoyed a very good review from critics and readers The word review means…… A viewing B regard C opinion D look 34.: Such problems as haste and inexperience are a universal feature of youth The word universal means…… A marked B separated C shared D hidden 35.: We have lived there for years and grown fond of the surroundings That is why we not want to leave A possessed by the surroundings B planted many trees in the surroundings C loved the surroundings D haunted by the surroundings III Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting 36 It is a (A)common observation that liquids (B) will soak through some materials (C) but not through (D)other 37 (A)The music on (B)a compact disc is (C)record (D)by lasers 38 (A)As every (B)other nation ,the United States (C)used to define (D)its unit of currency ,the dollar, in term of the gold standard 39 (A) One out of (B) every eight balloons (C) in the world (D) are launched at Albuquerque, New Mexico 40 Local minibuses, buses and trains (A)operate (B)throughout most of the country and (C)whatever you go you will be given a warm (D)welcome IV Read the passage and choose the best answer A, B, C or D to questions below Both in what is now the eastern and the southwestern United States, the peoples of the Archaic era (8,000-1,000 B.C) were, in a way, already adapted to beginnings of cultivation through their intensive gathering and processing of wild plant foods In both areas, there was a well-established ground stone tool technology, a method of pounding and grinding nuts and other plant foods, that could be adapted to newly cultivated foods.By the end of the Archaic era, people in eastern North America had domesticated certainnative plants, including sunflowers; weeds called goosefoot, sumpweed, or marsh elder;and squash or gourds of some kind These provided seeds that were important sources ofcarbohydrates and fat in the diet The earliest cultivation seems to have taken place along the river valleys of the Midwest and the Southeast, with experimentation beginning as early as 7,000 years ago and domestication beginning 4,000 to 2,000 years ago Although the term “Neolithic” is not used in North American prehistory, these were the first steps toward the same major subsistence changes that took place during the Neolithic (8,000-2,000 B.C.) period elsewhere in the world Archaeologists debate the reasons for beginning cultivation in the eastern part of the continent Although population and sedentary living were increasing at the time, there is little evidence that people lacked adequate wild food resources; the newly domesticated foods supplemented a continuing mixed subsistence of hunting, fishing, and gathering wild plants, Increasing predictability of food supplies may have been a motive It has been suggested that some early cultivation was for medicinal and ceremonial plants rather than for food One archaeologist has pointed out that the early domesticated plants were all weedy species that well in open, disturbed habitats, the kind that would form around human settlements where people cut down trees, trample the ground, deposit trash, and dig holes It has been suggested that sunflower, sumpweed, and other plants almost domesticated themselves, that is , they thrived in human –disturbed habitats, so humans intensively collected them and began to control their distribution Women in the Archaic communities were probably the main experimenters with cultivation, because ethnoarchaeological evidence tells us that women were the main collectors of plant food and had detailed knowledge of plants 10 C 11.D 12 B 13.A 14.D 15.B 16.D 17.C 18.A 19.C 41 The passage mainly discusses which of the following aspects of the life of Archaic peoples? (A) The principal sources of food that made up their diet(B) Their development of ground stone tool technology (C) Their development of agriculture(D) Their distribution of work between men and women 42 The word “these” in line 13 refers to (A) seeds (B) river valleys (C) the Midwest and the Southeast (D) experimentation and domestication 43 According to the passage, when did the domestication of plants begin in North America? (A) 7,000 years ago (B) 4,000 to 2,000 years ago (C) Long after the Neolithic period (D) Before the Archaic period 44 The word “adequate” in line 18 is closest in meaning to (A) sufficient (B) healthful (C) varied (D) dependable 45 According to the passage, which of the following was a possible motive for the cultivation of plants in eastern North America? (A) Lack of enough wild food sources(B) The need to keep trees from growing close to settlements (C) Provision of work for an increasing population(D) Desire for the consistent availability of food 46 The phrase “rather than” in line 21 is closest in meaning to (A) in addition to (B) instead of (C) as a replacement (D) such as 47 The plant “sumpweed” is mentioned in line 25 in order to (A) contrast a plant with high nutritional value with one with little nutritional value(B) explain the medicinal use of a plant (C) clarify which plants grew better in places where trees were not cut down (D) provide an example of a plant that was easy to domesticate (6) 48 The word “thrived” in line 26 is closest in meaning to (A) stayed (B) originated (C) grew well (D) died out 49 According to the passage, which of the following is true about all early domesticated plants? (A) They were varieties of weeds.(B) They were moved from disturbed areas (C) They succeeded in areas with many trees.(D) They failed to grow in trampled or damaged areas 50 According to the passage, it is thought that most of the people who began cultivating plants were (A) medical workers (B) leaders of ceremonies(C) women (D) hunters V.Choose the best option I had never been to Denmark before, so when I set ………(51)…… to catch the ferry in early May, I little suspected that by the end of the trip I’d have made such lasting friendships Esjberg is a (52) ….port for a cyclist’s arrival, where tourist information can be (53) ….and money changed A cycle track leads out of town and down to Ribe, where I spent my first night The only appointment I had to (54) ….was a meeting with a friend who was flying out in June I wanted to (55) ….my time well, so I had planned a route which would (56) ….several small islands and various parts of the countryside In my experience, a person traveling alone sometimes meets with unexpected hospitality, and this trip was no (57) … On only my second day, I got into conversation with a cheerful man who turned out to be the local baker He insisted that I should (58) ….his family for lunch, and, while we were eating, he contacted his daughter in Odense Within minutes, he had (59) ….for me to visit her and her family Then I was (60) ….on my way with a fresh loaf of bread to keep me going, and the feeling that this would turned out to be a wonderful holiday 51 A out B up C down D on 52 A capable B ready C favourable D convenient 53 A met B united C established D obtained 54 A B support C keep D maintain 55 A take B serve C exercise D use 56 A include B contain C enclose D consist 57 A difference B change C exception D contrast 58 A greet B see C join D approach 59 A arranged B fixed C settled D ordered 60 A passed B sent C begun D put VI.Reading Human memory, formerly believed to be rather inefficient, is really more sophisticated than that of a computer Researchers approaching the problem from a variety of points of view have all concluded that there is a great deal more stored in our minds than has been generally supposed Dr Line Wilder Penfield, a Canadian neurosurgeon, proved that by stimulating their brains electrically, he could elicit the total recall of specific events in his subjects' lives Even dreams and other minor events supposedly forgotten for many years suddenly emerged in detail The memory trace is the term for whatever is the internal representation of the specific information about the event stored in the memory Assumed to have been made by structural changes in the brain, the memory trace is not subject to direct observation but is rather a theoretical 10 construct that we use to speculate about how information presented at a particular time can cause performance at a later time Most theories include the strength of the memory trace as a variable in the degree of learning, retention, and retrieval possible for a memory One theory is that the fantastic capacity for storage in the brain is the result of an almost unlimited combination of interconnections between brain cells, stimulated by patterns of activity Repeated references to the same information 15 supports recall Or, to say that another way, improved performance is the result of strengthening the chemical bonds in the memory 61 With what topic is the passage mainly concerned? (A) Wilder Penfield (B) Neurosurgery (C) Human memory (D) Chemical reactions 62 The word "formerly" in line could best be replaced by (A) in the past (B) from time to time (C) in general (D) by chance 63 Compared with a computer, human memory is (A) more complex (B) more limited (C) less dependable (D) less durable 64 The word "that" in line refers to (A) the computer (B) the efficiency (C) the sophistication (D) the memory 65 According to the passage, researchers have concluded that (A) the mind has a much greater capacity for memory than was previously believed (B) the physical basis for memory is clear (C) different points of view are valuable (D) human memory is inefficient 66 How did Penfield stimulate dreams and other minor events from the past? (A) By surgery (B) By electric stimulation (C) By repetition (D) By chemical stimulation 67 The word "elicit" in line is closest in meaning to (A) prove (B) prevent (C) cause (D) reject 68 According to the passage, the capacity for storage in the brain (A) can be understood by examining the physiology (B) is stimulated by patterns of activity (C) has a limited combination of relationships (D) is not influenced by repetition 69 The word "bonds" in line 17 means (A) promises (B) agreements (C) connections (D) responsibilities 70 All of the following are true of a memory trace EXCEPT that (A) it is probably made by structural changes in the brain (B) is able to be observed (C) is a theoretical construct (D) is related to the degree of recall VII SENTENCE TRANFORMATION - de 3+7 Hanh 71 Mortorists are jamming the streets as they slow down to see the wall painting A Motorists are being held up as they slow down to see the wall painting B Motorsits are causing holdups as they slow down to see the wall painting C Motorists are told to slow down to see the wall painting because the streets are jammed D Wall paintings are holding up the streets as motorists jammed to see them 72 He is becoming quite famous as an interviewer A He is making a name for himself as an interviewer = become famous B He is calling himself a name as an interviewer (7) C Being a famous interviewer is giving him a name D He has a name as a famous interviewer 73 Every possible effort was made by the orphange to find the boy's parents A The orphanage turned every stone to find the boy's parents B The orphanage threw a stone and found the boy's parents C The orphanage had every stone turned up to find the boy's parents D The orphanage left no stone unturned in their attempt to find the boy's parents 74 The minister gave no precise figures about the casualties go into detail(s) to explain something fully I can't go into details now; it would take too long A The minister gave inexact figures about the casualties B The minister did not mention the figures about the casualties C The minister did not go into details about the casualties D The minister refused to comment on the figures about the casualties 75 They've been arguing about the motorway extension for years A It's years since they argued about the motorway extension B The motorway extension is a matter of concern for many years C The motorway extension has been a bone of contention for years D They are still building an extension to the motorway 76 I'm afraid our problems are just beginning A I'm afraid we've just had a lot of problems B I'm afraid our problem is just the tip of the iceberg C I'm afraid the problems only concern us D I'm afraid we must deal with our problems right now 77 Unlike the other students, Thomas does not have any ambition A Thomas's peers, as well as him, all have some ambition B Thomas does not like his friends because they are ambitious C His students not like Thomas because he has no ambition D All the students, excluding Thomas, have some ambition 78 The fact that Michael Jackson has passed away is something many people cannot accept A Many people can not come to terms with the fact that Michael Jackson has passed away B Many people cannot accept that Michael Jackson has passed away C That Michael Jackson had died was not accepted by many people D The fact that Michael Jackson has died cannot come to terms with many people 79 Local residents said they were against the new traffic scheme A It is known that local residents not support the traffic scheme B What the local residents were not in favour of was the new traffic scheme C Local residents did not show their approval of the new traffic scheme D Local residents expressed their disapproval of the new traffic scheme 80 The boy wasn’t allowed to have any friends, so he became an introvert A The boy who was not allowed to have any friends became an introvert B If the boy had some friends, he wouldn’t become an introvert C Deprived of friends, the boy became an introvert D Having no friends made the boy become an introvert (8)

Ngày đăng: 25/06/2021, 11:53



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