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Tài liệu 3420 TOEIC vocabulary tests words by Meaning part 49 pptx

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PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Test 319 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 319 Q1 n. pasture; scope; extent; field; domain; assortment (a) campaign (b) number (c) range (d) retrieval Q2 n. act of providing; act of offering; work; labor; function; role; offer (a) service (b) compatible (c) technique (d) residence Q3 n. strong feeling or idea left by an experience; effect; vague memory (a) downturn (b) temper (c) intention (d) impression Q4 n. lane; path; signs; trails; channel (a) track (b) gathering (c) canvass (d) difference Q5 n. one of the two periods of an academic year (usually 15-18 weeks) (a) semester (b) grain (c) supervisor (d) petrol Q6 n. opposite of child; a grown-up; a mature person (a) profusion (b) style (c) repair (d) adult Q7 n. cork; stopper; electrical connector; block; advertisement (a) lasting (b) ranches (c) plug (d) head Q8 n. opposite; contrary; back side; rear; setback; defeat (a) interior (b) characteristic (c) reverse (d) recognition Q9 n. ability to reason and understand; cleverness; brilliance; information (a) intelligence (b) task (c) society (d) pushy Q10 n. expansion; branch of a telephone network; supplement; reprieve (a) extension (b) maintenance (c) meaning (d) erasure 337 Answers Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Test 320 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 320 Q1 n. physical or mental exertion; labor; attempt; organized operation (a) directory (b) sneakers (c) effort (d) offensive Q2 n. one fourth; neighborhood; coin worth 25 cents; period of three months; district (a) witness (b) quarter (c) hem (d) enough Q3 adj. pertaining to the world and nature around us (a) environmental (b) delicious (c) immediate (d) incorrect Q4 n. one who makes or alters garments (a) tailor (b) aisle (c) streamline (d) proximity Q5 adj. of publicizing; of advancement; of encouragement; of fostering; of an enterprise (a) incentive (b) promotional (c) measurable (d) civic Q6 n. degree of excellence; characteristic; attribute; character; excellence (a) level (b) streamline (c) overtime (d) quality Q7 v. to interchange; to take turns; to rotate; to substitute (a) alternate (b) need (c) proof (d) back up Q8 adj. ethical; virtuous; righteous; principled; having integrity (a) moral (b) special (c) content (d) fortunate Q9 n. diagram; chart (a) destruction (b) circle (c) graph (d) entrance Q10 n. mark; objective; aim; object; goal (a) dietician (b) trade (c) format (d) target 338 Answers Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Test 321 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 321 Q1 n. city (a) discretion (b) flight (c) fix (d) town Q2 n. person who holds public position; authority (a) readership (b) season (c) proficiency (d) official Q3 n. change; adjustment, agreement; adaptation; restriction (a) direction (b) commerce (c) modification (d) intention Q4 n. taxi; carriage; driver's compartment (a) business (b) duration (c) card (d) cab Q5 n. condition; circumstance; location; position; job; place of employment (a) situation (b) match (c) good (d) simple Q6 n. quality of being clearly seen (a) endorsement (b) visibility (c) pollution (d) deal Q7 n. height; distance above sea level (a) event (b) altitude (c) stock (d) approval Q8 n. method or course that restores health; prescribed treatment for an illness (a) cure (b) appeal (c) sequence (d) lumber Q9 n. sequence; succession; television program broadcast in installments (a) pattern (b) series (c) assistance (d) expectancy Q10 n. announcement; poster, sign; warning; attention; consideration (a) notice (b) awareness (c) portfolio (d) customer 339 Answers Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Test 322 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 322 Q1 v. to inform; to direct; to guide; to command; to order; to educate (a) broker (b) extradite (c) instruct (d) bulk Q2 adv. gently; without roughness or projections; evenly; calmly (a) smoothly (b) consistently (c) approximately (d) thus Q3 v. to hurt; to wound; to insult; to offend; to damage (a) injure (b) budget (c) exert (d) table Q4 n. spending; disbursement; outlay (especially financial) (a) chop (b) expenditure (c) bookcase (d) diary Q5 v. to supply; to grant; to set; to offer (a) categorize (b) provide (c) button (d) utilize Q6 n. list of terms and definitions (usually at the end of a book); dictionary of technical or specific terms (a) midday (b) manual (c) glossary (d) reject Q7 adv. justly; equitably; directly; completely; really (a) fair (b) rather (c) comparatively (d) drastically Q8 v. to predict a future event or condition; to foretell (a) thrive (b) participate (c) guide (d) forecast Q9 n. origin; starting point (a) source (b) logo (c) dealer (d) leather Q10 n. power; strength; force; capacity to be (a) potency (b) auction (c) penalty (d) host 340 Answers Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Test 323 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 323 Q1 n. rebound; recoiling; sudden movement to the rear (a) law (b) supplement (c) advice (d) backlash Q2 n. abrasion; cut; score of zero; cash; money (Slang) (a) mortgage (b) restriction (c) investor (d) scratch Q3 n. clamp; fastener; shred; segment of video (a) construction (b) hallmark (c) railroad (d) clip Q4 n. the total amount of funds in circulation in a given country's economy (a) money supply (b) income (c) delay (d) might Q5 n. act of looking over carefully and critically; official examination; audit; review (a) commission (b) overall (c) inspection (d) luggage Q6 n. attack; misdeed; insult; transgression (a) weight (b) sight (c) nuance (d) offence Q7 n. officer of a monastery; high-ranking member of a religious order (a) money (b) pad (c) prior (d) worry Q8 n. act of fixing; correction; act of mending (a) criterion (b) trustee (c) clear (d) repair Q9 n. end; conclusion; final appearance; power of endurance; vitality; unit of weight (a) exception (b) last (c) cooperation (d) current Q10 n. inclination; tendency; disposition; aptitude (a) propensity (b) parameter (c) diversity (d) experience 341 Answers Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Test 324 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 324 Q1 v. to seize; to capture; to possess; to contract (a) take (b) contract (c) machine (d) jeopardize Q2 v. to render insusceptible to a disease by inoculating (a) sort (b) vaccinate (c) diversify (d) span Q3 v. to turn into profit; to generate revenue (a) fleet (b) articulate (c) tie (d) monetize Q4 n. the process of installing a newer and more powerful version of a software package or a piece of hardware (a) concept (b) growth (c) upgrade (d) frequency Q5 adj. impressive; inspiring; great; frightening (a) even (b) awesome (c) eligible (d) bothersome Q6 n. state of belonging to an organization or group; fellowship (a) discussion (b) membership (c) pocket (d) record Q7 n. viewpoint; stance; condition; state; mood; attitude (a) attainment (b) coalition (c) posture (d) consciousness Q8 adj. physical; done using human skill or force (a) periodical (b) operational (c) manual (d) assistant Q9 v. to submerge; to fall down below the surface (especially in water) (a) photograph (b) sink (c) line (d) groom Q10 n. mark; level; degree; rank; type; extend; class (in a school) (a) potential (b) pretense (c) delegate (d) grade 342 Answers Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Test 325 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 325 Q1 n. place; location; area (a) site (b) town (c) store (d) bother Q2 n. tautness; strain; nervousness; agitation; apprehension (a) onus (b) tension (c) contact (d) portfolio Q3 n. guilt; responsibility; liability (a) blame (b) seminar (c) inquiry (d) fixture Q4 n. duty responsibility; indebtedness; agreement (a) obligation (b) information (c) waitress (d) standpoint Q5 n. line printed at the top of a piece of stationary (a) uniqueness (b) shape (c) letterhead (d) aspect Q6 n. lexicon; list of words and their definitions in alphabetical order (a) recession (b) opinion (c) blue sky laws (d) vocabulary Q7 n. stimulus; inducement; enticement; encouragement (a) parameter (b) incentive (c) behavio(u)r (d) carpenter Q8 n. timepiece; device for telling time (a) measure (b) suit (c) scenery (d) clock Q9 n. learning; instruction; imparting of knowledge; upbringing (a) education (b) aggregate (c) conduct (d) courier Q10 n. comment; remark; ascription; mention; regard (a) intent (b) stage (c) liability (d) reference 343 Answers Index . (b) maintenance (c) meaning (d) erasure 337 Answers Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Test 320 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 320. PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Test 319 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 319 Q1 n. pasture; scope; extent; field; domain;

Ngày đăng: 15/12/2013, 08:15