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Tài liệu 3420 TOEIC vocabulary tests words by Meaning part 64 ppt

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PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 81 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 81 (Answer Keys) A1 n. thin muslin fabric (Hindi); beach cliff (Scottish) definition (d) mull A2 n. greater number or part; number greater than half of the total definition (b) majority A3 n. a measurement of output per hours worked; creativeness; fruitfulness; prolificness definition (b) productivity A4 n. putting into words; phrase; word; manifestation definition (a) expression A5 n. sports shoe; one who moves about stealthily; one who acts furtively definition (c) sneakers A6 n. excitement; great interest definition (d) enthusiasm A7 n. denial; rejection definition (a) refusal A8 n. money in the form of coins and bank notes definition (c) cash A9 n. flat surface at the bottom of the room on which you walk; story; level of a building definition (a) floor A10 n. action; step; criterion; amount; degree; extent definition (d) measure 442 Questions Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 82 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 82 (Answer Keys) A1 v. to raise an opinion; to adjust the tone of definition (c) voice A2 v. to affect strongly; to emphasize; to stamp definition (b) impress A3 v. to go regularly to (a certain place); to patronize definition (b) frequent A4 v. to transfer control from governmental to individual powers definition (c) privatize A5 v. helping verb for use in a question; request or expression of desire definition (a) would A6 v. to accuse; to admonish definition (a) reprove A7 v. to hunt; to pursue; to run over; to race definition (c) course A8 v. to evolve; to make to progress; to grow professionally; to develop; to speed definition (d) career A9 v. to enlarge; to add to; to multiply; to raise; to intensify definition (d) increase A10 v. to display; to demonstrate; to bestow; to grant definition (c) present 443 Questions Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 83 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 83 (Answer Keys) A1 n. harvest; return; produce; income; profit definition (d) yield A2 n. facet; outlook; direction; issue; point definition (c) aspect A3 n. connection; confiscation; file sent via email definition (d) attachment A4 adj. firm; wealthy; influential; important; considerable definition (c) substantial A5 v. to cause to lose heart; to deter; to dissuade; to show disapproval of; to derail definition (d) discourage A6 v. to further; to encourage sales; to aid; to help; to assist definition (a) promote A7 v. to divide; to split definition (a) section A8 v. to take money from the bank; to retire; to remove definition (d) withdraw A9 n. management of resources (i.e. money, goods, etc.); thrift; careful spending definition (d) economy A10 n. secret agent; person who secretly investigates and gathers information about other people definition (c) spy 444 Questions Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 84 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 84 (Answer Keys) A1 adj. pertaining to accommodations; domesticated definition (a) house A2 adj. large; enormous; huge definition (a) vast A3 adj. satisfied; pleased definition (c) content A4 adj. done without waste (of time, resources, etc.) definition (d) efficient A5 adj. exceptional; special; strange; odd; curious definition (b) peculiar A6 n. process of breaking down a subject and studying it; examination definition (a) analysis A7 adj. honest; sincere; straightforward; open; candid definition (d) frank A8 adj. existing independently; real; tangible definition (d) substantive A9 adj. complex; complicated; involved; entangled definition (c) intricate A10 adj. pertinent; related; connected to the current subject definition (d) relevant 445 Questions Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 85 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 85 (Answer Keys) A1 n. something or someone that does not match up to standards; object of lower quality; outcast definition (a) reject A2 n. a fraud scheme involving cold calling definition (a) boiler room A3 n. shortened form of a word or word combination definition (d) abbreviation A4 n. a person who keeps financial records; a person who conducts financial audits definition (d) accountant A5 n. boss; supervisor; manager; head definition (d) director A6 n. suggestion; tender; plan; offer of marriage definition (b) proposal A7 n. sharp stinging pain definition (d) smart A8 n. chance; occasion; favorable time to act definition (a) opportunity A9 n. financial framework; financial plan definition (b) budget A10 n. petition; instance of asking for something; something that is asked for; object of a petition definition (c) request 446 Questions Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 86 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 86 (Answer Keys) A1 v. to characterize; to depict; to describe; to present; to emphasize definition (d) feature A2 v. to lessen; to diminish; to decrease definition (c) reduce A3 v. to continue definition (d) get on with A4 v. to sign using the first letter or letters of a name definition (a) initial A5 v. to hide; to keep secret; to cover up definition (c) conceal A6 v. to write a statement of purchases; to make a bill of sale definition (d) receipt A7 v. to learn; to ponder; to examine; to investigate; to memorize definition (a) study A8 v. to devise; to invent; to dream up; to design (often in a negative way) definition (b) contrive A9 v. to feel; to sense; to distinguish; to discern; to see definition (c) perceive A10 v. to rely on; to trust; to be supported by definition (a) depend 447 Questions Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 87 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 87 (Answer Keys) A1 n. consolation; relief from distress; source of comfort definition (d) solace A2 v. to organize; to arrange; to give form to definition (d) structure A3 n. study of the statistical characteristics of a population definition (c) demographics A4 n. act of deriving; speculation; drawing of a conclusion definition (b) inference A5 n. mistake; something that is incorrect definition (a) error A6 v. to cap; to cork; to stop up; to block; to advertise definition (a) plug A7 v. to make a scheme; to plot; to design; to contrive; to think up definition (c) plan A8 v. to fill; to pack (with goods, cargo, etc.) definition (b) load A9 v. to convince; to induce; to sway definition (a) persuade A10 n. person who is resistant to change; person who favors traditional political parties definition (d) conservative 448 Questions Index . to be supported by definition (a) depend 447 Questions Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 87 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test. Questions Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 82 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 82 (Answer Keys) A1 v. to raise an opinion; to

Ngày đăng: 24/12/2013, 15:15