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Stydy on diversity of medicinal plants in tan pheo commune da bac district hoa binh province

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MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF FORESTRY FINAL THESIS STYDY ON DIVERSITY OF MEDICINAL PLANTS IN TAN PHEO COMMUNE, DA BAC DISTRICT, HOA BINH PROVINCE Major: Natural Resources Management Code: D850101 Faculty: Forest Resources and Environmental Management Student: Vuong Kieu Anh Student ID: 1453090988 Class: K59B Natural Resources Management Course 2014-2018 Advanced Education Program Developed in collaboration with Colorado State University, USA Supervisor: Dr Ha Quang Anh ! Hanoi, October 2018 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS During the process of learning and finishing this thesis, I have received guidance, valuable help of the teachers and friends Without their assistances, advice, collaborations and supports, this thesis would not have been possible First and foremost, I would like to thank all teachers in Advanced Program for the valuable knowledge and your enthusiasm to build strong background, especially my supervisor - Dr Anh Quang Ha I am grateful to him for valuable guidance, supporting and comments throughout the various stages of this thesis, what help me carry out this thesis Many thanks are due to my friends in K59 – Advanced Curriculum You help me a lot when I collect and analyze data Thanks for study time we have been together at Vietnam National Forestry University I always appreciate our friendship Lastly, I express my gratitude to management board of Tan Pheo Commune Thanks Mr Le Van Sinh – Head of Tan Pheo Commune and Mr Xa Van Sinh for your help when I was in Tan Pheo Commune, and Ms Trang for your directly guidance to help me collect valuable data Hanoi, October 2018 Vuong Kieu Anh i ABSTRACT Biodiversity deterioration is a deterioration in the quality and number of species that adversely affect the lives of humans and nature Vietnam is the world's 10th most biodiversityrich country, but speed of biodiversity degradation is classified as the fastest in the world This research will be conducted in Da Bac district, where there is a high diversity of medicinal plants The cultivation of medicinal plants in these places not only provides direct benefits to the society such as food, medicine, medicines, energy, but also has special value in biotechnology, in the practical application of agriculture, forestry and health.… It is also an important component in the strategy to ensure quality of life, poverty reduction of the whole country and Tan Pheo commune in particular However, the overexploitation of natural resources and unreasonable development planning negatively affects biodiversity, causing biodiversity degradation in the area ii TABLE OF CONTENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS i ABSTRACT ii TABLE OF CONTENT iii ABBREVIATION v LIST OF TABLE vi LIST OF FIGURE vii I Introduction II Objective, contents and research methods 2.1 Objective: 2.2 Research contents: 2.2.1 Diversity of medicinal plant in study area 2.2.2 Experience and use of medicinal plants of ethnic minorities in Tan Pheo commune 2.2.3 Proposed solutions for management and sustainable use of medicinal plants in the study area III Methods: 3.1 Secondary data 3.2 Setup the line and survey on the line 3.3 Interview local people: 3.4 PRA method IV OVERVIEW OF STUDY SITE 4.1 Natural characteristic 4.1.1 Geographical location 4.1.2 Topography and hydrology 4.1.3 Climate 4.1.4 Soil condition iii 4.2 Population 4.3 Economic 10 4.3.1 Agricultural production 10 4.3.2 Livestock 10 4.3.3 Forest production and exploitation 11 4.4 The infrastructure 11 4.4.1 Education 11 4.4.2 Health 11 V RESULTS 13 5.1 Diversity of life forms of medicinal plants 16 5.2 Experience and use of medicinal plants of ethnic minorities in Tan Pheo commune 20 5.3 Situation of planting medicinal plants in the locality 23 VI CONCLUSION 26 REFERENCES APPENDIX iv ABBREVIATION Acronym Full VU Vulnerable EN Endangered IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature Ph Phanerophyte He Hemicrytophyte Ch Chamaphytes Th Therophyte Cr Cryptophytes v LIST OF TABLE Table 3.1: Table of line investigate Table 3.2: Current status of using medicinal plants by local people Table 5.1 Composition of taxon medicinal plants in study area 13 Table 5.2 Number of family, genus and species of Magnoliophyta division 14 Table 5.3 Top 10 most diverse medicinal plants in the study area 15 Table 5.4 Distribution of life forms 16 Table 5.5 The ratio of the parts of plants used as medicine 17 Table 5.6 Variety of medicinal plants for treatment groups 19 Table 5.7 Some medicinal products collected from local people 21 Table 5.8 The rare medicinal plants in the study area 22 vi LIST OF FIGURE Figure 4.1 Map of study area 12 vii I Introduction Forest is a precious resource, is an important part of living-enviroment which is closely related to ethnic minority’s life Forest not only plays vital role in business but also is very meaningful for science, gene conservation, biodiversity conservation, climate regulation, watershed protection, disaster mitigation, preventing desertification, erosion control, flood defence, ensurement national security and defence, also create stunning landscape for biotourism, community tourism Long time ago, a number of people have cared about the medicinal plants which is resource plant is essential for the local community in desease prevention Besides, it is also valuable for gene protection, provide for medicinal science Hitherto, Viet Nam is evaluated which one of countries that has a diverse resourse of creature, medicinal resourse of plant is one of that, specially in Truong Son area Additionally, with experiences are saved through 4000 year’s history, made use of resourse for demands of life such as: food, clothe, living, heathcare, and treatment, etc in 54 ethinic-communities It is big advantages in making use of resource of plants meanwhile resource of medicinal plants contributes to enhance the quality of life and health for everyone specially for ethnic minority who live in the remote, get a great deal of difficulties and their lives depend on natural resources a lot and forest is one of them According to plant taxonomist, Viet Nam is the richest country of resource plants in ASEAN where has around 12,000 high degree plants There are 3,948 species that are used to make medicine (Medicinal plants institude,2004) accounting 37% all of the researched species This number is not including traditional medicines that exist in 54 ethnic communities Until now, we have just known a part of it In addition, agricultural scientists have identified 1,066 species of plants, including 179 species used in medicine According to a survey conducted by the Institute of Medicinal Materials in the period of 2002 - 2005, the number of medicinal plants in some areas of the provinces associated with the Truong Son is as follows.: Đắc Lắc (751 species), Gia Lai (783 species), Kon Tum (814 species), Lâm Đồng (756 species) With such a flora, the composition of medicinal plants is very rich and varied Health is one of the most crucial part of human-being, we are not always healthy and some cases we get sick, get desease in which we need medicine to treat it and improve our daily life Specially for ethnic minority in the remote area in which the medicine is not always available Medicinal is an available resource living around people which is safe and powerful to treat That why traditional medicine is very necessary and extremely important Sometimes it is called “invisible power” to save human-being Through centuries, medicinal plants play an important role in maintaining health and happiness in human community all over the world Traditional experience about how to use medicinal plants is researched in many different levels what relies on how developed country is Therefrom, each continent, each nation has built up a characteristic medicinal plants: - Medicinal plants in Europe is very diverse and most of them are based upon the traditional medicine A doctor in Greek named Dioscorides wrote a book “De material Medica” made a statistic about 600 medicinal plants; Nicholas Culpeper published “The English Physitian” … - China and India have a long-term traditional medicine In China, Li Shizhen (16th century) counted over 12,000 medicinal plants in “Compendium of Materia Medica” In 1977 in the book “Encyclopedia of traditional Chinese remedies” counted that 5.757 words, the majority is medicinal plants In the book “Medicine plant” published in 1986 enumberated all of the medicinal plants in China ever since In India, traditional medicine, Ayurveda developed very well, native knowledge was researched, evaluated and applied powerfully According to the statistic, there are 2,000 plants used for making medicine - In Viet Nam, a number of researches on medicinal plants was conducted very early, associated with the names of famous doctors such as: Tue Tinh or Nguyen Ba Tinh (14th Century) with “Nam duoc than hieu” including 11 books, 496 medicinal herbs, inside that there APPENDIX Appendix 1: PLANTS COMPOSITION IN STUDY AREA Các kiểu thảm thực vật STT Tên khoa học Tên Việt Nam Thảm Thảm Rừng Rừng Dạng cỏ A LYCOPODIOPHYTA Ngành Thông đất Lycopodiaceae Họ Thông đất Lycopodiella cernua (L.) Pic Thông đất C POLYPODIOPHYTA Ngành Dương xỉ Adiantaceae Họ Tóc thần vệ + trồng thứ sống bụi thông sinh + + He nữ Cyclosorus parasiticus (L.) Rau dớn + + He + He + Cr + Cr Farw Dryopteris filix - max (L.) Schott Dương xỉ Gleicheniaceae Họ Guột D splendida (Hand.-Mazz.) Guột to + + + Tagawa Polypodiaceae Họ Cốt toái bổ Drynaria bonii C Chr Tắc kè đá D.PINOPHYTA Ngành Thông Gnetaceae Họ Dây gắm Gnetum montanum Margf Dây gắm Pinaceae Họ Thông Pinus massonianaLamb Thông mã vĩ E MAGNOLIOPHYTA Ngành Ngọc lan + + + + Ph + + Ph MAGNOLIOPSIDA Lớp Ngọc lan Asteraceae Họ Cúc Ageratum conyzoides L Cỏ cứt lợn + + + Th Artemisia japonica Thunb Ngải Nhật + + + He 10 A vulgaris L Ngải cứu + + + He 11 B pilosa L Đơn buốt + + + Th 12 Blumea balsamifera (L.) DC Đài bi + + + Th 13 Chromolaena Cỏ lào + + + Ch Rau tàu bay + + He + + He + + He + + He + + Ph + + Ph + Th + He + Ph odorata (L.)King et Robinson 14 Crassocephalum crepidioides (Benth.) S Moore 15 Eclipta prostrata (L.) L Nhọ nồi 16 Lactuca denticulata Maxim Bồ cơng anh tía + 17 L indica L Diếp dại + 18 Xanthium inaequilaterum DC Ké đầu ngựa Alangiaceae Họ Thôi ba A chinense (Lour.) Rehd Thôi ba Amaranthaceae Họ Rau dền Celosia argentea L Mào gà trắng 10 Ancistrocladaceae Họ Trung quân 19 20 21 + + + Ancistrocladus cochinchinensis Trung quân nam Gagnep 11 Annonaceae 22 Họ Na Goniothalamus vietnamensis Ban + Bổ béo đen 23 Melodorum fruticosum Lour Dũ dẻ trơn 12 Apiaceae Họ Hoa tán 24 Cnidium monnieri (L.) Cusson Giần sàng + 25 Hydrocotyle nepalense Hook Rau má to + 13 Apocynaceae Họ Trúc đào 26 Holarrhena pubescens Buch.- + + + + Ph He He + + Ph Mức hoa trắng Ham.) Wall ex G 27 Rauvolfia yunnanensis Ba gạc Vân Nam 14 Araceae Họ Ráy 28 Alocasia macrorrhiza (L.) G Don Ráy + Cr 29 Amorphophalus rivieri Dur + He 30 Epipremmum pinnatum(L.) Engl Ráy ngót + He 31 Pothos repens (Lour.) Druce Chân rết 32 Aglaonema modestum Schott * Vạn niên 15 Araliaceae Họ Nhân sâm 33 Aralia armata (Wall.) Seem Đơn châu chấu + Ph 34 T palmata (Roxb.) Vis Đu đủ rừng + Ph 16 Arecaceae Họ Cau C mitis Lour Đùng đình + Ph 17 Asclepiadaceae Họ Thiên lý Streptocaulon juventas Merr Hà thủ ô trắng + Cr 18 Balanophoraceae Họ Dương đài + Cr 35 36 Khoai nưa + + Balanophora fungosa J.R & 37 G Forstersubsp indica (Arn.) B Hans Dương đài nấm 19 Bignoniaceae Họ Chùm ớt 38 Markhamia stipullata Seem Thiết đinh + Ph 39 Oroxylon indicum (L.) Vent Núc nác + Ph 20 Bombacaceae Họ Gạo Gossampinus malabarica DC Bông gạo + Ph 21 Burseraceae Họ Trám C tramdenum Dai & Yakovl Trám đen + Ph 22 Caesalpiniaceae Họ Vang Caesalpinia sinensis (Hemsl.) Vang + Ph 40 41 42 + + + + J E Vidal 43 Lysidice rhodostegia Hance Mý + Ph 44 Peltophorum tonkinensis Lim xẹt + Ph + + Ph + + Ch + + Ph + + Ph + Ph + Ch + Ch A.Chev 45 Saraca dives Pierre Vàng anh 23 Chloranthaceae Họ Hoa sói + 46 + Sarcandra glabra (Thunb.) Nakai Sói nhẵn 24 Clusiaceae Họ măng cụt 47 Garcinia cowa Roxb Tai chua 48 G multiflora Champ Dọc 49 G oblongifolia Champ Bứa 25 Commelinaceae Họ Thài lài Commelina communis L Thài lài 26 Cucurbitaceae Họ Bầu bí Gynostemma pentaphyllum Dần tng 50 51 + + + (Thunb.) Makino 52 Gynostemma pentaphyllum Giảo cổ lam 27 Cycadaceae Họ Tuế Cycas pectinata Buch- Ham Thiên tuế 28 Dioscoreaceae Họ Củ nâu Dioscorea cirrhosa Lour Củ nâu 29 Dipterocarpaceae Họ Dầu Dipterocarpus retusus Blume Chò nâu 30 Ebenaceae Họ Thị D susarticulata Lec Thị rừng nhẵn 31 Elaeocarpaceae Họ Côm E griffithii (Wight) A.Gray Côm tầng 32 Euphorbiaceae Họ Thầu dầu 58 Antidesma bunius Spreng 59 Aporosa 53 54 55 56 57 sphaerosperma + + Cr + Ph + + Ph + + Ph Chòi mòi đất + Ph Thẩu tấu tròn + Ph Gagnep 60 Baccaurea ramiflora Lour Dâu da đất + + Ph 61 Endospermum chinense Vạng trứng + + Ph Bỏng nổ + + Ph Benth 62 Fluggea virosa (Roxb ex Willd) Bail 33 Fabaceae 63 Bowringia Họ Đậu callicarpa Dây bánh nem + Ph + Ch Champ.ex.Benth 64 Flemingia Ait.f strobilifera (L.) Đuôi chồn 65 Millettia ichthyochtona Drake Thàn mát + Ph 66 O balansae Drake Ràng ràng mít + Ph 67 Pueraria Sắn dây rừng + He + Ph + Ph montana + (Lour.) Merr 68 69 34 Fagaceae Họ Dẻ C echinocarpa Hook.f Dẻ gai nhỏ 35 Juglandaceae Họ Hồ đào Engelhardtia chrysolepis Chẹo tía Hance 36 Lamiaceae Họ Hoa mơi 70 Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poit Tía tơ dại + Cr 71 Leonurus sibiricus L Ích mẫu + He 72 Ocimum basilicum L Húng chó + He 37 Lauraceae Họ Long não 73 C cassia Bl Quế + Ph 74 C camphora (L.) Presl Long não + Ph 75 C iners Reinw Re hương + Ph 76 Litsea cubeba (Lour.) Pers Màng tang + Ph 38 Loganiaceae Họ Mã tiền Gelsemium elegans Benth Lá ngón 39 Loranthaceae Họ Tầm gửi T gracilifolius (Schult f.) Ban Tầm gửi đa 40 Magnoliaceae Họ Ngọc lan Manglietia conifera Dandy Mỡ 41 Malvaceae Họ Bông 77 78 79 + + + + Ch + Ph + Ph 80 Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet Cối xay + Ch 81 Urena lobata L Ké hoa đào + Ch 42 Marantaceae Họ Hoàng tinh 82 Phrynium plancentarium + Cr Lá dong (Lour.) Merr 43 Melastomataceae 83 M Họ Mua septemnervium + + Ch Muôi trắng (Lour.) Merr 44 Meliaceae 84 Họ Xoan Aphanamixis grandifolia + + Ph + Ph + He + + He + + Ph Gội trắng to Blum 85 Chukrasia tabularis A Juss Lát hoa 45 Menispermaceae Họ Tiết dê 86 Cissampelos pareira L Tiết dê 87 Stephania rotunda Lour Củ bình vơi 88 Stephania dielsiana Củ dịm 89 Stephania sinica Bình vơi núi đá 46 Mimosaceae Họ Trinh nữ A clypearia (Jack) I.Nielsen Mán đỉa 47 Moraceae Họ Dâu tằm 91 F glaberrima Blume Đa si bóng + Ph 92 F hispida L.f Ngái + Ph 93 Streblus asper Lour Ruối + Ph 94 S ilicifolius (Vidal) Corner Ơ rơ + Ph 95 Antiaris toxicaria Leschen Sui + Ph 90 + 48 Myristicaceae 96 Knema conferta Warbg 49 Myrsinaceae Họ Máu chó Máu chó nhỏ Chua ngút 98 Maesa indica A DC Đồng cưa 99 Ardisia silvestris Pitard Lá khôi 100 Psidium guajava L 51 Opiliaceae 101 Melientha suavis Pierre 52 Oxilidaceae 102 Ph Họ Đơn nem 97 Embelia ribes Burm.f 50 Myrtaceae + + + Ph Ph Họ Sim Ổi + + Ph Họ Rau sắng Rau sắng + + Ph + + He + Ch + He Họ Chua me đất Chua me đất hoa Oxalis corniculata L vàng 53 Pandanaceae 103 Pandanus tectorius Parkinson* 54 Piperaceae 104 P lolot L 55 Plantaginaceae Họ Dứa Dứa dại Họ Hồ tiêu Lá lốt Họ Mã đề 105 Plantago major L Mã đề 106 Adenosma cordifolium Nhân trần 56 Poaceae Họ Lúa 107 Eleusinine indica (L.) Gaertn Cỏ Mần trầu 108 Chrysopogon aciculatus Cỏ may + + + Ph He (Retz.) Trin 109 Neohouzeana dulloa A Camus Nứa + Ph 110 Saccharum arundinaceum Lau + He Retz 111 Setaria viridis (L.) P Beauv 57 Polygonaceae Cỏ chó + He + + + Th + + Ch + Ph + Ph + Ph + Ph + He Họ Rau răm 112 Polygonum tomentosa Willd Nghể lông 113 P multiflorum Thunb Hà thủ ô đỏ 58 Rosaceae Họ Hoa hồng 114 Rubus chevalieri Card 59 Rubiaceae Mâm xôi + + Họ Cà phê 115 Morinda officinalis How 60 Rutaceae Ba kích Họ Cam 116 Euodia lepta (Spreng.) Merr 61 Sapindaceae Ba chạc + Họ Bồ 117 Dimocarpus longan Lour Nhãn 62 Smilacaceae Họ Cầm Cang 118 Smilax glabra Wall * Thổ phục linh 63 Solanaceae Họ Cà 119 Solanum surallense Burm.f 64 Styracaceae 120 Styrax tonkinensis + Cà dại đỏ + + Họ Bồ đề (Pierre) + Ph Bồ đề Craib ex Hart 65 Theaceae 121 Schima superba Họ Chè Gaertn et + Vối thuốc Champ 66 Trilliaceae Họ Bảy hoa + Ph 122 Paris polyphylla Smith 67 Verbenaceae Bảy hoa + Cr Họ Cỏ roi ngựa 123 C paniculatum L Ngọc nữ đỏ + Ph 124 C kaempferi (Jacq.) Sieb Mò đỏ + Ph 125 Gmelina arborea Roxb Lõi thọ + Ph 68 Vitaceae Họ Nho 126 Ampelocissus cantoniensis + + Ph Chè dây (Hook et Arn.) Planch 69 Zingiberaceae Họ Gừng 127 A officinarum Hance Riềng + + Cr 128 A tonkinensis Gagnep Sẹ bác + + Cr 129 Amomum echinosphaera K Sa nhân + Địa liền hẹp + + Cr + + Cr Cr Schum 130 Kaempferia angustifolia Roscoe 131 Zingiber cassumnar Roxb Gừng dại + Figure in the field Ba kích - Morinda officinalis How Rau má to - Hydrocotyle nepalense Hook Lá ngón - Gelsemium elegans Benth Tắc kè đá - Drynaria bonni C Chr Bảy hoa - Paris polyphylla Smith Hà Thủ ô đỏ - Polygonum multiflorum Thunb ... plant diversity characteristics of medicinal plants in Tan Pheo commune, Da Bac district, Hoa Binh province 2.2 Research contents: 2.2.1 Diversity of medicinal plant in study area - Diversity of. .. of medicinal plants of ethnic minorities in Tan Pheo commune - The use of local medicinal plants and some medicinal products collected - List of rare medicinal plants in study area - Situation... Dictionary of medicinal plants in Vietnam - Tran Dinh Ly, 1997 1900 useful plants in Vietnam - Nguyen Nghia Thin, 2001 Medicinal plants of Thai people in Con Cuong, Nghe An - Institute of Medicinal

Ngày đăng: 23/06/2021, 17:37