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Cultural factors shown in vietnamese proverbs

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PEOPLE’S COMMITTEE OF BINH DUONG PROVINCE THU DAU MOT UNIVERSITY  NGUYEN PHUONG DUY CULTURAL FACTORS SHOWN IN VIETNAMESE PROVERBS A Thesis in Master of Arts Major: English Code: 60220201 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts Supervisor Assoc Prof SIDSEL NORGAARD MILLERSTROM BÌNH DƯƠNG - 2017 BINH DUONG, 2017 CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY I hereby certify my authorship of the thesis submitted today entitled: CULTURAL FACTORS SHOWN IN VIETNAMESE PROVERBS in terms of the statement of requirements for Thesis in Master’s Programs issued by the Higher Degree Committee Binh Duong province, September, 2017 NGUYEN PHUONG DUY I RETENTION AND USE OF THE THESIS I hereby state that I, Nguyen Phuong Duy, being the candidate for the degree of Master of English, accept the requirements of the University relating to the retention and use of Master’s Thesis deposited in the Library In terms of these conditions, I agree that the original of my thesis deposited in the Library should be accessible for the purposes of study and research, in accordance with the normal conditions established by the Library for care, loan, and reproduction of thesis Binh Duong province, September, 2017 NGUYEN PHUONG DUY II ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my thesis supervisor, Assoc Prof Sidsel Norgaard Millerstrom, for her devoted guidance and encouragement throughout valuable advice, comments and corrections while my thesis was carried out Without Dr.Sidsel Norgaard Millerstrom, this work would have never been done Second, my special thanks to all participants who were willing to respond to my questionnaires and gave me the permission to use their information and their own opinions I owe a great deal to all my lecturers for their helpful instructions during the Master course I also wish to thank all my friends, my colleagues and particularly my family members for their much needed moral support III ASTRACT The aim of this study is to show cultural factors which are embedded in Vietnamese proverbs as well as help people acknowledge the relationship between culture and language The study is based on data obtained from web research, library research and questionnaire surveys The Vietnamese data were specifically collected for this study because there are a few studiesrelated toVietnamese proverbs written in English The participants (n=50) were people who, living in Binh Duong province, come from many areas in the country In this study age and education differed The collected data are then analyzed through quanlitative method with the combination of web research, library research The findings indicate parity between theory and practice The cultural factors shown in Vietnamese proverbs are: images of some animals, activites, morality and lifestyles The findings provide improvement in teaching and learning translation not only for English majors at universities and institues but also for translators and interpreters who are in the same circumstances The implications relate to learners, teachers, and course designers IV TABLE OF CONTENTS Certificate of originality I Retention and use of the thesis II Acknowledgement III Abstract IV CHAPTER 1: Introduction 1.1 Background of the study 1.2 Purpose of the study 1.3 Significance of the study 1.4 Limitation of the study 10 1.5 Overview of the chapters 10 CHAPTER 2: Literature review 2.1 Definition of proverbs 13 2.2 The differences and similarities between proverbs and idioms 18 2.3 The origin of proverbs 22 2.4 The contents, classification, andcharacrerictics of Vietnamese proverbs 24 2.4.1 The contents of Vietnamese proverbs 24 2.4.2 Classification of Vietnamese proverbs 25 The relationship with nature 25 The nature phenomenon and productive labor 25 The production experience and reproduction 26 The relationship with society 27 Couple’s love 27 Marriage and family 27 The feudal classes 28 2.4.3 The characteristics of Vietnamese proverbs 29 The conciseness 30 The symmetry 31 2.5 The relationship between language and culture shown in Vietnamese proverbs 32 2.5.1 Language 33 2.5.2 Culture and its elements 35 2.5.3 The relationship shown in agriculture production 37 2.5.4 The relationship shown in morality and lifestyles 40 CHAPTER 3: Methodology 3.1 Research design and data gathering instruments 44 3.1.1 Research design 44 3.1.2 Data gathering instruments 45 3.2 The research site and the participants 46 3.2.1 The research site 46 3.2.2 The participants 46 3.3 Data collection procedures 47 3.3.1 Entering the site 47 3.3.2 Recruiting the participants 48 3.3.3 Working with the participants 48 3.4 Ethical considerations 48 3.5 Data analysis 48 3.5.1 Analytical approaches 48 3.5.2 Analytical procedures 49 3.6 Summary 49 CHAPTER 4: Results and Discussions 4.1 Personal information analysis 51 4.2 Questionaires analysis 57 4.2.1 Cultural factors shown in Vietnamese proverbs 57 Animals that most often appear in proverbs 57 Images most often appear in proverbs 59 Activities that are often seen in proverbs 62 Features are shown in proverbs 65 The reasons why some animals are more often shown in proverbs 67 CHAPTER 5: Applications and Suggestions 5.1 To the learners 70 5.1.1 Developing knowledge of the target language 71 5.1.2 Studying proverbs in target language 71 5.1.3 Learning translation strategies 72 5.2 To the teachers 72 5.2.1 Learners’ ability 72 5.2.2 Cultural factors 73 5.2.3 Guiding students in how to apply translation theory 74 5.3 To course designers 75 5.4 Suggestion for further research 75 References 76 Appendix A 80 Appendix B 83 Appendix C 85 CHAPTER 1: Introduction In this chapter, there are five parts which are going to present the readers with a general overview about this thesis Firstly, it is the background which includes the statement of the study Some achievements in the proverb field will be mentioned Moreover, some issues such as using proverbs, pressure that students have to endure as well as the effects of foreign cultures on communication will be discussed Secondly, the purpose of the study will be formulated clearly with the research question Thirdly, the author will present the importance of the study in the linguistic field as well as in learning, teaching, and translating Then, some limitations of the study will be defined Lastly, I present an overview of what will be investigated in the following chapters of the thesis It is the structure of the study which discusses all chapters that are going to be examined in the next parts of the thesis It includes procedures to the approach ofthe topic, and the methodology that will be applied in order to get results In conclusion Iwill state the advantages and limitations of the research 1.1 Background of the study Language as one element of culture has a very important role in human life Language allows a person to communicate with others in order to meet their needs Thus, it can be said that the main function of language is as a communication tool This does not mean that the language has only one function Another function is that language is a tool to convey selfexpression, a tool to help people integration to adapt socially, as well as a tool to support social control (Keraf, 1980:3) Moreover, language is one of the main instruments by which values, belief systems and cultural practices are communicated The social acts are represented and reflected through the use of language They always vary from one society to another because each society is occupied with its specific norms and value (Deutscher, 2010) 5 Suggestion for further research The writer realizes that a few research related to this topic have already been carried out However, learners tend to focus too much on thefour skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing Regretably, translation skills tend to receive less attention Therefore, in order to develop an effective teaching and learning translating strategy that can satisfy learners’ needs as well as teachers’ expectations, my data and analysis indicates the following Only a small number of old people joined this study Thus based on the participants’ answers to my questionnair the age does not seem to have any effect on the sequency of using proverbs However, the question related to age has been one of the most debated issues in language research Another research projectmay find out that the young and the old use and interpret proverb differently As the writer discussed above, various materials seem to have influence on learners and teachers’ mood in learning and teaching translation skill Future research should be carried out on how teaching and learning combine with culture so that we can have a clearer result Last but not least, this research focuses on cultural factors shown in proverbs Further research should be done on translation subjects with real evidence from learners’ assigments so that readers would see whether cultural factors are existed in texts or proverbs 75 References Bakalla, M H (1984) Arabic culture through its language and literature London: Kegan Paul International Baker, M (1992).In the words.A course book on translation London: Routledge Berger, R M & Patcher, M A (1989).Implementing the Research Plan.Sage Publication, Newbury Park Bui, N S (1999) Việt Nam tinh hoa đạo đức Hanoi Publisher Catford, J C (1965) A linguistic theory of translation London: Oxford University Press Chase, S (1969) How language shapes our thoughts In Language: An Introduction Reader (J Burl H., and Roberts, E Y., eds.), (pp 97-108) New York: Harper and Row, Publishers Chu, X D., Luong, V D & Phuong, T (1975).Tục ngữ Việt Nam Social Science Hanoi Publisher Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, (1991).Harper Collins Publisher Cort, N (2002) Web Site Localization and Internationalisation: A Case Study PhD dissertation Crystal, D (1971) Linguistics Harmondsworth: Penguin Deutscher, G (2010) Through the 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Part 1: PERSONAL INFORMATION Age: under 20  from 21 – 30  Gender: male  female  from 31 – 40  over 40  Educational background high school  college or university  graduate  other  Ethnicity: …………………………… Hometown: ………………………… Occupation: ………………………… Part 2: QUESTIONNAIRE CONTENTS 80 Which of the following animals most often appear in proverbs? a buffalos  b chickens  c birds  d dogs  e other  (please clarify): Comments: What images most often appear in proverb? a rice  b rivers  c mountains  d the moon  e other : (please clarify) Comments: What activities you often see in proverbs? a farming work  b weather forecast  c experience collection  d daily routine  e other  (please clarify): Comments: 81 Which of these features are shown in proverbs? a couple’s love  b country’s love  c life experience  d social criticism  e other  (please clarify): Comments: In your opinion, why are some animals more often shown in proverbs? a because they are familiar in people’s life and helpful animals  b because they are wise and strong  c because they are beautiful and lovely  d because they are sacred animals and have supernatural power  e other  (please clarify): Comments: Thank you very much 82 Appendix B Chào anh/chị, Hiện tơi theo học chương trình cao học khoa Ngoại Ngữ - trường Đại Học Thủ Dầu Một Trong khóa học tơi hội thể niềm đam mê văn hóa Việt Nam lĩnh vực tục ngữ Tôi thực nghiên cứu Các yếu tố văn hóa tục ngữ Việt Nam Hi vọng anh/chị giúp tơi nghiên cứu Xin anh/chị vui lịng đọc toàn câu hỏi cungcấp câu câu trả lời mà anh/chị cho xác cách đánh dấu X vào ô vuông kế bên.Trong phần thông tin cá nhân, anh chị vui lịng ghi rõ thơng tin phần để trống Trong trường hợp lựa chọn câu trả lời khơng phù hợp với suy nghĩ anh chị anh chị chọn đáp án khác ghi rõ câu trả lời Bên cạnh anh chia thêm ý kiến phần ý kiến đóng góp Mọi đóng góp anh chị yếu tố định thành công nghiên cứu Tôi xin cam đoan thông tin cá nhân câu trả lời anh chị bảo mật dùng cho mục đích nghiên cứu Cám ơn hợp tác anh chị Phần : Thông tin cá nhân Tuổi : 20  từ 21 đến 30  Giới tính : nam  từ 31 đến 40  40  nữ  Trình độ học vấn : Trung học phổ thông  Cao đẳng – Đại học  sau đại học  khác  Dân tộc : ………………… Quê quán : ………………… Nghề nghiệp : ……………………… Phần : Câu hỏi khảo sát Con vật sau thường xuất tục ngữ ? a trâu  b gà  c chim  d chó  83 e khác  (xin ghi rõ) : Ý kiến đóng góp : Hình ảnh xuất nhiều tục ngữ? a lúa(gạo)  b sông  c núi  d mặt trăng  e khác  (xin ghi rõ): Ý kiến đóng góp: Hoạt động bạn thường thấy tục ngữ? a công việc làm nông  b dự báo thời tiết  c tổng kết kinh nghiệm  d hoạt động hàng ngày  e khác  (xin ghi rõ): Ý kiến đóng góp: Khía cạnh thường thể tục ngữ? a tình yêu đối lứa  b tình yêu đất nước  c kinh nghiệm sống  d phê phán xã hội  e khác  (xin ghi rõ): Ý kiến đóng góp: Theo bạn, số vật lại xuất thường tục ngữ? a chúng gần gủi với đời sống người hửu dụng  b chúng khơn ngoan mạnh mẽ  c chúng đẹp đáng yêu  d chúng vật linh thiêngvới sức mạnh phi thường  e khác  (xin làm rõ): Ý kiến khác: 84 Appendix C The list of proverbs which were used for reference Chim có đàn hót, tiếng hót hay Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together Chim phải tên sợ cành cong A burnt child dreads the fire Chim khơn nói tiếng rảnh rang, người khôn The bird is known by his note, the man by tiềng nói dịu dàng dễ nghe his words Chim khôn tiếc lông, người ngoan tiếc lời Wise men are not always silent, but know when to be Con chim mày cây, Tao đứng gốc mày bay đường Chó cậy gần nhà, gà cậy gần chuồng Every dog is a lion at home Chó ngáp phải ruồi To get a gift from the gods Chó sủa chó khơng cắn Barking dogs seldom bite Chó tinh chẳng sủa chỗ không An old dog barks not in vain 10 Chó dại có mùa, người dại quanh năm He who is born a fool is never cured 11 Chó rứt giậu Beast at bay bites hard 11 Cho cắn áo rách Misfortunes never come alone to a poor man 12 Gà què ăn quẩn cối xay 13 Còn gà trống, gà mái cịn gà giị 14 Gà nhà lại bới bếp nhà 15 Cõng rắn cắn gà nhà It is never long that comes at last Set the snake on one’s own hens Chớp đông nhay nháy, gà gáy mưa 16 Mèo gả, gà đồng 17 Khách đến nhà, chẳng gà vịt 18 Gà mẹ hoài đá 19 Trên đồng cạn đồng sâu Chồng cầy vợ cấy trâu nằm 20 Trâu thịt gầy, trâu cày béo 21 Sông nên đồng, Chổ làm ruộng lúa, chỗ trồng ngô khoai 85 22 Ruộng sâu trâu nái không sinh gái đầu To the lucky man a daughter is first born lòng 23 Trâu bò húc ruồi muỗi chết Pig in the middle 24 Trâu buộc ghét trâu ăn A successful man often has many enermies 25 Trâu chậm uống nước đục Better early than late 26 Trâu đồng ăn cỏ đồng Where the goat is fettered she must browse 27 28 Con trâu đầu nghiệp The buffalo is the best assets Mua trâu vẽ bóng Buy a pig in a poke Làm ruộng khơng trâu, làm giàu khơng thóc 29 Mua trâu xem sừng, mua chó xem chân 30 Nắng tốt dưa, mưa tốt lúa 31 Bao lúa bơng Thì cịn cỏ ngồi đồng trâu ăn 32 Ăn kĩ no lâu Cày sâu tốt lúa 33 Bao tháng ba Hoa gạo rụng xuống bà già cấ t chăn 34 Ai bưng bát cơm đầy, Dẻo thơm hạt đắng cay muôn phần 35 Cấy thưa thừa thóc Cấy dày cóc ăn 36 Cấy thưa bừa kĩ 37 Ao có bờ, sơng có bến 38 Sơng có khúc người có lúc A flow will have an ebb 39 Đo sông đo biển dễ đo lòng người You can never see into another heart 40 Trăm sông đổ bể All rivers flow into the sea 41 Sông dài cá lội biệt tăm Phải duyên chồng vợ trăm năm chờ 42 Sông sâu bắc cầu Lịng người nham hiểm mà mị 86 43 Sơng trào cho nhồi Căn duyên trắc trở đứng ngồi yên 44 Sơng sâu sào cắm khơn dị Người khơn nói, khó đo tấc lịng 45 Như cung trăng rơi xuống 46 Trăng quầng hạn trăng tán mưa 47 Trăng khuyết trăng lại tròn Have one’s head in the clouds Mẹ già kén rể cịn góa lâu 48 Trông trăng mà thẹn với trời Soi gương mà thẹn với người gương 49 Sáng trăng giã gạo trời Cám bay phưởng phất nhớ lời em than 50 Sáng trăng trải chiếu hai hàng Bên anh đọc sách bên nàng quây tơ 51 Dày nắng, vắng mưa Diều hâu rít lưỡi, lạnh giá tới nơi 52 Đầu năm sương muối, cuối năm gió nồm 53 Đêm tháng năm chưa nằm sáng, Ngày tháng mười chưa cười tối 54 Đất thiếu trồng dừa, đất thừa trồng cau 55 Ta ta tắm ao ta Dù dù đục ao nhà 56 Thuốc đắng giả tật, thật lòng 57 Ta ta tắm ao ta Dù dù đục ao nhà 58 Tham thâm 59 Thuận vợ thuận chồng tát biển đông cạn 60 Thương trái ấu tròn Beauty is in lovers’ eyes Ghét trái bồ méo 61 Một giọt máu đào ao nước lã Blood is thicker than water 62 Một ngựa đau tàu bỏ cỏ When a horse is sick, the whole stable refuses grass 87 63 Một công đôi việc 64 Làm ruộng ăn cơm nằm, Kill two birds with one stone Chăn tằm ăn cơm đứng 65 Đầu năm sương muối, cuối năm gió nồm 66 Gió bấc hiu hiu, sếu kêu rét 67 Tháng tám nắng rám trái bưởi 68 Chuồng chuồng bay thấp mưa, Bay cao nắng, bay vừa râm 69 Giàu sang kẻ lại nhà, Friends are plenty when the purse is full Khó nằm chợ chẳng ma nhìn 70 Gần mực đen gần đèn sáng A man is known by the company he keeps 71 Ép dầu ép mỡ nỡ ép duyên Love cannot be forced 72 Thắng làm vua, thua làm giặc Losers are always in the wrong 73 Muốn nói oan làm quan mà nói 74 Con vua lại làm vua Con sãi chùa lại quét đa 75 Giàu làm chị, khó lụy làm em An empty sack cannot stand upright 76 Mạnh gạo, bạo tiền Money makes the mare go 77 Nhàn cư vi bất tiện An idle brain is the devil’s workshop Thấy người sang bắt quàng làm họ Next of kin to the rich, no kin to the poor 78 Một túp liều tranh trái tim Love in a cottage 79 Múa rìu qua mắt thợ Offer to teach fish to swim 80 Tốt gỗ tốt nước sơn Clothes not make a man 81 Tiền bạc trước mực thước sau One law for the rich, and another for the poor 82 Thuốc đắng giã tật, thật lòng Bitter pills may have blessed effects 83 Thuận vợ thuận chồng tát bể đông A house divided against itself cannot stand cạn 84 Yêu núi trèo, Love conquers all Mấy sông lội đèo qua 85 Yêu yêu đường đi, Love me love my dog Ghét ghét tông chi họ hàng 86 Yêu đỗi nên mê Affections blind reasons 88 Tỉnh biết kẻ chê người cười 87 Vợ chồng đũa có đơi The threa follows the needle/ 88 Vợ khôn ngoan làm quan cho chồng A good wife is a good prize 89 Vàng thật không sợ lửa True gold does not fear the fire 90 Trông mặt mà bắt hình dong A tree is known by its fruit Con lợn có béo lịng ngon 91 Vạn khởi đầu nan All things are difficult before they are easy 92 Nhà mát, bát ngon cơm Cleanliness is next to godliness 93 Người khơn nói hiểu mười A word is enough to the wise 94 Thời tạo anh hùng Circumstances alter cases 95 Thua keo này, bày keo khác Better luck next time 96 Giặc đến nhà đàn bà đánh 97 Bầu thương lấy bí Tuy khác giống chung giàn 98 Dù cho khắp bốn phương East or west, home is best Về nhà thấy quê hương đâu 99 Thương người thể thương thân Do as you would be done by 100 Một nhịn chín lành Better a lean peace than a fat victory 89 ... Proverbs are one of the cultural factors andin some Vietnamese proverbs we have to explain meaning or find equivalent meaning in order to help hearers and readers understand Therefore, some proverbs. .. research The findings indicate parity between theory and practice The cultural factors shown in Vietnamese proverbs are: images of some animals, activites, morality and lifestyles The findings provide... origin and dissemination of proverbs Finally, regarding the origin of proverbs there are many opinions.Most experts in the field of proverbs have not provided the exact origin of proverbs Furthermore,

Ngày đăng: 21/06/2021, 21:47



