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Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 11 - Listening: Sources of energy (Bản đẹp)

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Giáo án Unit 11 (Listening) môn Tiếng Anh lớp 11 (Bản trình bày đẹp và không để tên cá nhân hoá chỉ cần tải về và chỉnh sửa tên, trường); Phù hợp cho các bạn sinh viên sư phạm Tiếng Anh tham khảo ý tưởng cũng như cách trình bày giáo án sao cho đẹp, đầy đủ và sáng tạo; Các giáo viên Tiếng Anh cũng có thể tham khảo về ý tưởng dạy từ vựng, warmup và các task.

SỞ GD & ĐT TP HỒ CHÍ MINH NAM School: University Name: _ Student’s ID: CỘNG HÒA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT Độc lập – Tự – Hạnh phúc School: _ High School Instructor: _ Class: 11 UNIT 11 – ENGLISH 11 SOURCES OF ENERGY C Listening I OBJECTIVES: - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: + Acquired new vocabulary in the lesson + Practiced identifying key words in listening questions + Practiced listening to choose correct answers and fill in gaps + Raised the awareness of how to use energy appropriately II TIME: 45 minutes III TECHNIQUES: visual aids, group work, pair work, individual work, questions and answers IV LEXICAL ITEMS: ecologist, consist of, definition, petroleum, fertilize V TEACHING AIDS: mini boards, markers, speakers VI PROCEDURE: Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Timing Warm-up Game: MEMORY GAME Lead-in - Divides class into groups and gives each - Listen to the T (6 group a mini board minutes) - Rules: + Ss will watch a video of 10 things you use energy for in your house and try to remember them + After watching the whole video, all groups will have minute to write all the things you remember on the mini board + The group gets the highest score will be the winner - Checks understanding - Answer the T’s questions + How much time we have to write Expected answers: things on the board? + minute + How many things we have to + 10 things remember? - Let Ss play the game - Play the game - Checks the score of each group and - Listen to the T announces the winner Lead-in: The household appliances work based on energy which can classified into renewable and nonrenewable sources Therefore, let’s move to our lesson today to differentiate such kinds of sources Before you - Ask Ss to keep the textbook close listen - Ask Ss to listen and repeat the words in ( 12 the box minutes) - Presents some new words: ecologist (n) /iˈkɑːlədʒɪst/ the person who studies the relationship between the environment and animals and plants → ecology (n) the relation of plants and living creatures to each other and to their environment → ecological (adj) relating to ecology or environment + Techniques: using pictures and explanation + Says “Class, this scientist is taking the samples of water in the forest She studys the relationship between the environment and animals and plants We call her ecologist.” + Example: This book is recommended reading for tropical ecologists consist of (phrasal verb) to be formed from the people or things mentioned + Techniques: using pictures and examples + Example: Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen Example: Unit 11 consists of parts, reading, listening, speaking, writing and language focus definition (n) an explanation of the meaning of a word or phrase, especially in a dictionary + Techniques: using pictures and synonyms + Says “Class, when you use the dictionary to find the meaning of a word It means that you’re finding the definition of that word.” + Example: The dictionary provides clear, simple definitions petroleum (n) /pəˈtrəʊliəm/ a dark, thick oil obtained from under the ground and made into fuels such as gas and - Listen to the T - Keep books close - Listen and repeat the words - While you listen ( 19 minutes) heating oil, and used in making plastics + Techniques: using pictures and explanation + Says “Class, we use petroleum to make fuel for vehicles.” + Example: Petrol and diesel are produced from petroleum fertilize (v) to spread a natural or chemical substance on land or plants, in order to make the plants grow well + Techniques: using pictures and explanation + Says “Class, when you spread a natural or chemical substance on land or plants to make the plants grow well, it means you fertilize them.” + Example: Flowers are often fertilized by bees as they gather nectar - Asks Ss to repeat all the new words - Asks Ss to write down new words in their notebooks Checking: Fill in the blank with a suitable word: ecologist consist of petroleum definition fertilize The soil is so rich there is no need to _ study the grasses and the small animals that live there We need a good working of ‘pollution’ The exhibition a series of photographs that he took between 1915 and 1939 Most industrialized societies depend on the industry - Asks Ss to the checking task individually in minute - Calls some Ss to go to the board and write down the answers - Checks answers and gives feedback - Invites a student to read the instruction of task - Has the students look at the question and identify the key words - Demonstrates to identify the key words - Repeat all new words - Write down new words - Do the task individually - Write the answers on the board - Listen to the T - in question 1: Key words: “Ecology”, “study” - Invites some students to identify the key words in the successive questions After you listen (7 minutes) - Let Ss listen the audio for the first time - Let Ss listen the audio for the second time - Calls some Ss to get their answers - Shows the script part related to the corresponding sentence and checks their answers - Asks Ss to listen to the audio for the third time and task in pairs in minutes - Calls some Ss to get their answers - Checks answers and gives feedback - Asks to note the answer in their notebooks - Shows the whole script and plays the audio again Activity: DISCUSSION - Asks Ss to work in groups and gives mini boards - Asks Ss to discuss about these questions below in minutes and draw a mind map to show the ideas Which group these sources of energy belong to? (coal, geothermal heat, petroleum, solar energy, oil, wind energy and gas) What can we to keep the resources renewable? What should we to protect our environment? - Calls one group to go to the stage and present their opinions - Checks pronunciation and gives feedback - Read the instruction - identify the key words - Listen to the T Expected answers: 2) “natural environment”, “consist” 3) “resources”, “can be”, “renewable” 4) “grass”, “animals”, “resource” 5) “coal”, “nonrenewable”, “takes”, “to make it” - Listen carefully - Listen carefully - Show answers - Listen to the T - Listen carefully - Do task in pairs - Stand up and read the answers - Write down the answers in notebooks - Listen and look at the script - Listen to the T - Discuss and draw mind map on the mini boards - Listen to friends’ opinions, - Listen to the T VII HOMEWORK (1 minute): - Learn by heart vocabulary - Do the task in the After-you-read section in your notebooks - Prepare for Unit 11 – Writing part VIII TAPE SCRIPT: The natural environment includes all natural resources that are necessary for life: the air, the oceans, the sun and the land Because they are vital for life these resources must be protected from pollution and conserved Ecologists study their importance and how to use them carefully According to ecologists, resources are divided into groups: renewable and nonrenewable When a resource can be replaced quickly, it is called renewable If it cannot be replaced quickly and easily, it is nonrenewable For example grass for animals is a renewable resource When cows eat the grass, the resource is used If the soil is fertilized and protected, more grass will grow Coal, however, is nonrenewable because it takes millions of years to make coal All fossil fuels are nonrenewable resources Solar energy, air, and water are renewable resources because there is an unlimited supply However, this definition may be changed if people are not careful with these resources The amount of solar energy that reaches the earth depends on the atmosphere If the atmosphere is polluted, the solar energy that reaches the earth may be dangerous If life is going to continue, the air must contain the correct amount of nitrogen (N), oxygen (O), carbon dioxide (CO2), and other gases If humans continue to pollute the air, it will not contain the correct amount of these gases IX INSTRUCTOR’S COMMENT: Instructor Student ... pictures and examples + Example: Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen Example: Unit 11 consists of parts, reading, listening, speaking, writing and language focus definition (n) an explanation... heart vocabulary - Do the task in the After-you-read section in your notebooks - Prepare for Unit 11 – Writing part VIII TAPE SCRIPT: The natural environment includes all natural resources that

Ngày đăng: 17/06/2021, 16:26

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