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Tiếng anh cơ bản viết lại câu có chọn lọc, mới nhất

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Các bài viết lại câu mới nhất có chọn lọc. Được sưu tầm và đăng tải trải dài các mục các unit trong giáo trình chương trình mới. Đề ôn tập môn tiếng Anh học kì 2 được biên tập bám sát chương trình học giúp các em sinh viên củng cố kiến thức đã học hiệu quả. Mời bạn đọc tham khảo, chúng tôi xin trân thành cảm ơn

TIẾNG ANH CƠ BẢN IN OTHER WORDS I Present perfect tense:  He has never worked for a foreign company  It is the first time he (ever) worked for a foreign company  We have never met such difficult customers  They are the most diffcult customers we have ever met  We have never met any customers as diffcult as them  She hasn’t signed the contract yet  She still hasn’t signed the contract  It’s a week since she (last) visited our company  She hasn’t visited our company for a week  The last time she visited our company for a week  When did you last contact him  When was the last time you contacted him  When did you make your first cars?  How long ago did you make your first cars?  How long is it since you made your first cars? Exercise 1: Rewrite the following sentences, keep the meanings He hasn’t been to work for a week  It’s How long ago did you business with Sony?  How long They are the most expensive sunglasses in the market I’ve ever known  I’ve It’s a month sincce I phoned the company’s receptionist I When did you buy that vacuum cleaner?  How long Our director hasn’t been on the business trip for a month  It’s How long is it since you applied for the job?  How long I haven’t finished my annual report yet I I have never worked for myself before  This 10.The last time I placed orders with that company was years ago I 11.He last had a phone line for investors months ago  The last Key: It’s a week since he went to work How long is it since you did business with Sony I’ve never known any sunglasses as expensive as them I haven’t phoned the company’s receptionist for a month How long ago did you buy that vacuum cleaner It’s a month since our director went on a business trip How long ago did you apply for the job? I still haven’t finished my annual report This is the first time I have worked for myself 10 I haven’t placed orders with that company for years 11 The last time he had a phone line for investors was months ago Exercise 2: Turn these sentences into passive voice They promoted him last month  His company will give us better terms  They will deliver the needed equipment by the end of this month  People mine many of the world’s diamonds in South Africa  People spend a lot of money on advertising everday  He founded his firs company in 1950  We are dealing your complaint  The architect has drawn plans for an extension to the house  You mustn’t use this machine after 5:30 pm  10 Science and technology have completely changed human life  11 The president had his advisors arrange a press conference  Key: He was promoted last month We will be given better terms by his company The needed equipment will be delivered by the end of this month Many of the world’s diamonds are mined in South Africa A lot of money is spent on advertising everyday His first company was founded in 1950 Your complaint is being dealt with by us Plans for an extension to the house have been drawn by the architect This machine mustn’t be used after 5:30 pm 10 Human life has completely been changed by science and technology 11 The president had a press conference arranged by his advisors REPORTED SPEECH: ĐẠI TỪ CHỈ THỊ, PHÓ TỪ CHỈ THỜI GIAN, ĐỊA ĐIỂM Now Then Today That day Yesterday The day before/ the previous day Last week The week before/ the previous week Two days ago Two days before Last night The night before Tomorrow The next day/ the following day Next week The following week The day after tomorrow In two day’s time Tonight That night Here/ overhere There/ overthere This That These Those Câu hỏi: Câu hỏi yes/no:  Eg: She asked “Does it take long?”  She asked if/whether it took long  Đổi câu hỏi yes/no sang câu gián tiếp ta dùng if/whether (có hay khơng) sau dùng trật tự từ câu trần thuật bỏ dấu hỏi chấm Câu hỏi có từ để hỏi:  ”What are they doing?” he asked me  He asked me what they were doing  Đổi câu hỏi có từ để hỏi sang gián tiếp ta giữ nguyên từ để hỏi sau để trật tự từ câu trần thuật bỏ dấu hỏi chấm Câu mệnh lệnh:  Eg: “Go away”, she said to me  She told me to go away  Eg: “Don’t sign the contract”, she said to me  She told/ ordered me not to sign the contract Exercise 3: Turn these sentences into reported speech “Sales are going well”, said to agent  “I have been working in the city for years”, she said  “I changed my job because I wanted more responsibility”, Mary said to Tom  “I will consider your offer”, the candidate told the personnel manager  “Don’t put any calls through to my office”, he said to his assistant  “Would you like to come to my party?”, Peter asked Jane (invite)  “Could I have the copy of the newest contract?”, the boss asked me (request)  “Why don’t we phone them to inform the news?”, he said (suggest)  “When will the new product be ready?”, asked the director  10 “Do you feel confident about the project?”, the manager asked Jim  Key: The agent said that sales were going well She said that she had been working in the city for years Mary said to Tom she had changed her job because she had wanted more responsibility The candidate told the personnel manager she would consider her office He told his assistant not to put any calls through to his office Peter invite Jane to come to his party The boss request me to copy of the news contract He suggest phoning them to inform the news The director asked me when the new product would be ready 10 The manager asked Jim if he felt confident about the project Exercise 4: Comparison Shell group is the most profitable company in the world  No compay BT is not as large as AT&T  AT&T We have never had a better year than this year No electronics company is as successful as Siemens I have never been to such a long meeting That was the most boring presentation I’ve ever heard We have never produced a product as good as this I have never used such a simple program He runs the company more efficiently than his father did 10 We can’t make as much profit from our activities as we could last year Key: No company in the world is more profitable than shell group AT&T is larger than BT This is the first time we have had a better year than this year Siemens is the most successful electronics company That was the longest meeting I’ve ever been I have never heard such a boring presentation This product was the best product we have ever produced This is the most simple program I have ever used His father doesn’t run the company as efficiently as him 10 Last year we can make more profit from our activities Exercise 5: So/ such/ too/ enough The manual was too complicated for me to understand = It was such a complicated manual that I couldn’t understand it = The manual was so complicated that I couldn’t understand it = The manual was not simple enough for me to understand it Your products are too expensive for us to stock  It was such an unclear fax that he couldn’t read it  Your quotation is not low enough for us to accept  The project was so risky that they couldn’t go ahead with it  Their forecasts are too inaccurate for us to use  Rents in the city are so high that we can’t have an office there  It is such a small town that we don’t have a branch in it  The manager was experienced enough to apply for promotion  Exercise 6: Conditional clauses If the government raises taxes, consumer spending will fall  If  Unless If the shipment arrives tomorrow, I can collect it  If  Unless Improve your quality or we will stop our contract  If  Unless We will sign the deal tomorrow unless something goes wrong  If  Unless Sarah wishes she were younger to apply for the job position  If We are not the market leader because we don’t spend much on R&D  If I did’t follow his advice I lost a lot of money  If We don’t have the finance We can’t expand rapidly  If Key: => If the government doesn’t raises, consumer spending won’t fall => Unless the government raises taxes, consumer spending will fall => If the shipment doesn’t arrive tomorrow, I can’t collect it => Unless the shipment arrives tomorrow, I won’t collect it => if you improve your quality, we won’t stop our contact => Unless you improve your quality, we will stop our contact => If something goes wrong, we won’t sign the deal tomorrow => Unless something goes wrong, we will sign the deal tomorrow If she were younger, she would apply for the job position If we spent much on R&D, we would be the market leader If I had followed his advice, I couldn’t have lost a lot of money If we had the finance, we could expand rapidly Mix exercise: We can not afford to purchase that car can afford to sth: có đủ khả để làm  That car He started working as a chairman months ago  He has Nobody can deny that she is able to help the company’s bad financial situation  It can’t They find these plans difficult to implement  It is Samsung’s service is better than that of Sony  Sony’s service Why don’t we simplify our production line?  I suggest It’s possible that our profit will rise dramatically this year  Our prfit He had such bad plans that the bank refused to support him  His plans It is necessary for Abella Co to reinforce its position  Abella Co 10 We continuously order from them because their products are well designed  We continuously order from them because of 11 It took him nearly a month to find out soutions to help the company  He spent 12 He refused the job offer because of the low salary  He refused 13.We are terribly sorry for the mistakes in delivery  We would like 14 Although the company treated her well, she quit her job  Despite 15 Let’s send them a reminder to ask them to pay for the invoice  How about 16 The director failed to find sources of investment for his company  The director didn’t 17 I like working with foreigners  I am 18 If there aren’t any last minute problems, we will sign the contract today  Unless 19 He showed her around the factory  She 20 The economic situation will continue to improve as long as the government helps  Because of ... That These Those Câu hỏi: Câu hỏi yes/no:  Eg: She asked “Does it take long?”  She asked if/whether it took long  Đổi câu hỏi yes/no sang câu gián tiếp ta dùng if/whether (có hay khơng) sau... khơng) sau dùng trật tự từ câu trần thuật bỏ dấu hỏi chấm Câu hỏi có từ để hỏi:  ”What are they doing?” he asked me  He asked me what they were doing  Đổi câu hỏi có từ để hỏi sang gián tiếp... Đổi câu hỏi có từ để hỏi sang gián tiếp ta giữ nguyên từ để hỏi sau để trật tự từ câu trần thuật bỏ dấu hỏi chấm Câu mệnh lệnh:  Eg: “Go away”, she said to me  She told me to go away  Eg: “Don’t

Ngày đăng: 15/06/2021, 14:07

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