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Brief of Doctoral dissertation in Political Science: Improving the quality of the propaganda officers of Quang Binh province in the current period

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Research purposes: On the basis of clarifying the theoretical issues about the quality of propaganda officers, evaluating the improvement of the quality of propaganda cadres in Quang Binh province, the dissertation proposes views and solutions to improve the quality of propaganda staff in Quang Binh province.

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING VINH UNIVERSITY *** HOANG THANH HIEN IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF THE TEAM OF PROPAGANDA OFFICERS OF QUANG BINH PROVINCE IN THE CURRENT PERIOD BRIEF OF DOCTORAL DISSERTATION IN POLITICAL SCIENCE Major: Politics Code: 31 02 01 Nghe An, 2020 The work has been completed at Vinh University Supervisors: Assoc.Prof Dr Tran Viet Quang Dr Nguyen Thi Lan The dissertation is upheld at the school-level Dissertation Assessment Council met at Vinh University At…… Date …… month ……year 2000 Thesis can be found at: - National Library, 31 Trang Thi, Tran Hung Dao, Hoan Kiem, Ha Noi - Information Center - Library of Vinh University 182, Le Duan, Vinh, Nghe An A ABSTRACT The reason for choosing the topic Propaganda work is a special important component in the entire Party's activities Since its introduction up to now, propaganda work has been always attached great importance to by our Party and considered as a regular task to contribute to building the Party's ideological and political foundation, spiritual foundation for society, arousing the creation of the masses of the people, creating the synergy of the entire nation, contributing to the successful implementation of the goal of "rich people, strong country, democracy, equality, civilization” Over the past years, the propaganda sector of Quang Binh province has always emphasized on improving the quality of the labor force in order to build a team of qualified propaganda officers to successfully fulfill assigned tasks and meet the increasing requirements of propaganda work However, the quality of propaganda staff in Quang Binh province still has limitations and shortcomings that affect propaganda work The theoretical and professional qualifications of many officers have not yet met the work requirements in the new stage Some officers’ capacity to forecast the situation, research, analyze, synthesize, collect and process information, and skills of public speaking is limited In view of this development, scientific research is required to come up with feasible solutions to improve the quality of the labor force engaged in propaganda work in Quang Binh province in particular and the country in general Therefore, the author chose the issue "Improving the quality of the propaganda officers of Quang Binh province in the current period" as the topic of the Doctoral dissertation in Politics The research purposes and mission of dissertation 2.1 Research purposes On the basis of clarifying the theoretical issues about the quality of propaganda officers, evaluating the improvement of the quality of propaganda cadres in Quang Binh province, the dissertation proposes views and solutions to improve the quality of propaganda staff in Quang Binh province 2.2 Research mission - Overall assessment of domestic and foreign research related to the topic, thereby identifying the issues to be studied in the dissertation - Clarifying the theoretical issues about the quality of propaganda staff - Properly assessing the current state of the quality of propaganda staff in Quang Binh province in the current period - Clearly defining views and proposing solutions to improve the quality of propaganda staff in Quang Binh province Object and scope of the study 3.1 Research subject Quality of propaganda staff in Quang Binh provinc 3.2 Research scope - Regarding the research conten: The thesis focuses deeply on researching, surveying, analyzing and evaluating the quality of propaganda staff in Quang Binh province, thereby proposing views and solutions to improve the quality of propaganda officers of Quang Binh province - Regarding the researching space: Propaganda officers at all levels of Quang Binh province (province, district and commune-level) - Regarding the researching time: Survey on the quality of propaganda officers and the quality of propaganda staff team from 2015 to 2019 Theoretical basis and research methodology 4.1 Theoretical basis The topic is made on the theoretical basis of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's ideology and the views of the Communist Party of Vietnam; resolutions of the Party Committee of Quang Binh province on ideological work and building a team of propaganda staff to meet the requirements and tasks in the new situation 4.2 Methodology - Methods of information collection + Collecting secondary information, to review research literature; building a theoretical framework for improving the quality of propaganda staff; overview of natural - economic - cultural - social conditions in the study area… + Collecting primary information, to verify the authenticity of information sources collected by other methods - Methods of investigation, by a system of questionnaires and interviews to investigate and survey the propaganda officials of the Party from provincial to grassroots level with 411 opinions - Interview method: Direct interview with the team of propaganda staff who have been selected according to the available questions of the questionnaire - Analytical method: analyzing the data collected from the survey to identify the quality of the propaganda staff - Statistical methods: using statistics data on the aspects related to improving the quality of the propaganda staff - Integrated method: in order to give interpretations, comments and suggestions of the author in chapters on the current situation and views, solutions - The historical, logical method: in order to detect problems in the nature of common and specific (individual) law, the abundance, diversity and development tendency of things and phenomena To research the history of the construction and development process of propaganda staff in Quang Binh province over the periods New scientifc contributions of the thesis 5.1 In theoretical term The thesis highlights new perspectives on the work of propaganda, propaganda officials and the quality of propaganda staff, thereby, determining the criteria for evaluating the quality of the team of propaganda officers in line with practical situation At the same time, to evaluate the results achieved; limitations and shortcomings in the quality of the current team of propaganda staff, from which proposing perspectives and solutions to improve the quality of the team of propaganda staff 5.2 In practical terms - Summarizing the practical situation and pointing out the shortcomings in improving the quality of the current propaganda staff - Proposing solutions to improve the quality of propaganda staff in line with the practical situation of the North Central region in general and Quang Binh in particular - The research results of the dissertation are the reference for researching, teaching and implementing the line of building a team of propaganda staff - Contributing to the effective implementation of the Resolution of the Seventh Conference of the Party Central Committee (Session XII) on focusing on building a team of cadres at all levels, especially at strategic levels, who are qualified in quality, capability and prestige, on par with the mission Research questions and research hypothese 6.1 Research questions - What rationale is based on to improve the quality of propaganda staff? - What is the quality of the team of propaganda staff in Quang Binh province at present? - How is the situation of improving the quality of the team of propaganda officials in Quang Binh province at present? - What solutions should be taken to improve the quality of propaganda staff in Quang Binh province? 6.2 Research hypothesis Currently, in addition to the achieved results, the team of propaganda staff of Quang Binh province still has shortcomings and limitations, not yet met the requirements and missions of propaganda work in the new situation, so there is a need to pay attention to improving the quality of propaganda staff Setting out of solutions and applying them in a synchronous and appropriate way will contribute to improving the quality of propaganda staff in Quang Binh province The structure of the thesis In addition to the introduction, conclusion, list of published author's scientific works, list of references and annexes, the dissertation is structured of chapters, 11 sections B CONTENT Chapter OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH SITUATION RELATED TO THE DISSERTATION’S TOPIC 1.1 The research works related to the topic at home and abroad 1.1.1 The domestic research works related to the topic Typical scientific works of research on ideological work, propaganda work In “New requirements for ideological work”, author Thai Ninh has affirmed: ideological work is an important part of the entire operation of the Communist Party, associated with the existence of the Party and the leadership of the Party towards society Therefore, to improve the quality and effectiveness of ideological work, first of all, it is necessary to innovate the form and method of ideological work Pham Van Linh "The work of the Party's ideology and theory in the innovation: Achievements, limitations and lessons learned", the ideological work contributes to forming the direction, strategic thinking, ensuring the Party leadership and national innovation, therefore, in the face of rapid and complicated changes in the domestic and international situation, it is required to continue to renovate ideological and theoretical work to meet the requirements and missions in new situation Typical scientific works on building the team of staff and improving the quality of staff “High determination, drastic measures to create new changes in the Party building”, General Secretary and State President Nguyen Phu Trong said that it is necessary to urgently renovate the work of organization, personnel, and the Party's activity regime; perfecting mechanisms and policies, especially training policies, arranging and employing staff in line with the new conditions Mai Van Chinh "Lessons on staff assessment through the work" Modifying the working style", the author has drawn lessons on staff evaluation, in which, focusing on evaluating staff and the results of staff assessment are an important basis for carrying out other stages such as planning, training, retraining, arranging and employing In the rrok of "Building a team of staff for policy communication", Bui Van Huan said that, for good performance of the task of policy communication, the staff who perform this task needs to be fully trained, fostered and built in both quantity and quality, to meet the practical requirements and are facilitated to perform their duties Typical scientific works researching on building and improving the quality of propaganda staff In the work of “Build a more professional team of staff working in propaganda”, Pham Van Phong said that the party committees at all levels must have a direction to plan, select, train, foster and use a team of propaganda staff in a really proper manner "Renovating and improving the effectiveness of propaganda work in face of new requirements", Nguyen The Ky mentioned the important role of propaganda work "Criteria system for evaluating the quality of training propaganda officials in Vietnam today", Hoang Quoc Bao said that in order to evaluate the quality of current propaganda cadres training, it is necessary to base on the group of criteria for the theoretical qualification and scientific knowledge of propaganda staff; group of criteria for political and ethical qualities, lifestyle of propaganda officers and criteria group for evaluating the capacity of propaganda officers 1.1.2 The abroad research works related to topic Typical scientific works related to the ideological work, the propaganda work Some studies in China, Laos, Cuba, the Soviet Union have previously studied on the leadership and role of the Communist Party in the ideological work The documents have contributed to consolidating and developing the foundation of Marxism-Leninism, improving theory, pointing out practical experiences for issues in the field of propaganda work, as well as suggesting approach, scientific foundations, and creating premise to continue to reform the propaganda work of the Communist Party of Vietnam Typical scientific works related to the building and improvement of the quality of the team of propaganda staff Chanthanom Bandavong had the article "Building a team of staff at the Lao National Political and Administrative Academy" Author Michael Losey, Sue Meisinger, Dave Ulrich (2002), The Future of Human Resource Management In addition, there are studies related to human resources and staff issues such as: Matsushita Konnosuke (2000), Personnel - the key to success; Patten, Thomats Henry (1971), Manpower Planning and the Development of Human Resources; George T Silkobvich, John W Boudreau (2002), Human resource management; Paul Hersey Ken Balanc Hard (1995), Human Resource Management The above works have analyzed in detailed the quality of human resources, the quality of staff and employees as well as requirements on their competency in the job implementation 1.2 Overview of the main results of the published works and the problems raised to be solved by the thesis continue 1.2.1 Overview of main results of published works related to the topic Firstly, Propaganda work is a very important component in the entire activities of the Communist Party of Vietnam Propaganda work is a continuous, constant, and non-stop process; is the process of educating and self-educating, practicing and selftraining… Secondly, the important role of the team of propaganda officials is deterrmined as the most important factor to improve the effectiveness of propaganda work Thirdly, in order to well perform the assigned political tasks, it requires the team of propaganda staff to both have a deep understanding of a specific issue or field and cover all issues of social life Forthly, in the course of implementing the task, it requires the team of propaganda staff to have a scientific working method Fifthly, the quality of propaganda staff determines the quality and efficiency of the Party's propaganda work, so a really professional team of propaganda officials at all levels must be built Sixthly, it is necessary to regularly take care of building organizational apparatus and building a team of propaganda staff to ensure firm political attitude, professional expertise; scientific working style; exemplary in morality, lifestyle Sevenly, for research projects in foreign countries, the researches were made on the leadership and direction of the Communist Party for ideological work, the work of building staff In addition, in a number of other studies, the authors focused on analyzing the quality of human resources, the quality of each staff, and the requirements for human resources in the course of task implementation 1.2.2 The problems raised to be resolved by the dissertation Firstly, to analyze the quality of the team of propaganda officials, the criteria for evaluation and factors affecting the quality of propaganda staff Secondly, to survey, assess the current situation and point out the advantages and disadvantages of improving the quality of the team of propaganda staff in Quang Binh province at present Thirdly, to propose views and solutions to improve the quality of propaganda staff in Quang Binh province Conclusion for chapter In recent years, there have been a number of scientific researches at home and abroad on ideological work in general and propaganda work, improvement of the quality of propaganda staff in particular in many different aspects, angles relevant to the topic Through considering the scientific works related to the thesis topic, the author has generalized the main findings of the published works The authors of the abovementioned scientific works all affirmed the important role of propaganda officers in improving the efficiency of propaganda wrrok by the Party and affirmed the necessity of building a team of propaganda cardes who are really professional at all levels However, there has not been any scientific work that has been systematically, comprehensively and fully researched on improving the quality of propaganda staff in general, the quality of propaganda staff of Quang Binh province in particular Chapter THEORETICAL BASIS IN TERM OF QUALITY OF TEAM OF PROPAGANDA STAFF 2.1 Some concepts related to the topic 2.1.1 Propaganda work Propaganda work is an especially important part of the Party, contributing to building, developing, propagating Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh ideology, the Party's guidelines and lines, policies and laws of the State to cadres, party members and the people; motivating and organizing the people to perform the Party's revolutionary mision, ensuring the Party's leadership comprehensively 2.1.2 Propaganda officer and team of propaganda staff Cadres Cadres are those who are elected, approved, and appointed to hold positions and titles by terms in the Communist Party of Vietnam, the State, and socio-political organizations from central to grassroots level, are entitled to receive salary from the state budget; are the people who bring the Party's policies, lines and laws to the people and organize the people to implement those guidelines, lines and policies 11 timely solve emerging problems, the collection and processing of information of propaganda officer is very important - Capacity of public speaking Public speaking is very important to the propaganda officer This is the basic tool for the staff to inspire, impart and make changes, build knowledge and build organizational culture Therefore, forming and practicing public speaking skills is a basic requirement of the propaganda officer 2.2.2 The group of criteria belongs to the structure of propaganda staff and the quality of the leaders Structure of a team of propaganda staff The structure of a team of propaganda staff includes the following factors: number, female cadres, young cadres, cadres being ethnic minorities, working seniority, rank structure, professional titles, positions employment and educational qualification in line with functions and duties, and ensure the standards of staff The quality of the leader and the head Through the quality of the leaders and the heads of the Propaganda Commission at all levels, it can be seen somewhat of the quality of the team of staff in such agency To have a quality leadership team, it must start from building and perfecting policy mechanisms; recruiting, training and retraining cadres and civil servants to proactively formulate and implement cadre planning and rotate the leader 2.2.3 The group of criteria belongs to the collective of propaganda commission Solidarity, unity in the propaganda commission For collectives of the Propaganda Commission, building solidarity is an indispensable requirement to well carry out propaganda, mobilization, and gathering the power of the entire people to well implement all the Party's guidelines and policies, the laws of the State Therefore, building solidarity, unity in the will and acts in the propaganda commission must be done regularly, and the first is the head The relationship between superiors and subordinates, subordinates and superiors, and the relationship at the same level - Superiors need to build relationships with subordinates 12 - Subordinates need to learn to behave appropriately to superiors - In the relationships at the same level, the relationship with a colleague must be respected Sharing of members of the Propaganda Commission For cadres in general, propaganda officers in particular, respect for others, sharing, support, and care to surrounding colleagues is conscience and responsibility for the community and society Therefore, the sharing of members of the Propaganda Commission is one of the important criteria to evaluate the quality of the collective of propaganda commission at all levels 2.3 Basic factors affecting the quality of team of propaganda staff 2.3.1 The scientific – technological development Science and technology are the manifestation, a close companion between reasoning, theory and practice, between research and practical application In the 4.0 era, ideological work in general and propaganda work in particular were influenced by the scientifc and technological development Therefore, it is required that each officer, civil servant in general and propaganda officer in particular must constantly study, research, in order to timely grasp the development of science and technology, thereby apply in practice 2.3.2 Socio-economic situation in the country and locality The achievements achieved after 35 years of reform have created the synergy, position and power of the country much stronger than before However, the country still faces challenges and risks that cannot be underestimated In the province, some aspects of Party building, government building, socio-economic development are still limited The religious situation in the province has many hidden hidden factors The above issues have affected, significantly impacted the quality of the team of propaganda staff 2.3.3 The selection of propaganda staff Selection of propaganda staff is an organization's activity to find qualified, qualified and capable people according to certain standards to arrange and use to meet the mission requirements of the propaganda sector in the new situation 2.3.2 The arrangement and use of propaganda officials 13 The assignment of jobs in line with the abilities and qualifications of the propaganda officer is a very important job in order to promote their abilities Therefore, the use of staff must ensure real democracy, promote collective intelligence, avoid wasting brainpower 2.3.3 Planning, training and retraining of propaganda staff Planning, training and retraining cadres is one of the important stages in the personnel work of the Party During the working period, the propaganda officer not only learns once, but on the contrary, it needs to be trained, fostered and updated continuously and regularly, contributing to the professionalism of the team of propaganda staff in implementing the task 2.3.4 The work of inspecting and evaluating propaganda officials Inspection and evaluation of staff plays an important role in improving the quality of propaganda staff The assessment is to determine the results of each propaganda officer in performing their assigned tasks 2.3.5 Policy for propaganda officers The treatment policy for the propaganda cadres is very important It is both the tool and motivation of the staff, as well as the basis for building and developing the staff, thereby encouraging officers bring into full play their capacity and enthusiasm in implementing their tasks Conclusion of chapter On the basis of focusing on clarifying theoretical issues about propaganda work, analyzing in-depth concepts of propaganda officials, the team of propaganda officials, the quality of the team of propaganda officials, the dissertation has clearly identified the criteria for evaluating the quality of propaganda staff; at the same time, focusing on analyzing the factors affecting the quality of propaganda staff, including the development of science and technology; domestic and local socio-economic situation; recruitment and arrangement of staff; training and retraining planning to the inspection, evaluation and implementation of policies for propaganda staff These are the foundations and premises for assessing the current state of the quality of propaganda staff and identifying views and solutions to improve the quality of team of propaganda staff in Quang Binh province 14 Chapter CURRENT SITUATION OF TEAM OF PROPAGANDA STAFF OF QUANG BINH PROVINCE AT PRESENT 3.1 The impact of Quang Binh's natural, economic, cultural - social conditions on the quality of team of propaganda staff 3.1.1 Natural condition The specific characteristics of geographical location, natural resources, population that have formed the personality of Quang Binh people, especially the uneven distribution of population, mainly concentrated in rural areas, affected the cognitive process of the people here It is one of the factors that highlyt affects the content and mode of propaganda work 3.1.2 Socio-economic situation of Quang Binh province The geographical location and natural resources are an advantage for Quang Binh province for socio-economic development, in the future Quang Binh will have many opportunities for socio-economic development, attracting domestic and abroad investment However, in addition, factors of geographical location, natural resources, economy, culture - society have affected perceptions and thinking of each staff, party members and local people in different regions in the province, affecting the quality of propaganda work 3.2 Quality of team of propaganda staff in Quang Binh province 3.2.1 Quality of team of propaganda staff Regarding political thinking 100% of the propaganda officers maintained their political attidude, MarxismLeninism, Ho Chi Minh ideology, goal of national independence and socialism; actively study, improve political theory, knowledge, practical capacity and strictly implement the Party Charter Regarding moral characters, lifestyle 100% of the propaganda officers have a sound, exemplary lifestyle and have a sense of discipline, well observing the assignment of their superiors Most of the propaganda staff have a sense of responsibility, dedication to their assigned work, and have reputation with comrades and colleagues 15 Regarding political theory qualification and professional expertise - Political theory qualification: By the end of 2019, the propaganda officer of Quang Binh province who has bachelor's and senior political theory degree is 74 comrades, accounting for 18.0% (increasing 2.8% compared to 2015); intermediate level has 229 comrades, accounting for 55.7% (an increase of 5.9% compared to 2015); primary level 84 comrades, accounting for 20.4% (down 4.7% compared to 2015); untrained 24 comrades (accounting for 5.8%) Regarding professional qualifications: by the end of 2019, the propaganda staff in Quang Binh province with postgraduate degrees accounted for 5.6% (an increase of 1.9% compared to 2015); university degree accounted for 69.1% (an increase of 4.6% compared to 2015); college 6.3%; intermediate level accounts for 19.0% (down 100% compared to 2015) Regarding sense of discipline organization Every year, 100% of propaganda officers are assessed to have a good sense of discipline Such result has contributed to building the collective of the propaganda commission at all levels to well and successfully complete the tasks Regarding the results of implementing assigned duties From 2015 to 2019, there was an increasing number of propaganda officers who are assessed to successfully complete their tasks In 2015, 10.1% of propaganda staff were ranked to successfully complete their tasks, increasing to 15.8% in 2019 Especially in recent years, there are no cadres who have not completed their tasks Regarding the forecasting capacity of propaganda officials The propaganda staff of Quang Binh province had good forecasting capacity, accounting for 41.4% (an increase of 4.5% compared to 2015), the number of staff whose fair forecasting capacity was 149 comrades, accounting for 36.2% (an increase of 5.8 % compared to 2015), the forecasting capacity at an average level was 48 comrades (11.7%), 44 comrades has not good forecasting capacity (accounting for 10.7%) Regarding research and synthesis capacity of propaganda officials Currently, the number of propaganda staff with good research and synthesis capacity is accounting for 35.2% (an increase of 2.7% compared to 2015); Propaganda staff who self-evaluated their researching and synthesizing capabilities at a fair level 16 accounted for 42.5% (an increase of 3.9% compared to 2015) 12.1% of propaganda staff have average research and synthesis capacity and 10,2% of propaganda staff have weak research and synthesis capacity Capacity to collect and process information of propaganda staff The number of propaganda officials in Quang Binh province who are capable of very sharply and fairly sharply capturing and processing information accounted for 64.6% (an increase of 6.7% compared to 2015) Propaganda staff with normal capacity to collect and process information accounted for 18.8%; capacity to collect and process information which is still slow compared to reality, accounted for 16.6% Public speaking capacity of propaganda officiers The number of propaganda officers in Quang Binh who had the ability to speak in public ranked fair or higher accounted for 63.9%, of which the good level accounted for 34.2% (an increase of 9.5% compared to 2015) Public speaking capacity at an average level accounted for 25.3% and not good at 10.8% 3.2.2 Regarding the structure of team of propaganda staff and the quality of the leader and the head Regarding the structure of team of propaganda staff By the end of 2019, the team of propaganda staff of Quang Binh province had 411 comrades, including 131 female cadres, accounting for 31.9% In which, the number of officials of Propaganda Commission of the Provincial Party Committee is 21 comrades; propaganda cadres of district party committees, municipal Communist Party, party committees under the Provincial Party Committee were 72 comrades; Grassroots propaganda officials had 318 comrades The number of propaganda officers under 40 years old accounted for 35.5%, from 41-50 years old accounted for 48.7%, and over 50 years old accounted for 15.8% Propaganda officers with working years of less than years accounted for 3.6%, from 5-10 years accounted for 55.7%, over 10 years accounted for 40.7% 100% of propaganda officers at all levels in Quang Binh province have state management qualifications from rank of specialist or higher The quality of the leadership collective and the head 17 The leaders of the Propaganda Commission at all levels have always implemented well the principle of democratic centralization, self-criticism and criticism; the applicable rules, regulations and working regime To properly perform the functions, tasks, powers and working relationships between the party committee and the leadership collective in the agency or unit; building strong political associations and agencies From 2010 to 2019, the leaders of the propaganda commision at all levels from the province to the grassroots are assessed to have well and excellently completed the task 3.2.3 Regarding the collective internal of Propaganda Commission Solidarity and unity amongst the Propaganda Commission Over the past years, the propaganda sector of Quang Binh popvince has always considered the maintenance of unity and consensus on the basis of political lines and Party building principles as a special important task There are 378/411 opinions (accounting for 92.0%) assessing that the propaganda staff always have a high sense of building solidarity in the collective, thereby, creating great strength to improve the quality of team of propaganda staff in Quang Binh province The relationship between superiors and subordinates, subordinates and superiors, and the relationship at the same level - Relationship between superiors and subordinates In the process of implementing their tasks, leaders of the propaganda commission are always exemplary in the implementation of standards on office culture in general, communication culture, behavior in particular, creating a good image so that Subordinates trust, pride, respect Superiors behave their subordinates in a fair, transparent, clear manner, without prejudice and bias - Relationship between subordinates and superiors The subordinates always respect the position, pride and protect the reputation of their superiors, always obey all the work assignments of their superiors, bold ly express their personal opinions or recommendations and suggestions when the leader decides issues related to themselves and the unit The subordinates always know how to behave properly with their superiors, clearly distinguish publicprivate relations while working - Relationship between collegues at the same level The relationship between the same level in the agency is always implemented in accordance with the working regulations They have sense of learning from good, experienced colleagues In behavior, colleagues always understand the responsibilities, tasks and relationships to complete tasks together 18 Sharing of members of the Propaganda Commission Over the past time, propaganda officers at all levels of Quang Binh province have promoted the moral values of "Do unto others as you would have them done unto you", creating great strength, uniting to overcome difficulties, ready to exchange experiences for comrades and colleagues to well the assigned tasks 3.3 Achievements, limitations and shortcomings in improving the quality of propaganda staff in Quang Binh province 3.3.1 The results achieved in improving the quality of propaganda staff and causes The main achivements Firstly, The recruitment of propaganda staff is implemented in accordance with the Party's and State's regulations and based on requirements, tasks, job positions and payroll quotas of recruitment To comply with the principles of openness, transparency, objectivity and compliance with the law, ensuring competitiveness, contributing to supplementing to the team of propaganda commission at all levels in the province Secondly, the arrangement and use of propaganda officials basically performed properly for the right people and the right jobs Thỉdly, the planning, training and fostering of propaganda staff have been focused on, thereby contributing to improving the qualifications of aspects and basic skills of propaganda staff Fourthly, The work of inspecting and evaluating propaganda staff is strictly carried out every year and at the end of term; before formulating and supplementing planning, promoting, appointing, reappointing, nominating, transferring and rotating officials; gradually overcome the Credit mania in the evaluation of propaganda staff Fifthly, the implementation of policies towards propaganda staff has seen many positive changes, thereby contributing to improving the quality of the team of propaganda staff Sixthly, advisory work at the Party Committee level to implement the tasks of propaganda has achieved many important results The cause of the results achieved Firstly, The Central Government has had many correct, timely and comprehensive guidelines and resolutions on all aspects of the personnel work, including the team of propaganda officials, initially meeting the development requirements of country, locality 19 Secondly, Party committees, party organizations, leaders of agencies and units are increasingly deeply aware of the views and principles in the organization and personnel work, clearly understading the need to build a team of cadres on a mission level, meeting immediate and long-term requirements, contributing to the socioeconomic development of the country Thỉdly, views, guidelines, policies and solutions for staff building are institutionalized by directives, resolutions, action programs of the Provincial Party Committee, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and learning organizations, thoroughly grasping in the team of cadres and party members, creating unity and consistency in the implementation process Fourthly, the implementation of stages on the work of propaganda staff has seen many positive changes 3.3.2 Limitations and shortcomings in improving the quality of propaganda staff in Quang Binh province and causes Limitations and shortcomings Firstly, some aspects of the personnel work are still limited, which significantly affects the quality of propaganda staff Secondly, the qualifications of the propaganda officers have not yet met the requirements and tasks in the new situation The number of propaganda staff with primary political theory and no training is still high, accounting for 31.6%, of which untrained accounts for 5.3% The number of propaganda staff with intermediate qualifications is quite high (8.6%) Therefore, it has affected the implementation of professional work, has not advised and proposed to the party committee to resolve cases arising in the field in charge Thỉdly, the working capacity of propaganda staff has not really met the requirements and tasks in the cause of industrialization, modernization and international integration, especially in the current information booming period Fourthly, the implementation of policies for cadres, especially the policies on staff utilization and management, policies to encourage, treat and attract high quality human resources for the socio-economic development of the province are limited; the policy for rotating staff is still inadequate Fifthly, in the performance of the mission of the propaganda officer partly did not meet the requirements Propaganda work in a number of localities, agencies and units at some times is slow, irregular, ineffective, especially in mountainous, remote, and religious areas Cause of the shortcomings and limitations 20 Firstly, the awareness and sense of responsibility of a number of party committees and party organizations, especially the grassroots level in propaganda work and quality improvement of the team of propaganda officials, are not really complete, profound and comprehensive The position, role and importance of propaganda have not been clearly defined, so there is no adequate investment in improving the quality of the team of propaganda staff Secondly, the development of plans and action program on building the team of cadres in some localities are still formalistic, not close to the actual situation For a long time, all levels and branches have not yet built up a strategic plan on personnel work, including propaganda official Some party committees have not followed the process of the personnel organization for the team of propaganda officials Thirdly, some contents in the propaganda staff are slow to be reformed, not done well, so it has a significant impact on the quality of propaganda staff Fourthly, the team of propaganda cadres is crowded but not strong, not synchronous in structure, age, not met the inheritance and transition; lack of connection Fifthly, the difference in the socio-economic life of localities in Quang Binh province has an impact on the quality of the team of propaganda staff Sixthly, awareness of self-study and training to improve the qualifications of all aspects of the team of propaganda officials has not yet been high, and has not yet met with the increasing requirements in Party building Seventhly, in practice, there are many unexpected and new arising problems A number of bad actors provoke, entice and gather the crowded, making the situation of security, social order and safety more complicated, especially in the Catholic area, thus affecting significantly the leadership and direction of the implementation of political duties Conclusion of chapter In addition to the achieved results, the improvement of the quality of the propaganda staff of Quang Binh province still has limitations and shortcomings The cause of the limitations and shortcomings mainly stems from the fact that some committees have not fully acknowledged the role of propaganda work and improve the quality of propaganda staff Some stages of the work of propaganda staff have not been implemented well, the staff planning has not been breakthrough The assessment of staff has not reflected the true nature, not linked to specific results and products In addition, the awareness of self-study and self-training of the propaganda staff is not high 21 Chapter VIEWPOINTS AND SOLUTIONS TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF TEAM OF PROPAGANDA STAFF IN QUANG BINH PROVINCE AT PRESENT 4.1 The international and domestic contexts affecting propaganda work and improving the quality of propaganda staff In the world, in the coming years, the situation will still have many complicated developments, but peace, national independence, democracy, cooperation and development are still a major trend The process of globalization and international integration continued to be accelerated Cooperation, competition, fighting and interdependence among countries, especially among big countries, are increasing Domestically, after 35 years of reform, the country's position and power, the country's general strength, the country's international reputation has been increasingly enhanced, creating important premises for the national construction and defense The four dangers that our Party has pointed out still exist and are even more severe The international and domestic situation is basically favorable, but there are still many problems raised, affecting the ideological situation of cadres, party members and people Therefore, it is necessary to attach importance to and build a team of propaganda officials to propagate and bring the Party's guidelines and lines, the State's policies and laws to the people as an issue to be researched in terms of theory and practice 4.2 Viewpoints on improving the quality of propaganda staff in Quang Binh province 4.2.1 Strictly and consistently implementing the principle of the Party in unifying the direct and comprehensive leadership in the personnel work and management of propaganda cadres at all levels To tighten discipline in parallel with institutional building, creating environment and conditions to improve the quality of the team of propaganda staff At the same time, the goal of improving the quality of the team of cadres within the industry is determined as: Building a team of propaganda cadres with good qualities and competencies, with a reasonable structure, in line with the local situation, meeting requirements, missions in the new situation 4.2.2 Improving the quality of propaganda cadres of Quang Binh province, ensuring comprehensiveness and synchronism Improving the quality of a team of propaganda officials must cover many aspects: political qualities, ethics, lifestyles, qualifications and professional capacity; 22 must be carried out synchronously all stages of the personnel work from recruitment, training, retraining, inspection, evaluation to use, rotation and implementation of policies towards staff; combination of "building" and "preventing" 4.2.3 Improving the quality of the team of propaganda cadres in Quang Binh province for both inheritance and breakthrough Inheritance and breakthrough should be applied at all stages, processes in improving the quality of the team of propaganda staff: training and retraining to use; rotation; checking; assessing policies for staff To create a breakthrough, when building a team of cadres, it must come from the requirements and tasks of the new era, through practical activities and revolutionary movements of the people At the same time, improving the quality of the team of propaganda officials should place an overall emphasis on the work of building and regulating the Party 4.2.4 Improving the quality of the team of propaganda staff in Quang Binh province is the task of the party committee, the whole branch and each propaganda officer It is necessary to have a synchronous coordination, first of all, between the organizations in the political system: the Party, the government, the socio-political organizations; between levels in the propaganda branch: central, provincial, district, and communal level In which, the decisive factor in improving the quality of propaganda staff in Quang Binh province is still the team of propaganda staff 4.3 Solutions to improve the quality of propaganda staff in Quang Binh province 4.3.1 Raising awareness and responsibility of Party committees at all levels for propaganda work and improving the quality of propaganda staff in Quang Binh province The Party Committee should have a strategic vision in building the team of cadres and improving the quality of the team of propaganda staff At the same time, regularly well propaganda, education and fostering to raise awareness and responsibility of the Party committees and leaders on the importance of improving the quality of the team Party committees and inspection committees at all levels must regularly monitor, inspect and supervise organizations and individuals in the implementation of raising awareness and responsibilities of each official and party member in the propaganda industry in improving quality of the team 23 4.3.2 Strengthening the training and fostering of professional qualifications and profession for the team of propaganda officiers in Quang Binh province The training and fostering of propaganda staff is one of the important stages in the Party's propaganda cadres work The training and retraining of propaganda staff is to equip them with basic and in-depth knowledge on the work of Party building, profession on propaganda work; focus on fostering skills in speaking, writing, forecasting ; improve the ability to identify wrong and hostile views … 4.3.3 Continuing to innovate and improve the quality and efficiency of propaganda staff in Quang Binh province Renovating, improving the quality and effectiveness of propaganda staff work starts with focusing on renewing the work of recruiting propaganda staff At the same time, it is necessary to base the employment position to rationalize the staffing; to attach importance to improving the quality of planning propaganda officiers; well implement the mobilization and rotation of propaganda officiers and improve the effectiveness of the inspection and evaluation of propaganda officials 4.3.4 Reforming mechanisms and policies for propaganda officers in Quang Binh province The reform of mechanisms and policies for propaganda staff is a very necessary task and should focus on the implementation of such contents as: concretizing the regulations on the training regime of the Central Government in line with the locality; continue to implement the strong, clear and specific decentralization in training and retraining staff; to renew the State's policy on remuneration for teachers for subjects of particular fostering classes; develop reasonable mechanisms and policies to ensure material benefits, create a driving force for the creative activities of propaganda staff 4.3.5 Strengthening self-study and self-training for propaganda officiers of Quang Binh province Self-study and self-training are the best methods to help staff in general and propaganda staff to progress, mature, have full professional qualifications and capabilities to fulfill their tasks Therefore, it is required that the propaganda officer always self-study to update knowledge for propaganda and other work Conclusion of chapter In the coming time, the world, regional and domestic situation will have many complicated and unpredictable developments The plot of "peaceful evolution" has always been considered by hostile forces as a key strategy to eliminate socialism Therefore, it is necessary to attach importance to and build a team of propaganda 24 officials to propagate and bring the Party's guidelines and lines, the State's policies and laws to the people In order to improve the quality of the team of propaganda officials in Quang Binh province, first of all, it is necessary to raise the awareness and responsibility of the party committees at all levels for propaganda work and improve the quality of the team of propaganda officials Besides, it is necessary to strengthen the training and fostering of propaganda staff; continue to innovate, improve the quality and efficiency of propaganda staff in Quang Binh province At the same time, it’s required to renew mechanisms and policies for propaganda officers in Quang Binh province and strengthen self-study and self-training of propaganda officers in Quang Binh province C CONCLUSION In order for the Propaganda branch to promote its role of "going ahead", "paving the way" in the cause of building and defending the country, it is necessary to attach importance to the work of propaganda officials, regularly pay attention to investment, construction and improvement the quality of propaganda staff Over the past years, Quang Binh Provincial Party Committee has regularly directed the work of building a team of cadres in general and propaganda officials in particular In addition, it has directed the propaganda commissions at all levels to focus on reviewing the functions, tasks, consolidating the organizational apparatus according to the working positions of each agency, and staff to closely match the actual work Despite many efforts to improve, perfect and develop, the capacity and quality of the propaganda staff in Quang Binh still limit shortcomings compared to the new requirements The causes of the limitations and shortcomings have both objective and subjective reasons, of which subjective reasons are still the basic In the coming time, the world and domestic situation will continue to have new, complicated and unpredictable developments In order to improve the quality of the team of propaganda cadres in Quang Binh province, first of all, it is necessary to raise the awareness and responsibility of the party committees at all levels for propaganda work and improve the quality of the team of propaganda officials; strengthen the training and fostering of professional qualifications and skills for the team of propaganda officials Continue to innovate, improve the quality and efficiency of propaganda staff At the same time, renew mechanisms and policies for propaganda officers and strengthen self-study and self-training for propaganda officials D LIST OF PUBLISHED WORKS OF THE AUTHOR RELATED TO THE TOPIC Hoàng Thanh Hiến (2016), Quang Binh province studied and followed Ho Chi Minh's moral example towards completing the local political tasks, Communist Journal, No 120 (12/2016), tr 3-6 Hoàng Thanh Hiến (2019), Improving the quality of propaganda work in the Party Committee of Quang Binh province in the current period, Journal of Science, Vinh University, No 4B, 2019 Hoàng Thanh Hiến (2020), Building a contingent of propaganda officials at all levels in Quang Binh province, Communist Journal, No 946 (7/2020), pp 83-88 Hoàng Thanh Hiến (2020), Training and retraining for propaganda staff: Teaching what cadres need, Propaganda Journal, No (7/2020), pp 46-48 Hoàng Thanh Hiến (2020), “ The training and retraining of propaganda staff at all levels in Quang Binh province: Results and raised issues, National Science Workshop "The Party’s Propaganda work - 90 years of glorious journey: Achievements and vision", July 2020, pp 822-830 Hoàng Thanh Hiến (2020), Training some of the skills needed for the current team of propaganda staff, Journal of Theoretical Activities, No – 202I ... and the country in general Therefore, the author chose the issue "Improving the quality of the propaganda officers of Quang Binh province in the current period" as the topic of the Doctoral dissertation. .. affecting the quality of propaganda work 3.2 Quality of team of propaganda staff in Quang Binh province 3.2.1 Quality of team of propaganda staff Regarding political thinking 100% of the propaganda. .. researching, surveying, analyzing and evaluating the quality of propaganda staff in Quang Binh province, thereby proposing views and solutions to improve the quality of propaganda officers of Quang Binh

Ngày đăng: 07/06/2021, 17:03

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Mục lục

    1.1.1. The domestic research works related to the topic

    1.1.2. The abroad research works related to topic

    1.2.1. Overview of main results of published works related to the topic

    1.2.2. The problems raised to be resolved by the dissertation

    3.1. The impact of Quang Binh's natural, economic, cultural - social conditions on the quality of team of propaganda staff

    3.2. Quality of team of propaganda staff in Quang Binh province

    3.2.1. Quality of team of propaganda staff Regarding political theory qualification and professional expertise Regarding research and synthesis capacity of propaganda officials

    3.2.2. Regarding the structure of team of propaganda staff and the quality of the leader and the head


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