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Những thay đổi trong lời nói Trực và Gián tiếp: 2.1 Đổi thì của câu: Thì của các động từ trong lời nói gián tiếp thay đổi theo một nguyên tắc chung là lùi về quá khứ các thì xuống cấp: [r]

(1)BUỔI 1: THE TENSES + USED TO + PAST SIMPLE TENSE WITH WISH I Các thì tiếng Anh Thì đơn giản a Động từ “ TOBE” * Nghĩa tiếng Việt: Thì, là, * Có dạng : am, is , are * Cách chia động từ : Chủ ngữ là I động từ Tobe chia là am , viết là I am = I’m He, She, It, Danh từ số ít Tobe chia là is You, We, They, danh từ số nhiều Tobe chia là are * Cấu trúc: Thể khẳng định: S + am / is / are + … Thể phủ định : S + am not / isn’t / aren’t + … Lưu ý : I am not = I’m not Thể nghi vấn : Are / Is + S + … ? Lưu ý : thông thường đổi từ khẳng định sang thể nghi vấn chủ ngữ là “I / We” thì đổi thành “You” b Động từ thường Thể khẳng định : I, We, You, They, danh từ số nhiều + V He, She, It, danh từ số ít + V-s / es Thể phủ định : I / We / You /They /danh từ số nhiều + don’t + V … He / She / It / danh từ số ít + doesn’t + V … Thể nghi vấn : Do + you / they / danh từ số nhiều + V …? Yes, I/ we/ they ; No, I / we / they don’t Does + he/ she / it / danh từ số ít + V …? Yes, he / she / it + does / No, he / she / it + doesn’t Cách dùng: a Diễn tả thói quen VD: I come to class on time She has lunch at home b Diễn tả thật bất biến, chân lí luôn luôn đúng VD: The Sun rises in the morning and sets in the evening Các trạng từ thời gian thường dùng thì đơn giản - In the morning/ afternoon/ evening… - Every day / morning/ afternoon / evening / week / month / year / Monday … summer … + Often, usually, frequently: thường + alway , constantly: luôn luôn + sometimes, occosionally : + seldom, rarely : ít khi, Thì tiếp diễn Thể khẳng định: S + am / is / are + V- ing … Lưu ý: động từ Tobe chia theo chủ ngữ Thể phủ định: S + am not / isn’t / aren’t + V-ing … Thể nghi vấn: Is / Are + S + V-ing … Yes, S + am / is / are ; No, S + am not / isn’t / aren’t (2) * Cách dùng: a Diễn tả hành động xảy thời điểm nói VD: I’m learning English now Lan and Nam are watching TV at the moment My mother is cooking dinner b Diễn tả hành động xảy tương gần, đã có kế hoạch từ trước VD: My grand mother is coming to see my family next week c Nói thay đổi VD: The population of the world is rising very fast Các trạng từ: now, at the moment, at present, at this time Look, listen, be careful… -Chỉ hành động bất thường - Where is Ba? + He is having a bath  Những động từ liệt kê bảng đây không được dùng thì tiếp diễn mặc dù có thể số trường hợp, vì ta dùng đơn để thay know understand have believe hate need hear love appear see like seem smell want taste wish sound own Thì tương lai gần * Cấu trúc: Thể khẳng định: S + am / is / are + going to + V … Lưu ý: động từ Tobe chia theo chủ ngữ Thể phủ định: S + am not / isn’t / aren’t + going to + V … Thể nghi vấn: Are / Is + S + going to + V … ? Yes, S + am / is / are ; No, S + amnot / isn’t / aren’t * Cách dùng: Diễn đạt hành động, việc xảy tương lai mà có kế hoạch từ trước EX: My father is retiring Where are you going to spend your holidays? * Các trạng từ thời gian dùng thì tương lai gần - Tomorrow , tomorrow morning / afternoon / evening - Next week / month / year - Next + thứ tuần: Monday, Tuesday … - Next + mùa : next summer ,… Thì tương lai đơn giản * Cấu trúc: Thể khẳng định: S + will + V … Thể phủ định: S + won’t + V … (won’t = will not) Thể nghi vấn: Will + S + V …? Yes, S will / No, S won’t Lưu ý: Có thể dùng Shall I + V … ? dùng để xin phép được làm gì? Có thể dùng Shall we + V …? đề nghị người khác cùng làm gì (= Let’s + V …) Will you + V …, please? Yêu cầu đó làm gì * Cách dùng: a Diễn tả hành động, việc xảy thời điểm nào đó tương lai VD: He will finish his homework tomorrow (3) Manchester United will win the cup b Một hành động, việc được đinh thời điểm nói mà không co ý định từ trước VD: Lan is ill I will go to see her now c Dự đoán việc tương lai VD: Be careful! You will hurt yourself d Hứa hẹn làm gì VD: I promise I’ll learn harder next school year Thank you for lending me the money I’ll pay you back soon * Các trạng từ thời gian dùng thì tương lai đơn giản - Tomorrow , tomorrow morning / afternoon / evening - Next week / month / year - Next + thứ tuần: Monday, Tuesday … - Next + mùa : next summer ,… - soon: chẳng bao lâu nũa - in + khoảng thưòi gian - I’m sure - I think / hope; perhaps: có lẽ Note: Hai hành động xảy nối với = “when”, hành động này thì đơn thì hành động chia tương lai đơn và ngược lại Ex: When he comes, I will phone you Thì quá khứ đơn giản a Động từ “ TOBE” * Nghĩa tiếng Việt: Thì, là, * Có dạng : was / were * Cách chia động từ : Chủ ngữ là : I , He, She, It, Danh từ số ít Tobe chia là was You, We, They, danh từ số nhiều Tobe chia là were * Cấu trúc: Thể khẳng định: S + was / were + … Thể phủ định : S + wasn’t / weren’t + … Lưu ý : I am not = I’m not Thể nghi vấn : Was / Were + S + … ? Lưu ý : thông thường đổi từ khẳng định sang thể nghi vấn chủ ngữ là “I / We” thì đổi thành “You” b Động từ thường Lưu ý: Các chủ ngữ chia * Cấu trúc: Thể khẳng định: S + V –d, ed / V (cột 2) bảng động từ bất quy tắc… Thể phủ định: S + didn’t + V …… Thể nghi vấn: Did + S + V ………….? Yes, S did / No, S + didn’t * Cách dùng: a Diễn tả hành động việc đã xảy và kết thúc quá khứ VD: I watched TV last night My family went to Paris last summer b Diễn tả hành động có tính thói quen quá khứ VD: He played tennis on Sunday last year He worked in this factory from 1975 to 1990 * Cách đọc đuôi động từ thì qúa khứ với đuôi “ed” (4) - ed được đọc là / t/ động từ nguyên thể có âm tận cùng là / f /, / k /, / p /, / s/ hoặc chữ cái tận cùng là “ch” hoặc “sh” VD: laughed, asked, helped, pushed, dressed, produced, watched … - ed được đọc là / id / động từ nguyên thể có chữ cái tận cùng là t và d VD: needed, wanted, watied, added … - ed được đọc là / d / động từ nguyên mẫu là các âm còn lại VD: enjoyed, lived, filled, seemed * Các trạng từ thời gian thường dùng thì quá khứ đơn giản - yesterday, yesterday morning / afternoon/ evening - last night / week / month / year - last + thứ tuần : Monday, Tuesday … - last + mùa năm: summer … - in + năm : 1978, 2008 … - khoảng thời gian + ago ( a week ago, two days ago ….) Thì hoàn thành * Cấu trúc: Thể khẳng định: I / You / We / They / danh từ số nhiều + have + P.P … He / She / It / danh từ số ít + has + P.P … Lưu ý: P.P là quá khứ phân từ Có quy tắc thêm “ed”, bất quy tắc tra cột bảng động từ bất quy tắc Thể phủ định: I / You / We / They / danh từ số nhiều + haven’t + P.P … He / She / It / danh từ số ít + hasn’t + P.P … Thể nghi vấn: Have + you / they / danh từ số nhiều + P.P … ? Yes, I / we / they have ; No, I / we / they + haven’t Has + he / she / it / danh từ số ít + P.P …? Yes, he / she / it + has ; No, he / she / it + hasn’t Lưu ý : thông thường đổi từ khẳng định sang thể nghi vấn chủ ngữ là “I / We” thì đổi thành “You” * Cách dùng: a Diễn tả hành động bắt đầu quá khứ, kéo dài đến thường dùng với since, for VD: They have lived here for ten years Lan has learned English since she was six years old Lưu ý : For + khoảng thời gian / Since + điểm thời gian VD: Since For o’clock Chrismas Two hours A week Monday Lunchtime Ten minutes Five years th May 12 S + V (s.past) A long time Ages Last year Yesterday Three days Six months * Để đặt câu hỏi cho cụm từ “ since …, for …” dùng từ để hỏi “ HOW LONG” How long + have / has + S + P.P … ? VD: How long have you lived here? How long has your father worked in this factory? b Diễn tả hành động, việc xảy quá khứ không xác định được thời gian co thể dùng với already, just, ever, yet Lưu ý: Yet dùng thể phủ định và nghi vấn; never dùng thể khẳng định mang nghĩa phủ định VD: I have seen that film Lam has been in China (5) c Diễn tả hành động lặp lặp lại nhiều lần quá khứ VD: We have seen this play many times * Chú ý: Trong câu thường có các trạng từ: already, not…yet, so far, up to now, lately, recently, since, for, never, this/ it is the first / second time… , several times / times… Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn * Cấu trúc: Thể khẳng định: I / He / She / It / danh từ số ít + was + V-ing … You / We / They / danh từ số nhiều + were + V-ing … Thể phủ định : I / He / She / It / danh từ số ít + wasn’t + V-ing … You / We / They / danh từ số nhiều + weren’t + V-ing … Thể nghi vấn: Was + he / she / it / danh từ số it + V-ing ….? Yes, he / she / it + was.; No, he / she / it + wasn’t Were + you / they / danh từ số nhiều + V-ing ….? Yes, I was.; Yes, we / they were.; / No, I wasn’t ; No, we / they were Lưu ý : thông thường đổi từ khẳng định sang thể nghi vấn chủ ngữ là “I / We” thì đổi thành “You” * Cách dùng: a Diễn tả hành động diễn thời điểm cụ thể quá khứ VD: I was learning English at o’clock last night They were watching TV at o’clock yesterday afternoon b Diễn tả hành động diễn thời điểm cụ thể quá khứ thì có hành động khác xen vào When + S + V (past simple) , S + was / were + V-ing … While + S + was / were + V-ing…, S + V (past simple) … VD: When Tom arived, we were having dinner While I was having a shower, the phone rang c Diễn tả hành động cùng song song xảy thời điểm cụ thể quá khứ S + was / were + V-ing … while S + was / were + V-ing … While S + was / were + V-ing …, S + was / were + V-ing… VD: While I was reading a newspapaer, Lan was doing her homework They were playing soccer while we were playing table tennis Thì quá khứ hoàn thành Công thức: S + had + PP Cách dùng:  Dùng để diễn tả hành động xảy trước hành động khác hoặc trước thời điểm khác quá khứ  Trong câu có hai động, hành động nào xảy trước, ta dùng thì quá khứ hoàn thành, còn hành động nào xảy sau, ta dùng thì quá khứ đơn Ex: After John had washed his clothes, he began to study George had waited for one hour before the bus came   BEFORE quá khứ đơn, quá khứ hoàn thành AFTER quá khứ hoàn thành, quá khứ đơn   Quá khứ hoàn thành BEFORE quá khứ đơn Quá khứ đơn AFTER quá khứ hoàn thành (6) II USED TO C¸ch sö dông thµnh ng÷ used to vµ get/be used to 1.1 used to Used to + [Verb in simple form] ( Thường hay, đã từng) Chỉ thói quen, hành động thường xuyên xảy lặp lặp lại quá khứ Ví dụ: When David was young, he used to swim once a day ( Thói quen quá khứ) Chuyển sang câu nghi vấn: Did + Subject + use to + Verb = Used + Subject + to + verb Ví dụ: When David was young, did he use to swim once a day? used he to swim once a day? Câu phủ định: Subject + didn’t + use to + Verb = Subject + used not to + verb Ví dụ: When David was young, he didn’t use to swim once a day he used not to swim once a day 1.2 get / be used to BE / GET USED TO + VING ( trở nên quen với) (noun) Lưu ý: Trong công thức (*) có thể thay used to = Would dễ nhầm lẫn III Câu mong ước: được dùng người nói mong ước điều trái ngược với thực tế * Mong ước tại: S (1) + wish / wishes + S (2) + V(past simple) … (*) (7) Lưu ý: “Tobe” dùng dạng “Were” VD: I don’t have enough time to finish my exam I wish I had enough time to finish my exam * Mong ước tương lai: S(1) + wish / wishes + S (2) + would / could + V … VD: She will not tell me I wish she would tell me * Mong ước quá khứ: S (1) + wish / wishes + S (2) + V (past perfect) … VD: Lan wishes she had reviewed her lessons carefully before the exam Exercise: Supply the correct tense for the verbs in brackets It (be) always hot in summer in Hue We (not go) to the cinema last night because we (be) busy Smoking (be) bad for your health Hoang (practise) speaking English every day Lan (not have) a health examination last month We (not have) classes tomorrow Look! The children (not do) their homework They (sleep) Kim usually (go) to school by bike But today she (walk) to school Last week the doctor (fill) a cavity in my eighth tooth 10 Next month, my English teacher (go) to England 11 My brother (buy) …………me a new watch on my last birthday 12 We (not go) …………to the cinema last night because we (be) …………busy 13 Tom (watch) …………TV every night Yesterday he (watch) …………it in the afternoon because there (be) …………an exciting football match on TV 14 We (not have) classes tomorrow 15 Would you like (see) a movie? 16 What you (do) last weekend? 17 She (not watch) television every night 18 This medicine will make you (feel) better 19 John (go) to the store before he (go) home 20 Jeannette (wash) the pipettes after she (complete) the experiment 21 She never (stay) …… up late at night 22 My mother (plant) ……………… flowers in the garden at the moment 23 Why … ….you (leave) ………… the party early last night? 24 Minh (go) ……… ……….to the dentist tomorrow morning 25 You should (go) …….….to bed early Exercise: Sentence transformation My wife can’t speak French I wish What a pity you failed in your driving test I wish She won’t visit me again I wish I’m not a millionaire I wish He said “Good luck!” He wish (8) Tom regretted buying the second-hand car Tom wished You’re making a lot of noise I wish I’m sorry that I didn’t finish my homework last night I wish Kieu My stains her white dress Kieu My wishes 10 Khanh lost her handbag Khanh wished Exercise: Choose the best answer: My students ……………uniform on Sunday A wear B wearing C to wear D are wearing We ……… each other for two years A have know B have knew C knew D have known Listen! The birds ……………… A sing B are sing C are singing D singing My father ………… me to the park once a week A take B takes C is taking D has taken The children …………….football in the school yard at the moment A playing B are playing C to play D is playing Lan is in her room now She ……………a letter A writes B is writing C is writing D is writes Jack…………… no trouble with his English lesson up to now A looked B looks C has looked D was looking At present, that author …………….a historical novel A are writing B is writing C is writing D is writes Yes, I ……………that other fellow’s name now A am remembering B remember C remembered D remembers 10 Rober………….for you since noon A has waited B waits C is waiting D have waited 11 I hope that you………….our wedding A attend B will attend C attended D attends 12 I’m going to bed I ………….for hours and I’m tired A worked B have worked C works D am working 13 The bees …………….come out of the hivesince six o’clock A won’t B hasn’t C didn’t D haven’t 14 When I see Barbara in the street, she always ………at me A smiled B has smiled C was smiling D smiles 15 “You are late”, he said “I think the bus……………already” A went B was going C has gone D goes 16 She often ………….thatshe could ride a bicycle A wishes B wished C wish D wishing 17 Malee……………at Train Udom at present A studies B is studying C are studying D has studies 18 He ……….for the money since last Friday A was waiting B waited C has waited D waits 19 “Don’t cook a meal for me”, He said”I’ve already……………” A eaten B eat C eating D been eating (9) 20 He’s been in Bangkok…… A for two weeks B since two weeks C in two weeks D two weeks ago 21 He ………….to his wife an hour ago A talks B has talked C talking D talked 22 Harry is working at a bank………… A at the moment B since last year C a year ago D for a year 23 After having lunch he………to his room to have a short rest yesterday A goes B has gone C went D going 24 It’s an hour since he ……………so he must be at the office now A is leaving B was leaving C has left D left 25 A clock …… you the time A tells B told C is telling D has told 26 She hasn’t written to me………… A already B yet C never D since 27 He……………doing the crossword puzzle in the newspaper every day A likes B liked C is liking D has liked 28 The eggs ……….taken to the market once a week A is B are C was D were 29 This is the first time I …… this kind of food A eat B am eating C has eaten D have eaten 30 Look! A man …………after the bus He ………… to catch it A is running/ is wanting B is running/ wants C is running/ want D runs/ wants 31 My children …………….to the zoo every weekend A go B goes C have gone D are going 32 It’s ages since Tom …………us A has visited B visited C visits D is visited 33 Ann ……… tea vry often A.doesn’t drink B don’t drink C didn’t drink D hasn’t drink 34 I ……… my son the money for that last week A give B gave C have given D had given 35 I …… lots about the job so far A have learnt B am learning C had learnt D learnt 36 Bad driving often …………many accidents A caused B cause C causes D has caused 37 ………….a car when they were living in London in 1990? A Have they B Did they have C Were they having D Have they had 38 Ted……….me for weeks A hasn’t phoned B didn’t phone C isn’t phoning D phone 39 My brother has enjoyed swimming since he …………… young A has been B was C will be D will be 40 The boys …….football in the field every evening but yesterday they ……….basketball instead A played/ played B played/ play C play/ played D play/ play 41 Hurry up, Jane! We all ……………for you A wait B are waiting C waiting D are waiting 42 I can’t go with you because I …… my lessons yet A didn’t finish B am not finishing C don’t finish D haven’t finished 43 He …………for Canada two years ago and I ………….him since (10) A left/ didn’t see B has left/ didn’t see C left / don’t see D.left / haven’t seen 44 I…….Nick lately Ye, he …………… into an accident weeks ago Since that time he ……….in hospital A didn’t see/got/was B haven’t see/got/was C haven’t see/got/ has been D haven’t seen / has got/ has been 45 It………….this week A rained B has rained C was raining D has been having 46 The rain ………….but a strong wind is still blowing A stops B has stopped C stopped D is stopping 47.Look! That man ……….to open the door of your car A try B tried C is trying D has tried 48 Patricia………….now Please not disturb her A is sleeping B was sleeping C sleeps D has slept 49 A child can ……… easily A remembered B remember C remembers D remembering 50 I haven’t seen much of you lately We …… three months ago A meet B last met C have last met D has last met 51 She …………at the door before she entered the office A has knocked B knocks C have knocked D.had knocked 52 The boy………when the explosion occurred A is sleeping B slept C was sleeping D sleeps 53 ………….everything already? Yes, he ………his part of work long ago A Has he done B Did he do/has done C Has he done/ did D Did he do/ did 54 She ……….this exercise yesterday at o’clock A wrote B has written C has writing D was writing 55 I………………the article when I come home A translate B will translate C translated D was translating 56 Her brother …………in Canada at the moment A working B works C work D is working 57 I……………you for ages A didn’t meet B wasn’t meeting C has met D haven’t met 58 We will have supper when you ……… home A return B returned C have returned D were returning 59 The library ……before I got there A closed B has closed C had closed D have closed 60.The Olympic Games………….every four years A take place B took place C is taking place D will take place 61 She ………very angry when she knows this A shall be B has been C was D will be 62 They ………….to build a new McDonalds in several days A will start B have started C started D starts 63 last night, I …………a motorbike along a busy street in the center when I saw some strangers A was rode B were riding C was riding D rode 64 I …… swim in this river when I was young A used to B am use to C use to D am used to 65 When you ……the car, you’ll agree with me about it A saw B have been C see D was seeing (11) 66 When I was young, I …… to be a singer A want B was wanting C wanted D had wanted 67 Ted and Tomy …………in New York for a week A have gone B have been C are D was 68 Sorry, I can’t stop now I’m going …………the doctor A see B seeing C to see D is seeing 69 The books, an English dictionary and a chemistry text, ……… on the shelf yesterday A was B were C have been D are 70 Have you ever…………any skiing? A B doing C did D done 71 They ………….that bridge when I was there last year, they haven’t finished it A are building B built C was building D were building 72 I ………… about you a lot lately and I have come to the conclusion that I won’t be able to live without you A have think B have thought C thought D think 73 They ………….only 25 new students into the department in 1994 A admit B were admit C admitted D have admiited 74 The Ajax Shoe Company……………25 new men next month A employs B employed C will employ D employ 75 He ………to the theater three times this month A was B is C will be D has been 76 He………… the experiment when the lights went out A was making B made C makes D will make 77 Think carefully I’m sure you……….his name A remember B remembered C will remember D shall remember 78 last night we were watching television when the power ………… A failed B was failing C had failed D failing 79 The noise from the trains ……….me terribly last night A annoy B were annoying C annoied D annoyed 80 We …….for three hours and are very tired A walk B have walked C walked D had walked 81 “Good afternoon Can I help you?” Yes, I……….my watch to you for repair three weeks ago Is it ready yet? A bring B will bring C brought D have brought 82 He had a bad fall while he ……… his roof A was repairing B repaired C repairs D will repair 83 The food in the microwave oven………… ready to be served now A is B were C are D is being 84 Mary will finish the work when her father ……… A returns B will return C returned D was returning 85 My brother…………in Vietnam and he ……… home once a year A work/returns B work/return C works/returns D works/return 86 The test ……… in ten minutes’time You must hurry A began B begin C will begin D has begun 87 She kept looking at me while I ……….to the teacher A were talking B was talking C talked D talking 88 His first article ……….in Le Monde in October 1928 A appears B appear C appeared D didn’t appeared 89 “Mother, I …….my medicine Can I go out now?” (12) A have taken B had taken C has taken D will have taken 90 Don’t ………all the time People willnot be fooled by you twice A lying B lie C lied D lies 91 The teacher ……….our class two tests so far A have given B gave C gives D has given 92 They ……….this film last week A have seen B saw C were seeing D see 93 I think he ………the letter A answers B answering C will answer D is answer 94 They ……… bored with listening to classical musicnow A are B were C have been D will be 95 It is the first time I …… this place A have visited B visited C will vist D had visited 96 I have just started English courses I ………… English grammar now A study B studying D am studied D am studying 97 She ……….of great help to us since she ……… with us A has been / has lived B has been/ lived C was/ has lived D was/lived 98 She used … me when she was in London A phone B phoned C to phone D to phoning 99 Dotors and scientists…… recently the benefit of fish in the diet A have shown B show C are showing D had shown 100 I ………dinner at o’clock yesterday evening A cooked B is cooking C was cooing D have cooked BUỔI 2: PASSIVE FORM+ PREPOSITION I PASSIVE FORM Câu bị động: a Cách dùng: Miêu tả kiện xảy với người và vật thường bị tác động người và vật khác Chúng ta dùng động từ câu bị động chúng ta quan tâm đến hành động hơn, chúng ta không biết người hành động hoặc thấy không thiết phải đề cập đến người thực hành động (13) b Cấu trúc chung: BE + PAST PARTICIPLE c Quy tắc chuyển đổi câu chủ động sang câu bị động: - Tân ngữ câu chủ động làm chủ ngữ câu bị động - BE được chia theo thì động từ câu chủ động - Chủ ngữ câu chủ động làm tân ngữ câu bị động và thêm giới từ by trước nó Active: S + V + O Passive: S+ BE + PP +( by +O) Chú ý: Không thể đổi câu chủ động sang câu bị động động từ câu chủ động không có túc từ Ex: The plane landed hour ago Nếu động từ câu chủ động có túc từ, chuyển sang bị động, ta lấy bất kì túc từ nào xuống làm chủ từ được Ex: He gave me a present Vị trí trạng từ nơi chốn, trạng từ thời gian và trạng từ thể cách câu chủ động Một số lưu ý:  * Vị trí trạng từ nơi chốn, thời gian và thể cách câu bị động S + { BE} + PP … + ( adv of place ) + (by + O) + (avd of time) VD:Lan bought this hat in Ha Noi last month  This hat was bought in Ha Noi by Lan last month S + { BE } + ( adv of manner ) + PP + (by + O) VD: Nam treats his dog badly  Nam’s dog is badly treated * By + them, people, everyone, someone, everything, me, you, him, her, us được lược bỏ câu bị động - Nếu chủ ngữ câu chủ dộng là: No one Nobody : thì câu bị động thể phủ định Ex: 1) Tom visited Mary yesterday 2) Hoa put the book on the shelf 3) They did that work slowly Bỏ BY + O câu bị động nó có thể được hiểu ngầm, mơ hồ hoặc không quan trọng Ex: People speak English in many countries in the world Không được tách hoặc bỏ các phần tử động từ kép (look up, take off, …) chuyển sang câu bị động Ex: Dung looked after my son yesterday Nếu câu chủ động có hình thức: S + V + O + bare_inf (động từ nguyên mẫu không TO) chuyển sang câu bị động, nguyên mẫu không TO phải chuyển thành nguyên mẫu có to Ex: My father made me that work  d Cấu trúc cụ thể câu bị động các thì động từ.Thể bị động với các thì thông dụng Hiện đơn S + am/is/are + PP + (by + O) Hiện tiếp diễn S + am/is/are + being + PP + (by + O) Hiện hoàn thành S + has / have been + PP + (by + O) (14) Quá khứ đơn Quá khứ tiếp diễn Quá khứ hoàn thành Tương lai đơn Tương lai hoàn thành * Thì đơn giản: Active: S + V + Vs/Ves Passive: S S + was / were + PP + (by + O) S + was / were + being + PP + (by + O) S + had + been + PP + (by + O) S + will / shall + be + PP + (by + O) S + will / shall + have been + PP + (by + O) O + is / are / am + PP /V-ed …(by + O) Cột Ví dụ: Lan cleans the house every day S V O → The house is cleaned by Lan every day * Thì qúa khứ đơn giản: Active: S + V-ed / Cột + O (by + O) Passive: S + was / were + PP … EX: Nam Cao wrote this book years ago S V O → This book was written by Nam Cao years ago * Thì tiếp diễn: Active: S + am/is/are + V-ing +O Passive: S + am / is / are + being + PP …/V-ed …(by + O) Ex: My mother is planting some trees in the garden now → Some trees are being planted in the garden by my mother now * Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn: Active: S + was/ were + V-ing +O Passive:S + was / were + being + PP …/V-ed …(by + O) Ex: She was decorating the room at a.m last Sunday → The room was being decorated at a.m last Sunday * Thì tương lai gần : Active: S + am / is / are + going to +V +O Passive: S + am / is / are + going to be + PP …V-ed …(by + O) Ex: He is going to whitewash the walls → Thewalls are going to be whitewashed * Thì tương lai đơn giản: Active: S + will + V + O Passive: S + will + be + PP … Ex: They will build a cinema here next year .→ A cinema will be built here nex year * Thì hoàn thành: (15) Active: S + have / has + V-PP …/V-ed Passive: S + have / has + been + PP /V-ed ….…(by + O) Ex: We have used this car for five years → This car has been used for five years * Quá khứ hoàn thành Active: S + had + V-PP …/V-ed + O Passive: S + had been + PP /V-ed ….…(by + O) Ex: She had typed the letter by pm yesterday .→ The letter had been typed by pm yesterday * Các động từ khuyết thiếu: - S + should / may / might / can / could / must / ought to / would + be + PP … - S + have to / has to + be + PP …(by + O) Ex: We have to feed the p[igs every day → The pigs have to be fed every day - S + Used to + be + PP …(by + O): Ex: They used to call me “John” → I used to be called “John” Các nội động từ (Động từ không yêu cầu tân ngữ nào) không được dùng bị động My leg hurts Đặc biệt chủ ngữ chịu trách nhiệm chính hành động không được chuyển thành câu bị động The US takes charge: Nước Mỹ nhận lãnh trách nhiệm Nếu là người hoặc vật trực tiếp gây hành động thì dùng by là vật gián tiếp gây hành động thì dùng with The bird was shot with the gun The bird was shot by the hunter Trong số trường hợp to be/to get + P2 hoàn toàn không mang nghĩa bị động mà mang nghĩa:  Chỉ trạng thái, tình mà chủ ngữ gặp phải Could you please check my mailbox while I am gone He got lost in the maze of the town yesterday  Chỉ việc chủ ngữ tự làm lấy The little boy gets dressed very quickly - Could I give you a hand with these tires - No thanks, I will be done when I finish tightening these bolts Mọi biến đổi thời và thể nhằm vào động từ to be, còn phân từ giữ nguyên to be made of: Được làm (Đề cập đến chất liệu làm nên vật) This table is made of wood to be made from: Được làm từ (đề cập đến việc nguyên vật liệu bị biến đổi khỏi trạng thái ban đầu để làm nên vật) Paper is made from wood (16) to be made out of: Được làm (đề cập đến quá trình làm vật) This cake was made out of flour, butter, sugar, eggs and milk to be made with: Được làm với (đề cập đến số nhiều chất liệu làm nên vật) This soup tastes good because it was made with a lot of spices TO WANT TO DO ST => TO WANT ST TO BE DONE Ex: The teacher wants us to answer all the questions =>The teacher wants all the questions to be answered TO EXPECT SB TO DO ST => TO EXPECT ST TO BE DONE Ex: She expected them to finish all the exercises =>All the exercises were expected to be finished SB ADVISE/REQUEST/INVITE/BEG/URGE/ORDER/RECOMMEND… TO DO ST =>SOMEONE +BE+ ADVISED/REQUESTED/INVITED/BEGGED/ URGED/RECOMMENDED… TO DO ST Ex: she invited us to come to her party => we were invited to come to her party SB AGREE /ARRANGE /DETERMINE /DECIDE /ADVISE/ BEG/ URGE/ ORDER/ RECOMMEND/ ….TO DO ST =>SB AGREE / ARRANGE /DETERMINE /DECIDE/ ADVISE/BEG/ URGE/ORDER/ RECOMMEND/ THAT ST SHOULD BE DONE Ex: he decided to sell the house => he decided that the house should be sold SB INSIST/ PROPOSE/ RECOMMEND/ SUGGEST/… + V_ing =>SB INSIST/ PROPOSE/ RECOMMEND/ SUGGEST THAT ST SHOULD BE DONE Ex: they advise giving up smoking => they advise that smoking should be given up SB NEED TO DO ST => ST NEED V-ing/ ST NEED TO BE DONE Ex: she needs to water the flowers => the flowers need watering/ The flowers need to be watered SB THINK/ SAY/ REPORT/BELIEVE/ KNOW THAT SOMEONE DO ST/THAT ST + BE+ NOUN/ADJ =>IT + BE+ THOUGHT/SAID/REPORTED/ BELIEVED/ KNOWN… THAT SOMEONE DO ST =>ST + BE+ THOUGHT/SAID/REPORTED/ BELIEVED/ KNOWN… TO DO/TO BE + … (17) Ex: all of us think that she is the most intelligent girl in class =>It is thought that she is the most intelligent girl in class =>she is thought to be the most intelligent girl in class SB MAKE/ LET/ SEE SOMEONE DO ST =>SOMEONE IS MADE/LET/ SEEN TO DO ST EX: they let him know the truth =>He is let to know the truth TO HAVE SB DO ST/ TO GET SB TO DO ST =>TO HAVE ST DONE EX: the teacher had his pupils bring all the chairs in =>the teacher had all the chair brought in 10 IT + BE + YOUR DUTY TO DO ST =>YOU + BE+ SUPPOSED TO DO ST EX: it is your duty to help him in his study =>you are supposed to help him in his study Sb + V + to + Vinf ==> Sb + V + tobe done Sb + V + V_ing ==> Sb + V + being + done =========================================== Bị /Thụ động cách là cách đặt câu đó chủ ngữ đứng vai bị động @ Một số Trường hợp đặc biệt khác: a Một số động từ đặc biệt: remember; want; try; like, hate Ví dụ: I remember them taking me to the zoo (active) I remember being taken to the zoo.(passive) Ví dụ: She wants her sister to take some photogtaphs.(active) She wants some photographs to be taken by her sister (passive) Ví dụ: She likes her boyfriend telling the truth (action) She likes being told the truth (passive) @ Một số Trường hợp đặc biệt nguyên mẫu có TO: Suppose; see; make; Ví dụ: You are supposed to learn English now (passive) = It is your duty to learn English now (active) = You should learn English now (active) Ví dụ: His father makes him learn hard (active) He is made to learn hard (passive) Ví dụ: You should be working now.(active) You are supposed to be working now.(passive) Ví dụ: People believed that he was waiting for his friend (active) He was believed to have been waiting for his friend.(passive) Exercise1: Change the following sentences into the passive voice The council has postponed the meeting …………………………………………………………………………… Alexandre Eiffel designed the Eiffel Tower for the Paris World’s Fair of 1889 …………………………………………………………………………… Miss Lan was doing that work at 10 a.m yesterday …………………………………………………………………………… They will recycle the waste paper in a local factory (18) …………………………………………………………………………… By this time next year, Hong will have finished the course …………………………………………………………………………… Extra exercise: The police is questioning him He I will take care of the baby The baby Citizens ought to obey the country’s law The country’s law My parents made me it I We have made great progress in our economy in the last few years Great progress  Các dạng câu bị động đặc biệt Mẫu 1: Người ta nói … Câu chủ động S V THAT-CLAUSE    Câu bị động IT BE + P.P THAT-CLAUSE Giải thích:  V: là động từ như: SAY, THINK, BELIEVE, EXPECT, CONSIDER, RUMOUR  S: thường là từ như: PEOPLE, THEY, SOMEONE… Ex: People say that he is a good doctor => It is said that he is a good doctor => He is said to be a good doctor Mẫu 2: Câu chủ động Câu bị động Sa Sb Va THAT  TO + INF… BE + P.P_Va TO + HAVE + PP… Sb Vb  Ob  Ob Giải thích: Nếu Vb là hoặc tương lai: TO + INF… Ex: People believe that she does that work very carefully She is believed to that work very carefully Nếu Vb là quá khứ hoặc hoàn thành: TO + HAVE + PP… Ex: They think that he stole that bicycle yesterday He is thought to have stolen that bicycle yesterday Exercise: People say that he beats his wife He (19) He is said to have escaped to a remote country It is People say tortoises live longer than elephants It Tortoises They think that he was innocent He People believe that he will win It People say that he is a famous doctor It ……………………………………………………………………………………… He…………………………………………………………………… They thought that Mary had gone away It ……………………………………………………………………… Mary…………………………………………………………………… Mẫu 3: Thể nhờ bảo Câu chủ S động have get O (person) V (bare) To–inf  have O (thing) P.P get Ex1: My parents are going to have my brother wash the clothes tomorrow => My brother is going to have the clothes washed my parents by tomorrow Câu bị động S O (thing) by + O (person) Ex2: Did you get him to clean the floor yesterday? Was he gotten the floor cleaned yesterday? Ex3: I have him repair my bicyle yesterday => I had my bicyle repaired yesterday Exercise3 I had my shoes polished I had the boy I got the boy Tom is getting the newspaper brought to her Tom is having someone He has got his shirt washed He has had someone I asked someone to draw the plan for the living room I had the plan No one cleans the kitchen for us everyday We don’t get I have him repair my bicylce yesterday I …………………………………… Exercise 4:Change the following sentences into the passive voice They can’t make tea with cold water (20) ……………………………………………………………………………… The chief engineer was instructing all the workers of the plant ……………………………………………………………………………… Somebody has taken some of my books away ……………………………………………………………………………… They will hold the meeting before the May Day ……………………………………………………………………………… They have to repair the engine of the car ……………………………………………………………………………… The boys took away some pictures ……………………………………………………………………………… People spend a lot of money on advertising every day ……………………………………………………………………………… They may use this room for the classroom ……………………………………………………………………………… The teacher is going to tell the story ……………………………………………………………………………… 10 Mary is cutting the cake with a sharp knife ……………………………………………………………………………… 11 He has provided the victims with food and clothing ……………………………………………………………………………… 12 You mustn’t used this machine after 5.30 pm ……………………………………………………………………………… 13 They told the new students where to sit ……………………………………………………………………………… 14 John used to visit Mr Cole at weekends ……………………………………………………………………………… 15 my father won’t collect me at the station tomorrow ……………………………………………………………………………… 16 She ought to all the housework ……………………………………………………………………………… 17 my mother had written the letter before 1985 ……………………………………………………………………………… 18 I am cleaning my room ……………………………………………………………………………… 19 They should phone her before the meeting ……………………………………………………………………………… 20 Somebody has cleaned the room ……………………………………………………………………………… 21 Bill is using the computer at the moment ……………………………………………………………………………… 22 They cancelled all flights because of fog ……………………………………………………………………………… 23 They pay designers a lot of money ……………………………………………………………………………… 24 When did they decorate your kitchen ? ……………………………………………………………………………… 25 We have to test these products ……………………………………………………………………………… (21) 26 Somebody was recording our conversations ……………………………………………………………………………… 27 How people pronounce this word ? ……………………………………………………………………………… 28 They export bananas to Europe ……………………………………………………………………………… Exercise 5:Change the following sentences into the passive voice :Yes – No questions: Do they teach English here?……………………………………………………… Will you invite her to your wedding party?……………………………………… Did the teacher give some exercises?…………………………………………………… Is he going to write a poem?………………………………………………………… Have they changed the window of the laboratory?…………………………………… Is Tom making big cakes for the party?………………………………………… Must we finish the test before ten?………………………………………………… Are the police making inquires about the thief?………………………………………… * Who + V + object ? Passive: - By whom ? - Who by ? Ex: Who wrote this novel ? Passive: - By whom was this novel written ? - Who was this novel written by ? d It + be + adjective + to-infinitive + sth Passive: It + be + adjective + for sth + to be + PP Ex: It is important to finish this exercise It is important for this exercise to be finished e Bare-infinitive + object Passive: Let + object + be + PP S + be + allowed / advised/asked/ supposed/ + to infinitive Ex1: Please open the door -> Let the door be opened Ex2: Turn on the light -> You are supposed to turn on the light Exercise 6:Change the following sentences into the passive voice : Wh-question: When will you the work? …………………………………………………………… How many days did she spend finishing the work? …………………………………………… Why didn’t they help him? …………………………………………………………… Who are they keeping in the kitchen? ………………………………………………… Who did the police find the lost man? ………………………………………………… Who looked after the children for you?…………………………………………………  Imperative sentences: V + O… → Let + O + be + P II Ex: Write your name here → Let your name be written here S + Let + O (person) +V … → S + to be + let/ allowed +to V Ex: He let me go out → I was let to go out (22) Exercise 7: Change the following sentences into the active voice : Sentences of imperative: Open your book ……………………………………………………………………… Take off your hat!…………………………………………………………………… Don’t that silly thing again!………………………………………… let’s tell them about it!………………………………………………… Don’t let the other see you ………………………………………………… II PREPOSITION Above, over on to from through into out of by Below, under Giới từ thời gian: at, on , in , from … to, for, by, after, between, till, until … a At + thời điểm cụ thể VD: at night/ three o’clock in the afternoon b In + tháng / năm / mùa VD: In 1978 / June / summer In + the morning / afternoon / evening c On + ngày tuần / ngày tháng năm VD : on Monday / January 4th, 2007 d From … to : từ … đến … from + điểm thời gian + to + điểm thời gian VD: We have classes from o’clock to 11.15 e For + khoảng thời gian: VD: for two hours , a week … f By + điểm thời gian: trước VD: by five o’clock g After + time: VD: after breakfast / lunch / dinnet… h Between + điểm thời gian + and + điểm thời gian: khoảng từ … đến … Between + kiện i Till / Until + điểm thời gian: đến luc, đến Giới từ nơi chốn: a On: * trên (chạm vào, sát vào, bao phủ hoặc tạo thành phần bề mặt VD: On the wall / grass / table * ( đại lộ, đường) VD: on Tran Hung Dao Street * trên / hoặc phương tiện chuyên chở VD: on the plane / train… * trên / dựa trên (23) VD: on his back, on horse back … b At + địa : VD: at 10 Ngo Quyen Street c In + tên nước, tỉnh, thành phố VD: in viet Nam, in Ho Chi Minh city d Một số giới từ vị trí khác: above ( bên trên), around ( xung quanh), behind (đằng sau), below ( bên dưới), beside (bên cạnh), between (ở giữa), far from (ở xa), in front of (trước mặt), in the middle of ( giữa), inside (bên trong), near (gần), next to (bên cạnh), on the top of (trên đỉnh), outside (bên ngoài), under (bên dưới) III ADJECTIVE + PREPOSITION Adjective + about: Worried about: lo lắng Annoyed about: Phiền toái Nervous about: lo lắng Happy /sad about; Vui /buồn Excited about: hồi hộp Angry about : giận việc gì Upset about: bực tức Furious about: giận Sorry about Adjective + of: Afraid of: sợ , e ngại Frightened of: sợ hãi Terrified of: sợ hãi Scared of:sợ hãi Fond of: thích Tired of: chán Proud of: tự hào Ashamed of: hổ thẹn Full of: đầy Short of: cạn kiệt Jealous of: ghen tỵ với Envious of: ghen tỵ với Capable / incapable of: có khả năng/ không có khả Aware / conscious of: ý thức Confident of: tin tưởng Adjective + at: - Good / bad/ excellent/ clever at (= giỏi / tốt / xuất sắc/ khéo léo về…) - surprised/ astonished/ amazed/ shocked at (or by): kinh ngạc - skilful at: có kỹ - clumsy at: vụng - annoyed at : khó chựu Adjective + for: - availaible: có sẵn - ready for; sẵn sàng - difficult for: khó - Responsible for: chựu trách nhiệm việc gì - late for: muộn - good for: tốt - dangerous for: nguy hiểm - convenient for: thuận tiện - famous for / well-known for: tiếng - qualified for: có phẩm chất - suitable for: phù hợp - Necessary for: cần thiết - sorry for: xin lỗi - grateful for st: biết ơn - helpful for / useful for: có lợi / có ích Adjective + with: Fed up with/ bored with: chán Contrasted with: tương phản Satisfied with: hài lòng Popular with: phổ biến Delighted with: phấn khởi Familiar with: quen thuộc với (24) Disappointed with; thất vọng Crowded/ overcrowded with: đông đúc Covered with: bao phủ Angry with: giận Pleased with:hài lòng Furious with: phẫn nộ Busy with: bận Friendly; thân mật Acquainted with: làm quen với Adjective + in: - interested in: thích, quan tâm - rich in: giàu - successful in:thành công - confident in sb: tin cậy vào Adjective + from: - Absent from: vắng mặt - different from: khác - far from: xa - safe from: an toàn - Divorced from: ly dị, làm xa rời Adjective + to: Nice/kind/polite/ generous/ friendly/ unfriendly to Harmful to: có hại Similar to: tương tự Be married/ engaged to sb (= thành hôn/ đính hôn) Note: Nice/kind/polite/ generous of sb to st Adjective + on: Keen on: + n/ V-ing: say mê Dependent on + n/ V-ing: lệ thuộc 10 Một số trường hợp cần lưu ý: - be tired of: chán EX: I’m tired of doing the same work every day - be tired from:mệt mỏi Ex: I’m tired from walking for a long time - be grateful to sb for st…:biết ơn vấn đề gì Ex: I’m grateful to you for your help - be responsible to sb for st: chựu trách nhiệm với việc gì Ex: you have to be responsible to me for your actions IV VERB + PREPOSITION VERBS + FOR: - apply for: xin việc - leave for:dời để - ask for; yêu cầu - search: tìm kiếm - Look for: tìm kiếm - pay for: trả tiền - Thank for: cảm ơn - wait for: đợi verbs + to: - Belong to: thuộc - listen to: nghe - happen to: xảy với - write to: viết Speak to: nói - explain to;giải thích - Apologize to: xin lỗi - prefer to: thích - complain to sb about st: phàn nàn - talk to: nói (25) verbs + on: Depend on: lệ thuộc vào / Rely on: tin cậy / Live on: sống nhờ vào verbs + at: - look at: /- glance at: liếc nhìn vào / - smile at: cuời / - laugh at;cuời / - Shout at: la lối - Point at: chĩa /- aim: nhằm Verbs + of: Consist of : bao gồm Complain to sb of / about st: phàn nàn - die of/ from: chết vì - think of/ about: nghĩ - approve of: tán thành - - accuse sb of st: tố cáo - admire sb of st: khâm phục Others: - Look after + take care of: chăm sóc - agree with: đồng ý - be/ get used to: quen - borrow st from sb; muợn - suffer from; chựu đựng - participate in: tham gia - look up / for/ at/ forward to/ : - Object to sb/ V-ing: phản đối - put on/ off/: mặc/ hoãn lại - call off: huỷ bỏ - blame sb for st: đỗ lỗi - stand for: tượng trưng - belong to: thuộc - differ from: khác - congratulate sb on st: chúc mừng - introduce to sb: giới thiệu - arrive at (station, bus, stop…) địa điểm nhỏ - escape from:thoát khỏi - arrive in (London, Paris, Viet Nam ) địa điểm lớn - insist on: khăng khăng - turn into/ change into: hoá - prevent from: ngăn chặn - bring up: nuôi lớn - succeed in: thành công V PREPOSITION + NOUN: ON  On + thứ tuần/ ngàytrong tháng Ví dụ: I will call you on Thursday His birthday is on February  On + a/the + phương tiện giao thông (bus/ plane/ train/ ship/ bike) Ví dụ: It’s two late to see Jane; she’s already on the plane I came to school this morning on the bus  On a street : phố Ví dụ: I lives on 1st Ngọc khánh  On + the + số thứ tự + floor: tầng thứ Ví dụ: My girlfriend lives on the fourth floor of an old building by my house  On time : đúng (bất chấp hoàn cảnh bên ngoài) Ví dụ: Despite the bad weather, our plane left on time  On the corner (of two street) : góc phố Ví dụ: My house is on the corner of Ngọc khánh street and Trộm cướp street On the corner  at the corner in the corner On the sidewalk : trên vỉa hè Ví dụ: Don’t walk in the street, walk on the sidewalk  On the way : trên đường tới >< on the way back to: trên đường trở (26) Ví dụ: We can stop at the grocery store on the way to their house  On the right/ left : bên trái/ bên phải Ví dụ: Paul sits on the left side of the room and Dave sits on the right  On television/ (the) radio: trên truyền hình/ trên đài phát Ví dụ: The president’s “State of the Union Address” will be on television and on the radio tonight  On the telephone (on the phone): nói trên điện thoại, gọi điện thoại, nhà có mắc điện thoại Ví dụ: Is your house on the telephone ? - nhà cậu có mắc điện thoại không? Janet will be here soon; she is on the telephone  On the whole = in general : nói chung Ví dụ: On the whole, the rescue mission was well executed  On the other hand: nhiên  on the one hand on the other hand : mặt mặt khác Ví dụ: The present perfect aspect is never used to indicate a specific time; on the other hand, the simple past tense is  On sale 1- for sale : có bán, để bán 2- bán hạ giá Ví dụ: The house will go on sale this weekend The regular price of the radio is $39.95, but today it’s on sale for $25  On foot: Ví dụ: My car would not start so I came on foot * on fire: cháy * On a diet: ăn kiêng AT at - (thường là bên ngoài, không xác định in) Ví dụ: Jane is at the bank  At + số nhà Ví dụ: George lives at 565 16th Avenue  At + thời gian cụ thể Ví dụ: The class begin at 5:15  At + home/ school/ work : nhà/ trường/ làm việc Ví dụ: Charles is at work and his roommate is at school At night, they are usually at home  At + noon/ night: vào ban trưa/ vào ban đêm at noon (Mỹ) : đúng 12h trưa  At least : tối thiểu >< at most : tối đa Ví dụ: We will have to spend at least two weeks doing the experiments  At once : Ví dụ: Please come home at once  At times : thi thoảng, đôi Ví dụ: At times, it is difficult to understand him because he speaks too fast  At present/ the moment = now + thời tiếp diễn  At first : đầu >< at last : sau (27) Ví dụ: Jane was nervous at first, but later she felt more relaxed  At the beginning/ at the end of : đầu/ cuối ( dùng cho địa điểm/ thời gian) Một số thành ngữ đặc biệt dùng với giới từ  On the beach: trên bãi biển Ví dụ: We walked on the beach for several hours last night  In place of = instead of : thay cho, thay vì Ví dụ: Sam is going to the meeting in place of his brother, who has to work Lưu ý: In place of không thay được cho instead instead mình đứng cuối câu Ví dụ: She was supposed to come this morning, but she went to the lab instead  In hopes of + Ving = hoping to + verb = hoping that + sentence Ví dụ: John called his brother in hopes of finding somebodyto watch his children  Of course : chắn, tất nhiên Ví dụ: If you study the material very thoroughly, you will have no trouble on the examination  Off and on : dai dẳng, tái hồi, chập Ví dụ: It rained off and on all day yesterday  All of a sudden: bất thình lình Ví dụ: When we were walking through the woods, all of a sudden, we heard a strange sound  For good = for ever : vĩnh viễn, mãi mãi Ví dụ: Helen is leaving Chicago for good Out of (ra khỏi) >< into (di vào)  be (run) out of + danh từ : hết, không còn  be out of town : vắng Mr Adams cannot see you this week because he is out of town  be out of date (cũ, lỗi thời) >< be up to date (mới, cập nhật, hợp thời) Don’t use that dictionary It is out of date Find one that is up to date  be out of work : thất nghiệp I have been very unhappy since I have been out of work  be out of the question : không thể được Your request for an extension of credit is out of the question  be out of order: hỏng We had to use our neighbour’s telephone because ours was out of order  BY  Động từ chuyển động + by = ngang qua  Động từ tĩnh + by = gần, bên  by + thời gian cụ thể : trước lúc Ví dụ: We usually eat supper by six o’clock in the evening  By được dùng câu bị động để chủ thể gây hành động Ví dụ: Romeo and Juliet was writen by William Shakespeare  By + phương tiện giao thông (bus/ plane/ train/ car/ ship/ bike) Ví dụ: We traveled to Boston by train (28)  By then : trước lúc đó Ví dụ: I will graduate from the university in 1997 By then, I hope to have found a job  By way of = via : theo đường Ví dụ: We are driving to Atlanta by way of Baton Rouge  By the way : 1- tình cờ Ví dụ: By the way, I’ve got two tickets for Saturday’s game Would you like to go with me? 2- nhân đây, tiện đây  By far + tính từ so sánh : (dùng để nhấn mạnh) Ví dụ: This book is by far the best on the subject  By accident / by mistake : tình cờ >< on purpose (cố tình) Ví dụ: Nobody will receive a check on Friday because the wrong cards were put into the computer by accident * by heart: học thuộc lòng 6.IN In (ở trong, tại) - nghĩa xác định at  In a room/ building/ drawer/ closet : bên Ví dụ: Your socks are in the drawer  In + năm/ tháng Ví dụ: His birthday is in April I will begen class in 1998  In time : đúng -vừa vặn Ví dụ: We arrived at the airport in time to eat before the plane left  In the street: lòng đường Ví dụ: The children were warned not to play in the street  In the morning / afternoon/ evening : vào buổi sáng/ buổi chiều/ buổi tối Ví dụ: I have a dental appointment in the morning, but I will be free in the afternoon  In the past/ future: quá khứ/ tương lai Ví dụ: In the past, attendance at school was not compulsory, but it is today  In future : từ trở Ví dụ: I will spend much time on learning English in future because the TOEFL test is coming  In the beginning/ end : đầu/ rốt = at first/ at last Ví dụ: Everyone seemed unfriendly in the beginning but in the end everyone made friends  In the way : chắn ngang lối, đỗ lối Ví dụ: He could not park his car in the driveway because another car was in the way  Once in a while : thỉnh thoảng, đôi Ví dụ: Once in a while, we eat dinner at Chiness restaurant  In no time at all: nháy mắt, thoáng Ví dụ: George finishes his assignment in no time at all  In the meantime = meanwhile : lúc đó Ví dụ: We start school in several weeks, but in the meantime, we can take a trip  In the middle : (địa điểm) (29) Ví dụ: Grace stood in the middle of the room looking for her friend  In the army/ air force/ navy Trong quân đội/ không lực/ hải quân  In the + số thứ tự + row : hàng ghế thứ Ví dụ: We are going to sit in the fifteen row of the auditorium  In the event that : trường hợp Ví dụ: In the event that you win the prize, you will be notified by mail  In case : để phòng khi, để Ví dụ: I will give you the key to the house so you will have it in case I arrive a little late  Be/ get in touch/ contact with : tiếp xúc, liên lạc, gặp gỡ với Ví dụ: It’s very difficult to get in touch with Jenny because she works all day  In fact: = actually: thực  In general: nói chung  In meantime: đồng thời BÀI TẬP: I Fill in each gap with a suitable preposition Maryam was really impressed the beauty of Hue It seems difficult me to meet her now He doesn't depend his parents If you have any trouble, ask help This guidebook is full useful information We still keep in touch each other although we live away each other He will go to China the end this week She went out saying a word What you often the weekends? 10 She was born September 15th 11 Don’t laugh ……… her or she’ll get angry 12 It’s very difficult to find work _the moment 13 In many ways you take _your mother 14 Parents are naturally anxious their children 15 I’m sure you will succeed this entrance test 16 We try to prevent people _littering 17 I’m going to complain to the principal this 18 This computer is still _guarantee 19 Money is not essential _happiness 20 She is far the best teacher I have ever had 21 - Where's your father? - He's .work 22 We're talking to Lan's family 23 A farmer works hard .morning night 24 My mother is a teacher She works a primary school 25 Mr Tuan is a journalist He writes " Nhan Dan" 26 I found a place .us to live in Hue 27 It is the highest building the city center 28 Bob and I come .the same town but my accent is different .his 29 At present John is staying .his brother's family the city center , very far his parents (30) 30 Do you know the name the new student our class ? 31 I was born January 1st, 1993 32 It often rains October in Vietnam 33 What are you going to 2004? 34 I don't know but I am going to go to college September this year 35 You want to watch the sky .sunset? 36 Sure And I like to go for a walk sunrise, too 37 Well, let's go for a walk the weekends 38 I don't know what is he doing this moment 39 She often hears some strange noise .midnight 40 Does it rain Spring ? 41 How long are you going to stay here? - I can speak English fluently 42 We'll know the result of the exam .three weeks 43 Robert is going to stop work next February 44 You can meet me 7.15 and 8.00 45 Does your brother really enjoy working .night? 46 - Is the conference a weekday? 47 We’re always proud _ your success 48 His breakfast consists dry bread and a cup of tea 49 Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow? – It depends the weather 50 The park was named _ a young hero, Le Van Tam 51 In the 18th century jean cloth was made completely _ cotton 52 Children’s shoes usually wear very quickly 53 The price of oil has gone by over 30% 54 Vietnamese women today often wear modern clothing _ work, because it’s more convenient 56 We can see many stars the sky at night 57 You remind me my sister 58 They have only been there a few minutes 59 The canoe overturned and everyone fell the deep water 60 How going to Ben Thanh Market this afternoon? 61 I couldn’t meet Mrs Chi because she's 62 I'll come to pick her at o'clock 63 They named their daughter their favorite singers 64 The passage is written .English 65 Whom does she fall …… love………? 66 Why are you always jealous ……….the disabled? 67 He is just getting ………….his severe illness 68 He complained ……… the children …………the mess they've made 69 My parents first went ………Greek…………a short holiday ………2003 70 Measuring money must be very difficult to carry …… 71 In this respect, French differs…… English 72 I'll come …… to pick her up at o'clock 73 The passage is written …… English 74 Mr Duc Thanh is thinking of exporting rice …… India (31) 75 As I was coming out of the room, I collided …… somebody who was coming in 76 The people next door are furious …… us …… making so much noise last night 77 When I realized I was wrong I apologized …… them …… my mistake 78 She works quite hard You can’t accuse her …… being lazy 79 It’s stupid …… her to go out without a coat in such cold weather 80 I was absent ……… class yesterday II.Choose the best answer A, B, C or D: Malaysia is divided two regions A to B on C in D into It's very kind you to say so! A in B to C for D of Can you tell me how many chapters this book consists ? A of B to C with D in Jeans have never been … fashion because a lot of people are still fond of wearing them A out B of C out of d on People like wearing jeans because this material doesn’t wear … easily A by B away C of D out The material, called jean, was named … sailors from Genoa A as B after C to D with These shoes are made … good leather They are very strong A from B by C of D with 8.It seems very dificult … to have a trip abroad A that I B to me C for me D for I 10 It was very impolite … him to shout at the meeting A of B to C about D with 11.Lan always walks to school She goes to school … A by foot B with foot C on foot D of foot 12.When I first started playing tennis, it was … fun A for B of C as D in 13.Did he … live in the country when you was young? A use to B used to C get used to D be used to 14.It’s very kind … you to help us Thanks a lot A for B to C with D of 15.The hospital building is devided … four sections A in B into C to D about 16 He is a small boy He has to depend … his parents A on B to C with D of 17 Maryam was really impressed … the beauty of the city A of B by C with D for 18.She arrived … four o’clock … the afternoon A at / on B in / in C at / in D on / in 19.He was a tennis player when he was young He … tennis when he was young A plays B used to play C has played D likes to play 20 My sister is studying hard … her exam A in B for C at D to 21 I have studied English … more than three years A for B in C since D at (32) 22 I am very proud my school A.from B.at C.of D.off 23 .He laughs a lot because her funny face A.of B.off C.in D.on 24 Lan used to walk the mosque her way to primary school A.to B.on C.in D.at 25 It seems very difficult for me to have a trip abroad It all depends my parents.Any way we’ll keep touch A.on-in B.in-in C.on-on D.of-off 27 It’s very cold………… night…………….the moon A to/in B in/to C on/at D at/on 28 Thuy's grandmother turned the television _ to see the weather forecast A off B on C up D down 29 What are the main differences the two cities? A in B at C between D with 30 Remember ………… the door before you leave A to lock B lock C locked D locking 31 She has come here ………… yesterday A in B since C for D on 32 Lan didn’t come to the party because she had to look…… her younger brother a at b for c forward d after 33 Mrs Hoa will stay in London Monday Friday A between – to B from – to C on – until D on - to 34 It doesn’t rain the dry season A on B at C in D between 35 I congratulate him his success A in B at C with D on 36 The customer insisted seeing the manager A of B on C in D about 37 I was brought……….in the countryside by my aunt after my parents had pass ………… A on/over B for/ on C on / off D up / away 38 What is your daughter named ……… ? – A kind of flower A after B on C in D from 39 The visitor spoke the subject of wildlife in northern Britain A in B from C with D on 40 Sometimes Mr Pike has to work late…….night to some import-tant experiments A in B at C for D on 41 Peter ………a hurry to go so he did not stop to greet me A in B on C with D over 42 Where is Jimmy? – He is ………work He is busy …………his monthly report A on/ for B in/ about C to / through D at / with 43 Mary doesn’t mind living……….her own A with B by C on D at 44 While studying he was finacially dependent……….his parents A to B on C of D from 45 Please don’t enter ……………knocking A except for B while C with D without 46 It was very ……of you to invite me to your birthday party (33) A Due to industrialization, we have to cope……… The fact that many species are ………….danger ………….extinction A on/ at/ for B at / upon / over C for/ on/ with D with/ in / of 47 Boys! Put your toys…………it is time to go to bed Don’t stay…late A off/ on B away / up C down off D around / for 48 She intended to quit her job to stay……home and look………her sick mother A in/ at B at / after C for / over D up / on 49 He is very worried …………his new job because he is not quite prepared …………….working A on/ over B to / off C about / for D in / at 50 The students are very………….of doing a lot of homework A bored B tired C interested D good 51 Are you …… about your examination? A interested B fed up C tired D worried 52 We are very ……with the result of the football match A excited B pleased C worried D afraid 53 Some people are very ………… of traveling by air A worried B excited C afraid D interested 54 While I am waiting…… my bus, I often listen ……….music A on / at B for / to C toward/ about D upon/ in 55 The final examination will be held ……… June 12th , 2009 A in B on C at D to 56 How many languages are there ……………the world? A in B on C over D through 57 Egypt is famous ………ancient pyramids A on B to C from D for 58 The boys looks very proud …………his success at school A on B of C at D in 59 When the trucks leave the place, the ground is covered ………….trash A in B by C with D of 60 Thuy’s grandma turned the TV … to see the weather forecast A off B up C on D down 61 The hurrican took several days to blow itself ………… A in B out C down D off 62 It was the biggest eruption of Vesuvius ………some years A for B since C in D from 63 On Passover, Jewish people celebrate freedom ………… slavery A on B to C for D from 64 There are a lot of parties ……… Christmas A in B at C on D for 65 When you are in orbit, you will be able to get …………of your seat A in B on C out D down 66 The crew have been living ………space for over three months A in B at C on D for 67 Do you believe ………… the existence of UFOs ? A on B in C at D for 68 We are all very fond ………traveling abroad A in B at C with D of 69 He saw that film ………….7.00 pm ………….Sunday (34) A on/ from B in /at C at/at D at / on 70 The whole family showed …………for our anniversary celebration A on B down C up D off 71 We often go swimming ……………Sunday mornings A in B on C at D every 72 My mother is very keen……….growing flowers A in B on C of D for 73.I believe you will all succeed … passing the final exams A on B at C in D for 74 This computer isn’t capable ……running this software A in B on C of D at 75 Have you had much experience ………… computers? A on B at C for D with 76 The New Year is celebrated ………….midnight ……….January 1st A in/ on B at / on C at / in D in/ in 77 Look at that sign It says, “Keep …………No trespassing” A on B off C out D away 78 Can you turn the volume ……….a little? I can’t hear it very clearly A on B off C up D down 79 My little sister is very good ………… drawing A in B at C of D on 80 The children have all worn ………their shoes A in B on C with D out 81 Many accidents are brought………….by carelessness A about B up C along D into 82 Let’s Concentrate………….solving this problem A in B on C for D at 83 The United States became independent ………… England in 1776 A on B with C of D to 84 John F Kennedy ewas the first Presedent of the United States to be born ……… the twentieth century A on B at C in D since 85 Never put…………till tomorrow what you can today A off B over C out D away 86 Thanks …………the financial aid he received, he was able to attend the university A for B to C about D of 87 I’m afraid I have to leave ………….a few days’time A in B on C at D after 88 He usually drops …………to see me at least once a week A to B on C out D in 89 Smoking has destructive effect ……… your health A for B in C on D to 90 Were you surprised ………….the grade you received? A on B at C in D with 91 My car broke …………at the crossroads and I couldn’t start it again A in B out C down D up 92 I’m sorry; I wasn’t paying close attention ……… what you said A in B on C at D to 93 If you’re not satisfied ……… your essay, I suggest that you rewrite it (35) A with B of C to D at 94 Her electricity was cut…………when she didn’t pay her bill A out B of C off D down 95 People nowadays are interested ………saving money and natural resources A on B in C with D to 96 Poisonous gases are pumped …………the atmosphere every day A onto B out C in D into 97 My shoes are dirty I’d better take them ……….before I come in A away B up C on D off 98 If you go………doing that and you’ll end…… in serious troble A up/ with B on / up C off/ with D out / up 99 They are trying to save the animals ………….extinction A on B to C from D for 100 They didn’t see each other again ……….the fall A since B in C from D until BUỔI 3: REPORTED SPEECH + TAG QUESTIONS I REPORTED SPEECH (Lời nói gián tiếp) LỜI NÓI TRỰC VÀ GIÁN TIẾP (Dicrect and Indirect Speeches) Giới thiệu: Trong câu trực tiếp thông tin thẳng từ người thứ sang người thứ hai (người thứ nói trực tiếp với người thứ hai )Trong lời nói trực tiếp, chúng ta ghi lại chính xác từ, ngữ người nói dùng Lời nói trực tiếp thường được thể bởi: các dấu ngoặc kép " " - tức là lời nói đó được đặt dấu ngoặc kép Ví dụ: 1- He said, “I learn English” 2- "I love you," she said  Trong câu gián tiếp, thông tin từ người thứ qua người thứ hai đến người thứ ba Khi đó câu có biến đổi mặt ngữ pháp He said he had bought a new motorbike for himself the day before - Nếu động từ chính đơn, thì hoàn thành, hoặc tương lai đơn thì lời nói trích dẫn ta không đổi thì động từ, đổi đại từ (36) Ex: The farmer says, “I hope it will rain tomorrow” = The farmer says that he hopes it will rain tomorrow She has said, “I’m tired now.” = She has said (that) she had lost his umbrella Notes: - Nếu động từ tường thuật là “say”, “tell + O” thì ta thường bỏ “that” câu gián tiếp - Nếu động từ tường thuật là “complain, explain, point out… ” ta phải giữ lại “that” Những thay đổi lời nói Trực và Gián tiếp: 2.1 Đổi thì câu: Thì các động từ lời nói gián tiếp thay đổi theo nguyên tắc chung là lùi quá khứ (các thì xuống cấp): Thì Lời nói trực tiếp Thì Lời nói gián tiếp - Hiện đơn - Quá khứ đơn - Hiện tiếp diễn - Quá khứ tiếp diễn - Hiện hoàn thành - Quá khứ hoàn thành - Hiện hoàn thành TD - Quá khứ hoàn thành TD - Quá khứ đơn - Quá khứ hoàn thành - Quá khứ hoàn thành - Quá khứ hoàn thành (không đổi) - Tương lai đơn - Tương lai quá khứ - Tương lai TD - Tương lai TD quá khứ - Is/am/are going to - Was/were going to - Can/may/must - Could/might/had to Hãy xem ví dụ sau đây: He does He did He is doing He was doing He has done He has done He has been doing He had been doing He did He had done He was doing He had been doing He had done He had done He will He would He will be doing He would be doing He will have done He would have done (37) He may He might He may be doing He might be doing He can He could He can have done He could have done He must do/have to He had to 2.2 Các thay đổi khác: a Thay đổi Đại từ Các đại từ nhân xưng và đại sở hữu chuyển từ lời nóitr ực tiếp sang lời nói gián tiếp thay đổi bảng sau: ĐẠI TỪ CHỨC NĂNGTRỰC TIẾP GIÁN TIẾP Đại từ Chủ ngữ I he, she nhân xưng we they Đại từ sở hữu you Tân ngữ me us you Phẩm định my our your Định danh mine ours yours they him, her them them his, her their their his, her theirs theirs Ngoài quy tắc chung các thay đổi đại từ được nêu trên đây, người học cần chú ý đến các thay đổi khác liên quan đến vị trí tương đối người đóng vai trò thuật lại các ví dụ sau đây: Ví dụ: Jane, "Tom, you should listen to me." + Jane tự thuật lại lời mình: I told Tom that he should listen to me + Người khác thuật lại lời nói Jane Jane told Tom that he should listen to her + Người khác thuật lại cho Tom nghe: Jane told you that he should listen to her + Tom thuật lại lời nói Jane Jane told me that I should listen to her b Các thay đổi trạng từ không gian và thời gian: Trực tiếp Gián tiếp This That (38) That That These Those Here There Now Then Today That day Ago Before Tomorrow The next day / the following day The day after tomorrow In two day’s time / two days after Yesterday The day before / the previous day The day before yesterday Two day before Next week The following week Last week The previous week / the week before Last year The previous year / the year before Ví dụ: Trực tiếp: "I saw the school-boy here in this room today." Gián tiếp: She said that she had seen the school-boy there in that room that day Trực tiếp: "I will read these letters now." Gián tiếp: She said that she would read those letters then Ngoài quy tắc chung trên dây, người học cần tình thật và thời gian hành động thuật lại đóng vai trò quan trọng chuyển từ lời nói trực tiếp sang lời nói gián tiếp c Các trường hợp không đổi thời – Sự thật, việc luôn luôn đúng: “The earth moves round the sun” he said –> He said that the earth moves round the sun – Câu điều kiện loại II và III: “if I were you, I would leave here” he said –> He said that if he were me, he would leave there Ex: He said, “If I had much money, I wouldn’t live here.” = He said if he had much money, he wouldn’t live there – Wish + past simple/ past perfect: “I wish I lived in Da Nang”, he said –> He said he wished he lived in Da Nang – Cấu trúc “it’s time somebody did something”: “it’s time he woke up”, she said –> She said it was time he woke up – Would/ should/ ought to/ had better/ used to/might không chuyển: (39) “ You’d better work hard” he said –> He said that I had better work hard - Động từ mệnh đề chính thì đơn (say/ says), tiếp diễn (is/ are saying ), hoàn thành (have/ has said) tương lai đơn (will say) Ex: Tom says, ‘I’m tired’ –> Tom says (that) he’s tired Has the taxi arrived yet? He was wondering –>He was wondering if the taxi has arrived yet - Động từ câu nói trực tiếp có thời gian xác định Ex: he said, “I was born in 1980.” = He said that he was born in 1980 d Các cách chuyển đổi A Say that + a statement –> agree (đồng ý), refuse (từ chối), offer (đề nghị), promise (hứa), threaten + the infinitive (dọa) 1)Say that + a statement –> agree (đồng ý): Ex: “All right, I’ll help you” he said –> He agreed to help me 2) refuse to + V :(từ chối): “I will not / won’t + V….” Ex: “ I won’t lend you my car.” She said She refused to lend me her car Ex: “ Oh, no, I won’t come to your party”, he said –> He refused to come to my party 3) offer + to + V: (đề nghị): “Shall I + V….(for you)? “Can I help you with…?” “Would you like me to + V (for you)?” “Let me + V + …” Ex: “Let me give you a helping hand.” He said He offered to give me a helping hand Ex: “I’ll look for the cat for you tomorrow if you like” he said –> He offered to look after the cat for me the next day if i liked 4)promise + to + V / not to + V (hứa): “I will + V… ” Ex: “I’ll visit your parents when i arrive there”, he said –> He promised to visit my parents when he arrived there (40) Ex: “ I will visit you.” She said –> She promised to visit me 5)threaten + to- infinitive (dọa): “If you don’t + V…., I will + V….” Ex: “I’ll sell the TV set if you keep on watching it all day”, said the father –> The father threatened to sell the TV set if he kept on watching it all day Ex: “If you don’t give the money, I’ll kiss you.” The robber said The robber threatened to kill me if I didn’t give him the money e Say that + a statement –> accuse …of (buộc tội), admit (thừa nhận), apologise for (xin lỗi), deny (từ chối), insist on + V-ing (khăng khăng) 1)accuse …of (buộc tội): S + accused + O +of + V-ing Ex:“You stole the jewels” said the inspector –> The inspector accused her of stealing the jewels Ex: “It’s you who broke my glasses” The woman said –> The woman accused me of breaking/ having broken her glasses 2)admit (thừa nhận): S + admitted + V-ing…… Ex: “I know I’m wrong” He said –> he admitted being wrong “I’ve made the wall dirty” said one student.–> One student admitted making the wall dirty 3).apologise for (xin lỗi): “sorry” : S + apologise (to + O) + for + V-ing… Ex: “I’m sorry I’m late” she said.–> She apologized for being late 4) deny (từ chối) “I/We + didn’t + V….” : S + denied + V-ing… Ex: “No, we didn’t enter the garden” said the boy.–> The boy denied entering my garden Ex: He said, “ I didn’t turn on the TV” –> He denied turning on the TV 5) insist on + V-ing (khăng khăng) Ex:“Certainly, I’ll buy that car for you”, said he.–> He insisted on buying me that car Ex: “ I really need a break after lunch.” He said –> He insisted on having a break after lunch f Say to somebody + a statement –> told somebody + that + clause “I’ve finished all my homework”, he said to me –> He told me that he had finished all his homework g Say + a statement –> said that + clause “I’m going to Hanoi tomorrow”, he said –> He said that he was going to Hanoi the next day h Statement with command, request, advice, invitation, offer –> advise, ask, beg, encourage, invite, order, tell, warn, remind… “You’d better hurry”, he said –> He advised me to hurry (41) “Post the letter for me, will you?”he said –> He asked me to post the letter for him “Make another try, please”, he said –> He encouraged me to make another try “Don’t drive too fast”, he said –> He warned me not to drive too fast “Remember to close the door”, he said –> He reminded me to close the door “Don’t forget to come at a.m tomorrow”, he said –> He reminded to come at a.m the next day i Questions in indirect speech – Thời, đại từ, tính từ sở hữu, trạng từ chuyển câu tường thuật – Yes-no questions –> asked/wanted to know if/whether “Are you absent from your classes today?” he asked –> He asked/wanted to know if I was absent from my classes that day – Wh-questions –> asked/wanted to know + question word + clause “Where you often meet your friends?” she said –> She asked where i often met my friends i Questions with “shall I…”–> loại sau: • About future event (sự kiện tương lai) “Shall we attend the meeting tomorrow”, she said –>She asked if they would attend the meeting the next day • Request for instruction or advice (Lời hướng dẫn hoặc lời khuyên) “Shall i read it, mother?” said –> He asked his mother if he should read it • Offer to something “Shall we bring you some new books?” she said –> She offered to bring me some new books • Suggest to something “Shall we go to the cinema tonight”, he said –> He suggested going to the cinema that night j Questions with “Will you, would you, could you…?” (yêu cầu, đề nghị, mời)–> offer, invite, order, ask, told “ Will you come to my party tomorrow?” he said –> He invited me to come to his party the next day “Could you get ready at 6p.m tonight?” he said –> He told/asked me to get ready at 6p.m that night “Would you like some cigarettes?” he said –> He offered me some cigarettes “Will you shut your mouth?” he said –> He ordered me to shut my mouth i Let’s do…(Shall we / I/…?)/ why don’t we/you…? How about + V-ing …?–> suggest + Ving (nếu bao gồm người i thực hành động) Let’s do…(Shall we / I/…?)/ why don’t we/you…? How about + V-ing …?–> suggest + that S should do…(có thể bao gồm hoặc không bao gồm người thực hành động) (42) “Let’s go to the cinema tonight”, he said –> He suggested going to the cinema that night (anh ta đi) –> He suggested that they should go to the cinema that night k Yes, let’s do…–> agree No, let’s not do… –> be against the idea “Let’s eat out tonight” said the mother “Yes, let’s” said the son “No, let’s not” said the father –> The mother suggested eating out that night and the son agreed but the father was against the idea l Must –> had to “i must finish my work tomorrow”, he said –> He said that he had to finish his work the next day “Must you go soon?” she said –> He asked if i had to go soon m Câu cảm thán lời nói gián tiếp • What + a + noun! /how + adj –> said that + clause –> gave an exclamation of delight (vui mừng, tán thưởng), disgust (kinh tởm), honor (sợ), surprise (ngạc nhiên) “How beautiful the picture is”, he said –> He said that the picture was beautiful –> He gave an exclamation of delight “What a dirty kitchen!” she said –> She said that the kitchen was dirty –> She gave an exclamation of disgust “How wonderful”, he said –> He said that it was wonderful –> He gave an exclamation of surprise • “Yes/no” –> subject + trợ động từ “Have you finished your homework?”he said “Yes”, she said –> He asked her if she had finished her homework and she said she had “Are you ready for the exam?” he said “No”, she said –> He asked if she was ready for the exam and she said she wasn’t n “Thank”–> subject + thanked “Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?”, he said “thank you, i’d love to” she said –> He invited her to have dinner with him that night She thanked him and said she would love to “Good luck”, he said –> he wished me luck “Congratulation!”, he said –> he congratulated me o.Các hình thức hỗn hợp lời nói gián tiếp (43) Lời nói trực tiếp có thể bao gồm nhiều hình thức hỗn hợp: câu khẳng định, câu hỏi, câu mệnh lệnh, câu cảm thán: Ví dụ: Trực tiếp: She said, "can you play the piano?” and I said”no” Gián tiếp: She asked me if could play the piano and I said that I could not Bài tập: Chuyển câu sau sang gián tiếp “Shall I help you with the exercises?” he said ………………………………………………… “Shall we give him a birthday cake?” he said.………………………………………………… “Could I leave early on Friday?” he said.………………………………………………… “Where shall we meet tonight?” she said.………………………………………………… “Will you have a drink?” he said.………………………………………………… “How far is it from here to college?” he said.………………………………………………… “Do you often have breakfast at 6.30 a.m?” he said………………………………………… “Don’t swim too far, boys” she said.………………………………………………… “Do come in and have a drink” he said.………………………………………………… 10 “Remember to wake me up” she said.………………………………………………… 11 “if I were you, I would learn English”, she said.………………………………………………… 12 “Why don’t we go camping this Sunday?” he said.………………………………………… 13 “Would you like to come to my birthday party next Sunday?” she said ………………………………………………………………………………………… 14 “Let’s have a talk on the new film”, he said.……………………………………… 15 “ Shall I the cleaning up for you?” he said.……………………………………… 16 “What a clever boy!” she said.……………………………………… 17 “How ugly!” he said.……………………………………… 18 “Did you prepare your meal?” he said “No” I said ……………………………………… 19 “Happy birthday”, he said.……………………………………… 20 “Take your seat”, he said “thank”, I said.……………………………………… 2.3 Statements in indirect speech: tense changes necessary Direct speech Simple Present “I never eat meat,” he said Present Progressive “I’m waiting for Ann,” he said Present perfect “I have found a flat,” he said Future He said, “I will be in Paris on Monday” But note, Conditional I said, “I would like to see it?” Indirect speech Simple Past = He said that he never ate meat Past Progressive = He said that he was waiting for Ann Past perfect = He said that he had found a flat Conditional = He said he would be in Paris on Monday Conditional = I said I would like to see it (no tense change) (44) *** Note: must  had to , can  could, may  might A Personal pronouns: S I you we they he she it O me you us them him her it Adj my your our their his her its Pro mine yours ours theirs his hers its Reflexive pronouns myself yourself/ yourselves ourselves themselves himself herself itself B Practice: I Chon đáp án đúng: 1) He said to her, “Give up smoking!” A He told her to give up smoking B He told her not to give up smoking C He told her if she gave up smoking D He told her to giving up smoke 2) He told them, “Don't tell me such a nonsense!” A He told them not to tell him such a nonsense B He told them to tell him such a nonsense C He told them not to tell them such a nonsense D He told them to tell them such a nonsense 3) Will and Tim said, “ We were very happy about the present.”  Will and Tim said they very happy about the present A had been B been C were being 4) Sarah said, “ My Mom takes me to school every day.” A Sarah said her Mom took her to school every day B Sarah said her Mom takes her to school every day C Sarah said my Mom took her to school every day D Sarah said her Mom takes me to school every day 5) Helen said, “ I’m watching the late night show.” Helen said the late night show D were A they were watching B you watched C she was watching D Helen is watching II Change into reported speech: Statements: She said:” I can’t find my umbrella.” → ………………………… ……… Tom said:” My friend is coming next week.” → ………………………… .………… We said:” We shall overcome this difficulty.” → ………………………… ……… The boy said to the neighbor:” I’m going on holiday tomorrow.” → ………………………… .…………… (45) The teacher said to his class:” You will have to finish all these exercises before next week.” → ………………………… ……………… Peter said:” I enjoy looking at myself in the mirror.” → ………………………… …………… Nam said “I am told to be at school before o’clock.”  Nam said………………………… Lan said “I will be very busy tomorrow.”  Lan said………………………… .… Thu said “All the students will have a meeting next week.”  Thu said………………………… Phong said “My parents are very proud of my good marks.”  Phong said………………………… .…………… 10 My teacher said to me “You should read these books.”  My teacher told ………………………… … 11 Hoa said “I may visit my parents next summer.”  Hoa said………………………… 12.Her father said to her “You can go to the movies with your friend.”  Her father told………………………… 13 The coach told the players “You have to train harder for the next match.”  The coach said………………………… …………………… 2.4 Imperatives Direct speech Affirmative V1 + …… Imperative Mike said to Henry, “Give me my book back, please.” Negative Don’t + V1 + …… Imperative "Don't play on the grass, boys," she said Indirect speech S+ told / asked B + to + V1 + …… Mike told Mary to give him his book back S+ told / asked B + not + to + V1 + …… She asks the boys not to play on the grass B Practice: I Change into reported speech: (Affirmative Imperatives: ) He said to me:” Let’s go to the zoo.” → ………………………… ………………………………………………… She said to the passer-by:” go straight ahead for two blocks and turn left.” → ………………………… ………………………… She said to her classmate:” Be quiet, please!” → ………………………… The teacher said to his student:” Write these sentences.” → ………………………… …………………………… She said to me:” behave to your parents as your friend tells you.” → ………………………… … He said to us, "Run more quickly." → He ………………………… ………………… The mother said to her son, “ move here, please.” → The mother ………………………… ……………… My sister said to me, “ Open the window.” (46) → My sister ………………………… ……… II Change into reported speech: Negative Imperatives: He said to me:” Don’t make a noise.” → ………………………… ……………………………………………… She said to the passer-by:” Don’t turn left at the two blocks ahead.” → ………………………… ………………………… She said to her classmate:” Don’t talk in class.” → ………………………… ………………………………… The teacher said to his student:” Don’t touch that new board.” → ………………………… ………………………………… She said to me:” Don’t believe everything your friend tells you.” → ………………………… …………… He said to us, "Don't go too far." → He ………………………… …… The mother said to her son, “ Don’t put off your coat, please.” → The mother ………………………… ………… My sister said to me, “Don’t open the window.” → My sister ………………………… … 2.5 Questions in indirect speech Direct speech Indirect speech Yes / No questions S+ asked B + if / whether + S + V2 + …… “Do you know My Son, Nga?” Nhi = Nhi asked Nga if/ whether she knew My Son asked “Is My Son far from Hanoi? Nhi asked = Nhi asked Nga if/ whether My Son was far from Hanoi He said, “Will you be here tomorrow?” = He asked if/ whether she would be there the next day “Is there a post office near here?” she = She asked me if/ whether there was a post office near asked me there Wh_questions S+ asked B + Wh- / How + S + V2 + …… He said, “Where is she going?” = He asked where she was going He said, “Where does she live?” = He asked where she lived “Who lives next door?” = He asked who lived next door B Practice: I Change into reported speech: (Wh- / How questions: ) “Where are you going?” Lan asked  Lan asked me………………………… …… “How far is it from HCM to Vung Tau?” A tourist asked  A tourist asked me………………………… ……… “How many people are there in your family?”  She asked Hoa………………………… … “How you go to the airport?”  His friend asked him………………………… .…………… “Where you learn English?”  She asked Lan………………………… “What aspect of learning English the students find most difficult?” (47)  The teacher asked me………………………… ……… “What time schools begin?”  He asked………………………… ………………… “How long will you stay in England?”  Tam’s friend asked him………………………… “What you think about language learning?”  Ba asked his sister………………………… …… 10 “Why is she crying?”  Thu asked Hoa………………………… … II Change into reported speech: (Yes / No questions: ) “Do you like sports?”  Hoa asked Lan………………………… ……… “Does Hoa play soccer?”  Lan asked Thu………………………… “Will it rain tomorrow morning?”  She asked her friend………………………… “Are Tam and Hoa late for class?”  Tuan asked Lan………………………… “Do you need an umbrella to go out?”  He asked me………………………… “Have you worked here before?” She said to him …………………………………………………………………………………………… “Do you have to work on Saturday?” she said to him ………………………………………………………………………………………… “Does your room have a window?” she asked ………………………………………………………………………………………… Would it be alright if I had the day off?” she said to her boss .………………………………………………………………………………………… 10 Can you borrow your pen please, HA? She asked ………………………………………………………………………………………… 11 he asked me “Why didn’t you come to class yesterday?” ………………………………………………………………………………………… 12 “Do you know where my tennis racquet is, Mum?” she asked her Mum .………………………………………………………………………………………… 13 “Was Ha at work yesterday?” she her secretary ………………………………………………………………………………………… 14 “Were your children at home last night?” he said .………………………………………………………………………………………… 15 “Did you read the article about Prince Diana?” she asked him ………………………………………………………………………………………… TAG QUESTIONS A Câu hỏi đuôi: là câu hỏi ngắn được thêm vào câu trần thuật Khi sử dụng loại câu hỏi này nên nhớ nó không nhằm mục đích đê hỏi mà nhằm để khẳng định lại ý kiến thân mình đã biết - Câu chia làm thành phần tách biệt dấu phẩy - Nếu động từ phần chính thể khẳng định thì phần đuôi là phủ định và ngược lại (48) - Động từ to be được dùng trực tiếp, các động từ thường dùng trợ động từ to do, các động từ thời kép: future, perfect, progressive dùng với chính trợ động từ thời đó - Các thành ngữ there is, there are và it is dùng lại phần đuôi - Động từ to have tiếng Anh người Mỹ là động từ thường đó nó dùng với trợ động từ to Ví dụ: There are only twenty-eight days in February, aren’t there? It’s raining now, isn’t it? It isn’t raining now, is it? The boys don’t have class tomorrow, they? You and I talked with the professor yesterday, didn’t we? You won’t be leaving for another hour, will you? Jill and Joe have been to Mexico, haven’t they? You have two children, don’t you? (Trong tiếng Anh, thì dùng haven’t you?) Nếu câu phủ định , trợ động từ phần đuôi khẳng định You didn’t see him, did you? Nếu câu khảng định thì trợ động từ phần đuôi phủ định Peter helped you, didn’t he? John lives here, doesn’t he? You found your passport, didn’t you? Mary’s coming tomorrow, isn’t she? Peter’s heard the news, hasn’t he? Câu đề nghị let’s thì câu hỏi đuôi là shall: Let’s go, shall we? Let’s listen to some music, shallwe? The subject of the tag is always a pronoun.(Chủ ngữ câu hỏi đuôi luôn là đại từ) Khi chủ ngữ câu là: everybody, everyone, somebody, someone, anyone, anybody, no one, nobody, none, neither chúng ta sử dụng đại từ they chủ ngữ câu hỏi đuôi: I don’t suppose anyone will volunteer, will they? No one would object, would they? Neither of them complained, did they? Someone táted my cofee, didn’t they? Câu mệnh lệnh: Do/ Don’t something, will you? Ex: Open the door, will you? / Don’t be late, will you? Câu mệnh lệnh: nhắc nhở nguy hiểm xảy dùng (won’t you) Ex:Be careful with that dog, won’t you? / Don’t forget to check it, won’t you? Câu: I am … , aren’t I? I’m late, Aren’t I? Ở phần câu có các từ mang nghĩa phủ định: never, seldom, rarely,hardly, nobody, none = no one, nothing, no, neither… Thì phần đuôi phải khẳng định Ex: She never gets angry, does she? No salt is allowed, is it?(Đại từ thay cho danh từ không đếm là “it”) Ở phần câu chủ ngữ là các đại từ tân ngữ phủ định; nothing, something, every thing, this, that thì phần đuôi ta dùng đại từ “it” Ex: Every thing will be all right, won’t it? (49) 10 Nếu tân ngữ là các đại từ tân ngữ phủ định: nothing, nobody, no one, none of them thì phần đuôi khẳng định Ex: You like nobody here, you? / She met no one at the party, did she? The teacher had no book, did he? 11 Nếu phần câu có sử dụng tính từ phủ định : few, little thì phần đuôi khẳng định Ex: She eats little rice today, does she? ? She bought few books, does she? 12 Nếu phần câu có sử dụng động từ phủ dịnh thì phần đuôi khảng định Deny + Ving: trối cãi, Refuse to + V Từ chối, fail to + V She denies stealing your money, does she? Phần câu Phần đuôi let’s + (not) + V Shall we? Do/ don’t + V Will you? Câu mệnh lệnh: Won’t you Keep your throat warm Don’t forget to homework I am Aren’t I Is / are / was / were Isn’t / aren’t / wasn’t / weren’t never, seldom, rarely,hardly, nobody, none = khẳng định no one, nothing, no, neither everybody, everyone, somebody, someone, they anyone, anybody, no one, nobody, none, neither nothing, something, every thing, this, that it Nếu tân ngữ là các đại từ tân ngữ phủ định: khẳng định nothing, nobody, no one, none of them tính từ phủ định : few, little khẳng định Deny + Ving: trối cãi, Refuse to + V Từ chối, khẳng định fail to + V There be… there? One + V …… ….one? This /that is … Isn’t it? It is a pity that clause, It is time for SB to st Isn’t it? It is time sb did st S + ought to + V Shouldn’t + S? What a stupid man Isn’t he? What a beautiful cat Isn’t it? You think you will be able to it well Don’t you? She said that she was good at English Didn’t she? B Practice: I Complete the sentences with the correct tag questions His mother is very proud of him, ? The lift isn’t working today, ? You are afraid of dogs, ? She doesn’t believe you, ? I haven’t met you before, ? The children weren’t surprised, ? You gave him my address, .? (50) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Your sister can speak English well, ? You have a new computer, ? He didn’t wake you up this morning, ? Let’s go for a walk, .? I think he will join us, ? The questions were very difficult, ? Lan enjoys watching television after dinner, ? Tam didn’t go to school yesterday, ? Your father bought you new books, .? We should follow the traffic rules strictly, ? They don’t like foreign films, ? Britney Spears is the most famous singer this year, ? My classmates have seen that cartoon twice, .? Thu was practicing her music lesson at yesterday, .? He drove his car so fast, ? Her father works for Tuoi Tre newspaper, ? She has learned English for four years, ? Thu’s father reads a morning newspaper every day, ……………? The teacher is going to explain a new grammar lesson,………… ? Their classmates were so excited about the games yesterday,……………… ? Lan enjoys sewing clothes for her doll, ……………………? Hoa did a lot of homework last night, …………………….? Schools may be closed if it snows heavily, ………………….? She has visited the citadel in Hue twice, …………………….? People have to rebuild the building after fire,………………… ? Their children enjoy playing computer games, ………………………? You will have a cable TV soon, …………………? I am making a big mistake, …………………? let’s go shopping at Saigon Coop Mart,……………….? Children should drink a lot of milk and fruit juice,………………………… ? Bring your camera with you to the party, ……………………….? These shoes need to be fixed, ……………………………? You must ask for your parents’ permission to join in the trip,…………………….? BA likes healthy food, ……………………? Phong hasn’t been to Hanoi before,…………………….? Thu didn’t take part in the competition,……………………….? She can ride to school by herself, ……………………….? My friends are used to swimming in the river, ………………… ? His mother doesn’t work for that company, ……………….? They don’t have to buy new dictionaries, ………………………? It will rain tomorrow,……………………….? Remember to buy your mother some sugar on your way home, ………………… ? She has read this news on internet,……………………….? They have seen lots of Beckham’s pictures on his wedsite,………………… ? You think Internet is a means of education,………………………? There was a lot of traffic in the streets yesterday,……………………? You ought to go now,…………………… ? I think she won’t come to your party, ……………………? What a nice dress,…………………….? (51) 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 It is time for you to study hard, …………………? You need go right now, ………………… ? He need never study hard,……………………? You think it is going to rain,………………… ? he said that his father was a doctor, ……………………… ? Everything is all right, …………………? She met nobody at the party,……………………? Don’t forget to turn off the lights before going out,…………………… ? Be careful with that man,…………………………? Someone had come to our room, ………………… ? She likes nobody to help her,…………………………? BUỔI 4: CONDITIONAL SENTENCES ADVERB CLAUSE OF REASON ADJECTIVES + THAT CLAUSE I CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN  Điều kiện có thể xảy (probable conditions) Trong mệnh đề If loại 1, mệnh đề chính thường thì tại, tương lai, hoặc thể mệnh lệnh Mệnh đề IF Mệnh đề chính Simple present Future Present Imperative If you go to the drug store, buy me a soft drink If Mary calls, I’ll invite her to the concert If Mary should call, I’ll invite her to the concert If I have the money, I will buy a new car We will have plenty of time to finish the project before dinner if it is only ten o’clock now Trong loại 1, mệnh đề If thì Tuy nhiên, chú ý là ví dụ thứ có thể sử dụng động từ should Nghĩa gần không khác ví dụ thứ và thứ ngoại trừ cách dùng should được xem là trịnh trọng Và should có thể diễn tả kém chắn khả Mary gọi điện If + subject + simple present tense + subject + + simple present (52) tense Mẫu câu này còn được dùng để diễn tả thói quen Ví dụ: If the doctor has morning office hours, he visits his patients in the hospital in the afternoon (không có động từ khuyết thiếu.) John usually walks to school if he has enough time If + Subject + simple present tense + command form* * Nên nhớ mệnh lệnh thức dạng đơn giản động từ ( simple form) Mẫu câu trên có nghĩa là nhờ ai, lệnh cho làm gì Ví dụ: If you go to the Post Office, please mail this letter for me Please call me if you hear from Jane  Điều kiện không có thật (present-unreal conditions) Mệnh đề IF Mệnh đề chính Simple past S + would/should/could/might + bare_inf (bewere) If I had the money, I would buy a motorcycle.( but now I don’t have enough money.) If John were here, he could fix the plumbing.( He is not here).(He can’t fix the plumbing) If I had the time, I would go to the beach with you this weekend (but I don’t have the time.) ( I’m not going to the beach with you.) He would tell you about it if he were here ( he won’t tell you about it.) ( He is not here) If he didn’t speak so quickly, you could understand him (He speaks very quickly.) (You can’t understand him.) Lưu ý: Động từ to be sau if mẫu câu này phải chia làm were tất các ngôi I they were Ví dụ: If I were you, I wouldn’t such a thing (but I’m not you.)  Điều kiện không có thật quá khứ (past-unreal conditions) Mệnh đề IF Mệnh đề chính Past perfect (S + had + PP) S + would/should/could/might + have + PP If I had known you were sick, I would have made you some soup Ở đây, câu có nghĩa là tôi đã không biết bạn bị bệnh (và có thể bạn đã hết bệnh) If you had been here yesterday, you could have seen Pam Trong ví dụ này, rõ ràng là bạn đã không có mặt đây ngày hôm qua  Chú ý ví dụ các tình quá khứ, không phải Từ If giúp bạn nhận biết được mệnh đề if Nhưng không phải lúc nào nó diện Chú ý các trường hợp đặc biệt sau (53) Loại 1: Should If you should get me a letter from Greece, give me a call Should you get me a letter from Greece, give me a call Chú ý ví dụ thứ 2, if được bỏ đi, should và chủ ngữ you hoán đổi vị trí Loại 2: were If you were taller, you could reach the light Were you taller, you could reach the light Một lần if được bỏ Lần này were hoán chuyển vị trí với chủ ngữ you Loại 3: had If I had agreed, Jim would have married me Had I agreed, Jim would have married me Chú ý ví dụ thứ 2, if được bỏ đi, và had được hoán chuyển vị trí với chủ ngữ I Trong loại này, nghĩa không thay đổi đáng kể Tuy nhiên, hoán vị được xem là tương đối trịnh trọng Unless, có nghĩa tương tự if not, có thể dùng mệnh đề điều kiện Hai câu sau có nghĩa tương tự: If it doesn’t rain, we’ll go to the lake Unless it rains, we’ll go to the lake Câu điều kiện không phải lúc nào tuân theo đúng công thức trên, số trường hợp vế câu điều kiện quá khứ còn vế lại thời gian mệnh đề quy định Ví dụ: If she had caught the flight she would be here by now Lưu ý: Trong số trường hợp câu điều kiện không thể thực được thời quá khứ, người ta bỏ if và đảo had lên đầu câu ý nghĩa giữ nguyên Had + subject + [verb in past participle ] Ví dụ: Had we known you were there, we would have written you a letter Had she found the right buyer, she would have sold the house Hadn’t we lost the way, we would have arrived sooner Type (0) conditionals: thể điều kiện luôn đúng thời điểm tương lai If + present, S + present Ví dụ: If there is no air on the earth, life doesn’t exist If I work late, I get tired Một số hình thức câu điều kiện đặc biệtđặc biệt a Sử dụng “If only” để nhấn mạnh tình mang tính giả thiết If only, S + past Ví dụ:If only, the river one feet long If only, I hadn’t drunk too much b Sử dụng “should” mệnh đề điều kiện để tạo khả hành động có thể xảy Trong câu , should có thể hiểu theo nghĩa là “tình cờ/ ngẫu nghiên” If S + should + V +O, a question Ví dụ: If you should see him in London, could you tell him to call me? (54) c Sử dụng: “were to” mệnh dề điều kiện để tăng thêm tính giả thiết Mệnh đề kết thường là câu hỏi If S + were to + V + O, a question Ví dụ: If I were to ask you to lend me some money, what would you say? d Sử dụng cụm từ giả thiết “If it were not for / If it hadn’t been for + O” để miêu tả hành động này phụ thuộc vào hành động khác Ví dụ: If it were not for you , I failed the exam If it hadn’t been for him, the team wouldn’t have won the game Exercise 1: Supply the correct tense of the verb in parentheses If today (be) ……………… Sunday, we would go to the beach If we (invite)………… her, she might go dancing with us If I finish the work in time, I (go)………… to the football game If he (have) …………… your address, he would have written to you Unless they (pass)………………… their examinations, they would join the army If he had told them the truth, they (not punish)………………… him These plants will die if you (not water)………………… them regularly What you (do)……… if she refuses your invitation? He never does his homework If he (do) ………….his homework, he (not worry) ………… about his examinations 10 It’s too bad we lost the game If you (play) …… for us, we …………(win) 11 If we keep our environment clean, we(live) ………………… a happier and healthier life 12 If Mrs Hoa (write) …………… a shopping list, she will not forget what to buy 13 If he (be) ………………… rich, he would travel around the world 14 She (buy) ………………… a new car if she had much money 15 Mrs Lan will join us if she (finish)…………… her work early 16 If we plant more trees along the streets, we (have) ………………… more shade and fresh air 17 If I (be) ………… you, I wouldn’t that 18.He (go) ………………… swimming if he had free time 19 If the rice paddies are polluted, the rice plants (die) ………………… 20 If it ( rain)…………… this evening, I won’t go out 21 If he had a car, he (drive) …………………… it to work 22 If Hoa (live) ………………… in Hue, she would see her parents everyday Exercise Rewrite, using the cues given They got lost because they didn’t have a map If The weather is bad, so we can’t go for a walk If If she doesn’t hurry, she will be late for school Unless That man didn’t enjoy his work because he was underpaid If She has no bicycle, so she often comes to her office a little late If Be calm, or you’ll make a wrong decision If If it doesn’t rain soon, millions of pounds’ worth of crop will be lost Unless (55) My brother didn’t buy that car because he didn’t have enough money If People don’t understand him because he doesn’t speak clearly If 10 Tom is a careless driver If he doesn’t take more care, he’ll have an accident Unless …………………………………………………………………………… Conditional Sentences (VIẾT LẠI CÂU) You got into so much trouble because you didn’t listen to me → If _ There are so many bugs in the room because there isn’t a screen on the window → If _ He is busy right now So, he can’t help them → If _ I can’t make all of my own meals because I am not good at cooking → If _ I’m not you, so I can’t tell him the truth → If I She came, so he wasn’t disappointed → If _ He is not a good student He didn’t study for the test yesterday → If _ I didn’t eat breakfast several hours ago, so I am hungry now → If _ Mai is sick because she didn’t follow the doctor’s orders → If _ 10 He is tired this morning because he didn’t go to bed early last night → If _ 11 They don’t behave themselves so their parents are not happy about that → If _ 12 She didn’t say sorry so he was angry → If _ 13 I am not a rich businessman and I can’t afford to buy an expensive car → If _ 14 It rained last night so I didn’t go to the barbecue → If _ 15 My parents not allow me to go, so I have to stay at home → If _ 16 She doesn’t pay attention to her cooking so the food is horrible → If _ 17 The weather was very nice so we didn’t go camping → If _ 18 The computer broke down and I had to stop my work → If _ 19 She loves him so she forgives him easily → If _ 20 He was angry so I didn’t say anything → If _ 21 What would you if you found some buried treasure? (56) → If you were………………………………………………………………… 22 Working so much will make you tired → If you …….……………………………………………………………… 23 We didn’t visit the museum because we hadn’t time → ……………………………………………………………… 24 Without you, I would have given up years ago → If it ……………………………………………………………… 25 We didn’t go by air only because we hadn’t enough money →If we……………………………………………………………… 26 If by any chance you find my wallet, could you let me know? →If you should ……………………………………………………………… 27 I regret not studying hard last term →…If only…………………………………………………………… 28 He didn’t work hard at school, so he didn’t get a good job when he left → If……………………………………………………………… 29 people don’t enough exercise, so there is a lot of heart disease →If people……………………………………………………………… 30 Children have bad teeth because they eat too many sweets → Children would have better teeth if……………………………………………………… II) TRẮC NGHIỆM 31 If I ……….a lot of money now, I ………… a new car a have /will buy b have / would buy c had/ will buy d had/ would buy 32 If I ……………you, I …………….do that a am/ will b were /would c were/ will d had been/ would 33 If I were offered the job, I think I ……… it a take b will take c would take d would have taken 34 I would be very surprised if he…………… a refuses b refused c had refused d would refuse 35 Many people would be out of work if that factory……… down a closes b had closed c closed d would close 36 If she sold her car, she ………… much money a gets b would get c will get d would have got 37 They would be disappointed if we…………… a hadn’t come b wouldn’t come c don’t come d didn’t come 38 Would John be angry if I …… ……his bicycle without asking? a take b took c had taken d would take 39 She ……….terrible upset if I lost this ring a will be b would be c were d had been 40 If someone…………in here with a gun, I would be very frightened a would walk b walks c had walked d walked 41 What would happen if you …………… to work tomorrow? (57) a don’t go b didn’t go c won’t go d wouldn’t go 42 We ‘ll get wet if we ………….out a go b did go c went d had gone 43 If I go shopping, I ………some food a buy b will buy c would buy d would have bought 44 If I find it, I ………you a will tell b would tell c had told d told 45 What would you if you……………a million dollars? a would win b win c had won d won 46 They ‘d be hurt if I ……………… a don’t go b didn’t go c hadn’t gone d wouldn’t go 47 If we took the 6: 30 train, we…………too early a would have arrived b arrived c will arrived d would arrive 48 If I had known you were in hospital, I …………to see you a will go b would go c went d would have gone 49 If I …………., I would have said hello a had seen b see c saw d would see 50 I………… out if I hadn’t been so tired a will go b went c would have gone d would go 51 If I ……… a camera, I would have taken some pictures a have b had c would have d had had 52 You won’t pass the examination……………you study more a as long as b unless c if d whether 53 If only I …………you wanted to invest money in business a had known b knew c have known d know 54 If I were to leave my country , I ……………disappointed a probably be b would have been c will be d would be 55 If he hadn’t wasted too much time, he…………….in his examination a would fail b wouldn’t fail c wouldn’t have failed d won’t fail 56 If I had taken that English course, I ……… much progress a had made b would have made c made d would make 57 If I were in your place, I ……….a trip to England a will make b had made c made d would make 58 If I ………… you , I’d save some of your lottery winning a be b were c am d was 59 If the car ……… larger, we would have bought it a had been b have been c has been d been 60 If I had enough money, I ……… abroad to improve my English a will go b should go c would go d should have go to 61 If it …… convenient, let’s go out for a drink tonight a be b was c were d is 62 If you …… time, please write to me a have b have had c had d has 63 If you had the chance, ………… you go finishing? a did b would c may d 64 Trees won’t grow ……… there is enough water a if b when c unless d as 65 If you ……… to my advice in the first place, you wouldn’t be in this mess right now a listen b had listened c will listen d listened (58) 66 I wish I …… you some money for your rent, but I’m broke myself a can lend b could lend c would lend d will lend 67 If someone ……… into the store, smile and say, “ May I help you?” a comes b came c would come d could lend 68 If you stay up late the previous night, you ……… sleepy the next morning a feel b to feel c feels d will feel 69 If Peter ……, Sarah will be sad because she wants to meet him very much a comes b not come c does not come d will come 70 If his teeth still …… , he will have to go to the dentist’s again a hurt b hurts c to hurt c will hurt 71 If you…………Tom , tell him I have a message for him a will meet b would meet c meet d met 72 If you …………too hot during the night , turn down the central heating a will feel b felt c feel d feels 73 If you …………with your dictionary, I ‘d like to borrow it a finish b finished c will finish d are finishing 74 If I lived nearer the centre , I …………always late a wouldn’t be b can be c won’t be d will be 75 What would Lan if she ………… the Miss world a would be b were c will be d is 76 If I ………….her , I would have said “ hello” a has seen b have seen c saw d had seen 77 If she had read the passage more slowly , the candidate………… a understood b would have understood c will understood d would understand 78 If it……………, they will not go out a rains b rained c rain d raining 79 James will not complete the work if she is ………… rarely enough a tell b telling c tells d told 80 Betty will not go to the party unless John ……………….too a go b went c going d goes 81 Miss An does not want to go on the trip if nobody………… with her a go b goes c went d going 82 If you ………….to go shopping, please go with your aunt this weekend a wants b want c wanting d wanted 83 Mr Smith has to work on weekends if his manager………….him to a tell b telling c told d tells 84 Unless they ……………her to work hard, she would not a encourage b encourage c encourages d encouraging 85 If I ……….a king, I would give money to the poor a is b are c am d were 86 If we had left this country , we would have………….to Australia a emigrated b emigrates c emigrate d emigrating 87 If I had to the party last night, I …………her a will have met b would meet c would have met d will meet 88 Unless the pupils pay attention, the teacher …………….be angry a would b may c will d might 89 Please not go out if it……………… a rain b rains c rained d raining (59) 90 If you …………me with this exercise, I will the same for you one day a helped b would help c help d will help 91 If you listen to music, you can’t ……………your study a concentrate on b interested in c care about d read about 92 ……………you study harder, you won’t pass the final exam a unless b if c if not d without 93 If the weather………….fine, we will go on a picnic a is b were c would be d will be 94 If he………………….harder, the results will be better a worked b works c has worked d will work 95 If Americans ate fewer foods with sugar and salt, their general health better a be b will be c is d would be 96 If she hadn’t overslept, she ……… late for the interview a wouldn’t be b wouldn’t have been c hadn’t been d would have been 97 I’d have told you if I ………… the book a had seen b would have seen c saw d see 98 If we had known your new address, we………… to see you a came b would have come c would come d will come 99 If I found a wallet in the street, I ………….take it to police a will b should c would d shall 100 I ………….that coat if I were you a wouldn’t buy b didn’t buy c don’t buy d won’t buy II ADVERB CLAUSE OF REASON +Mệnh đề lý là mệnh đề phụ bắt đầu các liên từ lý BECAUSE, AS, SINCE Ba chữ này có nghĩa vì, vì cách dùng khác S1 + V + because/ sincec/ as + S2 + V Main clause adverb clause of reason Because/ Sincec/ As + S2 , adverb clause of reason + VS1 + V Main clause Ví dụ: a) Because - Because he was sleepy, he went to bed – He went to bed because he was sleepy Mệnh đề phụ có chữ because có thể đứng trước hoặc sau mệnh đề chính Tuy nhiên phải chú ý mệnh đề phụ trước phải có dấu phảy (,) ngăn cách nó với mênh đề chính b) As - As she was free, she came to see me Vì cô rảnh rỗi, cô đến thăm tôi c) Since - Since he doesn’t like music, he never goes to the concert Vì anh không thích nhạc, anh không xem hoà nhạc Mệnh đề since và as luôn đứng trước mệnh đề chính b) So/ As Long As - As long as ( So long as) you’re not busy Can you help me ? (60) Vì bạn không bận rộn, bạn có thể giúp tôi ? + Ngoài các liên từ phụ thuộc ( Subordinating Conjuctions) Because, Since, As, As long as, chúng ta còn liên từ kết hợp ( Co-ordinating conjuctions) FOR lý * Liên từ kết hợp là liên từ nối hai mệnh đề độc lập (independent clauses) và không dùng đầu câu Ví dụ: - I phoned her, for I wanted to tell her about her exam Tôi gọi điện cho cô vì tôi muốn nói với cô kỳ thi cô + Mệnh đề lý còn có thể đổi cụm từ lý ( phrases of reason) với because of hoặc due to Ví dụ: - Because the weather was cold, we stayed home → Because of the cold weather, we stayed home → Due to the cold weather, we stayed home Vì thời tiết lạnh, chúng tôi nhà Because và Because of Because và Because of có nghĩa là vì chúng được dùng với cẩu trúc khác a ) Because là liên từ (Conjunction), theo sau nó là mệnh đề (Clause) Ví dụ: - Because the traffic was heavy, we were late for the meeting S V Vì xe cộ đông đúc, chúng tôi đến buổi họp trễ b) Because of là nhóm giới từ ( Prepositional phrase), theo sau nó là cụm danh từ ( noun phrase) Ví dụ: - Because of the heavy traffic, we were late for the meeting Because , since, as và so a Because, since và as là liên từ lí do: vì, do, vì Mệnh đề bắt đầu because, since và as gọi là các mệnh đề trạng ngữ nguyên nhân, lí VD: He couldn’t come because he was ill Since he didn’t work hard, he failed the exam As you weren’t there, I left a message S + V … + because / since / as + S + V … Because + S + V, S + V … Lưu ý: Because thường đứng câu, since / as thường đứng đầu câu b So là liên từ kết : vì thế, vì vậy, thế, vậy, cho nên Mệnh đề bắt đầu “so” là mệnh đề trạng ngữ kết VD: I was tired, so I went to bed early last night S + V …, so S + V … Lưu ý: Chúng ta có thể chuyển đổi mệnh đề trạng ngữ kết bắt đầu “so” thành mệnh đề trạng ngữ nguyên nhân, lí và ngược lại VD: The shops were closed, so I couldn’t get any milk I couldn’t get any milk because the shops were closed B-PRACTICE I Adverb clauses of reason: because, since, as :  Clause +Because/Since/As + Clause I have a broken leg I fell over while I was playing basket ball (since) …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Hoa wants to go home Hoa feels sick (as) ……………………………………………………………………………………… I broke the cup I was careless (as) …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Ba is tired Ba stayed up late watching TV (since) (61) …………………………………………………………………………………………………… I am hungry I haven’t eaten all day (because) …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Nga is going to be late for school The bus is late (because) …………………………………………………………………………………………………… The door was open I walked in (as) …………………………………………………………………………………………………… We don’t want to wake up anybody up We came in very quietly (since) …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Archi was very fast He ate too much (because) …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10 We hadn’t seen Lisa for a long time We didn’t recognise her (as) …………………………………………………………………………………………………… II Rewrite these sentences by using BECAUSE He couldn’t meet you because of being busy …………………………………………………………………………………………………… She went to bed early because of her sickness …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Nobody can this test beccause of its diffculty …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Two cars can’t pass each other because of the narrow road …………………………………………………………………………………………………… We spent the whole day in the garden because of lovely weather …………………………………………………………………………………………………… He can’t go to school today because of his toothache …………………………………………………………………………………………………… I can’t play basketball because of my height …………………………………………………………………………………………………… She must stay in bed because of her illness …………………………………………………………………………………………………… We can’t swim in this part of the river because of highly polluted water …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10 They couldn’t keep on clearing the beach because of heavy rain …………………………………………………………………………………………………… III Rewrite these sentences by using BECAUSE OF She can’t work hard because she is very old …………………………………………………………………………………………………… He likes her because she is very beautiful …………………………………………………………………………………………………… He couldn’t go to school because he was very pooor …………………………………………………………………………………………………… I can’t buy this bike because I don’t have enough money …………………………………………………………………………………………………… He broke the vase because he was careless …………………………………………………………………………………………………… He failed the exam because he didn’t learn the lessons carefully …………………………………………………………………………………………………… We can’t go for a walk because it rains heavily …………………………………………………………………………………………………… (62) He left school because his life was hard …………………………………………………………………………………………………… She was very happy because she was given a new bike …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10 I went to bed early because I felt tired …………………………………………………………………………………………………… IV Complete the sentences with because / as / since , if , unless, when, or so We decided to go out for a meal ……………… we had no food at home He has a very important job…………… he is particularly well-paid Can I borrow that book…………….you’ve finished it? You can’t drive a car ……………… you’ve got a licence No one was watching the television …………… I switched the television off …………………she changed a lot, we didn’t recogine her …………….you’ve ready, we can start now I’m going away for a few days I’ll phone you…………………I get back You should inform the police …………………your bicycle is stolen 10 Mattew went to bed ………………… it was too late to go out 11 …………….you drive without driving license, oyu’re breaking the law 12 You won’t learn to use a keyboard properly …………………you practice III ADJECTIVES + THAT CLAUSE Form: S+ be+ adjective + that clause Chúng ta dùng Adjective + that clause để nói cảm xúc hay ý kiến người nào đó hay chúng ta chắn điều gì đó Những tính từ sau đây dùng với cấu trúc này: afraid, amazed, angry, annoyed, delighted, happy, please, certain, confident, sure, sorry, upset, excited, surprised, disappointed…….Adjective + that clause  S +be +Adj +THAT + Clause  It’s +Adj +THAT + Clause Ex : I am happy that you had a new car I’m surprised that he didn’t come She was sure that she had left her keys on the counter.(Cô chắn là cô đã để quên chìa khoá trên quầy) It’s important that everybody should feel comfortable I Combine each pair of sentences into one 1) No one stopped those people cutting down the trees I was surprised 2) The oil will pollute the sea People are worried _ 3) My team has won the first award of the competition I am proud _ 4) They can help us to clean the beach They are certain (63) 5) People can recover very quickly I am very happy _ 6) They didn’t tell us how to it I am disappointed _ 7) I am working hard My father is pleased 8) I broke your bicycle this morning I’m very sorry _ 9) You did not phone me I’m very disappointed 10) I could win the first prize I’m amazed II Wrie sentences in the correct order glad/ able / I / were / am/ to / come/ that / you ……………………………………………………………………… everybody/ important / feel / it’s / should / that / comfortable ……………………………………………………………………… she/ surprised / am / hasn’t/ I / that / phoned ……………………………………………………………………… we/ that/ never/ he were/ disappointed/ replied / our letter/ to ……………………………………………………………………… sorry/ I / in / a / I am/ behaved / such/ childish way / that ……………………………………………………………………… you / that/ worried/ that/ was/ I / back/ come/ wouldn’t ……………………………………………………………………… we/ would/ the flight/ afraid/ were / you / miss/ that ……………………………………………………………………… amazed/ nobody/ hurt/ it / was/ that/ in / was/ the accident ……………………………………………………………………… to deny / hard/ it’s/ that/ of/ pollution/ the quality/ our lives / diminishes (giảm) ……………………………………………………………………… 10 annoyed / I / that / really / the party/ to/ been / I / was/ hadn’t/ invited ……………………………………………………………………… VI Comebine the following sentences using “that clause”, “If”, “because” he didn’t invited Molly to his party He is sorry now ……………………………………………………………………… There will be droughts and famine in Africal The earth’s climate gets warmer ……………………………………………………………………… She was sleepy She went to bed ……………………………………………………………………… Many animals will become extinct The rain forest is destroyed ……………………………………………………………………… You speak English so well I’m impressed ……………………………………………………………………… We can’t buy it We haven’t got enough money (64) ……………………………………………………………………… They use electricity to catch fish They will kill other animals, too ……………………………………………………………………… In 100 years gas will be scarce and expensive It is probable ……………………………………………………………………… The world will end up like a second-hand junk-yard The pollution goes on ……………………………………………………………………… 10 The traffic was heavy We were late to the meeting ……………………………………………………………………… I Choose the best options to complete the sentences below: Are you (enjoying– waiting– looking– pleasing) your staying in Vietnam? She wishes (can– can’t – could – couldn’t) swim well Vietnamese people are (friend – friends – friendship – friendly) We’ve (corresponded–separated–impressed–prayed) for ten years, but we have never met him II Choose the best word/words in brackets My friend .to the museum now (goes, went, is going) My grandfather TV at the moment (watches/ is watching/ was watching) Tom was taking a photograph of me while I (don’t look/ isn’t looking/ wasn’t looking) I soccer at that time (am playing/ was playing/play) Look! It’s (is snowing/ was snowing / snows) They are pen pals They (are writing/ write/ has written/ wrote) each other twice a month I was very (impressed/ corresponded/ comprised/ interested) by the efficiency of the staff We must learn English at school It is a/an (primary/ compulsory/ national/ optional) subject I wish you (were / are / would be/ will be) here with us now 10 My friend .to the museum last weekend (goes, went, had gone) 11 My grandfather many years ago (dies, died, has died, was dying) 12 I .my son the money for that last week (gave, given, have given, was given) 13 The earth .around the sun (go, went, has gone, goes) 14 He .her walk through the park two hours ago (sees, saw / has seen) III Give the correct form of the verbs in the blankets: 15 He (paint) the ceiling at the moment 16 Last night I read in bed when suddenly I heard a scream 17 (You/watch) television when I phoned you? 18 Ann (wait) for me when I arrived 19 I (not/drive) very fast when the accident happened 20 What (you/do) at this time yesterday? 21 I saw Carol at the party She (wear) a really beautiful dress 22 When the teacher came in, the pupils (play) games 23 Excuse me, I (look) for a phone book Is there one near here? (65) 24 Listen! Can you hear those people next door? They (shout) at each other again IV Rewrite the sentences: I don’t know anyone in this class  I wish……… ………… ………….… The dictionary is very expensive  I wish……… ………… ………… It’s a pity that my room is too small!  I wish……… ………… ……… She isn’t here  She wishes ……… ………… ………… The students never go abroad  The students wish ……… ………… …… They cannot eat seafood  They wish……… ………… ………… Their team doesn’t play very well  They wish……… ………… ………… Lien never goes on a camping trip  Lien wishes……… ………… ……… BUỔI 5: CONNECTIVES( TỪ NỐI) PHRASAL VERBS (CỤM ĐỘNG TỪ) MAKING SUGGESTION ( ĐƯA RA LỜI GỢI Ý) I CONNECTIVES( TỪ NỐI) Từ nối hay còn gọi là liên từ (conjuntion) là từ thường được dùng để kết hợp các từ, cụm từ, mệnh đề hoặc câu với Liên từ có thể chia thành nhiều nhóm: a Nhóm thêm vào: and (và), as well as ( và còn), furthermore(hơn nữa), besides (ngoài ra), moreover (hơn nữa), in addition (thêm vào đó) Ex: Jack and Jill went up the hill Besides doing the cooking, I look after the children.(Ngoài việc nấu ăn, tôi còn chăm nom bọn trẻ) b Nhóm từ mâu thuẫn hoặc trái ngược: but (nhưng), however (tuy nhiên), nevertheless(tuy vậy), Likewise: tương tự thế, - Otherwise: mặt khác- On the one hand: mặt này - On the other hand: mặt khác Ex: She was poor but she was honest I felt ill However, I went to work and tired to concentrate ( tôi cảm thấy không khoẻ Tuy nhiên tôi làm và có gắng tập trung thi.) c Nhóm lựa chọn: or (hoặc), or else, Otherwise: không thì Ex: Ring Tom or Bill We must be early; otherwise, we won’t get a seat d nhóm kết quả: so( vì thế, cho nên), therefore,(vì vậy) consequently (do đó), as a result (do vậy) Ex: I was ill so I couldn’t come.(Tôi bị ốm nên không đến được) Our cases were heavy, therefore we took a taxi (hành lý tôi nặng, vì chúng tôi taxi) e Nhóm nguyên nhân hoặc lí do: because, for, as……… II PHRASAL VERBS (CỤM ĐỘNG TỪ) (66) Động từ cụm là cụm động từ kết hợp động từ + giới từ (hoặc phó từ) Chúng thường có nghĩa khác với nghĩa các thành phần tạo chúng Ví dụ: turn down (bác bỏ) break down (hỏng máy) give up (từ bỏ) show off (khoe khoang) Động từ cụm được chia làm hai loại: (i) Động từ cụm tách được (seperable phrasal verbs): là các động từ cụm cho phép tân ngữ chen vào giữa: We put out the fire We put the fire out We put it out [Không được nói: *We put out it] (ii) Động từ cụm không tách được (inseperable phrasal verbs): là các động từ cụm không cho phép tân ngữ chen vào giữa, dù tân ngữ là danh từ hoặc đại từ: We should go over the whole project We should go over it *We should go the whole project over *We should go it over Một số động từ cụm thông dụng: Động từ cụm abide by account for agree with amount to approve of ask for belong to break down break into bring about bring up build upcall on catch up with cater for check in check out close down come across deal with Nghĩa tuân theo giải thích đồng ý lên đến tán thành yêu cầu thuộc hỏng máy đột nhập mang lại nuôi dưỡng tích lũy thăm viếng đuổi kịp phục vụ làm thủ tục vào làm thủ tục dẹp tiệm tình cờ gặp xử lý Động từ cụm go under hand in interfere with laugh at leave behind let down look after look out look forward to look up make up provide with put off put up with put out quarrel with relate to rely on show off show up Nghĩa phá sản nộp cản trở chế nhạo để lại làm thất vọng chăm sóc coi chừng ngóng đợi tra cứu tạo thành cung cấp hoãn lại chịu đựng dập tắt cãi lộn liên hệ đến tùy thuộc vào khoe khoang xuất (67) depend on get on/along drop in finish off give up go over tùy thuộc vào thỏa thuận tạt vào thăm kết thúc bỏ xem xét kỹ take after take off turn in turn out turn up write off trông giống cất cánh giao nộp tắt đến làm hỏng nát 9.4 Các giới từ và phó từ thông dụng động từ cụm: Các động từ cụm thường có nghĩa khác với nghĩa các thành phần tạo chúng Tuy nhiên, điều đó không có nghĩa chúng ta luôn luôn phải học thuộc lòng nghĩa động từ cụm Nếu chúng ta đã biết nghĩa call sb back là 'gọi lại cho ai', chúng ta có thể đoán được phone sb back và ring sb back có nghĩa tương tự Do đó, việc nắm vững nghĩa các phó từ thông dụng giúp chúng ta dễ dàng đoán được nghĩa số động từ cụm tiếng Anh down (xuống đất): knock down, pull down a building; burn down a house; cut down a tree down (lên giấy): write down the number; copy down an address, note down a lecture, take down a message down (giảm bớt): turn down the volume; slow down; (a fire) that died down down (ngừng hoạt động hoàn toàn): a car that broke down, a factory that closed down off (lìa khỏi): set off on a journey; a plane that took off; a book cover that comes off; see a friend off at the airport; take a day off; sell goods off cheaply off (làm gián đoạn): turn off / switch off the television; cut off the electricity; ring off on (mặc, mang vào): have a shirt on; put my shoes on; try a coat on on (tiếp tục): keep on doing something; work on late; hang on / hold on; the noise that goes on and on on (kết nối): turn on / switch on the light; leave the radio on out (làm biến mất): put out a fire; blow out a candle; wipe out all the data; cross out a word out (hoàn toàn, đến hết): clean out a kitchen; fill out a form; work out the answer; write out in full; shoes that wear out; sort out the mess out (phân phát): give out / hand out copies of a thesis; share out the food between them out (lớn giọng): read out all the names; shout out; cry out; speak out out (rõ ràng): make out the words; point out a mistake; pick out the best over (từ đầu đến cuối): read over / check over what he has written; think over / talk over a problem; go over a report (68) up (làm gia tăng) : up (hoàn toàn, hết sạch): step up production; turn up the volume; blow up / pump up a tyre eat / drink it up; use up all the food; clear up / tidy up the mess; pack up a suitcase; lock up before leaving; cut up into pieces; sum up a situation NHỮNG LỖI THƯỜNG PHẠM  Dùng sai giới từ phó từ:  *They complained with their neighbours about the noise [phải dùng to thay cho with] *I've kept you waiting Sorry for that [phải dùng about thay cho for Chúng ta nói 'sorry about sth' 'sorry for doing sth'] Dùng sai vị trí phó từ/giới từ: We put off our trip *We put off it [phải nói 'We put it off ] III MAKING SUGGESTION ( ĐƯA RA LỜI GỢI Ý) Để đưa đề xuất hoặc gợi ý, ta có thể dùng: * I suggest + verb-ing / (that) clause Ex: I suggest having a party * I think we should + bare-infinitive Ex:I think we should go on a travel * Let’s + bare-infinitive…… Ex: Let’s go swimming * Shall we + bare-infinitive Ex: Shall we have some lunch? * Why don’t we / you + bare-infinitive? Ex: Why don’t we go now? * Why not + bare-infinitive? Ex: Why not stay for lunch? * How about / What about + verb-ing…….? Ex: How about going out to dinner tonight? EXERCISE: I Choose A,B,C or D to complete the following sentences Can you turn ……… the light? It’s too dark A on B off C in D for What are you looking ………….? My picture book I’ve lost it A on B off C in D for She won’t take all these suicases ……… she likes to travel light A so B but C because D therefore They are completely short of water now A number of people have died because of this……… A shortage B short C shorten D shortly What can we to spend less……………lighting? (69) A in B on C about D of She is very tired; ……………………., she has to finish her homework A moreover B so C and D however Is he an actor ……………………a singer? An actor A and B or C with D so He was tired, ………………he took a rest before continuing the work A so B and C but D if I suggest…………….money for the poor people in our neighborhood A save B to save C saving D saved 10 Who looks …………….your children when you are away from home? A for B at C after D to 11 Why doesn’t she go ……………with her university study? A in B at C to D on 12 After coming home, she cleaned the floor………………….cooked dinner A but B however C moreover D and 13 They didn’t understand the matter;…………………, they didn’t ask for help A but B however C moreover D and 14 He got wet……………… he forgot his umbrella A because of B because C but D and 15 He is going to the post office………………he wants to send a letter A because B but C and D moreover 16 She bought potatoes……………cabbage at the market A although B and C however D but 17 They learn English …………………they intend to go abroad A and B or C so D because 18 His hobbies are playing soccer………………collecting stamps A and B but C however D although 19 I’d love to play volleyball……………….I must complete my homework A since B moreover C but D and 20 I wear a hat ……………… I don’t want to be sick A because B but C therefore D and 21 I am going to the supermarket ……………… I want to buy somefood A therefore B because C but D however 22 Do you want to have coffee……………tea? A and B or C although D but 23 She studies well………… she is busy A because B since C although D and 24 They went to school ……………… it was raining hard A however B and C therefore D although 25 My shoes are dirty I’d better take them ………… before I come in A away B up C on D off 26 Who is going look after your children when you’re at work (70) A search B regard C take care D help 27 Mary’s eyes are weak, …………… , she has to wear glasses A but B however C and D therefore 28 ……………….take the train instead of the bus? It’s faster A Why not B Why don’t C How about D Let’s 29 There’s always litter here No one ever……………… A pick up it B pick it up C pick up D pick it 30 “Should I begin typing these letters?” “I suggest…………….the bookkeeping first” A you finished B you to finish C you finish D you will finish 31 Her electric was cut ………… when she didn’t pay her bill A out B of C off D down 32 People nowadays are interested ………… saving money and natural resources A on B in C with D to 33 Poisonous gases are pumped ………………the atmosphere every day A onto B out C in D into 34 I like living in the country ……………….I’m interested in the natural world A therefore B but C although D because 35 You can ………………a word in a dictionary if you don’t know what it means A look for B look up C look over D look after 36 ………… I was born in England, I grew up mostly in Australia A.so B Although C Because D If 37 If it ………… fine, we will go for a picnic A was B is C were D will be 38 ……………….you better work than this, you won’t pass the exam A If B When C Although D Unless 39 Mrs Thuy gives Mrs.Ha advice……………how to save electricity A on B at C in D of 40 I suggest we …………outside the cinema tomorrow at 8.30 A meeting B meet C met D will meet 41 I’d love to go to the party………….I have to finish my homework A and B but C or D so 42 Mai studies every subject very hard ……, she won her school’s Best Student Prize this year A.Therefore B However C Because D And 43 I suggest that Minh …………………a good dictionary A buys B has to buy C will buy D should buy 44 I’ve ………………my glasses everywhere but I can’t find them anywhere A looked after B looked at C looked for D looked into 45 If we ……………… wasting electricity, we will have to pay a lot next month A turn on B go on C come on D live on 46 The bread smells awful I think it has …………………… A gone off B got off C seen off D cut off 47 I suggest ………………… sheets with single printed page for drafting (71) A keep B to keep C keeping D kept 48 I got up late because my alarm clock didn’t…………… A see off B turn on C go off D take off 49 You should take……………your shoes when you go into the temple A in B on C off D of 50 Pay the bill within weeks or the electricity will be cut……………… A in B up C off D down II Complete each sentence by using the correct phrasal verbs given in the box Put the verbs into correct tense form Look after – get over – see off – turn over – looks up – take over – look forward – take up – turn off -take off Every Vietnamese ………………………to President Ho Chi Minh He …………………difficulties to reach the success She finds someone to …………… the dog and plants because she is going on holiday next week My father ………………………me ……………….at the station last night Hanoi was ………………in 1954 Remember to …………………the lights before going out He was ………………………by the police I was very nervous as the plane……………………… I am …………………………… to hearing from you 10 He has …………………………… the business………………….to his friend III Use Connectives to combine each pair of the sentences He is very tired He has to finish his homework (but) ……………………………………………………………………………………………… The room is very small It’s quite comfortable (although) ……………………………………………………………………………………………… They went for a walk The weather was bad (but) ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Our teacher didn’t arrive late The traffic was terrible (although) ……………………………………………………………………………………………… I like watching TV I like going to the cinema (and) ……………………………………………………………………………………………… She wears glasses She wants to see better (because) ……………………………………………………………………………………………… He got wet He forgot his umbrella (therefore) ……………………………………………………………………………………………… We learn hard We hope to pass the exam (and) ……………………………………………………………………………………………… They whispered They didn’t want us to hear them (because) ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 10 We are saving money We want to buy a new house (so) (72) ……………………………………………………………………………………………… IV Complete the following sentences with “and, but, so, because, or ,however, therefore.” I like Mary very much………………….I don’t like her brother I’d like to live somewhere by the Mediterranean ………………… I love the Sun We enjoy learning English………………we find it very difficult I can’t go out tonight………………….I am short of money She went to theatre last night…………………….had a wonderful time They can’t walk home…………………….it is very dark Would you like to drink milk……………… coffee? It’s raining heavily, ……………………I can’t go out He did the tests well………………………I did, too 10 His life was hard………………………he studied very well 11 It was a lovely day……………………….we dicided to go out 12 We walked to the station…………………… caught the train 13 In the end, the restaurant had to close down………………….very few people went there 14 It is a very interesting job………………… the pay isn’t very good 15 Last night’s storm damaged the power lines The town was, …………………without electricity for several hours 16 Brigitte felt very tired…………….she left the party early 17 It’s a beautiful place……………… people aren’t very friendly 18 She isn’t English ………………………., she speaks English perfectly 19 Which color you want - red, green, yellow, ……….blue? 20 She’s working late next Friday…………… she can’t come to the party V Replace the words underlined in each sentences with the phrasa verbs from the list: Go on look after turn on look for turn off put on Put up with go over( vượt qua, xem xet) look out turn down (gấp, bác bỏ, ) I’m sory, but I can’t stand your behaviour any longer Becareful! You’ve going to give yourself an electric shock Will you take care of my parrot when I am away? If you continue drinking like this you’ll make yourself ill It is too dark in here Switch on the lights, please You will have to look at your homework carefully again because it’s full of mistakes I have lost my watch Will you help me search for it? Switch off the radio if you are not listening Mark gained so much weight during the winter that none of his summer clothes fitted any more 10 I wish the people in the text flat would decrease the volume of their radio You can hear every word VI Rewrite the following sentences, using the words provided: Because of the rough sea, the ferry couldn’t sail → The rough sea prevented ……………………………………………………………………… The fridge was so heavy that we couldn’t move it (73) → The fridge was too.………………………………………………………………… Unless he phones him immediately, he won’t get any information → If ………………………………………………………………… “Why don’t you put your luggage under the seat?” he asked → He suggested ………………………………………………………………… She started working as a secretary five years ago → She has.……………………………………………………………… Although she was not beautiful, she took part in a beauty contest → She wasn’t beautiful but …………………………………………………………… It was raining, so we decided to postpone our camping → Since …………………………………………………………… She wants them to sing a song → She suggests they …………………………………………………………… She couldn’t come to class because of her illness → As …………………………………………………………… 10 She couldn’t join us because she was busy → She was busy, so…………………………………………………………… VII Fill in the blank with one suitable preposition or adverb You look tired Sit ……………….and have a cup of tea I’m looking ………………yesterday’s newspaper Did you throw it……………….? Could I try …………….these shoes, please? Size nine Turn ………… the music It’s too loud! Don’t forget to turn……………the lights when you come to bed I used to smoke, but I gave ………………last year Just carry …………… with what you were doing Pick …………… your litter! Don’t drop it on the street! I’m looking ………… to meeting her very much 10 Who you take …………… the most, your father or your mother? 11 The test is about to begin Please put …………….all of your books and notebooks 12 Look ………… ! the car is coming 13 The show was called ……………because of the train 14 Nobody else can keep ……………… with her 15 Why didn’t you buy a dictionary? – The bookstore has run of them 16 I’m going to the airport to see her ……… 17 Why are you so late? – I’m sorry My car broke……………… on the way 18 I arrange to meet her after work last night but she didn’t turn……………… 19 I didn’t have a key, but luckily someone was there to let me …………… 20 Can’t we go out somewhere? I don’t want to stay…….all evening 21 Could you lend me ten pounds? I’ll pay you ……… on Friday 22 The sidewalk is very icy Be careful you don’t fall………… 23 I was feeling so tired I had to lie………….on the bed for a while 24 Therewas an article in the newspaper that I want to cut………….and keep (74) 25 Mark’s gone out, and I don’t know when he is going to come…………… 26 Don’t throw ………… that box We can use it again 27 If you make a mistake on the form, just cross it …………… 28 The driver unlocked the coach so that the passengers were able to …………… 29 I’ll have to ………… these books ………… to the library 30 Your brother was being a nuisance, so I told him to ………………… BUỔI 6: RELATIVE CLAUSES (MỆNH ĐỀ QUAN HỆ) ADVERB CLAUSES OF CONCESSION (MỆNH ĐỀ TRẠNG NGỮ CHỈ SỰ TƯƠNG PHẢN) I RELATIVE CLAUSE Mệnh đề quan hệ/ mệnh đề tính từ là mệnh đề phụ câu (không thể đứng riêng mình) Nó bắt đầu bằng: a relative pronouns (đại từ quan hệ) : WHO, WHOM, WHICH, WHOSE, THAT b relative adverbs (trạng từ liên hệ) : WHERE, WHEN, WHY Ex1: A man who dares to it dares to anything Ex2: We talked to the man who was from Beijing 1-WHO * Thay cho danh từ, đại từ người, có chức chủ từ/ tân ngữ Ex1: The man has met your boss.He come from Italy subject → The man who comes from Italy has met your boss relative clause Ex2: We have met the girl She studies in the shool → We have met the girl who studies in the school relative clause 2-WHOM * Thay cho danh từ/ đại từ người, có chức tân ngữ Ex1: We like the man You talked to him yesterday object We like the man whom you talked to yesterday relative clause Ex2: Is that the man ? You have been waiting for him object Is that the man whom you have been waiting for ? relative clause 3-WHOSE * Thay cho sở hữu cách (possessive cases) * Xuất hai cấu trúc - noun/ pronoun + whose + noun + verb - noun/ pronoun whose + noun + subject + verb Ex1: The girl looks disappoited Her examination result its so bad The girl whose examination result is so bad looks disappointed Ex2: That is the girl I took her hat by mistake yesterday That is the girl whose hat I took by mistake yesterday 4-WHICH * Thay cho danh từ, đại từ vật / vật/ việc (75) * Có thể làm chủ từ hoặc tân ngữ Ex1: She show me the table It was made by her father She shows me the table which was made by her father Ex2: Do you like this car ? Mr Tan bought it last month Do you like this car, which Mr.Tan bought last month ? Note: “Which” có thể được sử dụng để thay cho mệnh đề đứng trước nó (= and this/ and that) Ex: Tom is so lazy, and this makes Mrs Green worried Tom is so lazy, which makes Mrs Green worried 5-WHERE * Thay cho trạng từ, cụm trạng ngữ nơi chốn (place) (eg.here, there, in that place ) * Thường xuất cấu trúc: noun/ pronoun ( = a place) + where + subject + verb Ex: We visit the hospital We were born there/in that hospital We visit the hospital where we were born 6-WHEN * Thay cho trạng từ, cum từ thời gian (time) (on that day, in the year ) * Thường xuất cấu trúc : noun / pronoun (= time ) + when + subject + verb Ex: She will never forget the day She first met him on that day She will never forget the day when she first met him * Quy tắc chung: Chức Người Vật Chủ ngữ Who Which Tân ngữ Whom Which Đại từ sở hữu Whose Whose Mệnh đề quan hệ: a Mệnh đề xác định: cung cấp thông tin quan trọng giúp chúng ta biết chính xác người hay vật được nhắc đến VD: The woman who got the job has never worked in advertising before - “who got the the job” là mệnh đề quan hệ giúp chúng ta xác định được “the woman” VD: The book which I borrowed from the library yesterday is very interesting - “which I bought from the library yesterday” là mệnh đề quan hệ giúp chúng ta xác định được “the book” b Mệnh đề không xác định: cho chúng ta biết thêm thông tin chủ thể được nhắc đến thông tin ây không quan trọng Mệnh đề không xác định được tách khỏi mệnh đề chính dấu phẩy đứng cuối câu, hoặc dấu phẩy đứng câu VD: Tam has two sisters, who are living in New York at the moment - “who are living in New York at the moment” : là mệnh đề quan hệ cho biết thêm thông tin người chị em gái Tam - Tam có người chị, em gái không có người chị, em nào khác VD: Lan, who lives next door to me, is very pretty (76) - “who lives next door to me” : là mệnh đề quan hệ cho biết thêm thông tin nhân vật Lan được nói đến - Chúng ta biết người tên là Lan đẹp không thiết biết Lan sống cạnh nhà tôi c Lưu ý: - Khi đại từ quan hệ là tân ngữ mệnh đề quan hệ xác định thì có thể bỏ - “That” có thể thay cho “who / whom / which” mệnh đề quan hệ xác định - Đại từ quan hệ “that” không được dùng mệnh đề không xác định và sau giới từ d Cấu trúc: - Mệnh đề quan hệ xác định: S + mệnh đề quan hệ + V + … S + V + … + mệnh đề quan hệ - Mệnh đề không xác định: S, mệnh đề quan hệ , + V … S + V + … , mệnh đề quan hệ Trạng từ quan hệ mệnh đề quan hệ: “ When / Where / Why” được dùng là trạng từ quan hệ để giới thiệu mệnh đề quan hệ VD: We visited the town where I was born - “where” có nghĩa là “ in the town” VD: I saw the film last year, when I was in Paris - “when” có nghĩa là “ in the year” VD: That’s the reason why she didn’t join us - “why” có nghĩa là “ for the reason” Lưu ý : - in / on / at + which ( for place) = where - in / on / at + which ( for time) = when - for + which = why BÀI TẬP: I COMBINE THESE SENTENCES BY USING RELATIVE PRONOUN Chinese people have a very special kind of soup This kind of soup is made from shark’s fin ………………………………………………………………………………………………… A lot of fish died everyday They live in the polluted sea ………………………………………………………………………………………………… We have a new teacher I really like her ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Many people get sick or die every year These people eat puffer fish, a very poisonous species ………………………………………………………………………………………………… She’ll tell you the story That story will surprise you ………………………………………………………………………………………………… The Nile is the home of a great variety of fish The Nile is in Egypt ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Yesterday, I visited Tri Nguyen aquarium It has various species of fish ………………………………………………………………………………………………… The movie Harry Potter is coming soon I’m longing to see it ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Then he was caught in the mouth of a while shark.It is one of the most dangerous sea creatures (77) ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10 The most beautiful park is opposite my house It has a lot of big trees ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11 The girl was injured in the accident She is now in hospital ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12 A man anwered the phone He told me you were away ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13 A waitress served us She was very impolite and impatient ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14 A building was destroyed in the fire It has now been rebuilt ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15 Some people were arrested They have now been released ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16 A bus goes to the airport It runs every half an hour ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 17 Petr is studying French and German He has been abroad ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18 You’ve all met Michael Wood He is visiting us for a couple of days ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 19 We are moving to Manchester.Manchester is the north west ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 20 I’ll stay with Adrian His brother is one of my closet friends ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 21 John Bridge is one of my oldest friends He has just gone to live in Canada ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 22 The Earth is a planet It can support life ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 23 The book is about the girl She runs away from home ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 24 A dictionary is a book It gives you the meaning of words ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 25 The man was very kind I talk to him yesterday ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 26 She is the woman I told you about her ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 27 The man works in the hospital I told you about him ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 28 The picture was very beautiful She was looking at it ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 29 I’ll give you the address You should write to it ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 30 The movie is very fantastic They are talking about it ………………………………………………………………………………………………… II Fill in each blank with one suitable relative pronoun (who, whom, whose, which) or relative adverb (where, when) The man your mother is talking to is my English teacher Ha Long Bay is a beautiful spot thousands of tourists visit every year (78) The students are standing in front of the library is my classmates Hoa’s parents are farmers work very hard to earn their living The children like to play football is very popular in our country These are the latest news you might want to know Ba and his friends are fond of the performing animals have just come to town The beach the students are cleaning up the trash is a beautiful one The parrot can speak some words belongs to my close friend 10 This is the best movie I have seen 11 He is enjoys reading books are on computer science 12 Mother’s Day is the day the children show their love to their mother 13 Tet is a Vietnamese festival takes place in late January or early February 14 The little girl is wearing the red dress sings beautifully 15 Thu enjoyed her trip to Da Lat her grandparents lived long ago 16 Lan’s parents came back to Ha Noi they visited last year 17 They like Asian food is sold in that market 18 Mary, sits next to me, is good at maths 19 My office, is on the second floor of the building, is not very big 20 That’s Jack, lives next door Choose the best answer Dean Jones , _ , lives in Orange, California A which is an author B who is an author of horror novels C is an author of horror novels D that is an author of horror novels The computer broke down again, _ A surprised the technician B who surprised the technician C that surprised the technician D which surprised the technician Some people feel nervous where they don't know many people A they going to a meeting B when they go to a meeting C they go to a meeting D when go to a meeting 4.The ballet dancers are from Los Angeles A saw in Pasadena B which we saw in Pasadena C whom saw in Pasadena D whom we saw in Pasadena Mother Teresa, , was a very generous person A who helped poor people in Calcutta B whose helped poor people in Calcutta C that helped poor people in Calcutta D helped poor people in Calcutta 6.While I was walking home from school, _ , I saw a terrible car accident A is only two blocks from my house B which is only two blocks from my house C where is only two blocks from my house D when is only two blocks from my house 7.The books _ belong to Sam A that are on the floor B which is on the floor (79) C are on the floor D where are on the floor 8.Are you going to see the film at the National Cinema Centre? A which is shown B which is being show C which showing D which is on 9.Are you the kind of person _ ? A whom shy around people B who are shy around people C who's shy around people D whose is shy around people 10.The man I saw at the bank _ A.my English teacher last year B who was my English teacher last year C.is my English teacher last year D.was my English teacher last year 11.Lake Michigan is a lake _ A which storms can and happen suddenly in B in which storms can and happen suddenly C about which storms can and happen suddenly D which in storms can and happen suddenly 12.Professor Sanders is the type of lecturer _ A to whom some people would take an instant dislike to B whose some people would take an instant dislike to C which some people would take an instant dislike D to whom some people would take an instant dislike 13. _ in which there is a relaxing and accepting atmosphere A Some student learn better in situations B Some students learn better in situations C Some students better learn in situations D Some students learns better in situations 14 The Mallorys are the couple _ A with which the car dealer is negotiating B whom the car dealer is negotiating C whom the car dealer is negotiating to D with whom the car dealer is negotiating 15.English students like to talk to people _ A with whom they feel comfortable B.whom with they feel comfortable C.who they feels comfortable with D.whom they feel comfortable with 16 _ I told you A Sam is the man about who B Sam is the man about whom C Sam who is the man about D Sam is who the man about 17.She is the woman _ A to whom I gave a book B to who I gave a book C whom to I gave a book D whom I to gave a book 18.The concert _ was good A which to we listened last night B to which we listened last night C which we listened last night to D to which we listened last night to 19.The people _ are friendly A with who I work B with I work who C with whom I work D with who I work with 20.The house _ isn't for sale A in we live B which we live C in which we live in D in which we live 21 The bicycle _ is very modern (80) A I told you about which B which about I told you C about I told you which D.about which I told you 22 This subject, going to discuss, is very important A which we are B.which are we C.that we are D A / C are correct 23 The scientist invention was a success became famous A who B whose C which D that 24 I knew some people A.who could help you B whom could help you C.whose help could you D could help you II ADVERB CLAUSES OF CONCESSION Mệnh đề trạng ngữ tương phản là mệnh đề phụ tương phản cảu hai hành động câu Mệnh đề này thường được bắt đầu các từ: although Though, even though (mặc dù, cho dù) Although / Though / Even though + S + V …………….+, Clause(chính) Or Clause(chính) +although/even though/though + Clause (mệnh đề tương phản) Ex: Although he had a bad cold , he went to class He went to class although he had a bad cold CHUYỂN ĐỔI QUA LẠI GIỮA Although/ though <=> despite / in spite of Nguyên tắc chung cần nhớ là : Although/ though + mệnh đề Despite / in spite of + cụm từ Các công thức biến đổi từ mệnh đề sang cụm từ sau: 1) Nếu chủ từ mệnh đề giống nhau: - Bỏ chủ từ ,động từ thêm ING Although Tom got up late, he got to school on time => Despite / in spite of getting up late, Tom got to school on time 1) Nếu chủ từ là danh từ + be + tính từ - Đem tính từ đặt trứoc danh từ ,bỏ to be Although the rain is heavy, => Despite / in spite of the heavy rain, 3) Nếu chủ từ là đại từ + be + tính từ : - Đổi đại từ thành sỡ hửu ,đổi tính từ thành danh từ ,bỏ be Although He was sick, => Despite / in spite of his sickness, 4) Nếu chủ từ là đại từ + động từ + trạng từ - Đổi đại từ thành sở hữu, động từ thành danh từ ,trạng từ thành tính từ đặt trước danh từ Although He behaved impolitely, => Despite / in spite of his impolite behavior , 5) Nếu câu có dạng : there be + danh từ Hoặc : S + have + N - Thì bỏ there be (81) Although there was an accident , => Despite / in spite of an accident, Công thức này áp dụng cho biến đổi từ BECAUSE -> BECAUSE OF BÀI TẬP : Viết lại câu không thay đổi nghĩa: 1) Although Tom was a poor student, he studied very well => In spite of …… 2) Mary could not go to school because she was sick Because of … 3) Although the weather was bad, she went to school on time => Despite … 4) My mother told me to go to school although I was sick => In spite of … 5) Because there was a big storm, I stayed at home => Because of … 6) Tom was admitted to the university although his grades were bad Despite … 7) Although she has a physical handicap, she has become a successful woman => Despite … 8) In spite of his god salary, Tom gave up his job => Although… 9) Though he had not finished the paper, he went to sleep => In spite of …… 10) In spite of the high prices, my daughter insists on going to the movies => Even though …… Key 1) Although Tom was a poor student, he studied very well => In spite of his poverty, Tom studied very well 2) Mary could not go to school because she was sick =>Because of her sickness, Mary couldn't go to school 3) Although the weather was bad, she went to school on time => Despite the bad weather, she went to school on time 4) My mother told me to go to school although I was sick => In spite of my sickness, my mother told me to go to school 5) Because there was a big storm, I stayed at home => Because of the big storm, I stayed at home 6) Tom was admitted to the university although his grades were bad =>Despite the bad grades, Tom was admitted to the university 7) Although she has a physical handicap, she has become a successful woman => Despite having a physical handicap, she has become a successful woman 8) In spite of his good salary, Tom gave up his job => Although Tom get good salary, heb gave up his job 9) Though he had not finished the paper, he went to sleep => In spite of not having finished the paper, he went to sleep 10) In spite of the high prices, my daughter insists on going to the movies => Even though the prices are high, my daughter insists on going to the movies BÀI TẬP : **Join the sentences Use the words in brackets: (82) Thu Ha is not satisfied with her preparations for Tet Thu Ha has decorated her house and made plenty of cakes (even though) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… We don’t have a Mother’s Day in Viet Nam Dad and I have special gifts and parties for my mom every year on the 8th of March (although) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… It rained heavily My father went to work on time (though) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… 4.The children ate all the cakes They didn’t like such sweets cakes (even though) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… We went to Ha Noi to watch the parade on National Day last year We live in Nam Dinh (though) BÀI TẬP : Chọn từ/ cụm từ thích hợp (ứng với A, B, C D) để hoàn thành câu sau: _it was raining heavily he went out without a raincoat A In spite B In spite of C However D Although of the committee, I’d like to thank you for your generous donation A According B On behalf C Together D In addition _he wasn’t feeling very well, Mr Graham went to visit his aunt as usual A Although B However C Therefore D Still 4. he had no money for a bus, he had to walk all the way home A For B Thus C So D As _to an accident in the High Street, traffic is moving very slowly on the London Road A Through B Owing C Because D Since Of course I’m a Christian I expect everyone who works here to be a Christian too A since B then C and D but The the disaster was engine failure, not human error A reason by B reason on C reason why D reason for We have to start early we won’t be late A so that B that C because D because of She came in quietly not to wake the baby A as if B so as C such as D if so 10 He was offered the job his qualifications were poor A despite B in spite of C even though D Whereas (83) BUỔI 7: MODAL VERBS (ĐỘNG TỪ KHIẾM KHUYẾT) GERUND-INFINITIVE(DANH ĐỘNG TỪ-ĐỘNG TỪ NGUYÊN THỂ) COMPARISON (SO SÁNH) I MODAL VERBS(.Các động từ khuyết thiếu.) a MAY : có thể Là động từ tình thái được dùng để nói hành động có thể xảy May not là thể phủ định May b MIGHT: là dạng quá khứ May Tuy nhiên diễn tả hành động có thể xảy ta có thể dùng Might mà không phải hành động đã xảy quá khứ c CAN: là động từ tình thái được dùng nói đến việc nào đó có thể xảy hoặc người nào đó có khả làm gì CAN’T: là dạng phủ định CAN, có nghĩa là không thể COULD là quá khứ CAN Chúng ta dùng could đặc biệt động từ sau đây: see, hear, feel, smell, remember, understand Đôi chúng ta dùng could để nói hành động có thể xảy tương lai, đặc biệt chúng ta đưa đề nghị Dùng CAN / COULD còn được dùng chúng ta yêu cầu đó làm việc gì Can you + V … ? Dùng CAN / COULD còn được dùng xin phép đó làm việc gì Can I + V … ? d MUST / HAVE TO: để nói đó cần thiết phải làm gì Tuy nhiên MUST / HAVE TO có khác Must diễn đạt ý kiến chủ quan người nói, cân thiết phải làm gì đó Have to: thì người nói không nêu ý kiến chủ quan mình mà nêu kiện hoàn cảnh khách quan tác động vào Must: dùng để nói hoặc tương lai VD: We must go now Must you leave tomorrow? Have to: dùng được tất các thì Thể phủ định mustn’t và not have to hoàn toàn khác Mustn’t dùng để diễn tả cấm đoán hoặc không được phép làm gì, not have to không cần thiết phải làm gì e Should / Shouldn’t: nên / không nên làm gì, diễn đạt lời khuyên Should còn được dùng để nêu ý kiến muốn hỏi hoặc nêu ý kiến việc gì đó thường dùng kèm với I think … / I don’t think … / Do you think ….? *Đặc tính chung Động từ khuyết thiếu (Modal verbs) - Ngoài đặc tính trợ động từ, động từ khuyết thiếu còn có thêm số đặc tính riêng sau: *) Không có TO nguyên mẫu và không có TO có động từ theo sau Eg: They can speak French and English *) Không có S ngôi thứ ba số ít thì Hiện Eg: He can use our phone *) Chỉ có nhiều là thì: Thì Hiện và thì Quá khứ đơn Eg: - She can cook meals - She could cook meals when she was twelve (84) f.OUGHT TO: OUGHT TO là động từ khuyết thiếu có thì Hiện (simple present) Nó có nghĩa là "nên", gần giống với should Trong hầu hết các trường hợp OUGHT TO có thể thay should They ought to (should) pay the money He ought to (should) be ashamed of himself NOTE: CAN TO BE ABLE TO MUST  HAVE TO MAY  TO BE ALLOWED TO CAN – TO BE ABLE TO I can drive = I am able to drive Present tense Past tense Present perfect Will - future I am able to drive was able to drive have been able to drive will be able to drive He, she, it is able to drive has been able to drive will be able to drive have been able to drive will be able to drive was able to drive You, we, they are able to drive were able to drive MUST – HAVE TO I must learn = I have to learn Present tense Past tense Present perfect Will – future I, you, we, they have to learn had to learn have had to learn will have to learn He, she, it has to learn had to learn has had to learn will have to learn EXERCISE – MODEL VERBS Ex 1: Can / could/ may/ might you please pass me that book over there? When he was young he dance all night long you speak Chinese? You at least come with us and meet our new neighbour, don't you think? She drive but she takes the bus to go to work In that country citizens now make suggestions openly, it is a new democracy Nowadays, people travel very easily all over Europe you please let me know your answer by the end of the week? I don't know yet, but I come with you after all ! 10 Children bring their teddy bears to school Ex 2: ' Have to' or 'must ' I I I I I speak English well I need it in my job speak English well I love it get up at 5:00 I want to go fishing get up at 5:00 I commute to work wear a suit It's a formal party (85) I I I I 10 I wear a suit I want to look good follow the procedures I don't want to be wrong follow the procedures It's my duty earn money for the company earn a lot of money I want to buy a house Ex 3: TEST : Fill in the gaps with CAN/CAN'T, MAY/MAY NOT, MUST/MUSTN'T, HAVE TO/DON'T HAVE TO JOHN: " _ you come to the match this afternoon?" PETER: "I'm sorry I _ I _ wash my father's car." JOHN: "But it's raining! You _ wash it!" PETER: "I know, but my parents say the rain _ stop soon And I _ go out with you tonight because I _ go to my grandmother's birthday party and I _ come back late." Ex 4: “ used to/ would ” After his football match, Bob often come home exhausted You like him Yes, but now I hate him ! She live in London before the war, then she moved to New York I remember we go fishing every morning, maybe we'll go again ! When I was young, my mother read me a bedtime story I remember my first car : it break down every weekend ! Henry carry very heavy boxes when he worked in that firm The children often help me make a cake They still sometimes He be a very good tennisman, until he broke his ankle 10 My grandfather swim in this river Unfortunately, now it's forbidden Ex 5: ” should/ shouldn’t – must/ mustn’t ” I take some exercise if I want to feel fine I worry about the exam if I were you You have worked really hard You look tired I think you take a few days off You swim in that river It's full of crocodiles You drink so much It's not good for your health You brush your teeth after every meal, if possible You touch anything electrical if you are in the bath You focus more on your family and less on work Jenny, you play in the street! 10 You come to school on time Answers: Ex 1: could could can might can can Ex 2: have to must must have to have to must (86) may could may 10 might must have to have to 10 must Ex 3: JOHN: "CAN you come to the match this afternoon?" PETER: "I'm sorry I can't I MUST wash my father's car." JOHN: "But it's raining! You DON'T HAVE TO wash it!" PETER: "I know, but my parents say the rain MAY stop soon And I CAN'T go out with you tonight because I MUST go to my grandmother's birthday party and I MAY come back late." Ex 4: would used to used to would used to used to used to would used to 10 used to Ex 5: should shouldn’t should mustn’t mustn’t should mustn’t should mustn’t 10 must II GERUND - The gerund is used as a subject, a complement, an object of a verb or an object of a preposition (danh động từ sử dụng chủ ngữ, bổ túc từ, túc từ động từ, hay túc từ giới từ) Ex1: Seeing is believing ( S= gerund) Ex2: Her hobby is listening to music ( complement = gerund) Ex3: They have finished doing exercises ( object = gerund) Ex4: We are font of playing football (Object of an preposition = gerund) Note: Danh động từ theo sau các động từ như: to enjoy, to mind, to avoid, to finish, to practise, to suggest, to postpone, to delay, to imagine, can’t help/stand Lưu ý cách sử dụng các động từ :  Forget + to-infinitive : quên (sẽ/ phải) làm gì Forget + ing : quên đã làm việc gì Ex1: She forgets being taken to the zoo by her father when she was six Ex2: Don’t forget to shut the door before leaving  Remember + to-infinitive : nhớ ( sẽ/ phải) làm gì; Remember + V-ing : nhớ đã làm gì Ex1: They always remember going to cinema together Ex2: They remember to have a test on Wendnesday  Stop + to-infinitive : dừng ( việc) lại để làm gì; Stop + V- ing : dừng làm việc gì Ex1: This moring , I saw Mr.Pike in the street, so I stopped to greet him (87) Ex2: The teacher asked us to stop talking  Need + to- infinitive: cần làm gì ( active); Need + V-ing: cần ( passive) Ex1: We need to repair the car Ex2: The car needs repairing - Lưu ý cấu trúc: S + spend + time + V-ing = It + take + s.b + time + to-inf - Động từ Verb-ing dùng làm tân ngữ Dưới đây là động từ đòi hỏi tân ngữ theo sau nó phải là Verb-ing admit - appreciate - avoid - can't help - delay deny - resist - enjoy - finish - miss - postpone practice - quit - resume - suggest - consider mind - recall - risk - repeat - resent Ex: John admitted stealing the jewels We enjoyed seeing them again after so many years You shouldn’t risk entering that building in its present condition He was considering buying a new car until the prices went up The Coast Guard has reported seeing another ship in the Florida Straits Trong câu phủ định, thêm not vào trước Verb-ing John regretted not buying the car Lưu ý bảng này có mẫu động từ can't help doing/ but smt có nghĩa ‘không thể đừng được phải làm gì’ With such good oranges, we can't help buying two kilos at a time - Verb + prepositions + V-ing Sau đây là các động từ có giới từ theo sau, vì các động từ khác sau động từ này phải dùng dạng verb-ing approve of - insist on - keep on be better of - put off - rely on count on - succeed in - give up depend on - think about - think of - worry abount confess to - object to - look forward to Ex: John gave up smoking because of his doctor’s advice (88) He insisted on taking the bus instead of the plane Hery is thinking of going to France next year Fred confessed to stealing the jewels Chú ý động từ cuối cùng dãy trên, có giới từ "to"đi sau động từ Đó là giới từ không phải là "to"trong động từ nguyên thể (to st), nên theo sau nó phải là verb-ing không phải là verb nguyên thể Ex: We are not looking forward to going back to school Jill objected to receiving the new position He confessed to causing the fire Lưu ý: 1) Sau V + preposition, Adj + preposition Noun + preposition là V-ing Ví dụ: accuse of (tố cáo), suspect of (nghi ngờ), be fond of (thích), be interested in (thích thú, quan tâm), choice of (lựa chọn), reason for (lý về) 2) Những động từ sau đây theo sau là động từ nguyên thể V-ing mà nghĩa không thay đổi: begin, like, can’t stand, love, continue, prefer, start, hate, dread - Các cụm từ/ đoản ngữ sau đây theo sau là V-ing: Can’t help/ can’t bear/ can’t stand: không thể chịu đựng It’s (not) worth: (không) đáng giá It’s no use: thật vô dụng It’s no good: vô ích There’s no point in: Chẳng có lý gì/ lợi gì Have difficulty (in): Có khó khăn vấn đề gì A waste of money/ time: tốn tiền/ thời gian Be busy (with): bận rộn với cái gì Look forward to: trông mong, chờ đợi Be (get) used to: quen với cái gì Object to: phản đối Confess to: thú tội, nhận tội Các dạng động từ: a VERB + V – ing: Một số động từ được theo sau động từ khác thêm “ing” (Gerund) Stop, finish, delay, ẹnoy, mind, suggest, fancy, imagine, regret, admit, deny, avoid, consider, practise, miss, postpone, risk Lưu ý: Các cụm động từ sau theo sau các động từ thêm – ing Give up, go on, put off, carry on, keep / keep on b VERB + INFINITIVE : Một số động từ được theo sau to – Infinitive Agree, refuse, promise, threaten, offer, attempt, manage, fail, decide, plan, arrange, hope, appear, seem, pretend, afford, tend, learn, know, forget Lưu ý: Sau nhứng động từ sau, chúng ta có thể dùng các từ để hỏi Remember, ask, know, learn, show, understand, explain, forget, decide, tell c VERB + Object + to – Infinitive tell, ask, remind, force, order, warn, invite, enable, persuade, get, teach, urge (89) VD: Remind me to phone Jack tomorrow She told me to read a text VERB + to – Infinitive Want, ask, expect, help, mean, would like, would prefer d Từ để hỏi + to – Infinitive * VERB + what / where / how / whether / … + to – Infinitive Ask, decide, know, remember, forget, explain, understand VERB + O + what / how / where + to – Infinitive Show, tell, ask VD: I will tell you what to Lan’s father asked her how to use the computer Put in the verbs in brackets in the Gerund or the to-infinitive Example: They go on _ (read) the book Answer: They go on reading the book 1) I can't imagine Peter 2) He agreed (go) by bike (buy) a new car 3) The question is easy (answer) 4) The man asked me how 5) I look forward to (get) to the airport (see) you at the weekend 6) Are you thinking of 7) We decided (visit) London? (run) through the forest 8) The teacher expected Sarah 9) She doesn't mind 10) I learned (study) hard (work) the night shift (ride) the bike at the age of 1) I can't imagine Peter going by bike 2) He agreed to buy a new car 3) The question is easy to answer 4) The man asked me how to get to the airport 5) I look forward to seeing you at the weekend 6) Are you thinking of visiting London? 7) We decided to run through the forest 8) The teacher expected Sarah to study hard 9) She doesn't mind working the night shift 10) I learned to ride the bike at the age of (90) Put in the verbs in brackets in the Gerund or the infinitive Example: They promised (sell) the old comics Answer: They promised to sell the old comics 1) We decided to buy a new car 2) They've got some work to 3) Peter gave up smoking 4) He'd like to fly an aeroplane 5) I enjoy writing picture postcards 6) Do you know what to if there's a fire in the shop? 7) Avoid making silly mistakes 8) My parents wanted me to be home at 11 o'clock 9) I dream about building a big house 10) I'm hoping to see Lisa Which sentence is correct? Câu đúng là câu nào? a I love watching chapter films Do you want watching chapter films on the weekend? watch = coi chapter films = phím tập b I have to catch the bus tomorrow morning You'd better catching the bus early catch = bắt bus = xe búyt c Are you used to eating Vietnamese food? I don't eating chilli, it's too hot used to = quen chilli = ớt (91) d Learning English is quite difficult Learn English is quite difficult quite difficult = khó f You need pronouncing consonants more carefully You need to pronounce consonants more carefully pronounce = phát âm consonant = phụ âm Chọn từ/ cụm từ thích hợp (ứng với A, B, C D) để hoàn thành câu sau: The bicycle he lent me badly needed _ A to clean B clean C cleaning D to be cleaning I got tired of _since she kept giving me the same food every day A eat B to eat C eating D to eating Please come on time I hate _ A being kept waiting B being kept wait C to be kept waiting D to be kept wait He says he doesn’t remember _ you A to promise to help B to promise helping C promising to help D promising helping I am not used to _early I’d rather stay in bed a bit longer A get up B getting up C to getting up D to get up It's such a waste _good food to Dave - he really doesn't appreciate it A to give B to giving C giving D give I suggest staying at home and television A watch B to watch C.watching D to watching He decided to let his hair _ long A grow B growing C to grow D to growing Mary prefers _ A singing to dance B.singing to dancing C to sing than to dance D sing to dance 10 The prisoners are made _ holes and fill them in again A.to dig B dig C to digging D digging III COMPARISON (SO SÁNH) Các cấp so sánh tính từ a So sánh ngang bằng: so sánh người vật với Dạng khẳng định: S + be + as + adj + as VD: Mai is as tall as Nga This watch is as expensive as that one Dạng phủ định: S + be + not + so / as + adj + as VD: Oranges aren’t as / so cheap as apples b So sánh hơn: so sánh người vật với * tính từ ngắn: là tính từ có âm tiết và số tính từ có âm tiết tận cùng là y, ow, er S1 + be + adjective – er + than + S2 VD: I’m stronger than you Ho Chi Minh City is bigger than Ha Noi Lưu ý: Các cách thêm “er” sau tính từ tính từ dài: là tính từ có âm tiết trở lên tận cùng không là y, ow, er S1 + be + more + adjective + than + S2 VD: My sister is more beautiful than me This house is more expensive than our house tính từ đặc biệt: (92) Good  better much / may  more little  less Bad  worse far  farther / further c So sánh nhất: so sánh người nhóm người, vật nhóm vật * tính từ ngắn: S + be + the + adjective – est … VD: Lan is the tallest person in my class This pen is the cheapest in this store Lưu ý: Các cách thêm “est” sau tính từ * tính từ dài: S + be + the + most – adjective … VD: Mai is the most intelligent student in my class That is the most beautiful house on the street tính từ đặc biệt: Good  the best much / may  the most little  the least Bad  the worst far  the farthest / furthest Ex 1: Fill in the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives Example: new - _ - _ Answer: new - newer - newest old bad difficult Large good big easy much little 10 interesting Ex 2: Fill in all the gaps with the correct forms of the adjectives Example: - newer - _ Answer: new - newer – newest 10 longer worst modern nicest Nearest fattest popular happier many cleverest (93) Ex 3: Use either as … as or not as … as in the sentecnes below Example: Ben Nevis is as Mont Blanc (not/high) Answer: Ben Nevis is not as high as Mont Blanc 1) The blue car is _the red car (fast) 2) Peter is Fred (not/tall) 3) The violin is _the cello (not/low) 4) This copy is _the other one (bad) 5) Oliver is Peter (optimistic) 6) Today it's _yesterday (not/windy) 7) The tomato soup was the mushroom soup (delicious) 8) Grapefruit juice is lemonade (not/sweet) 9) Nick is Kevin (brave) 10) Silver is _gold (not/heavy) Ex 4: Put in the adjective from the first sentence into the second sentence in its correct form (comparative or superlative) Example: I have a fast car, but my friend has a car Answer: I have a fast car, but my friend has a faster car 1) This is a nice cat It's much than my friend's cat 2) Here is Emily She's six years old Her brother is nine, so he is _ 3) This is a difficult exercise But the exercise with an asterisk (*) is the exercise on the worksheet 4) He has an interesting hobby, but my sister has the hobby in the world 5) In the last holidays I read a good book, but father gave me an even one last weekend 6) School is boring, but homework is than school 7) Skateboarding is a dangerous hobby Bungee jumping is than skateboarding 8) This magazine is cheap, but that one is 9) We live in a small house, but my grandparents' house is even than ours 10) Yesterday John told me a funny joke This joke was the _joke I've ever heard 11) My father is heavy My uncle is much _ than my father 12) The test in Geography was easy, but the test in Biology was 13) Florida is sunny Do you know the _ place in the USA? 14) Stan is a successful sportsman, but his sister is _ than Stan 15) My mother has a soft voice, but my teacher's voice is _ than my mother's 16) Amy has a beautiful baby, but my daughter has the _ baby on earth 17) I live in a large family, but my grandfather lived in a family 18) We have only little time for this exercise, but in the examination we'll have even _ time 19) Lucy is clever, but Carol is than Lucy 20) Have you visited the old castle? It was the castle we visited during our holidays 1) Nobody else in the class is fatter than Mary => Mary is the … 2) I haven’t written as much as you (94) => You have written… 3) Tom’s hair was not as long as Mary’s => Mary’s hair was… 4) No student in the school is noisier than I am => I am the … 5) The first film was not as interesting as this one => This film was … 6) This house is not so expensive as that one => That house is the … 7) My dog ate more than your dog => Your dog didn’t … 8) Volleyball is not as exciting as football => Football is …… 9) Tom isn’t as interested in movies as his father => Tom’s father is … 10) Mary is the best cook in this class => No one else … Key Viết lại câu không thay đổi nghĩa : 1) Nobody else in the class is fatter than Mary => Mary is the fattest in the class 2) I haven’t written as much as you => You have written more than me 3) Tom’s hair was not as long as Mary’s => Mary’s hair was longer than Tom's 4) No student in the school is noisier than I am => I am the noisiest student in the school 5) The first film was not as interesting as this one => This film was more interesting than the first one 6) This house is not so expensive as that one => That house is the most expensive house 7) My dog ate more than your dog => Your dog didn’t eat as much as mine 8) Volleyball is not as exciting as football => Football is more exciting than volleyball 9) Tom isn’t as interested in movies as his father => Tom’s father is interested in movies more than Tom 10) Mary is the best cook in this class => No one else in this class cook better than Mary (95) BUỔI 8: STRUCTURES (CÁC CẤU TRÚC) EXPRESSIONS OF QUANLITY (SỰ DIỄN TẢ VỀ SỐ LƯỢNG) ADJECTIVES AND ADVERB I STRUCTURES (CÁC CẤU TRÚC) DẠNG : CHUYỂN ĐỔI TỪ HIỆN TẠI HOÀN THÀNH SANG QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN ( VÀ NGƯỢC LẠI ) Dạng này có các mẫu sau đây , công thức thì không có nên mình đưa các ví dụ đó có các chổ tô màu là dấu hiệu để nhận dạng công thức This is the first time I have seen him (đây là lần đầu tôi thấy ) =>I have never seen him before ( tôi chưa thấy trước đây ) Mẫu này có dạng : Đây là lần đầu tiên làm chuyện đó => chưa làm chuyện đó trước đây The first time : lần đầu tiên Never before : chưa trước đây I started / begun studying English years ago (tôi bắt đầu học TA cách đây năm ) => I have studied English for years ( tôi học TA được năm ) Mẫu này có dạng : bắt đầu làm gì đó cách đây + khoảng thời gian => đã làm chuyện đó for + khoảng thời gian Nếu không có ago mà có when + mệnh đề thì giử nguyên mệnh đề đổi when thành since thôi I last saw him when I was a student.( lần cuồi cùng tôi thấy là tôi là SV ) => I haven't seen him since I was a student.( tôi đã không thấy từ tôi là SV ) Mẫu này có dạng : Lần cuối cùng làm chuyện đó là => không làm chuyện đó từ Last : lần cuối Since : từ The last time she went out with him was two years ago.(lần cuối cô ta chơi với cách đây năm ) => She hasn't gone out with him for two years.( cô ta đã không chơi với đã năm ) Tương tự mẫu khác phần sau thôi It's ten years since I last met him.(đã 10 năm từ tôi gặp lần cuối ) => I haven't met him for ten years ( tôi đã không gặp 10 năm ) Mẫu này có dạng : Đã khoảng thời gian từ làm gì đó lần cuối => không làm việc đó được + khoảng thời gian (96) When did you buy it ? ( bạn đã mua nó nào ? => How long have you bought ? ( bạn đã mua nó được bao lâu ? ) Mẫu này có dạng : when : thì dùng quá khứ đơn How long : thì dùng hoàn thành BÀI TẬP: Viết lại câu không thay đổi nghĩa: 1) This is the first time he went abroad => He hasn’t…… 2) She started driving month ago => She has…… 3) We began eating when it started to rain => We have…… 4) I last had my hair cut when I left her => I haven’t… 5) The last time she kissed me was months ago => She hasn’t… 6) It is a long time since we last met => We haven’t… 7) When did you have it ? => How long … ? 8) This is the first time I had such a delicious meal => I haven’t… 9) I haven’t seen him for days => The last … 10) I haven’t taken a bath since Monday => It is … DẠNG CÁC DẠNG ĐỀ THƯỜNG GẶP VỀ TOO TO , SO THAT, SUCH THAT , ENOUGH : 1) ĐỔI TỪ SO THAT SANG SUCH THAT : Mệnh đề kết quả: so … that / such … that để nhấn mạnh mức độ và kết việc S + V … + so + adj / adv + that + S + V… S + V … + such + ( a / an ) adj + N + that + S + V … N + BE + SO + ADJ + THAT + CLAUSE => ĐẠI TỪ + BE Cách làm : Thêm such ( a,an) đem tính từ xuống ,đem danh từ xuống ,từ that trở viết lại hết => ĐẠI TỪ + BE SUCH ( A,AN ) ADJ + N + THAT CLAUSE The book is so interesting that I have read it many times It is => It is such an interesting book that I have read it many times The weather was so awful that we couldn’t go out (97) => She is such a pretty girl that everyone looks at her Nếu danh từ là số ít hoặc không đếm được thì không có a, an 2) ĐỔI TỪ SO THAT SANG TOO TO : too … to: qúa … đến nỗi/ khiến … không thể S + V … + too + adj / adv + (for + N / Pro ) VD: This exercise is too difficult for the students to solve He spoke too sofly for us to hear + to – Infinitive … Đề có dạng : S + BE +SO + ADJ + THAT + CLAUSE => S + BE + TOO Cách làm : Thêm tính từ vào , bỏ can't ,couldn't lấy từ động từ trở Nếu chủ từ câu khác thì thêm phần for sb Nếu túc từ câu sau giống chủ từ câu đầu thì bỏ túc từ đó => S + BE + TOO + adj +( FOR SB ) TO INF The water is so hot that I can't drink it => The water is too => The water is too hot for me to drink - Nếu đổi nguợc lại từ TOO TO sang SO THAT thì thường sai là việc quên thêm túc từ vào và chia sai thì 3) ĐỔI TỪ TOO TO SANG ENOUGH : nough … too : đủ / khá … để … S + V … + adj / adv + enough + (for – N / Pro) + to – Infinitive … VD: The weather isn’t warm enough for us to play in the garden Nam is strong enough to lift the suitcase Đề thường có dạng : S + BE + TOO + ADJ + TO INF => S + BE NOT Cách làm : - Dùng tính từ phản nghĩa + enough - Viết lại hết phần sau He is too weak to run fast => He isn't => He isn't strong enough to run fast Ghi chú :Trong tất các cấu trúc trên chổ BE là V thì ADV thay cho ADJ BÀI TẬP: Viết lại câu không thay đổi nghĩa: 1) The room is so tidy that it took us one hour to clean it => It is 2) The man is so fool that no one took any notice of him => He is 3) The film is so long that they can't broadcast it on one night (98) => It is 4) The books are so interesting that we have read them many times => They are 5) The news was so bad that she burst into tears on hearing it => It was 6) The food was so hot that it turned my tongue => It was 7) There is so much rain that we can't go out => There is such 8) The boy is so fat that every calls him Stuffy => He is 9) The milk is so excellent that all the children want some more => It is 10) The weather was so warm that they had a walk in the garden => It was 11) There were so many people in the hall that we couldn't see him => There were such 12) The match was so exciting that all the fans shouted loudly => It was 13) They drank so much coffee that they couldn't sleep all night => They drunk such 14) Alice had so many exercises to that she couldn't go out => Alice had such 15) The woman was so poor that she needed everyone's help => She was Key 1) The room is so tidy that it took us one hour to clean it => It is such a tidy room that it took us one hour to clean it 2) The man is so fool that no one took any notice of him => He is such a foolish man that no one took any notice of him 3) The film is so long that they can't broadcast it on one night => It is such a long film that they can't broadcast it on one night 4) The books are so interesting that we have read them many times => They are such interesting books that we have read them many times 5) The news was so bad that she burst into tears on hearing it => It was bad enough for her to burst into tears on hearing it 6) The food was so hot that it turned my tongue => It was hot enough to turn my tongue 7) There is so much rain that we can't go out => There is such a lot of rain that we can't go out 8) The boy is so fat that every calls him Stuffy => He is fat enough to be called Stuffy 9) The milk is so excellent that all the children want some more => It is too excellent for children to want some more 10) The weather was so warm that they had a walk in the garden => It was warm enough for them to have a walk in the garden 11) There were so many people in the hall that we couldn't see him => There were such a lot of people in the hall that we couldn't see him 12) The match was so exciting that all the fans shouted loudly (99) => It was such an exciting match that all the fans shouted loudly 13) They drank so much coffee that they couldn't sleep all night => They drunk such a lot of coffee that they couldn't sleep all night 14) Alice had so many exercises to that she couldn't go out => Alice had such a lot of exercises to that she couldn't go out 15) The woman was so poor that she needed everyone's help => She was too poor to be needed everyone's help DẠNG CHUYỂN ĐỔI QUA LẠI GIỮA ĐỘNG TỪ VÀ DANH TỪ CHỈ NGƯỜI Các dạng đề thường cho là : S + V + ADV => S +BE + (a/an) ADJ + N (ngừoi) Cách làm : - Đổi động từ thành danh từ ngừoi - Đổi trạng từ thành tính từ ,đem đặt trứoc danh từ ví dụ : Tom drives carefully ( Tom lái xe cẩn thận ) => Tom is => Tom is a careful driver.( Tom là tài xế cẩn thận ) Một số cách đổi động từ thành danh từ nguời : Thông thường việc thêm ER sau động từ, có số ngoại lệ sau: Study => student Type => typist cycle => cyclist Cook => cook ( không dùng cooker nhé ! ) Play guitar => guitarist Nếu có động từ play + môn chơi thể thao thì đặt môn chơi trước chữ player: Play football => football player 1) She cooks very well She is a ……… 2) My aunt teaches English very well => My aunt is ……… 3) He cycles very slowly He is……… 4) He types carefully => He is ……… 5) These children are quick runners => These children can …… 6) My father plays soccer very well => My father is a ……… 7) I drive very badly => I am a… 8) She sings very beautifully => She is a……… 9) He works very hard => He is……… (100) 10) Tom swims very fast Tom is ……… 11 Ursula is a very quick learner Ursula learns 12 Richard can cook really well Richard is a 13 Your behaviour was extremely foolish You behaved _ 14.The hotel staff treated us in a very friendly manner The hotel staff were _ 15 Philip is usually a hard worker Philip usually works Key 1) She cooks very well She is a good cook 2) My aunt teaches English very well => My aunt is a good English teacher 3) He cycles very slowly He is a slow cyclist 4) He types carefully => He is careful typer 5) These children are quick runners => These children can run quickly 6) My father plays soccer very well => My father is a good soccer player 7) I drive very badly => I am a bad driver 8) She sings very beautifully => She is a beautiful singer 9) He works very hard => He is a hard worker 10) Tom swims very fast Tom is a fast swimmer II Correct the mistakes in the following sentences: She speaks English fluent I think you behaved very cowardly Everyone says that he`s now enormous rich We`ll never catch them up if you walk as slow as that She turned to him astonishedly, " I don`t believe you" she said Wearing a white shirt and new suit, he thought he looked really well He plays the guitar remarkable good for his age The stepped back and looked satisfiedly at the newly- painted door DẠNG MỆNH ĐỀ TRẠNG NGỮ CHỈ THỜI GIAN: - Là mệnh đề bắt đầu các liên từ thời gian : (101) when, while, as, until, till, as soon as, once, before, after, by the time, as long as, so long as, since … - Là mệnh đề phụ thuộc, nó không thể đứng mình vì nó mối quan hệ thời gian với mệnh đề chính Lưu ý: Mệnh đề trạng ngữ thời gian có thể đứng đầu hoặc cuối câu Nừu đứng đầu câu được ngăn cách với mệnh đề chính dấu phẩy Cách diễn đạt thì tương lai các mệnh đề thời gian Main clause Conjunctions Adverb clause of time S + V ( s future / be going to) when S + V ( s present / present perfect) as soon as after before until VD: When Bob come, we will see him Before Linda goes swimming, she is going to finish her homework Cách diễn đạt thì quá khứ các mệnh đề thời gian Main clause Conjunctions Adverb clause of time S + V ( simple past) when S + V ( simple past) as soon as after before until VD: She said goodbye beore she left DẠNG MỆNH ĐỀ TRẠNG NGỮ CHỈ MỤC ĐÍCH:ĐỂ / ĐỂ MÀ … So that / in order that + S + V ( can / could / will / would )… VD: The police locked the door so that / in order that no one could get in Cụm từ mục đích: Dạng khẳng định: in order to / so as / to – Infinitive VD: I go to the park in order to / so as to feed the pigeons there Dạng phủ định: in order not / so as not to – Infinintive VD: The soldiers moved at night so as not to / in order not to alarm the villagers II EXPRESSIONS OF QUANLITY (SỰ DIỄN TẢ VỀ SỐ LƯỢNG) 1.Cách sử dụng little/ a little, fèw/ a few - Little + dt không đếm : ít, không Ví dụ: There is little water in the bottle I have little money, not enough to buy groceries - A little + dt không đếm được: có chút, đủ để dùng Ví dụ: I have a little money, enough to buy a ticket - few + dt đếm số nhiều : có ít, không đủ Ví dụ: (102) She has few books, not enough for references - a few + dt đếm số nhiều : có ít, đủ để Ví dụ: She has a few books, enough to read - Nếu danh từ trên đã được nhắc đến thì cần dùng (a) few và (a) little đại từ là đủ Ví dụ: Are you ready in money? Yes, a little - quite a few = quite a lot = quite a bit = khá nhiều - only a few = only a little = có ít ( nhấn mạnh) Cách sử dụng A number of / the number of a number of + danh từ số nhiều + động từ số nhiều - a number of : số lượng lớn nhứng Đi với danh từ số nhiều và động từ phải chia ngôi thứ số nhiều - the number of : số Đi vói danh từ số nhiều động từ phải chia ngôi thứ số ít the number of + danh từ số nhiều + động từ số ít Ví dụ: A number of applicants have already been interviewed The number of residents who have been questioned on this matter is quite small Some / any some và any nghĩa là “1 số hoặc lượng định” Chúng được sử dụng với (hoặc thay thế) các danh từ số nhiều hoặc danh từ không đếm được + Some là dạng số nhiều a/an và one: Ví dụ: Have a biscuit/some biscuits I ate a date/ some dates + some, any of + the/ this/ these/ those/ đại từ riêng/ đại từ sở hữu Ví dụ: Some of the staff can speak Japaneses Did any of your photos come out well? + some được sử dụng với : - Các động từ thể khẳng định Ví dụ: They bought some honey - Trong các câu hỏi mà có câu trả lời là ‘yes’ Ví dụ: Did some of you sleep on the floor? ( Người nói chờ đợi câu trả lời là yes) - Trong các câu đề nghị và yêu cầu: Ví dụ: Would you like some wine? Could you some typing for me? (103) + any được sử dụng: - Với động từ thể phủ định Ví dụ: I haven’t any matches - Với hardly, barely, scarely ( các phó từ này mang nghĩa phủ định) Ví dụ: I have hardly any spare time - Với without without any = with no Ví dụ: He crossed the frontier without any difficulty/ with no difficulty - Với các câu hỏi: Have you got any fish? / Did he catch any fish? - Sau if/ whether các thành ngữ mang tính nghi ngờ Ví dụ: If you need any more money, please let me know I don’t think there is any petrol in the tank Most / Most of: Phần lớn / đa số a Most:dùng trước danh từ đếm được (số nhiều) hoặc không đếm được - Most là từ xác định cấu trúc: MOST + NOUN MOST + ADJECTIVE + NOUN Ex: Most children are fond of sweets Most beautiful material is expensive Most beer has been drunk Most pupils like playing football b Most of: dùng trước cụm danh từ số ít số nhiều Most of + từ xác định (the/ these, those, sở hữu (her, his, your, ) + danh từ Ex: Most of these students are intelligent Most of her friends have well-paid jobs We spend most of our leisure time watching TV He has finished most of the exercises in this book Much, many, a great deal of A large number of, a lot of, Lots of……… (nhiều) * many, a great number of/ A large number of, a lot of, Lots of/ plenty of + Danh từ đếm số nhiều * Much / a great deal of/ a large amount of / a lot of / lots of + Danh từ không đếm Note: - Khi câu có các từ “very, too, so, as” thì dùng much / many - Much/ many + of + từ xác định (the/ these, those, sở hữu (her, his, your, ) + danh từ BÀI TẬP: I Điền some/ any / no We didn’t buy ………… flowers This evening I’m going out with…………… friends of mine Have you seen ……… good films recently? “No, I haven’t been to the cinema for ages” I didn’t have ………… money, so I had to borrow some Can I have ………….milk in my coffee, please? I was too tired to do………… work You can cash these traveller’s cheques at …………….bank Can you give me…………….information about places of interest in the town? If there are ……………words you don’t understand, use a dictionary (104) 10 Can you give me …………… sugar, please? 11 Do you have …………money in your pocket? 12 Yes, I have ……………change 13 Let’s buy …………….bread for lunch 14 There isn’t ……………….bread left at home 15 I’m sorry, but the baker has ……… French bread left 16 Don’t worry! Look! There are ………… big loaves here 17 This child is new in this school and he has ………………friends 18 Has he got ……………brothers or sisters? 19 You seem hungry, you want…………………biscuits with your tea? 20 No, thanks, I can’t eat ……… sweets 21 They haven’t got ……….idea whereto go for their holidays 22 He has …………….time to watch TV tonight; he’s got too much work to 23 I’ thirsty, I’d like ………….tea, please 24 This homeless man is ver poor, he’s got ………….money 25 Did you buy …………….fruit, this morning?” 26 “Yes, I bought……………oranges Do you want one?” 27 Will you have …………… tea? 28 You’re expecting …………… one to call, aren’t you> 29 Haven’t I given you ………… money this weekend? I must have forgotten you II Điền A great deal of, A large number of, much (of), many (of) ……………… learner’s attention should be paid to the use of the English tenses ………………… today’s scientific work is involved in the use of computers Are ……………… ……your photos in colour or in back and white? She put too……… ……………sugar in the coffee It became so sweet that I couldn’t drink it Thank you very ………for your valuable help he wrote plays, but ………………… his plays couldn’t be staged Do you have enough exercises to now? Oh, too…………… How ……………… these children are qualified to the job? How ……………time you spend on learning English every day? 10 She doesn’t know …………….about what to in response to his kind-heartedness 11 ……………………people know him as a devoted doctor 12 He loved so…………….fun that ……………….his lessons were never well-prepared 13 She is very rich She has ……………………… money in the bank 14 ……………goods were sent to exhibition 15 They have found ……………… mistakes in the accounts 16 Mrs Green has spent …………… time in Ho Chi Minh City 17 I have got ……………….homework to today 18 …………… trees are cut to make paper every year 19 Please buy ………….soap 20 How …………money have you got? III Điền few/ a few, a little / little, most / most of, much/ many I feel lonely and don’t enjoy my life here because I have ………………friends in this city …………….tourists have not visited this part of the town yet ……………….the people at the party were very friendly Are those people English? them ………………schools open in September Let’s go and have a drink We’ve got ……………time before the train leaves I need some money Have you got any? Yes but not ……………… (105) Hurry or we’ll be late.We have very ……………….time I have done ……………….exercises of grammar in this book 10 …………….the people in Canada speak English 11 The Smiths spent ………………money on their last trip 12 The librarian says that you may borrow as …………… books as you want to 13 …………….meat is expensive 14 ………………us feel the same about the war 15 The boys are making too …………… noise 16 I’m very poor I have …………money But my brother is very richer than I 17 There is …………… sugar in the jar 18 ………………English learners have real chance to use it every day 19 We spend ……………….our time on English grammar 20 …………………people are afraid of snakes III ADJECTIVES AND ADVERB Một tính từ bổ nghĩa cho danh từ và danh từ Nó đứng trước danh từ đó Trong tiếng Anh có danh từ đứng sau danh từ mà nó bổ nghĩa đó là: galore ( nhiều, phong phú, dồi dào) Ví dụ: There are errors galore in the final exam Adjectives: Adjectives can come in two places in a sentence: Before a noun : After the verbs: be, look, appear, seem, feel, taste, smell, sound  - Một phó từ bổ nghĩa cho: + Một động từ - tính từ - và phó từ khác Ví dụ: He runs very fast verb adv adv She is terribly beautiful Adv adj - Adj + ly = adv (adverb of manner) phải cẩn thận vì không phải từ nào có đuôi ly là phó từ Một số các tính từ có tận cùng là ly Ví dụ: Lovely, friendly, lonely -Trạng từ thường sau tân ngữ trực tiếp -Nếu không có tân ngữ trực tiếp, trạng từ thường sau động từ Note: good ( adj)-> well( adv) hard, fast, early, late vừa là tính từ vừa là trạng từ -có số tính từ tận cùng là -ly không có trạng từ mà chúng ta dùng cấu trúc IN A WAY/ MANNER (106) She smiled in a friendly way *Một số tính từ tận cùng " ly" có thể gây nhầm lẩn với trạng từ Lovely ,deadly( gay chết người), likely( chắn), friendly, lively, ugly, silly, lonely *Ngoài chúng ta dùng trạng từ trước quá khứ phân từ The little girl was badly treated Không có trạng từ với các động từ sau: forms of to am, is, are, was, were, will be, be: have been, had been seem get look feel (aussehen ) turn grow taste become smell Ex 1: Put in the adjective or adverb correctly 1) He reads a book (quick) 2) Mandy is a girl (pretty) 3) The class is loud today (terrible) 4) Max is a singer (good) 5) You can open this tin (easy) 6) It's a day today (terrible) 7) She sings the song _ (good) 8) He is a driver (careful) 9) He drives the car (careful) 10) The dog barks (loud) 11) The bus driver was _injured (serious) 12) Kevin is clever (extreme) 13) This hamburger tastes (awful) 14) Be _with this glass of milk It's hot (careful) 15) Robin looks What's the matter with him? (sad) 16) Jack is _upset about losing his keys (terrible) 17) This steak smells (good) 18) Our basketball team played _last Friday (bad) 19) Don't speak so I can't understand you (fast) 20) Maria opened her present (slow) 21 He is a boy (clever) 22 He is tired because he has worked (hard) 23 He isn’t tired because he has worked (hard) 24 She is a girl (quiet) sound (107) 25 She went to bed (quiet) 26 He is not a good student but he writes (good) 27 You should speak more (soft) 28 The children behaved (bad) 29 The brave men fought (brave) 30 They lived together (happy) 31 She looks (pretty) 32 That milk tastes (sour) 33 I don’t know where they live (exact) 34 She turned (pale) 35 This brown fur feels (soft) 37 The boys played so that they won the tournament (good) 38 He was so busy with his new computer that he had time to help his mother (hard) 39 "Go and have a rest You shouldn’t work so " (hard) 40 From the top of the mountain he could see across the countryside (far) 41 What a picture! (beautiful) 42 Arthur fought and they won the battle (good) 43 "I love you", Camilla said in a voice (soft) 44 The maid shut the door (quiet) 45 They could hear a cry (terrible) 46 Suddenly he woke up because the phone rang (loud) 47 Jane opened the door (careful) 48 I like driving (fast) 49 She spoke to me very (soft) 50 Paul lay in bed (quiet) (108)

Ngày đăng: 05/06/2021, 11:12

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