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- Divide the class into two teams, students from each team go to the board and circle the words they have found then write them down in the column of their team.. - The game that has [r]


Week 5

Unit 3: at home

Period 13: section a- what a lovely home!

Lesson 1: A1

Date of planning: 07/9 Date of teaching: I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know the form of the exclamation to express their feeling: What+ N! And know how to describe their rooms

II Language content: Knowledge:

Nouns: tub , shower, sink……… ; Adjectives: lovely, bright, favorite, convenient……

Grammar points: What +adj + N !Some adjs such as lovely, bright, favorite convenient and learn some kitchen appliances

2 Skills: listening and reading comprehension

III Teaching aidS :book, posters, tape and chalk IV PROCEDURE:

Stage Steps/ Activities arrangementWork

1 Warm-up * Wordsquare. T-whole class

- Stick the poster on the board

- Ask students to find 13 nouns of things in the house

- Get students to work in pairs to find out the words

- Divide the class into two teams, students from each team go to the board and circle the words they have found then write them down in the column of their team

- The game that has more words will win the game

* Answer keys.

 shower, living room, kitchen, dishwasher  bookshelf, dryer, couch

 lamp, sink, desk, stove, armchair

 bench

2 Presentation a Pre-teach vocabulary

- amazing (adj): đáng ngạc nhiên (visual)









- delicious (adj): ngon lành - bringt (adj): sáng sủa

- interesting (adj): thú vị, tuyệt

- comfortable (adj): dễ chịu, tiện nghi - modern (adj): đại

* Checking vocabulary: Slap the board

- Put the new words all over the blackboard Team work

- Call two students or two teams of students to the front of the class Make sure they stand at an equal distance from the board

- Call out one of the new words in Vietnamese loudly the two students must run forward and slap the word on the board The one who first slaps the correct word is the winner

- If the students play in teams, the winning team gets one mark Then ask two more students to come forwards and the game continues until all the words are slapped

b Presentation dialogue. Individual work

- Ask students to read the dialogue A1 on page 29 – 30 and collect the exclamation sentence

* Model sentences.

What a beautiful bathroom What an amazing kitchen * Form: what + a/ an + adj + noun

* Use: to pay a compliment or to make a complaint

3 Practice a Word cue drill T-whole class

- Prepare the cards with cues on them

* Cues.

a/ kitchen/ amazing

b/ armchairs/ comfortable c/ living room/ bright d/ dinner/ delicious e/ books/ interesting f/ her house/ convenient

amazing bring delicious

comfortable modern


- Model the exchange and ask students to make

exchanges using the given cues Pair work

* Exchange:

Student 1: The kitchen is amazing

Student 2: Yes What an amazing kitchen b/ The armchairs are comfortable

Yes What comfortable armchairs! c/ The living room is bright

Yes What a bring living room d/ The dinner is delicious

What a delicious dinner! e/ The books are interesting Yes What interesting books! f/ Her house is convenient Yes What a convenient house!

4 Further Practice I Mapped dialogue Pair work

- Present the dialogue using symbols, cues, visual… and have students make sentences

- Call on some pair of students to demonstrate the dialogue before class (open pairs)

- Have students work in pairs to practice the dialogue

* Mapped dialogue

* Example dialogue.

S1: This is my house

S2: What a beautiful house! S1: And this is my bedroom

S2: It’s very nice Where is the kitchen? S1: It’s over there

S2: Oh What a modern kitchen! S1: Yes It’s very convenient

II Writing. Individual work

- Ask students to write a compliment, using the This…….house

.beautifulAnd bedroomIt nice

…… …… ……


structure what + a/an + adj + noun! With the cues in A2b on page 31

5 Homework - Ask students to write the compliments A2 on

page 31 in their notebooks * remark.


Period 14:

Unit 3: at home

Lesson 2: A2 + A4 + Remember Date of planning: 08/9

Date of teaching: I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to use the form of the exclamations and then write the exclamations to express the complaints and compliments

II Language content:

1 Knowledge:

“ What (a / an) adj + N ! /What +adj +Ns!” = How adj + the+N + tobe!

Skills : Writing and listening

III Teaching aid: textbook, chalk ,board and pieces of paper IV proceduce:

Stage Steps/ Activities arrangementWork

1 Warm-up * Jumble words. T-whole class

- Divide the class into two teams

- Ask students from two teams to go to the board and write the correct words

- The team that writes more correct words first will win the game

 tirbgh  bright

 coiliusde  delicious

 terintesing  interesting

 venveiontn  convenient

 deomnr  modern

 ratocblemof  comfortable

2 Presentation I Pre-teach vocabulary T-whole class

- awful (adj): dễ sợ, kinh khủng >< Beautiful (antonym: wonderful)

- expensive (adj): đắt.>< cheap (antonym: cheap)



expensiv e bad

boring wet


(antonym: good)

- boring (adj): dở, chán >< interesting (antonym: interesting)

- wet (adj): ướt, ẩm ướt

(antonym: dry)

* Checking vocabulary: What and where. - Write the words on the board, put one word in each circle

- Have students repeat the words in choral - Rub out word by word but leave the circle - Go on until all the words are rubbed out - Point to each empty circle and ask students to repeat chorally the English words

- Ask students to go to the board and write the words again in their correct circles

II Presentation.

- Use the picture on page 30 to elicit the

exclamation sentence T-whole class

Model sentence: What an expensive dress!

* Form: What + (a/an) + adj + noun!

* Use: To pay a compliment or to make a complaint

3 Practice I Word cue drill

- Prepare the cards with cues on them - Model the exchange and ask students to repeat

- Ask students to use the cues to make exclamation sentences

- Get them to work in pairs Pair work

* Cues

a awful restaurant b wet day

c boring party d bad movie e expensive shoes


a The restaurant is awful

Yes What an awful restaurant! b It is wet today

Yes What a wet day! c The party is boring

Yes What a boring party! d The movie is bad

What a bad movie! e The shoes are expensive Yes What expensive shoes!

b Comliments

a/ What a great party! Group work

b/ What a bringt room!

c/ What an interesting movie! d/ What a lovely house! e/ What a delicious dinner! f/ What a beautiful day!

4.Production T: play the tape of A4.Ss: listen and repeat after the teacher.

T reviews all grammar points in section A: + The exclamations

+ There is/ there are

+ prepositions of places.T: play the tape of A4 Ss: listen and repeat after the teacher

T reviews all grammar points in section A: + The exclamations

+ There is/ there are + prepositions of places

Teacher _ whole class

5 Homework complaints and ten sentences of compliments T: request Ss to write ten sentences of

Prepare the next lesson “Unit : B1”

Ss: listen and note downT: request Ss to write ten sentences of complaints and ten sentences of compliments Prepare the next lesson “Unit : B1”

Ss: listen and note down

Individual work

* remark:

Unit 3: at home

Period 15: SECTION B: B1 + B2

Date of planning : /9/2009


1 Knowledge : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to ask answer about jobs according to the structures

+ What / does + S + ? + Where / does + S + work ? And know some names of jobs in English

2 Skill : listening comprehension and practice the dialogue B Teaching aid : book, chalk, picture and cassette

c procedure

Stage Steps/ Activities arrangementWork

1 Warm-up * Shark attack. T-whole class

- Cut out a shark and a schoolgirl on card - Draw some steps on the board, and the sea around the steps

- Stick the girl on top of the steps, and the shark is in the sea

- Draw 11 gaps for the word COMFORTABLE - Get students in teams (or ask them as a whole class) to guess the letter in each gap If their guess is right, they’ll get one mark If their guess is not right, the girl has to step down

- The game can continue with some more words







2 Pre-reading a Pre-teach vocabulary T-whole class

- raise (v): nuôi (translation) - grow (v): trồng (picture) - take care of (v): chăm sóc - cattle (n): gia súc

(explanation: farm animals such as oxen, bulls, cows and calves)

- newspaper (n): báo ngày (realia) - journalist (n): nhà báo

(explanation: a person engaged in newspaper work)

* Checking vocabulary: Rub out and Remember. - Rub out the new words one at a time


- When all the words are rubbed out, go through the Vietnamese list and get students to call out the English words

- If there’s time, get students to come to the board and write the English words again

b True/ False statements prediction Individual work

- Give a poster of statements on the board

- Ask students to keep their books closed, read the statements on the poster and guess which

statements is true and which is false

* Set the scene:This is a dialogue between Lan and Hoa They’re talking about Lan’ parents’ job - Get students to read the statements and work

with their partners in minutes Pair work

- Give feedback

1/ Hoa’s father is a worker

2/ Hoa’s mother does housework and helps on the farm

3/ They don’t like their work 4/ Hoa has a younger brother 5/ He/ she is

3 While reading I Reading and checking prediction T-whole class

- Get students to read the dialogue B1 on page 33 and check their prediction

- Ask students to correct if the statements are not true

II Filling the form

- Have students read B2 on page 34 to know more about Lan’s family and then work in pairs to fill in the form

Pair work

III Practice asking and answering.

Gue ss

Che ck


1 F Hoa’ father is a


2 T 

3 F They love their


4 F Hoa has a

Hoa Lan Father’s job Farmer Doctor Mother’s


Housewif e

Teacher Brother’s

job x Journalist


- Have students look at the form and practice

asking and answering about jobs Pair work

- Get students to use the structure: What’s… job? Ex: What’s Hoa’s father’s job?

(Help students distinguish three ‘ in the question)s

* Answer keys.

1/ What’s Hoa’s father’s job? He’s a farmer

2/ What’s her mother’s job?

She’s a housewife and help on the farm 3/ What’s her sister’s job?

She’s a student

4/ What’s Lan’s father’s job? He’s a doctor 5/ What’s her mother’s job?

She’s a teacher

6/ What’s her brother’s job? He’s a journalist

4 Post reading * Survey T-whole class

- Ask students to write the form in their notebooks

- Run through the questions

1/ How old is (your family) member? 2/ What’ his/her job?

3/ Where does he/she work?

- Get students to ask their partners and write the information in the form

- Give feedback and ask students to tell the class about their partner’s family members


T: Mai, who is your partner? S: It’s Nam

T: Yes How old is Nam’ father? S: (answer)

T: What’s his job? S: (answer)


er Age Job Place ofwork Father


T: Where does he work? S: (answer)

5 Homework - Write their family members’ jobs/ ages/ place of

work in their notebooks Individualwork

* Remark.

……… ……… _ Date: …… …… / / 2012

Ngày đăng: 03/06/2021, 21:26


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