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tang tiet hk 1 k10 nh 20122013

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Nội dung

III. We go for a walk last night and we met a strange woman who made us frightened. He said that he hear her singing in the garden before the accident yesterday. He went swimming with hi[r]







routine (n)/ru:’ti:n/: việc thường làm hàng ngày

go off (v)/gf/: reo

boil (v)/bil/ : sôi

It (take) SO … to ST: … để làm gì buffalo (n)/’bfl/ trâu

lead (v)/li:d/: dẫn dắt plough (v, n)/plau/: cày harrow (v, n)/’hrou/: bừa

transplant (v)/trns’pl:nt/: cấy peasant (n)/’peznt/: nông dân fellow (adj)/’felou/: bạn đồng hành tobacco (n)/t’bkou /: thuốc

rest (n)/rest/: nghỉ ngơi repair (v)/ri’pe/: sửa lại

pump (v)/pmp/: bơm nước

contented with (adj)/kn’tentid/: hài lòng với


Civic education (n)/’sivik edj’kein/: Môn

giáo dục công dân

Physical education (n)/’fizikl edj’kein /:

Môn giáo dục thể chất LISTENING

passenger (n)/’psind/: hành khách park (v)/p:k/: đỗ xe

drop (v)/drp/: thả xuống

pedal (v)/’pedl/: hộ food stall(n)/fu:d stl/: tiệm ăn purchase (v)/’ps/: hàng hóa


stare death in the face (v)/ste de in  feis/:

đối mặt với tử thần

take off (v)/teik f/: cất cánh

air-hostess (n)/e - ‘houtis/: nữ tiếp viên hàng không

shake (v)/eik/: lắc,

fasten seat bell /’f:sn si:t bel/: thắt dây an toàn

dip (v)/dip/: nhúng

scream in panic (v)/skri:m in ‘pnik/: la hét trong sợ hãi

overjoyed (adj)/,ouv’did/: vui mừng khôn


relieve (v)/ri’li:v/: hồi sinh land (v)/lnd/: tiếp đất, hạ cánh LANGUAGE FOCUS

boot (n)/bu:t/: giày ống

waste (n)/weist/: hao phí creep (v)/kri:p/: bị vàoflow (v) /flou/: chảy theo dòng stream (n)/stri:m/: dòng suối nhỏ




and so on (n)/nd sn/:

nation (n)/’nein/: quốc gia

→national (adj)/’nnl/ : thuộc quốc gia

→international (adj)/int ’nnl /: quốc tế

→nationality (n)/n’nliti/: quốc tịch

hard (adj)/h:d/: khó khăn, gian nan

hardly (adv)/ h:dli/: khi, không flat (n)/flt/: hộ

corner shop (np)/’k:np/: cửa hàng góc


far from (adj)/f: frm/: xa … worry about (v)/’wri/: lo lắng narrow (n)/’n r/: hẹp, chật hẹp



headache (n)/’hedeik/: đau đầu, nhức đầu

backache (n)/’bkeik /: đau đầu stomachache (n)/stmkeik/: đau bao tử LISTENING

comfortable (adj)/’kmftbl/: thoải mái comfort (v)/’kmft/: trấn an

alone (adv)/’loun/:

semester (n)/si’mest/: học kỳ subject (n)/’sbdikt/: môn học WRITING

full name (n)/fl neim/: họ tên, tên đầy đủ

family name (n)/’fmili/: họ surname (n)/s - neim/: tên đệm first name (n)/f:st neim/: tên

marital (adj) /mritl/: thuộc hôn nhân

single (adj)/’sigl/: đơn

married (adj)/’mrid/: lập gia đình occupation (n)/,kj’pein/: nghề nghiệp

applicable (adj)/ ‘plikbl/: thích hợp

capital (n)/kpitl/: chữ viết hoa LANGUAGE FOCUS

nervous (adj) /’n:vs/: lo lắng

improve (v)/im’pru:v/: cải thiện

pay attention (v)/pei ’tenn/: ý, tập trung





atomic weight (n) trọng lượng nguyên tử award (v) trao giải thưởng

brilliant (adj) thông minh

degree (n) văn (do trường ĐH cấp) ease (v) xoa dịu

founding (n) việc thành lập local (adj ) địa phương science (n) khoa học

scientific (adj)thuộc khoa học scientist (n) nhà khoa học

scientifically (adv) cách khoa học training (n) đào tạo

train (v) đào tạo

mature (adj) chín chắn , trưởng thành harbour (v) ni dưỡng tâm trí career = job = profession (n) :nghề nghiệp interrupt (v) làm gián đọan

from then on : kể từ đó

general education (n) giáo dục phổ thông human suffering (n) nỗi đau nhân lọai in spite of (prep) (=despite) institute (n) học viện

realise (v) thực , nhận ra

with flying colour : xuất sắc, hạng ưu tragic (adj) bi thảm →tragical (ly) death (n ) chết

joy (n) niềm vui

humanitarian (adj) nhân đạo humane (adj) nhân đạo determine (v ) xác định obtain (v) đạt được aboard (adv) nước ngòai position (n) vị trí

PhD = Doctor of Philosophy : tiến sĩ private tutor (n) gia sư

severe (adj) nghiêm trọng

strong-willed (adj) ý chí mạnh mẽ professor (n) gíao sư

radium (n) chất ra-đi-um receive (v) nhận

research (n) nghiên cứu

specialisation (n) chuyên mơn hóa take up (v) tiếp tục (việc bỏ dở ) SPEAKING

appearance (n) vẻ bề ngòai experience (n) kinh nghiệm hobby (n) sở thích

interview (v/n) (cuộc) vấn →interviewer (n) người vấn

→interviewee (n)người vấn journalist (n) phóng viên

discuss (v) thảo luận cue (n) gợi ý


primary school (n) trường tiểu học secondary school (n) trường THCS LISTENING

champion (n) nhà vô địch

congratulations (inter) xin chúc mừng romantic (adj) lãng mạn

diploma (n) cấp , văn bằng

conversation (n) đàm thọai = dialogue not only…but also : mà cịn basketball (n) bóng rổ

sports teacher (n) GV thể dục WRITING

attend (v) tham dự pass (v) (thi) đậu

tourist guide (n) hướng dẫn viên du lịch telephonist (n) nhân viên điện thọai travel agency (n) văn phòng du lịch

curriculum vitae = CV : sơ yếu lí lịch detail (n) chi tiết

previous (adj) trước đây work as (v) làm việc là LANGUAGE FOCUS

angry (adj) giận carpet (n) thảm drop (v) làm rớt dry (adj) khô manage (v) xoay sở mat (n) chiếu shelf (n) kệ , giá bench (n) ghế dài gas stove (n) bếp ga mess (n) lộn xộn pan (n) chảo parrot (n) vẹt

sand (n) cát

break in (v) đột nhập seldom (adv) khi climb (v) leo trèo

downstairs (adv) xuống cầu thang ≠ upstairs return (v) trở lại nơi đó

thief (n) tên trộm torch (n) đèn pin

turn off (v) tắt (≠ turn on) vase (n) lọ , chậu

voice (n) gịong nói ………………



admiring (adj) ngưỡng mộ

Braille (n)chữ Bray (chữ cho người mù chance (n) hội

blind (adj ) mù deaf (adj) điếc

disabled = handicapped (adj) tật nguyền disability (n) tật nguyền

dumb (adj) câm = mute

mentally retarded : chậm phát triển trí tuệ proper (adj) thích đáng

schooling (n) gíao dục trường opposition (n ) chống đối opposite to (adj ) đối diện oppose to (v) chống đối attitude (n) thái độ doubt (n) nghi ngờ ability (n) khả năng

be able to (v) ≠ be unable to add (v) cộng ≠ subtract (v) trừ

divide (v) chia ≠ multiply (v) nhân

gradually (adv) dần dần

time-consuming : nhiều thời gian raise (v) nâng , giơ

arm (n) cánh tay

demonstration (n) thể ,sự biểu hiện demonstrate (v) biểu hiện

normal (adj) bình thường describe (v) mô tả

effort (n) nỗ lực

make great effort (v) nỗ lực nhiều humorous (adj) hài hước

infer (v) suy ra kid (n) trẻ con one by one : lần lượt


activity (n) họat động break (n) giải lao

lower-secondary school : trường THCS upper-secondary school : trường THPT oral test : kiểm tra nói

semester = term (n) học kì final (adj) cuối cùng class (n) tiết học

to be honest (exp) thành thật mà nói LISTENING

calm … down (v) trấn an (ai ) camera (n) máy ảnh

comprise (v) gồm có escape (v) thóat khỏi exhibit (v) triển lãm

Exhibition (n) triễn lãm fascinate (v) hút

feature (v) làm bật lên peaceful (adj) hịa bình

photograph (n) ảnh (=photo) →Photogenic (adj ) ăn ảnh

→Photography (n) thuật nhiếp ảnh →photographer (n) nhà nhiếp ảnh →photographic (adj) (thuộc ) nhiếp ảnh

take a photograph (v) chụp hình sorrow (n) nỗi buồn

passion (n) niềm đam mê labourer (n) người lao động stimulate (v) khuyến khích be on display (v) trưng bày lens (n) ống kính máy ảnh

member (n) thành viên beauty (n) vẻ đẹp

professional (adj) chuyên nghiệp simple (adj) đơn giản

subject (n) chủ đề

surroundings (n) vùng xung quanh wander (v) lang thang


advertisement (n) mẫu quảng cáo advertise (v) quảng cáo

advertiser (n) người quảng cáo fact (n ) thực tế , thật

director (n ) giám đốc

air-conditioned (adj) trang bị máy lạnh air-conditioner (n) máyđiều hòa

complaint (n ) phàn nàn

complain about (v) phàn nàn gì quality (n) chất lượng

service (n) phục vụ serve (v) phục vụ native (adj) ngữ

free (adj ) miễn phí , rãnh rỗi cassette tape (n) băng cát-xét contact (v) liên lạc

enclose (v) gửi kèm seem (v) dường như

require (v ) yêu cầu , đòi hỏi look forward to (v) mong đợi receipt (n) biện lai

refund (n) trả lại tiền resolution (n) cách giải quyết resolve (v) gỉai quyết

LANGUAGE FOCUS ambulance (n) xe cứu thương give up (v) từ bỏ

injured (adj) bị thương offer (v) tỏ ý muốn sock (n) vớ ngắn rob (v) cướp

robber (n ) tên cướp

ambulance (n) xe cứu thương easy (adj ) dễ dàng ≠ difficult

care = look after = take care of = give care (v ) chăm sóc

cigarette (n ) điếu thuốc motorbike (n) xe mô tô theatre (n) nhà hát

not ….any longer : khơng …cịn nữa delay = postpone (v) hõan lại

noisy (adj) ồn ào noise (n) tiếng ồn put … up (v) cho (ai) trọ rarely (adv) scene (n) trường

unemployed (adj) thất nghiệp ………………




technology (n) [tek'nɔlədʒi] công nghệ học illustration (n) [,iləs'trei∫n] ví dụ minh họa computer system (n)[kəm'pju:tə,'sistəm] hệ thống máy tính

central processing ['prousesiη]unit (CPU) (n) ( thiết bị xử lí trung tâm )


visual display unit (VDU)(n)['vi∫uəl,dis'plei, 'ju:nit] (thiết bị hiển thị)

computer screen [skri:n](n)màn hình máy tính

mouse (n) [maus] chuột máy tính floppy ['flɔpi] disk (n) đĩa mềm printer (n) ['printə] máy in speaker (n) ['spi:kə] loa

scenic (a) ['si:nik] thuộc cảnh vật

→scenic beauty ['bju:ti](n) danh lam thắng cảnh

miraculous (a) [mi'rỉkjuləs] kì lạ device (n) [di'vais] thiết bị

appropriate (a) [ə'proupriət] thích hợp hardware (n) ['hɑ:dweə] phần cứng software (n) ['sɔftweə] phần mềm

be capable of doing (sth)(exp.) có khả làm (cái gì)

calculate (v) ['kỉlkjuleit] tính tóan

→ calculation (n) [,kỉlkju'lei∫n] tính tóan, phép tính

speed up (v) ['spi:d'ʌp] tăng tốc multiply (n) ['mʌltiplai] nhân divide (v) [di'vaid] chia

with lightning speed ['laitniη, spi:d] (exp.) ( với tốc độ chớp nhóang)

perfect (a) ['pə:fikt] hịan thiện

accuracy (n) ['ỉkjurəsi] độ xác electronic (a) [,ilek'trɔnik] thuộc điện tử

storage (n) ['stɔ:ridʒ] lưu giữ →store (v) [stɔ:] tích trữ, để dành manage (v) ['mỉnidʒ] trơng nom data (n) ['deitə] liệu

magical (a) ['mỉdʒikəl] kì diệu

typewriter (n) ['taip,raitə] máy đánh chữ memo (n) ['memou] ghi nhớ

request [ri'kwest] for leave (exp.): đơn xin nghỉ

communicator (n) [kə'mju:nikeitə] người/ vật truyền tin

interact (v) [,intər'ækt] tiếp xúc entertainment (n) [,entə'teinmənt] giải trí relax (v) [ri'lỉks] thư giãn

link (v) [liηk] kết nối

act on (v) [ækt, ɔn] ảnh hưởng mysterious (a) [mis'tiəriəs] bí ẩn physical (a) ['fizikl] thuộc vật chất invention (n) [in'ven∫n] phát minh pay [pei]– paid – paid (v) trả (tiền)

provide (v) [prə'vaid] cung cấp personal (a) ['pə:sənl] cá nhân material (n) [mə'tiəriəl] tài liệu search for (v) [sə:t∫, fɔ:] tìm kiếm scholarship (n) ['skɔlə∫ip] học bổng

surf [sə:f]on the net (exp.) lang thang mạng

effective (a) [i'fektiv] hiệu SPEAKING

modern (a) ['mɔdən] đại

cell phone (n) [sel, foun] điện thọai di động transmit (v) [trænz'mit] truyền

→transmit (sth) from to (v) [trænz'mit] truyền

rank (v) [ræηk] xếp hạng

performance (n) [pə'fɔ:məns] biểu diễn fax machine (n) [fæks, mə'∫i:n] máy fax electric cooker (n) [i'lektrik,'kukə] nồi cơm điện

air-conditioner (n)['eəkən'di∫ənə]máy điều hòa nhiệt độ

receive (v) [ri'si:v] nhận

keep [ki:p]– kept – kept (v) giữ process (v) ['prouses] xử lí

hold [hould]– held (v) giữ, nắm giữ design (v) [di'zain] thiết kế

amount (n) [ə'maunt] số lượng


camcorder (n) ['kæmkɔ:də(r)]máy quay phim xách tay

memory (n) ['meməri] trí nhớ refuse (v) [ri'fju:z] từ chối excuse (n) [iks'kju:s] lí

secretary (n) ['sekrətri] thư kí take a lesson in (exp.) học make an excuse (exp.) viện lý worried (a) ['wʌrid] lo nghĩ, bồn chồn in vain (exp.) [in, vein] vơ ích


instruction (n) [in'strʌk∫n] lời dẫn public telephone (n) ['pʌblik, 'telifoun]điện thọai công cộng

make a call [kɔ:l](exp.) gọi điện

phone card (n) [foun, kɑ:d] thẻ điện thọai operate (v) ['ɔpəreit] vận hành

receiver (n) [ri'si:və] ống nghe

dial tone (n) ['daiəl, toun] tiếng chuông điện thọai

insert (v) ['insə:t]nhét vào slot (n) [slɔt] khe, rãnh press (v) [pres] nhấn

require (v) [ri'kwaiə] yêu cầu


fire service (n) ['faiə, 'sə:vis] dịch vụ cứu hỏa ambulance (n) ['æmbjuləns] xe cứu thương remote control (n) [ri'mout,kən'troul] điều khiển từ xa

adjust (v) [ə'dʒʌst] điều chỉnh cord (n) [kɔ:d] rắc cắm ti vi

plug in (v) [plʌg, in] cắm vào main (n) [mein] ống dẫn dial (v) ['daiəl] quay số obtain (v) [əb'tein] đạt

make sure [∫uə]of sth/ that (exp.) đảm bảo


satellite (n) ['sætəlait] vệ tinh space (n) ['speis] khỏang không destroy (v) [di'strɔi] phá hủy




Before you read

in the shape [∫eip] of : có hình dáng lotus (n) ['loutəs] hoa sen

picturesque (a) [,pikt∫ə'resk] đẹp tranh vẽ site (n) [sait] cảnh quan

wonder (n) ['wʌndə] kỳ quan resort (n) [ri:'zɔ:t] khu nghỉ mát altitude (n) ['æltitju:d] độ cao

excursion (n) [iks'kə:∫n] chuyến tham quan

pine (n) [pain] thông orest (n) ['fɔrist] rừng

waterfall (n) ['wɔ:təfɔ:l] thác nước valley ['væli] of love :thung lũng tình u bank (n) [bỉηk] bờ sơng

river (n) ['rivə] dịng sơng lake (n) [leik] hồ

hill (n) [hil]đồi While you read

(a piece [pi:s] of) news (n) [nju:z] tin tứ term (n) [tə:m] học kì

come to an end : kết thúc

have a day off [ɔ:f] : có ngày nghỉ occasion (n) [ə'keiʒn] dịp

cave (n) [keiv] động

recently (adv) ['ri:sntli] rock (n) [rɔk] đá

formation (n) [fɔ:'mei∫n] hình thành, kiến tạo besides (adv) [bi'saidz] bên cạnh đó, suppose (v) [sə'pouz] tin

instead (adv) [in'sted] thay vào campfire (n) [kỉmp,'faiə] lửa trại event (n) [i'vent] kiện

a two-day trip [trip] :một chuyến tham quan hai ngày

school-day (n) ['sku:l'dei] thời học sinh share (v) chung, chia sẻ

sunshine (n) ['sʌn∫ain] ánh nắng ( mặt trời) get someone’s permission [pə'mi∫n]: xin phép

stay the night away from home : xa nhà đêm

persuade (v) [pə'sweid] thuyết phục that’s all for now: tất destination (n) [,desti'nei∫n] điểm đến

prefer (v) [pri'fə:(r)] sth to sth else : thích điều điều khác

anxious (a) ['ỉηk∫əs] nơn nóng After you read

with one’s own [oun] eyes : tận mắt trip (n) [trip] dạo chơi


boat [bout] trip : chuyến tàu thủy participant (n) [pɑ:'tisipənt] người tham gia sundeck (n) ['sʌndek] boang tàu

get sunburnt ['sʌnbə:nt]: bị cháy nắng travel sickness (n) ['trævl, 'siknis] say tàu xe car -sickness (n) [kɑ:,'siknis] say xe

plenty ['plenti] of : nhiều

fresh air (n) [fre∫,eə]khơng khí lành

air-conditioning (n) ['eəkən'di∫əniη] điều hịa khơng

view (n) [vju:] góc nhìn seat (n) [si:t] chỗ ngồi

suitable (a) ['su:təbl] for sb : phù hợp với exit (n) ['eksit] lối


cavity (n) ['kỉviti] lỗ stream (n) [stri:m] dịng suối

occupied (a) ['ɒkjʊpaied] có người ( sử dụng)

pleasure (n) ['pleʒə] niềm vui thích

temple (n) ['templ]: đền

sacred (a) ['seikrid] thiêng liêng surface (n) ['sə:fis] bề mặt feature (n) ['fi:t∫ə] nét đặc biệt associated (a) [ə'sou∫iit] kết hợp

impressive (a) [im'presiv] hùng vĩ, gợi cảm LISTENING

pay (v) a visit ['vizit]: thăm

Botanical [bə'tænikəl] garden : Vườn Bách Thảo

glorious (a) ['glɔ:riəs] rực rỡ gate (n) [geit] cổng

a long way [wei] to : quãng đường dài tới địa điểm

spacious (a) ['spei∫əs] rỗng rãi merrily (adv) ['merili] say sưa grassland (n) ['gra:slænd] bãi cỏ guitar (n) [gi'tɑ:] đàn ghi ta delicious (a) [di'li∫əs] ngon lành take (v) a rest : nằm nghỉ

sleep [sli:p] (v) soundly : ngủ say


pack (v) [pỉk] up: gói ghém

left-overs (n) ['left'ouvəz] thứ thừa lại

return (v) [ri'tə:n] home : trở nhà peaceful (a) ['pi:sfl] yên tĩnh

quiet (a) ['kwaiət] yên lặng dance (v) [dɑ:ns] khiêu vũ various (a) ['veəriəs] khác

picnic (n) ['piknik] chơi ăn ngòai trời

beach (n) [bi:t∫] bãi biển

assemble (v) [ə'sembl] tập hợp lại laugh (v) [lɑ:f]cười


confirmation (n) [,kɔnfə'mei∫n] xác nhận pick (v) [pik] up : tới đón

convenient (a)[kən'vi:njənt] for sb: phù hợp với

as soon as possible ['pɔsəbl]: sớm tốt

glad (a) [glæd] vui mừng, vui vẻ

certainly (adv) ['sə:tnli] định fortunately (adv) ['fɔ:t∫nitli] thật may bunch (n) [bʌnt∫] nải ( chuối)

wildlife (n) ['waildlaif] sống hoang dã accept (v) [ək'sept] chấp nhận

request (n) [ri'kwest] lời đề nghị


get married (a) ['mỉrid] kết soon (adv ) [su:n] sớm, nhanh

option (n) ['ɔp∫n] lựa chọn feel (v) terrible ['terəbl] cảm thấy tệ (feel-felt-felt

give (v) [giv] up : từ bỏ (give- gave- given: cho, biếu, tặng)

match (n) [mæt∫] thi đấu catch (v) [kæt∫] tóm lấy, theo kịp along (prep.) [ə'lɔη] dọc theo





Mass media (n):phương tiện thông tin đại chúng

Channel ['t∫ỉnl] (n): kênh truyền hình Population and Development : [,pɔpju'lei∫n] [di'veləpmənt]: dân số phát triển

TV series (n) ['siəri:z]:phim truyền hình dài tập Folk songs (n) [fouk]:dân ca cổ nhạc

New headlines (n) ['hedlain] diểm tin

Weather Forecast (n) ['fɔ:kỉ:st] dự báo thời tiết

Quiz show [kwiz]:trị chơi truyền hình Portrait of life (n) :['pɔ:trit]chân dung sống


Around the world:vòng quanh giới Adventure (n) [əd'vent∫ə(r)]:cuộc phiêu lưu Road of life: dòng đời

Punishment (n) ['pʌni∫mənt]:sự trừng phạt People’s Army (n) ['a:mi]: quân dội nhân dân

Drama (n) ['dra:mə]: kịch

Education (n) [,edju'kei∫n]: giáo dục Comment (n) : ['kɔment]: lời bình luận Comedy (n)['kɔmidi]:hài kịch


Provide (v)[prə'vaid]:cung cấp

Orally (adv) ['ɔ:rəli]:bằng lời, miệng Aurally (adv)['ɔ:rəli]:bằng tai

Visually (adv)['viʒuəli]:bằng mắt

Deliver (v): [di'livə] chuyển phát Feature (n)['fi:t∫ə]:nét đặc trưng Distinctive (a) [dis'tiηktiv]: đặc biệt In common['kɔmən]:chung


Climb(v):leo, trèo In spite of = Despite:mặc dù


Advantage (n)[əd'vantidʒ] Sự thuận lợi Disadvantage (n) [,disəd'va:ntidʒ] Sự bất lợi Memorable (a)['memərəbl]:Đáng ghi nhớ Present (v) ['preznt]: Trình bày

Effective (a)['ifektiv]hiệu Entertain (v) [,entə'tein]:giải trí

Enjoyable (a) [in'dʒɔiəbl]: thú vị, thích thú Increase (v) [in'kri:s]:tăng thêm

Popularity (n)[,pɔpju'lỉrəti]:tính phố biến

Aware ( + of ) (a) [ə'weə]:nhận thức Global (a)['gləubl]:toàn cấu

Responsibility (n)[ris,pɔnsə'biləti]:trách nhiệm Passive (a) ['pæsiv]: thụ động

Brain (n)[brein]não

Encourage (v) [in'kʌridʒ]: khuyến khích Violent (a)['vaiələnt]:bạo lực

Interfere (v)[,intə'fiə]:can thiệp vào

Communication (n)[kə,mju:ni'kei∫n]:sự thông tin

LANGUAGE FOCUS: Quarrel (v)['kwɔrəl]:cãi

Appointment (n) [ə'pɔintmənt]:cuộc họp Demolish (v)[di'mɔli∫]:phá hũy

Shortage (n) ['∫ɔ:tidʒ]:sự thiếu hụt Condition (n)[ kən'di∫n]:điều kiện





Before you read crop (n) [krɔp] vụ mùa

produce (v) [prə'dju:s]làm , sản xuất

harvest (v) ['hɑ:vist] thu họach

rice field (n) ['rais'fi:ld] cánh đồng lúa While you read

field (n) [fi:ld] cánh đồng

make ends meet (v) kiếm đủ tiền để sống to be in need of (a) thiếu

simple (a) ['simpl] đơn giản, dễ hiểu straw (n) [strɔ:] rơm

mud (n) [mʌd] bùn

→ muddy (a) ['mʌdi] lầy lội brick (n) [brik] gạch


manage ['mænidʒ] (v) to sth : giải , xoay sở

villager (n) ['vilidʒə] dân làng

techical high school (n) trường trung học kĩ thuật

result in (v) [ri'zʌlt] đưa đến, dẫn đến introduce (v) [,intrə'dju:s] giới thiệu

farming method (n) [fɑ:miη, 'meθəd]phương pháp canh tác

bumper crop (n) mùa màng bội thu

cash crop (n) ['kæ∫krɒp] vụ mùa trồng để bán

export (v) ['ekspɔ:t] xuất thanks to (conj.) nhờ vào

knowledge (n) ['nɔlidʒ] kiến thức lifestyle (n) [laifstail] lối sống

better (v) ['betə] cải thiện, làm cho tốt comfortably (adv) ['kʌmfətəbli] : dễ chịu, thỏai mái

improve (v) [im'pru:v] cải thiện, hòan thiện community (n) [kə'mju:niti] cộng đồng, phường

apply (v) [ə'plai] ứng dụng, áp dụng SPEAKING

medical centre (n) ['medikl,'sentə] trung tâm y tế

look after (v) chăm sóc canal (n) [kə'næl] kênh

widen (v) ['waidn] mở rộng, làm rộng football ground (n) ['futbɔ:l,graund ] sân bóng đá

lorry (n) ['lɔri] xe tải

resurface (v) [,ri:'sə:fis] trải lại, thảm lại (mặt đường)

raise (v) [reiz] nâng lên

flooded (a) [flʌded] bị ngập lụt

farming product (n) [[fɑ:miη,'prɔdəkt] nông sản

cart (v) [kɑ:t] chở xe bò, chở xe ngựa kéo

loads ['loudz] of (n) nhiều

grass land (n) ['gra:s,lænd] bãi cỏ turn into (v) quẹo vào

suburbs (n) ['sʌbə:bz] khu vực ngọai ô replace (v) [ri'pleis]thay

tourist resort (n) ['tuərist, ri:'zɔ:t] khu nghỉ ngơi pull down (v) [pul, daun] phá bỏ

cut down (v) [kʌt, daun] chặt bỏ

atmosphere (n) ['ỉtməsfiə] bầu khộng khí peaceful (a) ['pi:sfl] n tĩnh

corner shop (n) ['kɔ:nə, ∫ɔp] cửa hàng tạp hóa nhỏ

department store(n)[di'pɑ:tmənt,stɔ:]cửa hàng bách hóa

no longer (exp.): khơng cịn quiet (a) ['kwaiət] n tĩnh

hometown (n) ['houm,taun] quê hương home village (n)[ 'houm,'vilidʒ] làng quê WRITING

railway station (n) ['reilwei ,stei∫n] nhà ga direction (n) [di'rek∫n] dẫn

follow (v) ['fɔlou] theo, theo ahead (adv)[ə'hed] phía trước

come [kʌm] out of (v) khỏi (come-came-come)

take the first turning ['tə:niη] on the left : ( rẽ vào ngã rẽ bên trái )

station (n) ['stei∫n] nhà ga, trạm, đồn walk past (v) qua

enclose (v) [in'klouz] gửi kèm

look forward ['fɔ:wəd] to + V-ing (exp.) mong đợi l

entrance (n) ['entrəns] lối vào, cổng vào go straight [streit] ahead (exp.) thẳng phía trước

souvenir [,su:və'niə] shop (n)quầy bán quà lưu niệm

car park (n) [ka, pɑ:k] bãi đậu xe go along (v) [ə'lɔη] dọc theo on the right [rait] (exp.) bên phải on the left [left] (exp.) bên trái opposite (adj) [ɔ'pju:n] đối diện

crossroads (n) ['krɔsroudz] giao lộ, bùng binh


traffic lights (n) ['træfik'laits] đèn giao thông soon (adv ) [su:n] sớm

source (n) [sɔ:s] nguồn

slippery (a) ['slipəri]trơn, khó serve (v) [sə:v]phục vụ, phụng announce (v) [ə'nauns] thông báo have a rest [rest] (exp.) nghỉ ngơi at least (exp.)

cure (v) [kjuə] điều trị disease (n) [di'zi:z] bệnh queue (v) [kju:] xếp hàng

heavy traffic (n) ['hevi,trỉfik] mật độ xe cộ đơng

role (n) [roul] vai trò

essential [i'sen∫əl] for (a) cần thiết

convenient (a) [kən'vi:njəntli] thuận tiện, tiện lợi

as well as [æz] (exp.)

transport (n) ['trænspɔ:t] chuyên chở politics (n) trị


custom (n) ['kʌstəm] phong tục, tập quán dominate (v) ['dɔmineit] chi phối, có ảnh hưởng lớn phối





REMEMBER: 1 Simple present

-Thì đơn dùng đề cập đến hành động thường xuyên lặp lặp lại, thật chân lý phong tục

-Thì đơn dùng mệnh đề điều kiện loại sau lien từ thời gian tương lai (when, whenever, until, …)

-Thì đơn thường với trạng từ tần suất như: often, usually, sometimes, always, as a rule, never, every (week), on Mondays, twice a year, etc

Công thức câu khẳng định (affirmative):


We/You/They + are He/She/It/Peter + is Đối với động từ thường: V

I / We/You/They + V1 He/She/It/Peter + V-s/V-es Công thức câu phủ định (Negative)

Đối với “be” (thì, là, bị, ở) I + am + not

We/You/They + are + not He/She/It/Peter + is + not

Đối với động từ thường: V I / We/You/They + not + V1 He/She/It/Peter + does not + V1 Công thức câu nghi vấn (Interogative)

Đối với “be” (thì, là, bị, ở) Am + I …?

Are + we/you/they …? Is + he/she/it/Peter …?

Đối với động từ thường: V Do + I /We/You/They + V1 …? Does + he/she/it/Peter + V1 …?

2 Simple past

-Thì khứ đơn dung để đề cập đến hành động xảy kết thức điểm thời gian xác định khứ

-Thì khứ đơn dùng mệnh đề điều kiện không thật (điều kiện loại 2) -Thì khứ đơn thường với cụm từ thời gian như: yesterday, in 2000, last year, ago, once upon a time, once, once in a time, etc

Công thức câu khẳng định (affirmative): Đối với “be” (thì, là, bị, ở)

We/You/They + were I /He/She/It/Peter + was

Đối với động từ thường: V S + V-ed/ V2 Công thức câu phủ định (Negative)

Đối với “be” (thì, là, bị, ở) We/You/They + were + not I /He/She/It/Peter + was + not

Đối với động từ thường: V S + did not + V Công thức câu nghi vấn (Interogative)

Đối với “be” (thì, là, bị, ở)

Were + we/you/they …? Was + I/he/she/it/Peter …?

Đối với động từ thường: V S + V …?


I Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets: Ann ……… English very well (speak)

2 Mozart ………… more than 600 pieces of music (write)

3 How ……….you ……….to drive? – My father taught me (learn) I never ……… coffee (drink)

5 The swimming pool ……… at o’clock and ………at 18.30 every days (open – close)

6 We couldn’t afford to keep our car, so we ………it (sell) Bad driving ……….many accidents (cause)

8 I ………at home last night (not be)

9 My parents ……… in a very small flat now (live) 10 The Olympic Games ……… place every four years (take)

11 Paul and I ……….tennis yesterday He’s much better than me, so he ………… easily (play – win)

12 We ………much money last month (not have)

II Underline the time expressions Then put the verbs in brackets into the simple past tense or the simple present tense.

Cathy: Let’s go this way past the sports centre.


Cathy: It (open) 3………… a few months ago I first (come) 4………here last months Sue: ……….you usually (use) 5……… the centre a lot?

Cathy: Quite a lot There are courses in different sports I’m doing a tennis course this term I (do) 6………judo last term

Sue: Judo? That’s for boys, isn’t it?

Cathy: Don’t be silly Lots of girls it as well as boys I’ve done it for ages. Sue: How much ………it (cost) 7………to go in?

Cathy: You have to pay every year to be a member But it (not cost) 8………very much You can go in as my guest if you want to

Sue: Oh, good.

Cathy: What about a game of badminton some time?

Sue: I (not like) 9……….badminton much ………they (have) 10………… table tennis? Cathy: Yes, of course We can have a game this evening.

III Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.


We go for a walk last night and we met a strange woman who made us frightened



Jack visits his uncle on the farm and stay with him twice a month



What did Mary painted on the wall in her room?



He said that he hear her singing in the garden before the accident yesterday A B D


He went swimming with his friends every Sunday A B C D

IV Choose A, B, C or D that best completes each unfinished sentences, best substitutes the underlined part or has the same meaning to the above sentence

1 Tom _ the trees in his garden four days ago

A plants B planted C has planted D will plant

2 The citizens _ the river with plastic bag and rubbish every day

A pollution B pollute C polluted D polluting

3 A day 24 hours

A last B lasted C lasts D has lasted

4. She ……….a big breakfast yesterday

A. have B. has C. had D. has had

5. It was warm so I ………off my coat

A. took B. take C. taken D. takes

6. We always ……….lunch at 11.00

A. have B. has C. had D. had had

7. I ……….tired when I got home last night

A. were B. was C. am D. are

8. The window was open and a bird ……… into the room

A fly B flight C flew D flies

9. I and Peter ………good friends We always ………together

A. are/plays B. are/played C. is/play D. are/play

10.Jane is a nice girl She ………helping others without thinking of benefit

A. like B. liked C. liking D likes

11 Water at 100 degrees Celsius and freezes at zero degrees Celsius

A cooks B boils C boil D boiled

12 swimming on Sunday


A go B went C goes D to go 14 What time Michel on Sundays?

A does … get up B does … gets up C … gets D … get up

15 Jane sometimes ………to play music instruments with her uncle

A is learning B learn C learns D will learn

16 They say that the baby ……….ice-cream

A don’t like B doesn’t like C like not D didn’t like

17 My parents ………early in the morning They ………always on time

A get up/is B gets up/is C get up/are D got up/is

18 ……… , he travels by bus to visit his grandma

A But B Now C As a rule D Usually

19 How often does Jack go swimming? – He goes swimming _

A last week B next month C at the moment D twice a week

20 The sun ………around the earth

A not go B does not goes C does not go D is not go

21 Almost every household a computer nowadays

A has B have C has had D had

22 John Henry and they friends three years ago

A meet/ became B met/ become C met/became D meets/become

23 When Lan home yesterday?

A did … come B … came C does … come D did … came

24 We _ to live in countryside in 1993

A move B to move C moves D moved

25 Why you have to buy a new bike? – Because I the old one

A lose B lost C to lose D loses

26 I ……… a strange silly woman on the street yesterday

A see B seen C did see D saw

27 She said that she ……….to upset you

A didn’t want B don’t want C want not D not want

28 Where she in 2000?

A … live B did … live C did … lived D does … live

29 *Spain at one time a very powerful country

A is B was C has been D was being

30 Who ate all the cookies? – Cuong _

A was B did C is D ate


Wh-questions – Gerund and to + infinitive


1) Wh-question

Wh-words: who, whom, whose, what, what time, when, where, why, which, how, how many-how much, how long, how far, how often, how deep, etc

Auxiliary: động từ khiếm khuyết động từ nối 2) To infinitve & Gerund

1 S + V + TO INFINITIVE: Wh – word + (V) + …?


Verbs: agree, appear = seem, arrange, ask, attempt, care, choose, decide, decline=refuse, demand, expect, fail, manage (qlý, điều hành, xoay sở), mean (=intend), offer, plan, prepare, promise, tend (theo/ có xu hướng), threaten

-can’t wait -can’t afford 2 S + V + V-ING

Verbs: admit # deny (thừa nhận#chối bỏ), appreciate (đánh giá cao, ngưỡng mộ), avoid (tránh, né), consider (cho rằng), delay = postpone, enjoy, like, dislike, hate, detest, escape (né, tránh, thoát khỏi), finish, forgive, imagine, keep = continue = go on, mention, mean (=involve), mind, miss (trượt, bỏ lỡ, thấy thiếu), practice, prevent (ngăn cản), propose = suggest (đề nghị), understand

-can’s stand, can’t bear, can’t help (không thể chịu đựng được) -can’t risk (ko muon lieu)

-be/get used to (quen với) -look forward to (trông đợi) -busy (doing ST) (bận làm việc gì)

-have difficulty/ problem (doing ST) (gap kho khan …) -be about/likely

-After prepositions: in, on ,……… S + V + TO INFINITIVE OR V-ING

-forget + to infinitive => ……… ; forget + V-ing =>………

-remember + to infinitive =>……… ; remember + V-ing =>………

-regret + to infinitive =>……….; regret + V-ing =>………

-need + to infinitive => ……… ……… ; need + V-ing =>………

-try + to infinitive => ……… ; try + V-ing =>………

-stop + to infinitive =>……….; stop + V-ing =>………


I Make question with the underlined part in the following sentences. My aunt Jennifer is an artist

=> ……… She must be at least thirty-five years old

=> ……… She always appears on the stage as a young girl

=> ……… She will have to take part in a new play soon

=> ……… She had to wear short shocks and a bright, orange-colored dress in a play last year => ………

6 The viewers are looking forward to watching her role

=> ……… He is living in Bac Ninh

→ The Smiths have got three cars

→ The meeting will take place next Tuesday


10 Anna is learning English because she will need it in her job →

II Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 They agree ………you in case you give them an excuse (meet) He says he gives up ……….to get healthier (smoke)

3 After a long hard work, we manage ……….the problem (solve) She decided ………the house without saying any word (leave) Did John finish ………the garden before going out? (water) I hope ……….a new job soon, or I’ll die of hunger (find) The thief tried to avoid ……… the policemen (encounter) My mother advises me ………to bar at night (not come) He suggested ……….to the cinema (go)

10 She expects ……… much money from the job she will get (earn) III Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one.

1 My father said I could use his car

→ My father allowed It’s not a good idea to travel during the rush hour

→ It’s better to avoid _ I am pleased to meet you again

→ I look forward Why don’t we visit our teacher?

→ I suggest _ I expect that he will get there by lunchtime

→ I expect him _ Could you turn the radio down, please?

→ Would you mind I don’t want to go to the movie tonight

→ I don’t feel like Shall we go for a walk?

→ What about ? You ought to take a rest

→ You had better _ 10 Why don’t you put your luggage under the seat?

→ He suggested

IV Choose A, B, C or D that best completes each unfinished sentences, best substitutes the underlined part or has the same meaning to the above sentence

1. It takes me about three hours _ the report

A to complete B complete C completed D completing

2. He is fond of _ books and he always tries as many books as he can

A read/ borrow B reading/ borrow C reading/ to borrow D to read/borrowing 3. They planned _ dancing yesterday but they could not it

A to go B going C went D gone

4. Peter regrets failing the exam and he promises harder and harder

A to study B studying C studies D studied

5. John didn’t like parties so he decided Mary’s invitation

A refuse B to refuse C refusing D refused

6. We managed _ the financial problem and we did it


7. She chose _ the school of Information while he wanted in a School of Education

A attend/study B to attend/to study C attending/studying D attending/to study 8. They try _ their homework well and expect _ good results

A do/to get B to do/to get C do/to get D to do/getting

9. “When you go out, remember _ eggs and powder for mum to make a birthday cake”

A to buy B sell C buying D selling

10.My mother needs _ a new raincoat

A buying B to buy C bought D buy

11. _ Peter leave for London? – Two weeks ago

A Why has B When did C Where will D What did

12. _ does your father do? – He is a farmer

A When B How C Where D What

13. money you need to buy a new hat? – About twenty thousand VND

A How much B How many C How long D How old

14.How long you be here in Dalat? – For a week

A B will C does D did

15.When you born? – I was born on January 17th 1993.

A were B was C did D

16. ? They have three children A How many children they have?

B How much children they have?

C How many children did they have? D How many children will they have? 17. _ didn’t you come to the party last night? – Because I was busy caring my sister

A What B When C Why D How

18. you have an English lesson? – Three times a week

A How long B How many C How old D How often

19. _ schoolbag is it? – It is John’s

A Whose B Who C What D Which

20.Who your form teacher this semester? – Miss Lan Phuong

A are B is C was D were



I/ Put the verbs into correct tense : Past simple or Past Perfect : 1.She ( finish ) _ her work by o’clock yesterday What ( you/ do) yesterday?

3 (You /watch) TV last night? She (be) _ born in 1980

5 They (pay) _ a visit to us last summer

6 He (start) learning English when he (be) _a child She (spend) _ five days painting her house two weeks ago Up to then , I ( never / see ) such a big fire

9 I (be) tired because I (work) all day yesterday 10 I (see) her before

11 Mr Green has taught English in this school since he (graduate) _ from the university in 1986

12 They (go) _ home after they (finish) their work 13 She said that she (already, see) _ Dr Rice

14 When we (come) to the stadium, the match (already, begin) _ 15 They (tell) _ me they (not, eat) such kind of food before

16 After he (go) _, we (sit) _down and (rest) 17 After taking a bath, he (go) to bed


19 Before Alice (go) _ to sleep, she (call) her family

20 He (teach) in this school before he (leave) for England 21 He (thank ) me for what I ( ) _

22 By the time I met you I ( work ) in that company for five years

23 When I (open ) _ the cupboard door , a pile of books ( fall ) out II/ Choose the best option to finish each sentences:

1 He me to the party yesterday

A invited B has invited C has been invited D was inviting He a book two days ago

A read B has been reading C was reading D has read

3 They this film last week

A have seen B saw C have been seeing D were seeing

4 Last summer, he _ to Ha Long Bay

A has gone B was going C went D has been going

5 The library _by the time I there

A had closed/ got B closed/ got C closed/ had got D has closed/ got When my friend , I an exercise for an hour

A was coming/ had been doing B came/ was doing C was coming/ has been doing D came/ had been doing When he , I in London for a week

A arrived/ was living B was living/ has been living C arrived/ has been living D arrived/ had been living She _ English before she came to England

A studies B has studied C studied D had studied

9 By the time Sheila got back , Chris

A have gone B went C will go D had gone

10 The sun ( rise ) _ in the East



 I/ Use The + adjective from the list to complete each sentence :

disabled rich deaf unemployed dumb poor blind mentally retarded injured

1 have to help

2 _in the accident yesterday morning was taken to hospital immediately The little boy is helping cross the street

4 and use a system of sign language to communicate with each other The government should take an urgent step to help

6 Don’t make fun of _

7 He has not developed mentally as much as others at the same age He’s a child II/ Choose the correct word between brackets

1 The rich (is / are ) _ not always happy The dead never ( return / returns )

3 The lazy can never ( succeed / succeeds) _ The young ( have / has ) the future in their hand The poor (is/are) not always unhappy


EX: John is always late for class This annoys the teacher →

1. She usually comes to work on time That pleases her boss →

2. Oanh works very hard and always gets good marks This pleases her parents a lot →

3. We have lost her phone number This makes it difficult to contact her →

4. He passed the exam with high grades This made everybody in the family pleased →

5. Tim has found a new job That is lucky →

V/ Write a sentence for each of the following using USED TO or DIDN’T USE TO : EX: Dennis gave up smoking two years ago

2 I don’t mind traveling by train now →

3 I prefer listening to classical music now , although when I was young I couldn’t stand it →

4 I went to the church when I was a child →

5 John smoked a lot a year ago, but now he doesn’t smoke any more →

6 Mrs Quyen taught the mute but she doesn't it any more →

VI/ Choose the best answer :

1 I remember you You to school here


9 The secretary ……… I talked to didn’t know where the meeting was

10 Peter told me about students …… have got the school scholarship three times 11 The person from ……….you got the information is my older brother

12 This is Nacy,……… is talking over the job when I have

II Combine sentences using relative pronouns.

1 I bought a cell phone I can use it to send and receive e-mail

……… My stereo doesn’t work today I bought it yesterday

……… I apologized to the woman I spilled her coffee

……… My nephew is naughty Your son is playing with him

……… Some documents have been found They were stolen from a car


1 The chemistry book ………… was a little expensive

A that I bought it B I bought that C what I bought D that I bought Do you remember Mrs Huong, ………… taught us English

A who B whom C that D which Quoc Hoc High School, ……… we are studying, is a famous school in Vietnam

A which B that C where D in where The man ……… I had seen before wasn’t at the party

A whom B that C x D all are correct Can you help me find the man …………saved the girl?

A which B whom C who D whose All of those ………….in favour of the motion, raise your hands

A who are B who is C whom are D whom is Robert is going to be famous someday He ………… in three movies already

A appeared B had appeared C has appeared D has been appearing A new hospital ………in the area lately

A was built B was being built C has built D has been built This box ……….for a long time yet

A hasn’t been opened B hadn’t been opened C wasn’t opened D wasn’t being opened 10 None of the students ……… in our this problem yet

A have been solving B have solved C were solving D were solved ………………



I The Prese Present continuous( tiếp diễn)

 Form :

Affirmative: S + AM / IS / ARE + V - ING ……… (đang) Negative: S + AM/IS/ARE + NOT + V - ING ……… Interrogative: IS / ARE / AM + S + V-ING + ………?

Yes, S + tobe / No, S + tobe-not

- Or: WH / HOW + IS / ARE / AM + S + V-ING + ……… ?

Ex: I am studying English now I am not studying


 hành động xảy lúc nói, thường với trạng từ: now, at the moment, at present, right now, Look!, Listen!, Be careful!,………

ex: I am studying English now.  Một lời phàn nàn, than phiền

ex: You are always making noise

 Hành động tương lai có kế hoạch thực ex: He’s going to USA next week

 * Chú ý: không dùng HTTD với động từ nhận thức tri giác: to be, see, hear, understand, know, like, want, glance, feel, think, smell, love, hate,remember, realize, seem , forget, belong to, believe,…………


2 I (do)……….my homework at this moment Tom (always talk) ……… in class

4 The Airheads (play) ………at the King Theater this week I (not see) ……… anything at present

6 Anita didn’t use to like classical music, but now she (like) ……… it a lots Keep silent! My father (sleep) ……….in his room

8 Nam (help)………his father repair the radio at this time

9 Mrs Mai usually (make)……… all her clothes At the moment she (make) ………… a dress for her duaghter

10 Be careful! The car (come)………

II The Present progressive (with future meaning) and Be going to: Tense The Present progressive

(Hiện tiếp diễn)

Be going to (tương lai gần)

Form S + am/is/are + Ving……… S + am/is/are + going to + V0…… Usages  Diễn tả hẹn, kế hoạch tương

lai hoạch định rõ ràng Thường dùng với động từ: come, go, leave, travel, fly… trạng từ thời gian o tương lai

Ex: I am flying to Lodon this Friday

 Diễn tả dự định thực tương lai gần- cho biết người dự tính làm Be going to thường khơng dùng với go come.

Ex: I am going to see him tomorrow.  Diễn tả dự đoán tương lai dựa tình

Ex: I feel terrible I think I am going to be sick


Put the verbs in brackets into one of these two forms: the present progressive with a future meaning or be going to

1.I (take) a French course this semester 2.We (buy)……….a new house

3.You’ve bought a lot of paint You (redecorate)………your kitchen? 4.Our class (start)………English next term

5.This restaurant (close)……….down next month 6.What you (do)……….with the money?

7.I (give)……….her a new dress for her next birthday

8.They (take)……….their children to the seaside this summer 9.You (go)……….to the cinema tomorrow?

10.The little boy (wash)……….the car? 11.The Sultan (speak)………on TV tonight


13.Why did you buy all these eggs? You (make)……….an enormous omelet? 14.I (have)……….my hair cut this afternoon

15.John (ring)……….me up tonight




I The Present Perfect (hiện hoàn thành) : for, since EXERCISE: Complete the sentences with Since or For or Ago It has been raining yesterday afternoon

2 They have been cleaning their house several hours

3 We haven’t played basketball I was a junior high school student The children have never been in the supermarket less than two hours Have you worked here almost a year?

6 I have been trying to get through on the phone the past hour The machine broke down an hour

8 I haven’t slept well last Monday They met each other few days 10 I’ve had a headache this morning



I. Complete the sentences with although / in spite of / because / because of.

1 he was tired, he went on working

2 a) all our careful plans, a lot of things went wrong

b) we had planned everything carefully, a lot of things went wrong a) I left in the middle of the film it was much boring

b) I went to work the next day I was still feeling sick I couldn't get to sleep there was a lot of noise

5 He refused the job good salary .the traffic was bad arrived on time I couldn't sleep I was really tired

8 The meeting had to be cancelled the chairman's absence ………it rained a lot, we enjoyed our vacation 10 a/ I went home early ………… ….I was feeing sick

b/ I went to work the next day ………I was still feeling sick 11 I didn’t get the job ……….being extremely qualified 12 ……… the traffic was bad, I arrived on time

II Match the halves of each sentences:


1. Jane came to class late 2. She left him

a. for five days now b. before

Clause + because of + N / N.Phrase / Gerund Phrase( V-ing) Because of + N / N.Phrase / Gerund Phrase(V-ing) , + Clause


3. She’s been sick

4. Jack’s never been to England

5. The building of the bridge will go ahead 6. Watching TV can be a waste of time

c. because of the traffic on the road d. in spite of the bad weather

e. because people don’t want to other things f. because he was rude to her

III. Complete the following sentences with “for” or “since”, and the correct from of the verb in brackets:

1. I (not have) time to finish my work Sunday 2. Nobody (write) to Norma she left university 3. She (eat) the same food three days

4. I (not play) tennis a year now 5. I don’t think I (see) you 2003

6. It (not rain) here last June

7. We (live) in this house it was finished

8. My father (not listen) to me I failed the entrance exam to university 9. They (not study) Tet holidays

10. Mum (be) to America three weeks ………………



1. Ph ơng pháp chuyển đổi từ câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp

Khi chuyển đổi từ câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp cần phải:

 Phá bỏ ngoặc kép, chuyển đổi toàn đại từ nhân xng theo chủ ngữ thứ sang đại từ nhân xng thứ

 Lùi động từ vế thứ xuống cấp so với mức ban đầu (lùi thời)

 Chuyển đổi tất đại từ thị, phó từ thời gian theo bảng quy định Bảng đổi động từ


Simple present Simple past

Present progressive Past progressive

Present perfect (Progressive)

Past perfect (Progressive)

Simple past Past perfect

will /shall would / should

Can / may Could / might

Bảng đổi loại từ khác

This, these That, those

here, overhere there, overthere

today that day


the day before yesterday two days before

tomorrow the following day/ the next day

the day after tomorrow in two days’ time

next + thêi gian (week, year ) the following + thêi gian (week, year ) last + thêi gian (week, year ) the privious + thêi gain (week, year )

thêi gian + ago thêi gian + before/ the privious +thêi gian

 Nếu nói thuật lại xảy ngày khơng cần phải đổi thời gian Ex: At breakfast this morning he said “ I will be very busy today”

→At breakfast this morning he said he would be very busy today EXERCISE: Turn into Reported Speech:

1 He said, “My son has a toothache.”

……… She said, “I’ll write him a prescription.”

……… They said, “We’re going to the drugstore this afternoon.”

……… The woman said, “The doctor gave me some pills.”

……… She said, “My mother goes to the supermarket every day.”

……… He said, “The children have received the envelope.”

……… They said, “Our parents visited Cannery Row last Sunday.”

……… The little girl said, “I feel very sick.”

……… Henry said "My son is going to London in 10 days."


10 Mary said "The children will play cards the day after tomorrow." ……… 2. Conditional sentence type 1:

2.1 §iỊu kiƯn cã thĨ thùc đ ợc thời tại.

If + S + simple present , S + can/ shall/ may/will + V0

Ex: If I have the money, I will buy a new car If you try more, you will improve your English 2.2 Đ ềi u kiện để diễn tả thói quen

If + subject + simple present tense + subject + + simple present tense

Ex: If the doctor has morning office hours, he visits his patients in the hospital in the afternoon 2.3 MÉu câu i u ki n nhê ai, lÖđ ề nh cho làm gì.


Ex: If you go to the Post Office, please mail this letter for me Please call me if you hear from Jane

EXERCISE: PUT THE VERB INTO THE CORRECT FORM: If Liz studies hard, she (pass)……… .her test

2 If I have time tommorow, I (go) ………shopping with you If you (turn) ……… off the light, we will be in the dark If I see Duc, I (give)……… him your message

5 He (send) ……… you some information if you tell him your address If Kate (be) ……….lat again, she will lose her job

7 She will be sick if she (eat) ………all that ice-cream

8 If we (go) ……… out tomorrow evening, we (miss)………that new programme on TV

9 We can hire a minibus if there (be) ………… enough people

10 There (not be) ……… enough chairs if everybody (come) ……… MORE EXERCISE: CHOOSE THE BEST OPTION:

1 If the weather _nice tomorrow, we _ swimming

A is – go B is - will go C will be – go D will be - will go He said that he ………… going to the country soon

A is B will be C was D has been

3. My brother told me that they had worked in the field all day _

A yesterday B the next day C two days ago D the previous day We will go skiing if it this winter

A snows B snowed C will snow D is snowing

5 Direct speech: "I m coming back to my home town tomorrow," Mai said Indirect speech: A Mai said that I am coming back to my home town tomorrow

B Mai said that she is coming back to her home town the next day C Mai said that she was coming back to her home town tomorrow

D Mai said that she was coming back to her home town the following day Go to bed immediately or you can’t get up early tomorrow

A If you don’t go to bed immediately, you can’t get up early tomorrow B If you go to bed immediately, you can’t get up early tomorrow

C If you didn’t go to bed immediately, you couldn’t get up early tomorrow D If you went to bed immediately, you could get up early tomorrow

7 He said that the lifestyle of his village has changed a lot for the last five years A B C D If this road was widened, cars and lorries can get to our village


9 Phong told me that his father was working in the garden now A B C D 10 I’d lend you my book if I have finished reading it






I Choose A, B, C or D that best completes each unfinished sentences, best substitutes the underlined part or has the same meaning to the sentence above:

1 I get up every morning thanks to the ………

A buffalo B lamp C alarm D lamb

2 It takes me ten minutes to get ……….for school

A really B ready C along D at

3 The water ……….at 100 Celsius degree and freezes at Celsius degree

A boils B vapors C cooks D steams

4 My family have ……… at 11.30 am every day

A breakfast B lunch C dinner D super

5 They were not contented ………what they had done

A on B of C without D with

6 We learn about numbers and calculations in ……….lessons

A English B Maths C History D Biology

7 I like poems and famous writing works I like ………

A Maths B History C Civic Education D Literature

8 I things regularly in the usual order and way They are my ………

A happy B routine C favorite D likes

9 We often have a short ………between the lessons

A nap B talk C crop D break

10 I sometime have a(n)……….at noon

A sleep B nap C cap D chat

11 We used to like sitting on the ………of the river and chatting with each other

A side B sit C bank D water

12 I’d like to become a(n)………so that I could fly to many places in the world

A philosopher B scientist C psychologist D air-hostess

13 The children ride the ……… to the field to feed them grass there

A buffalo B deer C elephant D peasant

14 The plane ……….on time

A took up B took after C took off D took over

15 We nearly ……….our hope then the plane began to gain its height

A gave in B gave up C gave back D gave out

II/Give the correct form of the word in brackets

1 I know how she felt (exact)

2 I felt quite _ with my day’s work ( satisfy) _ films should be made for school (Educate)

4 Air pollution has reached levels in some cities (danger) He was unqualified and totally ( experience)

I Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with the given words.

brush at to up work relax

On weekdays I wake (1) up when the alarm goes off and get up at 7.30 If I oversleep I know that I will be late for work I have a shower and wash my hair I have breakfast (2) at about 8.00, while listening to the radio I (3) brush my teeth and then at 8.30 I leave the house to walk to the station I work from nine (4) to five with a lunch hour from one until two After work I like spending time with friends I get home sometime after 7.00 and have dinner In the evening I (5) relax and watch TV or read the newspaper I go to bed at 11.00 and fall asleep straight away





1 You don’t need to worry so much ………….your weight

A about B on C of D with

2 The streets are always crowded ……… people and vehicles

A on B by C with D out

3 We usually have two ……… in a school year

A classes B semesters C classmates D days-off

4 What ……….are you taking this semester? – I am taking English

A semester B sport C subject D major

5 ………language is a common language for people from all over the world to communicate

A National B Nation C Nationality D International

6 She says teaching is a ……… work but she enjoys it

A hardly B hard C hardly ever D harder

7 My house is far ………school so I have to go to school by bus

A in B to C from D by

8 The road in city is wide while the path in countryside is ………

A crowded B narrow C deep D corner

9 Her house is far from school but his is ……… the school

A short B neat C hard D near

10 I often help my mom with ………

A housework B homework C exercise D homesick

11 We get ……….in solving the question It is too difficult

A ready B through C bitten D stuck

12 He ………his bike to school every day

A drive B run C operate D ride

13 How can I ……… to the post office?

A come B get C ride D run

14 We love working ………… groups to fulfill our tasks

A with B by C on D in

15 The students ………how to compose music

A learn B solve C manage D try

II/Give the correct form of the word in brackets

16 The school prepares students for a wide range of qualifications (profession) 17 He tried to make his speech more (entertain)

18 She listens to classical music for (ralax) 19 The show brought to millions of viewers (enjoy)

20 He can calculate very quickly He has an amazing ability to solve problems (maths) II Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with the given words.

if ask teachers polite stand from rude

The relationship between students and (1) teachers is less formal in the USA than in other countries American students not (2) stand up when their teacher enters the room Students are generally encouraged to (3) ask questions during class, to stop in the teacher’s office for extra help, and to phone (4) if they are absent Most teachers allow students to enter the class late or leave early if necessary Despite the lack of formality, students are still expected to be (5) polite to their teachers and fellow classmates




I/ Choose the best answer :

1 She received a _ after a two-year course

A diploma B book C champion D writer


A finding B founding C B & D D establishment After the death of her husband , Marie Curie took up his position at the Sorbornne

A tragic B tragedy C tragical D tragically

4 Marie Curie was awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry for determining the _ weight of radium

A.different B atomic C.romantic D free

5 He was injured in the accident last night

A bad B serious C seriously D good

6 When I was young , I received some training from my father

A science B scientific C scientist D scientifically Nowadays , more and more young people want to have a university _

A educate B education C educator D educational

8 The purpose of the test is to _ the weight of the chemical element

A ease B interrupt C determine D receive

9 In the 19th century , it was _ for a woman to become a doctor

A unable B impossible C couldn’t D incapable

10 He took _ the position that his father had obtained at the college

A on B to C up D in

II/Give the correct form of the word in brackets

1.The ( found ) -of the Institute of Radium in 1914 made her humanitarian wish come true 2.After the tragic ( die ) - of Pierre Curie, she became the first woman in France to be a university professor

3.Elizaberth Blackwell was an ( ambition ) -girl She was determined to be a doctor at any cost

4.They were late The plane ( take) -off 15 minutes before

5.If Helen is concerned about her ( appear ) -, she will look pretty III/ Read the passage and choose the best answer for each question

Marie Curie , the Polish-born chemist , was a courageous and determined woman She was born on November 7th , 1867 She left her home for Paris to pursue her interest in science Living in poverty , she still managed to graduate at the top of the class She met Pierre Curie shortly after graduation and married him a year later

Together , Pierre and Marie formed the most famous husband-and-wife partnership in science history They discovered the radioactive elements , Polonium and Radium They were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903

1 The word “ determined ” in line means most nearly

A resolute B found out C brave D honest

2 What did Marie Curie go to France for ?

A To find a job B To earn her living C To study D To take up a new hobby How was Marie Curie when she first lived in Paris ?

A bored B poor C rich D lively

4 How old was Marie Curie when she won the first Nobel Prize ?

A 30 years old B 36 years old C 44 years old D 67 years old Polonium is a

A country B science history C prize D radioactive elements


 I/ Choose the best answer :

1 The blind child a great effort to learn “ Braille ”

A did B got C made D created

2 She taught in a school for the deaf and dump

A people who are unable to see B people who are mentally ill


3 Mrs Thuy’s class is very different other ones

A than B from C with D as

4 He earns his living by taking photographs He’s a/an photographer

A amateur B professional C talent D determined

5 from is

A subtracted B added C divided D multiplied

6 There is a lot of _ to the plan of rebuilding the school

A passion B determination C demonstration D opposition To be , my favorite subject is Mathematics

A true B correct C honest D right

8 The Mona Lisa is now at the Central Exhibition

A by display B on display C in display D with display

9 Bad marks can create a feeling of

A humor B happiness C passion D sorrow

10 Without the Braille Alphabet, it would be very difficult for -

A the disabled B the deaf C the mute D the blind

II/ Complete the sentences with the appropriate from of the words in parentheses: I have been fascinated by since I was at secondary school (photograph) He has a interest in music (passion)

3 There was a lot of _ from the local residents (oppose)

4 They gave a clear - of their intentions (demonstrate)

5 The aim of the LIVE project is to train students from developing (nation) III/ Read the passage , then choose the correct answer :

The first school for blind , deaf and mute children in the Tibet Autonomous Region celebrated its first anniversary on Friday The school is built in the eastern suburb of Lhasa , capital of Tibet , and is designed to hold 200 students It covers 20.000 square meters

The school curriculum includes Braille and sign language training , Tibetan , mathematics , writing , ethics training , physical education , arts , handicrafts , speech and walking courses At the celebration , the audience was touched by a silent song expressed by the students with sign language Baiba Toinzhub , a 10-year-old blind child , can speak fluent Chinese and is good at singing and dancing He told the visitors that life in the boarding school was comfortable

1 What type of students attend the school ?

A Children who live in Tibet Autonomous Region B Children with a variety of disabilities

C Children who cannot see , hear , or speak D Children who are visually impaired The school is located in

A the capital of Tibet B the suburb of the capital of Tibet C the eastern of Tibet D 20.000 square meters

3 The school is _

A able to hold 200 students B the first boarding school in Tibet C 20,000 square meters in area D A and C are correct

4 Which subject is taught in the school ?

A Physics B Foreign languages C Computers D Braille Which of the following is not true ?

A Tibet’s first deaf-mute school celebrated its first birthday B The visitors were allowed with a beautiful song

C Life in the boarding school is comfortable D Baiba Toinzhub can sing and dance very well




I Choose the correct answer:

1 I turn on the because it is very hot today

A radio B electric cooker C air conditioner D fax machine I don’t like to be asked such _ questions in the job interview

A person B personal C personality D personalities

3 David can make an airplane appear and disappear

A magic B magically C magical D magic’s

4 The computer is _ of doing almost anything you ask it to

A capable B magical C perfect D miraculous

5 I felt quite with my day’s work

A satisfy B satisfied C satisfaction D satisfactory

6 ……….is used for making exact copies of documents

A Computer B Printer C Photocopier D


7 Can you tell me what a cell phone is used ?

A about B in C to D for

8 New telephone lines allow faster data ……….by fax or modem

A calculation B transmission C entertainment D.development The computer can _ houses, bridges gardens and building

A store B transmit C hold D design

10 The figures he gave were not strictly ………

A miraculous B accurate C important D perfect

11 Letters are their only means of ………

A communicate B communication C communicator D communicative 12 Computers can store very large amounts information

A of B about C with D off

13 We were really impressed by the scenic splendors of the Rocky Mountains A in a strange or mysterious way B having beautiful natural scenery

C very impressive and good D new and interesting

14 A computer helps you to interact ……….people around the world

A with B to C from D on

15 The computer can process the _ quickly

A language B information C entertainment D invention

II Read the passage and make the correct choice.

I wasn’t worried when my son bought a computer After all lots of children have parents who don’t understand computers But when my secretary asked me for a computer in the office, I really became worried So I decided to take some lessons in computing and my son became my teacher He was very helpful He invited me to sit down in front of the computer screen I did not know what it was called When I asked him what it was, he said that it was a VDU I still didn’t know what a VDU was, but I was too shy to ask him any more From that moment my memory refused to learn because he told me a lot of things that I really didn’t understand at all After a few lessons I began to feel tired I made an excuse, saying that I had a headache I suggested we should leave the lesson for another day Since then I haven’t said anything about the computer to my son and my secretary

1 What did the writer decide to when his secretary asked him to buy a computer in the office?

A To take some lessons in computing B To refuse to learn

C To buy a new computer D To sit down

2 Who bought a computer?

A The writer’s son B The teacher C The writer D The secretary


A “ I still didn’t know” B.“ I had a headache” C “ I haven’t said anything” D “ I didn’t understand”

4 Why the writer didn’t understand the lessons?

A Because he was too shy to ask B Because he had a headache

C Because he was lazy D Because he was worried

5 VDU is

A a floppy disk B a computer screen C a keyboard D a printer ………………



I Fill each gap in the sentence with one word from the box

church camera sunshine river lake excursion weather

1 They often sail on the near their house in summer

2 Many beautiful houses have been built on the left bank of the We decided to go on a day to the moutains

4 His family used to go to once a week My brother likes sitting in the bright We had very good during our last trip

7 I always take my with me when I go on a camping trip

II Fill each gap with one suitable word with the first letter given

8 When Daisy was ill, we came to v her in the hospital Tom wants to t around the word when he grows up 10 They s all day in house last Saturday

11 My neighbors c to me about my children‘s bad behavior 12 He ought to h his father, who is too old to work

13 Daisy s all her free time collecting foreign stamps

14 My grandmother p a black and white television to a color television

III. Read the following passage carefully, then select the best option A, B, C or D to complete it:

Hi everyone

I've been in Paris for over a week now and I'm having a great (15) In the first few days I did quite a lot of (16)……… the Eiffel Tower Notre Dame and all the usual tourist attractions Most places are absolutely (17) with tourists, so yesterday I decided to have a

(18) round the shops

Today I've been to a couple of interesting art (19) I got (20) on my way back to the hotel, but it didn't matter because I discovered a really fascinating (21) with lots of little stalls, selling just about everything from apples to antiques

I ate in the hotel the first night but usually I (22) for dinner - the restaurants are great and I can get a set meal for less than 25 euros I’m afraid I've (23) a lot of money, but it's a great place You'll be able to see for yourself (24) I get back - I've taken lots of photos

I hope you're all well I'll write again next week Love.,

15 A visit B holiday C trip D excursion

16 A viewing B sightseeing C looking D landscape

17 A took B stayed C packed D full

18.A look B visit C day-of D walking


20.A left B loss C lost D disappeared

21.A temple B palace C cathedral D market

22.A go out B leave C call D stay in

23.A paid B spent C lost D gotten

24.A until B while C after D





I. Complete the sentences with the appropriate from of the words in parentheses: 1. Television helps us to increase the of sports and games (popular)

2. In Britain, there is a television programme which attempts to show various devices which people have recently invented (week)

3. I don’t like television They encourage people to buy things that they don’t need (commercially)

4. Television make things because it presents information in an effective way (memory) 5. Some people think that the most problem with digital camera is making copies of the pictures (seriously)

6. The camera is changing the way people take pictures (digit) 7. The media was accused of influencing the final (decide)

8. On his , colleagues presented him with a set of golf clubs (retire) 9. We need to increase (product)

10. The company must reduce costs to complete (effect) II Fill in each gap with one suitable word in the box.

learn wastes as introduce active choose addictive problem

The best thing about TV is that it is cheap and it is funny Furthermore, it is educational When you (1) the right programmes, you can (2) a lot TV is also a window on the world for old people (3) they cannot get out so much Another benefit is that it can (4) people to new sports and other activities

The main drawback of TV is that it is (5) People can't stop watching it In addition, it (6) time since people don't other things We could so many other things if we didn't watch TV all the time Another (7) is that TV makes children passive Because children watch so much TV, they don't play (8) games It is bad for family life too

Any way TV is a good thing There is an on-off switch on every set If we use this wisely, then TV will not take over our lives

III. Match the halves of each sentences:


7. Jane came to class late 8. She left him

9. She’s been sick

10.Jack’s never been to England

11.The building of the bridge will go ahead 12.Watching TV can be a waste of time

a. for five days now b. before

c. because of the traffic on the road d. in spite of the bad weather

e. because people don’t want to other things f. because he was rude to her




I. Choose the correct answer: A, B, C, or D

1. Farmers work in the

A construction site B factory C field D bank

2. Most people in the poor villages live in

A flats B villas_ crops C cottages D high rise buildings

3. The life of farmers is improved because they grow _

A money B sale C cash D currency

4. _in most villages in Vietnam nowadays are widened A Streets B Avenues C High ways D Roads

5. Farmers use to the farming in their fields

A tractors B bus C.lorries D cars

6. In rainy seasons roads in the village are always

A mud B muddy C mudding D mudded

7. Rice, bean, and corn are products

A industrial B sea C agricultural D forestry

8. Roads are _so that they aren't flooded in rain A raised B increased C climbed D risen

9. Go straight on and the third turning on the right

A get B make C take D catch

10. That's very kind you to show me the way

A with B of C for D off

11.Dogs, cats, and cows are _animals

A house B wild C home D domestic

12. Which one does not belong to agricultural products ?

A potatoes B coal C maize D wheat

13.The in the countryside is much fresher than that in the city A air B soil C land D weather

14. The field where rice is grown is called _

A green field B yellow field C paddy field D gold field

15. fertilizer is used very commonly in growing crops A Chemistry B Chemic C Chemist D Chemical

II. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets:

1 He is a man of _ experience.( widen) We are _ of milk (shortage)

3 When it rains, the roads get very _ (mud) Many houses were destroyed in the _ ( flooded) Farmer Lum raises a lot of _ animals (farming)

6 On Saturday we watched football and on the _ day we went to church.(follow) A cage is an _ for birds ( enclose)

8 A _ is smaller than a town (village)

9 I was ill yesterday, but I feel _ now (good) 10 Her French is bad but her English is _ (bad)

III. Read the passage and make the correct choice.


nearby town Neither of the farmhouses is attached to a farm these days; the land has been sold and is managed by somebody in an office somewhere who has little interest in the village itself There are a few new houses, but they have no local character; you can see the same style anywhere in the country The whole of the village, in fact, has been tidied up so much that it has become nothing more than just another suburb

1. The writer

A grew up in a small rural community B used to live in a cottage C like living in a farmhouse D came back from the village

2. When he revisited his village, he quickly realized that A all the pretty cottages as well as the farmhouses have been rebuilt

B everything has almost changed

C the village changed a lot in appearance D the residents of the village are all commuters

3. Neither of the farmhouses _

A has a connection with a farm B has been sold

C is attached to the farmers D is managed by the commuters 4. According to the writer, _

A the village now has no local character B all the new houses are the same style

C the village is more tidy than it used to D the village has become nothing but a surbub

5. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage A the writer revisited his village last week

B the village has undergone significant changes

C the writer has visited the village several times before D the village nowadays has become another suburb





I Pick out the words underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.

A message B begin C repeat D repair

A dinner B drink C child D children

A ready B meat C defeat D beat

A kitchen B history C time D finish

A arrive B fit C fine D drive

II Pick out the words that have the stress different from that of the others.

A usually B continue C family D buffalo

A tobacco B breakfast C children D several A biology B alarm C transplant D sometimes A airport B passenger C technology D chemistry


III Choose the best answer.

11 I know how she felt

A exact B exactly C exactness D exacting 12 I felt quite _ with my day’s work

A satisfy B satisfactory C satisfied D satisfaction 13 I was late for school this morning because my alarm did not

A go away B go up C go on D go off

14 I have not met him since he school

A left B was leaving C had left D has left

15 My house isn’t very far _ school, so I usually go to school _ bike A from- on B away - in C of - by D from - by

16 _ films should be made for school

A Educational B Educating C Educated D Education

17 Mr Lam goes to work on foot once a week It means he walks to work

A never B sometimes C often D usually

18 When I was a child, I usually fishing with my brother

A go B went C gone D used to go

19 We _ dinner at home on Saturdays

A haven’t had B didn’t had C doesn’t have D don’t have 20 _ class allows students to acquire knowledge about living things

A Geography B Chemistry C Biology D History

21 The contented smile on her face shows that she finally passed the exam

A bored B boring C happy D disappointed

22 Now I don’t take the bus to school as I

A used to B did C took D was

23 It _ me 15 minutes to get to school every morning

A takes B took C spends D spent

24 - “ _ you often go to school?” - “At 6.30 every morning.”

A How B What time C Who D With whom

25 He’s not really interested in on the farm

A to work B being worked C working D worked

IV Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.

26 Mr Vy leaves the house at a quarter past five and arrive in the field at exactly 5.30 A B C D

27 We haven’t seen Jim since he has returned the countryside A B C D

28 I spend 20 minutes to read books every day A B C D

29 I enjoy to talk with my classmates about their future plans A B C D 30 David immediate comes home after finishing school A B C D

V Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C or D which has the same meaning as the given one.

31 The milk was too sour to drink.

A The milk was sour in order to drink. B The milk was very sour to be drunk. C The milk wasn’t fresh enough to drink. D The milk wasn’t enough fresh to drink 32 We started to write to each other two years ago.

A We used to write to each other for two years. B We used to write to each other since two years. C We’ve written to each other for two years. D We’ve written to each other since two years. 33 He last had his eyes tested a year ago.


A What she does doesn’t make her pleased. B Mary is satisfied with what she does.

C Whatever Mary does, she makes nobody pleased. D She feels happy when she does something. 35 My brother always drives to work.

A My brother always goes to work on the car. B My brother always gets to work by car. C My brother always repairs cars at work. D My brother’s driver is always off work.

Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question.

My name is Seumas McSporran and I am a very busy man I am 60 years old and I have thirteen jobs I am a postman, a politician, a fireman, a taxi driver, a school- bus driver, a boatman, an ambulance man, an accountant, a petrol attendant, and an undertaker Also, I and my wife, Margaret, have a shop and a small hotel

I live and work on the island of Gigha in the west of Scotland Only 20 people live there but in summer, 150 tourists come by boat every day

Every weekday I get up at 6:00 and make breakfast for the hotel guests At 8.00 I drive the island’s children to school At 9:00 I collect the post from the boat and deliver it to all houses on the island I also deliver beer to the island’s only pub Then I help Margaret in the shop

My wife likes being busy, too We never have holidays and we don’t watch television In the evenings Margaret makes supper and I the accounts At 10:00 we have a glass of wine and then we go to bed Perhaps our life isn’t very exciting, but we like it

36 Mr McSporron does all the following jobs EXCEPT A a firefighter B a driver C a farmer D a mailman 37 Gigha is the name of _

A his wife B his hotel

C the shop where they work D the island where they live 38 Tourists to the island

A sail B fly C swim D drive

39 The word “it” in paragraph refers to the

A beer B post C boat D pub

40 According to the passage which is TRUE about Seumas McSporran?

A He likes the job as a postman most. B He and his wife go on holiday every year. C He does the accounts in the evenings. D He goes to bed very late.


I Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest

1: A son B above C convenience D wonderful

2: A umbrella B cup C but D put

3: A marvel B package C father D guitar

4: A garage B married C father D target

5: A addition B important C master D embarrass

II Pick out the words that have the stress different from that of the others.

1: A Physics B History C Biology D Chemistry

2: A important B profession C Geography D Literature

3: A entertain B communicate C receive D complain

4: A children B student C professor D teacher

5: A opinion B relax C semester D nervous

III Choose A, B, C or D that best completes each unfinished sentences, best substitutes the underlined part or has the same meaning to the sentence above

1. I think that you should not worry your weight

A from B about C of D on

2. Jack was in heavy traffic for more than an hour

A flat B pump C narrow D stuck

3. All the malls and the shops in the region were with people


4. The children _ their bikes to get to school every day

A park B take C earn D ride

5. She once said that teaching is _ work

A hard B hardly C hardness D stuck

6. “Good morning, Jane” – “ _” A Goodbye, Nancy

B I’m fine, thank you

C Hi, Nancy D You’re welcome 7. “ _” – “Bye See you soon”

A Goodnight

B Good afternoon C Would you like some coffee?D Goodbye 8. “When did you visit her?” – “ ”

A Tomorrow B Yesterday C Tonight D Now

9. Make question for the underlined part: “He went to school by car yesterday” A How does he go to school?

B Why did he go to school?

C How was he go to school? D How did he go to school? 10.Make question for the underlined part: “They have recently bought a new car” A What they have recently bought?

B What have they recently bought?

C What did they have recently bought? D Where have they recently bought? 11.Make question for the underlined part: “The children are happy”

A Why are the children? B How are the children?

C What are the children? D How the children? 12.After we had discussed, we agreed _him enter the course

A to let B letting C to letting D let

13.Nam suggested _to the cinema that night

A to go B going C to going D go

14.After thinking for a while, he refused _us on the trip

A to join B joining C join D to joining

15.Jack admitted _stone into the house

A throwing B throw C to throw D to throwing

III Choose among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.

1 What did Peter suggested doing last week? A B C D

2 How does he present his reason to deny doing the task yesterday? A B C D

3 Why you refuse helping us with the homework? A B C D

4 How many are there books on the table? A B C D

5 Who did they threaten sacking off last night? A B C D

IV Make questions with the underlined parts.

1 I go to school by bus every day

=> ……… They bought three tickets for their friends

=> ……… We love cartoons because they are interesting

=> ……… Peter will visit London next week

=> ……… The boss threatened to sack Jimmy off

=> ……… She has lived here for ten years

=> ……… Tom is happy now


8 They are going to stay at Dalat for days

=> ……… The mobile phone is John’s

=> ……… 10 The bag is 45 thousand VND

=> ………

V Give the correct forms of verbs in brackets.

1 After a short rest, I continue _from a quarter past eight till 10:30 (work) We love and we love our children (work)

3 Would you like somewhere for a drink? (go) The black smoke began the room (fill) The children avoid to the strange man (talk) They stopped to listen to the lecturer (chat) They decided _ a debate about the problem (have) He doesn’t mind _ for her (wait)

9 We can’t wait the news from him (hear) 10 I denied to the zoo with him that day (go)

VI Read the following passage and choose the best answer to fill in each blank.

Kevin teaches mathematics at a high school He enjoys his teaching very much, and he always feels very (1)……… and proud when he is standing on the teaching (2)………Some of his ex-classmates have just offered him a chance to join them in a new company (3)…….computer software for businesses Everyone thinks that it will very well Kevin will probably earn more money than he (4)………….at the high school

The new company is (5)……… , and the money may be very good indeed However, Kevin can hardly quit his teaching job! He loves it

A self-confident B embarrassed C shy D unhappy

A class B career C profession D platform

A to get B to produce C to prepare D to work

A B does C did D doing

A excited B excitedly C excitement D exciting




A Choose the word that has the letter(s) pronounced differently from the others. a language b package c mathematics d marvellous

2 a chemistry b prepare c receive d degree

3 a trouble b study c tutor d subject

4 a received b worked c obtained d harboured

5 a private b diploma c guide d writer

B Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others.

1 a background b career c secondary d private

2 a scientific b atomic c impossible d professor

3 a obtain b determine c award d harbour

4 a ambitious b intelligent c brilliant d mature

5 a education b difficulty c champion d institute


1 Jane had gone to the supermarket she got home

A as soon as B after C when D before

2 is the science of numbers and shapes

A Mathematics B Chemistry C Physics D Sports

3 She has to work hard to earn a living

A quiet B such C extremely D her


A prevent B ease C avoid D listen She studied hard and got a degree with _ colors

A red B yellow C flying D singing

6 Mary the dream of becoming a teacher as she was a child

A liked B received C wanted D harboured

7 He was impossible to me while I was speaking

A interrupt B take up C determine D follow

8 She was so that it took her only a short time to learn her lessons


19 Television can make things ……….because it presents information is an effective way

a memory b memorial c memorable d memorably

20 Why was his boss so angry with him?- Because of……….late

a him to be b his being c he was d he is

IV. Read the passage and make the correct choice.

The computer, one of the most marvelous inventions in our modern age, has been used since 1946 It consists of many different parts such as central processing unit (CPU), CD-ROOMS, keyboard, visual display unit (VDU) or computer screen, mouse, floppy disks, printer and speaker However, what makes a computer such a miraculous device? Each time you turn it on, with appropriate hardware and software, it is capable of doing almost anything you want It is a calculating machine which speeds up calculations: it can add, subtract, multiply and divide with lightning speed and perfect accuracy It is an electronic storage which manages large collections of data It is a magical typewriter which allows you to type and print any kind of document letters, memos or requests for leave It is a personal communicator which helps you to interact with other computers and with people around the world In addition, if you like entertainment, you can relax by playing computer games or listening to computer-played music

marvelous (a) kỳ diệu, phi thường miraculous (a) tuyệt diệu, phi thường 1. What is the passage about?

A The uses of a computer B The kinds of computer

C The capabilities of a computer D The different parts of a computer system 2. Which of the following sentences is true?

A The computer is a calculating machine B The computer is an electronic storage device

C The computer is a magical typewriter and a personal communicator D All are correct

3. According to the writer, a computer can .

A add, subtract, multiply and divide B can manage large collections of data C help us to interact with other computers and people D all are correct

4. What makes a computer such a miraculous device?

A Hardware and computer screen B Software and floppy disks C Keyboard and mouse D Hardware and Software

5. A computer can add, subtract, multiply and divide with .

A lightning speed and perfect accuracy B speed and accuracy

C slow speed and perfect accuracy D lightning speed and fast accuracy ………………



I Choose the word that has the underlined (letters) pronounced differently from the others.

1 A famous B nervous C dangerous D mountain

2 A town B cow C snow D brown

3 A spread B disease C health D pleasure

4 A flood B good C foot D look

5 A crop B export C shortage D resort

II. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others.

1 A community B villagers C diseases D important

2 A electricity B instead C decided D enclose

3 A shortage B product C technology D manage

4 A resurface B knowledge C technical D export

5 A suburb B entertainment C medical D atmosphere


1 After harvesting the ………., the farmers plough their land to prepare for another one

a frog b crops c fields d farms

2 If the weather ……… nice tomorrow, we ……… swimming

a is- go b is- will go c will be- go d will be- will go

3 The teacher ……….them that she was going to hold a English- speaking club

a says b said c told d tells

4 My brother told me that they had worked in the field all day………

a yesterday b the next day c two days ago d the previous day I knew him ……….I was a child

a until b when c even if d while

5 They apply new farming methods to get bumper crops

a good crops b cash crops c crops for buying d crop failure They can not earn enough for living They are ……… need of many things

a in b on c of d for

7 If Tom is late again, he ………… his job

a loses b lost c will lose d would lose

8 The roads will be flooded ……….we resurface and raise them

a if b unless c when d so

9 They have studied hard with the hope to ……… their living standard

a improve b raise c widen d develop

10 They suggested ………for a swim in the lake

a go b to go c us to go d we should go

11 ……… if you take the map with you

a You will get lost b You will not get lost c You get lost d You got lost

12 I knew him ………I was a child

a until b when c while d during

13 We will go skiing if it ……….this winter

a snowed b will snow c is snowing d snows

14 It is dangerous to drive fast on that road which is in bad condition and needs ………

a decorating b pumping c resurfacing d damaging

15 We’ll have to go without John if he ……… soon

a won’t arrive b will arrive c arrives d doesn’t arrive

16 My mother and I are really looking forward ……… you again

a to see b seeing c to seeing d if we can see

17 “ How many people are there in your family?’ The interviewer asked me ………

a how many people there were in your family b how many people were there in my family c how many people there were in my family d how many people were there in your family

18 They tried to find a way of bettering their lives

a moving b changing c achieving d improving

19 We’ll be late unless we ………now

a leave b don’t leave c had left d have left

20 ………economic growth and technological development, our life has been improved

a Because b Thanks to c Despite d Although


1 My father said “ I don’t know what happened.” ……… Mrs Smith said, “ I went to the doctor yesterday” ………


4 Mary said, “ Dennis’s father is enjoying life now.” ……… His brother told him, “ You can use my computer today.” ……… She said,” I want something to drink.”

……… The boys said,” We have to try our best to win the match.” ………

8 Mai said, “ It has been a long time since I had such a good meal.” ……… He said, “ I always eat lots of fresh fruit and salad.”

……… 10 He said to us, “The weather may get much worse tomorrow.” ………

V Read the following passage and choose the best answer.

Our century has seen great changes in the life and living conditions of people Less than a hundred years ago, many of the things we now seemed impossible No one could imagine that people could fly, or that we could listen to music thousands of miles away Today, radio and television serve many purposes (62) pleasure They help us fish in the sea and land airplanes in bad weather or at night They control the work of large numbers of machine in industry Never before in history have there been such rapid changes in our way of life as at the present moment Scientists have been using what is known a scientific method to make new discoveries are new medicines Many illnesses that people died from 50 years ago no longer dangerous The study of science help us (65) _our outlook and opens a whole new world for us The progress of science is leading to a better and better life for man

1. A make B C get D conduct


Ngày đăng: 03/06/2021, 19:58

