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gerund and infinitive nang cao lop 10

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Động từ theo sau các động từ döôùi ñaây là V0: Make: khiến.. Let: cho phép Have: nhờ Help: giúp đỡ Used to : Had better1[r]


I Động từ với gerund:

admit : thừa nhận

anticipate : liệu trước appreciate : đánh giá cao

avoid : tránh

be worth : đáng (được)

can’t help : tránh

complete : hoản thành

consider : xem xét, can nhắc

defer : hoãn lại

delay : trì hỗn

deny : phủ nhận

dislike / detest : khơng thích

dread : sợ

encourage : khuyến khích

enjoy : thích

escape : khỏi

fancy : thích

finish : hoàn thành

involve : bao gồm, liên quan keep : tiếp tục

mind : ngại postpone : trì hỗn practise : luyện tập resent : phật ý, oán recollect : hồi tưởng risk : liều lĩnh spend : dùng, trãi qua suggest : gợi ý, đề nghị tolerate : chịu đưng, tha thou understand : hiểu

forgive : tha thứ

encourage : khuyến khích

imagine : tưởng tượng

mention : đề cập miss : bỏ lở It’s no use / good : Vơ ích to look forward to : mong, đợi

can’t bear / stand : chịu have difficulty / trouble: có vấn đề, gặp khó khăn Các giới từ: on / in/ to/ at/ up/ with…

Ex: She admitted stealing his money This job involves meeting people

Do you enjoy going to the beach?

II Những động từ sau sử dụng với hai cấu trúc: V + Ving

V + object+ to V0

He doesn’t allow smoking in his house He doesn’t allow anyone to smoke in his house.

III Động từ theo sau Ving hay to-infinitive: (Không thay đổi nghĩa) begin / start : bắt đầu

can’t bear : chịu đựng can’t stand : chịu đựng continue : tiếp tục

dread : kinh sợ

hate : ghét like : thích love : yêu neglect : lơ prefer : thích Ex: She began working / to work on the project

IV Đông từ theo sau Ving to-infinitive: (thay đổi nghĩa)

Forget: quên Don’t forget to send me a postcard (quên để làm) I will never forget working with you (quên làm) Remember: nhớ Remember to your homework (nhớ để làm)

Do you remember meeting the president last year? (nhớ làm) Stop: ngưng He stopped to smoke when he was driving ( ngưng để làm) Try + to-inf : cố gắng

Try + Ving : thử

We tried to win the game, but we failed Have you ever tried windsurfing? Mean + to-inf: muốn

Mean + Ving: nghĩa

I mean to take a trip to Canada

A trip to Da Lat means spending much money Regret + to-inf : tiếc

Regret + Ving : hối hận


V Động từ theo sau động từ V0: Make: khiến

Let: cho phép Have: nhờ Help: giúp đỡ Used to : Had better

Would rather….(than)

My mother makes me study They let him go

I had him wash my car

Advertising helps (to) sell more products

She used to help me when I lived in Dalat in 1997 You had better come back home and take a rest we would rather die than be slaves

I'd rather walk than take a bus

VI Theo sau động từ giác quan to V V0


hear + O + Ving smell


When I came home I had seen someone opening the door


hear + O + V0 smell


I noticed an old man cross the street

VII Động từ sau động từ thường dạng to V0

Agree Offer Decide Appear Ask Would prefer Remind Enable Want

Refuse Attempt Plan Seem Expect Would like Warn Teach Learn

Promise Manage Arrange Pretend Mean Dare Force Persuade Tell

Threaten Fail Hope Afford help tend Invite get Order

Exercise 1: Give the the correct form of the word in brackets.

1 Before (give) evidence you must swear (speak) the truth I tried (persuade) him (agree) _with your proposal Your windows need (clean) _.Would you like me (do) _them for you Would you mind (shut) _the window? I hate (sit) _in a draught I can’t help (sneeze) ; I caught a cold yesterday form (sit) _in a draught Stop (talk) _; I am trying (finish) _a letter His doctor advised him (give) _up (jog) _ My watch keeps (stop) _

9 People used (make) _fire by (rub) _two sticks together 10 He hates (answer) the phone, and very often just lets it (ring)

11 If you go on (let) your dog (chase) cars he will end by (be) _run over 12 I prefer (drive) _to (be) _driven

13 I advise you (start) _ (look) _for a flat at once 14 Would you mind (lend) _me some money? I forgot (cash) a cheque 15 (Lie) _on the beach is much more pleasant than (sit) _in the office 16 She like her children (go) _to the dentist every six months

17 An instructor is coming (show) _us how (use) _the machine

18 I have no intention of (go) _to that film; I couldn’t bear (see) _my favorite actress in such dreadful part

19 I suggest (telephone) the hospitals before (ask) _the police (look) _for him 20 After (hear) the conditions I decided (not enter) for the competition


24 Try (forget) _it; It isn’t worth (worry) _about it

25 There is no point in (remain) in a dangerous place if you can’t anything (help) _the people who have (stay) _ there

26 The horse won’t be well enough (run) _in tomorrow’s race He doesn’t seem (have) _recovered from his long journey

27 At first I enjoyed (listen) _to him but after a while I got tired of (hear) _the same story again and again

28 She is not eager (start) _her job

29 Do stop (talk) _ I am trying (finish) _the report 30 He tried (put) _on the shirt to see whether it fit him or not 31 He wore dark glasses (avoid) _ (recognize) _ 32 I advised you (start) _ (look) _… For a flat at once

33 I can’t help (sneeze) I caught a cold yesterday from (sit) _ in a draught 34 He had to pay for the (break) _ glass

35 It’s very hot I’d like (go) _ out for awalk

36 Those boys are very lazy They feel like (play) _all the time 37 Most all people would prefer (live) _ in the country

39 I prefer (drive) _ to (drive) _

40 He has failed in the exam, and he regrets (be) _.so lazy before 41 Try (forget) _ It; it isn’t worth (worry) _about 42 It took me along time (recover) _from the shock

43 She would rather (stay) _ at home tonight 44 This test is not easy (do) _

45 I heard them (talk) _about me when I entered the room 46 They often go (swim) _ in the river nearby

47 At first I enjoyed (listen) _ to him but after a while I got tired of (hear) the same story again again

48 Our teacher has promised (help) _ us (prepare) _… for the exam 49 I have decided (allow) _ My friend (do) as she pleases

50 He spends his free time (collect) stamps, he has taken up (do) this for a long time 51 Peter, I have something (tell) _you

52 I can’t imagine (not have) _ a car

53 If I have got a headache, why don’t you try (take) _ an aasprin? 54 We are arranged (meet) out side the school at 4;30

55 Have you ever considered (work) _as a teacher/

56 Harry says she doesn’t remember (meet) _Sally before 57 I really miss (play) _… tennis as I used to

58 The man showed me what (do) in the village 59 The teacher is busy (explain) the plain 60 The secretary still has some letters (type) _ 61 They needn’t (work) _that hard

62 There are many questions (answer) _ 63 There is no use (call) _him at this time 64 He smelt something (burn) _ in the kitchen

65 Because of heavy rain, they delayed (play) _ the match 66 I had to ask the boys (stop) _ (make) noisy

67 The teacher recommended (do) _more homework but he was too lazy (take) his advise 68 I looking forward to (see) _ you

69 He dreads (have) _ to retire 70 He urged us (work) _ faster 71 I wish (see) _ the headmaster 72 It’s no use (wait)

73 He warned her (not touch) _the tire


75 I can’t understand her (behave) _ like that

76 You are expected (know) _ the safety regulations of the college 77 He decided (disguise) _ himself by (dress ) _ as a woman

78 I used (ride) _a lot but I haven’t had a chance (do) any since (come) here 79 I ride sometimes Would you like (come) with me next time?

80 Most people prefer (spend) money to (earn) it

81 I resented (be) unjustly accused and asked him (apologize) 82 It isn’t good for children (eat) too many sweets

83 I didn’t feel like (work) so I suggested (spend) the day in the garden 84 Why you keep (look) back? Are you afraid of (be) followed?

85 Do you remember (post) the letter? Yes, I do; I posted it in the letter-box near my gate

86 Did you remember (lock) _the door? No, I didn’t I’d better (go) _back and (do) _ it now 87 You still have a lot (learn) if you’ll forgive me (say) so

88 It’s no use (try) (interrupt) him You’ll have to (wait) till he stops (talk)

89 I’m for (do) nothing till the police arrive They don’t like you (move) anything when the crime has been committed

90 He didn’t like (leave) the children alone in the house but he dad no alternative as he had (go) out to work

91 Why didn’t you drink it? I didn’t like (drink) it, as I didn’t know what it was 92 I’m very sorry for (be) late It was good of you (wait) for me 93 I keep (try) (make) mayonnaise but I never succeed

94 Try (add) the yolk of a hard-boiled egg

95 Do you feel like (go) to a film or would you rather (stay) at home?

96 She told me (look) through her correspondence and (take) out any letters that you had written her I didn’t like (look) through someone else’s letters but I had (do) as she said 97 He took to (get up) early and (walk) noisily around the house

98 I like (listen) to folk music much better than (listen) to pop

99 The car began (make) an extraordinary noise so I stopped (see) what it was 100 You’ll never regret (do) a kind action

101 He decided (put) broken glass on top of his wall (prevent) boys (climb) over it

102 He annoyed me very much by (take) the piece of cake that I was keeping (eat) after my supper

103 He kept (ring) up and (ask) for an explanation and she didn’t know what (do) about him

104 We got tired of (wait) for the weather (clear) and finally decided (set) out in the rain

105 He made me (repeat) his instructions (make) sure that I understood what I was (do) after he has gone

106 I suggested (leave) the car here and (send) a breakdown van (tow) it to the garage

107 She apologized for (borrow) my sewing-machine without (ask) permission and promised never (do) it again

Ngày đăng: 03/06/2021, 16:13

