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Direct: Mike said “I bought it last week.” Indirect:.. Mike said he bought it last week.[r]


100 MULTIPLE CHOICE SENTENCES I’ll……….arrangements for you to be met at the airport

a b make c set d sit

2 At his first……….Jack Lumber threw the javelin over 100 meters a trail b effort c attempt d contest

3 Lord Worth wanted Mary to……….a special effort, because sir Thomas is a very important guest

a b make c try d give

4 My sister……….us that it had snowed in her town last week a told b said c spoke d talk

5 A building in which monks live as a community is a………

a monastery b convent c nunnery d cathedral

6 Mr Johnson……….in the same company for thirty years and he is not planning to retire yet

a work b works c have worked d has been working

7 I’m late, ……….?

a am I not b I am not c aren’t I d none is correct

8 Let’s go, ……….?

a we b don’t we c did we d shall we

9 Peter hardly ever goes to parties, ……….?

a don’t we b doesn’t we c does we d non is correct

10.No one would object, ……….?

a will be b would they c would she d wouldn’t he

11.Mary’d come if you asked her, ……….?

a hadn’t she b wouldn’t she c had she d did she

12.Everyone warned you, ……….?

a didn’t they b did he c didn’t she d did she

13.I finished my work………

a two hours before b for two hours c since two hours d two hours ago

14.Direct: “How often the buses run at night?” Indirect: Do they know………

a how often the buses run at night?

b How osten the buses run at night

c How often the buses run at night

d How often the buses ran at night

15.Direct: “Help yourself to the food, please.” Indirect: The host………

a ordered me to help myself to the food


c Ask me to help myself to the foof, please

d Asked me to help myself to the food

16.I am……….daughter in a family

a the young b the younger c the youngest d the most young

17.Don’t lean……….that window The paint is still wet

a at b against c on d for

18.I expect to see them……….Sunday

a at b on c in d to

19.The airplane crashed into sea about one kilometer……….the shore a on b of c off d along

20.Martha survived……….a terrible earthquake

a after b off c from d no word is needed

21.The Southampton is……….around Miditerranean Sea

a running b swimming c floating d cruising

22.Will you……….the book I have lent you?

a get me back b take me back c give me back d delever me

23 It was the Planning Department that……….the traffic survey a conducted b paid for c cared for d stopped

24.The ship was leaving when the lava……….the town

a ran b hit c came d arrived

25.The helicopter……….them before the building collapsed

a hit b attacked c rescued d fell on

26.Direct: Mike said “I bought it last week.” Indirect:

a Mike said he bought it last week

b Mike said he had bought it last week

c Mike said he had bought it the week before

d Mike said he bought it the week before

27.Direct: He said “I didn’t buy it yesterday.” Indirect:

a He said he didn’t buy it yesterday

b He said he didn’t buy it the day before

c He said he hadn’t bought it yesterday

d He said he hadn’t bought it the day before

28.Direct: Jean said, “I’ll it tomorrow.” Indirect:

a Jean said she would it the next day

b Jean said she would it tomorrow

c Jean said shw would have done it tomorrow

d Jean said she would it the day before


a He asked if you would help me

b He asked whether you would help me

c He asked if I would help him?

d He asked whether I would help him

30.Direct: He said, “Has Mary spent all the money?” Indirect:

a He asked if mary had spent all the money

b He asked if Mary spent all the money

c He asked whether Mary has spent all the money

d He asked whether mary spent all the money

31.Direct: He said, “ Does Pedro speak English?” Indirect:

a He asked if Pedro would speak English

b He asked if Pedro would speak English

c He asked whether Pedro speak English

d He asked whether Pedro spoke English

32.I’ll go out when the rain………

a stops b will stop c is stopping d stopped

33.If I……….enough money, I could buy that camera

a have b had c have got d does have

34.Mr Jones is waiting for you now He……….for you for half an hour

a has been waiting b has waited c had waited d had been waiting

35.Have you finished……….the letter to Mr Smith?

a to type b typing c type c typed

36.The spaceship flew……….the new planet several times

a around b through c at d in

37.Mrs Campell is going to wash this pile of clothes……….new fizz detergent a in b on c by d at

38.When I was……….your age, I only used to pay five pence for cinama

a in b on c for d no word is needed

39.Bill Walker works……….an import-export company

a for b with c on d under

40.There’s a good film……….town

a at b over c in d on

41.I was just……….to go out when you telephoned

a round b about c thinking d when

42.You will become ill……….you stop worlking harder

a until b when c unless d if

43.When he heard the noise he asked me what was……….on

a happening b being c getting d going

44.I don’t think that red dress……….her


45.The three friends all……….for the same job

a requested b applied c intended d referrd

46.The dentist told him to open his mouth………

a broad b much c greatly d wide

47.His parents never allowed him………

a a smoking b smoking c to smoke d some smoke

48.Do you……….my turning the television on now?

a mind b disapprove c want d object

49.Paris lies……….the river Seine

a over b next c on d at

50.I’m afraid the rise in salary is……….just now

a out of sight b out of control c out of date d out of the question

51.After a lot of difficulty, he……….to open the door

a managed b succeeded c obtained d realized

52.I’ll have to……….to you, otherwise he will hear

a shout b say c whistle d whisper

53.There’s ……….to be frightened of the dog; he’s quite harmless

a a fear b no fear c no need d any reason

54.The teacher……….them the answers to the questions

a explained b told c said d discussed

55.Hello Is that 21035? Please put me……….to the manager

a across b up c over d through

56.I knew him……….I was a child

a until b when c as d during

57.He got out of the bed and took a few……….but he could not go any farther a stages b starts c steps d actions

58.Take this road and you will……….at the hotel in five minutes

a arrive b come c find d after

59.You’ll……….yourself a lot of time if you take a car

a spend b make c save d spare

60.The report tonight is coming……….by satellite from the Olympic Games a lively b direct c live d immediately

61.The robber was ……….three days ago

a snatched b seized c arrested d searched

62.At the zoo, the Indian elephant was examined by the zoo………

a veterinary surgeon b keeper c owner d housewife

63.To have time off is to………

a be busy b have free time c be ill d be without a job

64.If I keep an eye on something, I………

a like it b see it c watch it d put it away

65.If I look forwand to something, I………


66.They didn’t have……….things to eat

a much b many c some d little

67.……….is the most satisfactory solution?

a Why b Who c Whom d Which

68.Active: Are they going to invite him to party? Passive:

a Is the party going to invite him?

b Is he going to be invited to the party?

c Is he invited to the party by them?

d IS he being invited to the party by them?

69 Active: Our club holds mettings once a month Passive:

a Meetingsare holded by out club once a month

b Once a month is held meetings by our club

c Meetings are hold by our club once a month

d Meetings are held by our club once a month

70.The man………

a is history professor with the grey hair

b with the grey hair is a history professor

c with the grey hair is a historical professor

d with the hair grey is a professor history

71.The women………

a wore their new evening dresses to the opera

b wore the evening dresses new to the opera

c wore to the opera their new evening dresses

d wore their evening new dresses to the opera

72.Direct: Mike said: “I bought it last week.” Indirect:

a Mike said he had bought it last week

b Mike said he bought it last week

c Mike said he had bought it the week before

d Mike said he bought it te week before

73.Direct: He said: “I didn’t buy it yesterday.” Indirect:

a He said he didn’t buy it yesterday

b He said he didn’t buy it the day before

c He said he hadn’t bought it yesterday

d He said he hadn’t bought it the day before

74.Direct: Jean said: “I’ll it tomorrow.” Indirect:

a Jean said shw would it the next day


c Jean said she would have done it tomorrow

d Jean said she would it the day before

75.Direct: He said: “Will you help me?” Indirect:

a He asked if you would help me

b He asked whether you would help me

c He asked if I would help him?

d He asked whether I would help him

76.Mrs Done answered the door and showed him ……….his room a on b by c at d to

77.A helecopter managed to land……….the roof

a at b on c in d over

78.The tree had fallen down……….the railway line

a beneath b above c across d after

79.The spaceship flew……….the planet several times

a around b through c at d in

80.I am amazed……….your fluency in English

a with b in c at d for

81.They live in a……….of Oxford, and come into town by bus everyday

a suburb b center c area d countryside

82.I couldn’t find your number in the telephone………

a book b dirctor c directory d a and c are correct

83.There are many……….for new immigrants in Australia

a offices b toilets c uniforms d hostels

84.She has a good job I’m sure she……….over 20,000 dollars a years a gains b received c earns d wins

85.All the new is bad I just want somwthing………

a interested b interest c interesting d more interested

86.This question is……….difficult for them to answer

a to b enough c two d too

87.Don’t you know that they are in love……….?

a each other b one another c with each other d None is correct

88.She will never get used……….on the left

a to drive b to driving c drive d driving

89.Cats don’t eat……….dog

a as much than b as much more c as much as d as much

90.What……….at a.m yesterday?

a did you b were you c were you doing d are you doing

91.You can’t speak Russian………

a Either can I b Neither can’t I c Neither can I d I can’t neither

92.This is the most interested novel………


93.He was sitting on the beach when he……….a noise

a was hearing b heard c had heard d hears

94.When it began to rain, they……….in the yard

a played b were playing c had played d have played

95.When we got to the station, the train………

a went b has left c had left d have left

96.Do you object……….my smoking?

a in b for c to d at

97.I must apologize……….keeping you waiting

a to b on c for d in

98.How long have you been working……….this test?

a on b for c over d at

99.The spy surrendered himself……….the enermy ans was condemned……….death a for/ at b to/ to c in/ in d at/ on

100 His debt now amount……….1,000 dollars

a in b at c to d for


1 B C B A A D C D D 10 B

11 B 12 A 12 D 14 A 15 D 16 C 17 B 18 B 19 C 20 D

21 D 22 C 23 A 24 D 25 C 26 C 27 D 28 A 29 D 30 C

31 D 32 A 33 B 34 A 35 B 36 A 37 A 38 D 39 A 40 C

41 C 42 C 43 D 44 A 45 B 46 D 47 C 48 A 49 C 50 C

51 A 52 D 53 C 54 A 55 D 56 B 57 C 58 A 59 C 60 C

61 C 62 A 63 B 64 C 65 B 66 B 67 D 68 B 69 D 70 B

71 A 72 C 73 D 74 A 75 D 76 D 77 B 78 C 79 A 80 C

81 A 82 D 83 D 84 C 85 C 86 D 87 C 88 B 89 C 90 C

Ngày đăng: 02/06/2021, 13:22

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