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I like roses very much, but iu haven’t a garden to grow roses in it.. You had better have that decaying tooth……….[r]


100 MULTIPLE CHOICE SENTENCES PART 4 His legs arms were tied with ropees but he……….to get free

a managed b felt c succeeded d became

2 She was bitterly……….that she didn’t get the job

a pleased b disappointed c hurt d excited

3 He neither……….English clearly nor carefully

a says b tells c talks d speaks

4 The golden eagle in Scotland is now in danger of………

a appearance b extinction c death d damaged

5 My sister……….us that she had been engaged to a millionaire

a said b told c spoke d talked

6 We went to the station to………

a see them off b put them away c say goodbye to them d a and c are correct

7 The robber was……….three days ago

a snatched b arrested c occupied d spoiled

8 “At time” means………

a often b never c on time d occasionally

9 He was tired and……….down for a little while

a lay b laid c lain d lie

10.Laura held the photographs with great………

a care b caution c attention d concentration

11.There were at least……….at the game

a two thousand spectator b two thousand spectators c two thousands spectators d two thousands spectator

12.You can go home, if you……….your work

a finished b have finished c are finished d finishing

13.We arrived……….to have some coffee before class

a enough early b early enough c too early d early too

14.Do you know……….?

a what it was wrong b what’s wrong with it c what wrong it was d what wrong is with it

15.Don’t use the office phone……….personal calls

a on b for c of d with

16.Do you have to pay now?


17.Tom fell and himself while he……….his bicycle

a hurted/ was riding b hurting/ riding c hurting/ was riding d hurt/ was riding

18.Father left a message for………

a I and you b you and I c me and you d you and me

19.Do what you think is right……….they might say

a however b whatever c whenever d whoever

20.We got there just……….time to catch the last train

a on b around c by d enough

21.The show was dull It was………

a uninteresting b interesting c exciting d sad

22.In the end, manchester won after……….3 goals

a scoring b winning c making d kicking

23.Don’t work so hard You’re going to ……….yourself!

a enjoy b amuse c kill d entertain

24.A period of two weeks is called a………

a mid-month b quarter c fortnight d decade

25.At his first……….that famous sportman threw the javelin over 100 meters a show b display c effort d attempt

26.We’re flying at a……….of 30,000 feet

a speed b height c temperature d fuel

27.The spaceship……….slowly through the cloud

a traveled b descended c landed d took of

28.Will you take a cheque? I’ve run out of………

a money b paper c cash d bills

29.A war has just ……….in that poor country

a broken up b started c blown up d caused

30.“You’re speeding, sir There’s a 30 miles an hour speed limit on this road” “Really? But I didn’t see a……….”

a sign b signature c lamppost d signal

31.He can climb trees……….a monkey

a as b like c the same as d similar as

32.He is a good swimmer, so he……….swim to the river bank when the boat sank a managed b succeeded c was able to d can

33.You must make them……….their homework

a b to c doing d done

34.He came to the party……….he hadn’t been invited

a in case b although c because d even


a more pretty than b more prettier than c much more pretty than d much prettier than

36.Budgies never speak……….parrots

a well as b better than c as good as d well than

37.We always have lunch……….but we never talk to……… a together/ each other b together/ together c each other/ each other d each other/ together

38.This electric kettle has got an automatic timer, so it ca……… a turn in on and off b switch itself on and off c made it turn off automatically d switch it on automatically

39.I went to the dry cleaner’s and had………

a my suit cleaned b cleaned my suit c my suit been cleaned d my suit being cleaned

40.Tell me what……….to you

a the doctor said b did the doctor say c the doctor did say d did the doctor said

41.I am on a(n) ……….I want to lose some weight

a excursion b exercise c diet d trip

42.I……….a table for four of us, at o’clock

a bought b had c asked d reserved

43.The building was completely ……….in the fire

a spoiled b destroyed c injured d wounded

44.If you fasten something, you………

a will never get it b tie it tightly c make it hurry d make it larger

45.He is a……….speaker He speaks smoothly

a fluent b quick-tempered c fast d slow

46.You should wear……….when riding a motorbike

a a business suit b a helmet c a pair of shoes d perfume

47.Hello! Can I make……….with the doctor?

a a meeting b an experiment c an appointment d an effort

48.A famous actor in movies is called………

a a film star b a movie fan c a blacksmith d a locksmith

49.It’s a good book I can ……….it highly

a recommend b introduce c order d reserved

50.She looks happy She is in………

a trouble b debt c danger d love

51.There’s no one in the house, ……….?


52.The waitress put……….cream and sugar in my coffee

a too b too much c too many d very many

53.These steps are dangerous, I ……….on them several times

a fell b have fallen c felt d will have fallen

54.I’ve been waiting for you………

a for two hours b two hours long c since two hours d for two o’clock

55.I’ll ask him………

a how many he paid for the book

b how much did he pay for the book

c how much he paid for the book

d how many did he pay for the book

56.I think it is……….problem of them all

a the most difficult b most difficult c the more difficult d the difficult

57.Never……….such as big pumpkin!

a I saw b I am seeing c I have seen d have I seen

58.After you……….I felt so lonely

a have gone b had gone c go d are gone

59.They’re proud……….their success

a of b in c at d to

60.Nobody can be exempt……….taxes

a for b from c to d over

61.I’d like to have this skirt………

a repaired b rebuilt c langthened d reduced

62.I want you to……….a table at the Savory hotel

a ask b reserve c phone d occupy

63.The hair dresser……….her hair

a makes b does c dresses d take off

64.He……….his living by repairing shoes

a makes b does c sets d raises

65.There may be more cliff falls, and local……….are spending the night in a school a chairmen b officials c traders d residents

66.The diver that gave him a ……….just let him outside the city

a transport b lift c travel d drive

67.He is a very ……….man He only thinks about himself

a nervous b warm c severe d selfish

68.His father had a nervous……….last year

a break-down b temperature c cold d heat


a ground b resort c field d stadium

70.This morning my alarm clock didn’t ring I forgot………

a to lock it b to take it off c to wind it up d to turn it on

71.At present we……….an exercise on tenses

a b have done c will d are doing

72.The grass is still wet It……….last night

a rained b must have rined c was raining d must rain

73.Did you post the letter you……….?

a have written b wrote c had written d will write

74.I like roses very much, but iu haven’t a garden to grow roses in it I wish I……….one a will have b have c had d having

75.If she ……….rich, she would help the poor

a was b is c were d has been

76.You had better have that decaying tooth………

a pulled out b pull c to pull out d pulling out

77.We……….in this house for 25 years

a are living b live c will live d have been living

78.We were prevented……….going fishing by the bad weather

a in b on c from d at

79.I fell asleep when I……….television

a was watching b am watching c am being watched d watched

80.When I arrived, everyone was sitting round the table woth their mouths full They ……… a are eating b were eating c had been eating d have been eating

81.The synonym of “marvouslous” is………

a happy b actual c wonderful d expensive

82.I can’t give you the job because you have no………

a facility b qualification c convenience d luggage

83.It’s an excellent……….holiday

a package b party c group d team

84.I know my……….to school

a address b walk c destination d way

85.Ann……….a dress for her doll

a made b did c handed d sold

86.Will you……….me how to play the game?

a learn b call c show d need

87.Hurry up or we shall……….the bus

a catch b miss c run d deceive


a angry b pleased c interested d happy

89.Nobody likes to pay……….prices

a high b tall c big d great

90.It’s often made of iron and can lead into a garden It’s………

a a port b a door c a gate d a doorway

91.You play tennis……….I

a better than b more good than c gooder than d more well

92.If you don’t like this one, try something………

a other b more c else d another

93.How are you feeling today?

a More b Much c Very d Many

94.You are not the only one who didn’t hear the news I didn’t……… a neither b also c too d either

95.……….a doctor, I must advise you to give up smoking

a Though b Like c Else d As

96.I haven’t met our new secretary yet……….?

a What’s she like? b How is she? c How is she like? d Why is she like?

97.The doctor made me……….in bed for a week

a staying b stay c stayed d have stayed

98.You can go home, if you……….your work

a finished b have finished c are finished d finishing

99.Peter wanted to win the race He ran………

a as fast as he could b so fast as he can c fast as he can d fast as he could

100 He’s crying again He……….all day

a cries b crying c cry d is crying


1 A B D B B D B D A 10 A

11 B 12 B 13 B 14 B 15 B 16 C 17 D 18 D 19 B 20 A

21 A 22 A 23 C 24 C 25 D 26 B 27 D 28 C 29 B 30 A

31 B 32 C 33 A 34 B 35 D 36 B 37 A 38 B 39 A 40 A

41 C 42 D 43 B 44 B 45 A 46 B 47 C 48 A 49 A 50 D

51 D 51 C 53 B 54 A 55 C 56 A 57 D 58 B 59 A 60 B


71 D 72 B 73 C 74 C 75 C 76 A 77 D 78 C 79 A 80 C

81 C 82 B 83 A 84 D 85 A 86 C 87 B 88 C 89 A 90 C

Ngày đăng: 02/06/2021, 13:25

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