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De chuyen TA Phan Boi Chau 20122013

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You could say that there are more opportunities for girls to read fiction: magazines encourage the fiction habit in girls in their early teens, and by their late teens they have probably[r]



NĂM HỌC 2012-2013


Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút, không kể thời gian giao đề

Điểm thi Họ tên, chữ kí giám khảo Số phách

Điểm số: ……… …… Giám khảo 1: ……… ………

Điểm chữ: ……… …… Giám khảo 2: ……… ………


I Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other three.

1 A sink B single C anger D strange

2 A handsome B handle C handkerchief D grandchildren

3 A comfort B information C import D complain

4 A champagne B machine C parachute D orchestra

5 A lively B rivalry C determine D viable

Your answer:


II Identify the word whose main stress is different from that of the other three.

1 A device B injure C upset D amount

2 A celebrate B decorate C conclusive D minimize

3 A dormitory B minority C territory D institute

4 A raincoat B bookshop C downstairs D shorthand

5 A volcano B mineral C slavery D generous

Your answer:



I Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to complete each of the following sentences.

1 _ to the national park before, Sue was amazed to see the tiger

A Being not B Not having been C Have not been D Having not been

2 Michael _ be watching TV I just saw him outside

A mustn’t B shouldn’t C can’t D might not

3 This is a valuable _ chair which dates back to the 18th century.

A antique B ancient C old-fashioned D traditional

4 How did you _ to stop little Lisa from crying?

A help B control C aid D manage

5 If you _ Hawaii, send me a postcard

A visited B had visited C will visit D should visit

6 I got a beautiful _ scarf for my birthday

A Italian silk blue B blue Italian silk C Italian blue silk D silk Italian blue

7 We must the matter before making a decision

A look up B look about C look into D look around


8 It was in the countryside _

A where Tim was brought up B Tim was grown up

C that Tim was brought up D which Tim was grown up at

9 He’d prefer chicken soup rather than milk

A having / drinking B to have / drink C to have / drinking D having / drink

10 Mr Peter: “I’d like to try on these sandals, please” ~ Salesgirl: “ _” A I’d love to B That’s right, sir C By all means, sir D Why not?

Your answer:


6 10

II Supply the correct word form to complete the following sentences.

1 The Internet has It is very time-consuming and costly

2 Third time lucky! After two _attempts, Mark’s finally passed his driving test

3 It is forbidden to hunt for that kind of bird because it is one of the


4 Every year 15 million _ visitors enjoy the fresh air in the islands Scientists consider it _ that gods create volcanic eruptions

6 Mr Baker works as a _ in an office in the town center

7 She’s very and loves looking after babies

8 There will be no pay rises in the future

9 Everyone was shocked It was a _ murder

10 He passed the exams because he had studied _


Your answer:





5 10

III Some of the lines in the following passage are correct, and some have a word which should not be there If a line is correct, put a tick () by the number If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word by the number Two examples have been done for you.

Your answer

Freshwater fish have a similar life cycle to birds The female fish lays eggs but very few of species show any mother-care to their young Fish are cold-blooded creatures, so it is left as to the water temperature to give the heat that it encourages the egg to hatch into the “fry”, which is the name given to young fish Small fish crowd together for protection and how to learn all the other behavior that is necessary for their survival Only very few them learn to escape the attentions of larger fish or many other predators who live alongside of water Fish continue to grow throughout the most of their lives Unlike animals or birds, there is no easily seen child or adult part to their growing up Fish from healthy waters, where there is plentiful food, will reach to bigger sizes quicker than their less fortunate fellows, who strive to grow in a polluted stretch of water


00 of

1 ………

2 ………

3 ………

4 ………

5 ………

6 ………

7 ………

8 …… ………

9 ………


SECTION C: READING I Fill each blank in the following passage with one suitable word.


Is your school just as you want it to be? Or are there things you and your classmates (1) _ change, given the opportunity? This is your chance to express your ideas about (2) _ the ideal school is like Our competition is open to (3) _ student between the ages of twelve and eighteen You can enter (4) _ an individual or your whole class can work together on a team entry Your entry can take any form- a piece of writing, a picture, or even architectural plans It is completely up to you What we are looking for is evidence (5) _ originality, imagination and, above (6) _, the genuine views of young people By taking part in this, you will help in a study being carried out at a leading university All work entered (7) _ the competition will be kept at the university and used in research Entries cannot be returned (8) _ of this But it also means that, even (9) _ you not win, your views will still be heard and will remain for future educationalists to study

Entries must reach us no later (10) _ Friday 30 April Winners will receive valuable prizes of computer equipment and software for their schools

Your answer:





5 10

II Read the passage and decided which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each blank.


Around the age of sixteen you must make one of the biggest decisions of your life Do I stay on at school and hopefully go on to university (1) _? Do I leave and start work or begin a training (2) _? The decision is yours, but it may be (3) _ remembering two things: there’s more unemployment (4) _ people who haven’t been to university, and people who have the right (5) _ will have a big advantage in the competition for jobs

If you decide to go (6) _ into a job, there are many opportunities for training Getting qualifications will (7) _ you to get on more quickly in many careers, and evening classes allow you to learn (8) _ you earn Starting work and taking a break to study when you’re older is (9) _ possibility This way, you can save up money for your student days, as well as (10) _ practical work experience

1 A after B later C then D past

2 A school B class C course D term

3 A worth B necessary C important D useful

4 A between B among C with D through

5 A notes B papers C arts D skills

6 A straight B just C direct D rather

7 A make B help C let D give

8 A where B while C when D what

9 A also B again C another D always

10 A getting B making C taking D doing

Your answer:



III Read the following passage and choose the best answer from A, B, C or D.

A good deal of fascinating research has been done about the reading patterns of young people,

and it is surprising to discover at what an early age children start expressing preferences for particular kinds of books A recent report, which examined in detail the reading habits of primary-school children, showed that even seven year old boys and girls have clear views about what they want to read Girls, in general, read more, and far more girls than boys preferred reading stories Boys were showing a taste for the more instant appeal of picture stories, or else books about their hobbies

These tastes continue unchanged until the children are teenagers Apparently girls read more in general, but more fiction in particular You could say that there are more opportunities for girls to read fiction: magazines encourage the fiction habit in girls in their early teens, and by their late teens they have probably moved on to the adult women’s magazines Teenage boys tend to buy magazines about their hobbies: motorcycles, heavy transport and so on

Adult reading tastes are also the subject of research Again the number of women who read for pleasure is considerably higher than the number of men It seems that the majority of women still want love stories There has also been some analysis of what men actually read Apparently only 38 percent of men read anything, but 50 percent of what they read is fiction in the form of action-packed stories of space or gunmen

1 Recent research into children’s reading has shown that they _ A start to read at a very early age

B have formed their reading tastes by the time they are seven C examine in detail what they read at school

D can read clearly and distinctly in primary school

2 A close look at the reading habits of boys and girls shows that _ A schools give more encouragement to girls than to boys

B magazines appeal more to boys than girls C picture stories appeal more to girls than boys D girls are more interested in fiction than boys

3 Research into adult reading habits has shown that _

A the majority of men read nothing at all B women not read about their hobbies C 38% of men have difficulty in reading D men prefer to read about current affairs According to the passage, _

A far more boys than girls are interested in love stories

B there are more opportunities for girls to buy magazines than for men C children generally don’t care what they should read

D Teenage boys show a taste for magazines about their hobbies

5 The word “fascinating” in line means most nearly the same as _

A having a lot of action B having a lot of information

C having great attraction D having great pleasure

Your answer:



I Finish the second sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the first one.

1 The president is the statesman I admire most of all

 There is ……….………

2 She is just about to cut the birthday cake


3 They had to wait for twelve hours before their flight left

 Only after a …… ………

4 I met them five years ago

 I have ……… ………

5 Her behavior tends to be bad when she is under pressure

 She has ………

II Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one, using the given word Do not change the given word.

1 Please arrange for these parcels to be posted as soon as possible (HAVE)

……… ………

2 They gave us a friendly welcome when we arrived (WELCOMED)

……… ………

3 My teacher wanted me to finish the reports yesterday but I couldn’t (SOONER)

……… ………

4 After two hours the bridegroom still hadn’t appeared (SIGN)

……… ………

5 What was the price of the ticket? (PAY)

……… ……… III You see this announcement of your school’s English Speaking Club.

As a member of the club, prepare a speech (about 150 -180 words) to share your own ideas with your friends (Do not use your real name)


English Speaking Club



Ngày đăng: 02/06/2021, 11:54



