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English 9 Tiet 4 Unit 1 Read

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Educational aims: Help Ss to know about culture and history of countries in ASEAN.. Teaching aims : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know some information about.[r]


Week: Date of preparing: 05/ 09/ 2012 Period: Date of teaching: 07/ 09/ 2012


Lesson 3: READ


1 Educational aims: Help Ss to know about culture and history of countries in ASEAN Teaching aims : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know some information about

countries in ASEAN

II PREPARATIONS: Book, the map of Malaysia, cassette tape III PROCEDURES:

Teacher’s activities Students’activities

1 Warm - up (5’)

- Have Ss tell the names of countries in South-East Asian Malaysia Thailand

Laos Indonesia Vietnam

- Group works

2 Pre - Reading (12’)

- Have Ss tell some information about Malaysia area population

capital climate national

language official relegion

- Introduce some new words: huddhism (n)

2 climate (n) comprise (v) compulsory (adj) divide (v)

6 hinduism (n) Islam (n)


Group works

Match the pictures with right names

- Listen and write

South-East Asian


8 official (adj) primary(adj) 10 region (n) 11 religion (n) 12 separate (v) 13 tropical (adj)

- Ask Ss to practice new words - Practice new words 3 While – Reading (15’)

+ Activity 1:

- Have Ss read the text and check their answer - Have Ss read the text and find information to complete the table

1 Area Population Climate Unit of currency Capitalcity Official religion

7 National language Compulsory second language

+ Activity 2:

- Have Ss read the text again and choose True or False Malaysia is a member country of ASEAN

2 There are two religions in Malaysia People speak only Malay in Malaysia

4 Primary school children learn three languages at school

5 All secondary school children learn in English - Check and give the answer

1 T

2 F (There are more than two religions.)

3 F (English, Chinese and Tamil are also widely spoken.)

4 F (One of these: Malay, Chinese, Tamil)

5 F (English is a compulsory second language, not primary language instruction.)

- Read the text - Work in pairs 329.758 over 22 million tropical climate the ringgit

5 KualaLumpur Islam

7 Buhasa Malaysia English

- Work in pairs

1 T F F F 5.T

- Listen and write

4 Post - Reading (8’)

- Have Ss base on the table and retell some information about Malaysia

- Get feedback

- Whole class - Read the answer 5 Homework (5’)

- Write a similar table about Vietnam

- Prepare next lesson: Unit 1: Write/ p.11 Take note IV COMMENTS:

Ngày đăng: 30/05/2021, 19:51
