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Unit 6

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T:Let them play Lucky number 1. It’s the movie theater. It’s the photocopy store. It’s the photocopy store. It’s the drugstore.. IV. Remember[r]


Unit : (cont) Lesson 5: C - A/ The aims and objectives:

1-The Aims: At the end of the lesson students will be able to: - Practice questions "Where is /are….?" answers

- Use town vocabulary & prepositions of place to describe a street 2 Objectives:

* Vocabulary: photocopy store, bakery, movie theater, drug store, police station … * Grammar: Where + is / are + S …? / It’s/ They are + prepositions + …

B/ Preparations:

1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, radio, pictures ,poster 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books

C/ Procedures:

I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting

- Checking attendance II/ Warm-up: (5')

Teacher’s & Students’activities T Contents T: Have ss play " network" Give

the prepositions they have learnt Ss: Play the game into two teams Write on the board T: Comment

5’ to the left of

near next to

in front of behind III/ New lesson: (31-35')


* Pre teach- Vocabulary

T: elicits the voc (using picture Ss: repeat the whole class and individually

=> Checkimg the Vocabulary: Matching

* Presentation text.C3/p.70 - T sets the sence:

“ Look at the picture There are many places on the street To know more about them.Let’s listen to the tape”


* Picture drill: C4/D.70

- Ask Ss to ask and answer the


I Vocabulary.

- drugstore(n): hiÖu thuèc

- toystore(n): cửa hàng đồ chơi - movie theater(n): rạp chiếu phim - police station(n): đồn cảnh sát - bakery(n): tiệm bánh mì - photocopy store(n): qn phơtơ - between (pre): - opposite (pre): đối diện II The text

1 Listen and read 2 Model sentences

Ex1: Where is the photocopy store? It’s next to the bakery

Ex2: Where are the children? They are in the bookstore

Where is / are + S …? It’s / They’re +giíi tõ + … III Practice

1- Picture drill: C4/D.70


questions about the picures in exercise C3/ p 70

+ the movie theater + the restaurant + the police + the toystore + the children

- Run through all the pictures - T and Ss model first Ss repeat - Ss practice in pairs: Closed pairs-Open pairs

* Guessing game: C4/P.71

T:Guide ss to play guessing games Ss: practice

T:Let them play Lucky number LK Q1

2 Q Q3 Q5 Q4 LK LK Production

- T: Ask ss to look at “remember" and read

Ss: Look at and read

-T: Have ss make sentences using some prepositions of places with wordcues

In front of, behind, to the left of, to the right of, opposite, between.) Ss: Do as directed




S1: Where is the toystore?

S2: It’s between the booksrore and the police station

2- Guessing game: C4/P.71

Ex: S1: It’s opposite movie theater What is it? S2 : It’s the police station

S1 : Yes, that’s right * Lucky number

1 It’s the toystore

2 It’s the movie theater It’s the photocopy store It’s the photocopy store It’s the drugstore

IV Remember

a) There/ be/ tall trees/ front / my school There are tall trees in front of my house

b) hospital/ behind/ school c) bakery/ opposite/ toystore

d) police station/ between/ toystore/ restaurant

Ngày đăng: 28/05/2021, 17:32


