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Nội dung

Sau khi hoµn thµnh tiÕt häc, häc sinh biÕt thªm th«ng tin vÒ mét sè quèc gia trong linh vùc du lÞch, më réng vèn tõ vùng, biÕt vËn dông kiÕn thøc ®a häc vµo trong thùc tÕ giao tiÕp.. II.[r]


Period :

Ôn tập KiÓm tra I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students are able to practice some phrases about classroom managements used during the years

II Teaching aids: Some small pictures, text book. III Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents


2 Practice



4 Consolidation

5 Home


* Have ps look at the pictures and describe the activities

Answer this questions:

+ What are these students doing? + Why they these activities? + Do you often these activities in your lesson?

* Pre teach some phrase words - Guide ps to read these words a few times

- Call some ps to read these words in front of the class

- Call some ps to practice the dialogue in front of the class

Have ps play a game: “Simon says” - Remind ps remember all the classroom activities that will be used during the lesson

- Learn by heart the phrases words above

- Guides how to prepare period – Unit 1- Getting started – Listen and read

* Look at the pictures then answer.

- They are standing up in the class

b) They are greeting the teacher c) Yes, we are

*Some classroom managements - work in pairs

- work in groups - stand up

- sit down

- open your books - close your books - listen to me - keep silent - don’t talk

+ Practice these phrases in front of the class

- Remember to study at home

Preparing date: 31/08/2007


Period :

Unit 1: My friends

Lesson - Getting started - Listen and read I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students are able to ask and give information about someone Describe one’s favorite activities

II Teaching aids: Some small pictures about activities, text book. III Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Presentation

3 Practice

* Have ps look at the pictures and describe some groups of friends and their favorite activities

Answer this questions:

+ What are these students doing? + What time of the day you think it is?

+ Do you like soccer/reading books? * Pre teach some new words

- Guide ps to read these words a few times

- Checking vocabulary by rub out and remember

- Call some ps to read these words in front of the class

* Pre-questions:

?1 Is Nien Lan’s friend or Hoa’s friend?

?2 How old is Nien? ?3 Where does Nien live?

I Getting started

a) They are playing soccer b) They are reading books c) They are playing chess d) They are playing volleyball ( In the morning /afternoon / evening)

( students’ answers)

II Listen and read

1 Vocabulary:

- To seem ( translation)

- A next door neighbor ( explanation)

- to look like ( translation) - smile ( miming )

- photograph ( real object ) 2 Answers:




?4 Is she a beautiful girl?

* Ask students to read the dialogue in groups between Hoa, Lan and Nien on page 10

- Call some ps to practice the dialogue in front of the class

* Comprehension questions:

- Ask ps to read the dialogue again and answer the questions in exercise in page 11

- Ask ps to practice in pairs

- Yes, she is

3 Practice the dialogue with a partner.

( Practice reading in groups ) 4 Answer the following questions.

a P1: Where does Nien live? P2: Nien lives in Hue b P1: Does Lan know Nien? P2: No, she doesn’t

c P1: Which sentence tells you that Hoa is older than Nien?

P2: The sentence is: “She wasn’t old enough to be in my class.”

d P1: When is Nien going to visit Hoa?

P2: At Christmas

5) Home work : - Learn by heart vocabulary - Do exercise 1,2 (work book ) - Guides how to prepare period (Read)

The end


Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period :

Unit 1: My friends (Continued )

Lesson – Speak + Listen I, Objectives:

By the end of the lesson Sts can describe people’s appearance Listen and complete the conversations

- Vocabulary : blond , build , straight , curly , bold , dark - Structures : Review simple present of to be / to have - Skills: Speaking , listening

II, Teaching aids : Book , chalk , cassette , tape III, Procedures :

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents 1)

Warm up:

2) Pre-speaking


? Who’s absent today ?

* Brain storming:

Ask ps to think of the adjectives used to describe body build and hair +) Checking:

- Write new words

- Review how to use the verb ‘to be’ and ‘to have’

- Work in silence (2,)

- Work in pairs (6-8 pairs of Sts )

-Some pairs of SS practice aloud -T corrects the mistakes

* Word cues drill a) he / tall / thin b) she / short / slim c) He / short / fat

thin curly body build hair

III Speak:

1) Read the dialogue:

New words:

blond (adj), curly (adj) build (adj) , bold (adj) straight (adj) , dark (adj) - to be : thi , la , (tả dáng vóc) to have : co (tãc , da )

2) Now take turns to make similar dialogues- use the adj in the table:


While -speaking

4) Post-speaking

d) Long / black

- Some pairs of Sts can describe about their classmates

* Pre-teach some phrases

Explain how to use these phrases and guide them to read

- Make model with two SS in the class

- Have ps read in silence all the phrases given and the open-dialogues in text book on page 12 and 13

- Sts guess how to complete - Listen to the tape ( times ) - St gives the answers

- Listen again once more to correct

c) He is short and fat d) She has long black hair Ex: P1: This person is tall and fat He has curly hair. P2: Is this Long ?

P1: Yes

IV Listen :

1) I’d like you to meet 2) Nice to meet you 3) I’d like you to meet

4) It’s a pleasure to meet you

5) Come and meet 6) How you do? - Nice to meet you

- The pleasure is all mine - How you ?

I'd like you to meet my teacher * Answers:

1) I’d like to meet my cousin 2) Nice to meet you

3) I’d like you to meet

4) It’s a pleasure to meet you 5) How you

6) Come and meet 5) Home work : - Learn by heart adjectives

- Guides how to prepare period (Listen)

The end


Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period :

Unit 1: My friends (Continued )

Lesson - Read I/ Objectives:

By the end of the lesson students will be able to understand the passage about Ba and his friends

Vocabulary: character, orphanage, joke, sociable, generous, reserved, outgoing, annoy, sense of humor

II/ Teaching aids: books and notebooks. III/ Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up Pre -Reading

3 While

- Checking the old lesson by asking a pupil to write some vocabulary

* Pre-teach vocabulary:

- Have ps read the words in chorus then ask them to read again in front of the class

- Checking by rub out and remember * T/F statements prediction:

+ Set the scene: These statements are about Ba and his friends, read them and guess which are true, which are false

- Have ps practice in pairs

Call some ps to give their answers - Write the answers on the board - Ask the to read the text then correct

* Answer T’s questions

V Read.

* Vocabulary

Character , Orphanage Reserved , Sociable

Tell jokes , Sense of humor * T/F

a) Ba only has three friends-Bao, Khai and Song

b) Ba and his friends have the same characters

c) Bao – Song and Khai are quite reserved in public

d) They all enjoy school and study hard



4 Post reading

the answers * Multiple choice:

- Have ps practice the exercise on page 14

- Ask them to work in pairs to choose the best answer

a) Ba talks about of his friends b) Bao’s volunteer work

c) Khai and Song

d) Ba’s friends sometimes his jokes - Call some pairs to tell their answers * Comprehension questions

Ask ps to work in pairs to exercise on page 14

a) How does Ba feel having a lot of friends?

b) Who is the most sociable? c) Who like reading?

d) What is a bad thing about Ba’s jokes?

e) Where does Bao spend his free time?

+ Have ps practice in pairs- asking and answering these questions

a b c d

F F F T 1) Choose the best answer

- A three B all C four D none - A helps him make friends

B cause problems at exam time C does not effect his school work D takes up a lot of time

- A like quiet place C dislike school B don’t talk in public D enjoy sports - A answer B not listen to C laugh at D get tired of * Answer:

a) – A; b) – C ; c) – B ; d) – D

- Ps practice answering the questions

a He feel lucky having a lot of friends

b Bao is the most sociable c Khai likes reading

d His jokes sometimes annoy his friends

e Bao spends his free time doing volunteer work at a local orphanage


Preparing date:08/09/2007

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period :

Unit 1: My friends (Continued )

Lesson - Write I/ Objectives:

By the end of the lesson students will be able to write a paragraph about their closed friends

II/ Teaching aids: text books and picture. III/ Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up Pre -writing

* Net work:

- Have ps write adj about characters of man

* Ask ps to read the information about Tam then answer some questions

- Have them work in pairs

- Call some pairs to practice in front of the class

- Ask ps if they understand the text or not


VI Read.

1) Read the information about Tam

a) P1 What his name?

P2 His name is Le Van Tam b) P1.How old is he?

P2 He is fourteen

c) P1 What does he look like? P2 He is tall and thin He has short black hair

d) P1 What is he like?

P2 He is sociable, humorous and helpful

e) P1 Where does he live?


3 While writing

4 Post writing

* Ask ps to write a similar form for their partners Use the following questions as prompts

a) What is his/her name? b) How old is he/she?

c) What does he/she look like? d) What is he/she like?

e) Where does he/she live? f) Who does he/she live with? g) Who is/ are his/her friend(s)?

- Call some ps to ask and answer these questions in front of the class

* Have ps write a paragraph about one of their partners using the form they’ve made above

- Call some ps to read in front of the class

f) P1 Whom does he live with? P2 He lives with his mother, father and elder brother

g) P1 Who is his friend? P2 Ba and Bao

2) Fill in similar form for your partner

Name: Appearance: Character: Address: Family: Friends:

Age: - Practice in pairs

3) Now write a paragraph about your partner

+ Sample:

This is my friend His/her name is and he/she is years old/ He/she at in with his/her ., his/her parents and his/her sister, He/she is and He/she has black hair He/she is rather shy but friendly and helpful He/she has a lot of friends but his/her close friends are and


Preparing date:10/09/2007

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period :

Unit 1: My friends (Continued )

Lesson – Language focus I/ Objectives:

By the end of the lesson students will be able to use simple present tense to talk about general truths and write some sentences using “not adj + enough to + V ” II/ Teaching aids: text books , cards and pictures.

III/ Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Presentation

3 Practice

* Brainstorming:

- Have ps write as many adjectives as they can on the board

* Pre-teach vocabulary: - Explain some new words: - Guide ps to read carefully

* Checking vocabulary by: ‘rub out and remember’

- Have ps complete paragraphs in exercise on page 16

* Revision of simple present tense - Review simple present tense: formation, usage

- Have ps complete dialogue between


VII Language focus.

1 Vocabulary: - Planet

- Mars - Mercury - silly


4 Production

Ba and Tuan

- Have ps complete dialogue page 17

- Explain how to use structure: + Is/am/are (not) adjectives enough Ex: I am not tall enough to play volleyball

Have ps look at picture page 17 Ask and answer the questions

a) How many people are there in the picture?

b) What does each person look like? c) What is each person wearing?

4 Complete the dialogue Use

(not) adjective+ enough

a) No It is not big enough to carry every thing

b) Ba is not old enough to drive a car

c) I am strong enough to lift this box

d) I don’t think my English is good enough to be a member 5 Look and describe:

a) There are people in the picture

b) Students’ answers c) Students’ answers

5-Homework: Prepare Unit carefully Do all exercises in workbook .The end


Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period :

Unit 2


Making arrangements

Lesson - Getting started + Listen and read I Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson sts can read and understand the content of the dialogue and answer the questions

- Vocab : fax , machine , mobile phone , answering machine , telephone directory , downstairs , outside , introduce , a bit

- Grammar: Review simple future: be going to + V II Teaching aids : book , chalk , picture , cassette , tape III Procedures :

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Presentation

? Who's absent today

- Ask sts to look at the picture and name each picture in Vietnamese

- Sts guess how to match each object with its name

- T introduces the new words - Corrects

- Practice new words

- Introduces the content of the lesson

? What will you say if you are the caller ? If you pick up the phone to answer it?

- Listen to the tape once - Find new words

- Practice new words

I Getting started: New words:

- fax machine (n) - Mobile phone (n) - Telephone directory (n)

- Answering machine (n) = massage machine

II Listen and read :

1, Practice the dialogue with a partner.

*New words :


3 Practice

4 Production

*Note : -Structures

-Retells how to use the present continuous in future

- Read following the tape ( twice) - Read in pairs (2')

- Some pairs read again

- T asks some yes/no questions about Nga and Hoa

- Ss work in silence to decide who did there things (3')

- Words in pairs (each pair asks and answers)

-T guides SS to further exercise - Tick " T " or " F "

- Where is it on ?

- I'm using tonight - Is 6.30 all right?

2, Read the dialogue again . Decide who did and said each of the following things.

a) Nga made the call b) Nga introduced herself

c) Nga invited the other to the movies

d) Nga arranged a meeting place e) Hoa arranged the time

f) Nga agreed to the time * Exercise : T or F

5- Homework: Have ps practice at home and prepare new lesson Ask them to exercises in workbook

The end


Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period :

Unit 2


Making arrangements

Lesson Speak + Listen I, Objectives :

By the end of the lesson students can make and confirm arrangements; Listen and get message on the phone

- Vocab : message

- Grammar : Review future with be going to.

II, Teaching aids : Book , tape , cassette III, Procedures :

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Pre-speaking


? Who's absent today

- St reads the dialogue and answer the T's questions

- St retells how to make arrangement - T introduces about the content of the lesson

-Guides sts how to

- Asks sts to read and in silence (2')

- Asks sts to come to the board and put the sentences in order

- Correct mistakes

- Work in pair (2 pairs of sts read the dialogue)

- Introduces

- Asks sts to read open - dialogue

- Guides sts how to complete 3 difficult sentences

III, Speak :

1, Put the sentences below in the correct order to make a complete conversation:

- b - e - f - k - J - g - a 10 - h - i 11 - d - c

2, Complete in the dialogue. Practice and make similar arrangements.

Hoa : Hello 840 483

Nga : May I speak to Hoa, please This is Nga


While speaking

4 Production

-Work in silence (2') - Sts complete - corrects mistakes

- T guides how to make similar arrangements by substitution.

- Make similar arrangements (2 pairs of Sts work)

a) Pre - Listening :

-T introduces about the lesson and message

- Gives new words

- Asks Sts to listen and answer these questions

b) While - Listening :

-Listen to the tape (3 time to get once by once)

- Listen and answer

- Listen and check

- Correct mistakes - Fill in the card c) Post - Listening : Tick " T" or "F"

- How to make arrangement - Message

Nga: Can you go to the movies tonight?

Hoa : I'm sorry I can't I'm going to my homework

Nga: What about tomorrow night ? Hoa: Yes, Tomorrow night is fine

IV, Listening :

Message (n)

- Who's talking on the phone? - What did she want to do? - When?

- What's telephone number? Date: Time: For : The principal

Message : Mrs Mary Nguyen wanted to see you at 45 in the morning

Telephone number: 646 837 2094

* Exercise:

1, The principal called Mary Nguyen

2, Mary Nguyen wanted to see the principal in the morning

3, Her telephone number is 646 837 094

5, Home work : - Make similar dialogue (make arrangement ) - Prepare ( Read)

The end


Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period :

Unit 2


Making arrangements

Lesson Read I, Objectives.

By the end of the lesson Sts can understand the content of the lesson about Alexander and his invention

- Vocabulary : Deaf- mutes , experimenting , transmitting , assistant , conduct, device , demonstrate , countless , exhibition , emigrate

- Grammar : Review simple past; to be born.

- Skills : Reading , speaking

II, Teaching aids : book , chalk , cassette , tape. III, Procedures :

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Pre-reading

? Who's absent today Ps make arrangement

? Who's it

? What did he invent ? When did he invent it - listen to the tape ( twice) - find new words

- Give meaning of new words - Practice New words

- T explains how to exercise 1,2

- Sts read in silence (5') to

V Read : New words :

- Emigrate (v) - Deaf- mutes (n)

- Experiment ( n) cuéc thí nghịêm

-Transmit : truyền

- lead- led (v) : dẫn dắt, đa đến - assistant (n)

- conduct (v) - device (n) - demonstrate (n) - countless (adj) - exhibition (n)

a) F in Edinburgh


3 While reading

4 Post reading

exercise 1,2

-Sts give result - correct mistakes - T explains how to - Sts work in silence (3') - Sts give result

- Correct mistake

- T asks to read all the sentences in exercise 1,2

T asks some questions about the content of the lesson

University c) T

d) F 1876

e) F over a long distance ( between)

f) T

2, Put the events in the correct order

1 - d Alexander was born in Scotland

2 - e : He went to live in Canada - a :He went to live in the United States

4 - g : He worked with people who could neither speak nor hear

5 - g : He worked with Thomas Watson

7 - b : He successfully demonstrated his invention

6 - f : He invented the telephone

5, Home work :

- Learn by heart new words - Read and translate the text

- Prepare write (guides how to write)

The end

Preparing date:17/09/2007


Period 10 :

Unit 2


Making arrangements

Lesson 4 Write I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a telephone message II Contents: Vocabulary: furniture, delivery, customer, stationery…

III Teaching aids: Ts’ & Ss’ book IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up Pre-writing

3 While writing

? check the old lesson (Write new words)

Ask Ps some questions:

? Have you taken a telephone message?

? When you take a message?

? What should be mentioned in the message?

+ Pre-teach some vocabulary: * Checking by giving example

* Have Ps read the message and fill in the gaps in the passage on page 23

- Let Ps work in pairs

* Ask Ps to read passage on page 23 to get information and write the message

- Ask them to work individually

A student goes to the board to write the last words

(Ps’ answers )

VI Write

1 Vocabulary:

- a customer ( a person who come to buy something at a shop)

- delivery service - stationery

- pick Sb up 2 Gap fill * Text book: * Answers:

1) phoned ; 2) May 12 ; 3) speak 4) took ; 5) name ; 6) delivery 7) Mr Ha ; 8) At

* Answers:

Thanh Cong Delivery Service Date: June 16


4 Post writing

- Call some Ps to read their messages again

- Correct any mistakes if necessary + Set the scene: “ Tom phoned Nancy, but she was out Lisa, Nancy’s sister took a message for Nancy Help Lisa to write a message.”

- Ask Ps to read the dialogue between Lisa and Tom then write a message

? Read in pairs before the class ? write a message

+ Message: Mr Nam called about his stationery order He wanted you to call him at 8634082

Taken by Mr Toan

3 Work in groups to write another message.

* Answers: Date: ( ) Time: ( ) For: Nancy

Message: Tom called about playing tennis this afternoon He will come over to pick you up at 1.30

Taken by: Lisa Home work: Have Ps write a message on their notebooks

Ask them to exercise in workbooks .The end

Preparing date:22/09/2007

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 11 :


Lesson Language focus I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students are able to talk about intentions with ‘be going to’ and know how to talk about their future plans

II Contents: Vocabulary: action movies, fishing rods… Grammar: Be going to, adverbs of place III Teaching aids: Ts’ & Ss book, a chart.

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Presentation

3 Practice

* Brainstorm:

- Have Ps write about things they can

- Call some Ps to write on the bb

* Remind Ps how to use simple future tense

? What you say when Nga has a movie ticket?

? How you talk about your future plan?

- Have Ps exercise in pairs - Have Ps ask and answer to each other to fill the form in exercise - Ask Ps to make a form on their notebooks then practice

Thing to do

* Possible answers

- see a movie - play soccer - watch TV - home work - meet friends - play chess

1 Work with a partner Say what people are going to

* Future with “be going to ” Form: is/am/are going to + V E.g She is going to see a movie a) They are going (to go) fishing b) She is going to read the new novel

c) She is going to her home work in Math

d) She is going to watch an action movie on TV to night

e She is going to give him a birthday present


4 Production

- Let Ps practice in pairs

- Call a pupils to practice in front of the class ( open pair )

* Sample:

T: Are you going to see a movie? P: Yes I am

T Are you going to meet your friends?

P: No, I am not

* Explain meaning of some prepositions

- Have Ps complete exercise in text book

What are you going to on the weekend?

Are you going to You partnerYour see a movie

play sports

meet your friends? help your parents? your homework? watch TV?

b Complete about your partner Complete the speed bubbles Use each adverb in the box

a) I think he is upstairs b) No, he isn’t here

c) He isn’t downstairs and he isn’t upstairs

d) Perhaps he is outside e) No He isn’t there

f) I’m not outside I’m inside, Ba

5 Homework: Ask Ps to prepare new lesson: Unit - At home Have them name some chores at home:

The end

Preparing date:23/09/2007

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 12 :


Lesson Getting started Listen and read I Objectives:

Ss will be able to talk about the chores they often at home and use modal verbs to talk about the housework

II Contents:

- Vocabulary: chores, cupboard, steamer, sink

- Grammar: reflexive pronouns; Modal verbs: must, have to, ought to III Teaching aids: Ps’, Ts’ book

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Presentation

3 Practice

* Have Ps look at the pictures in textbook and describe each one - Call some Ps to describe in front of the class

* Pre- teach some vocabulary: - Write some vocabulary on the bb - Explain the meaning of words - Guide Ps to read

- Explain how to use modal verb:

- Have to/ has to/ must + V

- Have Ps work in pair to read the dialogue in pairs

- Call some pairs to practice in front

I Getting started.

* Possible answers:

a) wash dishes/ the washing up b) make the bed d) cook c) sweep the floor e) tidy up f) feed the chicken

II Listen and read.

1) Vocabulary:

- a steamer - chore - a cup board - a sink - a sauce pan - frying pan - rice cooker - stove * New structure:

+ Have/has to + V = Must + V ( Phải làm )

Ex What you have to do? I must my homework I have to the washing up


4 Production

of the class

- Have Ps read the dialogue again then complete the list of things Nam has to

- Have Ps work in groups to make up sentences using HAVE TO/HAS TO with the picture cues drill in part I-Getting started.

- Call some Ps to practice in front of the class

3) Read the dialogue a gain. Complete the list of things Nam has to do.

- cook dinner

- go to the market to buy fish and vegetables

- call his aunt, Mrs Chi and ask her to meet his mother at grandma s house.

a) She has to the washing up b) She has to make the bed c) She has to sweep the floor d) She has to cook dinner e) I have to tidy my room f) She has to feed the chicken

5 Homework: Have Ps to learn by heart new words and prepare new lesson

Part - Speak.


Preparing date:25/09/2007

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 13 :

Unit 3


At home

Lesson Speak I Objectives:

Ss will be able to talk about position of things II Contents: Vocabulary: rug, cushion, dish jack

Gram: Arrange the furniture ‘Let’s + V - ing’ III Teaching aids: Ts’ & Ss’ book, pictures, a chart. IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Pre-Speaking

* Brainstorm:

- Have Ps write as many words as they can about thing in the kitchen - Call some Ps to write on the board * Pre teach some new words:

- Ask Ps to practice asking and answering about things in the picture

? Where is the clock?/ the fruit?/ the flowers?

- Notice Ps some prepositions of place: In , on, under, above, next to,

- Let Ps practice in pairs

Things in the kitchen

* Sample:

- knife, rice cooker, clock, fridge, table, chairs, stove, bowl, cupboard

III Speak.

1 New words:

- rug - dish jack - cushion - lighting fixture - counter ( bàn nấu ăn )

2) Look at the picture and describe the position of each item.

+ P1: Where is the clock? P2: It is on the wall


3 Practice

4 Production

- Call some Ps to describe the items in the kitchen again

* Set the scene: Mrs Vui bought new furniture for her living room, but she can t decide where to put it You

should help her to arrange the furniture.

- Ask Ps to look at the picture and talk about their ideas

- Have Ps practice speaking in front of the class ( Notice if they agree they can say “ Yes”, If does not, they can say “No”

+ P1: Where are the knives? P2: They are on the wall, under the cupboard

* The calendar is on the wall, above the stove The knives are on the wall, under the cupboard 3) Arrange the items in the picture.


P1: Let s put the clock on the wall,between the shelf and the picture. P2: OK, I think we ought to put the TV and the stereo on the shelf.

P3: I think the coffee table should be between the couch and the arm-chair.

P4: Let s put the telephone next tothe couch.

P5: I think we should put the magazines above the books on the shelves.

P6: I think the shelves ought to be at one of the corners, opposite the couch.

5 Homework: Remind Ps to study at home and prepare new lesson Have Ps write a short paragraph to describe about their bedroom


Preparing date:27/09/2007

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 14 :

Unit 3


At home

Lesson Listen + Language focus 2 I- Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, Ps will be able to identify the right items and know how to make an instruction how to cook Chinese fried rice

II Contents:

Vocabulary: special, Chinese, fried rice, garlic…… III Teaching aids: Ts’ & Ss’ book, picture

IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Presentation

* Brainstorm:

- Have Ps write about the food they know and like to eat

? What kind of food you like best?

? Do you like fried rice?

? Have you ever eaten Chinese fried rice?

- Pre teach some vocabulary:

* Set the scene: You are going to cook “a special Chinese fried rice” Now guess what things you should use to cook fried rice before listening to check the items used to cook

Chinese fried rice

- Have Ps listen to the tape and choose the right answers


E.g rice, meet, vegetables, beef, fish, chicken, noodles, bread, peas

IV Listen

1) New words:

- special - green pepper - fried rice - garlic

2) Look at the picture Check the right items

* Answers: a) Fried rice b) Pan


3 Practice

4 Production

* Set the scene: Hoa is very sad because she failed her English test What you say to advice her?

- Explain the use of “should” and

ought to

“ ”

- Ask Ps to give advice to the people in the pictures page 35 - Ask them to work in pairs

* Have Ps work in groups to give advice to these situations

1 His tooth/ ache

2 Bao/ overweight

3 the floor/ dirty She/ thin

- You should study harder

3 Use: Ought to and should is used to give advice to someone. Form: Should/ought to + V

* Answers: b) P1: I am late:

P2: You ought to get up early c) P1: I am fat

P2: You ought to eat more fruit and vegetables

d) P1: My tooth aches

P2: You ought to see a dentist * Possible answers:

1 P1: His tooth aches

P2: He ought to go to the dentist’s

2 P1: Bao is overweight

P2: He ought to eat less meat and exercise more often

3 P1: The floor is dirty P2: You ought to clean it P1: She is thin

P2: She ought to eat more


Preparing date:30/09/2007

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 15 :

Unit 3


At home

Lesson Read I- Objectives:

By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to understand the safety precautions in the house and know how to protect themselves

II Contents: - Vocabulary: community, center, safety, precaution… - Gram: Modal verbs, question with Why - because

III Teaching aids: Ts’ & Ss’ book IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Pre-reading


- Have Ps write some preposition of place

- Call Ps to write on the bb * Pre- teach some new words

- Explain the meaning of new words - Guide Ps to read in chorus

- Call Ps to read again

+ Checking by rub out and remember - Have Ps read the statements and guess which is true and which is false - Ask Ps to read the poster “Safety

Pre- of place

V Read.

1 New words:

- precaution ( translation ) - a socket ( realia )

- a match ( realia ) - an object ( translation ) - safety ( adjective) - to destroy ( translation ) - to injure ( picture )


3 While-reading

4 Post reading

precaution” and check their prediction

- Ask Ps to correct mistakes if necessary

- Ask Ps to work in pairs to find out the answers of these questions

a Why must we put all chemicals and drug in a locked cupboard?

b Why mustn’t we let the children play in the kitchen?

c Why mustn’t children play with matches?

d why must we cover electrical sockets?

e Why we have to put all dangerous objects out of children’s reach?

Ask Ps to work in groups, discussing about the topic : Safety precaution in the street and at the school

* Poster

Guess Correct

a b c d e f


2 Comprehension questions.

+ Possible answers:

a Because children often try to eat and drink them

b Because the kitchen is a dangerous place

c Because playing with one match can cause the fire

d because children often try to put something into electrical sockets and electricity can kill

e Because the dangerous objects can injure or kill children

* Discussion

+ Safety precautions in the street + Safety precautions at school

5 Homework: Ask Ps to practice in Why questions with because-answer by doing the exercise language focus


Preparing date:02/10/2007

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 16 :

Unit 3


At home

Lesson Write I Objectives:

Ss will be able to apply the writing skill to describe the kitchen, the living room, the bed room

II Contents: Vocabulary: folder, wardrobe, towel rack, beneathIII Teaching aids: Ts’ & Ss’ book, picture

IV procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Pre-writing

- Chatting: Ask something about the room on page 32

? Which room is this?

? What is this? Where is this? * Pre-teach vocabulary:

- Explain new words

- Guide Ps to read in chorus

- Call some Ps to read again on front of the class

* Checking by rubout and remember - Ask Ps to read the description of

Hoa’s room

- Have Ps answer some comprehension questions

a What is there on the left of the

- Answer questions

VI Write.

1 New words:

- folder - beneath - towel rack - dish rack - lighting fixture

2 Read the description of Hoa s


Possible answers:

a There is a desk on the left of the room

b The bookshelf is above the desk


3 While writing

4 Post writing


b Where is the bookshelf?

c a What is there on the right side of the room?

d Where is the wardrobe?

- Have Ps work in groups to write the description of the kitchen on page 33

- Have Ps share their answer with their partners

- Call some Ps to read their answer in front of the class

- Correct mistakes if necessary

* Have Ps talk to their partners about their room/living room/kitchen

side of the room

d The wardrobe is beside the window and opposite the desk

3 Now write a description of this kitchen

* Answer:

This is Hoa s kitchen.

There is a refrigerator in the right corner of the room Next to the refrigerator are the stove and the oven On the other side of the oven, there is a sink and next to the sink is a towel rack The dish rack standing on the counter, on the side of the window and beneath the shelves On the shelves and on the counter beneath the window, there are jars of sugar, flour and tea IN the middle of the kitchen, there are a table and four chairs The lighting fixture is above the table and directly beneath the lighting fixture is a vase with flowers.

* Practice writing about their room at home


Preparing date:04/10/2007

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 17 :

Unit 3


At home

Lesson Language focus I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson Ps are able to remember and know the use of modal verbs and reflexive pronouns to practice in the real situation

II contents: - Vocabulary: tank, cry……

- Gram: Must / have to; ought to ; Reflexive pronouns ; Why? – Because

III Teaching aids: Ts’ & Ss’ book , pictures IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Presentation

* Brain storming

- Have Ps write about thing they can or can’t

- Divide the class in to two teams - Ask them to practice

- Have Ps to look at the pictures and complete the dialogue using the words in the box with modal verbs - Ask Ps to work in pairs

- Call some pairs to read in front of the class

Thing you can

Thing you can’t

L1 Look at the picture. Complete the dialogue.

* Answer:


3 Practice

4 Production

- Have Ps work in pairs to practice asking and answering about each person in the pictures

- Call some pairs to practice in front of the class

Have Ps practice asking and answering about their friends

Give some word cues E.g:

+ Nam/ tired

+ Nga/ go to school late + Ba / gets bed marks

3 yourself himself herself themselves yourself

L4 Work with a partner Using

Why and Because

a) P1: Why did Nam have to cook dinner?

P2: Because his mother was home late

b) P1: Why was Mrs.Vui, Nam’s mother home late?

P2: Because she had to come to see his grandmother She was tired

c) P1: Why did Ha fail her English exam?

P2: Because she didn’t learn for her exam She play the computer games

d) P1: Why didn’t Nga go to the movies?

P2: Because she had to her chores She had to clean the kitchen and sweep the living room


Preparing date:06/10/2007

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 18 :


I Objectives:

Ss can remind the use of tense & the main G to practice II Contents:

Gram: - Present simple tenses - Enough

- be going to - Modal verbs - Reflexive pros

III Teaching aids: Ts’ & Ss’ book , work book IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Presentation

3 Practice

? Retell the main grammar of unit 1,2,3

? The use and form of the tense

? The position of adverbs? ? Repent the use form of tense ? Make sentences

? The use of it ? Give examples ? Make sentence

? Repeat the use of must, have to, ought to

I Present simple tense - Use

- Form: S + am/is/ are + (o) v/ v_s, es

- E.g.: I am a teacher She plays soccer

Adverbs: always, often… II Past simple tense

- use

form: S+ v- past + (o)

E.g.: I was at home yesterday evening

She went to HCM city last year - Adverbs: last, ago , yesterday… III Enough:

- Before nouns & after adjectives -E.g.: there are enough chairs for us to sit

- The tea is cold enough to drink IV Be going to

- For intention and prediction - E.g.: we are going to have a day off next week


4 Production

- Correct If necessary ? play lucky number (in groups)

Have Ps read in chorus

going to slam V Modal verbs

- must/ have to for obligation - ought to for advice

VI Reflexive pronoun I - myself

You - yourself/yourselves We - ourselves

They - themselves She - herself He - himself It - itself

5 Homework: Ask Ps to study harder for the next exam .The end

Preparing date:11/10/2007

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 19 :

Written test No 1



1 Jack can’t reach the top shelf He isn’t to reach it A tall B tall enough C enough tall D too tall She arrived two o’clock the morning

A at/ in B in/ at C at / on D at / of Bao is the most He is also extremely kind and generous

A mean B hungry C sociable D hot

4 What does your father look ? – He is short and fat

A at B in C for D like

5 The sun in the east and in the west

A rises/ sets B sets/ rises C rise/ set D rises/ set There will be a holiday Monday

A in B at C on D of

7 What are you doing Mai ? - I am looking at in the mirror

A I B myself C my D mine

8 You to go to school yourself

A must B should C ought D has

9 It is to learn Music at school

A interesting B interested C interest D interestingly 10 I to go to the market

A has B must C have D should

II Kết hợp cặp câu sau dùng cấu tróc Enough adjective ( P) He is strong He can carry that suitcase

The buffalo isn’t big It can’t harm you

You are not old You can’t have a front-door key

He is not tall He can’t be a good basketball player


1 Binh ( live ) in Ha Noi last year She ( send ) me a letter last week They ( wear ) uniform now

4 The moon (move) around the earth IV Tìm tính từ trái nghĩa với tính từ cho (2 P )

1 tall - old - strong - curly -

5 big - thick - light - exciting -

The end

Preparing date:12/10/2007

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 20:

Test correction


Mỗi câu đợc 0,5 điểm B tall enough

2 A at/ in C sociable D like A rises/ sets

6 C on B myself C ought A interesting 10 C have

II Kết hợp cặp câu sau dùng cấu trúc Enough adjective ( P) Mỗi câu đợc 0,5 điểm

1 He is strong enough to carry that suitcase The buffalo isn’t big enough to harm you You are not old to have a front-door key

4 He is not tall enough to be a good basketball player

III Cho dạng động từ ngoặc hoàn thành câu sau ( P ) Mỗi câu đợc 0,25 điểm

1 lived are wearing

2 sent moves

IV Tìm tính từ trái nghĩa với tính từ cho (2 P ) Mỗi câu đợc 0,25 điểm

1 tall - short old - young/new strong - weak curly - straight

5 big - small .

6 thick - thin

7 light

- dark exciting - boring

The end

Preparing date:14/10/2007


Period 21 :

Unit 4


Our past

Lesson 1- Getting started Listen and read I/ Objectives

PS can talk about the habits is the past with (used to) students can practice skills difference between past opinion

II Content : Vocabulary: great, grandma, light

Grammar: - present simple tense ; used to III Teaching aids : Ts’ & Ss’ book, tape, picture

IV procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Presentation

3 Practice

? work in groups

? write the name of things that not belong to past

- correct

Read & explain new words

? Read follow ? Read one by one - Correct if necessary

- Ask Ps to practice the dialogue in pairs.

? ask & answer in pairs correct

- Guide Ss to

- Call some pairs to practice in front of the class

Check mistakes if necessary

I getting started

Television Lighting fixture Shirt

Long dress Mobile phone

II listen & read

a New words:

- used to (v) infinitive - great- grandma (n) - modern (a)

- light (v) - folktale (n) 2 Practice

3 Ask and answer

a P1: Where did Nga’s grand-mother use to live?

P2: She used to live on a farm b P1: Why didn’t she go to school?

P2: Because she had to stay at home and help her younger brothers & sisters

c P1: What did Nga’s grand mother use to do?

P2: She used to cook the meals, clean the house wash the clothes d What did Nga’s great-grandmother and great-grand father after dinner?

P2: Her great – grand mother used to light the lamp & her grand father used to tell the stories


4 Production

Have Ps complete the answers in their books

? Fact or opinion

? make sentences with past simple tense, used, used to

? Repeat the use P-S-T


P2: She asked her grand mother to tell her the tale “ the lost shoe” 4 Fact or opinion

E.g.: F: this flower is red

O: It is the most beautiful flower I’ve ever seen

F: I ate those cakes O: I don’t like pork a F d F b F e O c F f O

5 Homework: Have Ps study at home and learn by heart vocabulary .The end

Preparing date: 21/10/2007

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 22 :

Unit 4


Our past

Lesson 2- Speak - Listen I Objectives

Ss will be to to talk about the life in the past compare with present life, using “used to’’

II Contents: Gram: used to


IV Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Presentation

3 Practice

? What is the fist picture used to describe about?

? What about the second picture? ? Is there the difference between the life in the past the life in the present?

? Look at the picture describe (work in pairs)


? Work in pairs

? Check some Ps – correct

? Tell the habit in the past of our partner

? Do you know the table “a gold egg’’

? Tell sth about it?

Give out some new words & explain ? Read after in chorus

? Read one by one

? Listen catch information ? Tick- correct

? Read the sentences, choose best one

Talk about the way things used to be the way they are now

III Speak

1 Work with a partner

- People used to live in small houses Now the live in big houses, buildings

- People used to walk New they can go by car or motorbikes

- There wasn’t electricity everywhere

2 Tell about the things you used to last year.

- Last year I used to

IV Listen

1 New words

moral (a) thuộc đạo đức lay (v)

sell (v) discover (v) excitedly (adv) rich (a)

amazement (n) decide (v) death (n)

foolish (a) ngu ngèc greedy (a) tham lam 2 T/F - statements

a A farmer lived a comfortable life will his family

b One day, one of his chickens laid a gold egg

c His five wanted more

d She at open the chicken to find more gold eggs

e There weren’t any gold egg while the chickens were dead 4 Choose the most suitable moral lesson


4 Production

5 Home work Learn by heart all the vocabulary above, Do exercise 3, 4, page 28,29 in workbook

Prepare new lesson :Read

The end

Preparing date: 23/10/2007

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 23 :

Unit 4


Our past

Lesson 3- Read I Objectives

By the end of the lesson Ps are able to tell the folktale they like in front of the class and learn a moral lesson

II Contents: Vocabulary: poor, die, harvest, broken heart, prince, fairy, rags III Teaching aids: Ts’ & Ss’ book, pictures

IV Procedure:


1 Warm up

2 Pre-reading

3 While-reading

T’s and SS’ activities + Checking old lesson:

-T elicits SS to retell the story “ Tam Cam”

- SS work in groups

- T gives some new words - SS copy

- T asks: Do you like Folktales? What are those stories usually about? - Can you tell me the name of some stories that you remember?

- Do you know this story?

What can you guess from the title? - SS answer and guess the content of the story

- T requests: You scan the story and tell me who Little Pea was, who Stout Nut was and whose shoe was lost?

- SS scan and guess

- T guides SS to reread the story twice and use the words in the story to complete the sentences

- SS reread the story and exercise - SS compare the answers with a partner

Some SS read out their answers

Ps work in groups to tell the


V Read

The lost shoe

New words:

Stout Nut: (Cám) Hạt Đậu béo Little Pea (Tấm) Hạt Đậu nhỏ harvest festival: Lễ hội đợc mùa broken hart: đau tim

prince: Hoàng tử fairy: ông/ bà tiên rags: quần áo r¸ch ríi

1 Complete the sentences with the words from the story.

a (poor) farmer b died

c had again d marry e new clothes f lost

2 Answer the following questions:

a P1: Who was Little Pea?

b P2: She was a poor farmer’s daughter

c P1: What did Stout Nut’s mother make Little Pea all day?

P2: She made Little Pea the chores all day


4 Post-reading

- T gives the correct answers - SS copy

- T guides SS to exercise - SS work in pairs

- Some pairs of SS practice aloud - The others correct the mistakes - T gives the correct answers -T reads the story aloud -SS read chorally

e P2: Before the festival started, a fairy appeared and magically changed her rags into beautiful clothes

f P1: Who did the prince decide to marry?

P2: The shoe fitted Little Pea g P1: Is this a true story? How

you know?

P2: This is not a true story because there is a fairy

5 Home work - Remind Ps to study at home and prepare new lesson The end

Preparing date: 25/10/2007

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 24 :

Unit 4


Our past

Lesson 4- Write I Objectives

By the end of the lesson students will be able to know one more traditional story “ How the Tiger got his stripes”, practice writing a story, using the words given II Contents: Vocabulary: buffalo, graze, servant, master, wisdom, straw, escape, stripes, burn

Grammar: The simple past tense III Teaching aids:


Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Pre-Writing

3 While-Writing:

T’s and SS’ activities + Checking old lesson:

Retell the story “ The lost shoe” - T asks a student to retell the story Trí khôn ta in Vietnamese - T asks: Do you know why tigers have black stripes?

Which story tells you about that? In this lesson, we will learn more about this story Firstly, you read the story and complete it by filling the verbs in the correct blank.

- SS read the story and fill the verbs in the blank

- SS compare the answers with a partner

- Some SS read out the completed story

- T gives the correct answers - T explains some new words - SS copy and read them

- T guides: Imagine that you are the farmer Use the words to write the story Start like this: One day I was in the fill and

- SS listen carefully and write individually in minutes

- SS correct the mistakes in pairs

A Pupil tell the tale “The Lost Shoe” in front of the class

VI Read

How the Tiger got his stripes. Complete the story Use the verbs in the box

(1) : appeared/ came

(2) : was (3) : said (4) : left

(5) : went (6) tied (7) : lit (8) : burned (9) : escaped

New words:

buffalo: trâu graze: gặm cỏ servant: đầy tớ master: ông chủ

wisdom: trí khôn, thông minh straw: rơm, rạ

escape: trốn thoát stripes: vết vằn burn: cháy

lit: châm ( thắp) löa

2 Now imagine you the man Use the words to write the story Start like this:


4 Post-writing

- Some SS read out the story - T gives the elicited answer - SS copy

- T guides SS to retell the story without the book

- SS work in groups - Some SS retell the story - The others give their remarks - T corrects

- Retell the story

- Write a story about you which happen last week

the strong buffalo was my servant and I was its master I told the tiger that I had the something called wisdom the tiger wanted to see it, but I told it I left it at home that day Then I tied the tiger to a tree with a rope because I didnt want it to eat my buffalo I went to get some straw that I said was my wisdom and I burned the tiger The tiger escaped, but today it still has black stripes from the burns.

5 Home work - Prepare new lesson: Language focus

The end

Preparing date: 26/10/2007

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 25 :

Unit 4


Our past

Lesson - Language focus I Objectives

By the end of the lesson students will be able to review the know ledges of unit and know how to talk about past actions

II Contents: Vocabulary: Prepositions of time: in, on, at, after, before, between. Grammar: -Past simple -Used to

III Teaching aids: IV Procedure:


1 Warm up

2 Presentation

3 Practice

T’s and SS’ activities + Checking old lesson: A st retell the story A st rewrite the story T presents the lesson Activity :

-T writes some verbs on the board -SS find out the irregular verbs in the simple past.(SS work in pairs)

-Some SS write the verbs on the board

-T corrects the mistakes -T gives some verbs to SS

-T asks SS to look at past and guide SS to exercise.(Now in order to review the usage and structure of the past simple tense, you work in pairs, complete the small dialogues ).

-SS work in pairs

-Some pairs of SS practice before class

-T corrects and gives the answer key Activity 2:

-T asks SS to use the prepositions in the table to complete the sentences

-SS exercise

- Some SS speak before the class -T gives the correct answer -T emphasis

-SS copy and notice Activity 3:

-T guides SS to repeat the structure

VII Language focus:

1. Write the past simple form of each verbs:

a. Run - ran b. fly - flew c. take - took d. go - went e. have - has f. - did

g. be - was/ were

h. ride - rode i. eat - ate j. sit - sat k. come- came 2 Complete the dialogue below.

Use the past simple:

a-Lan: Did you eat rice for breakfast?

-Nga: No I ate noodles

b- Ba: How did you get to school? - Nam: I took a bus to school c- Minh: Where was you last night?

- Hoa: I was at home

d- Chi: Which subject did you have yesterday?

-Ba: I have Literature


4 Production

and usage of USED TO

-SS repeat and write on the board -T corrects the mistakes

(+) S +used to +V infinitive (-)S + didn’t use to + V infinitive Used to diễn tả HĐ thờng xuyên xảy khứ ko

-T asks SS to complete the dialogue -SS work in pairs

-Some pairs of SS practice aloud before class

-T gives the answer key the prepositions of time

in + month, year, seasons On + date ( on 17th)

On + day, date of a month At + time (at pm)

4 Look at the pictures. Complete the dialogue Use used to and the verbs in the box. (+) S +used to +V infinitive (-)S + didn’t use to + V infinitive * Used to diễn tả HĐ thờng xuyên xảy khứ ko

(1) I used to have long hair

(2) She used to be my next-door neighbor

(3) They used to live in Hue , too Home work: -Do exercises in work book and prepare new lesson: Unit 5-Getting started + listen and read

The end

Preparing date: 27/10/2007

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 26 :

Unit 5


study habits

Lesson - Getting started + Listen and read. I/ Objectives:

By the end of the lesson students will be able to get acquainted with the topic about study habits, get acquainted with reported speech Practice asking and answering questions, developing and opening the dialogues

II/ Contents:

Vocabulary: semester, pronunciation, dictionary, school report


IV/ Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Presentation

3 Practice

T’s and SS’ activities + Checking old lesson:

A student writes on the board The other repeats “used to” -T presents the topic of the lesson Activity 1:

- SS work in groups to answer some questions

- SS work in pairs

- Some pairs of SS practice aloud - T corrects the mistakes

Activity 2:  Presentation:

- T presents the situation of the dialogue

- T plays the tape twice or three times - SS listen to the tape

- T asks: What are they doing in the picture?

- SS answer

- SS find out new words - T writes and explains them - SS copy and read

 Practice: -T plays the tape -SS listen and repeat -SS work in pairs

-Some pairs of SS practice aloud -T corrects the mistakes

-T guides and asks SS to exercise

- Change the sentences into English: Năm ngoái thờng học muộn Bố thờng câu cá ông trẻ I Getting started:

- How often we have Math? - We have Math five times a week Questions:

1 How many subjects you have a week?

2 What are they?

3 What subject you like best? Why? How often you have that subject? II Listen and read:

1 Practice the dialogue with a partner.

School report

Improve (v) : nâng cao, cải thiện

Spanish pronunciation Be proud of sb: tù hµo vỊ Try one’s best: cố gắng

Semester (n) : học kì

2 T or F? Check (v) the box a False.(Tim was at home) b True

c False.(It’s excellent) d True

e False.(He needs to improve Spanish pronunciation)

3 Answer the questions:

a Miss Jackson is Tim’s mother


4 Production

-SS tick true or false

-SS compare the answers with a partner -T gives the correct answers

-T asks SS to reread the dialogue -SS read and answer the questions

-SS compare the answers with the partner

-Some pairs of SS practice asking and answering the questions before class

-T gives the correct answers -SS copy and notice

-T presents about reported speech

report card

c Tim studied very well this semester./Tim worked very hard this semester

d Miss Jackson said Tim should work harder on his Spanish pronunciation e She gave him a dictionary

Từ câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp có thay đổi sau:

+Bỏ dấu phẩy hai chấm sau động từ said, bỏ ngoặc kép

+Đổi đại từ (I-he) +Đổi động từ (am-was) Ex: Minh said:” I am fine”

- Minh said that he was fine

5 Home work: Learn by heart new words, prepare new lesson : Speak

The end

Preparing date: 29/10/2007

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 27 :

Unit 5


study habits

Lesson Speak and Listen I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson students will be able to speak about study habits and study methods

II Contents:

Vocabulary: civic education, Physical education, Technology, Biology, Physics, Go to English club, Speak to foreigners


Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Presentation

3 Practice

T’s and SS’ activities + Checking old lesson:

SS speak the passage about themselves -T presents the lesson

-T asks: What is this?

How many words you know? -T gives SS some new words and explains the report card

-SS listen and copy -T guides SS to listen

(This is Nga’s school report You will hear the conversation between Miss Lien ( Nga’s teacher)and Mr Lam and Mrs Linh about Nga’s first term results)

-SS guess Nga’s results

(Now you listen to the tape and fill in the report And then compare with your early guess)

- T plays the tape twice or three times - SS listen carefully

- SS fill in the report

- SS compare the results with their partner

- Some SS read out their answers - T gives answer key

- SS copy

-T plays the tape, sentence by sentence -T explains some new words

-SS copy in their books

Answer the questions:

1 What did Miss Jackson give Tim’s mother?

2 How did Tim study this semester? III Speak:

Work in groups Civic education: Physical education:

Technology: Physics: Biology: Go to English club

Speak to foreigners: *Multiple choice:

1 When you your homework?

a- after school c- late at night b- after dinner d- another time

2 Who helps you with your homework?

a - your parents c - a friend b - your brother/sister

IV Listen.

Listen to the dialogue and complete the report card

Name: Tªn Class: líp Marking period ; Day present: Day absent ; Behavior


4 Production

-T guides and asks SS to complete a report card

-SS fill in the report

-Some SS read out their report

- T gives the remarks and marks Learn by heart the subjects

- Answer the questions and write them into a passage

S= satisfactory: hài lòng U= unsatisfactory: ko hài lòng Comments: nhận xét, đánh giá Teacher’s signature: chữ kí gv Parent’s signature: chữ kí PH.

1 87 days present days absent S =Satisfactory C =Fair

5 A =Excellent A =Excellent B =Good

*New words: Writing skills:

Listening comprehension: Encourage Sb to Smt Appreciate :đánh giá

5 Home work- Learn by heart new words, make a report card of own, prepare new lesson: Read

The end

Preparing date: 02/11/2007

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 28 :

Unit 5


study habits

Lesson Read I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson students know how to learn the vocabulary in English SS practice listening comprehension

II Contents. Vocabulary: Mother tongue, Make a list, Learn by heart, However, Underline, Instead, Highlight, Come across, Revision

III/ Teaching aids: Tape, cassette, Books and notebooks. IV/ Procedure:


1 Warm up

2 Pre-reading

3 While-reading

+ Checking old lesson: SS read their report cards - T presents the lesson

- T presents the content of the text - T says: look at the picture and have a guess of our today lesson

- T writes some new words

- T asks what they mean How to learn and remember them

Answer: How to learn new words in English

? Do you like to learn English vocabulary?

? What you always when you have a new word?

? How you learn that words? ? How many words you learn a day?

? Do you have any special ways to learn English vocabulary?

- SS read the text and underline the new words

- T asks: Now what you with these new words?

- SS write them in the books or small papers

- T explains: These words are not explained now You read the text again and decide the statements are True or False according to the text

+ Answers questions in front of the class

V Read:

1 True or False? Check (v) the boxes:

a) False.(NOT all language learners but only SOME)

b) True

c) False.(Many learners DO NOT try to learn )

d) True

 New words :

Make a list: liệt kê danh sách

Mother tongue :ting mẹ đẻ

Learn by heart: häc thuéc lßng

However: tuy nhiªn

Instead: thay vào ú

Come across: gặp phải

2-Answer the questions:

a) P1: Do learner learn words in the same way?

P2: No Learners learn words in different ways

b) P1: Why some learners write example sentences with new words?

P2: Such sentences help them remember the use of new words


4 Post-reading

And then you try to guess the meaning of the words from context - SS exercise and compare the answer with their partner

- Some SS read out their answers - T guides SS to ask and answer the questions

- SS work in pairs

- Some pairs of SS practice aloud - T gives the correct answers - T plays the tape

- SS listen then read out the text


P2: To remember words better, learners write the examples, put the words and their meaning on stickers, underline or highlight them

d) They may think they can’t so Instead, they learn only important words

e) Revision is necessary in learning words

Learners should try different ways of learning words to find out what is the best

5 Home work -Learn by heart vocabulary, write a passage to describe the way to learn your vocabulary Prepare new lesson: Write

The end

Preparing date: 04/11/2007

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 29 :

Unit 5


study habits

Lesson Write I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson students will be able to give the structure, the main parts of the closed letter SS can write a closed letter to their friends and their folks II Contents Vocabulary: Heading, Opening, Body of the letter, Closing, Dear, Regards

III/ Teaching aids: Picture, books and notebooks IV/ Procedure:


1 Warm up

2 Pre-writing

+ Checking old lesson:

SS speak the ways to learn words in English

-T presents the lesson -T gives a short letter

-SS play Jumbled sentences

-T devises the class in groups of -T gives each of group a letter which are cut in many pieces

-Ss work in groups, arrange the part of the letter to complete it

-T asks: How many parts are there in a personal letter? Do you know how they are call?

-T guides SS to fix the parts of the letter in correct order

-SS read the answers

-T gives the correct answers

-? What kinds of information you see in Heading/ Opening ?

*Heading(mở đầu): địa ngời viết th, ngy vit

*Opening/Salutation( lời chào đầu): Dear ,

*Body of the letter(phần thân / th):Bao gồm nội dung nh:Lí viết th, đề xuất, hẹn gặp thờng đợc chia thành 3,4 phần nhỏ

10 Phan Boi Chau St Lao Cai

November 11,2004 Dear Nga,

Thank for your letter I’m pleased to hear you had a good report card

I received my first semester report a few day ago I must study harder next semester

We are going to Sa Pa tonight to celebrate Festival Literature I think I’ll send you some postcards from here

Write soon and tell me all your news

Regards, Hoa

1. Look at Hoa's letter to Tim She wrote it at the end of term.

Identify the sections Label them with correct letter

A- Body of the letter

B- Heading-writer’s address and the date

C- Closing-Your friend/Regards/ Love

D- Opening-Dear , SS answer:

- Hoa wrote the letter

- Tim received it


3 While-writing

4 Post-writing

*Closing/ Complementary close(lời chào cuối th) đa dạng tuỳ vào mức độ thân mật: Regards, Best wishes, With best wishes, With fond/ warm regards, With much love, your loving son, with all my love

-T asks:

? Who wrote the letter? Who received it?

For what subjects did Hoa get good grades?

Was her Math result good?

What did her teacher ask her to ? What is she going to do?

-T guides and asks SS to write the letter

-SS read the information in the box -SS write the letter individually ( in minutes)

-SS compare the letter and correct the mistakes with their partner

-Some SS read out their letter -T checks some letters of the SS -T gives the elicited answer

-T gives a letter

- No, it wasn’t

- Her teacher asked her to spend more time on it

- She’s going to Hue tonight to celebrate the Lunar New Year Festival with her mother

2-Now help Lan write a letter to her pen pal Donna in San Francisco Use the information in the box.

24 Truong Chinh Street. Dong Da District, Ha Noi July 12,2004

Dear Donna,

Thanks for your letter I am very pleased to hear that you had a happy Mother’s day.

I received my second semester report last month I got good grade for Geography, Physics and Math, but my English and History results were poor My teacher told me to improve English and History I think Ill have to study harder next school year.


-SS correct the mistakes from there.

I am looking forward to hearing from your soon.

With warm regards, Yours truly,


5 Homework: Write a letter to your friend and tell him about your results of the last semester Prepare new lesson: Language focus

The end

Preparing date: 6/11/2007

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 30 :

Unit 5


study habits

Lesson - Language focus I Objectives

By the end of the lesson students will be able to review the know ledges of unit 5, use the adverbs of manner, modal SHOULD, get acquainted with reported speech II Contents: Adverbs of manner, should, reported speech

III Teaching aids: text book, picture IV Procedure:


1 Warm up

2 Presentation

3 Practice

+ Checking the previous lesson: -SS read a letter to their friends

1- Activity 1:

-Some SS repeat the way to use adverbs of manner

Note the special adverbs

-T asks SS to complete the dialogues by filling the adverbs of manner in the spaces

-SS work in pairs

-Some pairs of SS practice aloud before class

-T gives answer key 2-Activity 2:

-T requests SS to look at the picture of Mr Hao’s house

-T asks: What you think about Mr Hao’s house? Is it old or new? -SS answer

-T guides SS to exercise

(Now you work in pairs, discuss what Mr Hao should for his house by using the verbs given) -SS work in pairs

-Some SS give the advice -T gives the correct answers -SS copy

3- Activity 3:

-T presents the way to change the direct to indirect

- Read in front of the class

VI Language focus:

1-Complete the dialogues Use the adverbs of manner in the box.

(1) hard (2) fast (3) badly (4) softy

2-Work with a partner Look at the picture of Mr Hao s house Use the

words in the box Say what he should do.

*.Mr Hao should repair the roof * Mr Hao should paint the house * Mr Hao should cut the grass * Mr Hao should replant the trees * Mr Hao should mend the door

3- Work with a partner Suppose you are Tim s mother Report Miss

Jackson s commands and requests in


4 Production

-SS copy

 Thay đổi đại từ nhân xng, đại từ sở hữu:

Ng«i1 => ng«i

Ngơi 2=> ngơi với O mệnh đề

Ngơi => giữ ngun khơng đổi  Đổi động từ:

simple present => simple past

present progressive=> past progressive

future => future in the past  This => That

 These => Those  Here => There  Now => Then  Today => That day  Tonight => That night  Tomorrow => The next day  Yesterday => The day before  Last night => The night before

4- Activity 4: -T guides SS to exercise

(Now you follow similar instructions as exercise 3, report Miss Jackson’s

advice to Tim) -SS work in pairs

-Some pairs of SS practice aloud

S + asked + O + to-infinitive. Told

Ordered commander

* Answer key:

a) Miss Jackson asked me to wait outside her office

b) Miss Jackson told me to give you your report card for this semester

c) Miss Jackson told me to help you with your Spanish pronunciation

d) Miss Jackson asked me to meet her next week

4 Work with a partner Report Miss Jackson s advice

a Miss Jackson said you should spend more time on Spanish pronunciation

b Miss Jackson said you should practice speaking Spanish every day

c Miss Jackson said you should listen to Spanish conversation on TV

d Miss Jackson said you should practice reading aloud passages in Spanish


before class

- Check any mistakes if necessary -T gives answer key

how to pronounce Spanish words

5 Home work: : -Lean by heart the usage of reported speech, exercises again Prepare new lesson: Unit

The end

Preparing date: 7/11/2007

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 31 :

Unit 6


the young pioneer club

Lesson Getting started and Listen and Read I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson students will be able to ask and answering about one’s personal information Talking about the activities of Ho Chi Minh Young Pioneers and Youth Organization

II Contents Vocabulary: help elderly, application form, blind people , fill out, help handicapped children, acting, outdoor activities, summer campaign, enroll


Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Presentation

3 Practice

+ Checking old lesson: A Ps writes the exercise T gives remarks and mark -T presents the topic of the Unit -T introduces the content of the lesson

-T guides: In Vietnam, which organizations are there for young? What can we when we enroll these organizations? Are these activities useful for you and the general public?

-SS answer

-T gives the meaning of new words -T asks more some questions

Which activity you like best? Why?

Do you plan to take part in any activities this summer?

-T guides: This summer Nga enrolls for some activities given by The Young Union What does she have to do when she enrolls?

Now you listen to the tape for the first time between Nga and the secretary Is your guess right? What information does Nga give the secretary?

-T plays the tape

-SS listen carefully and find out new words

-T gives the meaning

Change the sentences into the reported speech:

1 “I like my dog” “We are very tired”

3 “I must go to the post office” “Bill will the work for me”

I Getting started:

New words:

Helping blind people: giúp đỡ ngời mù

Helping elderly people: giúp đỡ ngời già

Helping handicapped children: giúp đỡ trẻ em tàn tật

Clean up the neighborhood: làm khu dân c

Take part in cultural activities/ art club:

tham gia hoạt động văn hoá/ CLB mĩ thuật

Summer campaign: chiÕn dÞch mïa hÌ

II Listen and read:

1 Practice the dialogue with a partner.

Enroll: đăng ký học/ tham gia. application form: đơn xin tham gia

Fill out: điền thông tin.

Outdoor activities: hoạt động trời


4 Production

-T asks SS to practice -SS work in pairs

-Some pairs of SS practice aloud before class

-T corrects the mistakes of pronunciation

-T guides SS to exercise

Now you look at the form and complete Nga’s details.

-SS work in pairs

-SS ask and answer in pairs -T corrects the mistakes

2 Complete Nga’s details Name: Pham Mai Nga

Home address: 5 Tran Phu Steet Phone number: Not available

Date of birth: April 22, 1989

Sex: Female.

Interests: drawing, out door activitiesand acting.

What s her name?

Where does she live?

What’s her phone number?

When was she born? What is her date of birth?

What are her hobbies?

5 Home work - Learn by heart new words, make a new dialogue about yourself The end

Preparing date: 9/11/2007

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 32 :

Unit 6


the young pioneer club

Lesson 2 Speak and Listen I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson students will be able to ask and respond to favors; offer assistance and respond to assistance

II Contents Vocabulary: : unite, peace , right, north, South, show, stand

Grammar: asking for favors, Responding to favors, Offering to assistance, Responding to assistance;

III/ Teaching aids: books and notebooks

IV/ Procedure:


1 Warm up

2 Pre-speaking

3 While-speaking

+ Checking old lesson:

- Call a pupil to read the dialogue again

- A pupil write vocabulary Activity 1

-T presents the content of the lesson

-T says: In daily life, we always have to ask for and respond to favors; offer assistance and respond to assistance What structure you know to express these ideas?

-T presents the structures in the book

-T asks SS to practice the dialogue -SS work in pairs

-Some pairs of SS practice aloud in front of the class

-T asks: In order to ask for help, which structure did Mrs Ngoc and the tourist use? What did they need to help?

-T guides: Now you work in pairs. Use the structures you have learned and the situations in the book to make up new conversations.

-SS practice in pairs

-Each pair practices one situation -SS change the rolls

-Some pairs of SS practice aloud before class

- Read in front of the class - Write new words

III Speak:

Look at the phrases in the boxes. Then practice the dialogues with a partner.

Asking for favors:

-Can / Could you help me, please? - Could you me a favor?

- I need a favor - Can / Could you ?

Tất câu có nghĩa: Bạn giúp tơi đ ợc khơng

Responding to favors NhËn lêi:

-Certainly/ Of course/ Sure -No problem

-What can I for you? How can I help you? Tõ chèi:

I’m sorry I’m really busy  Offering assistance May I help you?

Do you need any help? Let me help you

Responding to assistance NhËn lêi:

Yes Thank you


4 Post-speaking

5 Pre-Listening

6 While-Listening

-T remarks and gives elicited answer key

-SS replacing exercise

In summery, we can use various structures to ask for and respond to favors However, you should know which structure is more police than others Be careful when you use them.

Now you work in pairs, think of a situation and make up a new dialogue using the structures to ask for and respond to favors.

-SS practice in pairs Activity 2

-T presents: In our today’s lesson, we will listen to an English song. Read the words of the song and tell me what the song is about.

-T guides continued

The song is about children, now you work in pairs, read the words again and have a guess of the words in the blanks.

-SS read the song carefully -SS give their guess

-T writes them on the board -T guides SS to listen

Now you listen to the tape and complete the song by filling the words you hear in the blanks.

Tõ chèi:

No Thank you

No Thank you I’m fine

+Thay v× nãi:

Can/ Could you help me? Để trang trọng dïng:

I wonder whether you could help me

Do you think you could help me? T: Can you help me, please?

M: Certainly What can I for you?

T: Can you tell me the way to the nearest police station?

M: Sure You go along this road and then turn right Go for about 300 meters It’s on your left

T: Thank you very much That’s very kind of you

M: Never mind You are welcome

IV Listen:

Fill in the missing words.

Children of our land


Let’s sing for


Let’s sing for


Let’s sing for the








7 Post-Listening

-T plays the tape twice or three times

-SS complete the song

-SS compare the answers with a partner

-T gives answer key

-T organizes a singing contest -T devises the SS into group of six -T plays the tape some times -SS practice and sing

-Each group sings twice -T gives the remarks

Let’s shout


loud, Let’s make a



Oh, children of the


, hold hands

8 Homework: Make a new dialogue about your situation The end

Preparing date: 10/11/2007

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 33 :

Unit 6


the young pioneer club

Lesson 3 Read I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson students will be able to understand the base knowledges about Y &Y, and BSA

SS will be able to improve the skill: Reading comprehension

II Contents Vocabulary: Boy Scouts of America, Girl Guides Association, build character, encourage good citizenship, voluntary youth organization, personal fitness, co-educational

III/ Teaching aids: books and notebooks


Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Pre-reading

3 While-reading

+ Checking old lesson:

- SS read the words of the song

-T presents the lesson

-T introduces the content of the text (In grade 7, we learned about Boy Scouts of America and Girl Guides Association What you remember/ know about these associations?) T asks some questions to present new words

-T reads new words SS read after -T introduces

(In today’s lesson, we will learn more about this association Now you scan the text and tell me what the text discusses)

-T asks SS to scan the text to catch the main information.(History of Boy Scouts of America and Girl Guides Association).

-T asks SS to read the text again -SS read carefully and exercise -SS compare the answer with their partners

-Some SS read their answers aloud -T gives the remarks and answer key

- Go to the bb to write some vocabulary

V-READ: 1 New words:

Buid character: xây dựng nhân cách

encourage good citizenship: khuyến khích công dân có ích personal fitness :sở thích cá nhân. coeducational: giáo dục chung cho nam n÷

Voluntary youth organization: tổ chức thah niên tình nguyện Boy Scouts of America: hớng đạo sinh nam Mĩ

Girl Guides Association: hớng đạo sinh nữ

2 Fill in the missing dates.

a) 1907: The beginning of the Scout Association

b) 1909: William Boyce was introduced to scouting

c) 1910: The founding of the Girl Guides Association and Camp Fire Boys and Girls


4 Post-reading

-T guides SS to exercise -SS read the text again

-SS work in pairs, asking and answering the questions

-Some pairs of SS practice aloud before class

-T corrects and gives the correct answers

-Some SS read out the text

-T corrects the mistakes of pronunciation

-T explains some new words and new sentences

-SS translate the text into Vietnamese

3 Answer:

a) Scouting began in England in 1907

b) The meeting between a boy scout and Mr William Boyce led to the Scouts Association crossing the Atlantic in 1910 c) Girls can join in the Girl

Guides Association and Camp Fire Boys and Girls

d) The three aims are building character, good citizenship and personal fitness

5 Homework: Do exercises again, translate the text, prepare new lesson: Write The end

Preparing date: 16/11/2007

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 34 :

Unit 6


the young pioneer club

Lesson Write I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson students will be able to give the activities of the Y& Y Ps will practice writing the simple sentences or a letter

II Contents Vocabulary: help, community, recycling programs, collect glass, natural resources, raise funds for the poor, encourage, participate, help the street children, plant trees and flowers , register


Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Presentation

3 Practice

+ Checking old lesson:

- A St says something about the Boy Scouts and the Girl Guides Association

- T presents the content of the lesson - T asks SS to look at the notice - SS look at it

- T guides: this is the notice from Y& Y to its members You read it and tells me what activities this organization is going to do.

- SS read the notice

- T explains some new words and phrases

- SS copy

- T guides: Now you read the notice again an complete Ngas letter to Linh about Y& Y plan by filling the missing information in the blank.

- SS read the notice again and fill in the blanks

- SS compare the letter with a partner

- Some SS read out the letter - T gives the correct answer SS copy

- T presents: Hoas Y& Y Green Group is having an environment

VI Write

1/ Read the passage and complete the letter.

New words:

- help the community: giúp đỡ cộng đồng

- encourage: động viên, khuyến khích

- participate: tham gia

- recycling program: chơng trình tái chế nguyên liệu

- collect glass: thu gom thuû tinh - save natural resources: bảo vệ nguồn tài nguyên thiên nhiên - raise fun for the poor: g©y q cho ngêi nghÌo

- help the street children: giúp đỡ trẻ em đờng phố

- plant trees and flowers: trồng hoa

- register: đăng ký (o): planning (1): community (2): recycling (3): collect (4): send (5): recycling

(6): save (7): raise (8):


4 Production

month they are going to clean the lakes banks, plant trees and flowers in the parks.

- T asks some questions - SS answer

- T guides: Base on the dialogue in the book between Hoa and her aunt. Imagine that you are Hoa and write a letter to your parents about the activities you are going to do.

- SS listen carefully and write the letter

- SS correct the mistakes together - Some SS read out their letters - T gives the elicited answer - SS copy

- T gives a further exercise

+ Have Ps work in pairs to complete the correct forms if the words in brackets

Hoa s letter to her parentstelling what is she going to do.

Dear Mom and Dad,

Im very happy to tell you that Im able to join the Y& Y Green Group of my school.

The green Group is holding an environment month plan We are going to clean the lakes banks on weekends We are going to plant trees and flowers in the parks and water them every afternoon after class We are planting Young trees and plants to sell to other schools. I hope that we can give more green color to the city and earn some money for the school Y&Y. The program is very interesting and useful, isnt it?

Im still in a very good health I will tell you more about the group activities later.

Much love, Hoa.

 Give the correct form of the word in brackets

1 (Recycle) programs are very useful to protect the environment


+ Call Ps to practice in front of the class

+ Check any mistakes if necessary

3 All members in the class can enroll the Y &Y (organize) You can keep these flowers

fresh by (water) them every day


1 recycling natural organization watering

5 Homework: -Write a letter to your friend

- Prepare new lesson: Language focus

The end

Preparing date: 17/11/2007

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 35 :

Unit 6


the young pioneer club

Lesson Language focus I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson students will be able to revise and get acquainted with some grammar structures Do exercises

II Contents Grammar: Present tense with future meaning Gerund; Modals: May, can, could III/ Teaching aids: books and notebooks

IV/ Procedure:


1 Warm up Presentation 3.Practice Production

+ Checking old lesson: - Read out the letter

1- Activity 1:

-T asks: You read the Spring Activity Program of Y& Y Pioneers organization and tell me what, when and where they will in the program.

-SS read the table

-T explains some new words and phrases

-SS work in pairs, ask and answer questions about Y& Y Spring activity Program

-Some pairs of SS practice aloud -T corrects the mistakes

2- Activity 2:

+ Have Ps work with a partner Look at the table and talk about our friends’ hobbies

Have Ps practice in front of the class and then correct any mistakes if necessary

3- Activity 3:

+ Have Ps use the expressions in the

+ Read the letter of you to write to one of their closed friends

VII Language focus

1 Ask and answer questions about Y & Y Spring Program.

P1: When they plant and water trees along streets?

P2: On February 2

P1: Where they plant and water trees along streets? P2: On the city center streets P1: What time they start and finish?

P2: They start at am and finish at 10 am

* Ps practice the same 2 Work with a partner.

a Look at the table Talk about our friends’ hobbies


P1: Ba love playing soccer, but he doesn t like washing up.

P2: Lan doesn t like playing

soccer and she doesn t like

washing up, either.

b Copy the table Ask questions about you

P1: Do you like playing soccer? P2: No I hate it What about you? P1: Yes I live playing soccer

* Practice in pairs

3 Work with a partner.

a Use the expressions in the box to ask for a favor

A Can you by me a ticket? B Can you take me across the road?

C Can you help me with the math problem?

D Can you water the flowers in the garden?


box to ask for a favor

- Call Ps to practice in groups or in pairs

- Ask Ps to practice in front of the class


A Can I help you?

B Do you need any help? C Let me help you

D Yes That very kind of you

5 Homework: - Remind Ps to study at home and prepare new lesson Revise the main grammar structures from unit to unit

The end

Preparing date: 22/11/2007

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 36 :

Ôn tËp kiÓm tra I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson students have chance to revise the words and main grammar from Unit to Unit in order to prepare for the test

II Contents Grammar: - Present, past simple, used to, prepositions - Reported speech of command, requests, advice - Gerund, modal verbs

III/ Teaching aids: books and notebooks IV/ Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Presentaion

- Holding the class in order and check the old lesson

- Call a pupil to give exanples using

Used to and modal verbs with can, could

? Form & Use of it ? Example – correct ? Adv

- Go to the bb to write sentences + I used to go to the movies when I lived in Hanoi

+ I can play soccer

+ I could swim when I was ten 1 Tenses:


3 Practice

4 Production

? Use of “ Used to” ? e.g

? Form & position ? e.g

Retell the prepositions ? Use of them? Correct

? form and use of it ? examples – correct

? retell the modal verbs

? Retell form of commands requests? – reported form

? form of advice ? Reposted form? ? In groups

G1: Make direct sentences

G2 Change it to indirect speech ( in tum)


? Retell the main gram?

* Past simple: - S+V- Past + (o)

- Adv: ago last+, yesterday … - Used to for past habit

e.g I used to city a lot when I was a baby

2 Adverbs of manner: - adj + ly = adv

- Good – well; fast – fast; hard – hard

3 Prepositions

In , on, of , at, about, to , for, behind, under, beneath, between, above,

4 Gerund: + V – ing

- It is used after prep, Some Vs: like…

5 Modal verbs:

- can, may, could, should 6 Reported speech of

commands, requests, advice

- Reposted speech of command, requests

Tell/ aks+ Sb = To + V infinitive + ( o)

- Advice in reported speech

+ Advice+ Sb + to + V infi+ ( o) + Say + S + should + V infi + (o) E.g.: Lan said to me “ You should lean hard”


5 Homework: - Remind Ps to study at home and revise the main grammar structures from unit to unit Prepare for the next test

The end

Preparing date:24/10/2007

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 37 :

Written test No 2


Time: 45


I Chọn đáp án A B, C, D hoàn thành câu sau ( P ) I … on a farm when I was a young boy

A used live B used to living C used to live D use to They got married and lived …

A happy B happyly C happily D more happy Your teacher … you should work harder

A told B said that C to go D want

4 The doctor asked me … to bed in time

A go B go to C go D to go

5 … began in England in 1907

A Scout B to scout C Scouting D Scouts Do you usually have a holiday Easter?

A at B on C of D since

II Chuyển câu sau sang cách nói gián tiÕp ( P) Nam said to Lan “ Can you open the door?”

Nam told I said to her “ Stay at home ”

I asked The doctor said to me “ You should stay in bed ”

The doctor told 10 My friend said to me “ Let’s go to the movie”

My friend suggested III Cho dạng động từ ngoặc hoàn thành câu sau ( P ) 11 Lisa ( not go ) to work yesterday She wasn’t feel well

Name: Class:



12 Ba loves ( play ) soccer in his free time

13 Miss Jackson asked me ( give ) you this dictionary 14 I used ( live ) in the city when I was young

IV Đọc đoạn văn trả lêi c©u hái ( p)

Nam was ten years old, he was a very lazy boy He had to go to school of course, but he was bored there and tried to as little work as possible His father and mother were doctors and they hoped that he would become a doctor too, when he grew up, but one day Nam said to his mother “ When I finish school, I want to become a garbage collector”

“ A garbage collector? His mother asked She was very surprised “That’s not a very pleasant job why you want to become a garbage collector? ” “Because then I’d only have to work one day a week,” John answered, “ Only one day a week?” His mother said “” What you mean? ” , ” Well,” John answered ” “I know that the ones who come to our house only work on Monday, because I only see them on that day”

15 Was Nam a lazy boy ?

16 What did his parents hope?

17 What does Nam want to become when he finishes school?

18 Why does Nam want to become a garbage collector?

The end

Written test no 2


Time: 45


I Đọc đoạn văn trả lời câu hái

Nam was ten years old, he was a very lazy boy He had to go to school of course, but he was bored there and tried to as little work as possible His father and mother were doctors and they hoped that he would become a doctor too, when he grew up, but one day Nam said to his mother “ When I finish school, I want to become a garbage collector”

“ A garbage collector? His mother asked She was very surprised “That’s not a very pleasant job why you want to become a garbage collector? ” “Because then I’d only have to work one day a week,” John answered, “ Only one day a week?” His mother said “” What you mean? ” , ” Well,” John answered ” “I know that the ones who come to our house only work on Monday, because I only see them on that day”

Name: Class:



1 Was Nam a hard-working boy ?

What did his parents do?

When does Nam often see the garbage collector?

Why does Nam want to become a garbage collector?

II Chọn đáp án A B, C, D hoàn thành câu sau ( P )

5 Do you usually have a holiday Christmas?

A since B of C on D at

6 His doctor said he in bed that week

A will stay B should stay C stay D can


7 The doctor asked me … to bed in time

A to go B go C go to D go

8 … began in England in 1907

A Scouts B Scouting C to scout D Scout Your teacher … you should work harder on your English

A to go B want C told D said that

10 I … on a farm when I was a young girl

A used live B used to living C used to live D use to III ChuyÓn câu sau sang cách nói gián tiếp ( P)

11 Lan said to Nam “ Can you carry my suitcase, please?”

Lan told 12 I said to her “ Don’t make so much noise ”

I asked 13 He said to me “ You should stop smoking right now ”

He told 14 My friend said to me “ Let’s go to the movie”

My friend suggested IV Cho dạng động từ ngoặc hoàn thành câu sau ( P ) 15 He used ( stay ) up late when he was young

16 Miss Jackson told me ( wait ) for her outside her office 17 Nam likes ( play ) the piano after school

18 Lan ( not go ) to school yesterday She wasn’t feel well The end

Preparing date:30/11/2007

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /


Test correction


I Chọn đáp án A B, C, D hoàn thành câu sau ( P ) Mỗi câu đợc 0,5 điểm

1 C used to live C happily B said that

4 D to go C Scouting A at

II Chuyển câu sau sang cách nói gián tiếp ( P) Mỗi câu đợc 0,5 điểm

7 Nam told Lan to open the door I asked her to stay home

9 The doctor told me to stay in bed

10 My friends suggested going to the movies

III Cho dạng động từ ngoặc hoàn thành câu sau ( P ) Mỗi câu đợc 0,25 điểm

11 did not go 13 to give

12 playing 14 to live

IV Đọc đoạn văn sau trả lời câu hỏi (4 P ) Mỗi câu đợc 1,0 điểm

14 Yes, he was

16 They hoped that he would become a doctor 17 He wants to become a garbage collector 18 Because he only has to work one day a week No


1 No, he wasn’t They were doctors

3 He often sees him on Monday

4 Because he only has to work one day a week

II Chọn đáp án A B, C, D hoàn thành câu sau ( P ) Mỗi câu đợc 0,5 điểm

5 D at

6 B should stay A to go

8 B Scouting D said that 10 C used to live III Chuyển câu sau sang cách nói gián tiÕp ( P)

Mỗi câu đợc 0,5 điểm

11 Lan told Nam to carry her suitcase 12 I asked her not to make so much noise 13 He told me to stop smoking right now 14 My friends suggested going to the movies

IV Cho dạng động từ ngoặc hoàn thành câu sau ( P ) Mỗi câu đợc 0,25 điểm

15 to stay 17 playing

16 to wait 18 did not

Preparing date: 02/12/2007

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 39 :


By the end of the lesson Ss know how to ask and answer about the places they live and often go to

II Contents + Vocabulary: Grocery store, since, close by, pancake III/ Teaching aids: books and notebooks

IV/ Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Presentation

3 Practice

? Read words

? Practice in groups? - Correct

? Listen

Exlain new words ? listen & repeat ? read – correct

? Practise reading in pairs ? remark verbs in eg ? Form of present perfect? ? the use of present perfect

? Remaik the use of “since or fot” ? Examples

? Read the dialogue again in silence? ? Complete in groups

? Choose the correct words to complete? – correct

? The form & use of present perfect? ? Use of for & since

I getting started

a Grocery store c.Wet market b Stadium e hairdresser/s d Drugstore f.Swimming pool

I Listen and read 1 New words:

- since ( adv) - close by ( pre) - serve ( v)

2 Grammar:

Present perfect tense

eg1: We have been here since last week

eg2: We have lived here for about 10 years

Use: Thì hồn thành diễn tả hành động bắt đầu Qk, tiếp tục đến tơng lai ( sd với since/ for)

+ Since + a point of time ( date) + for + a period of time

3 Complete the sentences

a New d Restaurant b last week e Here c Tired f pancakes

4 Choose the correct work

a He ( left/ has left) for London a year ago

b She ( live/ has lived) in Hanoi for 20 years

c I ( go/ went / have gone ) to HaLong bay last week

d We have learnt English ( since/ for )5 years



Production - Have Ps practrice in groups thencall them to pread each sentence i front of the class

Ex 1/44: Study – Studied be – been

See – seen

Ex 2/44: a Since b since


Preparing date: 10/12/2007

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 40 :

Unit My neighborhood Lesson 2: Speak and Listen I Objectives:

Ss revise the comparative of adj Since can practice speaking skills II Contents + Vocabulary: surface mail, weigh ( t) item, charge

+ Grammar: S + be ( is/ am/ are) + short adj – er than + N/Pro S + am/ is/ are – more + long adj than + N/Pro III/ Teaching aids: books and notebooks

IV/ Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Presentation

+ Holding the class in order and check the old lesson

- Call one pupil to write the previous vocabulary and one to read the text in front of the class

+ Check and give marks

* Pre-speaking

+ Set the scene: Mrs Kim wants to send a parcel to Quy Nhon Read the dialogue to see how she send by airmail or surface mail

- Explain new words

- Guide Ps to read vocabulary

? Retell the form how to use the comparative adjectives

? Have Ps read in chorus ?

* While speaking

- Ask Ps to read the dialogue in pairs ? Read the brocture & information? - Have Ps make similar dialogue

- Write vocabulary

- Read the text again

III Speak

1 New words

- surface mail (n) - weigh ( v) - weight ( n) - item ( n) - charge (n)

2 Grammar:

* Comparative of adj ective

S + am/is/ are + shost – adj – er

more – adj … Eg: I am taller than Huong


3 Practice

4 Production

using the brochure and the information in the box

- ? Ask Ps to work in pairs

* Post speaking

? Have Ps practice in pair in front of the class

- Listen to then and check mistakes if necessary

* Pre-listening:

+ Set the scene: Na is new to the neighborhood She is talking with Nam about what she is going to do on the weekend Look at the advertisement of What s on this“ ’


- Present some vocabulary

- Read the information and the advertisement

* While- listening

? Guess the missing words ? Listen to fill in?

- Read sentences

? Listen to check in groups

* Post listening

- Listen to the conversation again and check () the correct box for T or F or No information

4 Make similar dialogue

P2: I want to send this latter to Kon Tum, please?

P1: Do you want to send it airmail or surface mail?

P2: I am not sure How much is airmail?

P1: I’ll have to weigh it first Twenty grams That’ll be 1,700 dong

P2: Oh! That’s very expensive P1: Surface mail is much cheaper It’s only 800 dong

P2: It’s better I’ll send it surface mail

P1: All right

IV Listen

1 New words

- contest (n) - performance (n) - kick off (n)

2 Fill in the blank

1 The Newcomer Town ground English speaking club Cultural House

3 Listen and check the correct box

a T d T b F e T

c F f No – Information


The end

Preparing date: 13/12/2007

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 41 :

Unit My neighborhood Lesson 3: Read

I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson Ps are able to make a notice about something else and to use some adjectices to make comparisons

II Contents + Vocabulary: - mall (n), roof (n), convenient (a), humid (n), customer (n), comfort (n), resident (n)

III/ Teaching aids: books and notebooks IV/ Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Pre- reading

- Holding the class in order and check the old lesson

- Call one pupil to writye some words on the bb

* Preteach vocabulary

- Read the text once then explain the meanings of some vocabulary

- Guide Ps to read in chorus

- Call Ps to read again in front of the class

+ Checking vocabulary by Rub out and remember

* Set the scene: In Nam’s neighborhood, there is a new shopping mall Read information about it then find the convenience of the mall

- Pupil write words on the bb - surface mail (n) - charge (n) - weigh ( v) - contest (n) - weight ( n) - kick off (n) - item ( n) - performance (n)

V Read

1 New words

- mall (n) - roof (n)

- convenient (a) - humid (n) - customer (n) - comfort (n) - resident (n)

2 Read:

- the same + (n) + as - different from


3 While-reading

4 Post-reading

- Ask Ps to read the text silently and compare their ideas or get more information

+ Give feed back

- Have Ps look at the statements in the exercise page 68

- Make sure they understand the statements

- Get them to read the text again and dicide which statements are True or False

- Have Ps correct the false statements

* Comprehension questions

- Ask Ps to work in pairs to answer the questions in exercise on page 68

- Call some pairs to practice in front of the class

* Discussion:

- Give sitution

“Do you want to have a new mall in your neighborhood? If there is one, what will happen to the residents?” Have Ps copy these phrases:

- Under one roof - shop in comfort

- Have been concern about - offer a wider selection - take their business - specially stores

True False a The mall is open daily

b there are 50 stores in the mall

c not everyone is pleased about the new mall

d It will be more comfortable to shop in the mall

e Some of the stores on Tran Phu Street may have to close

     4 Answer

a It is very different from the present shopping area All the shops are under the roof That will be very convenient, especially during the hot and humid summer months Customers will shop in comfort and won’t notice the weather

b In the shopping mall, there are 50 air – conditioned specially stores, movie theaters and 10 restaurants there is also a children’s play area c They think the new shopping mall will take their business

d The stores in the mall will offer a wider selection of products Some kinds of goods at cheaper prices Homework: - Remind Ps to study at home and prepare for the next lesson


Preparing date: 14/12/2007

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 42 :

Unit My neighborhood Lesson 4: Write

I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson Ps are able to use comparative adjectives No how to make a notice about something else

II Contents + Vocabulary: effect, hardware, contact, hall

III/ Teaching aids: books and notebooks IV/ Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Prewriting

* Checking the old lesson

- Call two Ps to write the words and read the text then answer some questions

? What is special about the new shopping mall?

* Preteach some vocabulary

- Give some new vocabulary and guide Ps to read carefully in chorus - Call Ps to read again in front of the class

+ Get Ps to read the notice and answer some questions to check their inderstanding:

? a Why are the residents and stores

- Read the text carefully

- a It is very different from the present shopping area All the shops are under the roof That will be very convenient, especially during the hot and humid summer months Customers will shop in comfort and won’t notice the weather

VI Write

1 New words

- effect (n) - hard ware (n) - contact (v) - hill (n)

2 Read the communicaty notice


3 While-writing

4 Post-writing

owners on Tran Phu Street going to hold a meeting?

?b When will they hold a meeting? What time?

?c Where will they hold a meeting? - Call Ps to practice in pairs in front of the class

+ Have Ps to use the similar format to write the a notice about the English Speaking contest on page 68 - Call some Ps to read their answers in front of the class

- Get Ps to write the notice individually

- Monitor and help then write

- Ask Ps to share with their parners - Check some notice and correct them

new mall

b They will hold the meeting on May 20 at pm

c At Hang Dao Street, Binh’s hardware store

3 Write a notice about the English speaking

- Contest the school English speaking club

- Holding a speaking contest to celebrate the teach’s day

- Date: November 15

- Time: 7.30 p.m to 10.00 p.m - Place: Hall 204, buiding G

- Please contact Tran Thi Thu Hang of class 8H at the above address for more information

4 Write the notice about your class meeting and ore your sports club meeting.

The sports club (meeting )

Holding a sports contest to celebrate the Teachers’ Day

Date: Time: Place:

Please contact:


Preparing date: 17/12/2007

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 43 :

Unit My neighborhood Lesson 5: Languague focus I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson Ps are able to use and practice the Present perfect tense

II Contents Present Perfect Tense past participleverbs

III/ Teaching aids: books and notebooks IV/ Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Presentation

3 Practice

* Matching:

- Stick a poster of infinitives and Past Participles on the board

- Divide the class in to two teams - Get students from two teams to write each pair of infinitive-past participle on the board

- Have ps repeat the words in chorus + Explain how to use since and for Ask Ps to complete the expressions using for and since

- Call Ps to practice in front of the class

+ Have Ps complete the sentences Use the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets

- Ask Ps to work in pairs or in groups to this exercise

1 Match

Be – been see – seen Go – gone write – written

Eat – eaten work – worked Live – lived collect – collected

2 Complete Use “for/ since” - for minutes for – three hours

- since January for – 10 weeks - since 1990 since Friday


4 Production

* Set the scene: Na is new in Nam neighborhood They are talking to each other Give students an open dialogue between Nam and Na then ask them to complete it

- Call some pairs to prsactice the dialogue in front of the class

* Notice:

- the same + N + as - different from - (not) as as

+ Look at the pictures Complete the sentences use the words in the box You will have to use some words more than one

Ask Ps to practice in pairs in front of the class

c haven’t seen d have attended e has worked f has collected Complete

1 Have been Want hope Is looks have lived Have been is Have seen

5 Complete the sentences c not as cheap as

d the same as e as expensive as f different from g as long as

h not as modern as i not as cheap as


Preparing date: 19/12/2007

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 44 :

Unit Country life and city life Lesson 1: Getting started and Listen and read I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to talk about the difference between the city life and the country life

II Contents + Vocabulary: effect, hardware, contact, hall

III/ Teaching aids: books and notebooks IV/ Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Presentation

+ Have Ps work in groups to find out the differences between the country and the city

- Call some PS to talk about them and makes the list about those differences in front of the class

* Pre-teach vocabulary. - Read given words

- Make snetences with them - Explain new words

- Read – correct

+ Checking buy rub out and remember

I Getting Started

The city is noisier than the country The city has more tall buildings than the country…

- short adj + er

- Long adj: more + long adj

II Listen and read

1 New words

- permanently ( adv) - remote (a)

- facility ( n) - accessible (a) - definitely (adv ) - peacefull ( adj) - medical (adj) - relative ( n)


3 Practice

4 Production

- Examples?

- Listen again

+ Have practice in pairs the dialogue - Call some pairs to practice in front of the class

- Read questions

- Check Ps’ understanding about the questions

- Ask them to practce asking and answering in pairs

- Call some pairs to practice in front of tha class

- Check any mistakes if necessary ? Talk about the changes of your town ? Using present progressive – with “ get and become”

2 Grammar:

+ Present progressive

S + am/ is/ are + V_ing + ( o) - Show the changes with get and


- Be getting/becoming + Adj-ER/more Adj

E.g1: The buidings are getting more

E.g 2: The town is getting noiser

3 Pratice the dialogue:

4 Answer the questions

a Na has been to the countryside / Kim Lien villge

b She was there for the weekend / for one day

c Her opinion of the countryside is it is very quiet & peaceful and there is nothing to

d There are no movies, zoos, libraries …to go

e Many remote areas are getting alectricity, people can now have thing like refrigerators & TV and medical facilities are move accessible


5 Homework: - Ask Ps to write a short passage to tell why theyprefer the city or country life

Preparing date: 22/12/2007

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 45 :

Unit country life and city life Lesson 2: Speak and Listen

I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson Ps are able to use comparative adjectives No how to make a notice about something else

II Contents + Vocabulary: effect, hardware, contact, hall

III/ Teaching aids: books and notebooks IV/ Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Presentation

* Brain storming:

- Have Ps write as many adjectives as they can on the board

- Check and correct

* Present new language:

- Explain how to use present progressive to talk about the changes

- Give examples to illustrate E.g:

- The town is becoming busier - The streets are getting cleaner

- hot - noisy - dirty - large - busy - tall - beautiful - modern - clean

III Speak.

1 Grammar

- Present progressive to show the changes

+ S + is/ am/ are + getting/ becoming + adj (er)


3 Practice

4 Production

- Have Ps look at the two pictures and ask them to show the differences between them

- Ask Ps these questions:

? Find out five thing in the pictures that are different from each other ? What are they?

+ Have Ps work in pair to talk about th changes in the pictures

- Call some Ps to practice in front of the class

+ Ask them to practice talking about the changes in their home town

Have Ps look at the dialogue and read it

- Ask them to guess the word in each bracket

- Have Ps listen to the tape three times

- Ask them to give the answers - Call Ps to practice the dialogue in front of the class

+ Have Ps make a similar dialogue use the promt of the dialogue above

2 Work with a partner to talk about the changes of the town - Th traffic is getting busier

- There are move tall buildings & houses

- The houses are getting more modern

- The town is becoming more becutiful

3 The changes in your home town

- The streets are getting larger - The goods are becoming more expensive

IV Listen.

1 Listen to fill in the missing words

1 that arrwing this Thursday It’s 10 late where 11 afternoon form 12 speak coming 13 my week 14 get


Preparing date: 24/12/2007

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 46 :

Unit country life and city life Lesson 3: Read

I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson Ps are able to talk about one of the social problems, about the migrants from the rural areas to the big cities

II Contents + Vocabulary: rural, belive, struggle, typhoon, flood … III/ Teaching aids: books and notebooks

IV/ Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Pre-reading

+ Ask Ps some questions:

? Do you think many people move to live in the city?

? Why they want to go to the city?

? What problems may arise when so many people move to the city?

* Present new language: - Read the text ance - Present new vocabulary - Guide Ps to read in chorus

- Call some Ps to practice in front of the class

- Checking by rub out and remember - Have Ps look at the text and read it

* Ps answer questions: + Discuss in groups - Give answers

V read

1 New words: - rural (a)

- well – paying (a) - plentiful (a)


3 While-reading

4 Post- reading

- Have Ps read the text in front of the class

+ Have Ps works in groups to find out the missing words in the paragraph using the wordsm in the text

- Ask them to give the answers - Call Ps to practice the text in front of the class

+ Have Ps readm the text again and find out the words that mean:

a Of the countryside b as many as needed c become greater or larger d a geat pressure

e a terrible event

f of the city or city life

- strain (n) - urban (n) - migrant (n)

2 Complete the summing leaving problems home school city problems rural problem city 10 world 3 Find the word in the passage that mean

a rural d strain b plentiful e tragedy c increase f urban


Preparing date: 27/12/2007

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 47 :

Unit country life and city life Lesson 4: Write

I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson Ps are able to write a letter to their friends to tell about their neighborhood and about their habits

II Contents + Writing skill

III/ Teaching aids: books and notebooks IV/ Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Pre-writing


+ Ask Ps some questions: ? Do you usually write letters? ? How often you write a letter ?

- Have Ps look at the text book and read the out line then compare with the one in Unit again then have them put the out line in order

- Have Ps read the out line then correct if necessary

- Have Ps work in groups of four students to write a leeter by answering the questions below:

? Where you live?

? What does your house look like? ? What can you see from tyour bedroom window?

+ Answer questions: - Yes, I do/ No, I don’t

- I often write letter once a week

VI Write

1 Put the outline for an infomal letter in the correct order

- Heading: + Writers address + Date

+ Dear - Opneing

- Body of letter - Closing

2 Write a letter :

……… ……… Dear…



4 Post-writing

? How far is it from your house to school?

? How you get to school?

? What kinds of facilities are there in your neighborhood?

? What thing in your neighborhood do you like best? Why?

+ Call some Ps to read their letter in front of the class

- Check Ps’ mistakes if necessary

+ Ask Ps some questions:

- Do you have any best friends? - Where does he/she live?

- Do you often writye to her/him? - How often you write to her/him? + Have Ps write a letter to their friends to tell her/him about the changes in the neighborhood they live

My family has a small home with rooms My sister and I share one room Outside my window There is a beautiful garden with trees, flowers, vegetables and a pond We don’t live far from my school so I can walk there In my neighborhood there is a stadium and a nice park On the weekend I play badminton with my friends, but the thing I like best in my neighborhood is the library near my school – there I can not only study, read books, but also watch videos and learn how to use the computer

Do you have a library like that in your neighborhood?

Is there any thing interesting where you live?

Write to

I’d like to say goodbye now I’m looking forwards to hearing from you soon



Preparing date: 28/12/2007

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 48 :

Unit country life and city life Lesson 5: Language focus

I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson Ps are able to use comparative adjectives and superlative adjectives to talk about the changes in the mobern life compare with the life in the past

II Contents + Comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs

III/ Teaching aids: books and notebooks IV/ Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Presentation

+ Have Ps read the dialogues a and b in front of the class

- Have Ps work in pairs to make similar dialogues

- Have Ps practice talking about the shipping information

- Call some apairs Ps to practice in front of the class

- Check any mistakes if necessary

1 Read the dialogues

P1: Is the boat to Quy Nhon leaving at 11.30?

E.g 1:

P2: Is that good fortune? P1: That’s right

P2: I’m very sorry It’s been delayed

P1: Oh no!

P2: Now, it’s leaving at 13.55 E.g 2:

P1: Is the boat from Camau arriving at 11.00?

P2: Are you talking about Diamond Eyes?

P1: Yes


3 Practice

4 Production

- Have Ps work in pairs complete the dialogues and practice in front of the class

- Have Ps read the words in the box then complete the sentences

- Have Ps work in groups

- Call Ps to practice in front of the class

- Have Ps work in pairs to make up sentences using the comparative adjectives

- Ask Ps read the advertisements and compare the three house

- Call Ps to practice in front of the class

E.g1: The house is more expensive than the apartment

- The apartment is smaller than the villa

2 Complete the dialogues Use the verbs in the present progressive tense.

1 are doing am watching am practicing are cleaning am having

3 Complete the sentences b The old men are getting weak c We should go home It is getting dark

d the weather is becoming cold e The S’s are getting better

f The shool yard is becoming clesner

4 Make comparisons - Short adj: Adj – er than - Long adj: more+ adj + than eg1: The food in the city is more expensive than in the country - Traffic in the city is busier than in the country

5 Look at the advertisements - Comparative: S+ is/am/are + sh – adj – er + than + O

- Superlative: s + am/is/are + the + sh – adj – er + (n0

the most + l – adj + ( n) + o - The villa is the most expensive The house is smaller than the villa


Preparing date: 29/12/2007

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 49 :

Revision I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, Ps are able to tolk about the habitual actions, the actions happened at the present, the past actions

II Contents Grammar structures: Present progressive tense, the past simple tense, present perfect tense

III/ Teaching aids: books and notebooks IV/ Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Presentation

3 Practice

+ Have Ps retell the tenses they’ve learnt

- Ask them to tell the use of each one

- Help Ps to remember the use of each tense carefully then give examples to illustrate

Have Ps copy them make up sentences

Have Ps practice to talk about the actions using each tenses

- Give Ps an exercise:

1 Present simple tense - Use

- Form: + be : S + am/ is /are + ( o)

+ V: S + V ( s/es)+ ( o) - Adv: always, usually, simetimes 2 Present progressive tense. - Use:

- Form: S + ia/ am/ are + V ing + (o)

- adv: now, at the moment 3 Past simple

- Use

- Form: S + v – past + (o)

- Adv: tomorrow, next + N of time 5 Present perfect tense:

- Use:

- Form: S+ have/ has+ PII + (o) - Adv: Since + point of time

for + aperiod of time


4 Production

* Complete the sentences with the correct form of verbs in brackets

- Ask Ps to work in pairs and in groups to exercise

- Ask Ps to make up as many senteces as they can using the tenses above

correct form of Vs

a My brother often goes ( go) to work by bike

b Her father traveled ( travel ) to Hue yesterday

c Next Sunday my school will hold ( hold) are english spaeking contest

d We are doing ( do) exercises now

e We have lived ( live ) here for 15 years


Preparing date: 30/12/2007

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 50 :

Revision I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson Ps are able to use modal verbs to ask for favors and give requests

II Contents – Gerund+ V_ing, reported speech, modal verbs III/ Teaching aids: books and notebooks

IV/ Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Presentation

3 Practice

+ Holding the class in order and check the old lasson

+ Retell the use of each structures Explain how to use each one

Have Ps copy them make up sentences

Have Ps practice to talk about the actions using each structures

+ Answer quesstiuons

1 Modals

Can, may, could, should Modal + V – inf

- for favors / requests 2 Enough

- Before N:

- There are enough chais for us to sit

- After adj:

She is tall enough to take the hat on the wall

3 Preposition: 4 Gerund: V- ing

- After pres, fres, feeling verbs… - eg1: I like watching TV

5 Reported speech: - Command, requests:


4 Production

- Give Ps an exercise:

* Complete the sentences with the correct form of verbs in brackets

- Ask Ps to work in pairs and in groups to exercise

- Ask Ps to make up as many senteces as they can using the structures above

+ Reported speech: tell/ ask + sb + to + V- inf + (o)

eg1: Lan said to Nga “Can you speak up ? ”

- Lan asked Nga to speak up - Advice:

+ Direct speech: S+ should + V – inf + (o)

+ Reported speech:

- Advise + sb + to + V- inf + (o) - Say + S + should + V – inf + (o) eg1: “ The doctor said to me “ You should stay in bed”

- The doctor advised me to stay in bed

- The doctor said I should stay in bed


Preparing date: 31/12/2007

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 51 :

Revision I Objectives:

At the end of the lesson pupils are able to use the present progressive to talk about future actions

II Contents Structure: - S + Is/am/are + V_ing + O

- Comparative adjectives and adverbs III/ Teaching aids: books and notebooks

IV/ Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Presentation

+ Have Ps retell the use of the present continuous tense

- Explain how to use it again - Give examples to illustrate

- Explain how to use the present continuous to express the future action

Have Ps copy them and make up sentences

Have Ps practice to talk about the actions using each structures

I The Present Continuous Tense used for future actions: For a plan, an intension in the future Use with expression of time

Form: - S + Is/am/are + V_ing + O

Ex: My wife has an appointment with a doctor She is seeing doctor Nam next Tuesday

- Ba has already made his plan He

is leaving at noon tomorrow - What are you going to this afternoon?

- After lunch I am seeing a friends of mine We are going shopping Would you like to come along? Get and Become express the changing happening

Form: is/am/are +

getting/becoming + adj-ER and adj-ER

Ex Hurry up, Nam It is getting darker and darker


3 Practice

4 Production

- Give Ps situations and words cues:

* Complete the sentences with the words given

a Nam/ tall

b The weather/ cold c The earth/ hot d The city/ beautiful

- Ask Ps to work in pairs and in groups to exercise

+ Explain how to use the comparative and superlative adjectives

- Ask Ps to make up as many senteces as they can using the structures above

- My mother is getting better after a long illness

- Young people are becoming more and more politically aware these days

II Comparative and superlative adjectives.

1 Comparative:

EX Nam is taller than Ba

Ex A car is more expensive than

a motorbike

2 Superlative:

* Short adjective.

Ex Loan is the tallest student in her class

* Long adjective.

Ex Loan is the most intelligent in her class

5 Homework: - Remind Ps to study at home and prepare for the next lesson

short Adjective + ER+ than

more + long adjective + than

the short adjective + EST


Preparing date: 31/12/2007

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 52 :

Revision I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson Ps are able to understand more about the tenses and know how to talk about the actions in the present and past tenses

II Contents – Present tense - Reported speech III/ Teaching aids: books and notebooks

IV/ Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Presentation

+ Have Ps retell the tenses they’ve learnt

- Ask them to tell the use of each one

- Help Ps to remember the use of each tense carefully then give examples to illustrate

Have Ps copy them make up sentences

Have Ps practice to talk about the actions using each tenses

I Tenses:

1 Present simple tense:

a The engines… ( make ) a little of noise

b.The sea … ( cover ) two – third of the world

c Loud music ( give ) me a headache

d Oranges … ( be ) rich in vitamin C

a make c gives b Covers d are 2 Present progressive tense Past simple tense

4 Future tense

5 Present perfect tense II Reported speech 1 Command, request 2 Advice

* Note: T2 + gt – đổi ( t1 –



3 Practice

4 Production

- Give Ps an exercise:

* Complete the sentences with the correct form of verbs in brackets

- Ask Ps to work in pairs and in groups to exercise

- Ask Ps to make up as many senteces as they can using the tenses above

III Used to + V inf: thờng xuyên xảy khứ khơng cịn

Eg1: I used to cook meals

(-) S+ didn’t + used to + v – inf ( ?) Did + s + used to + V- inf ? IV.Prepositions: in, on, at, after, between

1 In + Year ( in 1990) month ( in June ) on + date: ( on 17th )

date:, month , year ( on June 2nd, 2007)

day ( on Monday ) at + time ( at pm)

* Fill in each blank with one suitable word

1 I usually go swimming on Tuesday

2 I got up at o’clock this morning

3 Tim came round in the afternoon

4 The children get too many presents at Christmas

5 We usually take our holiday in september

6 She was born in Australia in 1952


Preparing date:04/01/2008

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 53 :

( Thi theo đề phòng Giáo dục Đào tạo huyện Yờn Bỡnh ) UBND huyn Yờn Bỡnh

Phòng GD&ĐT

Đề kiểm tra chất lợng học kỳ I Môn : TiÕng Anh

Lớp - Năm học 2007-2008 Thời gian làm : 45 phút ( Không kể thời gian giao đề )

Câu 1( 3,0 điểm ): Chọn đáp án thích hợp để điển vào chỗ trống They have studied six o’clock

A for B at C since D to

2 My mother is tired cook tonight

A enough / to B too/ to C so / that D very / to have you lived in this town ? - For nearly 20 years

A when B where C How D How long

4 Vietnamese is our

A language B speaking C mother tongue D voice We are very of our parents

A meaningful B proud C meaning D excited

6 Do you enjoy in class activities ?

A participating B to participate C participated D participate Câu ( 2,0 điểm ): Cho dạng động từ ngoặc

7 Hoa wants ( go ) to West Lake Water Park She usually (listen ) to music

9 They ( not see ) each other for a long time 10 I ( visit ) my friends yesterday

C©u ( 2,0 điểm ): Đọc đoạn văn sau trả lời c©u hái


and Hoa helps him to correct his spelling mistakes Next summer, he is going to visit Ho Chi Minh city with his family Hoa is expecting to see him

11.Who is Peter ?

12.What is his nationality ?

13 Does he love learning Vietnamese all day? 14 What does Hoa for Peter ?

Câu ( 1,0 điểm ) : Chọn từ có cách phát âm khác với từ lại 15 a break b mean c please d meat

16 a food b look c cook d book

17 a agree b deer c speech d succeed

18 a could b pound c house d count

Câu ( 2,0 điểm ) : Hoàn thành câu sau từ gợi ý 19 Rose / a good / student

20 I / tall / enough / play / volley ball 21 You / / morning exercise / regularly 22 We / happy / pass / all the exams

Preparing date:05/01/2008

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 54 :

Trả kiểm tra học kỳ I UBND huyện Yên Bình

Phòng GD&ĐT

Hớng dẫn chấm Đề kiểm tra chất lợng học kỳ I - M«n : TiÕng Anh

Líp - Năm học 2007-2008


Tổng điểm : 10

Câu 1( 3,0 điểm ): Chọn đáp án thích hợp để điền vào chỗ trống. Mỗi ý trả lời đợc 0,5 điểm

1 C since C mother tongue

2 B too/ to B proud

3 D How long A participating

Câu ( 2,0 điểm ): Cho dạng động từ ngoặc Mỗi ý trả lời đợc 0,5 điểm

7 to go haven’t seen

8 listens 10 visited

Câu ( 2,0 điểm ): Đọc đoạn văn sau trả lời câu hỏi Mỗi ý trả lời đợc 0,5 điểm

11 Peter/ He is Hoa’s penpal

12 He is English/ His nationality is English

13 No, he doesn’t He loves learning Vietnamese in his free time 14 Hoa helps him to correct his (Vietnamese) spelling mistakes

Câu ( 1,0 điểm ) : Chọn từ có cách phát âm khác với từ lại Mỗi ý trả lời đợc 0,25 điểm

15 a break 17 b deer

16 a food 18 a could

Câu ( 2,0 điểm ) : Hoàn thành câu sau từ gợi ý Mỗi ý trả lời đợc 0,5 điểm

19 Rose is a good student

20 I am ( not ) tall enough to play volleyball 21 You should morning exercise regularly 22 We are happy to pass all the exams

Preparing date: 9/01/2008

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 55 :

Unit A first-aid course Lesson 1: Getting started and Listen and read I Objectives:


III/ Teaching aids: Books and notebooks, cassette, gap fill chart Pictures on page 80

IV/ Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Presentation

3 Practice

+ Have Ps work with a partner to discuss what they would in the situations which require first-aid a a girl has a burn on her arm b a girl has a nose bleed

c a boy has a bad cut on his leg d a boy has a bee sting

* Some words cues: emergency room, medicated oil, water pack, ice, alcohol, sterile dressing

* Read the dialogue once then preteach vocabulary

- Guide Ps to read the words in chorus

- Call them to practice reading in front of the class

+ Checking by Rub out and remeber

+ Explain the use of the future tense - Give examples to illustrate

- Have Ps practice the dialogue in pairs

- Call some pairs to practice in front

I Getting started

* Sample ideas

a I’ll use cold water to ease the pain I’ll take her to the nearest clinic I’ll get her an ice pack b Let her stand straight Use some absobent cotton to cover her bleed nose for some minutes

c Wash the cut with alcohol to sterilize it Cover it with a bandage and take hime to the hospital d Wash the sting with alcohol, then rob some ointment on it

II Listen and read

1 New words

- emergency ( n) - ambulance (n) - calm down (n)

- fall – fell – fallen (off )(v) - conscious (a)

- bleed – bled – nled (v) - towel ( n)

- handkerchief (n) - wound (n)

- pressure (n) - fall asleep (v0 - promise (v)

2 Grammar:


4 Production

of the class

+ Have Ps work in groups to discuss the topics covered in the dialogue

Will / shall + V – inf

Eg I’ ll visit my grandfather next week

3 Practice the dialogue:

- Practice the dialogue in pairs

4 Select the topics covered in the dialogue.

a Describing the condition of the injured person

b Asking for the address

c Asking about the condition of the injured person

d Asking for advice

e Giving first – aid intructions f Arranging for an ambulance g Saying the injured person name * Answer:

5 Homework: - Remind Ps to study at home and prepare for the next lesson

Preparing date: 10/01/2008

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 56 :

Unit A first-aid course Lesson 2: Speak and Listen I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson Ps are able to make and response to requests, offers and promises Listen and name the places and objectcs in the hospital


IV/ Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Presentation

3 Practice

* Revision: - Brainstorming:

- Have Ps work in groups to write as many words as possible about the situations that require first-aid

- Call some Ps to give the situations they know

- Ask Ps some questions:

What would you if you have a nose bleed?/ a burn?/ a bee sting?/

+ Have look at the text book page 81:

Explain how to make and respond to requests, offers and promises

- Give the forms as well as examples to illustrate

- Have Ps look at the pictures and work in pairs to make and respond to requests, offers and promises

- Call Ps to practice in front of the class

- Have Ps look at the pictures in text

+ Possible answers - have a nose bleed - have a burn

- have a cut - have a bee sting - have a fainting - accident

III Speak

+ Request: will/Could/Would/Can + you + V + (o), please?

E.g1: Will you turn off light, please?

+) offer: I will + V + (o)

E.g2: The phone is ringing I’ll answer for you

+) Promise: S+ will + V + (o) E.g3: I promise I’ll go home at a.m

eg: Pd: The girl is in bed Perhaps she has a fever

a Could you give me a bandage, Situation which


4 Production


- Ask them to match the words together with the letter of each item - Have Ps listen the put the letter in to the correct order

+ Have Ps work in groups Look at the pictures then describe them


b Shall I get you some medicine? c Can you help me?

- Sure Can I get you a bandage? d Would you like me to get you some medicine?

e I promise I won’t it again

IV Listen:

1 New words:

- bandage (n) - wheelchair(n) - stretcher (n) - scale (n) - crutches (n) - eye chart (n) 2 Listening

F stretcher B wheel chair A ambulance D eye chart E scale C crutches

5 Homework: - Remind Ps to study at home and prepare for the next lesson

Preparing date: 15/01/2008

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 57 :

Unit A first-aid course Lesson 3: Read

I Objectives:

Sau hoàn thành tiết học, học sinh biết cách sử lý tình sơ cấp cứu cần thiết Rèn luyện cho học sinh ý thức giúp đỡ ngời

II Contents Vocabulary: elevate, victim, revive, overheat, tissue, affect, tap, ease, sterile, dessing


IV/ Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Pre reading

3 While reading

* Revision: - Brainstorming:

- Have Ps give nouns for emmergencies which require first aid and write them on the board

- Pre teach some vocabulary

+ Checking technique: Rub out and remember.

+ Have Ps read the instructions how to give first aid in these cases such as: fainting, shock and burns

- Ask some Ps to go the bb to add the missing information

+ Ask Ps to rtead the statements on page 84 abnd match three Leadings A, B, C to them

* Answer key: A -> a, c, e B -> b C -> d

+ Call Ps to give the instructions to the cases that need first aid

* Draw the grid on the board

- Ask the Ps to read the instructions again and fill in the information

* Suggested words

- Burn, cut, bee sting, snake bite, fainting, shock, nose bleed

V read 1 Vocabulary:

- elevate - victim - revive - overheat - tissue - affect

- tap - ease

- sterile - dessing - lie flat

2 Read the cases that need first aid

3 Matching Choose a correct case for each of the following treatments.

A Fainting:

a The victim should not sit or stand

c The victim’s head should be below the level of the heart

e The victim should drink a cup of tea when reviving

B Shock - b Victim can’t not drink wine or beer


4 Post reading

- Call some Ps to write their answers on the board

- Ask Ps this question:

? Why should we cool the burn immediately?

- Notice these forms: - So as to - In order to

- Call Ps to practice in front of the class

4 Grid:

Cases Do Don’t


Leave the patient ying flat Elevate the patient’s feet

- Don’t force him or her to sit or stand


- Give

him/her a cup of tea when he/she revives

- Don’t

overheat the victim with blankets or coats


- Cool the burn

immediately to minimize the tissue damage

- We should it in order to/ so as to minimize the tissue

5 Homework: - Remind Ps to study at home and prepare for the next lesson

Preparing date: 18/01/2008

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 58 :

Unit A first-aid course Lesson 4: Write

I Objectives:

Sau hoàn thành tiết học, học sinh biết cách viết th cảm ơn bạn việc họ làm cho

II Contents Vocabulary: thank for , cheer, come over, sterile, dessing III/ Teaching aids: Books and notebooks.

IV/ Procedure:


Warm up

2 Pre writing

3 While writing

- Draw the figures of sea wave, steps, a boy/girl, a shark

- Have Ps complete these gaps to make a meaningful word

* Pre teach new vocabulary - Guide Ps to read carefully - Checking by Slap the board

* Set the scene:

Nga was sick and she had to go to hospital After she left the hospital, she wrote a thank-you note to Hoa Why and what did she write?

* True or False Predictions

- Hang a poster with the statements on the board

- Have Ps read the statements then decide which is true and which is false then correct the false ones again

+ Have Ps read the questions then answer the questions in order to write a thank-you note

? What did your friend give/send you?

? On what occasion?

VI Write

1 Vocabulary:

- to thank sb for sth - to cheer sb up - to come over

2 True / False

a Nga writes to thank Hoa for some candy.

b Hoa s gift cheered Nga up

3.Nga d like Hoa to see her at the


d Nga is very bored now.

e Nga writes the letter at the hospital.

+ Answer key:

a False -> Flowers ( not candy) b True

c False -> at her house d True

e False -> at her house

3 Questions and answers.

* Sample letter: Dear

I want to thank you for the lovely flowers you aent me while I was in hospital They helped to cheer me up on several groomy days because they reminded me of a good friend s thoughtfulness.

I m fine now, and my family has


4 Post writing

? What was/were it/they like?

? How did you feel when you receive the present?

? How you feel now?

? Do you want to invite your friend to somewhere?

? If so, then when?

? How will you contact your friend?

* Use the same format to write another letter to another friend for other occasions

- Call some Ps to read their writing in front of the board

can t help remembering you Will

you join us? I think you sau Yes“ ”

to me Right?

I d love to see you then

Your friend, Nga

* Dear

I have asked afew friends of our class to come over to my house for a get- together next Wednesday, May the tenth at ten o clock Will

you join us?

I m certain we ll have much fun.’ ’

We re looking forward to seeing

you Do try to make it Affectionately

5 Homework: - Remind Ps to study at home and prepare language focus part

Preparing date: 20/01/2008

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 59 :

Unit A first-aid course Lesson 5: Language focus I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson Ps are able to make and response to requests, offers and promises Listen and name the places and objectcs in the hospital

II Contents Vocabulary: eye chart, parademic, wheelchair, stretcher, crutch III/ Teaching aids: Books and notebooks, cassette, gap fill chart Pictures on page 80

IV/ Procedure:


1 Warm up

2 Presentation

3 Practice

* Check the old lesson

- Call a pupil to read his/her letter to one of their friends in front of the class

+ Explain how to use sructure using

in order to and so as to

- have Ps work in pairs to match sentences in column A with those in column B

- Call Ps to read their answers in front of the class

+ Ask Ps to retell the use of the future tense

- Have Ps work in pairs to practice the dialogues

- Call them to give their answers them practice these dialogues in front of the class

- Explain how to give and respond to requests, offers and promises

- Have Ps work in groups to look at the pictures then give the requests, offers or promises

- Call some pairs to practice the

+ Ps go to the bb to read their letter in front of the class

VII Language focus 1 In order to / so as to

Match one part of a sentence from column A with another part in column B Then write a complete sentence by using in order to/ so as to

1 f E A

2 c b d

2 Future simple

1 will Shall will Will won’t will

3 Making requests, offers & promises with will “ ”

b My book is on the floor Will you give it to me please?

c Will you answer the telephone, please ?

d Will you turn on TV, please ? e I am thirsty Will you pour a glass of water for me?

f Will you get me a cushion, please?

4 Work with a parter:


4 Production


- Have Ps work with a partner, look at the pictures page 88 and read the words in the box then make requests, offers and promises

- Call some Ps to give theirs answers in front of the class

- Correct any mistakes if necessary - Have Ps make requests, offers and promises in the class using the real situations

b Will you paint the door, please? I will paint the door tomorrow c Will you study harder, please? - I will study harder I promise d Will you carry the bag for me, please ?

- Shall I carry the bag for you? e Will you hang the washing, please ?

Shall I hang the washing for you? f Will you cut the grass, please? - Shall I cut the grass for you? - I’ll cut the grass tomorrow


Preparing date: 22/01/2008

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 60 :

Unit 10 Recycling

Lesson 1: Getting started & Listen and read I Objectives:

Sau hoàn thành tiết học, học sinh nhận thức đợc việc bảo vệ môi tr-ờng tiết kiệm nguồn tài nguyên thiên nhiên

II Contents Vocabulary: representative, protect, natural resourse, recycle, contact III/ Teaching aids: Books and notebooks, cassette Pictures about environment. IV/ Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Presentation

3 Practice

* Brainstorming

- Ask Ps to think of the way to reduce the amount of garbage they produce

- Call Ps to write as many ideas as they can on the board

- Have Ps remark then give the correct ideas again

- Elicit words from the students - Write words on the bb

- Expalin the meanings by stranslate or give definition

I Getting started.

* Possible answers: - Use cloth bags - Use tree leaves

- Make garbage in to fertilizer - Make vegetable matter into animal food

II Liesten and read. 1 Vacabulary.

- representative

- protect = keep sb/sth safe from danger

- natural resourses ( coal mines, oil, gold, mineral deposits )

- recycle = to make sth already used able to be used again

- contact = to communicate with sb by telephone of letter

2 T/F predictions.

a Friends of the Earth is an oganization to help people make friends with each other.

Way to reduce the amount of


4 Production

+ Checking by Jumbled words

- tconatc -> - contact

- ralnatu -> - natural

- ropttec -> - protect

- cyrecel -> - recycle + True /False predictions

- Set the scene:

A representative from friends of the Earth, Miss Blake, is talking to th SS of QT Sc Friends of the Earth shows people how to protect the environment and save natural resourses.

- Ask Ps to work in pairs to decide if the statements are true of false

- Have Ps guess only

- Have Ps open their books, listen to the tape while reading to the dialogue

- Have Ps works in pairs to ask and answer the questions

- Call some pairs to practice in front of the class

- Have Ps work in groups to give their ideas about how to protect the environment

b Miss Blake asks Ps to remember things: reduce, reuse, recycle

c Reduce means buing the products which are overpacked.

* Answer key

a – F; b – T;

c - F

3 Comprehension questions

a Reduce means not buying products which are overpacked b We can reduce things like envelopes, glass, plastic bottle and old plastic bags

c Recycling means not just throwing things a way Try and find another use for them

d We can look for information on recycling things by having a contact with an organazation like “ Friends of the Earth” going to local library or asking our family and friends

e Because when we throw them away they could stay very long and could not be self – destroyed * Discussion

- How to protect our environment?


Preparing date: 24/01/2008

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 61 :

Unit 10 Recycling Lesson 2: Speak & Listen I Objectives:

Sau hoàn thành tiết học, học sinh đa lời đáp lại dẫn cách làm phân xanh nh

II Contents Vocabulary: representative, protect, natural resourse, recycle, contact III/ Teaching aids: Books and notebooks, cassette Pictures about environment. IV/ Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Presentation

3 Practice

* Checking the old lesson

- Have one pupil to write new words on the bb in front of the class

- Remark then give marks to student

- Elicit words from the students - Write words on the bb

- Expalain the meanings by stranslating or giving definitions + Checking by Rub out and remember

- Have Ps open their books, read the sample dialogue

- Have Ps works in pairs to ask and answer the questions using the thing in the pictures

- Call some pairs to practice in front

+ Go to the bb to write ten new words they’ve learned the previous lesson

III speak

1 New words:

- fertilizer - compost - fabric (n) - leather (n) - peel ( n) (v)

2 Dictiation list

Paper: used papers, old newspapers, book, cardboard boxes

Glass: bottles, glasses, jars

Plastic: plastic bags, plastice bottles


4 Production

of the class

- Have Ps work in groups to give the thing belong to each of this group + Pre teach some more new words

* Set the scene:

You will hear four questions during the record Check the correct answers.

- Have Ps read the questions and the answers carefully then decide which sentence is correct for each one - Have Ps listen then give the correect answers

- Have Ps to practice in pairs to ask and answer these questions in front of the class

Vegetable mater: fruit peels, vegetables, rotten fruits…

Fabric: clothes, cloth bags, pieces of meterials…

Leather: shoes, sandals, shoolbags…

3 Speaking

- Practice in pairs to ask and answer

IV Listen

1 New words:

- compost (n) - grain (n) - heap (n) - shade ( n)

2 Listening

a A b B d B

5 Homework: - Remind Ps to study at home and prepare new lesson

Preparing date: 26/01/2008

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /


Unit 10 Recycling Lesson 3: Read I Objectives:

Sau hồn thành tiết học, học sinh sử dụng dạng câu bị động hiẹn đơn giản đọc tìm hiểu thơng tin chi tiết cách thức tái chế Học sing nhận thức đợc việc giữ gìn bảo vệ mơi trờng

II Contents Vocabulary: tire, pipe, deposit, refill, melt

III/ Teaching aids: Books and notebooks, cassette Pictures about environment. IV/ Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Pre reading

3 While reading

* Checking the old lesson

- Have one pupil to write new words on the bb in front of the class

- Remark then give marks to student

- Elicit words from the students - Write words on the bb

- Expalain the meanings by stranslating or giving definitions + Checking by Rub out and remember

- Have Ps open their books, read the paragraph about recycling facts - Explain how to use the passive form and give modern and examples

- Go to the bb to answer the questions

V Read

1 New words

- tire (n) - refill (v) - pipe (n) - melt (v) - covering (n) - glass ware - law (n) - deposit (n)

- approximately (adv)

2 Grammar:

Passive form * Form: be + PII

* Change:

S + V + O

S + be + PII + by O - Modal:

S + md + V + O

S + md + be + PII + by O Eg1:

- We eat noodles every morning - Noodles is eaten ( by us) every morning



4 Post reading

- Have Ps works in pairs to ask and answer the questions

- Call some pairs to practice in front of the class

- Have Ps work in groups to give the thing belong to each of this group - Have Ps read then make a list of recycled things

Call some Ps to write their answers on the bb

3 Answer:

a People cleaned & refilled empty milk bottles

b The glass is broken up, melted & made into new glass ware

c The Oregon government made a new law that there must be a deposit on all drink cans The deposit is returned when people bring the cans back for recycling d Compost is made from house hold & garden waste

e If we have a recycling store to share, we can call or fax the magazine at 5265456

4 Complete:

- Car tires are recycled to make pipes & floor recoverings

- Milk bottles are cleaned & refilled (with milk )

- Glass is broken up, melted & made into new glassware

- Drink cans are bought back for recycling

- Household & garden waste is made into compost


Preparing date: 27/01/2008

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 63 :

Unit 10 Recycling Lesson 4: Write I Objectives:

Sau hoµn thµnh tiÕt häc, häc sinh cã thĨ viÕt lêi chØ dÉn c¸ch t¸i chÕ giấy cách diệt muỗi cách sử dụng bà chÌ

II Contents Vocabulary: Soak (v) , Mash (v) , Bucket (n), Firmly (adv), Scatter (v), mesh (n), wire (n), mesh (n)

III/ Teaching aids: Books and notebooks IV/ Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Pre writing

3 While writing

- Checking the old lesson

- Call two Ps to read the text and write vocabulary in the last lesson * Preteach some vocabulary

- Write some words on the bb - Guide Ps to read again

- Check by Rub out and remember

* Set the scene:

- Tell the Ps they are going to read a text about how to recycle used paper - Put the verb on the board randomly in a flow chart

- Ask Ps to work in groups to guess the order of the actions

- Go to the bb to read the text again and write vocabulary

VI Write

1 New words: Soak (v)

Mash (v) Bucket (n) Firmly (adv) Scatter (v) mesh (n) wire (n) mesh (n)




4 Post writing

- Call on about two Ps to write the answer on the bb

Explain the process of recycling, using mimes

- Have Ps open their books, read the text on page 93 and fill in the verbs

* Ordering pictures

- Stick the photocopied pictures on the board randomly

- Ask Ps to work in groups to rearrange the pictures according to the instructions on how to prepare the tealeaves

- Have Ps read the instruction aloud

* Answr key:

1 soak mash mix pull out press dry

2 Complete the recycling intructions

1 use wrap

2 mix wait

3 place dry press

3 Make intructions on how to prepare the tea leaves, using the given words in the box

a First take the used tea leaves from the tea pot

b Next, scatter the tea leaves on a tray

c Then dry the leaves is the sun d Finally, put the dry leaves on a pot for future use

5 Homework: - Remind Ps to study at home and prepare new lesson


Preparing date: 29/01/2008

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 64 :

Unit 10 Recycling Lesson 5: Language focus I Objectives:

Sau hoàn thành tiết học, học sinh vận dụng cách nói bị động vào thực tế giao tiếp

II Contents Passive form, adjectives followed by: an infinitive/ a noun clause III/ Teaching aids: Books and notebooks, cardboards, posters.

IV/ Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Presentation

3 Practice

- Checking the old lesson

- Call a pupils to give the indtructions how to keep mosquitoes away using tealeaves

* Preteach some new words

- Ask Ps to look at the pictures - Have Ps read the sentences

Ask them to work in pairs to chane these senteces into passive

- Have Ps put the pictures into the correct order

- Go to the board to give the instructions

I Work with a partner New words:

detergent (a) liquid (n) dip (v) blow (v) Pratice:

b Then the glass / it is washed with a detergent liquid

c The glass pieces are completely dried

d They are mixed with certain specific chemicals

e The mixture is melted untill it becomes a liquid


4 Production

- Have Ps work in pairs to practice the dialoigue and complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs in brackets

Have Ps work in apairs to complete the dialogues in execise page 96

- Have Ps to work in groups to complete the letter with the words in the box

- Have Ps work in groups to change these sentences into passive

- Call some ps to practice in front of the class

- Check any mistakes in neccessary

1 – – - – – II Use the correct form of the verbs

1 will be shown will be built will be finished will be made

III Complete the dialogues Adj + to + V + O

1 easy to understand hard to believe dangerous to go important to wait IV Complete the letter Adj + ( that ) _ a noun chause was happy

2 am relieved is afraid are …sure am certain

V Practices Change these sentences into passive

1 They built the house in 1990 the house was built in 1990

2 We take a bus to school svery day

A bus is taken to school everyday We will have a text of E tomorrow

A test will be had tomorrow


Preparing date:

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 70 :

Consolidation From Unit to Unit 11 I Objectives:

Sau hoàn thành tiết học, học sinh đợc ôn lại kiến thức học để chuẩn bị cho kiểm tra tiết Nắm đợc kiến thức học vận dụng vào thực tế giao tiếp

II Contents Language focus from unit to unit 11

III/ Teaching aids: Books and notebooks, cardboards, posters. IV/ Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Presentation

3 Practice

* Holding the class in order and check the old lesson

- Ask Ps to make up some sentences using requests and future tense + Elecit Ps to tell the main grammar structures they’ve learned from Unit to Unit 11

? Repeat the use & form of it ? Make sentences

? Repeat the use & form ? Give e.g

? Repeat the use & form ? Change active into passive ? Make sentences

- Correct mistakes ? Retell the form

1 Future simple tense * Use

Form: S + will / Shall + V-inf + O Adv: tomorrow, next

2 Modal will “ ” * Request:

Will + you + V + O ? * Offer: I will + V + O * Promise: S + will + V + O 3 Passive forms

* Use

form: Tobe + PII ( past participle ) Change: S + V + o

S + be + PII + by O 4 Adj + to smt

That – clause

Eg: It’s difficult to learn English She is certain that she will it well

5 Do / Would you mind + doing sth?


4 Production

? give examples Retell the use & form

? Make sentences - correct mistakes Further practice:

? Changer sentences in to passive form

? Repeat the main contents of the lesson …

Would you mind if she phoned you?

* Change A – P

1 Parents look after their children - Children are looked after by their parents

2 Do you like candies ? - Are candies likes by you ? She cleans the floor every morning

- the floor is cleaned every morning by her

4 He was watching a film - A film was being watched by him


Preparing date:

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 71 :

KiÓm tra tiÕt Time allowed: 45 minutes

I (3 điểm) - Chọn đáp án A B, C, D thích hợp hoàn thành câu sau. Dalat, the City of Eternal Spring, is about 300 km from Ho Chi Minh City A known as B knowing as C called as D calling as

2 There are some famous there, such as Prenn, Camly, Datenla

A lakes B ponds C waterfalls D springs

3 Would you mind on the light?

A turn B turning C to turn D turned

4 Would you mind if I the window?

A to open B opening C opened D open

5 I always keep the window open let fresh air in

A in order to B so as to C such as D both A and B The hotel next year

A open B will be opened C opened D to open II ( ®iĨm ) - Ghép cặp câu sau dùng in order to hc so as to I went to the school I wanted to see Mr Hung

She has to go to the bank She wants to change some money

Nam knocked on my door He wanted to wake me up

I am buying paint I want to paint my house

III (3 điểm) -Viết lại câu sau cho nghĩa câu không thay đổi. Nam repaired this bike yesterday

This They wash the glass with detergent liquid

The They melt the mixture until it becomes a liquid

The Lan irons clothes everymorning


Would you ? Do you want to come for dinner tonight?

Would you ? IV ( điểm ) - Đọc đoạn văn sau trả lời câu hỏi.

Everyday of the year throughout the world, about twenty million paper bags and newspapers are served and thrown away

Making paper requires a lot of wood pulp and the work of millions of workers Many countries have had plans to recycle waste paper to save money and labour In countries where there is cooperation of the public, paper mills recycle as much as sixty percent of waste paper Their simple work is to take away the ink, crush it up and make it into pulp again For every ton of recycled newsprint, twelve trees can be saved We can insist that the more paper people save, the more trees are preserved How many paper bags and newspapers are thrown everyday of the year?

What does making paper require?

What have many countries done to save money?

How many percent paper mills recycle waste paper?

The end

Preparing date:


Period 72 :

Chữa kiểm tra I Objectives:

Sau hồn thành tiết học, học sinh đợc ơn lại kiến thức học, rút kinh nghiệm đợc lỗi sai mắc phải để làm tốt kiểm tra sau Vận dụng vào thực tế giao tiếp

II Contents Pasive voice, polite requests , in order to/so as to

III/ Teaching aids: Books and notebooks, answer key. IV/ Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students’ ’

activities Contents

1 Warm up

2 Presentation

3 Practice

* Ask Ps to retell the main grammar in the rest

- Give the form and explain how to use

1 Polite requests:

+ Would you mind + Ving ?

+ Do you mind + Ving ?

+ Would you mind if I + Ved ?

+ Do you mind if I + V ?

- Ask Ps to give example - Check exercise in the test In order to/ so as to

Explain how to use so as to and

in order to

- Give example

3 Passive voice:

















by +


+ Discuss in groups

Key to the test I (3 ®iĨm)

1 A known as C waterfalls B turning C opened D both A and B D will be opened

II ( ®iĨm )

1 I went to the school in order to see Mr Hung

2 She has to go to the bank in order to change some money

3 Nam knocked on my door in order to wake me up

4 I am buying paint so as to paint my house

III (3 ®iÓm)

1 Nam repaired this bike yesterday


4 Production

- Correct exercise II

- Call Ps to give their answers - Give the correct answers

+ Call some Ps to read the passage again and translate it in to Vietnamese if they can

- Ask Questions and have Ps answer

- Write the answers on the board

- Correct mistakes


the grass is washed with detergent liquid

3 They melt the mixture until it becomes a liquid

The mixture is melted until it becomes a liquid

4 Clothes are ironed by Lan every morning

May I turn off the television?

Would you mind if I turned off the television?

6 Would you mind coming for dinner tonight?

IV ( ®iĨm ) -

1 Everyday of the year throughout the world, about twenty million paper bags and newspapers are served and thrown away

2 Making paper requires a lot of wood pulp and the work of millions of workers Many countries have had plans to recycle waste paper to save money and labour

5 Homework: - Remind Ps to study at home and prepare new lesson .The end

Preparing date:

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 73 :


Sau hoµn thµnh tiết học, học sinh biết thêm thông tin sè quèc gia linh vùc du lÞch, më réng vèn tõ vùng, biÕt vËn dơng kiÕn thøc ®a häc vµo thùc tÕ giao tiÕp

II Contents Vocabulary: include, pick up, ticket price - Would you like ?

III/ Teaching aids: Books and notebooks, cardboards, posters. IV/ Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Presentation


- Guessing game:

Show the pictures to Ps, ask Ps to guess what country it is

- Give some more information about each country

- Ask Ps to practice in pairs asking and answering about the country that they like to visit

- Explain the aim & read first Then present some vocabulary

- Guide Ss to read new words ? Read again – correct

? Work in pairs

? Match the name of the countries - Correct

I getting started

1 Match the names of the countries

a The United States of America b Australia d Britain c Thai land e Canada f Japan

2 Tell your partner

Ex: P1: Where you want to visit among these countries?

P2: I want to visit The USA P1: Why?

P2: Because I want to see the Statue of Liberty

II Listen and read

1 New words:

- Include (v) - liberty - pick up (v) - come over - abroad - travel/go abroad - Statue of Liberty

2 Grammar:

* Making an invitation. + Would you like to sth? Eg:



4 Production

? Read the aim & explain

? Practise with a partner the same example

- Correct –

? Repeat the use & the form

? Make sentences – call on two or three Ps to make

? Work in pairs and read dialogue

? Complete Mrs Quyen’s achedule ? Work in groups ( use extral board )

correct –

? One’s ask and one’s answer - Correct

? Repeat the grammar in the lesson - Call Ps to ask and answer comprehension questions in text book

with us ?

- You must come over for dinner one night

* Accepting an invitation - Thank, I’d love to * Declining an invitation

- That’s very kind of you but we are coming on a tour

* Making complaint



+ be + always + V-ing

Oh, dear He is always working 3 Practice Then complete Mrs Quyen' schedule

Date Mon 25

Tue 26

Wed 27

Thu r 28 Sche


4 Answer

a No, they won’t Because they are come on a tour …

b No, he won’t because he will have

c Mrs Smith will pick her up at her hotel

5 Homework: - Remind Ps to study at home and prepare new lesson

Preparing date:

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 74 :


Sau hoàn thành tiết học, học sinh sử dụng kiến thức học giao tiếp biết thêm thông tin du lịch số nơi nớc Mỹ

II Contents Vocabulary: Itinerary (n), Brochure (n), Gym (n), Via ( pre), Rate (n), Single (n), Double (n), Gallery (n)

III/ Teaching aids: Books and notebooks, cardboards, posters. IV/ Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Presentation

3 Practice

I Holding the class in order and check the old lesson

- Check mistakes and give marks to Ps

* Pre-teach some vocabulary: ? Read the aim & find new words Guide Ss to read

Call on them to repeat one by one - Correct

- Explain the aim & ask them to look some brochures & flight inf

? Work in pairs to complete your itinerary

- Correct

? Work in pairs to talk about itinerary in Vietname

? Adj of weather in groups - Correct -

? Read

? Listen & repeat ? Read – correct

- Go to the board and write vocabulary on in front of the class

III Speak.

1 New words Itinerary (n) Brochure (n) Gym (n) Via ( pre) Rate (n) Single (n) Double (n) Gallery (n) 2 Speaking

Depart Los Angeles: flight 835 at 10.00 on Mon Arrive Boston: At 4.00

Accommodation: atlantic Hotel Sightseeing: Paul revere’s House Depart Boston: fliht 7.10 at 10.00 on thur, 22

IV Listen.

1 New words - cloudy


4 Production

? Read the table & guess ? ? Listen & complete

- Correct

? Ask and answer in pairs about the weather

2 Tempererature: - minus ( adj)

- degree ( centigrade)(n) - zero (n)

3 Complete Eg

P1: What will the weather be like in Sydney ?

P2: It will be …

P1: What will the tempereture be ? P2: The high temperarture will be and the low temperature will …


5 Homework: - Remind Ps to study at home and prepare new lesson

Preparing date:

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 75 :

Unit 12: A vacation abroad Lesson - Read

I Objectives:

Sau hoµn thµnh tiÕt häc, häc sinh biÕt thêm số danh lam thắng cảnh nớc Mỹ Mở rộng vốn từ vùng vạn dụng vào thùc tÕ giao tiÕp


III/ Teaching aids: Books and notebooks, cardboards, posters. IV/ Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Pre-reading

3 While reading

* Revision: - Brainstorming:

- Have Ps give adjectives of weather - Call some Ps to write on the board

- Pre teach some vocabulary

+ Checking technique: Rub out and remember.

+ Have Ps read the text then complete the table

* Draw the grid on the board

- Ask the Ps to read the instructions again and fill in the information - Ask some Ps to go the bb to add the missing information

+ Call Ps to read their answers

- Call some Ps to write their answers on the board

* Samples:

Cold, hot, humid, wet, warm, cool

V Read

1 New words - volcano (n) - lava (n) - pour out (v) - Wharp (n) - prison (n) - president (n) - situate (v) - statue (n) - liberty (n) - empire (n) 2 Write

Place What she did andsaw a Hawaii Wentvisited smming,Kilauea

Volcano b New


Went shopping, bought lost of souvenir

c Chicago Saw lake Michigan d Mount


Saw the heads of American

presidents e San



4 Post reading

- Ask Ps this questions:

a) How did Mrs Quyen go to Kilauea Volcano?

b) Where in San Francisco did Mrs Quyen see the famous prison?

c) What is special about Mount Rushmore?

d) What is the other name of Chicago?

e) What did Mrs Quyen while her husband was visiting the Statue of Liberty?

- Call some Ps to ask and answer in front of the class

- Checking mistakes if necessary

3 Answer:

a She went there by plane

b.she saw the famous prison on the island of Alcatraz

c it is a mount where the heads of American presidents are carved in to the rock

d It is also called “the windy city” e She went shopping

4 Grammar: Past progressive tense

* Use: QKTT diễn tả hành động xẩy vào thời điểm Xđ cụ thể (at…)

*Form : S + was / were + V- ing + o

eg: I was watching TV at P.m yesterday


Preparing date:

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 76 :

Unit 12 a vacation abroad Lesson - Write

I Objectives:

Sau hoàn thành tiết học, học sinh biết cách viết bu thiếp gửi cho bạn bè gia đình kể chuyến nghỉ Nâng cao kỹ viết, vận dụng vào thực tế giao tiếp

II Contents + Vocabulary: - Complain (v), Hospitable (n), Heaviness (n), complain III/ Teaching aids: Books and notebooks, cardboards, posters.

IV/ Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Pre-writing

* Holding the class in order and check the old lesson

- Call a pupil to write some new words of the previous lesson and ask another to read the text

*Pre-teach new words - Guide Ps to read - Ask Ps to read again * Set the scene:

From the USA, Mrs Quyen sent a postcard to her friend Sally to tell her about the trip

- Ask Ps to look at the postcards on Page upload.123doc.net and complete the gaps with the appropriate words

+ Go to the board and answer questions

VI Write

1 New words - complain (v) - hospitable (a) - heaviness (n) - complain

2 Complete the postcard In peaple Weather Visited

5 Her For


3 Whilewriting

4 Post-writing

- Call some Ps to go to the board to write the words they guess

* Set the scene:

Imagine you are a tourist on vacation in a certain place/city in Vietnam Write a postcard to a friend about your trip Use the information below:

- Place:

- how your feel about hte people: - The weather:

- Who you meet/see: - What you see: - What you buy:

+ Make a grid on the board:

- Ask Ps to use the information in the table to write a postcard about their vacation

- Call some Ps to read their postcards in front of the class

- Checking mistake if necessary

9 bought 10 Soon Write a postcard

Necessary information for a postcard


We’re having a wonderful time in

How you feel about the people

The people are very

Weather The weather has been and Who you


In I

visited my

friend What you

see I’ve seen What you


I bought a lot of

Example: Dear Lan

We are having a wonderful time in Nhat Trang The people are very friendly and



Preparing date:

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 77 :

Unit 12 : a vacation abroad Lesson - Language focus

I Objectives:

Sau hoàn thành tiết học, học sinh vận dụng q khứ tiếp diễn giao tiếp biết cách sử dụng trạng từ always để diễn tả ý phàn nàn, bực tức ngời nói với hành động, thói quen xấu thờng xuyên xảy

II Contents + Grammar: - Past progressive with when, while - Progressive tense with always III/ Teaching aids: Books and notebooks, cardboards, posters. IV/ Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students’ ’

activities Contents

1 Warm up

2 Presentation

- Holding the class in order and check the old lesson - Call ps to write new words * Matching pictures

- Give word cues and ask Ps to match with the correct pictures

1 walk with a dog eat dinner

3 take a shower talk to grandma read a comic write a letter

- Ask Ps to work in groups to complete these sentences - Call some Ps to practice in front of the class

- Write new words on the board

VII language focus

1 Look at the pictures Say what each person was doing at eight o clock last night

b Hoa was eating dinner at 8 o clock last night

c Bao was reading a comic at 8 o clock last night

d Nga was writing a letter at 8 o clock last night

e Na was walking with her dog f Lan was talking to her grand mother


3 Practice

4 Production

* Teaching grammar:

* Set the scene: Look at picture a)

? What was Ba doing at eight o’clock last night?

- Elicit Ps to give the answer Notice Ps how to use this structure

- Give example

+ Ask Ps to work in apairs to match the half-sentences in column A to those in column B

- Ask them to write the full sentences in their exercise books

- Call ps to read in front of the class

* Set the scene:

Elicit the model fromPs, using Vietnamese

- Have Ps repeat and write the sentences on the board

+ Model sentnce:

Bao is always forgetting his homework

+ Is always forgetting

Be adverb V-ing

Form: is/am/are + always + V -ing

Ex: Nam is always goingto


Ba was taking a shower at eight o clock

last night.

Theywere talking to each other at that time

S was/

were V-ing O

2 Past progressive with when& while”

a C d- B

b F e- D

c E f a

3 Look at the pictures Write the sentences Say what people are always doing.

* Progressive tense with always”

b Mrs Nga is always losing her umbrella

c They are always missing the bus

d Nam is always watching T.V e Na is always talking on the phone


school late

5 Homework: - Remind Ps to study at home and prepare new lesson

Preparing date:

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 78 :

Unit 13: Festivals

Lesson 1: Getting started & Listen and read I Objectives:

Sau hoàn thành tiết học, học sinh nắm bắt đợc phong tục tập quán ngời Vietnam biết thêm thông tin số lễ hội truyền thống ngời Viêtnam II Contents + Vocabulary: - festival, water-fetching, ancient, fire-making, rice-cooking, teammate, separate, prize, coucil leader, keen on, pottery

III/ Teaching aids: Books and notebooks, cardboards, posters. IV/ Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents

Warm up

2 Presentaion

? Read questions explain how to ? Where should he / she go?

? why

? Name of some festivals? Guide Ss read newwords ? Read follow

? Listen & repeat

I Getting started

1 He should go to Nha Trang He should go to Hue

3 He should go to Lao Cai (Sa Pa) He should go to Bat Trang Village

5 He should go to super markets

II Listen and read

1 New words: - Keen (a) - Pottery (n)


3 Practice

4 Production

? read – corect

? Listen to the dialogue ? Read in pairs

- Correct

? Read sentences ? T/ or F in groups - Correct -

?Which forms are used in the dialogue

? Retell the form ? examples – correct ? Retell how to change ? example

? find compound words in the lesson

? Remark the form ? Find the examples

? Match in groups - correct -

? Retell the grammar in the lesson

- Urge (v) - Teaminate (n) - Bamboo (n) - Separate ( v) - Husk (n) - Fudge (n) - Winner (n) - Grand (n) - Council (n)

2 True / false then correct the F sentences

a F all team members take part in the water fetching contests

b F One person has to collect one water bottle

c F

d F rubbing pieces of bamboo are used to make fire

e F the Judges taste the rice g T

3 Grammar:

* Passive form: Be + PII Eg1:

- We ( go to school) ride our bike to school

- Our bike is ridden to school - Reported speech


- She said “ I am a student ”

-> She said that she was a student - Compound - word adjectives eg1: Fire – making contest eg2: rice – cooking

- N + V – ing = compound adj 4 Match



5 Homework: - Remind Ps to study at home and prepare new lesson

Preparing date:

Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: /

Period 79 :


I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know more about some traditional festivals in the world And compare how they prepare for the festivals/ holidays

II/ Teaching aids: Books and notebooks, cardboards, posters. IV/ Procedure:

Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Interactions

1 Warm up



* Find things in common

- Ask students to think of things they often prepare for Tet and write them down on a piece of paper

- Divide class into groups

- Choose one student randomly in one group, and ask him/ her to call out his/ her words while students in the other group check if there are any same words

Suggestions :

- Decorate/ clean / paint the house/room/ the yard,… - Buy cakes / candy / drinks/ food/ fruits,…

- Cook/ make cakes, - Get / buy new dress,…

- Write / send New Year cards to friends, relatives * Speak I :

I Pre-teach vocabulary

- Elicit the vocabulary from Ss

Pomegranate , Peach blossoms, Marigolds , Dried water melon seeds , Spring rolls

- Students copy the words II Ordering :

- Ask students to read the dialogue on page 123 and put the sentences in the correct order

- Call on some students to give their answers - Feed back and correct



While – Listening

Post -Listening

A – F ; C – H , D – J , B – G , E – I * Listen :

1 Gap fill prediction - Set the scene:

“ The Robinson family is making preparations for Tet They want to buy things to make it a traditional festival as Vietnamese people

- Ask Ss to open their books and read the statements on page 124

- Get Ss to predict the words in the gaps

- Play the tape and Ss listen and fill in the gaps - Do the correction

Answer : a Mr Robinson / flower market b Traditional

c Dried water melon seeds d Make spring rolls

2 Grid :

- Ask Ss to copy the grid ( p.124) in their notebooks and fill in the gaps with the information taken from the statements above

- Call on some Ss to give their answer

Mr Robinson - Go to the flower market to buy peach blossoms and a bunch of marigolds Mrs Robinson - Go to Mrs Nga’s to learn how to make

Spring rolls

Liz - Go to the market to buy candies and a packet of dried water melon seeds * Homework: - Write your own dialogue in your note books

Ngày đăng: 28/05/2021, 10:27


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